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Chapter-by-chapter Outline

Chapter 1 (Theo’s Point of View) 
The story opens with Theo having a chance encounter with Hope during a Business Conference.
During a networking session with a group of executives, Theo is assertive and forceful about a
particular point he’s trying to make, cutting off others to make the point. Hope, who is part of the
group, is revealed to get a wrong first impression of Theo, immediately disliking him (the dislike
is, however, expressed from her perspective when they meet again in Chapter 6).  
Chapter 2 (Hope’s Point of View) 
Hope receives the news of the imminent acquisition of her grandfather’s bank while she is busy
handling its bankruptcy, leading to her becoming apprehensive. As the CEO, it puts a huge
burden on her. While preparing herself for the possibility of losing her job, she ruminates over
how she could save the bank.  [I shall throw in here Hope’s mind going back to the last time she
was in church with her grandparents. But this will unfold through her consciousness.] This
works, long as we are talking about just a week to a few weeks ago. [Noted, please]

Chapter 3 (Theo’s Point of View) 

Theo is seen at Riviera Bank with his team to commence the acquisition process of the bank.
This is roughly a week after his father had given his blessing to the takeover officially. It is
Theo’s responsibility as the CEO OF Kostas Banking Corporation to oversee the acquisition and
he’s determined to ensure a smooth process.  

Chapter 4 (Hope’s Point of View) 

Hope holds a meeting with her team to discuss Riviera Bank’s options and develop strategies to
prevent the takeover. The majority of her team members point out that their chances are slim but
Hope is headstrong, believing that there has to be a way out. She also reflects on her childhood
and how her grandparents raised her after being abandoned by her parents.  

Chapter 5 (Theo’s Point of View) 

Theo and his team are in a conference room to have an introductory meeting with Hope Rivera
and her team. While waiting, he engages in a conversation with his legal representative while
also contemplating his life, feeling a sense of loneliness despite his wealthy background and
personal success. 
Chapter 6 (Hope’s Point of View)
Hope and Theo meet, surprised that after their cold encounter earlier they could meet again in
these circumstances. Hope had hoped the meeting could give her Bank a good soft landing. All
immediately seemed bleak.  

Chapter 7 (Theo’s Point of View) 

Theo watches Hope demand that he explain his plans for the bank and the employees after the
takeover. This led to an argument with a few of the members of the opposing teams also lending
their voices. Eventually, they agreed not to lay off the employees. 
Chapter 8 (Hope’s Point of View) 
Hope is at home, contemplating the consequences of the takeover [and making plans to go to a
soup kitchen]. She is intrigued by Theo’s eventual compromise, and how other good traits of his
started becoming evident thereafter. [While helping out at the soup kitchen], she slowly gets a
sense that the bank may not be falling into the wrong hands after all.
Chapter 9 (Theo’s Point of View)  
Theo meets with Niko, his best friend to catch up and shares his growing feelings for Hope. He
finds Hope’s intelligence and dedication to her bank impressive. He had started to see her in a
different light and began to get drawn to her despite the earlier hostility. [Theo also reflects with
Niko on the intimate moment (a spontaneous kiss) he had with Hope. The setting for this
intimate encounter is psychological and will unfold in this chapter, please.] Have the scene in
this chapter and have him talk about it with Niko, if this what you mean, that is great.

[Yes, that’s what I mean.]

Chapter 10 (Hope’s Point of View) 
During a hangout, Hope confides in a friend of hers about the encounter with Theo. She also
begins to have romantic feelings for him but fights them off as she sees him as the enemy. She
would call her friend and confess her feelings for Theo to her Gets encouragement from her to
take a chance on love. Where are the romantic feelings coming from when we haven't seen a
romantic encounter between them, there is no mention of them having an intimate moment, a
shared kiss, nothing of that nature. [Details will be provided subtly in Chapter 9]
Chapter 11 (Theo’s Point of View) 
Theo takes Hope out for lunch to discuss the takeover and iron out their differences. From their
interaction, Theo begins to grasp Hope’s motivation, especially her love for her bank, and
notices he is developing feelings for her. He asks to take on a boat cruise to get to know each
other, though it took some convincing for Hope to agree. They should have already had a
lunch/dinner meeting or an 'outside of work environment' chance to meet privately. [Yes, I will
address this in Chapter 9, please]
Chapter 12 (Hope’s Point of View) 
They go on a boat ride, something else, keep in mind the Theo is a Billionaire, let's be more
exotic or at least more lavish. learn more about each other and finalize plans to make the merger
work for both companies. They also acknowledge their feelings for each other. 

Alternative: Theo takes her out in a private jet to a nearby exotic Island for the whole day. They
go snorkeling, relaxed on the beach, and have a private dinner. These provide them ample time
to learn more about each other and finalize plans to make the acquisition work for both
companies [Just thinking, the acquisition could end up being a merger of sort because of their
new relationship. Will allow this thought to stay with me for a while. What do you think?] This
sounds great
Chapter 13 (Theo’s Point of View) 
But then, Theo’s mother Lydia suddenly comes up and threatens to ruin the brewing relationship.
Hope’s father was Lydia’s first love who broke her heart in their teenage days. She had since
never forgiven him even after many years have passed. She swore his son would never have
anything to do with his daughter.  None of this can work, Theo's mother Lydia is Greek and has
been living in Greece all her life until after her son Sebastian death, as mentioned before Theo
and Hope would have never knew each other prior, that includes not putting their family in any
association with each other prior to this take over.

