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Welcome to the second issue of Crux: The Pandemonium Scriptures!

This is one hell of an issue! Yes, pun intended. From Pawel “Chimera” Cybula and
Alexandre “Kobayashi” Jeannette, we've got a pair of nerve-wracking scenarios
that will test the limits of your Cabal. One of those scenarios features a pair of new
demons (the ravenous Shaelavvor and the deceptive Shaelamal), created by
Anthony “Ars Mysteriorum” Holtberg. Pierre-Philippe “DWYBO” Lefebvre has writ-
ten up some furious new stunts, including "Balls of Steel" and "Up Yours". Conrad
“LordEntropy” Murkitt presents an eerie new spell (“Voyeur”), and David
“David1965” Underwood brings us a new take on human enemies. Last but not
least, Daniel “Blockhead” Blakelock presents the first installment in a fiction series
("Fortune City Cabal"), a couple of stabs at humor ("An Embarassing Death" and
"You Know You're a Disciple When"), and two chilling new poems ("Famous Last
Words" and "A Good Day").

Ferocious stuff, and guaranteed to shoot a bile-and-adrenaline cocktail straight

into the heart of your Dread campaign. Enjoy!

If you want to contribute to Crux, just email me at I'm

always on the lookout for artwork, articles, ideas, actual play reports, scenarios,
new demons, new weapons, fiction, and poetry.

Pax vobiscum.

Spaniard out.

Neoplastic Press
Cary, North Carolina

Pierluigi Abbondanza, Cover Artist David “David1965” Underwood, Writer I was born in the former steel town of Corby in England, where I still live today. I played my first roleplaying
I was born in Italy the 19th of July 1978. I started draw- game - the original D&D - back in 1977 and have never
ing when I was a child because I liked comics and illus- lost my passion for the hobby, but it took decades
tration book, I'm completely self-thought and I like to before I mustered the courage to submit material to a
paint both in digital as well as with acrylics. My working professional company. So, Mongoose, hang your head,
experiences are mostly collaborations with models like for accepting my Judge Dredd article and unwittingly
Bianca Beauchamp and Marketa Belonoha for which I encouraging me to continue! More recently, I worked on
painted images to be displayed on their websites, Alternative Armies' Frontear game, all the while keeping
Drakaina for which I painted an illustration for her up my less than inspiring day job. I have always loved
Fantasy Artbook as well as private commissions. A new to create stuff, and can never resist the urge to tweak
project in which I'm involved at the moment is the col- other folks' material to suit my own pun-laden black
laboration with the comics editor GG Studio for the col- humour. I am interested in the Old West, natural histo-
oring of the second issue of Mediterranea, a new fanta- ry and conservation, though gaming is my abiding pas-
sy series. sion.

Conrad “LordEntropy” Murkitt, Writer Pawel “Chimera” Cybula, Writer

By day a Project Manager for a multi national financial I am a high school teacher of English from Poland.
and media services company. By night he indulges in Role-playing games have been my hobby since I went
roleplaying, video games, TV,reading and a bit of to my first convention at the age of fourteen (it’s sixteen
sleep. Dread has inspired him to dig deep into his psy- years now!). I especially appreciate horror and action,
che and find terrible things to inflict on his friends. so I find Dread perfectly suited to my taste. My other
interests include rollerblading, TV shows about the
Jonny Gray, Artist supernatural, good literature and cinema. Pierre-Philippe “DWYBO” Lefebvre, Writer
Jonny Gray was born from an egg on a mountain top in He was born and raised in the proud Quebec province.
1973. He is a keen roleplayer, family man and martial Entirely of French background, his English level is far
artist but still manages to find the time to illustrate for from perfect. Pierre-Philippe is a fan of horror, science-
some of his favourite RPG's. His artwork has been pub- fiction, litterature and sociology. He actually works for a
lished so far in a RuneQuest fanzine and will be in an coalition of socially-based organizations (but you don’t
upcoming Chaosium Monograph for Call of Cthulhu. care about that!). Strangely, he received his Dread book
a few days ago, and is now overenthusiastic about sub-
Alexandre “Kobayashi” Jeannette, Writer mitting some fan material to Crux! He joined you a few moments ago on the forums as DWYBO (Die With Your Boots On). He will annoy you there.
Alexandre Jeannette lives in France where he works as
a freelance journalist in the videogame industry. When
he's tired of killing people on his PC and is not busy Anthony “Ars Mysteriorum” Holtberg, Writer
reading or watching movies and TV shows, he studies Born in Billings, MT and raised in Sioux Falls, SD,
Shiatsu and Systema. He has already written two short Anthony Holtberg is very familiar with the term “the
rpgs and plans to write some more. He hopes to play a Middle of Nowhere.” Naturally, this lead to playing
role in Rafael Chandler's scheme to boost the twelve- RPG's as much as possible in his youth (a youth which
sided dice production industry by writing and designing extended into his adulthood, and he hopes it stays that
game aids for Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium. way). Anthony is preparing to go to graduate school,
where he will attain his Master's Degree in Western
Daniel “Blockhead” Blakelock, Writer Esotericism, and from there a Doctorate in Theology.
My name is Daniel, but most people call me Blockhead. Armed with these lofty pieces of paper, he hopes they
I'm 17 years old, a Full-Time college student and live in will aid in his subtle takeover of the world. Until that
England. I came across Dread in September 08 and point he's content to have aspirations of helping to
was immediately hooked by the dark and seemingly found a fully accredited Esoteric Studies program and
hopeless nature of the setting, as well as the ability to to bring a candle of scholarly learning where mostly
do over-the-top stunts and act like a general hard nut. ignorant fears, stereotypes, and superstitions reside. If
This kind of setting is also kind of reflected in the RPG: he manages to create, or help create, a few RPGs and
Dark Heresy, a 40k themed version of a glorified D&D RPG supplements along the way... Well, all the better!
system, which is why I love Dark Heresy a lot too. So if
you fancy a game of Dread or Dark Heresy, you know
who to call!


Fortune City Cabal, by Daniel “Blockhead” Blakelock...............................................................................4

Voyeur, by Conrad “LordEntropy” Murkitt................................................................................................16
Spirochete, by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler.............................................................................................16
You Know You're a Disciple When, by Daniel “Blockhead” Blakelock.....................................................17
An Embarassing Death, by Daniel “Blockhead” Blakelock......................................................................17
Famous Last Words, by Daniel “Blockhead” Blakelock...........................................................................18
A Good Day, by Daniel “Blockhead” Blakelock........................................................................................18
Fives, by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler......................................................................................................18
Hostiles Revisited, by David “David1965” Underwood............................................................................20
Epidemes: Infector Demons, by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler..................................................................23
Example Mentors, by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler..................................................................................31
New Stunts, by Pierre-Philippe “DWYBO” Lefebvre................................................................................30
Shaelavvor and the Shaelamal, by Anthony “Ars Mysteriorum” Holtberg................................................34
The Dark Hereafter, by Alexandre “Kobayashi” Jeannette......................................................................36
Unfulfilled Dreams, by Pawel “Chimera” Cybula.....................................................................................42
Spell Targets, by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler..........................................................................................46


Evil’s Daughter, by Pierluigi Abbondanza...........................................................................................cover

Biker, by Jonny Gray.................................................................................................................................5
Cool, by Jonny Gray................................................................................................................................11
Detective, by Jonny Gray........................................................................................................................14
Voyeur, by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler...................................................................................................16
Tarantella, by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler...............................................................................................19

Editing and layout by Rafael Chandler.

All content copyright © 2008 by its original creators. Clip art images ©
2008 Additional artwork © 2008 Jupiterimages
Corporation. Some artwork copyright Octavirate Entertainment, used
with permission.

This book was published by Neoplastic Press in Cary, North Carolina.

Requires a copy of Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium to play. This
book is intended for mature audiences only.

