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M. Teresa Carvalho1, Liliana Rosa 2, Paulo Simões3, Álvaro Costa4

CERENA, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001, Portugal
PIEP, Minho University, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Selenis Ambiente, Quinta de S. Vicente, E.N. 246, 7300-952 Portalegre, Portugal
Tratolixo, Avenida 5 de Junho, Trajouce, 2785 – 155 São Domingos de Rana, Portugal

Abstract: This paper describes a project under development in Portugal aiming the design
of a pilot plant that will be used in the mechanical separation of granulated plastics from
packaging waste. The objective of the project is to minimize or, if possible, to eliminate
the current practice of manual sorting. The flow-sheet will use mineral processing based
techniques, namely gravity concentration and froth flotation. The project also seeks the
development of a procedure for the quick and inexpensive analysis of plastics mixtures
allowing the future automation of equipment and process control. Copyright © 2007

Keywords: Environmental engineering, Waste treatment, Particulate processing,

Performance evaluation, Projects, Processing techniques, Plastics industry

must be intensified as, for 2011, a minimum of 60%

1. INTRODUCTION by weight of the total packaging waste and, at least,
22.5% by weight of plastics will have to be recycled.
In Portugal, which has almost 10 million inhabitants,
there are 29 entities responsible for the management In Portugal, packaging waste are disposed by citizens
of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) which are in drop-off-points and transported to sorting centers
controlled and supervised by the governmental where the objects are separated by material. Ferrous
National Waste Institute. These entities are metals are separated from the bulk of waste,
responsible for the waste collection, treatment, commonly, by magnetic separation while non ferrous
materials recovery and disposal. ones, mainly aluminum, are separated by
electromagnetic separation (based on Foucault
In what concerns packaging waste, the Green Dot currents).
System (SPV), an independent non profit-making
private entity, is responsible for receiving the The plastics used in packaging, in Portugal, are
packaging waste, sorted by material and guide it mainly Polyolefines, like Polypropylene (PP) and
towards the recycling industry. Polyethylene (PE), Polyethylene Terephthalate
(PET), Polystyrene (PS), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
In a recent study, Magrinho et al (2006) collected and polyurethane.
data from all the management systems and found
that, in 2002, of the 4 746 021tons of MSW In the sorting centers, the plastic objects are sorted,
generated only 3,4% were sorted in sorting centers. by polymer, manually. The remaining materials and
Portugal, being a member of the European Union, is the plastic objects that are too contaminated or too
obliged to satisfy its Directives, in particular the small to be manually separated are sent to landfill.
targets for packaging waste recovery and recycling. The mechanization of these processes is quite poor
and the automation almost inexistent.
According to SPV, in 2005, the global recycling rate
was 39%, and the recycling rates for plastics, paper SEMEC is a project that aims at the developing a
and cardboard, glass, metals and wood were 21, 53, flow-sheet for the mechanized separation of
34, 52 and 18%, respectively. These values satisfied granulated plastics. The partners of the project are
the targets for 2005. However, the recycling effort CERENA, a research center of Instituto Superior
Tecnico, the PIEP, a research center on polymers, at Table 2 Relative percentage of materials collected in
Minho University, Selenis-Ambiente, a PET a rural zone (Valnor) and in a urban one (Valorsul)
recycling company, and Tratolixo, one of the 29 (data supplied by SPV)
portuguese MSW management systems.
Valnor Valorsul
The project has 4 main parts: 1) characterization of tons 667 6 433
Paper & Cardboard
the composition of the mixtures of the drop-off- % 32.0 30.8
points for a period of two years; 2) bench scale tons 1137 13 339
separation tests using gravity separation techniques % 54.6 63.9
(mainly jigging and wet shaking table) and froth tons 245 795
flotation; 3) pilot scale tests, that will be ran in a % 11.8 3.8
plant erected purposely for this project and 4) tons 236 246
development of a method for the analysis of % 1.1 1.2
granulated mixtures of plastics. A feasibility study tons 10 51
will be undertaken, as well. % 0.5 0.2

