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Clerk III
Regional Trial Court of Bulacan-Office of the Clerk of Court
Malolos City, Bulacan
Enrolled in DLP on RA6713 dated 23 May 2022 under O.R. No. 7633186-1





With this definition, how can you manifest this norm in your work place?
Excerpt from the definition mentioned in the above descriptive norm. You must be cost-
effective in all government resources to minimize wastage of funds. Commit yourself to self-
sacrifice for the common good and welfare of the community in general. Show initiatives to
others to be responsible enough in utilizing public property and supplies economically.

Conform with following manifestations of commitment to public interest: to wit,

a. Dispose garbage properly;
b. Take care of office equipment as if they are your own so that they will not breakdown
c. Preserve public property and domain;
d. Expose graft and corruption;
e. Recycle office supplies; and
f. Use office supplies economically


How can you show your commitment to public interest?
Being in the government service for almost twenty-seven (27) years as rank and file
employee, my day to day works and assigned tasks delegated to me makes its performances
fruitful and efficient. I always see to it that leave nothing for tomorrow what can be done today.
As a receiving clerk in the Cashier Section, my line of works are to provide and assist the
clienteles the list of required documents for processing of the release of cash bond and deposit
thereof which requires patience and understanding to be able to attend to their concerns and
needs; to prepare disbursement voucher for cash bond and deposit made by the claimant in a
soonest possible time; and to prepare monthly report of collections and deposits to be submitted
to the Bureau of the Treasury. I also do some odd jobs in our office such as repairing electrical
outlets; troubleshooting PC Desktop and Printers so that it will lessen the expenditures and
wastage of funds. Those tasks also need ample office supplies and equipment that should be used
economically by stating the above-mentioned manifestations of commitment to public
interest. It is also my duty as public servant to expose graft and corrupt practices of erring public
officials and employees as mentioned in Panunumpa ng Lingkod Bayan quoted as: “HINDI
Therefore, I owe the public my commitment to their interest. I will not use my position in any
undertakings that may prejudice to public interest.

Those five (5) dimensions to professionalism mentioned in the DLP Manual may be defined my
qualities set to Standards.


How can you become more professional? How can you improve the work you do in the office
to improve your service to the public?
Our Superior and immediate Supervisor are the evaluator who assess and determine the
value, quality, ability and significance of their subordinates. On this note, I am bound to commit
myself to upgrade my communication skills; proficiency in your field of work; support and
harmonious working relationship with your colleagues; maintain integrity and be on time.
Knowing a clear-cut of your role and the tasks you are responsible for is essential. I
have been working with the Judiciary as Clerk III and was assigned to different Section or
Branch of Office which tackles sort of tasks that bit by bit hone my personal capability to deal
with other colleagues, superiors and to a variety of people in a professional approach. From
that experiences, I still continually upgrade my skills particularly in communication both oral
and written. To be able to clearly express your ideas with colleagues during meetings and
dealings with other people or clientele; Follow office policies and rules, to understand it, the
best way to address challenges is not to start with a policy and direct others to follow it, but
rather to include others in the policy making process where subordinates are in more cases the
best source of practical solutions; Support and network with colleagues by helping them
through a difficult time with their work and showing them how to use a new approach or
technology when dealing with a system flaw or defect; Be productive and take a step for the
common good of the office and community development; Be accountable for your work and
actions while behaving ethically at all times; and Priotize, plan and manage your assignment s
or any given tasks to maintain effective work habits.

Our Government or Office Agency is under the umbrella of the Judicial Branch of
Government which judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the
lower courts established by law. Although justices are appointed by the president on the
recommendation of the Judicial and Bar Council of the Philippines, it allows them to make
decisions based on what is right under the law without facing political and personal
consequences. We, as regular court are employed under career service positions, which requisites
of a civil service system are merit system, security of tenure and political neutrality.


