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Date: 04/24/2023
Lesson: Learning Force and its Types
Lesson Type: Conceptual
Grade: 7
Subject: Physical Science (Physics)
Timeline: Two 40-minute periods. We'll need additional time to ask students to demonstrate their work.

Standards: NCTM Standards

Instructional Objectives: Students will learn what force is, its effects, and its types. Also, they will understand
how to find the combined force with the graph method and how to calculate its amount. At the end of the
course, students will be able to show the force as a vector on the graph using (x, y) coordinates and calculate
the results of two different forces.
Materials: Depending on the size of your learning group,
- Paper
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Glue
-Small notice board (metal & A3 size)
- Permanent marker (red and blue)
- 4 magnets for each 3 or 4-person group
Introduction: Let's start the teaching with a little force song and write down some words on the board (2min)
then continue with a little live experiment. Let's choose two volunteer students and let them move from the
position they are standing at two different speeds in a way that will not harm them. Let's stop them while they
are moving. Let's ask why this is so. Then let's show it again with a few Gifs on the smart board.
With the answers given by the students, I will be able to see their preliminary information about the subject.
Already, students will have an idea about the subject after the song and live demo, notes on the board, and
Bell work: 1- Start by placing the students into groups of three to four for the collaborating option.
2- We want them to create a graph table consisting of 10 * 10 sections using the materials we left on
each team table, using the permanent marker and ruler on the notice board, and at the same time, let's create a
straight line that can extend and shorten from paper to show force(vector) and stick the magnets behind them.
9) Instructional Activities and Procedures:
*We will ask the groups to draw graphs consisting of equal squares on metal notice boards using the ruler with
the permanent marker you give them. Then we will ask them to form tiny rectangles out of paper, such as a
ruler of different sizes, which can interpenetrate like a Matroska, and attach the magnet to the largest rectangle
on the outside. Before we do this, we will show them one example and let them have an idea. In this process,
our students will have a curiosity about how we will use what we have done in the lesson, and they will focus
their attention on the course from the beginning of the lesson.

*We can teach more or less according to the level and abilities of our students. But besides this, it is necessary
to actively use methods that will appeal to all types of intelligence in the lesson.
-Stick a force-related cartoon in a place where students can easily see when entering the classroom will trigger
learning in students with transcendent spatial (visual) intelligence. I will have already included the subject in
their agenda at the beginning of the course.
-(5min) After ringing the bell and taking attendance, I will use the story method to tell my students how much
they know about the subject, using the story method, to reenact the beginning of a small event and ask them to
continue it with a verbal narration.) But this process should not exceed 5 minutes. (3 students are enough).
- As a continuation of this, I will ask them to interpret this funny story. I will give them little directions with the
questions I ask. And they will share their knowledge about the force with us. (In this process, I will include
students with dominant visual, kinesthetic, auditory, verbal, internal, and social intelligence.) The first 10
minutes of the course will be completed.
-One of them is 3+ 3 minutes of music and the other is about how the bee and the ant in nature use force and
vector actively in their struggle for life. In the meantime, I write down the important keywords on the board and
include the schematic method in the lesson. In this process, students with dominant musical and natural
intelligence are included in the lesson. (7min)
- In this part, the main lines of the subject will be explained from ppt on the smart board (definition, unit, formula,
examples from daily life, information about the types, conditions of the vector, the sum of the vector and its
calculation in the coordinate system and the solution) (15 min)
- In this part, each group is given mini-worksheets with 4 questions, and they will solve each question on the
coordinate system they have drawn before, they earn points if they solve it correctly under the control of the
teacher. 3 minutes are given for each question. The questions must be solved in the given time, if they solve
them late, they cannot earn points. The group that earns the most points eats their chocolate with pleasure.
This group work is completed in approximately 20 minutes. (since there is group interaction here, they learn
from their friends, practice vector drawing, and show the resultant vector on the coordinate) (20 min)
- In the last 5 minutes of the lesson, they solve the puzzle worksheet and write it on the board (individually). The
last repetition of the lesson is done.
*Students who have questions can make an appointment for recess or lunchtime and continue working with
*There are always extra questions in my workbox, depending on the group's request. When they solve it as a
group and bring it to me, they earn extra points.
* Note; My students prepare the coordinate system with a permanent marker in the first lesson of the week and
leave it to the group tables. Did they draw this during a lesson? Of course not, there is a 15-minute repeating
quiz on the previous week's topic, with 6 questions, and they do it in the remaining space after that. Because at
this time, I evaluate it this way because they have difficulty adapting to the lesson after the quiz. In other words,
students are prepared for this process before the topic of the week begins to be told.
10) Modifications:
Areas Where Students Have Difficulty
o Although your lesson planning is good, the student's low motivation in the previous lesson negatively affects
their adaptation to the new lesson.
o Some students cannot reach the subject in the given time because they have learning difficulties. Additional
time must be given.
o Some students' deficiencies in the mathematics course cause them to have difficulties in problem-solving in
the science course.
o Some students do not want to take an active role in group work. Follow-up should be regular.

Advanced Students:
-Some students find the questions very easy and they have free time, which causes them to get bored.
- Since some children are very smart, they try to solve all the questions themselves without giving their
bandmates a chance.
- Children who are smart or hardworking can be weak in group work. It is important to follow and guide them in
this regard.
11) Evaluation and Assessment:
Adaptation 1: Students need to learn some information about force very well. Therefore, in the last 5 minutes
of the lesson, I want them to prepare a fill-in-the-blank question from the important information and find the right
word in the puzzle. They repeat very important parts.
Adaptation 2: They solve the coordinate system-style questions that I solved on the board once again with
their team, and the next day, at the beginning of the lesson, a 2-question mini-quiz evaluation is made in 6 min
Adaptation 3: In the last lesson of the week, I let them summarize or diagram the topic they learned that week
with 10 different words. I tell them that I will not consider this an exam, but that I will give reward points to those
who do well, and I will evaluate what they have learned without stress.
Formative assessment:
- Lecturing and group work will activate the student's pre-knowledge about the concepts of force and finding a
resultant force (vector).
- They will learn what Vector and Scalar quantity is. Learning that the product of scalar and vector will be vector
or that the product of vector's product with vector will be scalar will make their work easier in the following units.
- They learn that the force is a vector, so it must have a starting point, direction, and amount, and that the F line
is indicated with an arrow on it.
- They will be able to add and subtract two or more forces and learn that they can reach the correct result in a
shorter time with the coordinate system.
Exit Ticket:
-At end of the lesson, they solve the puzzle worksheet (Fill in the blanks worksheet) and write it on the board
(individually). The last repetition of the lesson is done.
- I let them summarize or diagram the topic they learned that week with 10 different words. I tell them that I will
not consider this an exam, but that I will give reward points to those who do well, and I will evaluate what they
have learned without stress.

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