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A Self-learning Module for BS Criminology



Prepared By: Marie Fe F. Buscayno RCRIM.

Instructor 1
Fire is useful in man’s existence in planet Earth. Every human used fire to warm
themselves, cook food, and frighten away predators. Sitting around a fire may have helped
unite and strengthen family groups and speed the evolution of early society. Fire enabled
our human ancestors to travel out of warm, equatorial regions and, eventually spread
throughout the world. But fire also posed great risks and challenges of controlling fire, the
greater challenge of starting a fire, and the threat of wildfires. This subject attempt to
awaken the awareness on individuals the cause and effects of fire in their lives.

The course deals with the study of fire technology and the investigation of arson
which includes the understanding of the nature of fire, Fire Fighting Equipment and
Extinguishing Agents, Fire Safety Construction and Inspection, Fire Investigation and Legal
aspects of Fire. The subject matter includes the analysis of the chemical and physical
properties of fire and combustible materials, heat energy and oxidation and combustion
process. It is also incorporated the study of the origin of fire, theory of fire. Likewise , it
focuses on fire investigation and the role of firefighters during fire suppression and
investigation, the study of Fire and Building Codes, and law on destructive arson including
arson investigation and evidence.

 Fire in Legend
 Fire in Religion
 Prehistoric Uses of Fire
 Early Means of Producing Fire
 Two Methods of Producing Fire
 Modern Users of Fire
 Fire
 Elements of Fire
 Fire triangle
 Fuel
 Classification of Combustible Materials
 General Categories of Fuels
 Three phases of fire
 Based on Cause
 Based on burning fuel (4 Classes of Fire)
 Extinguishing Agent
 Physical Properties of matter related with fires
 Chemical Properties of Fire
 Combustion Products
 Types of flames According to color and completeness of combustion
 Types of flames According to burning fuel and air mixture
 Types of flames Based on smoothness
 Two Basic Modes of Fire
Chapter 3: Fire Behavior
 Thermal Balance and Thermal Imbalance
 Heat Sources
 Temperature
 Thermometer
 Temperature Scales
 Transfer of Heat/Methods of Heat Transfer
 Dangerous/Fatal Behavior of Fire
Module 3: Fire Extinguishment
 Fire Extinguishment Theory
 Fire Extinguishers
 General Guidelines for Using a Fire Extinguisher
 Extinguishing Agent
 Types of Extinguishing Agent
Module 4: Fire Hose and its Parts
Module 5: Fire Fighting Equipment
 Fire Trucks
 Types of fire trucks
 Fire Engines
 Ladder Trucks
 Kinds of Ladder Trucks
 Rescue Trucks
Module 6: Fire Ladder
 Fire Investigation
 Basic Methods of a Fire Investigation
 Personnel who are Qualified to Investigates Fires
 Role of the Fire Investigator
CHAPTER 5 – Legal Aspects of Fire
 Republic Act No. 6975
 Act No. 3815 (Revised Penal Code)
 Presidential Decree No. 1613 – Amending the laws on Arson
CHAPTER 6 – The Investigation of Fire

 Arson
 What constitutes Arson?
 The Basis of Criminal Liability in Arson
 Special aggravating circumstance in Arson
 Prima-facie evidence of arson
 Basic Lines of Inquiry in Arson Investigation
 Point of origin
 Motives of Arsonist
 Types of Pyromaniac
 Prime Suspects
 The Tell-tale signs of Arson

Take Note: The requirements that you have to comply in order to evaluate your
completion of this course are the following:



Assignment 20%
(Oral presentation, Reflective Writing, Reflective Essay and etc.)
Quiz 40%
Midterm Exam 40%

Assignment 10%
(Oral presentation, Reflective Writing, Reflective Essay and etc.)
Quiz 40%
Final Exam 50%

Credit Grade = (Midterm Grade*.40 + Final Term Grade*.60) = 100%

Take Note: Your work shall be rated at the end of each term in accordance with the Grading
System documented in the Tarlac State University Student Manual.
1.0 Excellent
1.25 - 1.5 Very Good
1.75 - 2.0 Good
2.25 - 2.5 Satisfactory
3.75 - 3.0 Passing
4.0 Conditional Failure
5.0 Failing
INC Incomplete


1. Ask your instructor what type of information they'll include on exams. Taking good
notes is much easier if you know what's important. Each instructor has their own way of
designing their exams, so you may need to change up your note taking strategy to fit their
assessments. This information may also be included on the syllabus.
2. Write down important information from your teacher and textbook. It may feel
redundant to take notes, since the information is in front of you. However, you’ll soon
forget the facts and dates if you don’t write them down straight away. The same goes for
when you’re reading the assigned text(s) for the course/class. So, keep a notebook
dedicated to classes, and aim to take at least 1 page of notes per chapter read or 30
minutes of lecture you've sat through. For example, you may not need to write down
Abraham Lincoln’s exact height. But, you should jot down the dates of the Civil War and
the date of the Gettysburg Address, for example.
3. Organize your notes chronologically. Maintaining that chronology in the notes that
you take while reading will help you organize the information you receive. Always jot down
the date of events in your notes and try to keep things sequential.
4. Write down connections between the chronological notes you take. Studying history
can often feel like you’re memorizing a bunch of disconnected dates, names, and places.
Avoid this by making the connections explicit in the notes that you take. Then, when you’re
preparing for a test or essay, you’ll be able to draw on these connections and contextualize
historical events.
5. Ask your instructor about any information you didn’t understand. Sometimes
students feel embarrassed to ask their teacher questions, but there’s no reason to feel that
way. If you’re confused about a point in the lecture or are struggling to remember any
dates, names, or places, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher after class. Or, send your
teacher an inquiring email that night.
6. Reading is Not Studying
Simply reading and re – reading texts or notes is not actively engaging in the material. It is
simply re – reading your notes. Only ‘doing’ the readings for class is not studying. It is
simply doing the reading for class. Re – reading leads to quick forgetting.
Think of reading as an important part of pre – studying, but learning information
requires actively engaging in the material. (Edwards, et al. 2014)
Active engagement is the process of constructing meaning from text that involves making
connections to lectures, forming examples, and regulating your own learning. (Davis, 2007)
Active studying does not mean highlighting or underlining text, re – reading, or rote
memorization. Though these activities may help to keep you engaged in the task, they are
not considered active studying techniques and are weakly related to improved learning.
(Mackenzie, 1994)
7. Ideas for Active Studying
a. Create a study guide by topic. Formulate questions and problems and write complete
answers. Create your own quiz.
Become a teacher. Say the information aloud in your own words as if you are the instructor
and teaching the concepts to a class.
b. Derive examples that relate to your own experiences.
Create concept maps or diagrams that explain the material.
Develop symbols that represent concepts.
c. Figure out the big ideas so you can explain, contrast, and re-evaluate them.
d. Work the problems and explain the steps and why they work.
e. Study in terms of question, evidence, and conclusion: What is the question posed by the
instructor/author? What is the evidence that they present? What is the conclusion?
f. Organization and planning will help you to actively study for your courses. When
studying for a test, organize your materials first and then begin your active reviewing by
topic. (Newport, 2007)
g. Often subtopics are provided on the syllabi. Use them as a guide to help organize your
materials. For example, gather all of the materials for one topic (e.g., PowerPoint notes, text
book notes, articles, homework, etc.) and put them together in a pile. Label each pile with
the topic and study by topics. The Learning Center (2020)


The learning objectives include the following;

1. To be able to use a variety of brainstorming techniques to generate novel ideas of value
to solve problems;
2. To have sufficient mastery of one or more media to complete the technical and formal
challenges pertinent to a body of original work;
3. To be able to clearly communicate the content and context of their work visually, orally
and in writing;
4. To develop behaviors such as curiosity, initiative, and persistence that will help them
engage with the world in productive ways. Students will be able to work independently or
collaboratively to achieve stated goals;
5. To know and understand significant aspects of the history; the nature; and
6. To understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and
consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and use them to make connections,
draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame historically – valid questions and create their own
structured accounts, including written narratives and analyses;
7. To understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used
rigorously to make historical claims, and discern how and why contrasting arguments and
interpretations of the past have been constructed;
8. To gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts,
understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history;
between cultural, economic, military, political, religious and social history; and between
short – term and long – term timescales;
9. To develop a better understanding of their own role;
10. To become more familiar with the concepts of interdependence, development,
11. and to think critically.