How can you put into practice political neutrality?
It is evident in the law that non-eligible citizens are not qualified to be appointed in the
government institutions or agency and the spoils system is not applicable in recruiting civil
servants based on the 1987 Administrative Code. To some extent it cannot be denied the fact that
spoils system assassinate political neutrality particularly in the local government unit and it is
perceivably that the Philippine bureaucracy is tainted with political matters. To preserve political
neutrality, civil servants should be guided with the Rules Implementing the Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees and to inculcate values, integrity,
impartiality, courtesy and commitment to the public or people’s plea to serve them efficiently.
We should encourage our civil servants to be reminded of the notion “ MAMAMAYAN MUNA,
HINDI MAMAYA NA” which launched in 1994 ( a nationwide client-satisfaction program
spearheaded by Civil Service Commission (CSC). I also believe that in my own perception,
political neutrality in our present jobs has no political implication and influences that may
hamper our duties and responsibilities As civil servants, we shall always uphold the principle of
political neutrality, meaning that civil servants shall serve with total dedication and to the best of
their knowledge and ability, no matter what their own political beliefs are. When they express
their views, they should assure that their views would not give rise to any conflict of interest with
their official duties, or to compromise the important principle of maintaining political neutrality
and impartiality when discharging their duties.



Can you recall an experience when your honesty was tested? Or when you became a victim
of dishonesty?
During my first six (6) months in the Office of the Clerk of Court as receiving clerk, my
duties and responsibilities as such are to receive, docket, record and refer all pleadings,
documents or cases and communication letter received pertaining to the courts. Since I was
newbie that time, my unforgettable experience was when one of my fellow employee in other
branch of court persuaded me to receive pleadings intended for their branch of office which are
already beyond the required period of filing that must do something to antedate the date of filing.
I later found out that incident was unacceptable and this may result to technicality in the course
of proceedings. Fortunately, no unfavorable consequences happened on that incident. I would
say that I am a victim of dishonesty and it is a learning experience that should be recalled.
Lesson learned is to enhance know-how of your craft in your field of work.

1. What can you conclude from your story or experiences?

Be discreet of your action and decision in all of your dealings with people of
superordinate status that may take advantage of the circumstances that you are a novice in
your field of work. You must also have a courage to oppose with the given situations like
that not to be manipulated by a cunning person.
2. What can you say about honesty? About being just and sincere?
As the saying goes, HONESTY IS THE POLICY. In the context of interpretation,
Honesty is with conformity to the standard of correctness or propriety. It’s a part of moral
character that develops good attributes like truthfulness, discipline, kindness and moral
integrity. It is the foundation for trust in a relationship and be of great service to GOD,
people and to your loved ones. To be of service to the people without gratuity. The
quality of being just and sincere person possesses God-centered values and attitudes,
shows genuineness of concerns for the community and co-workers, repudiates
wrongdoings and bad habits such as stealing from the government you are working in,
bribery, gossiping using foul language and taking advantage of others by cheating.
3. How can you show justness and sincerity in the performance of your work?
Since my work deals to provide the list of requirements for the processing of documents
needed for the release of cash bonds and deposits. I see to it that every details are very
well explained and provide solutions whatever is lacking in their document. No special
treatment for people with superiority. Serves people better with politeness. Do not use
government resources for your own beneficial gain and interest.