No part of this book may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without per-

mission from the publisher, except for brief quotes used in reviews. All
content is fictional, and any similarity, real or imagined, to persons living
or dead, is coincidental.
Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

Fortune City Cabal

by Daniel "Blockhead" Blakelock

The red sun disappears over the hill. those that fall may finally know peace.
Darkness fills the quiet suburbs where me
and the rest of the God-forsaken Cabal sit I’ve seen about a dozen new faces join the
and wait. We’ve been here an hour and no Cabal in my time. Good kids, most of ‘em.
sign of the skell. Might be a quiet night Each death stings as badly as the last, but
tonight... That’d be a change... you try to hide it as best you can and even-
tually it becomes routine. There’s five of us
I suppose I better start at the beginning. I now. Me, Tools, Star, Jinx and a new guy we
won’t bore you with a life-story, needless to decided to call Books. This was his first time
say I was a down-and-out cop, framed for a out of the hideout after he joined a few days
crime I didn’t commit. Turned out about a earlier. He’d spent most of those days being
third of the Force were demons. I had no taught by our mentor to cross ‘the black line’
fucking idea. I’d be dead too if it weren’t for and the rest recovering.
some crazy broad with a chainsaw.
I should probably talk about our mentor
Looking back at how quick and messy she before I continue. He calls himself
was I’m surprised I wasn’t scared. Maybe it Cerberus, after the mythical guard dog of
was her beautiful brown hair or her sweet, the Hell. We can’t tell if he’s dragging back
soothing voice. Maybe it was her name, the demons to their ‘home’ or guarding our
Melissa, which reminded me of my late- own sorry lives.
wife; that caused me to follow her. Well I did
and now I fight against a world of pain, shit Either way, he’s pretty hardcore. Six foot,
and suffering, taking on the form of demons muscular, bald with a leather jacket and
and your worst nightmares. Melissa died spikes. He even rides around on a modified
soon after ‘rescuing me’ and after that day I chopper. He seems to have his own little
lost all sense of happiness and joy, but quests and we sometimes see him leaping
gained a new sense of duty and honour; dif- across a building at night, running down an
ferent to the one I felt when I first joined the alley or driving by on his chopper. He leaves
Force. us messages from time to time, asking us to
take care of jobs that apparently need more
I’m not alone in my struggle. There are oth- attention than others. We do as he asks,
ers. Disciples some of them call them- there’s not much point sitting on our asses
selves. I call ‘em condemned; either to be all day.
ripped apart, bled out or killed in their sleep
by their very dreams. I’m no different. I’ve Anyways, where was I? Oh right... So this
been lucky enough to survive this long. Or was Books’ first time out of the hideout;
maybe I’m not; forced to deal with shit no which is more or less an abandoned ware-
one should ever have to deal with while house with some Army Surplus and charity

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

furniture. He seems nervous sitting between suspect’s basement she and other agents
our two lovely ladies, Star and Jinx. I’m not discovered the scattered, torn and decaying
surprised. Rub either the wrong way and remains of, what she estimated to be, about
you can kiss your ass goodbye. 20 people. While the body parts were being
collected for evidence a Hunter demon,
Star was a stripper and secretly a victim of either attracted by the smell or alerted to the
rape. A Defiler targeted her for that reason intrusion into its domain, stumbled upon the
and she did some pretty sick shit before our Federal agents.
mentor managed to exorcise her and
destroy the son-of-a-bitch demon. We Another five bodies joined the corpse count
named her Star after the tattoo of the same before we managed to destroy the mother-
shape on her cheek, and she’s shown some fucker, including Hustle. Hustle was an up
amazing sorcery abilities. We usually rely and coming boxer until a run in with anoth-
on her for exorcisms. She’s also quite ener- er Hunter changed his life forever. He had
getic, but I suppose you had to be in her line been with us for 3 months; it was a shame
of business. he died. Even so, Jinx joined our ranks and
her computer expertise and firearms train-
While that was happening we were busy ing have come in useful many times, not to
saving Jinx. By we, I mean me, Tools and mention her detective abilities. We call her
Hustle. Jinx was a detective for the FBI. Jinx because she always brings us the bad
She’d been used to gruesome crimes in the news... As if any news would ever be good.
past, but nothing like this. Breaking into a

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

Both Star and Jinx joined up 2 months ago. a Wheelman for some gang. How he came
As for Books and Tools, Books was a victim to join the Cabal, we’ll never know. If he was
of a Stalker demon that almost drove him directly attacked by a demon, possessed or
mad in his own library; which is why we call tormented, who knows? Frankly I don’t
him Books. Tools managed to whip up some care; he’s saved my life several times and
Molotov cocktails and we torched the place I’ve saved his.
bare, hopefully burning the demon along
with the books. I guess you could say we So that’s our little group. We take care of
closed the book on that one. Books isn’t this city, Fortune City; and let me tell you
much of a fighter, but he’s pretty knowl- she’s a handful. Between the demons, cults
edgeable and he’s starting to show some and gangs there’s enough bad guys out
promising sorcery skills. there to keep Superman occupied for life.
The City is the love child of Las Vegas and
Last, but not least, we have Tools. He’s New York. Gambling meets skyscrapers. It’s
been in the Cabal longer than me and I’ve a high-stakes and high-rise city I like to say.
been in it for 8 months. You can tell by look- And the higher you go, the further you have
ing into his eyes that he’s seen some pretty to fall.
messed up shit, although he hides it well.
He’s the strong-silent type. Whatever his We’re all huddled in a 2001 Chevy Tahoe
past, which he refuses to tell us, he’s a LT, our normal choice of vehicle. It’s reliable,
handy mechanic and driver. Jinx and me, spacious and pretty quick, not to mention
although we never talk about it, think he was takes a fair beating. As I said before, Books

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

is in the back huddled between Star and the hijacked body, but you take what you
Jinx. I’m sitting in the passenger seat and can get. The skell, on the other hand, has
Tools is at the wheel. The usual set-up. We different ideas and unloads a few rounds at
were following up on a lead about a sus- us.
pected skell. Finding out his address, we
organised a stakeout and here we are now. “Shit!” I cry as we all take what little cover
we have. Glass bits from the windshield fall
I glance at my watch. It’s about 11:30pm. onto my neck as the thing shatters. The
The skell should’ve been home an hour skell stops firing. I take a quick peak over
ago. Maybe he got wind of our arrival and is the dashboard and see him starting his car.
hiding out tonight. “We’ll give it 10 minutes
more.” I say to the others. They barely “Tools, punch it!” I yell as I lean out of the
glance up. We sit and wait. 10 minutes go window and try to shoot out the tires. The
by. Nothing. I’m about to call it a night when skell starts firing wildly, bullets flying every-
the skell’s car pulls onto the street. I signal where. He gets lucky and nails me in the
the others that he’s here. shoulder. I yelp and drop my gun, while the
right side of the car gets a lovely new red
Tools tenses his fingers holding the keys in dotty paint job.
ignition. He’s ready to go at a moments
notice. You have to be... Always... “Are you okay?” Asks Jinx worryingly.

The skell pulls into his driveway. It’s an “Yeah, I’m fine. Went right through,” I reply,
average car and an average house. You’d opening the car door and picking up my
never suspect the owner murdered his wife gun.
for having a miscarriage and has been eat-
ing babies ever since. Of course, it’s not his By this time the skell had reversed out of his
fault. Not entirely, anyway. I open the glove driveway at speed and was now picking up
box and take out my 9mm. Everyone’s speed near the end of the street. I shut the
deadly quiet. The skell parks the car and door and Tools roars off in hot pursuit. I
steps out. He begins to walk to his door, but open the glove box again and exchange my
halfway he stops. He turns slowly and faces gun for a roll of bandages. I warp a strap
our car. We remain still and silent, hoping he tightly around my shoulder. That should
hasn’t seen us. He reaches into a pocket stop the bleeding.
and grabs something. It’s a torch. Shit.
Shining it into our car, we’re lit up like a I retrieve my gun again from the glove box
Christmas tree. The skell drops the torch and tell Tools: “Just get us close or PIT him.”
and grabs something else from his pocket. He nods and concentrates on closing the
This time it’s a gun. gap between him and us. I lean out of the
window for the second time and fire a few
Quickly, Tools starts up the engine and I shots. Some hit the car, but it doesn’t stop
start rolling down the window to try and him… or the car. We’re out onto the main
shoot the bastard. Hopefully only injuring roads now. There’s a good chance the

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

Force will be on our tail if this chase contin- “Huh, rest in peas, eh Star?” I reply, chuck-
ues much longer. ling. Everyone laughs a little at this, even
Books, who hasn’t said or done much so far.
Gritting my teeth, I take aim and fire. Bulls- It’s important to laugh every once in a while
eye! My bullet hits the skell’s rear-right when you’ve got a job like this. Keeps you
wheel and the rubber is instantly shredded, sane... Keeps you human...
sending the car into a spin. It crashes into a
local store, luckily for us and the skell, trunk After regaining her composure, Star begins
first. Tools brakes hard, but shunts into the to exorcise the demon. Exorcisms are rarely
hood of the car, preventing the skell from the same spectacle twice. Different things
getting away again. The skell tumbles out of happen when you’re dealing with different
the car and runs inside the store. demons and circumstances. At least the
end result is always the same, a temporari-
We hop out of our car and give chase. I’m ly caged demon and a freed person. This is
the first in and spot him making a run for the certainly one of the more interesting exor-
rear-door. I sprint towards him, determined cisms, as it appears as if Star is dragging an
not to let him get away again. He reaches outline of the skell away from it’s uncon-
the rear-door and wouldn’t you know my scious body. Only the outline is filled with a
luck? It’s locked. He has just enough time to roaring angry demon, trying to escape the
turn around and watch my fist connect with confines of the outline. Star drags the
his face. I knock him out-cold and take away demon into the peas and steps back. Tools
his gun. and me grab the now freed man and place
him out of the way. He’s lucky he’s uncon-
The rest of the Cabal aren’t far behind. scious; he won’t have to witness the horror.
“Nice job, Badge!” Compliments Jinx. That’s We each take up a position around the
my nickname by the way; Badge. That’s not packet of peas, waiting for the inevitable to
just because I used to work for the Force, happen.
but also because I still keep my unit badge
on me. Why, you ask? It gives me a sense After a few seconds, the packet begins to
of purpose and it’s ideals still stand for shake and expand. Suddenly it bursts,
something good, even if this officer is taking sending not only frozen peas everywhere,
down a different breed of scum. but releasing the demon. You never get
used to seeing them, spawns of hell, fire,
“Looks like I’m up!” Exclaims Star, an aura brimstone and all that biblical crap. You’d
of magic building around her as she pre- think pious followers of ‘God’ would be unaf-
pares for an exorcism. fected, protected by Angels or something, or
sent to Heaven. But this wasn’t the case. Or
“Here, put the bastard in this,” Says Jinx, at least, so it appeared. The demon stand-
handing Star a packet of frozen peas. ing before us, in the middle of a local store,
looks to be about 10ft tall, incredibly thin, as
shown by it’s almost fully exposed bones
and is a sickly shade of greyish-pink. On its

