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Analyze and evaluate the stories, then give opinions that actively support their
Huckleberry Finn's plot is based on two individuals' struggles to win freedom.
Huck want to be free of society's physical and mental limitations, but Jim seeks to
escape a life of real slave. Much of the novel's tension stems from Huck's struggle to
reconcile Jim's desire for freedom with his own. Huck is originally primarily concerned
with his own release, and he does not question slavery's morality. Huck's conscience
convinces him that he must help Jim after spending time with him since Jim is a human
being. While Huck encounters few major obstacles in his quest for personal
independence, Jim's stakes are much higher because escaping slavery is prohibited.
Huck gradually realizes that he cannot send Jim back to slavery. Despite feeling bad for
acting in an unethical manner, Huck determines that he must treat Jim like a human
person, not a slave.
Purposeful parodies and references, Lewis Carroll's books aggressively
embraced and mocked features of his surroundings and Victorian culture. The original
poems that inspired his parodies are easily identified. In addition, he used connections
to real-life events and persons in his fiction. The author's many interests are reflected in
his work. As a result, the stories contain scientific, mathematical, psychological, literary,
artistic, political, and philosophical allusions. Influences from his surroundings, There
are also features from the author's surroundings that he must have deliberately or
unknowingly included into the novel. Hidden meanings, Many others feel the novels
have secret meanings on a far deeper level, such as drug marketing or an attempt to
parody the political situation.

C. Explain the differences and similarities of both stories (Huckleberry Finn and
Alice in Wonderland).
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, on the other hand, focuses on his outside
challenges, including his family, the abuse he received, and his adventures with Jim. He
does not follow any norms and approaches his surroundings logically. He is lively and
quickly adjusts to his surroundings, but through dishonesty.
Both The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
are about adventure, "coming of age," making friends along the journey, gaining
confidence, and learning lessons along the way. Huck and Alice are two characters who
do not appear to fit into any of the expected categories.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is more on Alice's psychological issues, such
as how she struggles to deal with social situations and how to respond "appropriately"
to them. However, as the novel progresses through her travels in Wonderland, Alice
grows more confident and secure in her identity. She learns how to "blend in" in her own
unique way while remaining true to her beliefs.

D. Identify the elements of the story, such as settings, characters, plot, and
theme. Make sure to get an excerpt from the text or proof of where is it stated or
located in the book. Kindly state your sources and learn to paraphrase.
Twain based the fictional tiny town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, on his hometown
of Hannibal, Missouri. Huck and Jim set out along the Mississippi River, passing
through Illinois, Kentucky, and Arkansas after meeting on Jackson's Island.
Alice falls down a rabbit hole and finds herself in Wonderland, a fantasy realm
filled by strange people, in Alice in Wonderland. She wanders across Wonderland
looking for a route home. During her voyage, she becomes involved in a legal issue
involving the Knave of Hearts, who is accused of stealing the Queen of Hearts' tarts.
 Huckleberry Finn- often known as Huck, is an adventurous young man who
flees his cruel father.
 Jim- is an escaped slave who accompanies Huck on his adventure down the
Mississippi River.
 Tom Sawyer- Huck's best buddy is, who emerges towards the end of the story.
 Pap- Huck's violent father, is the catalyst for Huck's departure.
 The Widow Douglas- Huck's guardian, who attempts to teach him manners.
 Alice- is the imaginative young protagonist.
 The White Rabbit- is the rabbit who leads Alice into Wonderland.
 The Cheshire Cat- is a cat that has the capacity to disappear at will.
 The March Hare- is the host of a tea party that Alice attends.
 The Mad Hatter- is a puzzle lover who attends the March Hare's tea party.
 The Queen of Hearts- is a dictator who instructs her guards to cut off Alice's
Huck is an orphan raised by Miss Watson. He is completely bored and cannot
bear being there. Pap appears out of nowhere and demands Huck and his riches.
Rising Action
The rising action begins when Huck and Jim encounter the king and duke, two
newcomers pretending to be royalty but who actually scam artists who depend on
innocent people are.
The novel's climax occurs when Huck must choose between exposing Jim's
location, ensuring Jim's return to slavery, and implicating himself in breaching the law by
saving a slave.
Falling Action
Tom awakens at home and proudly tells the amazing event of Jim's escape. He
is saddened to learn that Jim has been arrested.
Huck discovers that Jim is already a free man and that his father has died. Aunt
Polly, Tom's mother, agrees to adopt and teach Huck.
Alice chases the White Rabbit down a tunnel.
Rising Action
Alice gets smaller and encounters some talking animals. Alice attends Hatter's
tea party. The Queen of Hearts, who commands executions, meets Alice. vAlice enjoys
croquet and is learning the Lobster Quadrille. Alice was called as a witness in the trial of
the Knave of Hearts.
Queen's court rises up against Alice.
Falling Action
Alice notices that the cards are actually leaves.
Alice awakens from her sleep.
Friendship, freedom, and adventure - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about a
child named Huck's journey along the Mississippi River as he frees himself from his
cruel father by faking his own death and helps liberate his new-found buddy Jim, a slave
escaping from his owner. Together, the playful Huck and the kind-hearted but enslaved
Jim set sail for the freedom and adventure to which they both aspire as they form a
lasting relationship.
Growing older -The most obvious subject throughout Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
is the idea of maturation. Lewis Carroll admired young children's unprejudiced and
innocent view to the world.

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