How can you show Responsiveness? What realizations did you gain from this session? List
down below your answer.
 Do you still find these perceptions true today?
Excerpt from the first paragraph after the definition of Responsiveness to the
Public. Well, based from my views, observations and experienced, I would say it YES.
Why? Because I experienced that very long wait of services and prompt action to my
dealings in several government agency here in our locality. Responsiveness requires a
personal response. Therefore, we should create guidelines that are specific, measurable
and comprehensible that the public have ease to access social services, facilities and
public documents such as Certifications and Clearances without delay. Each individual is
in control of their own ability to be responsive and their personal commitment. One key
solution to this problem is the digital infrastructure program that according to our new
duly elected President BBM that digitalization technology is a must to be implemented in
our bureaucracy to be given priority for expeditious and good public service.
 How well do you understand the conditions of the poor? Do you know how they
feel? Have you experienced their condition?
To begin with, my economic status during my younger years may define as an
indigent that needs help from others. I experienced having meal only once in a day trying
to find alms even in the street. Worst case scenario is that I cannot avail of our personal
necessity that requires money. Having said that, now that I am employed in the
government service, I still considered myself underprivileged caused by meager salary
allotted to a rank and file employee having a lower level of position. So I know very well
how is the feeling to be an indigent. Be that as it may, I tried to be self-sufficient so as not
to be a burden to society.
 Would you now accept the reason that one is poor because one is lazy? Are you now
aware of the cause which perpetuates the gap between the rich and the poor?
At some point, it is partially true and existing if you have keen observations in
your surroundings. But it is an unacceptable connotation that poor people is lazy.
It’s happening world-wide that the underprivileged person has no means and
resources to uplift their economic status due to various contributing factors such
as inaccessibility to equitable quality of education (People equip w/ higher degree
have better job opportunity) but not to the third world country. Unemployment
still at compromising high level. Other reason is overpopulation that the people
inability to take on available jobs, oversupply of labor force and the increasing
number of graduates; Next is equal rights of the public to social services that the
government should provide with sustainable development goals (Sec.17 of the
Local Government Code). So that, deserving and classified as underprivileged can
stand alone by themselves. On the issue of capitalism, predominantly rich people
enjoyed greater profit than wage or paid laborer and that is evidently true and
cannot be denied. But if capitalist is sympathetic, kind-hearted, unselfish and
generous enough to compensate their workers fair and just remuneration.
Consequently, that will make sense and positive result to alleviate economic
difficulties at least to some extent.


My feelings as a Filipino
I am a Filipino with self-esteem for the love of my country. The qualities and
character traits of being a Filipino delineates resiliency, compassionate, self-sacrifice,
respect for elders, family oriented, cheerful personality and a very hospitable person that
makes me proud to be a Filipino. A true Filipino in thoughts, in words and in deeds. I was
born a Filipino and I will die as a Filipino. But I am not a hypocrite to tell that in some
cases and instances my attitudes reflected the other side of being a good person (envious,
hold grudge and irascible).

Even in your own place or province, you have so many things, famous people and
places to be proud about, haven’t you? Can you recall them?
Bulacan is widely known to be the land of noble heroes and historical heritage.
The historic BARASOAIN CHURCH in Malolos City is the birth place of First
Constitution of the Philippine Republic in 1898. Also the home province of heroes like
Marcelo H. Del Pilar, the Great Propagandist; Gregorio Del Pilar, the Hero of Tirad Pass;
and Francisco Baltazar (Balagtas), the Prince of Filipino Poets. Leisure and Tourist
attraction places found in Bulacan like Biak na Bato National Park located at San Miguel,
Bulacan; Divine Mercy National Shrine in Marilao, Bulacan; Meyto Shrine in Calumpit,
Bulacan; and Verdivia Falls in Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan.


A. How do you feel now for the country? Do you now feel a sense of pride for our
country knowing how “powerful” Filipinos are as people? How would you show
your love for our country? How much do you care about our country? Write your
responses below or in one sheet of paper.
Patriotism matters to take pride of the country’s past, present and future
achievements. My love for my country rooted since the time of my birth and journey in
life. It’s about changing and growing with who and what you are. Our country is the
home where my heart is. We could show our love for the country by being part of
political process; support and promote local products; pay taxes conscientiously; obey the
law; embrace your country’s art, culture and values; visit first your country destination
before travelling to other countries; sing the national anthem with heart and respect; and
speak positively about your country and treat your fellow countrymen with respect and
B. Enumerate eight (8) things you can be proud about Filipinos or about the

Description Why do you say so?