Every human used fire to warm themselves, cook food, and frighten away predators. Sitting
around a fire may have helped unite and strengthen family groups and speed the evolution
of early society. Fire enabled our human ancestors to travel out of warm, equatorial regions
and, eventually spread throughout the world. But fire also posed great risks and challenges
of controlling fire, the greater challenge of starting a fire, and the threat of wildfires.

As early civilizations developed, people discovered more uses of fire. They used fire to
provide light, to make better tools, and as weapon in times of war. Early regions often
included fire as part of their rituals, reflecting its importance to society. Early myths
focused on fire’s power.
Fire in Legend
 In Persian Literature- Fire discovered during a fight of hero with a dragon. A stone
that the hero used as weapon missed the monster and struck a rock. Lights show
forth and human beings saw fire for the first time.

Fire in Religion - Fire has played a central role in religion. It has been used as God (for
example the Indo – Iranian Agni) and recognized as a symbol of home and family (the heart
fire) in many cultures.
 The temple of Vesta in Rome was an outstanding example of the importance of
fire to the Romans.
Vesta - Roman goddess of the earth
 In Greek Mythology, PROMETHEUS was bestowed with godlike powers when he
stole the god’s fire to give it to humanity.

Uses of Fire

Prehistoric Uses of Fire

1. Hunter gatherers (people who lived by hunting and gathering wild food) made use of
fire so that they can remain active after the sun set protect themselves from
predators, warm themselves, cook and make better tools.
2. Source of light by taking advantage of the glow of wood-burning fires to continue
their activities after dark and inside their dwelling
3. Enabled people to make better weapon and tools.
4. People learned to control fire by blowing at it through reed pipes. Then they used
this technique to burn hollows in logs to create cradles, bowls and canoes.

Early Means of Producing Fire

• Two Sticks – one of the oldest methods of starting fires consists of rubbing two
sticks together. The rubbing creates friction between the sticks, and the friction
generates heat. This heat eventually causes the wood to ignite.
• Hand Drill – the hand drill is a more efficient method of rubbing two pieces of wood
together. Rapidly spinning a stick of wood against another piece of wood can generate
enough friction and heat to cause the wood to ignite.
• Striking flint – another ancient method of starting fires consists of striking flint
against another flint to produce sparks.
• Magnifying Glass – the magnifying glass focuses the sunlight on tinder, and the
energy of the sunlight heats the tinder until it ignites.


1. Friction Method – Friction increases the temperature of a combustible material from

kindling to ignition temperature.
2. Percussion Method – This method generates a spark to set kindling a fire.

Fire may also be generated by using a lens or curved reflector to focus and converge
the rays of the sun on combustible material.

Modern Uses of Fire

1. Used in appliances that relies on fire to operate

2. Used to supplement main heating system in their homes
3. Used over campfires
4. Used in incinerators to destroy garbage
5. Used to manufacture products and dispose of waste
6. Fire also heat large boilers to generate steam which then powers large turbines
7. Used in power plants to generate electricity
8. Used as a weapon in times of war



It is a result of rapid chemical reaction between a fuel, heat and oxygen.

It defined as the heat and light that comes from burning substances, produced by the
combustion of substances. It is the manifestation of rapid chemical reaction
occurring between a combustible matter and an oxidizer.
Take Note: Burning is also called combustion.
Fire is the common term of the burning process – the combustion of a fuel.
Combustion involves rapid oxidation.

Combustion vs Fire
 Combustion is a chemical reaction involving combustible materials and an
oxidizing agent producing heat or energy.
 Fire is the chemical reaction producing energy in the form of heat, light and
The difference:
With combustion, the released energy stays in the reaction to continue it.
With Fire, energy is dissipated as light and heat. It is a self-sustaining oxidation
process accompanied by the release of heat and light.

Combustion vs Oxidation
Oxidation is when a substance reacts with oxygen.
Combustion involves burning to get a substance to react with oxygen.
 Rapid oxidation of material is chemically termed as combustion.

Elements of Fire

The theory of fire states that to produce fire, three (3) things or conditions must exist:
1. Heat – a form of energy generated by the transmission of some other form of
energy, as in combustion or burning (ignition temperature)
Heat Sources:
o Open Flame
o Electrical circuit
o Sparks
o All sources of ignition

2. Fuel – combustible matter (organic material, hydrocarbons)

3. Oxidizing agent – the common oxidizing agent is oxygen- a colorless, odorless
gas and one of the compositions of air which is approximately 21% by volume.
Oxygen Sources: Oxygen Requirements:
a. 21% of normal oxygen a. 12% - no fire
b. 78% of nitrogen b. 14% - flashpoint
c. 1% of other gases c. 21% - fire point
Figure 1

Fire Triangle

A geometrical figure that diagrams the relationship of the three elements of fire.
Three elements of fire is commonly known as FIRE TRIANGLE.
Fuel + Oxygen + Heat Source = Combustion

 If any of the elements are not available, the combustion does not take place.
Normally, oxygen is supplied by air, ignition temperature can be provided by the
ignition device (like flame), and any combustible material (usually organic matter)
burns on being heated by the ignition device. Most combustible materials burn in
gaseous state only.

 If there is sufficient supply of oxygen, there is rapid oxidation resulting to complete

combustion. If the supply of oxygen and vaporization of a matter is sufficient
combustion is accompanied by heat and light. If there is insufficient supply of
oxygen, there is smoldering fire, no flames are manifested.

 To burn a fuel, its temperature must be raised (increased) until ignition point is
reached. Thus, before a combustible material starts to burn or before it can be
ignited, it has to be exposed to a certain degree of temperature. When the
temperature of a substance is very high, it releases highly combustible vapors known
as “free radicals”.

 The most important part of the triangle, because fuel is what burns.
 It comes in three form as solid, liquid or gas.

Fuel Sources:
1. Solid – molecules are closely packed together.
2. Liquid – molecules are loosely packed.
3. Gas – molecules are free to moved.

Classification of Combustible Materials

1. Class A Fuels
Ordinary combustible materials that are usually made of organic substances
such as wood and wood-based products.

It includes some of those synthetic and/or inorganic materials like rubber,

leather,, and plastics.

2. Class B Fuels
Materials which are in form of flammable liquids such as alcohol, acidic
substances oil and other chemicals such those liquid petroleum products.

3. Class C Fuels
Normally fire resistant materials

Materials used in electric wiring and other electrical appliances

4. Class D Fuels
Combustible metallic substances such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium,
sodium and potassium

5. Class E Fuels
Combustible gas such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and

General Categories of Fuels

1. Solid fuels – include organic or inorganic natural or synthetic, and metallic solid
materials such as woods, fibers and plastics.
o Wood and wood-based products.
Factors affecting ignition and burning of woods
• Physical form
• Moisture content- water content
• Heat conductivity
• Rate and period of heating
• Rate of combustion
• Ignition of temperature

o Fibers and Textiles – are the second type of solid fuels

Classification of fibers
Natural Fibers

1. From plants- cellulose fibers

-Coir (coconut fiber)
-pulp (wood fiber)

2. From animals
-wool, silk, leather

3. From minerals

Synthetic or Artificial Fibers

 Organic fibers
-non-cellulose fibers (rayon)

 Inorganic fibers
-fiberglass, steel

o Plastics – These are included as ordinary fuels under class A except

those materials composed of or containing “cellulose nitrate”. 

NOTE: Cellulose Nitrate is a chemical (powder) used in bombs.

Characteristics of plastics
a. primary composed of organic substances with high molecular weight
b. solid in finished state
c. initially in a liquid form or gel-like state but they are molded or cast through
the application of heat, pressure or both.

2. Liquid Fuels – The most common liquid fuels are kerosene, gasoline, oil-based
products, and other volatile products.

 It is also called crude oil, ranges from clear yellow-brown oils to thick, black tars.
• Some crude oil is burned as fuel in stoves and boilers without processing.
• Most petroleum is refined to produce such fuels as gasoline, diesel oil, and kerosene.
 It is used to provide energy for most motor vehicles and piston-engine airplanes. 

Diesel Oil
 Powers most trains, ships, and large trucks. 

 Provides energy for jet planes. 

Distillate Oils
 These are light oils, which are used chiefly to heat homes and small buildings. 

Residual Oils
 Heavy, thick oils.
 They provide energy to power utilities, factories, and large ships.
 They are also used to heat large buildings.