2. PACKAGING DROP-OFF-POINTS There are some available data representing the

COMPOSITION composition of sorted waste. However, they are
based in different sources, different gathering,
The design of a processing plant must be based on sampling methods and procedures, being inadequate
reliable data of the composition of what is fed to that for plant design.
plant (average and variability) because the feed
composition has, generally, a strong effect on the SEMEC project includes a long term (2 years)
process efficiency and products purity and in the analysis of composition by material of waste deposed
equipment size. in the drop-off-centers that are collected in the
sorting center of Tratolixo.
The composition of packaging waste varies in time.
Table 1 presents data for 2004 and 2005. Tratolixo collects waste from the municipalities of
Oeiras, Cascais, Sintra and Mafra, in the region
west/northwest of Lisbon, which have circa 836 000
Table 1 Waste from drop-off-points collected in 2004 inhabitants, representing about 8% of the national
and 2005 and relative percentage (data supplied by population.
The composition analysis is based on the daily
2004 2005 sampling of waste arriving at the sorting center. The
tons 42 853 56 879 size of the sample that assures the desired
Paper & Cardboard
% 24.5 27.2 representativity with respect to the components was
tons 105 874 120 733 calculated using the MSW-Sampling software (Durão
% 60.6 57.8 et al, 2001) inspired in the sampling theory of Pierre
tons 10 791 15 452 Gy (1982). The chronological sequence will be
% 6.2 7.4 constructed and the average composition and
tons 14 173 14 534 variability as well as the trends will be determined.
% 8.1 7.0
tons 887 1 257
In what concerns plastics, for instance, the variation
of PVC gathered from 2003 to 2004 was 191.6% In MSW processing, mechanical separation processes
while the variation of PET was 43.3%. like screening, magnetic, and gravity separation,
techniques, developed in the field of mineral
The composition of waste can, as well, present a processing, are already used in large scale. However,
seasonal trend and it varies geographically with the most plastics are not yet mechanically separated due
standards of living and cultural habits. Rural to the similarity in their physical properties, namely
composition of waste is different from urban or specific gravity (see Table 3), being this a topic
commercial ones. Table 2 illustrates this by showing research today.
the relative percentage of the different materials
gathered in drop-off-points in two Portuguese The SEMEC project addresses the problem of the
management systems, one predominantly rural separation of granulated PP, PE, PET, PVC and PS.
(Valnor) and another predominantly urban (Valorsul)
in the year 2004.
Table 3 Specific weight and contact angle with water composition”1, i.e., relative percentage of occurrence
of plastics appearing in drop-off-points of each plastic in the drop-off-points waste
(calculated in a previous sampling study).
Polymer Specific weight Contact angle
range (g/cm3)1 with water(º)2 For each process, optimizing studies were performed
PE 0.910-0.965 88-103 to find out the feed characteristics and operating
PP 0.902-0.906 108 variables that led to the best results.
PS 1.05-1.10 86.3
PET 1.34-1.39 80-85 Table 4 to 6 show the best results obtained with the
PVC 1.35-1.45 84.6 three processes when mixtures of two plastics, from
virgin packages, with “real composition” were
source: Billmeyer, (1984) employed.
source: Fraunholcz (1997) Table 4 Best results obtained with mixtures of PET
and PVC

PET product (%) PET Grade PET Recovery

The separation of PE and PP from the other plastics Jigging 100 100
is, theoretically, simple using specific weight as Wet shaking Table 94 58
discriminate property. After granulation, the waste Froth Flotation 100 23
are washed in hot water with cleaning reagents.
Then, the particles feed a tank where they are
immersed in water. PE and PP float while the other Table 5 Best results obtained with mixtures of PET
plastics sink. and PS

In practice, this task is easy only apparently because PET product (%) PET Grade PET Recovery
if there are air bubbles present in the tank the Jigging 100 94
particles of denser plastics also float due to the fact Wet shaking Table 100 76
that plastics are highly hydrophobic (see table 3). Froth Flotation 100 61
Therefore, anti-frothing agents have to be used in
convenient concentration and the design of the tank
must be carefully done to assure a correct residence Table 6 Best results obtained with mixtures of PS and
time. PVC

The main problem, however, is the separation of PVC product (%) PVC Grade PVC Recovery
granulated mixtures of PET, PVC and PS in products Jigging - -
with high purity. Several researchers made Wet shaking Table 100 87
experimental work using mineral processing based Froth Flotation - -
techniques. Among the various published papers
some relevant are (Pascoe, 1999; Guern et al, 1997 In what concerns jigging, the results should be
and 1999; Shen et al, 1999; Drelich et al, 1998,1999 carefully analyzed. In fact, jigging, a gravity
2002a and 2002b, Marques et al, 2000). concentration process, is mainly dominated by
specific weight of materials but other properties like
In laboratory studies made by the team of the grain size and particle shape can play an important
SEMEC project (see, for example, Carvalho et al role, as well.
2006, Bártolo et al, 2003), with artificial samples of
mixed plastics, some promising results were As the specific weight of PET and PVC differed only
obtained. The processes employed were jigging, wet slightly and close size intervals were used, it seems
shaking table and froth flotation. that particle shape played a chief role in the
exceptional separation of these two plastics.
In the work carried out it was employed samples of Conversely, the separation between PS and PVC
“virgin” (received from the packaging industry) and could not be achieved. Moreover, Pascoe and Hou
“used” (received from the recycling industry) (1999) showed that the interfacial tension of
packages of PET, PVC and PS, shredded with polymers can play an important role in the behavior
maximum particle grain size was 5.6mm. The of plastics in gravity separation processes.
samples were classified by conventional screening
with square aperture openings 2 and 4mm, in three
size intervals: 0-2mm; 2-4mm and 4-5.6mm.

