FMC Ref Singles

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FMC Quick Start (pp.


1. The referee rolls 3 dice for each of your character’s abilities.

2. Decide on what creature your character is.

3. Pick their type based on their abilities: Fighter, Mage, or Cleric.

4. Roll three dice for how many tens of gold pieces you start with.

5. Purchase your character’s starting equipment.

6. Determine your character’s hit points, languages, and alignment.

7. Fight on!

COMBAT MATRIX Score to Hit Armor Class

Fighter Mage Cleric 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 +

1-3 1-5 1-4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0

4-6 6-10 5-8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

7-9 11-15 9-12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5

10-12 16-20 13-16 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7

13-15 21-25 17-20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

16+ 26+ 21+ 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 12

FMC Item Costs (pp. 16-7)

Melee Arms GP Ranged Arms GP

Battle Axe 7 Short Bow 25

Dagger 3 Long Bow 40

Flail 8 Composite Bow 50

Halberd 7 Light Crossbow 15

Hand Axe 3 Heavy Crossbow 25

Mace 4 Quiver (20 Arrows) 10

Morning Star 5 Case (30 Quarrels) 30

Pike 6 Arrows (20) 5

Pole Arm 5 Quarrels (30) 5

Spear 1 Silver-Tipped Arrow 5

Sword 10

Two-Handed Sword 15 Equipment GP

Iron Spikes (12) 1

Armor GP Lantern 10

Leather Armor 15 Oil Flask 2

Chainmail Armor 30 Rations (Regular/Iron) 5/15

Plate Mail Armor 50 Rope (50’) 1

Helmet 10 Sack (Small/Large/Bkpk) 1/2/5

Shield 10 Torches (6) 1

Barding 150 Waterskin 1

FMC Character Statistics (p. 20)

A list of acronyms that appear on each of the class statistics tables.

 XP: Experience points required in order to advance to a level.

 HD: Hit dice, rolled for how many hit points a character has.
 TH: Improvement on to-hit rolls.
 DP: Saving throw versus death ray or poison.
 AW: Saving throw versus all wands.
 BS: Saving throw versus becoming stone.
 DB: Saving throw versus dragon breath.
 SS: Saving throw versus staffs and spells.
Mages and clerics have a table of spells they can cast by spell level (1-5),
at each level of experience. Mages do not acquire the ability to cast level
6 spells until they themselves reach level 12.
FMC Fighter Statistics (pp. 21)


1. Veteran 0 1d + 1 +0 12 13 14 15 16

2. Warrior 2,000 2d +0 12 13 14 15 16

3. Swordsman 4,000 3d +0 12 13 14 15 16

4. Hero 8,000 4d +2 10 11 12 13 14

5. Swashbuckler 16,000 5d + 1 +2 10 11 12 13 14

6. Myrmidon 32,000 6d +2 10 11 12 13 14

7. Champion 64,000 7d + 1 +5 8 9 10 10 12

8. Superhero 120,000 8d + 1 +5 8 9 10 10 12

9. Lord 240,000 9d + 3 +5 8 9 10 10 12
FMC Mage Statistics (pp. 22)


1. Medium 0 1d +0 13 14 13 16 15

2. Seer 2,500 1d + 1 +0 13 14 13 16 15

3. Conjurer 5,000 2d +0 13 14 13 16 15

4. Theurgist 10,000 2d + 1 +0 13 14 13 16 15

5. Thaumaturgist 20,000 3d +0 13 14 13 16 15

6. Magician 35,000 3d + 1 +2 11 12 11 14 12

7. Enchanter 50,000 4d +2 11 12 11 14 12

8. Warlock 75,000 5d +2 11 12 11 14 12

9. Sorcerer 100,000 6d + 1 +2 11 12 11 14 12

10. Necromancer 200,000 7d +2 11 12 11 14 12

11. Wizard 300,000 8d + 1 +5 8 9 8 11 8

Spells Cast Current Mage Level

By Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

2 – – 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4

3 – – – – 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

4 – – – – – – 1 2 2 3 3

5 – – – – – – – – 1 2 3
FMC Cleric Statistics (pp. 23)


1. Acolyte 0 1d +0 11 12 14 16 15

2. Adept 1,500 2d +0 11 12 14 16 15

3. Priest 3,000 3d +0 11 12 14 16 15

4. Vicar 6,000 4d +0 11 12 14 16 15

5. Curate 12,000 4d + 1 +2 9 10 12 14 12

6. Bishop 25,000 5d +2 9 10 12 14 12

7. Lama 50,000 6d +2 9 10 12 14 12

8. Patriarch 100,000 7d +2 9 10 12 14 12

Spells Cast Current Cleric Level

By Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 – 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 – – – 1 2 2 2 2

3 – – – – – 1 2 2

4 – – – – – 1 1 2

5 – – – – – – 1 2
FMC Underworld Procedure (pp. 128-33)

Convert 1” to 10’. Two moves constitute 1 turn, or 2 × 120’ for a lightly

encumbered character.

1. The referee explains the party’s surroundings.

2. Each party member chooses how to act for the turn’s duration.

 Force open a door. 2-in-6 chance. Up to 3 may work together.

 Listen behind a door. 2-in-6 chance.
 Search 10’ of wall for a hidden passage. 2-in-6 chance.
 Traverse the dungeon.

3. Actions are resolved. Characters working together roll together.

4. The referee checks for wandering monsters, on a 1-in-6 roll.

A light source is required in order to see. Monsters have infravision, and

appear 20’-80’ from the party or 10’-30’ if they surprise the party.
FMC Wilderness Procedure (pp. 134-45)

One hex represents 5 miles. Each turn of exploration is 1 day of travel.

The party must rest for 1 day out of the week, and each party member
must also consume a unit of rations each week.

1. The party traverses the hex map according to their movement.

2. Roll a die to see if the party encounters a wandering monster or

becomes lost.
3. Refer to columns “Enc.” and “Lost” which indicate the rolls on the
die that result in one of these outcomes.

Outdoor encounters take place on the scale of 1” representing 10 yards.

The party will spot monsters 40-240 yards away, or else be surprised by
them at 10-30 yards away.

There is a 3-in-6 chance that the party will be met by a castle’s owner if
they pass through their territory, a 2-in-6 chance if the party is adjacent
to them, or 1-in-6 if there is a hex between the two.

Terrain Cost Enc. Lost Vehicles Move

Clear 1 1 6 On foot 3

Deserts 2 1-2 4-6 Wagon or cart 4

Mountains 3 1-3 5-6 Draft horse 5

River (w/ ford) 1 1-2 6 Heavy horse 6

River (w/o ford) 3 1-2 6 Medium horse 8

Swamp 3 1-3 4-6 Light horse 10

Woods 2 1-2 5-6

Roads –1 – –
FMC Player Character Record

Player: ____________________ Character: ____________________

Str.: ____ Int.: ____ Wis.: ____ Con.: ____ Dex.: ____ Cha.: ____

Race: ___________ Class/Level: ___________ Maximum HP: ____

Languages: ____________________________ Alignment: L N C

Holdings &c.:

Base Weight: ______

Week Activity Spent Gain Gain Total

_____ _____________________ _____ _____ _____ _____

_____ _____________________ _____ _____ _____ _____

_____ _____________________ _____ _____ _____ _____

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FMC Player Character Record

Week Activity Spent Gain Gain Total

_____ _____________________ _____ _____ _____ _____

_____ _____________________ _____ _____ _____ _____

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FMC Character Spell Book

Spell Name Level Description

______________ _____ __________________________________

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