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Rosa Laura Gastelum Velásquez

Kasumy monserrath del valle Sánchez
This essay will deal with the use of vapers, methamphetamine / cocaine and
We will see that they are each of ezstos issues as well as they are harmful to
health and what diseases can cause as well as stop consuming them and that they
can cause the human being


The first issue is the use of vapers

What is vaping?
Vaping is inhaling the vapor created by an electronic cigarette or other vaping
How does vaping work?
Electronic cigarettes or vapers heat a liquid until it becomes a vapor that is
inhaled. Vaping liquid ("e-liquid") may contain nicotine or marijuana oil or distillate.
E-cigarettes can come loaded or refilled with cartridges containing the e-liquid.
Prefilled e-cigarettes (sometimes called "Puff Bars") are designed to be discarded
after use. After a certain number of inhalations, the user discards the device.
What are the health effects of vaping?
Health risks of vaping include the following:
Addiction: E-cigarettes contain nicotine, a drug that is highly addictive. You don't
need to vape every day to get addicted.
Anxiety and depression: Nicotine makes anxiety and depression worse. It also
affects memory, concentration, self-control, and attention, especially in developing
Becoming a smoker: People who vape are more likely to start smoking regular
cigarettes (tobacco) and are more likely to develop other addictions in the future.
Impotence: There is evidence that vaping can cause sexual dysfunction in men.
problemas para dormir
exposure to carcinogenic chemicals
bronquitis crónica
life-threatening lung damage
There may be other health effects that we are not yet aware of. Vaping hasn't been
around for so long, which is why not all the health risks are yet known.
Why should I quit?
An important reason to stop vaping is to want to be the best and healthiest version
of yourself. Here are a few more reasons:
Addiction: Addiction in a growing brain may establish neural pathways for
addictions to other substances in the future.
Risks to the brain: Nicotine affects brain development. This can make it harder for
you to learn and concentrate. Some of these brain changes are permanent and
can affect mood and impulse control as an adult..

Use of other tobacco products: Studies show that vaping makes it more likely that
a person will try other tobacco products, such as regular cigarettes, cigars,
hookahs, and smokeless tobacco.

Toxins (poisons): The vapor in e-cigarettes is not made of water. The vapor
contains harmful chemicals and very fine particles that are inhaled into the lungs
and then exhaled into the environment.

Sport: you want to give the best of yourself, but vaping can lead to lung

Money: vaping is expensive! The price of cartridges accumulates over time.

Instead of spending it vaping, you can spend all that money on other things you
need or enjoy.

Go against tobacco company advertising: Many e-cigarettes are made by the same
companies that sell ordinary cigarettes. Its advertising is designed for young
people, who appreciate new flavors, and shows young and healthy-looking people.
They are trying to turn you into a new customer for life.
How can I kick the habit of vaping?
Decide why you want to kick this habit and write it down or put it on your phone.
When you really want to vape, you can read those reasons.
Choose a day to stop vaping. You can mark it on the calendar and tell a
supportive family member or friend that you'll stop vaping that day. Get rid of all
vaping products.
Download tools (like apps and text messaging programs) to your phone that can
help with cravings and encourage you as you try to stop vaping. You can try the
following techniques: Truth Initiative's This Is Quitting texting program. Free apps
and other tolos
Understand what abstinence entails. Nicotine addiction causes an intense desire to
consume nicotine. It can also cause:
anger, or depression.
trouble concentrating
. difficulty sleeping
. Hunger. Restlessness.
Signs of withdrawal are strongest during the first few days after quitting.
And they get better in the days and weeks that follow.
Be prepared to deal with the feelings, people, and places that will make you feel
like vaping. If possible, avoid places and people that trigger the urge to vape. If you
really want to vape, try the following:
Chewing sugarless gum or drinking water.
Text, call, or go out with a supportive friend.
Listen to your favorite music
Go for a walk or run.
Try yoga or meditation.
Take 10 deep breaths.
Keeping your hands busy in a hobby, such as drawing or making jewelry.
Go to a place where smoking or vaping is prohibited.

Conclusion1: My conclusion is that vaping liquid ("e-liquid") may contain nicotine or

marijuana oil or distillate. After a certain number of inhalations, the user discards
the device. Addiction: E-cigarettes contain nicotine, a drug that is highly addictive.
Anxiety and depression: Nicotine makes anxiety and depression worse. There may
be other health effects that we are not yet aware of. An important reason to stop
vaping is to want to be the best and healthiest version of yourself. Risks to the
brain: Nicotine affects brain development.
Conclusion 2: My conclusion is that the liquid used in the vaper contains many
chemicals and these damage your body and your lungs too many people say that
smoking vaper is better than a cigarette but this is flso since the vaper contains
much more nicotine than a cigarette and has metals that are very harmful to your
lungs in the long term could give you respiratory problems or a stop respiratory.