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

head are 2 ram-like horns and it’s 2 hands power and… ‘influence’… in hell. To tell you
have 7 fingers and 2 thumbs… each. Apart the truth, we don’t know why the fuck
from that it is humanoid-like. demons die differently to one another. We
assume that the less powerful demons are
It takes in its surroundings, scanning the simply pawns in the more powerful ones’
area with it’s large beady eyes and roars. sphere of influence. Kinda like a King and
Jinx and I open fire with our 9mms, hot lead his subjects. The subjects tend to die com-
flying toward the demon. They have little pletely, whereas the King dies a little differ-
affect as most of them bounce off the ently… or not completely. Our mentor has
demon’s almost exposed bones or travelled refused to tell us exactly how it goes. Either
straight through it’s flesh. Star begins because he doesn’t know or doesn’t want
launching fireballs or something at the fuck- us to know. To be honest it doesn’t matter.
ing thing because the demon seems to start As long as the fuckers stay down.
smoking and turns toward our little sorcer-
ess. It begins running toward her at unnatu- I smile at Books. ‘Congratulations on taking
ral speed. It’s getting closer with every step down your first demon kid. Here’s hoping it’s
and it looks like we’ll be 4 person Cabal any not your last.’ I think to myself. I like to say
second now. that fighting a demon is a lot like the first
time you have sex; you have absolutely no
Suddenly, Tools comes jumping off a shelf idea what you’re doing, despite seeing it
of electrical goods and lands on the damned done in the movies and on TV, it’s frighten-
thing’s back. Taking his trademark monkey ing, but exciting and one way or another it’s
wrench to hand, he starts bashing the over way too quickly… for better or worse.
demon over the head with it, while the
demon tries to claw him off. Tools gets a Now that the demon’s gone we can start
good few hits in, but then the demon man- putting this guy back where he belongs;
ages to grab his leg. It quickly throws him hopefully with no knowledge of what actual-
through another shelf full of tinned food. It ly happened. We’re about to start searching
looks like it’s about to finish the job when for Tools when he pops up from under a pile
Star starts launching the fireballs again. of tinned food. He’s covered in food and few
scratches, but he gives a thumbs up.
This time though, she’s joined by Books
who start vomiting flies. That’s one reason I “Okay, Jinx and Books, check the guy’s car.
hate magic. It’s fucking sick. Luckily for us, Star, take our car and hook it up with the
the flies start eating away at the demon’s guy’s car. If there are any civilians, make
flesh. The combined efforts of Star’s fire- them forget you. Me and Tools will take the
balls and Books’ flies seem to whittle away guy,” I order. By forget you, I meant another
the demon’s body. It roars once again, turns of Star’s magic powers. She’s able to make
to stone then disintegrates; it’s ashes blow- people forget about her in an instant, some-
ing away in the wind. It’s dead. thing she said she was skilled at when she
was still a stripper... Took me a while to stop
Different demons die in different ways, laughing at that. Jinx nods and leads Books
which we guess is related to their type, back to the guy’s car while Star runs back to

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

our car. Tools and me grab the unconscious wheel and a busted rear end. Not on it’s
man and haul him through the store, the own anyway.
knocked over shells and the spilled goods.
We’re nearly outside when we see Books Sometimes one of the hardest parts of the
run past us and vomit on the sidewalk. We job is the cleanup. Sure, fighting demons is
carry the guy up to Jinx, who’s standing in painful, messy and could cost you your life,
front of the open trunk of the man’s car. but it’s actually pretty simple: You kill them,
before they kill you. What’s not so simple is
“What’s with him?” I ask. Suddenly I notice convincing 200 people, including cops, doc-
a pungent smell lingering in the air. Smells tors and scientists what they saw tearing
almost like decay... through their mall was an illusion or explain-
ing to a recently possessed woman why her
“And what’s that God-awful smell?” I contin- bedroom is full of human hearts. Yeah, you
ue. try figuring that one out in a hurry. At least
the guy was unconscious; that made our job
“Take a look for yourself,” replies Jinx as a little easier.
she steps aside. Jinx earns her nickname
yet again as she reveals the contents of the Star goes back to our car and brings back
trunk. Inside are the remains of about a the straws. It’s not the first time we’ve used
dozen tiny, decaying skeletons. The babies. the straws and it certainly won’t be the last.
The straws are mainly used to see who gets
“Jesus! Close the fucking trunk!” I cry, trying the shit job. In this case it was driving the
to gag, but I’ve seen this kind of shit before man’s car. Since no one really wanted to sit
and get nothing. Almost makes me sick see- next to an unconscious man who had eaten
ing myself use to this kind of shit. Ironic real- several babies that were stashed in the
ly... Jinx slaps the trunk shut in response. trunk, the straws were the only way to go.
It’s hard to imagine the unconscious man
you’re carrying has eaten the flesh, blood We each take a straw and reveal what we
and organs of these stolen babies. Not only pulled. Books gets the short straw.
do I feel sorry for the defenceless little guys,
but I also feel sorry for the parents who’ve “I don’t want to be in there with him!” He
had the children taken away from them. protests.

Nearly every voice in my head screams for “Someone’s gotta do it and we agreed to
me to kill the unconscious man, but I have find out who this way. Like we always do,”
to remember that it wasn’t him, it the replies Jinx, yet again giving more bad
demon. Instead of killing him, Tools and me news… only directed at Books.
carefully place him in the passenger seat of
his car and put on his seatbelt. Star’s busy “But… but…” Books stutters.
reversing into the front of the man’s car and
hops out to secure the tow line; the man’s “I’ll drive,” announces Tools quietly.
car isn’t going anywhere with a shredded

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

“You sure about this?” I ask. Tools simply

nods and climbs into the driver’s seat of the
guy’s car. I felt sorry for his sense of smell;
I could smell the decay from here.

“Thanks, Tools...” mumbled Books as he

climbs into our car, quickly followed by Jinx
and Star.

I stay behind and lean towards Tools, quiet-

ly saying: “Nice of you to do this for the new
guy. He’ll get more confident in the future,
he just needs time to adjust.” Tools just nods
in agreement. I start walking back to the car
when the guy starts stirring, starting to
awaken from his unconscious state.

“Sorry about that buddy, but it’s for your own

good,” I say to him, slamming the door shut.
With a final nod to Tools I head back to our
car and hop into the passenger seat with
Star at the wheel and Jinx and Books in the
back. Star then pulls away from the ruined
local shop and heads back the guy’s house.

The local shop will have to rebuild itself; it

would take too long to clean up by our-
selves. The only thing we can clean up is
the guy’s house; his car needs to be dis-
posed of. We reach the guy’s house within
minutes and Tools gladly hops out of the dri-
ver’s seat of the guy’s car and takes in a
breath of polluted, but still fresh air. The rest
of us get out of our car and get to work on
cleaning up the guy’s house. First order of
the day is searching the guy’s house, top to
bottom for any evidence of demonic activity.

