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suggested that all matter was

composed of tiny indivisible particles,
Empedocles was a Greek philosopher who
which he called atoms. Joseph Proust found
is best known for his belief that all matter
that compounds always contain the same
was composed of four elements: fire, air,
proportion of elements by mass, regardless
water, and earth. Some have considered
of amount. This was later called the law of
him the inventor of rhetoric and the founder
definite proportions.
of the science of medicine in Italy.
Empedocles discovered air as a separate
substance. In his cosmology fire, air, water *formulated the atomic theory and proposed
and earth mingle and separate under the the law of multiple proportions.
compulsion of love and strife. He wrote a
poetic treatise 'On Nature'. It contained Dalton hypothesized that the law of
ideas that anticipated the ideas of evolution, conservation of mass and the law of definite
the circulation of the blood, and atmospheric proportions could be explained using the
pressure. idea of atoms. He proposed that all matter
is made of tiny indivisible particles
DEMOCRITUS (400 BC) called atoms, which he imagined as "solid,
massy, hard, impenetrable, movable
* proposed that all matter is made up of very
small particles called atom , which cannot be
divided into a smaller units. 1869 DMITRI MENDELEEV
Democritus believed that atoms were * arranged the known elements in a periodic
uniform, solid, hard, incompressible, and table based on their atomic mass.
indestructible and that they moved in
infinite numbers through empty space Dmitri Mendeleev devised the periodic
until stopped. Differences in atomic shape classification of the chemical elements,
and size determined the various properties in which the elements were arranged in
of matter. order of increasing atomic weight.

ARISTOTLE (380- 320 BC)

proposed that all matter was continuous and 1890 's ANTOINE BECQUEREL AND
can be further divided infinitely into smaller MARIE CURIE
pieces. * Observed that radioactivity causes some
Aristotle did not believe in the atomic theory atoms to break down spontaneously.
and he taught so otherwise. He thought Marie Curie became the first woman to be
that all materials on Earth were not made awarded the nobel prize and the first person
of atoms, but of the four elements, Earth, to obtain two nobel prizes when she won
Fire, Water, and Air. He believed all the prize for the discovery of Polonium and
substances were made of small amounts of Radium in 1911. Though it was Henri
these four elements of matter. Becquerel that discovered radioactivity, it
1799 JOSEPH PROUST was Marie Curie who coined the term.

* proposed the law of definite proportions. He conducted an experiment on uranium

salts, which he inherited from his
father. He hypothesized that the uranium
would absorb light and reemit it as x-
rays. He put the uranium on photographic
plates. He developed the plates and 1913 NIELS BOHR
observed that the uranium had, in fact, *Proposed an atomic model that shows
emitting radiation similar to x-rays. electrons move in concentric orbits around the
1895 WILHELM RONTGEN nucleus.

Wilhelm Röntgen when asked what he was In 1913, Niels Bohr proposed a theory for
thinking on November 8, 1895, at the the hydrogen atom, based on quantum
moment he discovered X-rays. His theory that some physical quantities only
investigations and the resulting paper, “On a take discrete values. Electrons move
New Kind of Rays,” took the world by storm, around a nucleus, but only in prescribed
revolutionized medicine, and earned him the orbits, and If electrons jump to a lower-
first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 energy orbit, the difference is sent out as
*discovered electrons * suggested the plum
pudding of the atom. *used X- rays spectra to study atomic
In 1897 Thomson discovered the electron
and then went on to propose a model for Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley 23
the structure of the atom. His work also November 1887 – 10 August 1915) was an
led to the invention of the mass English physicist, whose contribution to the
spectrograph. science of physics was the justification
from physical laws of the previous
1908-1917 ROBERT MILLIKAN empirical and chemical concept of the
atomic number
* found that the charge of an electron is equal
to - 1.6022 x 10 -19 C. 1919 ERNEST RUTHERFORD
His earliest major success was * discovered protons.
the accurate determination of the charge
carried by an electron, using the elegant In 1919, New Zealander Ernest Rutherford
“falling-drop method”; he also proved that reported on a series of experiments he had
this quantity was a constant for all electrons been conducting in Manchester. Rutherford
(1910), thus demonstrating the atomic found that nitrogen nuclei ejected what he
structure of electricity. suspected was "a hydrogen atom" when
bombarded with energetic α (alpha)
1910-1911 ERNEST RUTHERFORD particles. Subsequently, he named this
fundamental particle the proton.
* Observed that atoms are mostly empty
space. 1932 JAMES CHADWICK
Ernest Rutherford postulated the nuclear * discovered the neutrons
structure of the atom, discovered alpha
and beta rays, and proposed the laws of In 1932, Chadwick made a fundamental
radioactive decay. He received the Nobel discovery in the domain of nuclear science:
Prize in Chemistry in 1908. he proved the existence of neutrons –
elementary particles devoid of any electrical


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