The next topic is methamphetamine

What it is:
Methamphetamines are stimulants, a type of drug that keeps people awake and
active with less need for sleep.
These drugs are sold in pills, powder, or lumped crystals called ice or crystal. "Ice"
or "crystal" are the nicknames for methamphetamine when taken in crystal form; It
is a popular drug, especially among young adults and those who go to many
nightclubs and nightclubs.
Sometimes called:
Speed, uppers, meth, crystal meth, chalk, ice, glass, Christmas tree, crank
(especially when consumed by injection) in USA. It is Spanish, it is known as ice,
crystal, glass, chalk, meta, met and ampheta.
How to use:
Methamphetamine can be swallowed, smoked, or injected into a vein.
What it does:
Swallowed or snorted, methamphetamine gives the user a sharp high. The
injections create a strong but rapid high (known as a flash).
People who abuse methamphetamine feel brimming with energy. He believes the
drug will allow their bodies to go on and on functioning. But methamphetamine is
very harmful to the body and brain, especially when used repeatedly.
Its side effects include rapid breathing, irregular heart rate and high blood
pressure. Consumers complain of sweating, headaches, blurred vision, dry mouth,
hot flashes and dizziness. Since this drug usually reduces and even eliminates
appetite, it has been used as a dangerous dietary strategy for people to lose
weight quickly.
"Meth's mouth" is another added risk. Significant denture deterioration and gum
disease often cause teeth to break and fall out.
Long-term methamphetamine use can lead to brain damage, which can lead to
problems with memory and body movements, and can cause mood swings and
violent behavior.
When consumed in large doses, meth can cause dangerously high body
temperature, confusion, seizures (uncontrolled body movements), and even death.
Conclusion 1: My conclusion is that these drugs are sold in the form of pills,
powder or crystals in pieces, called ice or crystal. Speed, uppers, meth, crystal
meth, chalk, ice, glass, Christmas tree, crank (especially when used by injection) in
the USA It is Spanish, it is known as ice, crystal, glass, chalk, meta, met and
ampheta. Swallowed or snorted, methamphetamine gives the user a sharp high.
The injections create a strong but rapid high (known as a flash). People who abuse
methamphetamine feel brimming with energy. But methamphetamine is very
harmful to the body and brain, especially when used repeatedly. Its side effects
include rapid breathing, irregular heart rate and high blood pressure. "Meth's
mouth" is another added risk.
Conclusion 2: My conclusion is that methamphetamine when taken in crystal form;
It is a popular drug, especially among young adults and those who go to many
nightclubs and nightclubs. Significant denture deterioration and gum disease often
cause teeth to break and fall out. Long-term methamphetamine use can lead to
brain damage, which can lead to problems with memory and body movements, and
can cause mood swings and violent behavior.

The last topic to look at is Fentanyl

What is fentanyl?
Fentanyl is a synthetic (manufactured) opioid that doctors can prescribe to treat
pain. Fentanyl is also manufactured illegally and sold as a street drug. It is often
mixed with other street drugs (such as xylazine, heroin, or cocaine) to increase
their effects, make the drug more addictive, or reduce the cost.
Even in very small doses, fentanyl can be deadly.
What other names does fentanyl have?
Apache, Dance Fever, Goodfellas, Jackpot, Murder 8
How is fentanyl used?
Illegally manufactured fentanyl is available in liquid and powder form. It can be
made into pills, used as a nasal spray or eye drops, injected, or inserted into paper
or candy.
Sometimes, people don't know that the street drugs they use contain fentanyl.
They believe, from what they're told, that it's a brand-name drug (e.g., oxycodone)
when it's actually fentanyl. It is possible for these people to overdose because they
do not know how strong the drug is.
What is the effect of fentanyl?
Fentanyl gets someone high. It can also cause drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and
urine retention (not being able to urinate), slowed breathing, and even death.
Fentanyl is highly addictive. If someone tries to stop using it, they often develop
withdrawal symptoms, such as feelings of panic, insomnia, chills and heavy
sweats, muscle pain, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What else should I know about fentanyl?

Overdose deaths from synthetic opioids like fentanyl are a public health crisis in
the U.S. The new trend of mixing xylazine with fentanyl has made this crisis even
worse. The White House issued a statement calling xylazine laced with fentanyl an
"emerging threat" and is taking steps toward prevention, treatment and supply
Where can I get help?
If you or someone you know has a drug addiction, know that you can overcome the
addiction. Talk to a health care professional or check state or local health
department websites.j

Immediate effects Lethargy.