Most of the rooms seem clean, except for

the kitchen, which contains a fridge full of
frozen baby parts and several jars of
‘savoury baby snacks’. Second order of the

Fiction: Fortune City Cabal

rapidly departing day is the disposal of said but don’t look too suspicious of us. Once at
demonic activity. In this case, dumping it in the Bay, we find a pier with no one around
the guy’s car and disposing of everything and get out of our car. We push the guy’s
altogether. We start pilling the baby’s bodies car to the edge of a pier and Tools hops out,
and body parts into the guy’s car and within not needing to steer the guy’s car anymore
30 minutes we’ve finished cleaning up the and helps us push it over the edge and into
guy’s house. Jinx sprays the kitchen exces- the sea. Hopefully the guy won’t miss his
sively with perfume, deodorant and any car too much. I know I wouldn’t if I knew
other smell maskers that she can get her what was in the trunk and backseats.
hands on in the hopes it will cover or elimi-
nate the strong smell of decay in there. As we watch the car sink into the murky
Needless to say, Books sat this one out. depths of the ocean, I like to think we each
Tools and me then take the still unconscious made a silent prayer for the souls of those
man up to the bedroom and place him on babies. They deserved a proper burial, but
the bed. Hopefully we’ll wake up and think it all we could do for them is a quiet burial at
was all a terribly nightmare. I hope that hap- sea. After a minute or two we each slowly
pens to me every day of my life... But it make our own way back to our car. Tools
doesn’t. once again takes the driver’s seat, I take the
passenger seat and Books is squeezed
With the house done, all that’s left is the car. between Star and Jinx in the backseats.
Getting into our arranged cars again, Star Tools reverses, then drives out of the Bay
makes for the City Bay, a huge boardwalk and heads back home to our hideout so that
that overlooks part of the Atlantic Ocean. we can all get some well earned rest...
We use the Bay to dispose of things to large
or difficult to hide or cleanup. We pass a few Job done… for now...
people on the way and they stare at the car,

New Spells

Voyeur Spirochete
by Conrad "LordEntropy" Murkitt by Rafael "Spaniard" Chandler

Voyeur Spirochete
Duration: 3 rounds Duration: 2 rounds
Range: 2 Range: 2
Target: Self Target: All

When cast, the casters eyes become milky When this spell is cast, dripping orifices
white to those that can see them. The cast- appear in the Disciple's palms, and he is
er is able to see through all but living able to create and throw spiral-shaped par-
objects, but everything is in a mist, so they asites at his enemies. These tiny grubs
are able to discern the number of people in squirm into the flesh of their victim, eventu-
a room, but not specific details. ally reaching the nervous system, where
they are able to take limited control for a few
Gameplay: Baptist, Dremel, and Victor moments before dying. To cast the spell, the
moved silently to the door. Unsure of how Disciple rolls a Sense check against the vic-
many were within, Victor cast Voyeur. tim's Sense check. Success means that the
Blinking once his eyes were white as snow, grubs have penetrated the skin, inflicting 1
through misty vision he could make out the point of damage. The next round, in addition
forms of 4 men. He raised 4 fingers, Baptist to normal combat, the victim will attack him-
and Dremel gripped their guns and then self. The player makes the attack roll, and
BAM, Baptist booted the door in. the Director makes the defend roll at minus
three dice.

Duration: 3 rounds
Range: 2
Target: All

A slimy hole appears in the ground beneath

the caster, and he plummets down, after
which the hole closes back up. A split-sec-
ond later, the caster flies up out of the
ground in front of his target, covered in
brown slime, and attacks. The attack is exe-
cuted with 1 extra die, and the caster is able
to swipe (and use) the highest die in the vic-
tim's defend roll. In addition, the brown
slime hardens along the caster's body, act-
ing as armor with a value of 5. After 1 round,
it flakes off, even if it has not been used.


You Know You’re a Disciple When...

by Daniel "Blockhead" Blakelock

1. The pen (when magically charged) is 13. You suspect the tooth fairy is a demon
mightier than the sword 14. You get banned from church
2. You have an irresistible urge to: A) Wear 15. Your ‘tools of the trade’ includes a bat-
long leather trench coats, B) Are always in tle-axe, a machine gun, some grenades
a foul and cynical mood, C) Have a nick- and a fake ID
name relating to a form of violence, D) 16. You’ve lost more blood than you can
Solve everything with violence be bothered to count
3. You fly/slither/teleport to places 17. You start quoting: A) Duke Nukem, B)
4. Somebody says: “It’ll cost you an arm Terminator, C) Scarface, D) Some other
and a leg.” You reply: “Which ones?” movie or video game character
5. You see dead people 18. You go through walls instead of doors
6. You’ve been separated from a limb tem- 19. Your Boss saves your life
porarily 20. You try to imitate the Matrix to see if it’s
7. You keep a kill-count possible
8. You sleep with a sword under your pil- 21. Your live with your work colleagues
low 22. Work involves finding/hiding/making/
9. You don’t know what the words ‘Over- causing/working out/killing shit
kill’, ‘Over-react’ and ‘Subtle’ mean 23. If at first you don’t succeed, you’ll prob-
10. Someone says: “Life Insurance.” You ably end up dead
say: “What? A med-kit?”
11. You check under the bed and in the
closet for monsters
12. You take Satanism and the Occult very

An Embarassing Death
by Daniel "Blockhead" Blakelock

There was a Cabal from New York,

That had a Disciple called Pork,
He wasn't too bright,
And got killed in a fight,
Using only a knife and a fork!


Famous Last Words A Good Day

by Daniel "Blockhead" Blakelock by Daniel "Blockhead" Blakelock

A hastily scribbled, blood-stained note For You:

found in an abandoned house next to a pool
of blood. Getting up late
Having a relaxing bath
Screaming we enter the fray Eating a good breakfast
And screaming we leave Getting to work on time
There is always blood Making the Boss proud
So much blood Getting home safely
Sometimes things go missing Having a good night in with the wife
And sometimes they return
But never the same For Me:
The demons are coming….
Getting up alive
Our dreams haunt us Having the time to wash
We fear the dark Eating anything
For it is the unknown Getting to work in one piece
We fear the light Making the Boss care
For it makes us visible to all Getting home at all
The demons are coming…. Having enough time to see my girlfriend
smile before she dies
Death comes for us all
But it comes too slowly for most
We will be forgotten
The demons are coming…. Fives
by Rafael "Spaniard" Chandler
My time draws near
The demons are coming….
your lover
The demons are here…. your raven
your cover
your haven

you cavel
you revel
your rival
your devil

Hostiles Revisited

Hostiles Revisited
by David "David1965" Underwood

Statistics for normal humans have previous- Desk Sergeant

ly been published in the pages of Pent, but Strength: 2
I would like to take the opportunity to revisit Sense: 3
the teeming masses and present an alter- Soul: 3
native view of the unsuspecting suck-pigs. Life: 4
Skills: Crime 4, Computers 2, Driving 1,
To begin, let’s remember that an attribute of Intimidate 2
one represents a below average score, so
how likely is it that anyone – other than Detective
someone who is severely handicapped – Strength: 2
would have two attributes with that score? Sense: 3
Soul: 4
Here are my optional statistics for some of Life: 5
the most likely protagonists that Disciples Skills: Charm 2, Crime 4, Computers 1,
are likely to encounter, and the thinking Driving 2, Intimidate 3
behind them.
The Police Strength: 4
Sense: 2
Rookie Beat Cop Soul: 4
Strength: 2 Life: 6
Sense: 2 Skills: Driving 2, Military 4, Intimidate 2
Soul: 2
Life: 4
Skills: Law Enforcement 2, Crime 1, Driving

Seasoned Beat Cop

Strength: 3
Sense: 2
Soul: 3
Life: 5
Skills: Crime 3, Driving 2, Intimidate 2

Hostiles Revisited

The Military Criminals

Rear Echelon Street Punk

Strength: 2 Strength: 3
Sense: 2 Sense: 2
Soul: 2 Soul: 3
Life: 4 Life: 4
Skills: Driving 1, Profession (Cook, etc.) 2, Skills: Crime 2, Driving 2, Intimidate 1
Military 1
Raise Senses to 3 for a specialist, or 4 for a Strength: 4
particularly gifted analyst, and a level or two Sense: 2
in Computers for good measure. Soul: 3
Life: 6
Warrior Skills: Crime 3, Driving 2, Intimidate 3
(This can include Infantry, Marines, para-
trooper – anyone whose role is to be at the Able Lieutenant
sharp end when the balloon goes up.) Strength: 2
Strength: 4 Sense: 3
Sense: 2 Soul: 3
Soul: 4 Life: 4
Life: 6 Skills: Charm 2, Computers 2, Crime 2,
Skills: Driving 2, Military 4, Intimidate 2 Profession (lawyer/accountant etc.)2

Special Forces (SAS, SEALS, etc.) Big Boss

Strength: 5 Strength: 3
Sense: 3 Sense: 3
Soul: 4 Soul: 4
Life: 6 Life: 6
Skills: Criminal 2, Computers 1, Military 6, Skills: Crime 4, Intimidate 4
Intimidate 2

Like the police before them, these are dedi-

cated careerists; they have not had to rap-
idly change their attitudes and skill sets
because a Demon has torn them a new

Hostiles Revisited

Hit Man Preacher

Strength: 4 Strength: 2
Sense: 3 Sense: 3
Soul: 4 Soul: 4
Life: 6 Life: 4
Skills: Crime 3, Driving 3, Intimidate 3, Skills: Charm 3, Intimidate 3, Profession 4
Military 3
Dedication in other avenues of life should Strength: 2
not go unrecognised, either. Sense: 3
Soul: 4
Professional Athlete Life: 4
Strength: 4 Skills: Charm 2, Computers 2, Criminal 2,
Sense: 2 Driving 1, Profession 3
Soul: 4
Life: 6 Obviously, the above list is far from exhaus-
Skills: Profession (specific sport) 4 tive, but I hope it illustrates that non-
Disciples can be extremely well trained and
Professional Martial Artist motivated, too, and should be treated with a
(Karate instructor, boxer, etc.) little respect.
Strength: 4
Sense: 2
Soul: 4
Life: 6
Skills: Driving 1, Intimidate 3, Profession 4