1. Filipino hospitality They welcome their guest with warm

welcome, provide foods and entertain
the guest to a tour to local destination.
Even entreated with pasalubong or
sweet delicacies.
2. Filipinos are family oriented We are known to have a strong family
ties that is why it is common to see multiple
families living in a single residence. Put the
needs of the family ahead of their own.
Focus on family values.
3. Industrious attitude Filipinos are compulsive to finish their
set of goals in spite of difficult
circumstances and limited resources.
4. Generosity We are naturally helpful and generous
people, we extend help to family members,
even to strangers when needed.
5. Filipinos are resilient They display the endurances needed
to overcome hardship. It is important
to have a support system to help improve
overall health condition and reduce stress
and anxiety that Filipinos extend to their
6. Ingenuity Many of our Filipinos are great inventor
that their inventions are globally
7. Sincerity One of the qualities possesses by our fellow
Filipino. Their sincerity is unquestionable
and always to be right in a moral way.
8. Philippines is fun to visit Our country is rich in biodiversity and
beautiful scenery. Things that will make you
astonished with Philippines are known for
breathtaking views, exquisite pinoy cuisine,
grand festivals and ridiculously good person.
The late former Senator and Nationalist Jose W. Diokno, in one of his writings, has
summarized a truly democratic and sovereign nation. Read the text below and underline or
highlight that part or parts which you feel most strongly about.

A Nation for our Children

There is one dream that Filipinos share;
that our children may have a better life than we have had.

So there is one vision that is distinctly Filipino;

the vision to make this country, our country, a nation for our children.

A NOBLE nation, where homage is paid not to who a man is or what he knows,
but to what he is and what he does .

A PROUD nation, where poverty chains no man to the plow, forces no woman
to prostitute herself and condemns no child to scrounge among garbage.

A FREE nation, where men and women and children from all regions
and with all kinds of talents may find truth and play and sing and laugh
and dance and love without fear.

A JUST nation, where whatever inequality exists is caused not by the way
people act towards each other but by differences in natural talents;
where poverty, ignorance and hunger are attacked and every farmer has a land
that no one can grab from him; every breadwinner, a job that is satisfying and
pays him enough to provide a decent standard of living; every family, a home
from which it cannot be evicted; and everyone, a steadily improving quality of

An INDEPENDENT nation which rejects foreign dictation, depends on itself,

thinks for itself, and decide for itself what the common good is, how it is to be
attained, and how its costs and benefits are to be distributed.

An HONORABLE nation where public powers are used for the public good
and not for the private gain of some Filipinos and some foreigners; where
leaders speak not only well but truthfully and act honestly; a nation that is
itself and seeks to live in peace and brotherhood with all other nations of the

Write in one paragraph your feelings or insights about the importance of democracy in a
free and just society.
Let us recall the history in the past that leaders of the revolution declared the country’s
sovereign state and proclaimed the First Republic of the Philippines, the first constitutional
democracy in Asia. A political system ruled by the people through elected representatives. The
foundations of democracy comprised of many important ideals of democracy as such, are the
political participation that ensure the engagement of citizens in the political arena, consent of the
governed, inclusiveness, equality, freedom of assembly, citizenship, the right to life and liberty.
Sovereignty is the formation and protection of sustainable freedom of equality and justice in

Write your insights by completing the following phrases. You can come up with as
many sentences as you can.

I feel that each and every person has their own set of goals in life and among other things is for
the betterment of their economic condition and live a comfortable life with ease access to the
modern technology such as communication, transportation, medical, electrical, and mechanical.
We strive hard just to make it happen. A sense of security and happiness that comes first to your
priorities. So much to say, it depends on the career paths you are working in. Our profession is
part of the three separate and sovereign yet interdependent branches of government which is the
judicial branch, the law interpreting body comprised of government personnel such as Justices,
Judges, Attorneys and rank and file employees. Their status should have regard to a much
respectable representation and dignified appearance in a modest way.

I realize that a modest person must not indulge himself in extravagant and ostentatious display
of wealth especially a public servant regardless of their position in government. As it mentioned
in this module, to avoid public suspicion and criticism and of indignation, especially public
officials and employees’ income does not conform to their extravagant lifestyles that might
resulted in degradation of public service.