Classification of liquid fuels

a. Flammable liquids – it refers to any liquid having a flashpoint below 37.8 °C
b. Combustible liquids – it refers to any liquid having a flashpoint at or above 37.8 °C

Classification of liquid fuels Flash point Examples

below diethyl ether,

Hazard classification for below 73°F
100°F pentane, ligroin,
flammable liquids (23°C)
(38°C) petroleum ether

diesel fuel, motor

Hazard classification for 101-140°F
---- oil, kerosene,
combustible liquids (39-60°C)
cleaning solvents

Note: Technically speaking, flammable and combustible liquid will not cause fire. It is the
vapors they produce which burn or explode when exposed to air under the influence of heat.
Gasoline is most widely used flammable liquid.

3. Gas Fuels

It includes natural and manufactured gases.

Such fuels flow easily through pipes and are used to provide energy for homes, businesses
and industries.

Characteristics of Gas Fuel

1. Matters that has no definite volume and no definite shape.

2. It is composed of very tiny particles (molecules) at constant random motion in a
straight line.
3. Gas molecules collide against one another and against the wall of the container
and are relatively far from one another.

Classification of Gases

A. Based on Source

1. Natural Gas
Gas used to heat buildings, cook food, and provide energy for industries. It consists chiefly
of methane, a colorless and odorless gas. It is usually mixed with compounds of the foul-
smelling element sulfur so gas leaks can be detected. Butane and propane, which make up
a small proportion of natural gas, become liquids when placed under large amounts of
pressure. When pressure is released, they change back into gas. Such fuels, often called
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG), are easily stored and Gas
shipped as liquids.

2. Manufactured Gas

This gas like synthetic liquid fuels is used chiefly where certain fuels are abundant and
others are scarce. Coal, petroleum, and biomass can all be converted to gas through
heating and by various chemical procedures. Gas can be produced by treating such
biomass as animal manure with bacteria called anaerobes. The bacteria expel methane as
they digest the waste.

Classification of Gases according to physical properties

1. Compressed gas- A gas which at all normal atmospheric temperature inside its
container, exist solely in the gaseous state under pressure.
2. Liquefied gas- A gas in which, at normal atmospheric temperature inside its container,
exist in the liquid state and partly in the gaseous state.
3. Cryogenic gas- A liquified gas which exists in its container at temperature far below
normal atmospheric temperature.

Classification of Gases Based on usage

1. Fuel gases – these are customary used for burning with air to produce heat, which in
turn is utilized as power, light and process.
2. Industrial gases – these are used for industrial processes as those used in welding
and cutting.
3. Medical gases – these are used for treatment and respiratory therapy.
Basic hazards of gases

When confined in a container:

1. gases expands when heated

2. pressure is developed inside the container thus causing container failure
3. the gas container is destroyed due to contact with flames

When released:

Hazards vary with the physical and chemical properties of the gas and the nature of the
environment in two, which they are released. All gases, except oxygen, are hazardous to life
if they displace the breathing air. Most odorless and colorless gases are particularly
dangerous, as they are not detectable when inhaled.

 In physics, heat refers to the transfer of energy from one part of a substance to
another, or from one body to another by virtue of a difference in temperature.

 Ignition heat is a device or means to start a fire. It can be a safety match, a lighted
candle, or of more sophisticated forms such as chemical, mechanical or electrical
contrivance designed to start a blaze.

 It is a tasteless, odorless colorless gas which is generally found within the
Earth's atmosphere.
 Oxygen composes 21 percent by volume or 23.15 percent by weight of the
atmosphere; 85.8 percent by weight of the oceans (88.8 percent of pure water is
oxygen); and, as an element of most rocks and minerals, 46.7 percent by weight of
the solid crust of the earth.

Three phases of fire:

1. Initial / Incipient
- This is the beginning of fire. The product of pyrolysis is mainly water vapor and carbon
dioxide. The base area of the fire has a temperature of 400 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. It
is in this stage that fire fighting is easily controlled and subdued.
 Characteristics:
- normal room temperature
- oxygen plentiful
- thermal updraft rise accumulates at higher point
- temperature at 1000 F
- Producing C02, CO, SO2, water and other gases
2. Free burning
-This is the acceleration of pyrolitic process. It is during this stage that the maximum
heat and destructive capabilities of fire develop. Thus combating fire in this stage is
very difficult and requires more than one firefighter. The thermal column of fire
carries destructive gases such as combustible vapor and carbon monoxide. The base
temperature of the fire is round 800 to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit and ceiling
temperature up to 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit.
 Characteristics:
- fire has involved more fuel
- oxygen supply has depleted
- heat accumulates at upper area
- temperature exceeds 1,330 F
- area is fully involved
3. Smoldering
-This stage is where the fire glows and the combustible materials smolder. Flames
would not be visible but a large amount of carbon monoxide is produced. This is the
reason why masks are essential in firefighting. At this point back draft may occur,
wherein the sudden introduction of oxygen with superheated fuel under pressure will
cause an explosion. Another threat to those at the fire scene is the presence of
carbon monoxide which at some levels may cause death to those exposed to it.

Based on Cause
o Natural fire/ providential - Involves fires without direct human intervention;
caused by acts of God. This kind of fire can never be prevented as usually hard
to control. It comes in the form of lightning bolts, erupting volcanoes or as a
result of tremors.
- Earthquake 
- Typhoon
- Lightning
- Spontaneous combustion arising from the storage of combustible
materials in poorly ventilated places 
- Explosion from petroleum products, alcohol and other substances 
- Sun rays focused on glasses which may serve as a convex lens
o Accidental fire – it is caused mostly by human error and negligence. Such as
smoking in bed, defective LPG containers, faulty electrical wiring, leaving
plugged electrical appliances.
- Carelessly discarded cigarettes 
- Careless disposition of readily combustible materials
- Poorly managed or defective heating facilities
- Overheating, spark and electrical defects
- Overload electric circuits/ Octopus connections
- Children playing matches
- Use of candles
c. Intentional Fire/Incendiary – this is known as incendiarism or classified as
Arson. This kind of fire is set on purpose either to collect insurance, cover-up another
crime or personal/business rivalry.
d. Undermined – whenever the cause cannot be proven, the proper classification is

Based on burning fuel (4 Classes of Fire)

• Class A - In a class A fires, the fuel is comprised of normal combustible materials
such as wood, paper, fibers, draperies and trash. It requires saturation by water or
water fog.
• Class B - In class B fires, the fuel is flammable liquid such as gasoline, kerosene,
cleaning fluids, grease and alcohol. In combating such fires, the flammable liquids
must be smothered to deprive them of oxygen, hence foam extinguishers and CO2
may be utilized.
• Class C -Class C fires are those which start with live electrical wires, equipment,
electrical appliances. It is commonly known as electrical fires. It is easily
extinguished by a non-conducting agent such as CO2 and dry chemicals.
• Class D -this type of fire are rare, and usually occurring in the manufacturing
facilities, since the combustible material are certain metals such as potassium and
magnesium. It can be extinguished by using dry powder ABC chemical, baking soda
or sand.

1. Class A – water (all agents)
2. Class B – foam/carbon dioxide (all agents)
3. Class C – carbon dioxide/powder (never use water, soda acid and foam)
4. Class D – special powder
5. Class E – all agents

Physical Properties of matter related with fires:

1. Specific gravity which refers to the ratio of the weight of the liquid or the solid
substance to the weight of an equal volume of water.
2. Vapor density which is the weight of the volume of pure gas opposed to the weight of
a volume of dry air with the same temperature and pressure.
3. Temperature refers to the measure of the degree of thermal agitation or disturbance
of molecules.
4. Vapor pressure which is the force exerted by the molecules on the surface of the
liquid at equilibrium.
5. Fire point which refers to the lowest temperature of a liquid in an open container at
which vapors are developed fast enough to support uninterrupted combustion.
6. Flash point which refers to the heat at which a flammable liquid form a vapor-air
mixture that ignites.
7. Kindling temperature which is also referred to as ignition temperature refers to the
minimum temperature to which the substance in the air must be heated in order to
start a self-contained combustion without adding heat from other sources.
8. Boiling point which is the constant heat at which vapor pressure of the liquid is
equal to the atmospheric pressure.