New Demons

Epidemes: Infector Demons

by Rafael "Spaniard" Chandler

Disciples have recently become aware of s Each round, in addition to its normal attack,
new demonic rank: the Epidemes, also the Infector demon can use Wrath to exe-
known as Infectors. These demons are cute a secondary attack.
more powerful than Hunters, Defilers, or
Stalkers. For this reason, they should be Infection
reserved for use against more experienced Infectors use Wrath to infect a group of peo-
Disciples. ple. Each group of Infected behaves differ-
ently, depending on the breed of demon.
Drawn to places of filth, squalor, and Unlike the sickness that accompanies the
inequality, Infectors torment humans with demon’s presence, this infection has a spe-
strange and horrific diseases. The mere cial effect on its victims, and these Infected
presence of an Infector will cause wide- will serve the demon as its shock troops and
spread plagues with high mortality rates; bodyguards. Often, the Infector will have
cholera, Dengue fever, and malaria will used Wrath in this way already, so by the
afflict victims in regions where these dis- time the Disciples arrive, the demon’s Wrath
eases have never been reported before. score will be back up to maximum again
Shortly after the first victims succumb, the (and it will be accompanied by a group of
epidemic will mutate into something even Infected soldiers).
worse, detailed in the individual descriptions
for each demon. Half-breeds (Disciples and Projectile
Zealots) are immune to these afflictions. In The Infector can kill a point of Wrath to
addition, the demon can Infect ordinary unleash a grotesque projectile attack. By
humans with strange diseases that turn leeching a point of Life from each Infected
them into the demon’s servants (and there- human victim within line-of-sight, the
fore a threat to Disciples). Infector can spit a wad of something foul
and unclean (such as a mix of writhing mag-
When on the trail of an Infector, the Cabal gots and caustic sputum) at its target. The
will come face-to-face with these horrid attack score is equal to the amount of Life
sicknesses. They’ll encounter bloated that it has stolen from its human victims (a
corpses, radiation, and ghost towns where dozen Infected, a dozen dice). This is in
the affliction has wiped out entire communi- addition to its normal attacks.
Infectors can assume human form at will, By killing Wrath, the demon can unleash an
and are smart enough to pass for human additional attack. One point of Wrath equals
without difficulty. Should a Cabal begin to two dice, and the demon can spend up to 6
interfere with the work of the Epideme, it wil points of Wrath at a time in this fashion. It
immediately work to bring the Disciples can only attack one Disciple at a time.

New Demons

New Demons

Chiarkas make a donation (in the form of a written

Rank: Infector check, infected with some horrible disease)
Strength 11 at a food bank.
Sense 5
Soul 2 At rallies, marches, and peaceful protests,
Life 20 the demon will shoulder its way through the
Armor 8 crowd, infecting everyone it touches. At
Wrath 20 soup kitchens, it will ladle out contaminated
food to the hungry.

Eventually, the epidemic will take hold, and

Appearance the sickness will begin to claim lives. The
victims of the Chiarkas develop coin-sized
The Chiarkas is a towering mass of pale white boils, ringed with pink, across their
green tissue, shot through with veins of yel- bodies, which eventually burst, spraying
low and bright emerald. It drips with thick yellowish mucus in all directions. As the vic-
banana-yellow mucus. Vaguely humanoid, tim’s condition worsens, internal organs
the ten-foot-tall entity has a skull-like head slowly liquefy and blood seeps from the
and two misshapen arms. Its lower body is pores. The Chiarkas haunts the victim dur-
a column of flesh that slides rapidly across ing these final stages, invisible to everyone
the floor, leaving a trail of fluids. else.

Pattern Sometimes, the demon selects a victim (or

a dozen victims) and alters the chemistry of
The Chiarkas targets low-income neighbor- the infection somewhat. The infection is no
hoods and places where people struggle in longer directly fatal. Instead, after the boils
squalor and deprivation. Specifically, it is have appeared, the victim is driven com-
attracted to those who seek to resolve such pletely insane with rage, and is compelled to
problems through community service or vol- rampage through the area, attacking every-
unteer work. one he sees until he is killed.

Once the demon has established its target, Infected victims receive 6 points of Life, 12
it secretes toxins from its skin, which are points of Fury, and 3 points of Strength.
then smeared over random surfaces and
left for the unwary. The Chiarkas may leave
a box full of canned goods near a homeless
shelter, or it may assume human form and

New Demons

New Demons

Ghozualt nervous system will eventually result in the

Rank: Infector death of the victim.
Strength 9
Sense 3 The disease will eventually spread to other
Soul 6 people, including doctors, nurses, other
Life 23 captives, and military personnel. Within a
Armor 6 matter of hours, the entire base will be
Wrath 19 infected (or at risk of infection). It’s not
uncommon for the area to come under
hasty quarantine at this time, which is exact-
ly what the demon has been hoping for.
Disguising itself as an ordinary person, the
The Ghozualt demon appears as a hyena- Ghozualt will select a few of the larger vic-
like humanoid with matted brown and beige tims for a different strain. This infection will
fur. Its body is covered in mange, and there mutate the target, transforming him into a
are wide swaths of crusty pink skin, dotted hideous mockery of humanity.
with cysts and boils. Where its eyes should
be are two sunken indentations that seep The victim’s skin will crust and redden,
dark red blood. From between its ragged becoming pink and scaly like the exposed
and mite-infested ears protrudes a foot-long dermis of the Ghozualt; then a hard
appendage of purplish tissue, ending in a exoskeleton of chitin will grow over most of
pair of glistening greyish-yellow eyes that the body; the hair will fall from his head; his
never blink. Its forepaws end in clusters of eyes will seep dark blood; his fingernails will
yellowish claws, and its three rear legs end harden into claws; his teeth will meld and
in two-inch black talons. The demon exudes elongate into two spikes of bone; and his
a thick musk which induces nausea in ordi- body will exude a horrific tell-tale odor.
nary humans. Large claws will grow from his hands, and a
barbed tail will complete the victim’s trans-
Pattern formation into a Xhavuax demon.
Immensely strong, and capable of frighten-
The Ghozualt is drawn to military installa- ing swift attacks and jumps of up to fifty feet
tions. Attracted to violence and abuse, the upwards from a standing start, the demon
demon seeks out captives or hostages who will whoop and screech while crawling
are being tortured or interrogated. head-down along a wall towards the
It begins by infecting these prisoners with a
debilitating illness that wracks the victims’ Typically, once the Ghozualt realizes it’s
bodies with horrific seizures. Victims shud- been compromised, it will deploy several of
der, convulse, twitch, scream uncontrollably, these demons.
and produce greenish foam at the mouth. If
the seizures themselves do not prove fatal,
the strain that they place on the heart and

New Demons

New Demons

Verrachta Qovian The disease also drives the victim into a

Rank: Infector Rank: Infector frenzy during which he is compelled to eat
Strength 10 Strength 5 as much as possible. Anything remotely
Sense 4 Sense 2 resembling food will be torn apart and
Soul 4 Soul 2 crammed into the victim’s maw.
Life 20 Life 10
Armor 12 Armor 6 After that, the Infected will enter a deep
Wrath 16 Wrath 8 trance-like state from which no one will be
able to awaken them. Eventually, the vic-
tim’s body will split open, revealing a leath-
ery green egg the size of a basketball.
When the egg hatches, a dozen eel-like
The Verrachta appears as a large sphere of creatures will slither out in search of food.
greenish-blue tissue, from which dangle ten After gorging on hospital food or human
tentacles of different lengths. An enormous flesh, the creatures will begin to grow, even-
mouth protrudes from the four-foot-wide tually reaching five feet tall in size. These
central sphere, and each of the tentacles demons, known as Qovians, serve the
ends in a mouth that’s at least a foot-long, Verrachta, helping it to lock down the hospi-
each of which jabbers in a different extinct tal with booby traps, setting ambushes for
language. The demon sweats a milky pink Disciples, and locating fresh meat for the
substance that reeks of fresh fruit. Verrachta. Qovians are spindly, long-limbed
entities with bird-like beaks surrounded by a
Pattern ring of eight eyes. Their fingers are thin and
nimble, and their four legs end in foot-long
The Verrachta is drawn to hospitals, asy- spikes of purple bone.
lums, and clinits. Though repulsed by clean-
liness, the demon is compelled to visit these Once it has assembled a small team of
places (and then defile them). Qovians, the Infector will seize control of the
hospital, barricading itself inside. It will then
It begins by afflicting victims with a strange engage in all manner of horrific behavior,
ailment that deforms and distorts the skin, such as forcing patients to battle each other
rendering it greenish and leathery, like the to the death using scapels or bone saws. It
hide of an alligator. The victim’s teeth and will force captured medical personnel to
nails fall out, replaced by large, serrated choose between consuming human flesh or
teeth and blackish talons. The skin develops being vivisected. And it will send the
ridges and pebble-like lumps in strange pat- Qovians out to patrol the facility’s corridors
terns, and all the hair on the victim’s body for interlopers, secretly hoping that a Cabal
falls out in bloody clumps. will appear to provide a worthy challenge.