I will commit myself in a modest way of life and demonstrate integrity, provide excellence
service to the people and be a problem-solver to a given task.



I. True or False:
TRUE 1. A Dangal ng Bayan awardee may be promoted to the next higher position.
FALSE 2. All government officials and employees must act promptly on letters and
requests within 30 days from receipt thereof.
TRUE 3. Public officials and employees are prohibited to engage in the private practice
of their profession unless authorized by law and will not conflict with their
official transactions.
TRUE 4. Official papers and documents must contain not more than three (3) initials
and signatures.
FALSE 5. A contractual worker shall file his/her Statement of Assets, Liabilities and
FALSE 6. An employee will no longer divest his/her shareholdings when he/she resigned
from the private enterprise due to conflict of interest.
II. Enumeration:
Enumerate the following requirement asked in the problem.
A. Two prohibited acts / transactions:
1. Public officials and employees shall not solicit or accept, directly or indirectly
any gift, gratuity, favor or anything of monetary value from any person in the course
of their official duties.
2. Officials and employees shall not display ill or bad manners.

B. Three forms of incentives and rewards any of which may be given to government
Officials and employees:
1. Citation.
2. Automatic promotion to the next higher position suitable to your qualifications and
with proportionate salary.
3. Bonuses.

C. Conflict of interest occurs when the official and employee is:

1. When you are substantial stockholder of a corporation and if you are a party to a
voting trust.
2. When the interest of your rights and duties to the corporation or business are affected
by the faithful performance of your official duty.
3. When you are a partner in a partnership in a business.

D. Persons exempted from filing a Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth.

1. Temporary laborers
2. Contractual workers and
3. Those who serve in an official honorary capacity without service credit or pay.

E. Penalties that may be imposed under RA 6713 against public officials and
1. Violations of Sec. 7, 8, & 9 under the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of
Public Officials and Employees are punishable with imprisonment not exceeding five
years and disqualification to hold public office rendered by the court of competent
2. Removal or dismissal from the service depending on the gravity of the offense after
due notice and hearing by the appropriate body or agency.
3. Fine not exceeding the equivalent of six-month salary or suspension not exceeding
one year.

Case Study # 1 AN ISLAND STORM
If you were the official concerned, what would you do after knowing the findings of the
chemist? How would you show commitment to public interest in this case?
Given that situational case study and for the sake of argument, a government official
should be held liable for his disloyalty or betrayal of public trust in violation of the Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees. Under Section 4 of RA 6713,
he shall refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy,
public order, public safety and public interest. A government official is expected to be just and
sincere in the performance of his duty. He shall at all times be responsible for the welfare and
well-being of the public. Knowing the fact that the report from chemist that the waters of the
island are not safe for swimming and detrimental to health, we must not regard only for the
economic growth of your locality. We should also have a better plan for structural design and
planning adequate sewer system in your locality and promote clean and green program.


If you were in Rick’s shoes, how will you respond to the situation? Will you allow Alonzo to
pass through or not? Why and why not?
Upon reading and analyzing the given situational case, I was bewildered from that
incident that an army colonel together with his men who happened to be the protector and
enforcer of laws doing such things with an alibi that they need funds to bury our dead comrades
and to give for their bereaved families. We all know for a fact that the government agency like
Philippine National Police and Armed Forces of the Philippines consists of three main service
branches; the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy including Marine Corps provide a program and
financial assistance to beneficiaries of cops and soldiers who were wounded and killed in action
or during military and police operations. I presumed that statement of Colonel Alonzo is a lie. He
is doing that for his own benefits or may be of some person in authority of a higher rank. In
response to the call of duty of a Forest Guard, it is really a dilemma to an officer whether he will
allow Colonel Alonzo to pass through or not, knowing the fact that his life is at stake when the
Colonel insists his request. My standpoint under that predicament is to persuade Colonel Alonzo
to be mindful of the possible legal consequences he might faced or if he persistently requested to
pass through. I have the option to heed with his request but I will make a written recording of
facts so that I can report this incident to the proper authority.