Chemical Properties of Fire:

1. Endothermic reactions – which refers to changes whereby heat is added or
absorbed before the reaction takes place. Energy is conserved in chemical reactions.
If stronger bonds break than are formed, heat must be absorbed from the
surroundings, and the reaction is endothermic. Spontaneous endothermic reactions,
are also well known such as the dissolving of salt in water.
2. Exothermic reactions – are those that give off or release energy or heat which
produces substance with less energy than the reactants.
3. Oxidation which refers to the chemical changes which combustible materials and
oxidizing agents reacts. Some reactions, such as explosions and fire, take place
swiftly. Other reactions, such as rusting, transpire slowly.
4. Flames- refers to a glowing body of mixed gases undergoing the process of
combustion. Flames commonly consist of a mixture of oxygen (or air) and another
gas, usually such combustible substances as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or
 Based on color and completeness of combustibility of fuel:
• Non luminous flame – the color of the flame is blue due to the almost complete
combustion of the fuel and has relatively high temperature and forms no soot
• Luminous flame – the color is orange-red due to incomplete combustion of the
fuel, has relatively lower temperature and will deposit soot to anything being
subjected to it.
 Based on smoothness:
• Turbulent flames which refer to those having irregular and unsteady swirls.
• Laminar flame which refer to flames which generally follows a smooth path through
a gaseous flame.
 Based on air and fuel mixture:
• Diffusion flames- are manifested when fuel alone is forced through a nozzle into the
atmosphere which spread in the surrounding atmosphere forming a flammable
• Pre-mixed flames are those observed when hydrocarbon is mixed with air before
reaching the flame zone.

Combustion Products
• Smoke which is made up of minute or fine solid particles and condensed vapor
resulting from combustion.
• Black smoke with deep red litmus flames are indication that the fuel used in the
fire maybe tar, plastic, rubber or petroleum products.
• Greenish yellow flame is a result when the fuel used is manganese or chlorine.
• Bright reddish-yellow flame which indicates that calcium is used.
• Heavy brown smoke with bright red flames is indications that nitrogen products
were used in the fire.
• White smoke with bright red flames indicates that magnesium is used.
• Black smoke with red and blue-green flames would specify that asphalt shingles is
used in the fire.
• Lavender or purple flames would show that potassium was used in the fire as fuel.
• Fire gases are gases which remain when the products of combustion are cooled to
normal temperature.
• Flames are incandescent gases which accompanies rapid oxidation of any
combustible material.
• Heat which is always measured as high temperature is a normal result of

Chapter 3
Fire behavior
Fire behavior such as thermal balance and thermal imbalance are those activities
wherein the fireman and investigators should be acquainted or familiar with.
• Thermal balance refers to the natural condition created by the fire or the normal
movement of fire, smoke and fire gases within a structure or building.

• Thermal imbalance refers to those turbulent circulations of steam and smoke which
replaces the normal flow of the products of combustion. Hot spots may develop
during the extinguishment of the fire upsetting the thermal balance; such holes
produced may mislead the investigator to believe that the fire originated at that
• Heat is produced from the breaking and formation of chemical bonds. In a chemical
reaction, atoms are not lost but merely restructured. Molecules absorb energy when
their chemical bonds are reformed.
• Aside from the sun, there are four known sources of heat, namely: Chemical,
Electrical, Nuclear and Mechanical.
Heat Units
1. Calorie, the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water
1°C, it is measured at 15° to 16° C. 1 BTU = 252 calories.
2. Latent heat refers to the amount of heat absorbed by a substance when a substance
from solid to a liquid, and from a liquid to gas. On the other hand, heat is released
during the conversion of a gas to liquid or liquid to solid.
3. Heat of fusion is the quantity of heat necessary to convert solid to liquid.
4. Heat of vaporization is the quantity of heat absorbed when a substance is converted
from liquid to gas.
Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer is a process by which energy in the form of heat is exchanged
between bodies or parts of the same body at different temperatures.
Conduction – Which refers to the passage of heat energy from particle to particle in a
Convection – Usually generated by intense fire it refers to heat travel in an upward
movement. Heat moves by convection by moving from one molecule to another
creating a thermal column called convection currents which circulates and rise.
Convection is a means by which heat is transformed by a circulating medium either
gas or a liquid.
Radiation – Heat transfer even when separated by a vacuum. Radiation is a term
commonly applied to all kinds of electromagnetic-wave phenomena. The process in
which energy such as heat and rays of light is sent out from atoms and molecules as
they undergo internal alteration. Radiation energy travels in a straight line with the
speed of light.

Heat Measurement
 The sensation of warmth or coldness of a matter on contact is
determined by the property known as temperature.
 A thermometer consists of a tube filled partially with liquid measures the
expansion and contraction of the liquid with changes on temperature.
The tube is calibrated to allow the reading of the level of the liquid in
degrees of a temperature scale.
 a measure of the degree of molecular activity of a material compared to a reference
 measured in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius

Fahrenheit degree °F
- is 1/180 the difference between the melting point of ice and the boiling point
of water. In the Fahrenheit scale, used in English-speaking countries for purposes
other than scientific work and based on the mercury thermometer the melting
point of ice is 32° F while boiling point of water is 212° F.
- also known as Celsius degree °C is 1/100 the difference between the
temperature of meting ice and boiling water at one atmospheric pressure. On the
centigrade scale the boiling point of water is 100° C and the melting point of ice is at
0° C. Celcius scale is widely used throughout the world, particularly for scientific
work, although it was superseded officially in 1950 by the international temperature
Absolute or Kelvin °A or °K
- is the same scale as Celsius degree but the boiling point of water is 373 and
the melting point of ice is at 273. In the Kelvin scale, the most commonly used
thermodynamic temperature scale, zero is defined as the absolute zero of
temperature, that is, -273.15° C, or -459.67° F.
Another scale employing absolute zero as its lowest point is the Rankine scale,
in which each degree of temperature is equivalent to one degree on the Fahrenheit
scale. The freezing point of water on the Rankine scale is 492° R, and the boiling
point is 672° R.

The extinguishment of fire is based on an interruption of one or more of the essential
elements in the combustion process. With flaming combustion the fire may be
extinguished by reducing temperature, eliminating fuel or oxygen, or by stopping the
uninhibited chemical chain reaction. If a fire is in the smoldering mode of combustion,
only three extinguishment options exist: reduction of temperature, elimination of fuel or


1. Extinguishment by Temperature Reduction
One of the most common methods of extinguishment is by cooling with water.
The process of extinguishment by cooling is dependent on cooling the fuel to a
point where it does not produce sufficient vapor to burn.
If we look at fuel types and vapor production, we find that solid fuels and liquid
fuels with high flash points can be extinguished by cooling.
Low flashpoint liquids and flammable gases cannot be extinguished by cooling
with water as vapor production cannot be sufficiently reduced.
Reduction of temperature is dependent on the application of an adequate flow in
proper form to establish a negative heat balance.

2. Extinguishment by Fuel Removal

In some cases, a fire is effectively extinguished by removing the fuel source.
This may be accomplished by stopping the flow of liquid or gaseous fuel or by
removing solid fuel in the path of the fire.
Another method of fuel removal is to allow the fire to burn until all fuel is

3. Extinguishment by Oxygen Dilution

The method of extinguishment by oxygen dilution is the reduction of the oxygen
concentration to the fire area.
This can be accomplished by introducing an inert gas into the fire or by separating
the oxygen from the fuel.
This method of extinguishment will not work on self-oxidizing materials or on
certain metals as they are oxidized by carbon dioxide or nitrogen, the two most
common extinguishing agents.

4. Extinguishment by Chemical flame Inhibition

Some extinguishing agents, such as dry chemicals and halons, interrupt the flame
producing chemical reaction, resulting in rapid extinguishment.
This method of extinguishment is effective only on gas and liquid fuels as they
cannot burn in the smoldering mode of combustion.
If extinguishment of smoldering materials is desired, the addition of cooling
capability is required.

Portable fire extinguishers are designed to attack a fire in its initial stage. The selection of a
suitable extinguisher is primarily influenced by the following factors:
• The size and rate of fire spread
• The Class of fire (i.e. type of materials involved)
• The training and capabilities of the person using the extinguisher
Note: Always follow the specific instructions on a fire extinguisher and familiarize yourself
with these instructions prior to an emergency situation. Persons should be trained in the use
of extinguishers to optimize their effectiveness
General Guidelines for Using a Fire Extinguisher
1. Raise the alarm, summon help and have someone call the fire service.
2. Keep your escape path at your back. Never allow the fire to get between you and the
escape path.
3. Select the correct extinguisher for the Class of fire

1. Remember P.A.S.S.
… Pull the pin
… Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of flames
… Squeeze trigger while holding the extinguisher upright
… Sweep the extinguisher or nozzle from side to side covering the base of the fire.