New Demons


The flesh of the Xhavuax is covered by an

exoskeleton that ranges in color from bright
pink to dark red. Its powerful arms are
tipped with shiny violet claws, from which
depend two thin pink tentacles (which the
demon uses to execute more complex
tasks). The demon’s face is covered in the
same chitinous shell, but its baleful yellow
eyes are visible. Its mouth is bracketed by
two white spikes of bone, each roughly a
foot long. The demon stands on four legs,
and a tail-like appendage, tipped with a
stinger of pale blue chitin, grows from the
middle of its back.


Created by the Ghozualt demon, Xhavuax

demons live to serve their master. They
tend to operate in small groups, patrolling
an area or hunting for prey. Using their
powerful claws, they brachiate across ceil-
ings, leaping from wall to wall over great

When a group of Xhavuaxes locates human

prey, they will usually pin down the victim
and peel the skin off, using their tentacles to
get the small bits.
Rank: Infector Mindless and without any real objective,
Strength 5 they nonetheless pose a challenge for the
Sense 2 Cabal because of their numbers.
Soul 3
Life 12 During combat, Xhavuaxes whoop and
Armor 3 scream as they fling themselves at the
Wrath 9 Disciples. They tend to prefer aerial attacks.

Sample Mentors

Example Mentors
by Rafael "Spaniard" Chandler

Augustus N. Thirwell Ms. Thorne

A ruddy-faced man in his forties, Thirwell A serious-looking businesswoman in her
wears a rumpled trenchcoat, a wrinkled late thirties, Thorne usually wears a navy
shirt, slacks with frayed cuffs, and a necktie blue power suit and carries a stack of metic-
that he's always using to wipe up spills or ulously-labeled folders. Her blonde hair is
clean his thick glasses. His face is fleshy pulled back in a bun, held in place with a
and splotchy, and a network of veins around needle-sharp pencil, and her hard and
his nose reflect what appears to be a life- unblinking eyes stare out at the world from
long love affair with the bottle. In fact, he's behind horn-rimmed glasses. Thorne does
never far from an alcoholic beverage, not smile. Thorne does not empathize.
whether it's a hip flask or a bottle in a brown Thorne does not tolerate interruption. When
paper bag. Thirwell is soft-spoken, hesitant, she brings information or missions to the
and unrelentingly bleak in his outlook. His Cabal, she does so in the form of a
fatalism is matched by the news that he slideshow presentation, complete with bullet
brings in the form of newspaper clippings points and transitions. She’s terse, formal,
and police reports, which he usually hands and mirthless.
to a member of the Cabal before shuffling
back out of headquarters. Delphi
This Mentor is a glowing sphere, two feet in
Colonel Pierce diameter. It hovers at eye level, and speaks
Pierce is a muscular black man in his late in a different voice each time it appears.
fifties. Despite the gray hair, he is strong Sometimes, instead of speaking, it seizes
and lean, and gives the impression that he control of electronic devices and communi-
can handle himself in combat. He's stern, cates through their speakers. For example,
focused, and discipined. His military uniform a radio may play snippets of song lyrics that
is creased and spotless, and the regulation tell the Disciples what they need to know
sidearm at his hip is well-oiled and ready for about a case. A computer might display text
combat. Pierce speaks in clipped, precise on the screen that answers the Cabal’s
tones, and he never appears to be surprised questions. A printer might spit out pages
by anything. When he presents news to the with names and addresses on them. In any
Cabal, he does so in the form of a military case, Delphi is erratic and difficult to com-
briefing: documents folded carefully into municate with, clearly an entity with a limit-
long envelopes or folders, enlarged mono- ed understanding of how humans work.
chrome photographs with targets circled in
red ink, slideshows, and annotated maps
spread out across tables.

New Demons

New Stunts
by Pierre-Philippe "DWYBO" Lefebvre


Balls of Steel (1) Gangbang (2):

Provoke one opponent (by taunting or pos- Each member of the party that wants to par-
ing) to attack only you the next round with ticipate in the gangbang pays 2 Fury and
all he’s got. It’s a good way to save a Cabal then simultaneously attacks an opponent.
member, it’s also a good way to get reduced To do so, they all roll their attack pools
to pulp. Hey, badass, it’s your funeral. together (to act as one). The damage done
is calculated as usual, but take the Cabal's
Up Yours (2) best weapon to calculate the damage
The Disciple spends Fury and describes bonus. Example: Cortez (attack 6), Malarek
how he’s using a weapon in an enemy cav- (attack 2) and Trent (attack 1) are facing a
ity. He can either stab an eye, shoot in the hudge demon. Unfortunately for them,
open mouth of a demon, or something else. Cortez is now unarmed and Trent as an
If the attack is a success, he can add twice assault rifle wich he don’t use very well.
the damage rating of the weapon (a knife They all decide to take the fucker down for
does +2, a shotgun +4, etc.).Lawnmower once. They all spend 2 Fury and roll their
(1-4)The Disciple enters a state of primal dice at once (a grand total of 9 dices). Lucky
rage and releases himself against a minor for them, they end up with 3x12 which mean
opponent, mercilessely taking them out. an attack score of 15 -- and they use the
The Disciple spends 1 to 4 Fury, then rolls a assault rifle to calculate the damage (+4, for
single d12 -- now add the total together. a total of 19).
This number is the amount of damage to
distribute among Extras as the Disciple see Leonidas Shit (3)
fit. Oh, and don't forget a graphic descrip- During your retirement last stand, if you see
tion. that you’re losing, you can do the ultimate
sacrifice. You look at your fellow members,
and in an ass kicking moment you spit all
your rage in a roar to inspire others. You
spend 2 Fury and then distribute your
remaning Fury and Life points among any
Cabal member left alive until you reach 0.
You can even bring them up to over 12
points, but only for the duration of the fight.
Then everyone stand there in awe, as you
just stand in front of the demon which is
under the effect of the balls of steel Fury
effect (implying that he will spend the next
round ripping you to shreds).

New Demons


Cathexis surge (3) OACOWA (Open-a-can-of-whoop-ass) (3)

For your next attack you suddenly and As a very advanced Lore student, you’ve
badassly rip reality appart in a gruesome read stockpiles of books, data, and heard a
way, releasing your inner will in a furious lot of stories about demons. They come in
attempt to destroy an opponent. You can many varieties, but each is also unique. It’s
cast flame, acid, turn the floor into blades of possible, in an unexpected moment of clar-
fire, and shitstorm all at once. You can now ity (let’s say just before death) that you
attack with your magic score as with a remember a useful fact about a weakness
weapon of +4 and your opponent can only of the monster. It’s also possible that you're
defend itself using a Soul check (that’s the just another dick. To find out, roll your Sense
good news). The bad news is the surge isn’t score -- if you beat 10, you can attack once
a fucking scalpel and your attack target with your Sense stat. Also, every Cabal
everyone in the room (range 1 or 2) with member get your Lore score as a special
less force (everyone must roll a Soul check bonus to their damage on their next action.
to defend itself against your magic score… If you fail, you lose one turn wondering why
no bonus added to damage). you're such a dick.

Saw That Coming (1)

A brawl is a brawl, and certains types of
demons always use the same tricks over
and over. Instead of reacting, you can antic-
ipate. You roll your Lore score with the
enemy's Sense score as a target number. If
you succeed, you can now use your Sense
score for one round to defend yourself
against the opponent. If you fail, you still
defend with your normal pool... but you did-
n’t see it coming.

New Demons

The Shaelavvor and the Shaelamal

by Anthony "Ars Mysteriorum" Holtberg

Shaelavvor Shaelamal
Breed: Hunter Breed: Defiler
Strength 8 Strength 5
Sense 5 Sense 2
Soul 2 Soul 8
Life 25 Life 14
Wrath 14 Wrath 25


The Hunter, called a Shaelavvor, has the

appearance of a child, except that it has
black eyes and casts no shadow. It feeds on
the bodies of people who have either lost a
child through early death, miscarriage, or
stillbirth. It speaks in the combined voices of
its victims (like a chorus speaking in uni-
son), thus it rarely speaks.

The Defiler, called a Shaelamal, looks like

the shadowy form of a child. Once it pos-
sesses a child, the child gains the telltale
black eyes as well, but still keeps its shad-
ow. It feeds on the souls of people who have
either lost a child through early death, mis-
carriage, or stillbirth. It speaks with the
child's voice and can use the child's charm
to gain entry into its victim's house/car/etc.,
thus it serves as the spokesman.

