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reference value (Flat File)

subTtl + CGR CpTR + RM CpTC

subTtl = Total CpTc * s.CLK Fact Prod

- Total CPTc = RME CpTc + RMP CpTc + RML CpTC + CLK CpTC

- s.CLK Fact Prod = rkf.GBW BRL CLK Consumed in CGR + rkf.GBW BR: CLK Content of Cement purchase.cons n CGR / CBL

+ ckf. GBW BRL CLK Content cemen transf.con.CBL at plant level / ckf.GBW BRL cement production volume

- rkf.GBW BRL CLK Consumed in CGR = ckf.GBW BRL actual GI quantity w/o unit = Actual GI Quantity

- rkf.GBW BR: CLK Content of Cement purchase.cons n CGR / CBL = ckf.GBW BRL Clinker content w/unit = clinker content

- ckf. GBW BRL CLK Content cemen transf.con.CBL at plant level = HIP Report Level (0=Rep Entity; 1= plant)) * rkf.gbw brl clk content of cement CGR and CBL * LEAF (rkf.gbw brl clk content of cement CGR and CBL) +((HIP Report Level (0=REP Entity;1=Plant)'==1)
or (HIP Report Level) * rkf.GBW BRL CLK Content of cement transf.cons in CGR and CBL * HIP Report Level

CGR CpTC = CGF Cost / s.Cem Vol Prod

- s.cem vol prod = rkf brl cgr volume produced + rkf.GBW BRL RM consumed in CBL - RKF GBW BRL cement & proc aid consumed in CBL + rkf
gbw brl cement purchased consumed in CBL + ckf.GBW BRL cement transfered consumed in CBL at plant level + ckf.GBW BRL cement transfered
consumed in CGR at plant level - rkf.GBW BRL Cement transffered consumed in CGR

- rkf brl cgr volume produced = ckf.gbw brl actual gr quantity w/o unit = actual GR Quanityt
- rkf.GBW BRL RM consumed in CBL = ckf.GBW BRL actual GI quantity w/o unit currency = actual gi quantity

- RKF GBW BRL cement & proc aid consumed in CBL = ckf. GBW BRL actual GI quantity w/o unit = actual GI Quantity

- rkf gbw brl cement purchased consumed in CBL = ckf.GBW BRL actual GI Quantity w/0 unit = Actual GI Quanity

- ckf.GBW BRL cement transfered consumed in CBL at plant level =


- RME CpTC = RME CpT * s.RME to Cement Factor

- RME Cost / (s.RME Prod - s.RME Sold)

- s.RME Prod = ckf.GBW BRL actutual GR Quantity w/o unit = actual gr quantity

- s.RME.Sold = ckf.GBW BRL Production volume sold w/o unit = production volume sold

- RMP CpTC = RMP CpT * s.RML to Cement Factor

- RMP CpT = RMP Cost / (s.RMP Prod - s.RMP Sold)

- RMP Cost = ckf.GBW BRL Amount w/o Currency

- ckf.GBW BRL Amount w/o Currency = Amount

- RML CpTC = RML CpT * s.RML to Cement Factor

- RML CpT = RML Cost / (s.RML Prod - s.RML Sold)

- s.RML PROD = ckf.gbw brl actual GR quantity w/o unit = Actual GR Quantity

- s.RML Sold = rkf.gbw brl rml volume sold = ckf.GBW BRL Production volume sold w/o quantity = production volume sold
- RML CpTC = RML * CpT * S.RML to Clinker Factor

- RML CpT = RML Cost (KF : ckf.GBW BRL Amount w/o currency) / (s.RML Prod (rkf.GBW BRL RML Volume Produced) - s.RML Sold (rkf.GBW BRL
RML Volume Sold))

- ckf.GBW BRL Amount w/o currency = Amount

- rkf.GBW BRL RML Volume Produced = ckf.GBW BRL Actual GR quantity w/0 Unit

- ckf.GBW BRL Actual GR quantity w/0 Unit : Actual GR quantity

- rkf.GBW BRL RML Volume Sold = ckf.GBW BRL Production Volume Sold w/0 Unit

- ckf.GBW BRL Production Volume Sold w/0 Unit : Production Volume Sold

MTBF = ckf.planned maintenance stop nodim

ckf.failure NDIM

ckf. Processing Time NDIM

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