2. observe fire after initial extinguishment, it may rekindle

3. The contents of small extinguishers may last as little as 8 seconds and up to 60
seconds for larger extinguishers. The time to discharge an extinguisher depends on
the type and size of the extinguisher

Do Not Use (or continue to use) an extinguisher if:

• The fire is larger than a waste paper basket
• The fire is spreading quickly beyond the point of origin
• The extinguisher is not having any effect or is having an adverse reaction on the fire
• You are putting your life at risk
• You cannot extinguish the fire quickly (less than 30 sec)
• You do not know what fuels are involved in the fire

REMEMBER: Saving lives through a quick escape is far more important than saving
An emergency is not the time to read extinguisher instructions, if you do not know how to
use the extinguisher or the type of materials involved in the fire:
• Close the door to contain the fire
• Ensure everyone is out of the building
• Ring the fire service.
• Never go back into the building once out
• Wait to meet the fire service
Fire extinguishers are provided for a 'first attack' fire fighting measure generally
undertaken by the occupants of the building before the fire service arrives. It is important
that occupants are familiar with which extinguisher type to use on which fire. Most fires
start as a small fire and may be extinguished if the correct type and amount of
extinguishing agent is applied whilst the fire is small and controllable. The principle fire
extinguisher types currently available include:
Water (solid Red): wood and paper fires - not electrical
Foam (Blue band): flammable liquid fires - not electrical
Carbon Dioxide (Black band) electrical fires
Dry Chemical (White band) flammable liquids and electrical fires
Wet chemical (Oatmeal band) fat fires - not electrical
Special Purpose (Yellow band) various (eg. metal fires)

Fire extinguisher locations must be clearly identified. Extinguishers are colour coded
according to the extinguishing agent. The important thing to remember is that fire
fighting must always be secondary to the safety of people.
Extinguishing Agent
An extinguishing agent is a substance that will put out a fire. Every extinguishing agent
operates by attacking one or more side of the fire tetrahedron. The specific actions involved
are the following:
1 – Cooling
To reduce the temperature.
This is a direct attack on the heat side of the fire tetrahedron.

2 – Smothering
To separate the fuel from oxygen.
This can be considered as an attack on the edge of the fire tetrahedron where the
fuel and oxygen meet.

3 – Oxygen dilution
To reduce amount of available oxygen needed to sustain combustion.
This is an attack on the oxygen side of the fire tetrahedron.
4 – Chain breaking
To disrupt the chemical process that sustains the fire (the chain reaction side of
the fire tetrahedron).

Types of Extinguishing Agent:

1. Water Extinguishing Agent
It is a liquid between the temperatures of 0 °C and 100 °C (32 °F and 212 °F); at
100 °C (212 °F) it boils and burns to steam.
It weighs about 1 Kg/liter (8.5 lb/gal);
Fresh water weighs slightly less, and seawater slightly more.
Being fluid and relatively heavy, water is easily transported through fire mains
and hoses when it is placed under pressure.
The velocity of the water is increased by forcing it through a restricted nozzle at
the working end of the hose.
The water stream can be thrown a fairly good distance if sufficient pressure is

Extinguishing Capabilities of Water

Water is primarily a cooling agent. It absorbs heat and cools burning materials
more effectively than any of the commonly used extinguishing agents.
Water provides a smothering action.

2. Foam extinguishing agent

A blanket of bubbles that extinguishes fire mainly by smothering.
The bubbles are formed by mixing water and foam-making agent (foam
concentrate). The result is called foam solution.
Various foam solutions are lighting than the lightest flammable oils.
When applied to burning oils, they float on the surface of the oil.

Extinguishing effects of foam:

Use to form a blanket on the surface of flaming liquids, including oils.
It has a cooling effect which gives foam its Class A extinguishing capability.

3. Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Agent

It delivers a quick smothering action to flames, reducing oxygen and suffocating
the fire.
It dissipates without leaving any contamination or corrosive residue.
A colorless and odorless gas will not damage clothing, equipment and other
valuable items.

Extinguishing Properties of Carbon Dioxide

It extinguishes fire mainly by smothering. It dilutes the air surrounding the fire
until the oxygen content is too low to support combustion.
It is effective on Class B fires, where the main consideration is to keep the
flammable vapors separated from oxygen in the air.
It has a very limited cooling effect and thus, can be used on Class A fires in
confined spaces, where the atmosphere may be diluted sufficiently to stop
Extinguishment takes time.
It is use to protect areas containing valuable article.
It does not conduct electricity and can be used on live electrical equipment.

Limitations on the Use of Carbon Dioxide


- It is not effective on substances that contain their own oxygen.

- It is not effective on combustible metals such as sodium, potassium,
magnesium, and zirconium.
Possibility of re ignition
- It has a very limited cooling capacity.

- It is suffocating in the concentration necessary for extinguishments. A person

exposed to this concentration would suffer dizziness and unconsciousness.
4. AFFF – Aqueous Film Forming Foam
Light water.
A synthetic foam-forming liquid designed for use with fresh water.
When proportionally mixed with water and applied with conventional foam or
water, it generates white foam with a remarkable ability to make a water float on
flammable liquid which are lighter than water.
This double action foam and aqueous film enhances extinguishments of
flammable liquids fires and prevent reflash.
This action also takes place on spilled or leaking liquid fuels, which have not been
ignited so they are secured and are not readily ignited.
Light water can extinguish a liquid fire in less than half the time when used in
conventional foam.

5. BCF-HALON 1211
It stands for Bromochlorodifluoromethane
One of the modern and effective fire-extinguishing agents available for general
It is a vaporizing liquid, which will chemically interrupt the chain reaction taking
place in the flames.
It has the ability to minimize the possibility to re flash after the fire has been
A colorless, non-corrosive liquefied gas that leaves no messy residue.
Highly recommended for use in industrial factory, home computers and electronic
companies, motor vehicles, etc.


Chemicals in powder form.
It should not be confused with dry powders which are intended only for
combustible materials.
Extinguishing Effects of Dry Chemical
Cooling. No dry chemicals exhibit any great capacity for cooling. However, a
small amount of cooling takes place simply because the dry chemical is at lower
temperature than the burning material. Heat is transferred from the hooter fuel
to the cooler dry chemical when the latter is introduced to the fire.

Smothering. When dry chemical react with the heat and burning material, some
carbon dioxide and water vapor are produced. These dilute the fuel vapors and
the air surrounding the fire. The result is a limited smothering effect.

Shielding of Radiant Heat. Dry chemical produces an opaque cloud in the

combustion area. This cloud reduces the amount of heat that is radiated back to
the heart of fire, i.e., the opaque cloud absorbs some of the radiation feedback
that is required to sustain the fire. Less vapor is produced, and the fire becomes
less intense.

Chain Breaking. Chain reactions are necessary for continued combustion. In

these, chain reactions, fuel and oxygen molecules are broken down by heat, they
recombine into the new molecules giving off additional heat. This additional heat
breaks down more molecules, which then recombine and gives off still more heat.
The fire thus builds, or at least sustains itself, through reactions that liberate
enough heat to set off other reactions.

All dry chemical agents may be used to extinguish fires involving

Flammable oils and greases
Electrical equipment
Hoods, ducts and cooking ranges in galleys and diet kitchens.
The surfaces of bated textiles.
Certain combustible solid such as pitch, naphthalene and plastics (except those
that contain their own oxygen)
Machinery spaces, engine rooms and paint and tool lockers

Fire Hose and its Parts

Fire Hose
A type of flexible tube used by firefighters to carry water under pressure from the
source of supply to a point where it is discharged to extinguish fire.

Hose Hoist
It is a device over which rope or hose may be pulled to hoist or lower equipment
when firefighters are operating in buildings above the ground level.
It consists of a metal frame, curved so that it will fit over a windowsill or the edge
of the roof.
It contains two or more rollers over which rope or hose may be drawn.
This device reduce the possibility of cutting the hose on the sharp edge of the wall,
cornice, or roof while it is being raised or lowered.

Hose Clamp
It is a tool to shut off the water in hose lines when other control valves are not
It is used to replace a burst section of hose, to extend lines, or to hold water back
for line advancement without shutting off the source of supply.

Hose Jacket
It is used to seal small cuts or breaks which may occur in fire hose or to connect
damaged couplings of the same size.