New Demons

Pattern The Shaelamal consumes the soul and the

Shaelavvor then consumes the body whole.
When they are “born,” the Shaelavvor and No blood, no signs of struggle. Just gone.
the Shaelamal are one being. The With each victim, one more voice is added
Shaelamal is the Shaelavvor's shadow, but to the Shaelavvor's chorus of voices (so, ini-
once they find a suitable child, the tially, the Shaelavvor has no voice).
Shaelavvor restrains the child while the
Shaelamal possesses him/her. This is why After feeding on 12 victims, they reproduce.
the Shaelavvor typically casts no shadow. The two return to their lair (usually a place
where children have suffered), and perform
They locate their preferred victim and seek a ritual lasting 11 hours and 6 minutes (666
to gain entry somehow. Usually the minutes). This ritual removes the barrier
Shaelamal acts as the spokesperson, and between Earth and Hell just long enough to
the Shaelavvor lends its silent support admit two more demons. At the end of the
through gestures. This allows the ritual, the two consume each other (includ-
Shaelamal to feed a little off of the compas- ing the skell, making 13 victims total). What
sion of the victim. Just enough to gain par- happens next is too disgusting for words, as
tial control of the person and open the door the two meld and twist in agony until they
of their own will. explode with the sound of 13 horrified
screams. From the bloody chunks of vis-
This way the police cannot find signs of a cera, two new Shaelavvor emerge, each
struggle. with shadows.

Once they have gained entry, their manner They then go separate ways in search of
of feeding becomes known. Both open their children to serve as skells for the
mouths, which are much bigger than they Shaelamal.
appear and extend downward into their
torso (BIIIIIG MOUTHS). The Shaelavvor's
mouth erupts with a thousand long tongues
that restrain the victim, and the Shaelamal
has one long, ghostly tongue which is thrust
into the victim's mouth.

the dark hereafter
Boccaccio Deserted streets Rich house

1. Bodies of Cali’s Mob enforcers 1. Witness accounts



Mob warehouse Projects

Shaelavvor/ Shaelamal
Andrew Cali (Crux #2, page 36) Gang members
Mob enforcers
1. Protect the bus driver
2. Protect the bodyguard
3. Save the families
4. Find the Disciple
5. Save the Disciple's

Projects Hospital The Mall

1. Grandma’s testimony Cali’s bodyguard 1. Glimpse of demon

Mob enforcers


Scenario: The Dark Hereafter

The Dark Hereafter

by Alexandre "Kobayashi" Jeannette

Hook disappeared, which made him the prime

suspect. The problem is that Eric Callahan
You saw it on the TV news or read it in a has nothing to do with the killings.
newspaper: a school bus was hit by a car.
Eight kids died screaming in the burning Andrew Cali's friends and relatives are actu-
wreckage while the drunken driver of the car ally being stalked by a Disciple, Hank
made it alive. Andrew Cali, son of the Rosenman. His 12-year-old daughter was
biggest mafia boss of the city, escaped the on the bus. He quit his Cabal and Mentor
accident unscathed while his bodyguard fell and came to the city to extract revenge from
into a coma. The bodyguard's family, and anyone he thinks is responsible for the acci-
the officers present at the scene, all were dent. He started by killing mob members
bribed to support the mob's side of the story. close to Andrew Cali. His next move was to
The bodyguard was driving, and caused the kidnap the mob lawyer's family. He then
accident. Andrew Cali was just a victim of a plans to assassinate him, and then he will
freak accident. That's it. go for the bodyguard who took the fall, and
then he'll finish with Andrew Cali. It's up to
The problem is that the bus driver saw Cali the Disciples to stop his rampage and bring
driving the car and he decided to maintain him back to reason. But wait, there is
his testimony. This is a bit of a problem for more...
the mob's lawyer. The other problem is that
mob members close to Andrew Cali are get- What about the good news? A Shaelavvor
ting killed. In a very unnatural way. It is said demon has appeared, attracted by the grief
that officers who found the bodies are still of the children's families. Eric Callahan was
puking their guts out. its first victim. The demon pair devoured his
body and soul, leaving nothing behind them.
Situation They already started to track down the other
families, drawn in by their anger and
Five mob members close to Andrew Cali despair.
(presumably his lieutenants) were killed.
The police's main suspect is a father of one And if anyone cares, Cali Senior ordered
of the kids who died in the accident. Eric the killing of the school bus driver to keep
“Iceman” Callahan, a 35 year old man, a his son out of jail.
widower with 15 years of service in the
USMC 1st Recon Battalion. Shortly after the This is a huge shit pie, and everybody is
killings started, he gonna get a slice.

Scenario: The Dark Hereafter

Objectives wish that puts him on a crash course with

Hank Rosenman.
1. Protect the bus driver
2. Protect the bodyguard Hank Rosenman, grieving Disciple
3. Save the families Strength: 2
4. Find the Disciple Sense: 2
5. Save the Disciple's wife Soul: 5
Life: 12
Triggers Skills: Demolition expert 3, Driving: 1
Spells: 10 spells, some of which must be
The Disciples will get info about the strange identical to the ones possessed by your
deaths of mob members via their contacts, Disciples. That will help them identify the
or even the news, or they can be hired as killer as a Disciple more rapidly.
investigators by Stephanie Bethel (see
below) if one of their contacts has a reason Four years ago, Hank was a wreck. He did-
to be in contact with her. Stephanie will try to n't manage to defuse a bomb that killed 12
keep this a secret and won't talk about it to civilians. He quit the police department and
her mob clients. hit the bottle. It was not long before he start-
ed to hit the wife who immediately left with
their 8 year old daughter, Melissa. He got
nearly killed by an Aspinaba but was saved
by a Mentor. After becoming a Disciple he
Andrew Cali, violent and guilt-ridden
kept an eye on his daughter to make sure
she was okay. After the accident he left his
Strength: 2
Cabal and Mentor who are actually looking
Sense: 2
for him. None of them knew much about his
Soul: 1
daughter so it may be too late before they
Life: 4
find out what he's doing. Hank his mad with
Skills: Bully 2
grief. But he's still a Disciple who vowed to
Weapon: Semi-auto pistol 2/1/2
protect the innocent. If the Disciples remind
him of this, he may come to his senses.
Andrew is the 26-year-old son of a mafia
boss. It means he's got a lot of money, a lot
Stephanie Bethel, ambitious mob Lawyer
of power, and a lot of attitude. The guy is
Strength: 1
nothing more than a spoiled little punk.
Sense: 3
Nonetheless he does feel bad about the
Soul: 1
accident. He has a one-year-old son, and
Life: 3
having caused the death of those children is
Skills: Lawyer 4
troubling him, to say the least. He's stoned
Weapon: Law books 1/0/-
or drunk half of the day and will resort to vio-
lence if anything goes against him. He will
Stephanie wanted power and money.
not acknowledge it, but the guilt is eating
Becoming a lawyer wasn't enough, so she
him away and he has developed a death

Scenario: The Dark Hereafter

decided to be a lawyer for the mob. Dorozynski

Everyone is considered innocent until This family has lost their only child in the
proven guilty, right? If the “innocent” hap- accident. The mother has been committed
pens to have a lot of cash, then everyone's to a mental institution due to a nervous
happy. No matter what happened to her in breakdown. The father stays alone at their
her childhood, Stephanie Bethel is still a home. His only activity is going for walks on
piece of trash. She's on Hank Rosenman the local mall, hoping to see his son walking
black list. It's up to the Disciple to save her. among other kids.
If they want to. She's always protected by
two bodyguards. Stearmaan
The Stearmans are a very religious family.
William Aux, stubborn school bus driver Two of their seven kids died in the accident.
Strength: 1 The older ones have come home to support
Sense: 2 their parents.
Soul: 2
Life: 4 Elisabeth Rosenman
Skills: Driving 2, Collecting stamps 2 Hank's ex-wife works as a nurse in the hos-
Weapon: magnifying glass 1/0/- pital where the bodyguard lies in the coma.
“Just one small syringe and the bastard
Bill has driven school bus for twenty years. would die,” she thinks...
He always saw himself as a guardian angel
for the kids. Hell, he's sure he even drove to
school some of the little punks that now
threaten him. He doesn't care, he's old, and
thugs are not gonna frighten him. Those
dead kids and their families not only
deserve respect, they deserve the truth.

The Grieving Families

Single father, already killed by the demon.

This will be the second family to disappear.
Their house is on the wealthy side of town.

Both parents have two jobs and their now
only child (a 2 year old boy) is taken care of
by his grandma. They live in the projects in
the inner city.

Scenario: The Dark Hereafter


Boccaccio, Italian restaurant

Andrew Cali's lieutenants corpses where
find here in the backrooms. The clues
Disciples will find should point them to the
fact that some one used powers that are
very close to theirs. Check your Disciples'
spells before play to see what kind of clues
they may find.

Rich house
Numerous witness saw the Pavalock par-
ents come home with two kids they have
picked up at the local mall.

Local dealers will surely think the Disciples
are cops or rival gang members (depending
on the Disciples' outlook). The Grandma will
talk to them about black-eyed children who
came knocking at her door.

The Mall
If they go to the Mall, the Disciples may
have a glimpse of the Demons has they go
with Mr. Dorozynski. The Mall is crowded
with people and security agents.

Scenario: The Dark Hereafter


Deserted streets
After their visit to the Boccaccio restaurant,
the mob will think that the Disciples are in
some way connected to the killer. They'll try
to capture them for interrogation. Let your
players have fun kicking their asses.

