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Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 I ________ Anya if I’d arrived ten minutes later.

A hadn’t met B wouldn’t have met C didn’t meet

2 If we’d prepared better, we ________ ourselves in this situation.

A wouldn’t found B wouldn’t be finding C wouldn’t have found

3 You’d have understood if you ________ when he explained it all.

A were listening B ’d been listening C listened

4 Nick wouldn’t go mountaineering if he ________ enjoy it so much.

A don’t B wouldn’t C didn’t

5 If it ________ getting dark, I’d suggest we walk a bit further.

A wasn’t B wouldn’t be C isn’t

6 Saleh’s very shy. If you didn’t know him, you ________ he was unfriendly.

A ’ll think B thought C might think

7 If I’d taken your advice, I ________ got lost.

A wouldn’t have had B wouldn’t have C didn’t have

8 We’d go by bike unless it ________.

A rains B would rain C rained

9 If you hadn’t annoyed Lisa so much, she ________ so upset with you yesterday.

A hadn’t been B wouldn’t have been C wouldn’t be

10 If I ________ you, I wouldn’t build your shelter there.

A am B was C were

11 She wouldn’t be injured if the path ________ so icy.

A was B wouldn’t be C hadn’t been

12 We wouldn’t have missed the path if we ________ the map more carefully.

A had followed B would have followed C follow

13 If I ________ tomorrow, I’d definitely come surfing with you.

A didn’t work B wasn’t working C ’m not working

14 I wish my room ________ so small! There’s not enough space for all my stuff!

A wasn’t B wouldn’t be C isn’t

15 I wish I ________ to that new restaurant. The food was very disappointing.

A wouldn’t have gone B hadn’t gone C didn’t go

16 I wish I ________ Harry. I feel awful about it.

A wouldn’t have offended B didn’t offend C hadn’t offended

17 If only we ________ to the same place as you on holiday. It sounds fantastic.

A ’d gone B went C would go

18 I wish I ________ smaller feet – it’s difficult to find shoes my size!

A had B would have C didn’t have

19 Don’t you sometimes wish you ________ work at all?

A wouldn’t have to B wouldn’t C didn’t have to

20 If only we ________ our swimming costumes! Lots of people were swimming in the


A took B ’d taken C would have taken


a Tick () the correct word, A, B, or C.

1 extremely tired after a lot of physical activity

A devastated B shattered C bewildered

2 bored or annoyed

A exhausted B fed up C upset

3 very angry

A devastated B miserable C furious

4 sad because of not enough social contact

A offended B lonely C homesick

5 not knowing what to do or say because of strong emotion

A overwhelmed B desperate C amazed

6 very surprised by some unexpected news

A furious B stunned C confused

7 very upset by something someone has said or done

A offended B irritated C shattered

8 very glad that a problem has been solved

A relieved B disappointed C shocked

9 thankful for what someone has done for you

A overwhelmed B inspired C grateful

10 extremely disappointed

A gobsmacked B gutted C down

11 You looked absolutely ________ when you heard the news.

A stunning B stun C stunned

12 Were you ________ when Lukas said that he didn’t think he needed you to come?

A offending B offended C offend

13 John sometimes feels ________ when it’s dark in winter.

A depressed B depresses C depressing

14 People often feel ________ when they can’t do something.

A frustrated B frustrating C frustrate

15 Alberto and Jean’s new house is really ________!

A impressed B impressive C impress

16 I was so ________ when I found out that James had resigned from his job.

A shocking B shocks C shocked

17 I feel ________ after that lecture! I think I’ll write my essay this afternoon.

A inspired B inspire C inspiring

18 Isn’t it ________ when people call you at home to try and sell you something?

A infuriated B infuriating C furious

19 I was ________ when Jack asked me out me – I didn’t even think he liked me!

A bewilder B bewildering C bewildered

20 It was ________ when there was a part missing from the bed I was trying to put


A annoyed B annoy C annoying

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