Mixtures of two and three plastics were arranged 1

with the following different composition: 1) equal 90%PET+10%PS
proportion of each plastic in mixture and 2) “real 60%PVC+40%PS
The application of froth flotation to the separation of This is what happens in the mineral processing which
plastics, namely PET and PVC, is being studied by is rarely performed in only one stage due to, among
many researchers. It is a complex process, potentially other reasons, the inefficiencies of the unit
applicable, but the results are strongly influenced by operations. Frequently, the adequate recovery of one
the feed characteristics and chemical environment. In mineral is achieved after processing on a very
the study performed, the reproducibility of results complex flow sheet with roughing (use of a moderate
was not always achieved and the separation of PS separating force to remove fully liberated particles),
from PVC was not reached. The evaluation of froth scavenging (use of strong separating force to remove
flotation applicability to the separation of plastics the remaining valuable species) and cleaning (use of
will be studied deeper in SEMEC project. a low separating force to upgrade the rougher
concentrate by removing misplaced non valuable
In what concerns wet shaking table it should be species material) operations. It is also common the
remembered that, unlike the other two processes, recirculation of the streams and materials regrinding
there is not a sharp boundary between products, within separation processes. Even when the species
being the splitting between products made to separate are fully liberated, multiple stages can be
empirically. This way, one can obtain a product with used.
higher grade in one of the plastics but with lower
recovery or vice versa. In the case presented in tables In SEMEC project the study continues with samples
4 to 6, grade was privileged. of real waste gathered in the sorting center of
The results obtained, when samples of “used” Tratolixo. In the first phase, bench scale tests will be
packages were employed, differed slightly from the carried out. This phase will end up with the flow-
ones presented in Tables 4 to 6, sometimes better, sheet build up.
sometimes worst results were attained. This shows
that this aspect must be explored deeper in the future. The following part of the project will be the
construction of the pilot plant based on the obtained
Tests conducted with mixtures of the three plastics flow-sheet and pilot scale testing and optimization.
were done only using wet shaking table. The For a proper decision, it is necessary to evaluate
experiments shown that the particles, when exiting alternative potential circuit arrangements.
the table deck, spread over part of the two edges of
the table. Three bands are formed with fuzzy
boundaries between them. Roughly, the three plastics 4. ANALYSIS OF PLASTICS IN
arrange themselves according mainly to their density: GRANULATED MIXTURES
PET mainly as the “heavy” product, PS as the
“lighter” one and PVC in between. It is not possible to evaluate the efficiency of
separation processes unless a convenient
It as concluded also that the results of the separation methodology for the analysis of the plastics in
are sensitive to feed characteristics and operating granulated mixtures is developed. This is mandatory,
conditions. The feed composition has a strong effect as well, for process control and automation purposes.
on the separation efficiency. When the PET grade in
feed is high (the case in the real waste composition) Contrary to what happens in the mineral processing
PET particles appear in all the bands. field, where quick and accurate analysis of products
grade is possible, there is not yet available, as far as
As mentioned before, it should be emphasized that the authors know, an adequate procedure to measure
cutters are empirically positioned according to the plastic grade in granulated mixtures of plastics.
purpose of the operation. If a clean/final concentrate
is desired, the cutters are positioned in order that a While this problem has not yet been solved, the
high grade of the valuable material is attained. common practice is the manual sorting of the
different polymers. Most of the experimental work
Conversely, the shaking table may have a roughing reported in the literature deal with mono-material
duty, that is, the aim of the operation is to maximize testing or tests with mixtures of plastics with
the recovery of the valuable material despite of the different color. After processing, the products are
concentrate grade (because it can be upgraded in a manually separated by color. The grade and recovery
subsequent stage of concentration). In this case the are then calculated.
cutters are, generally, positioned differently from the
former case. However, when dealing with real waste mixtures it is
not feasible to use this procedure because the same
One conclusion of the referred studies is that, for material can appear in different colors. In SEMEC
sure, if these processes are applicable, they will have project a quick and inexpensive procedure for the
to be used in more or less complex diagrams, with determination of the composition of plastic waste
roughing, scavenger and cleaning steps. mixtures will be developed. Different analytical
methods such as solubility, thermogravimetry and
infrared spectroscopy will be used.
Pascoe R. D. (2003). Sorting of plastics using
physical separation techniques. In: Proceedings
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