The Projects
The Disciples take the risk of being arrested
by the police or attacked by the local drug
dealers. Anyway, this won't be a walk in the

Mob warehouse
Andrew Cali has taken refuge in a ware-
house with 15 of his most loyal men, waiting
for the mysterious killer to show up, sitting
on pile of cocaine, guns and ammo.

Andrew Cali's bodyguard is here. Hank
Rosenman will try to kill him while Andrew Hostiles
Cali's men will try to kill his ex-wife. Ideally,
this should be the place where the take- Mob members
down will take place. Strength: 2
Sense: 1
Soul: 1
Life: 5
Skills: Bully 2
Weapon: Uzi 3/3/3

Gang members
Strength: 2
Sense: 1
Soul: 1
Life: 5
Skills: Drug dealing 2
Weapon: Semi-auto pistol 2/1/2

unfulfilled dreams
Nurse’s Home Andolini Residence Lux

1. Stethoscope 1. Lillie’s extremely vague 1. Desi’s testimony

2. Money testimony
2. Agent’s info Mafia Killers
Mafia killers
Lillie Andolini
Nero Andolini
Federal Agent


Psychiatrist’s Neighbor Psychiatrist’s Home

1. Old woman’s testimony 1. Surgically removed
(Dread, page 170)
Old woman 2. Gutted corpses
1. Help Feds bring the
Her family
family down
2. Save the nurse
3. Save the old woman
4. Stop the killers at “Lux”

Hospital Church Docks

1. Doctor’s corpse 1. Info about Father 1. Biological package

Canora and the exorcism
Mafia guards Mafia soldiers
Baskra Priest Russians
Nero Andolini


Scenario: Unfulfilled Dreams

Unfulfilled Dreams
by Pawel "Chimera" Cybula

Triggers decided that he could turn the situation to

his own advantage. Instead of coming up
The scenario starts with somebody getting with an elaborate plan to get rid of the old
in touch with the Cabal in order to explain fart, he only had to wait a few days longer.
the mysterious death of a priest at the The nurse, who looked in while the demon
Andolinis’ residence. It might be a friend on was still visible, might have been a problem,
the force, a journalist, or a representative of but Nero threatened to kill her and all her
the Church. In some cases there might be a relatives and paid generously to keep the
sort of a deal with the family of the “we don’t things under wraps. Moreover, as he shared
push for a regular investigation, you let the story with his sister, they decided to dis-
these people work” type. pose of the unfortunate woman at the earli-
est occasion. The nurse is very shaken,
Situation especially after she found a strange black
stethoscope in the morning while she was
Gasparo “Uncle G” Andolini, the head of the making the bed.
Andolini family, clung to life despite being on
the wrong side of eighty. His longevity was The following day an expensive psychiatrist
extremely frustrating to two of his progeny – was brought in. The man was unable to help
Nero and Lillie, craving power and having and despite the application of a heavy seda-
an incestuous affair. The third and the tive the nightmare recurred. This time, all
youngest of them, Desi, didn’t give a damn, Andolini’s children witnessed the demon.
as long as he could carry on with his sybarit- Desi took it hard, but his siblings were per-
ic lifestyle and run his own nightclub. suasive enough to make him play ball. In
the meantime, the demon followed the doc-
Recently, Gasparo has drawn the attention tor home (the shrink left soon after applying
of a Baskra demon. After a couple of nights the medication), where he slaughtered him
spent tripping into the dreamland of his and his family. The house now serves as the
youth, Gasparo started suffering from horri- demon’s base. The Baskra has already
ble nightmares focused on his decay. started haunting an old woman next door.
Terrified after the first night, he asked Nero
to stay at his bedside until the break of day. The long-awaited dawn came, and desper-
When he finally fell asleep, the demon ate Gasparo called for a priest. Father
appeared. Marco Canora, a friend of the family with
some knowledge of exorcism, did his best
The Baskra reasoned with Nero – this performing the rite, but as the demon
Baskra makes it impossible to wake up for appeared, he was literally gutted. Gasparo
someone who is asleep in his presence – suffered a stroke, Desi fainted, Nero shot a
who quickly overcame the initial shock and few bullets for effect and that was it –

Scenario: The Dark Hereafter

nobody knows what happened in the room Locations

and the Andolinis will pull all strings neces-
sary to keep it that way. Psychiatrist’s house

After another day, someone contacted the The bodies of the doctor and his family have
Cabal. Since Gasparo is a vegetable, it been gutted and their organs arranged on
seems that Nero is the boss now, but Lillie one of the tables with a surgical precision.
has a strong influence over him. She sees The walls and floor are splattered in blood
Desi as a weakling who may give away their and the remaining body parts lie in disarray
dirty secret, and he and the nurse are both around the house.
on her list. Actually, she is right – the whole
thing is way too much for her younger Andolinis’ house
brother and definitely too much for a simple,
God-fearing woman the nurse is. An impressive neoclassical residence with
lawns, fountains and a miniature lake in
Neither Nero or anyone at the residence front of it. The whole area is surrounded by
knows that one of the Mafia soldiers is a a spiked fence and patrolled by guards with
federal agent undercover. This agent has dogs. It is also protected by a top-notch
gathered information about a big shipment security system. Lillie is the person who
coming in tomorrow, which contains some does the talking, polite and ice-cold. If you
sort of highly dangerous biological package feel up to the challenge, she might even flirt
to be sold to the Russians. Although the a bit with one of the characters, of course in
Mafia doesn’t usually deal with this kind of an icy way.
stuff, Lillie and Nero had pressured their
father so much that he finally gave the
green light. The operation is of such impor-
tance that the shipment will be personally
supervised by Nero. The problem is that
Lillie suspects something and the agent is
just about to have a fatal accident. On the
other hand, he has a nasty feeling of what’s
about to happen and is looking for the
opportunity to pass on the information. He
doesn’t have much room to maneuver since
he is under constant surveillance, but some-
times something as insignificant as a small
sheet of scribbled paper may tip the scales.
The problem is that the message must get
to the Feds – the local police is too corrupt
and surely somebody will warn the family.

Scenario: The Dark Hereafter

Battlefields Hospital

"Lux" Gasparo is in a separate room guarded by

two soldiers. Soon, the Baskra will kill one
An upscale nightclub, with live piano music of the doctors, hide his body, disguise itself,
and ambient lighting. An entrée for the and enter the room to finish the job.
members only. Desi is here, drinking heavi-
ly and just about to be killed by the men sent Nurse’s home
by his siblings.
A flat in an Italian district, shabby and full of
devotional articles. An envelope with a thou-
sand dollars under the bed. A black stetho-
scope ending with a sharp spike in a locked
drawer. The Mafia killers are on their way.

Spell Targets

Dread: Spell Targets

by Rafael "Spaniard" Chandler

Each spell has a specific target, and is ineffectual against anyone not listed. Some spells can
affect more than one target. Here are the possible targets:
1. Self: This spell affects the caster.
2. Humans: This spell only affects ordinary people.
3. Half-breeds: Affects Zealots, Disciples, Meiga, and other half-breeds.
4. Demons: Only affects demons and agents of Hell.
5. Angels: Affects angels and other agents of Heaven.
6. All: Humans, half-breeds, angels, and demons.

Amanuensis: objects Diablerie: humans

Anvil: self Discern: all
Aphasia: humans Dresden: humans
Ares: self Duress: angels/demons
Armistice: humans Eloign: all
Askance: humans Emeute: humans
Astarte: humans Energumen: self
Barricade: all Excoriate: all
Bete Noir: humans Fortress: self
Bile: all Frostbite: humans
Bracers: self Gaunt: self
Burgeon: self Gird: self
Cacophony: all Glossolalia: humans/half-breeds
Caliban: humans Hemophage: humans
Cancer: all Inferno: all
Capaneus: self Jade: humans
Carapace: self Leviathan: all
Carnation: self/half-breeds Levin: humans
Char: objects Malison: demons/angels
Chela: humans/half-breeds Malvado: all
Chelicerae: all Miserere: humans
Chiaroscuro: humans Moloch: self
Cognito: humans Mute: self
Confession: humans/half-breeds Nacreous: self/all
Confound: humans Nephilim: self
Crepusculus: all Nimrod: self/all
Culebra: all Nodule: humans
Denial: self Noesis: all

Spell Targets

Nyctalgic: self Sycorax: self

Octave: all Tirade: humans
Oracle: self Valence: self/others
Ordal: all Veneno: all
Phantasmo: all Viscera: all
Refuge: self/angels/demons Vore: humans/half-breeds
Schatten: all Warstorm: self
Sclera: humans Wither: humans/half-breeds
Scossa: humans Wormwood: humans/half-breeds
Seismos: humans/half-breeds Castigation: angels/demons
Sentinel: all Emesis: angels/demons
Smilodon: self Gadarene: angels/demons
Sombra: self Litany: angels/demons
Stratus: self Phthisis: angels/demons
Sunder: self Salvation: angels/demons
Swarm: self Unction: angels/demons

Submissions welcome! Send your spells, demons, scenarios, resources,
articles, fiction, poetry, humor, and artwork to:

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