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Tissue type epithelial tissues


Gen. Feat. -Tightly Packed cells -anchored to a basement membrane, sit on connective tissue -avascular

Unique Feat.

Location Underlying hollow organs ex:, stomach, lining of ventral body Cav. and & Supercial: skin Underlying or inner lining of blood vessels & most body glands. EX:Salivary Gland: mouth Sweat (exocrine) Glands:Palmer surface

Function function as protective layers and compartments

1.Glands: clusters of epithelial cells that make secretion a.Endocrine Glandsinternal secretion into blood stream are ductless

Make contain single or groups of cells that secret substance


Tissue type b.Exocrine:


Gen. Feat.

Unique Feat.

Location Pituitary thyroid & adrenal gland

Function external secretion via ducts simple organ made of epithelium & conn. Tissue

2. Body Membrane

1. Mucous Mem different epithelium upon loose connective tissue. lines hallow organs of respiratory digestive & urinary system

Open to the outside - is it only one layer?

-protection (protects skin) secretion() transport of materials like oxygen and nutrients -*absorption: ex lungs. ex: glucose through mucus membrane in GI

Tissue type 2. Serous Membranesquamous epithelium over loose connective tissue. Fluids wet & not connected to outside world (internal) S.M.a. : double lining of closed cavity. contains 2 layers Sm.)b. Pariteal layer (external)


Gen. Feat.

Unique Feat. -not oped to outside - 1 or 2 layer thats way is has double layer


Function produce water secretion that reduces friction

lines the cavity. Protects: extra layer of protection internal layer and covers the organ

SM.c. Visceral layer

Tissue type Epithelium General overview:

Cell deepest cell anchored on a basement membrane

Gen. Feat.

Unique Feat. Properties determined by shape & determined by cell shape & layer.


Function forms boundary

Tissue type
functions for epithelium


Gen. Feat.

Unique Feat.


1. physical protection: Surfaceof skin protects against abrasion, friction,& infection. 2. secretion: Mucous membrane, serous membranes, glands, 3. absorption: Mucus mem 4. - food nutrition by GI. 5. Provide sensations: surface of tongue, surface of eyeball, surface nasal cavity. Specialized organs to respond to ordor,light.

Tissue type of P


General Features




functions for epithelium

5.Provide sensations: surface of tongue, surface of eyeball, surface nasal cavity. Specialized organs to respond to odors, light 6.Sexual reproduction: specialized epithelium such as sperm or ova are derived 4rm epithelial 1.physical Properties determined by the nature of intercellular nonliving material that matrix. (ex hard gooey) a.Matrix is based ground substance. Ground substance can be uid to semi-solid. Fibrous Proteins -collagen, elastin -can see light through it -has specic forms -bers made of semi liquid ground substance -broblasts(produce & sec elastin & collagen) -sticky lm cells look empty but they are lled with fat Like areolar but broblast soak up fat(lipid) to store jelly like. have broblast & macrophages but forming internal compartments?? spleen & liver. -sticky lm

Connective- most diverse (heterogeneous) cells are loosely associated because of matrix

1.Loose Connective TIssue

1a. Areolar


Stores energy

1c. reticular

Filtration: Remove old blood cells

2. Dense Connective Tissue

Tissue type of P 2a. Regular-


General Features broblast PARALLEL, dense collagen bers,tendons&ligaments same as areolar but with denser collagen. comprises thickest of___





3. Cartilage

chondrocytes (cartilage) glycoprotein is carb that is stiff but ex & resilient

3.1 Hyaline cartilage- is collagen ber 3.2 elastin cartilage- ber

glassy strong

ear epiglottis,knee joint, vertebral disc. stretchy, not parallels. cushiony like, goes in 1 direction osteocytes only in adult bones ground substance: calcium & phosphorus. bone CARTILAGE is Avascular & doesnt regenerate. Bond:vascular, living tissue, replaces every 6 years. Lacuna (black dots) are solid. bone is made of 90% calcium cushion, provides strength

3.3 brocartilage

4. Bone- cells are osteocytes that secrete collagen

Tissue type of P 5. blood

cell erythrocytes- red blood cells leukocytes white blood cell myeloid- red bone marrow that produces red blood cells

General Features blood is liquid, it has connective tissue. plasma is made of made of water. matrix; water & protein




general overview of con tissue

1. physical protection; protects us from trauma & provides support ex:bone 2. support&cushioning: cartilage provides support(ex 4 ear). subcutaneous adipose

3. connection & binding: tendons (bone to muscle) and ligament(bone 2 bone) 4. fat & mineral storage.bone stores minerals like calcium. adipose stores stores 5. production/removal of red blood cells: myeloid produces blood cells. reticular takes them out of circulation

3. Muscle

Tissue type of P 3.1 Skeletal


General Features striated (parallel) voluntary


Location motility






pumping blood




wall of visceral organ & wall of small intestine

squeezing action

4.nervous tissue

unable to reproduce in adults

produce electrical impulses for sensory & motor function

4.1. neurons-impulses generating cells

-impulses generating cells

4.2. neuroglia

- nerve supporting ells

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