Hose Spanner Wrench

It is to tighten or loosen hose couplings, but this versatile tool can be used to close
utility cocks, pry, and hammer.

Fire Hose Rams and Ridges

It protects hose from injuries from vehicles crossing hose lines.
Firefighters at the nozzles will receive sudden jerks each time a wheel cuts off the
water momentarily.
It is a piece of firefighting equipment used to direct and control a stream of water.
The characteristics of the stream of water or fire stream are determined mainly by
the nozzle.

Water Sprinkler System

They are generally used to protect living quarters, adjacent and passageways.
The system may extinguish fire in these places.
Their primary function is to protect the building structure, limit the spread of fire
and control the amount of heat produced.
They also protect the people in these areas and maintain escape routes.


Fire Trucks
The term usually means any other type of truck used to carry equipment or people
to a fire or emergency.

When a firefighter says “truck” though, he usually means a “hook and ladder” or
“aerial ladder” truck.

Types of fire trucks:

a. fire engines
b. ladder trucks
c. rescue trucks
d. aerial ladder trucks

Fire Engines
It has large pump that takes water from a small fire hydrant or other source.
The pump boosts the pressure of the water and forces it through hoses.
Engines carry several sizes of hoses and nozzles.
Many also have a small-diameter hose called a booster line.
Engines used for fighting grass or bush fire carry a tank of water and such tools
as shovels and rakes.

Ladder Trucks
These are equipped with portable ladders of various types and sizes.
These also carry forcible entry tools, which firefighters use to gain entry into a
building and to ventilate it to let out smoke.
Common forcible entry tools include axes, power saws, and sledge hammers.
Ladder trucks called quints have their own pump.

Kinds of Ladder Trucks

1. Aerial ladder truck
It has metal extension ladder mounted on a turntable.

The ladder can be raised as high as 100 feet (30 meters), or about eight stories.

2. Elevating-platform truck
It has a cage like platform that can hold several people.

The platform is attached to a lifting device that is mounted on a turntable.

The lifting device consists of either a hinged boom (long metal arm) or an
extendable boom made of several sections that fit inside each other.

The boom on the largest trucks can extend 150 feet (46 meters).

A built-in hose runs the length of the boom and is used to direct water on a fire.

In most cases, a pump in a nearby engine generates the pressure needed to spray
the water.

Rescue Trucks
These are enclosed vehicles equipped with many of the same kinds of forcible
entry tools that ladder truck carry.

It also carries additional equipment for unusual rescues.

They have such tools as oxyacetylene torches, for cutting through metal and
hydraulic jacks, for lifting heavy objects.

It may also carry other hydraulic tools. With a hydraulic rescue tool, commonly
known by the trade name Jaws of Life, firefighters can apply a large amount of
pressure to two objects to squeeze them together to or pry them apart. It is often
used to free people trapped in automobiles and other vehicles after the incident.

It also carries small hand tools, such as crowbars and saws, and topes and
harnesses for rescuing people from water or high places.

In addition it carries medical supplies and equipment.

Special Fire Vehicles

It includes airport crash trucks and hazardous material trucks.
Airport crash trucks are engines that spray foam or dry chemicals on burning
aircraft. Water is ineffective against many aircraft fires, such as those that involve
jet fuel, gasoline, or certain metals.

Protective Clothing
Firefighters require special clothing for protection against flames, falling objects, heat, toxic
gases or lack of oxygen, loss of vision, loss of communication, and physical damage.

Fire Ladder
Straight Ladder
It is non-adjustable in length and consists only of one section.
Sometimes called a wall ladder, used for quick access to windows and roofs of one
and two-story buildings. (12’, 14’, 16’, 18’ and 24’)

Extension Ladder
It is adjustable in length.
It consists of two or more section, which travels in guides or brackets to permit
length adjustment.
It provides access in windows and roofs within the limits of extendable length.
Extra long ladders are usually equipped with stabilizing poles, called tormentors
(24’ to 55’ in length).
A baby extension (baby Bangor) is a 12-foot long extension ladder without a
halyard for raising the flying section.
The hand-raised fly is held in position by engaging its heel spurs over the upper
rungs of the main section.

Roof Ladders
It is designed for one specific function. However, it may be used for other
purposes if condition warrant.
These are equipped with folding at the top and which provide a means of
anchoring the ladder over the roof ridge or other roof part.
These are generally equipped to lie flat on the roof surface so that firefighters may
stand on the ladder for roof work.
Their length range from 12 to 20 feet

Folding Ladders or Collapsible Ladders

It provides a means of reaching through opening into attics and lofts and other
areas which are somewhat difficult to reach without a special ladder.
It is constructed so that they can be folded or collapsed for small or closet work.
These are usually short in length since they only require reaching a short

Aerial Ladders
An artificial ladder is a mechanical unit generally operated by hydraulic power
that is mounted built chassis.
The source of power is usually derived from apparatus engine which actuates a
hydraulic hoist.
These are currently constructed of metal and are trusted to provide adequate
These generally range in length from 65 to 100 feet, but longer ladders do not

Tower Ladders
Tower ladder apparatus combines some features of both aerial ladder equipment
and elevating platforms.
A telescoping boom has a ladder mounted on it, but the top working area is a
partially enclosed platform. Various ground ladders are also carried.

Elevating Platforms
Though these are not considered to be ladders, some elevating platform apparatus
carry ground ladders.
This apparatus has some features, which is similar to aerial ladders, but they are
primarily a portable elevator controlled by an operator.

Pompier Ladders
It consists of a large gooseneck book at the tip, which a single bed through which
the rungs project.
At one time, the pompier ladder was used by firefighters to reach the upper stories
of tall buildings, beyond the reach of ground or aerial ladders but their use has
diminished greatly.

Fire Investigation
The process of determining the origin, cause and development of a fire or explosion.

Basic Method of a Fire Investigation

Using the scientific method in most fire incidents should involve the following six major
steps from inception through final analysis.

 Receiving the Assignment: The investigator should be notified of the incident, what
his or her role will be, what he or she is to accomplish.

 Preparing for the Investigation: The investigator should marshal his or her forces
and resources and plan the conduct of the investigation.

 Examination of the Scene: The investigator should conduct the examination of the
scene and collect basic data necessary to the analysis.

 Recording the Scene: The scene should be photographed and diagrammed, and
notes of the progress of the investigation should be made. Valuable empirical data
should be noted and preserved.

 Collecting and Preserving Evidence: Valuable physical evidence should be

recognized, properly collected, and preserved for further testing and evaluation or for
courtroom presentation.

 Analyzing the Incident: In incident scenario or failure analysis should be described,

explaining the origin, cause and responsibility for the incident. This analysis should
be reported in the proper forum to help prevent reoccurrence.

Personnel who are Qualified to Investigates Fires

 Should possess knowledge of investigative techniques
 Should have an insight of human behavior
 Should have a firsthand knowledge of the fire chemistry and behavior of fire
 Should be resourceful
Role of the Fire Investigator
Determine the origin and cause of the fire
The point of origin of a fire is the location where the fire started – the place of beginning.
Multiple points of origin are said to exist when there is more than one place of beginning, or
when several separate fire burn in the same structure at the same time.
Exterior Examination
Exterior examination of the fire scene should be based on the following questions:
1. Were any people or vehicles observed in the vicinity of the fire?
2. If so, could their conduct or actions be interpreted as suspicious?
3. Was the structure fully involved?
4. Were the doors and windows open or closed?
5. What was the approximate reflex time (time elapsed between alarm and first water –
response time + set-up time)?
6. Were any unusual odor noticed?
7. Were hydrants, standpipes, and sprinkler systems operational?

Interior Examination
1. Wear full turnout ear or its equivalent at all times.
2. Evaluate its suitability before entering.
3. Reconstruct mentally what happened during the fire.
4. All observations made should be written down.

Rooms and Point/s of Origin

1. Migrate to the area of the most severe damage. This is usually the area where the
fire burned the longest except when flammable liquids were involved.
2. Record, photograph and sketch the fire scene. It should clearly show that the
multiple points of origin were not the result of normal fire travel, flashover, or
burning having been moved during the suppression, overhaul or salvage operations.
3. Fall down fires (drop down fire) may indicate multiple points of origin.
4. Multiple points of origin are prima facie evidence that the fire was of incendiary

The Legal Aspect of Fire
Republic Act No. 6975
 It is otherwise known as the DILG Act of 1990.
 It created the Bureau of Fire Protection, referred to as the Fire Bureau under Rule
VIII, Section 49.