Breathing problems.
Loss of consciousness.
Excessive mood swings from enthusiasm to aggressiveness.
Changes in sleep habits.
Taking opioids even when you don't feel pain.
Tendency to manifest risky or thrill-seeking behaviors.
Withdrawal syndrome
Pain in muscles and bones.
Trouble sleeping.
Diarrhea and vomiting.
Chills with "goosebumps".
Uncontrollable movements of the legs.
Intense cravings to use the drug.
Hypoxia can occur, which can lead to a coma and cause permanent damage to the
brain, as well as death. Fentanyl Facts English (US) | Print facts about fentanyl
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100
times stronger than morphine. It is a major contributing factor to fatal and nonfatal
overdoses in the U.S.
There are two types of fentanyl: pharmaceutical fentanyl and illicitly manufactured
fentanyl. Both are considered synthetic opioids. Pharmaceutical fentanyl is
prescribed by doctors to treat severe pain, especially after an operation and in the
advanced stages of cancer.
Fentanyl is a 50x100 synthetic opioid
However, the most recent cases of fentanyl-related overdoses are linked to illicitly
manufactured fentanyl, which is distributed in illegal drug markets for its heroin-like
effect. It is frequently added to other drugs due to its extreme potency, which
makes the drugs cheaper, more potent, more addictive, and more dangerous.
Illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF) is available on the drug market in different
forms, including as a liquid and as a powder.
Fentanyl powder has the appearance of many other drugs.

It is frequently mixed with drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines,

and given pill forms that resemble other prescription opioids.
Drugs laced with fentanyl are extremely dangerous, and many people may not
know their drugs contain it.
In its liquid form, illicitly manufactured fentanyl can be found as a nasal spray, eye
drops, or applied in paper drops or small treats.
Illicit drugs do not come with a list of ingredients. Many contain deadly doses of
Apache Dance Fever Friend Goodfellas Jackpot Murder 8 Tango & Cash Fentanyl
and Overdoses Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids are the drugs most frequently
involved in overdose deaths.
It can be fatal even in small doses. More than 150 people die every day from
overdoses related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl.
The drugs may contain deadly levels of fentanyl, and you can't see, taste or
smell. It's nearly impossible to know if the drugs were laced with fentanyl, unless
you test your drugs with fentanyl test strips.
Test strips are inexpensive and usually give results in 5 minutes or less, which can
be the difference between life and death. Even if the test is negative, you should
use caution, as test strips may not detect more potent fentanyl-like drugs, such as
carfentanil. Signs of overdose Recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose can
save a life. Here are some things to look for: Small, constricted, pin-tip-like pupils
Falling asleep or losing consciousness Slow, weak, or no breathing Choking or
chirping sounds Sagging body Cold or clammy, clammy skin Spots on the skin
(especially on the lips and nails)
Conclusion 1: My conclusion from this topic is that fentanyl is a synthetic opioid
that is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. It
is a major contributing factor to fatal and nonfatal overdoses in the U.S. There are
two types of fentanyl: pharmaceutical fentanyl and illicitly manufactured fentanyl.
However, the most recent cases of fentanyl-related overdoses are linked to illicitly
manufactured fentanyl, which is distributed in illegal drug markets for its heroin-like
effect. It is frequently added to other drugs due to its extreme potency, which
makes the drugs cheaper, more potent, more addictive, and more dangerous.
Fentanyl powder has the appearance of many other drugs. Illicit drugs do not come
with a list of ingredients. Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids are the drugs most
frequently involved in overdose deaths. It can be fatal even in small doses. Drugs
can contain deadly levels of fentanyl, and you can't see, taste or smell. Test strips
are inexpensive and usually give results in 5 minutes or less, which can be the
difference between life and death. Recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose can
save a life. Here are some of the things to look out for:. Test strips are inexpensive
and usually give results in 5 minutes or less, which can be the difference between
life and death. Recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose can save a life. Here
are some of the things to look out for:. Test strips are inexpensive and usually give
results in 5 minutes or less, which can be the difference between life and death.
Recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose can save a life. Here are some of the
things to watch.

Conclusion 2: My conclusion is that some drugs may contain deadly levels of

fentanyl, and you cannot see, taste or smell it. They believe, from what they're told,
that it's a brand-name drug (e.g., oxycodone) when it's actually fentanyl. However,
the most recent cases of fentanyl-related overdoses are linked to illicitly
manufactured fentanyl, which is distributed in illegal drug markets for its heroin-like
effect. It is frequently added to other drugs due to its extreme potency, which
makes the drugs cheaper, more potent, more addictive, and more dangerous.

This would be all thank you very much for reading this and we hope that this
information will help you to know the risks of consuming this type of drugs
Better adopt animals to spend time consenting to something they like to do.

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