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Paawon, Rey B.

BSED English 1-A

Readings in the Philippine History

Position Paper: Masaua or Limasawa

It has been a long argument to where really the first mass happened because according to other historians,
it happened at Masao, Butuan City while others say it was at Limasawa Island. Though the National
Historic Institute concluded that it was in Limasawa Island, some pro-Masauan and the people of Butuan
still insist that it happened in Masao, Butuan.
I agree that the first mass happened in Limasawa as it was accepted by the government and NHCP due to
having the most acceptable evidences. Of course, I do not know much about history but the fact that it was
widely accepted, then the majority votes is more believable. And even the government declared Limasawa
as a tourist zone in 1944 by President Ramos. It concludes that the evidences at Limasawa are far more
relevant than the evidences in Butuan. There may be some arguments proving that It was at Butuan
especially the fact that there are no golds at Limasawa, however, it doesn’t conclude and it wasn’t enough
to prove their arguments, especially that the government and the catholic church recognized it.
Another reason is that it may just be an assumption of some historians that the word ‘mazaua” is the place
now called Masaua at Butuan. Though according to Pigafetta, the word Limasawa was derived from the
word “mazaua’ which later on change to its official name. There may have misconceptions of the
informations, especially that the eyewitnesses only mentioned the word and the description of the place.
But still that the informations are more relevant to Limasawa according to experts. And of course, there is
the miscommunications that time because of different languages. I think there must be something like mis-
interpretations of the words and I’m even very confused how did the Spanish talks to the Filipinos with their
language gaps.
Lastly, historians who insist that it was just a misconception are said to be less relevant for the history
according to most, and they many believe that significant sources should be Pigafetta, Albo and Legazpi. I
am not saying they are non-credible because maybe their assumptions are true, but there is the fact that it
is not accepted by most professionals. I am not very sure of who really are reliable, but having the
government recognized that works of Pigafetta, I would not think any more arguments.
This unending argument sometimes really matters due to having two places of first mass site. Though, it is
already declared by law that Limasawa is the place, then that should end this debate for it will just waste
time and efforts.

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