Powers and Functions of the Fire Bureau:

 The Fire Bureau is held responsible for the prevention and suppression of destructive
fires on buildings, houses, and other structures, forests, land transportation vehicles
and equipment, ships or vessels docked at piers or wharves or anchored in major
seaports, petroleum industry installations, plane crashes and other similar incidents,
as well as the enforcement of the Fire code and other related laws.

 It is also empowered to investigate all causes of fires and, if necessary, file the proper
complaints with the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the case.

 It is a community-oriented government agency that provides assistance to the

citizenry not only during fire but also in times of typhoons, floods, earthquakes,
vehicular accidents, and various other calamities.

 It primary mission is to serve the fire safety needs of the country,

 It is also active in rescue, evacuation, and paramedic and relief operation in any life-
threatening situation.

Act No. 3815 (Revised Penal Code)

 It took effect in January 1, 1932.
 It penalizes the crime of arson under Article 320-326b
Presidential Decree No. 1613 – Amending the laws on Arson
 Section 1. Arson – Any person who burns or sets fire to the property of another shall
be punished by prision mayor.

The same penalty shall be imposed when a person sets fire to his own property
under circumstances which expose danger the life or property of another.
 Section 2. Destructive Arson – The penalty of Reclusion Temporal in its maximum
period to Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the
1. Any ammunition factory and other establishment where explosives, inflammable
or combustible materials are stored.
2. Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or any edifice devoted to
culture, education or social services.
3. Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually assemble.
4. Any train, airplane or any aircraft, vessel or water craft, or conveyance for
transportation of persons or property.
5. Any building where evidence is kept for use in any legislative, judicial,
administrative or other official proceeding.
6. Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging house, housing tenement, shopping
center, public or private market, theatre or movie house or any similar place or
7. Any building, whether used as a dwelling or not, situated in a populated or
congested area.

 Section 3. Other Cases of Arson – The penalty of Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion

Perpetua shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the following:
1. Any building used as offices of the government or any of its agencies.
2. Any inhabited house or dwelling.
3. Any industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well or mine shaft, platforms or tunnel.
4. Any plantation, farm, pasture land, growing crop, grain field, orchard, bamboo
grove or forest.
5. Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane mill or mill central.
6. Any railway or bus station, airport, wharf or warehouse.

 Section 4. Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson – The penalty in any case of

arson shall be imposed in its maximum period:
1. If committed with intent to gain.
2. If committed for the benefit of another.
3. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant of
the property burned.
4. If committed by a syndicate.

 Section 5. Where Death Results from Arson – If by reason of or on the occasion of

arson death results, the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to Death shall be imposed.

 Section 6. Prima Facie Evidence of Arson – Any of the following circumstances shall
constitute prima-facie evidence of arson:
1. If the fire started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or
2. If substantial amount of flammable substances or materials are stored within the
building not necessary in the business of the offender or for household use.
3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other flammable or combustible substances or
materials soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any mechanical, electrical,
chemical, or electronic contrivance designed to start a fire, or ashes or traces of
any of the foregoing are found in the ruins or premises of the burned building or
4. If the building or property is insured for substantially more than its actual value
of the time of the issuance of the policy.
5. If during the lifetime of the corresponding fire insurance policy more than two fires
have occurred in the same or other premises owned or under the control of the
offender and/or insured.
6. If shortly before the fire, a substantial portion of the effects insured and stored in
a building or property had been withdrawn from the premises except in the
ordinary course of business.
7. If a demand for money or other valuable consideration was made were the fire in
exchange for the desistance of the offender or for the safety of the person or
property of the victim.
Article 320. Destructive Arson – The penalty of Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed
upon any person who shall burn:
1. One or more buildings or edifices, consequent to one single act of burning, or as a
result of simultaneous burning, or committed on several or different occasions.
2. Any building of public or private ownership, devoted to the public in general or
where people usually gather or congregate for a definite purpose such as, but not
limited to official government function or business, private transaction,
commerce, trade worship, meetings and conference, or merely incidental to as
definite purpose such as but not limited to hotels, motels, transient dwelling,
public conveyance or stop terminals, regardless or whether the offender had
knowledge that there are persons in the said buildings or edifice at the time it is
set on fire and regardless also of whether the building is actually inhabited or
3. Any train or locomotive, ship or vessel or airplane, devoted to transportation or
conveyance, or for public use, entertainment or leisure.
4. Any building, factory, warehouse, installation and any appurtenances thereto,
which are devoted to the service of public utilities.
5. Any building the burning of which is for the purpose of concealing or destroying
evidence of another violation of law, or for the purpose of concealing backruptcy
or defrauding creditors or to collect from insurances.


Republic Act No. 9514
- Approved on December 19, 2008
- Repealed PD 1185
- known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008".

 It is the malicious or intentional destruction of property by fire.
 It is the concern of the fire investigation to provide malicious intent of the offender.
 Intent must be proved, otherwise, no crime exists.
 The law presumes that a fire is accidental, hence designs must be shown.
 Fire caused by accident or criminal design must be shown.
 Fire cause by accident or negligence does not constitute arson.

What constitutes arson?

a. Burning: There must be burning or changing. Example: The fiber of the wood must
be destroyed or decomposed, its identity or physical state changed.

b. Willfulness: The act was done purposely and intentionally

c. Motive: The moving cause that induces the commission of the crime

d. Malice: It denotes hatred or a desire for revenge

e. Intent: The purpose or design with which the act is done and involves the will to do
the act.

What is the basis of criminal liability in arson?

 Kind and character of the building burned
 Location of the building
 Extent or value of the damage
 Whether inhabited or not

Special aggravating circumstance in arson

 If committed with intent to gain
 If committed with the benefit of another
 If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant of the
property burned
 If committed by a syndicate
What is Attempted Arson?
 In attempted arson, it is not necessary that there be a fire before the crime is
committed. No hard and fast rule is laid down by the law as to the requirements for
attempted arson.
 The peculiar facts and circumstances of a particular case should carry more weight
in the decision of the case.
 Thus, FOR EXAMPLE, a person intending to burn a wooden structure, collects some
rags, soaks them in gasoline and places them beside the wooden wall of the building.
When he is about to light a match to set fire to the rags, he is discovered by another
who chases him away.
 The crime committed in the given example is attempted arson, because the offender
begins the commission of the crime directly by overacts (placing the rags soaked in
gasoline beside the wooden wall of the building and lighting a match) but he does not
perform all the acts of execution (the setting of the fire to the rags) due to the timely
intervention of another who chases away) the offender.

What is Consummated Arson?

 The offender did in fact set fire to the roof of the house and said house was partially
burned. The crime was consummated arson, notwithstanding the fact that the fire
afterwards extinguished for once it has been started, the consummation of the crime
of arson does not depend upon the extent of the damage caused.
 Setting fire to the contents of a building constitutes the consummated crime of
setting fire to a building even if no part of the building was burned.

Basic Lines of Inquiry in Arson Investigation

A. Point of origin
This is the important point to be established a point where the fire had started. It is
established by examining the witnesses, by inspection of the debris at the fire scene and by
studying the fingerprints of fire. The fingerprint of fire occurs during the free burning stage
of the fire when pyrolytic decompositions move upward on walls leaving a burnt pattern.
Note fire setting mechanism:
1. candles
2. matches
3. electrical system
4. chemical methods

B. Motives of Arsonist
To understand the motives of arsonist, the arson investigator have to note the following
that fires are set by:
Persons with motives
1. those with desire to defraud the insurer
2. employees or such other persons who have grievances
3. those with desire to conceal evidence of a crime
4. those who set fire for purposes of intimidation

Persons without motive

1. those who are mentally ill
2. pathological fire-setters
3. pyros and the psychos

Motives of Arsonists
1. Economic gain
a. insurance fraud
b. desire to dispose merchandise
c. existing business transactions that the arsonist would like to avoid such as
impending liquidation, settlement of estate, need for cash, prospective
business failure, and increase rentals
d. profit by the perpetrator other than the assured like insurance agents
wishing business with the assures, business competitors planning to drive
others, person seeking job as personnel protection, salvagers and
contractors wishing to contact another building.
2. Concealment of crime
3. Punitive measure – due to hatred, jealousy and revenge
4. Intimidation or economic disabling
5. pyromania – uncontrollable Impulse to burn anything without any motivation.
Pyromaniacs do not run away from the fire scene since they love watching fire
Types of pyromaniac
a. abnormal youth
b. Hero type – a person set a building on fire and pretends to discover it, turn
on the alarm or make some rescue works to appear as hero.
c. Drug addicts and alcoholics
d. Sexual deviates and perverts

C. Prime Suspects

The development of prime suspects involves the identification results form the full
development of leads, clues and traces, the testimony particularly eyewitnesses and the
development of expert testimony. The following technique may serve the investigation:
1. Search of the fire scene for physical evidence
a. protection of the scene
b. mechanics of the search
c. collections and preservation of evidences
d. laboratory aids
2. Background study of policyholders, occupants of premises, owner of building or other
person having major interest in the fire.
3. Interviews and interrogation of persons who discovered the fire, and the one who
turned the first alarm, firemen, and eyewitnesses.
4. Surveillance

D. The Tell tale signs of Arson

These signs maybe obvious that the first firemen at the scene will suspect arson:
1. Burned building – the type of the building may indicate a set of fire under certain
circumstance. A fire of considerable size at the time the first apparatus arrive at the
scene is suspicious if it is a modern concrete or semi-concrete building.