Alternative: But then, Theo’s mother Lydia suddenly comes up and threatens to ruin the brewing
relationship. Lydia is fixated on a lady [a niece of her best friend] Theo's mom best friend is
Niko's mom, Niko has no sisters. that Theo once dated and had desired him to marry. Since that
time, Lydia sees the lady as a better match for just about every other lady he is involved with.
This creates a tension between Lydia and Theo. The lady can be someone else though.

[Okay I will make it a random lady, whose qualities (especially her deep understanding of the
Scripture or something else that will think of) Lydia likes and believes are best for her son. Don’t
worry, I’ve got this.]
Chapter 14 (Hope’s Point of View) 
The tension also affects the relationship between Hope and Theo. Hope becomes disillusioned
with Theo when she learns about his mother's shenanigans. She confronts him about his loyalty
and decides to end their relationship. 
Chapter 15 (Theo’s Point of View) 
Theo realizes the depth of his feelings for Hope and is determined to make things right. He
confronts his mother and makes a promise to always put his love for Hope first.
Chapter 16 (Hope’s Point of View)
Theo’s actions surprise Hope who becomes convinced that he truly loves her. She watches his
proposal to her and happily accepts. They share a passionate kiss and imagined a future together.
Chapter 17 (Theo’s Point of View)
Theo and Hope marry. The story ends with a snapshot of Theo and Hope’s wedding. 

First 500 Words

Theo had never been one for business conferences. He saw them as tedious, long-winded, and
filled with people spouting off about their latest products or services as though they were cures
for terminal diseases. But here he was, standing in an overcrowded conference room with
hundreds of other professionals from different industries, all jostling for space and trying to
make connections.

Connections. This was perhaps the only thing he found meaningful about conferences. He had
stepped away from a certain boring presentation and moved close to a cluster of people who
were nodding and laughing at something one of them said. As he got closer, he could see the
source of the laughter, a petite lady in a tailored black suit and white blouse. He tucked himself
into the group comprising three male and two female corporate executives.

“That’s so ridiculous. What’s next? Using kale for collateral for a loan?” One of the men said,
sending others into a paroxysm of laughter.

“Hey, don’t knock it till you try it. But in all seriousness, we have not moved away from the real
trend. Digital banking and online services,” the lady said.

“Oh, right. That makes more sense,” another lady said.

“Yeah, avocado toast as currency is a way more interesting topic to talk about,” the lady said,
laughing with the others before continuing, “I do not think I can get tired of advocating for
digital banking and online services as top priorityies with every opportunity I get.”

Theo, who had silently observed the conversation, decided to interject, “I couldn’t agree more.
The world’s gravitation towards full digitalization is super fast. But I love that we are all on
turbo speed to keep up with the trend. As much as we try to retain some of the tenets of the
traditional banking system, it will eventually become completely out-of-date.” He had spoken
forcefully, cutting off the lady in the black suit.

The lady appeared taken aback by Theo’s interruption. The group fell silent, enthralled by his
composed demeanor and sound mind. Just as he completed his thought process, he immediately
realized his mistake and attempted to backtrack, “Pardon me, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.
Please continue.”
He watched the lady roll her eyes. The damage had already been done, as the lady in the black
suit, had gotten a wrong first impression of Theo. She found him too assertive and forceful, and
she didn’t appreciate being interrupted.

“Excuse me,” She said and left the group to join another cluster of people. Theo could discern
her features more closely. She was five feet seven, probably in her mid-thirties. While she
decided to distance herself from the group, Theo could not help but feel drawn to her.

He contemplated the idea of finding ways to make it up to her. She had made an impression on
him, and he couldn't quite put his finger on why. Perhaps it was her admiration for her sense of
humor and obvious intelligence.

Theo’s interest in the lady slowly waned after a while. He reminded himself that the brief
encounter with her was by chance. The probability of seeing her again was marginal unless he
decided to engage her again before the conference ended. But he had a lot more important things
to focus on, one of which was his phone call scheduled with his father the next day.

I like this version of chapter 1 so much better! There was really nothing to be changed out thus

Some things I didn't see from the PDF I sent you or from the conversation we had, that need to
be in the book here and there:

1. Mentions of Hope faith here and there, opportunities to show her and her grandparents going
to church, to see Hope saying quick personal prayer for example, Lord, help me to make the right
decision. [I have inserted this in Chapter 3 outline above. Kindly note our desire for Hope’s
character and back story will only unfold in bits and pieces as I craft the story.]

2. No mention of Hope going to a soup kitchen to help out, or any of her likes. I have given a
very detail information PDF of these main characters, I expect to see their characteristics, likes
and dislikes in the book here and there. [Yes, all of the information had been noted. I Plan to
incorporate them in the story as it unfolds. This space is rather short to accommodate all that. If
you noticed, my first 500 page introduces Hope without a mention of her name. This is
deliberate. Readers will meet her in Chapter 3 but will also learn more about her as time goes

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