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Address: Huong My Village, Xuan My

Commune, Nghi Xuan District, Ha Tinh
Province, Vietnam
Hotline: 0901747799 / 0912027799
Growing cantaloupe in a greenhouse helps the plant to
isolate disease-causing insects. It isn't affected by the
unfavorable weather. In particular, the care process
does not use pesticides but only bio-organic fertilizers,
which should ensure safe products and reduce
production costs.
Xuan My used to be a land of clay camp with full of
reeds, now it has become a peaceful, poetic land with Thanks to the natural advantages of the region (grown
Hong Mountain, La River, My Duong Lake and fertile at the foot of Hong Mountain and irrigated with fresh
alluvial land, which are favorable conditions for the water from My Duong Lake), Nga Hai melon has a
development of fruit trees. Among them are the lush mild fragrance. Melon has a thin cot so it will be
green cantaloupe gardens planted with new technology. crispy and have a sweet taste when eaten. On average,
each melon when harvested weighs from 1 to 1.5 kg.
Despite the burning hot sun in Ha Tinh, The cantaloupe The time for each melon crop from planting to
garden of Nga Hai Cooperative, Xuan My commune, harvesting is about 3 months, if the rotation is good,
Nghi Xuan district is still green. This is also the first and people can grow 4 melon crops a year.
only greenhouse growing model in Ha Tinh that is
certified to meet VietGAP standards.
It is not easy to make products that meet the standards
At the beginning of 2018, after a period of researching accepted by the mayor because of the harsh weather in
and learning about methods, experiences in incubation, Ha Tinh. However, with his determination, Mr. Le Van
the cooperative officially put this model into production Binh, Director of Nga Hai Cooperative was determined
with 3 greenhouses with a total area of more than to learn, pursue and open a way to produce clean, quality
3,000m2, planting about 2,600-2,800 cantaloupe roots. products and ensure food safety.
Thanks to the application of growing melons in a high-
tech greenhouse and a drip irrigation system according to The hi-tech cantaloupe farming model is affirming the
Israeli technology, no matter how harsh the weather is, correctness in the development of clean agriculture. With
the melon garden of Nga Hai Cooperative is still green constant efforts in changing technology and expanding
and produces big, juicy fruits. The production of melons scale, the cooperative is confident to bring Nga Hai
here absolutely follows the strict process in accordance branded melon products to a wide range of domestic and
with VietGAP standards from the treatment of the foreign consumers.
greenhouse environment, seed incubation, watering to
the use of bees to pollinate flowers.

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