2. Separate fires – when two or more separate fire breaks out within a building, the fire
certainly is suspicious.

3. Color of smoke – some fire with little or no smoke must be made at the start of the
fire scene once the fire has assumed a major proportion; the value of the smoke is
lost, because the smoke will not indicate the material used by the arsonist.

a. When white smoke appears before the water from the fire hose comes in
contact with the fire, it indicates humid material burning such as burning hay,
vegetable fibers, phosphorous (with garlic odor).

b. Biting smoke, irritating the nose and throat and casing lacrymation and
coughing indicate products and rubber.

c. Black smoke indicates lack of air. If accompanied by large flames, it indicates

petroleum products and rubber.

d. Reddish-brown smoke indicated nitrocellulose – SO4, HNO3 or HCl

e. Meaning of color of smoke and fire:
- Black smoke with deep red flame – petroleum products, tar, rubber,
plastics, etc.
- Heavy brown with bright red flame – nitrogen products
- White smoke with bright flame – magnesium products
- Black smoke with red and blue green flame – asphalt
- Purple-violet – potassium products
- Greenish-yellow flame – chloride or manganese products
- Bright reddish yellow flame – calcium products
- Gray or white smoke – burning dry wood
- Gray smoke with blowing ash – loosely packed organic matter such as
straw or water paper

E. Color of flame – the color of flame is a good indication of the intensity of the fire, an
important factor in determining incendiarism.

F. Amount of Heat – a reddish glow indicates heat of 500 degrees centigrade; a real
bright read about 100 degrees centigrade. Red flames indicate petroleum. Blue
flame indicates the use of alcohol as accelerant.

G. Smoke marks – Investigator shall determine the volume of smoke involved at a fire
and the characters as residue deposited on walls or elsewhere. Smokes in marks
have often been of assistance in determining the possibility of a fire having more than
one place of origin.

H. Size of fire – Fire makes what is termed a normal progress. Such progress can be
estimated after an examination of the material burned the building and the normal
ventilation offered of the fire. The time element and the degree of headway by the
flames to determine the factors of possible incendiarism.

I. Direction of travel – While it is admitted that no two fires burn in identical fashion,
yet it can be shown that fire makes normal progress through various types of
building materials, combustibility of contents, channel of ventilation and
circumstances surrounding the sending of alarm, an experienced investigator can
determine whether a fire spread abnormally fast.

J. Intensity – the degree of heat given off by a fire and the color of its flame oftentimes
indicate that some accelerant has been added to the material normally present in a
building and the investigator must look for further evidence pointing to use such
accelerant. Difficulty in extinguishing a fire often led to suspect presence of such
fluid as gasoline and kerosene.

K. Odor – the odor of gasoline, alcohol, kerosene and other inflammable liquids which
are often used as accelerant and oftentimes arsonist are trapped because of this
telltale sign. Most of the fire-setters are inclined to use substance which will make
the blaze certain and at the same time burn up any evidence of their crime.

L. Condition of Content – persons tending to set their house on fire frequently remove
objects of value either materially or sentimentally. Store and other business
establishments oftentimes remove a major portion of their content or replace valuable
merchandise with out of style articles.

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Fire Code, the following words and phrases
shall mean and be construed as indicated:
• Abatement - Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.
• Administrator - Any person who acts as agent of the owner and manages the use of a
building for him.
• Blasting Agent - Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set
off explosives.
• Cellulose Nitrate Or Nitro Cellulose - A highly combustible and explosive compound
produced by the reaction of nitric acid with a cellulose material.
• Cellulose Nitrate Plastic (Pyroxylin) - Any plastic substance, materials or compound
having cellulose nitrate (nitro cellulose) as base.
• Combustible, Flammable or Inflammable - Descriptive of materials that are easily set
on fire.
• Combustible Fiber - Any readily ignitable and free burning fiber such as cotton,
oakum, rags, waste cloth, waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior
and other similar materials commonly used in commerce.
• Combustible Liquid - Any liquid having a flash point at or above 37.8˚C (100˚F).
• Corrosive Liquid - Any liquid which causes fire when in contact with organic matter or
with certain chemicals.
• Damper - A normally open device installed inside an air duct system which
automatically closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fire.
• Distillation - The process of first raising the temperature in separate the more volatile
from the less volatile parts and then cooling and condensing the resulting vapor so as
to produce a nearly purified substance.
• Duct System - A continuous passageway for the transmission of air.
• Dust - A finely powdered substance which, when mixed with air in the proper
proportion and ignited will cause an explosion
• Electrical Arc - An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by passage of an electric
current across a space between two conductors or terminals due to the
incandescence of the conducting vapor.
• Ember - A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and
is still oxidizing without the manifestation of flames.
• Finishes - Materials used as final coating of a surface for ornamental or protective
• Fire - The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of
• Fire Trap - A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it
lacks adequate exits or fire escapes.
• Fire Alarm - Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warm the
occupants of the building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire to
enable them to undertake immediate action to save life and property and to suppress
the fire.
• Fire Safety Constructions - Refers to design and installation of walls, barriers, doors,
windows, vents, means of egress, etc. integral to and incorporated into a building or
structure in order to minimize danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes or panic before
the building is evacuated. These features are also designed to achieve, among others,
safe and rapid evacuation of people through means of egress sealed from smoke or
fire, the confinement of fire or smoke in the room or floor of origin and delay their
spread to other parts of the building by means of smoke sealed and fire resistant
doors, walls and floors. It shall also mean to include the treatment of buildings
components or contents with flame retardant chemicals.
• Flash Point - The minimum temperature at which any material gives off vapor in
sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air.
• Forcing -A process where a piece of metal is heated prior to changing its shape or
• Fulminate - A kind of stable explosive compound which explodes by percussion.
• Hazardous Operation/Process - Any act of manufacturing, fabrication, conversion,
etc., that uses or produces materials which are likely to cause fires or explosions.
• Horizontal Exit - Passageway from one building to another or through or around a
wall in approximately the same floor level.
• Jumper - A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in
an electrical system.
• Overloading - The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or
consume electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical
• Owner - The person who holds the legal right of possession or title to a building or
real property.
• Oxidizing Material - A material that readily yields oxygen in quantities sufficient to
stimulate or support combustion.
• Public Way - Any street, alley or other strip of land unobstructed from the ground to
the sky, deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for public use.
• Refining - A process where impurities and/or deleterious materials are removed from
a mixture in order to produce a pure element of compound. It shall also refer to
partial distillation and electrolysis.
• Self-Closing Doors - Automatic closing doors that are designed to confine smoke and
heat and delay the spread of fire.
• Smelting - Melting or fusing of metallic ores or compounds so as to separate
impurities from pure metals.
• Sprinkler System - An integrated network of hydraulically designed piping installed in
a building, structure or area with outlets arranged in a systematic pattern which
automatically discharges water when activated by heat or combustion products from
a fire.
• Standpipe System - A system of vertical pipes in a building to which fire hoses can be
attached on each floor, including a system by which water is made available to the
outlets as needed.

Bustria, L. (2006). Fire behavior and arson investigation. Quezon City: Wiseman’s Book
Montojo, F. G. (2006). Fire Technology and investigation: lessons for criminology students.
Mandaluyong City: National Book store
TJS Review Center & Seminars (2018). The Secrets. Printure Enterprise, Tarlac City

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