Case Study # 3 WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?

Do you agree with Glenda? Why?
Is whistle blowing to the media acceptable as whistle blowing to an elected national official?
Let us discuss first, what Environmental Management Bureau is? The Environmental
Management Bureau’s mandate is to formulate, plan, create programs, provide research,
laboratory services and appropriate environmental quality standards for the prevention and
control of pollution and the protection of the environment, and ensures their implementation. To
agree with Glenda’s impulsive reaction that she is going to report the matter to the media and to
the Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, should be the last option
to do if things (securing permit, clearances and certifications) don’t go through the regular
process by a competent person who evaluates, assesses and surveys the area subject for mining
business under their existing policies and regulations. Then, I myself, will do the same
whistleblowing. Be reminded of RA 6713 section 7A and 2017 RACCS rule 7, section 29A that
in any violation thereof have a corresponding penalties. And our commitment to public interest
should always be done to promote the welfare of the public in general.
Case Study # 4 PICK ME UP
Ronnie is now in quandary. Now, if you are in Ronnie’s shoes, what would you do?
Under that situation, I find myself too in a most awkward predicament when a client
insisted to give a minimal amount of money for merienda or snack. He opted to leave the money
in my table without my knowledge and to my surprise I have no choice but to accept the money
to buy merienda for us. The idea here is to know the distinctions between what is right or wrong.
My perception before was it’s only okey to receive money as long as it was given voluntarily
without coercion. But still it violates the code of conduct under prohibited acts and transactions.
Be discreet of the recurrence of that incidents to decline offers of gratuity. Because, public
officials and employees must be accountable to the people; discharge their duties with integrity
and loyalty and they are compelled to prove that they are trustworthy public servants.


Which side would you take? Cynthia’s side or Mely’s ? Why?
I value more highly with what Cynthia’s declaration to her co-worker. I, myself, have the
same wrongdoings before, bringing home office supplies in secrecy. This kind of prohibited acts
can be deterred with a good policy and rules constituted by the agency which governed by a
good model public official with adherence to commitment to public interest. Through policy
making, a designated personnel has inventory control of the office supplies and accessibility of
the items are properly managed and inventoried. I also then realized that I should not commit
that kind of corrupt practices for the common good. With this premise, I pledge that my
commitment to public interest be always at preponderance.


What can you say about this? Is something legal also automatically moral? What do you
Excerpts from online research, that PAGCOR was created during the Martial Law years
by virtue of a Presidential Decree (PD1067A) issued by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos in
response to calls for the Philippine Government to put a stop to the growing proliferation of
illegal casino operations in various parts of the country. PAGCOR is the largest contributor of
revenue to the government’s socio-civic and national development programs. Likewise, the
PCSO is also a government-owned and controlled corporation under the direct supervision of the
Office of the President of the Philippines. It is mandated to provide funds for health programs,
medical assistance and services, and charities of national character. Their functionality is to
conduct charity sweepstakes and lotteries which many of our fellow citizen (KABABAYAN) are
patronizing this game of chance.
From my perspective, every person is held liable for his acts and conduct. Gambling or
any form of game of chance is highly rewarding experience especially when you win more than
once. Gambling is accepted as part of this country’s culture and is widely participated by the
majority of the population. Young people are also introduced to gambling by learning to play
card games and bingo with their parents at home. Some common reasons why people gamble are
to win money, to support charity, for recreation and to escape problems. Recently our President
Duterte realized on ill effects of e-sabong despite of its generating income of P640 million a
month and then he ordered to stop e-sabong. Gambling addiction can lead to other serious effects
including bankruptcy, domestic abuse, family break up, and even homelessness. Now, it depends
on every person’s tolerance to handle that kind of social harms. It is a must to have a self-control
in all of your dealings.


