Example of Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 2

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, or within the 45 mins. discussion the pupils are expected to:
Identify the addends and the sum of addition
Answer the addition by playing a game ‘’pick a marble’’.
Explain why we need math in our daily living.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Addition of Single Digit
B. References: Mathematics 2 p. 20-21
C. Materials used: Marbles, popsicle sticks, pupils, pictures, printed activity sheet.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Preliminaries
a. Prayer ‘’The students will pray’’
‘’Let us all stand up, bow our heads and let us pray’’. Amen…

b. Greetings
‘’Good morning my dear pupils / students’’
‘’ How are you today?’’ ‘’Good morning Ma’am’’
‘’ good then’’ ‘’It's good’’
‘’ I hope you are excited for today's lesson’’ ‘’YES Ma’am’’

c. Classroom Management
‘’ Before we start our lesson for today, could you
arrange your seats first and just sit in your own seat.’’
‘’ Thank you very much children’’ (The students will arrange their seats and back to
their own seats)
d. Attendance Check
‘’ When I call your name say present if you are
here ‘’
(27 Students are present and the 3 Students are
e. Review / Recall absent)
‘’ Before I start the new lesson. We will first have
some review about the previous lesson.’’
(All students are keep quiet)
‘’ Can you tell what math operation I discussed
‘’ Very good’’ ‘’SUBTRACTION Ma’am’’

‘’ I have a picture here of candies. And this picture

shows Subtraction, now I will mention every part of
it and whoever knows
could you come to the front here to point out the part
I mentioned.

(Student A stepped forward and pointed the

‘’Very good student A’’(Minuend)

(Student B also stepped forward and pointed the

‘’Also very good student c’’(Subtrahend)

(Student D pointed the Difference)

‘’Good job student d’’(Difference)

‘’ I have three picture here with the equation of

subtraction, so please raise your hand if you want to
answer or if you the answer’’

Student B

Answer 4

Student F


Student D

‘’Thank you Ma’am’’

‘’ Very good children’’

f. Motivation
Now children we will play a little.
I will group you into two, the teacher has marbles
here. (After 5 minutes the two groups are presenting their
I will give each of you 2 pieces of marbles. 20 pcs. Of marbles)
Then you will count them and put them together in
5 minutes.
And whoever is the first group to count how many
marbles they have is the winner.
(Each student have 2 marbles)
(Each group have 10 members)
‘’ 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 = 20 Marbles each

2. Analysis
(all student will answer)
‘’Children did you learn anything from the game we ‘’Yes Ma’am’’
made? ‘’

‘’Ok very good’’ ‘’How to count and add together’’

‘’What did you learn?’’

‘’ Correct ‘’

The operation that we apply to our activity just now

is a what we called ADDITION. Student B: ‘’ Addition is an operation used in math to
add numbers.’’
‘’ Does anyone know about the addition?

‘’ Ok very good’’

I have here a picture showing the parts of addition (The students will just listen quietly while the teacher
and how addition can solve. discusses about addition)

‘What is ADDITION?
-Addition is the process of adding two or more items
together. In math, addition is the method of
calculating the sum of two or more numbers.
-Addition is an operation used in math to add
-An addition statement can be split into the following
Addend: The numbers that are added are known as
the addends.
Addition Symbol: There is the addition symbol (+)
which is placed in between the addends. If the
statement is written horizontally as shown below,
then we place an equal to sign (=) just before the sum
is written.
Sum: The final result obtained after adding the
addends is known as the sum.

3. Abstraction / Generalization All students answer:

‘’ ADDITION Ma’am’’
-Class what is the Mathematical operation we
studied today? (ADDITION)

‘’ OK correct’’ ‘’Yes Ma’am’’

-Do you think we can use the addition in our daily
life or work?

‘’ Yes’’

-Addition and subtraction are useful for many

activities of everyday life, like setting the table,
making change at the supermarket, and playing some
games. Addition and subtraction prepare children for
learning about other math topics, including
multiplication and division, in school.
‘’Yes Ma’am’’
‘’ Understand children?’’

‘’ok good job’’

4. Application

‘’ I have a
picture of
fruits here, can you put them together using addition?

-The teacher will call row by row to ask the equation

of addition.

‘’Row 1 4 bananas + 2 bananas = ?

‘’good job row 1’’

‘’Row 2 5 cherries + 1 cherry = ?

‘’ very good row 2’’

‘’Row 3 3 pineapples + 3 pineapples = ?

‘’ correct row 3’’

‘’Row 4 2 water melons + 3 water melons =? Row 1: 6 bananas Ma’am

‘’ and also very good row 4’’

Row 2: 6 cherries Ma’am
Row 3: 6 pineapples Ma’am

Row 4: 5 watermelons Ma’am

IV. Evaluation
-Teacher distribute printed activity sheet.

Answer the following: Find the SUM

V. Assignment

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