If you were this employee, would you agree with her opinion regarding the CSC’s dress
Acts contrary to the norms of conduct, she must inculcate in her mind that a public
servant shall lead modest lives and live in accordance with your means. Although she can afford
to buy things to give her pleasure and to show people her extravagant lifestyle. It is indeed
inappropriate to some public officials and employees for wearing flashy clothes and jewelry that
might inclined to public suspicion and criticism especially your income does not conform with
your means. That is where the definition of corruption above becomes relevant.

Case Study # 8 GIFT GALORE

Who do you think between Adora and Josie is right? Why?
Under RA 6713, Section 7 (d), Solicitation and acceptance of gifts is a prohibited acts
except for nominal value not given in exchange for favor. This act is subject for administrative
disciplinary action. Josie is right in discussion with Adora quoting as “Baka ma-RA6713 ka
because of these gifts you have been receiving ever since”. Public officials and employees must
be committed to perform their duties and functions without expectation of any favor or reward.


If you happen to chance upon a government vehicle parked in places where you least
expect a government official may transact business with, what will you do? Will you take
time to report the incident to the Ombudsman? If not, what will you do? Why?
Many things have to be considered in the process of speculating why is that a government
vehicle parked in places where you least expected. Assuming arguendo that you see a public
official using government vehicle parked in a mall or in anywhere else. Can you assert the
circumstances that surround a situation on mere speculation without personal knowledge and
evidence to present in case you reported it to the proper authority with competent jurisdiction
and to prove your allegation that he is using that government vehicle for his personal benefit and
interest. It cannot be denied that some of our elected officials are using government vehicle in all
of their dealings whether it is personal or in official business. That is the usual course or trend in
government bureaucracy. Do you agree with me? The bureaucratic system in our government
needs a more stringent policies and rules constituted by expert in political system.

Case Study # 10 HE DOES, I DO

What do you think? Who is right, Roy or his boss?
None of them is right, under Rule 10 Sec. 50(F) of 2017 RACCS, the descriptive words
habitual tardiness is punishable by reprimand for first offense; suspension of one (1) to thirty
(30) days for second offense; and dismissal from the service for the third offense. Civil Service is
the generic name which refers to all officials and employees in all branches, subdivisions,
instrumentalities and agencies of the government, including government-owned and controlled
corporations with original charters are covered by this rule of 2017 RACCS. I have the same
sentiment that Roy feels about when superordinate in our judicial branch exploits, works and
manipulates to his own advantage the privilege of being high official. Should there be an internal
arrangement within the agency? Although, the CSC announced modified flexible schedules for
government personnel outside the regular time of schedule from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ambiguity to policy comes to my mind when high official comes late and leaves his office at
earlier time. Above all, we should learn to take responsibility of your actions that may prejudice
to your judgment and critical thinking. Motivate your subordinates to be punctual the way you
demonstrate yourself as a responsible individual.

Name: ARMAN G. DELOS SANTOS Agency: Regional Trial Court of Bulacan
Position: Clerk III No. of years in the Gov’t: 27 years

1. The lessons were written effectively for me to learn

the subject matter. (5) Strongly agree
2. The lessons were logically organized. (5) Strongly agree
3. My attitude was enhanced as a result of this course. (5) Strongly agree
4. My knowledge on RA 6713 increase as a result of this course (5) Strongly agree
5. Overall I was satisfied with (5) Strongly agree
Lesson 1. Norms of Conduct (5) Strongly agree
2. Other Pertinent Provisions of the code (5) Strongly agree
3. The Cases (4) Agree

What suggestion do you have for improving this DLP curriculum?

After thoughtful comprehension of the entire curriculum, all aspects of the writing is in
the logical flow of thoughts and sentences, and only that may be a subject to consider is the case
study which requires to come with the current issues.

Additional Comments:
My overall analysis in the DLP curriculum is an innovative teaching framework designed
to educate, develop and implement good governance in the bureaucracy.

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