Goodallgeorge 1978

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Avocado Fertilization'

Division of Agricultural Sciences LEAFLET

The authors are George E. Goodall, County Director and Farm Advisor, Santa Barbara
County; Tom W. Embleton, Professor of Horticultural Science, Department of Plant
Sciences, Riverside; and Robert G. Platt, Subtropical Horticulturist, Cooperative Exten-
sion, Riverside.

The University of California Cooperative Extension in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed,
religion, color, national origin, sex, or mental or physical handicap in any of its programs or activities. Inquiries
regarding this policy may be directed to: Affirmative Action Officer, Cooperative Extension, 317 University Hall,
University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, (415) 642.0903.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United
States Department of Agriculture, James B. Kendrick, Jr., Director, Cooperative Extension, University of California.

6m-5/78- BT /SL Formerly Leaflet 24


Avocado Fertilization
NITROGEN can contribute unnecessarily to
nitrate pollution problems. Conse-
Research has helped us to diagnose
Nitrogen is the most widely used quently, the levels of nitrogen
mineral deficiencies in avocado
fertilizer in California avocado shown in table 1 are suggested for
more accurately and to apply the
production. To maintain normal maximum yield and tree vigor.
appropriate amounts of fertilizers
yields, most orchards need annual
for best tree growth and fruit
nitrogen fertilizati.on. Young trees For varieties not listed, a leaf nitro-
production. The recommendations
need only a few ounces of nitrogen gen level of about, but not over,
in this leaflet are based on field
per tree annually. 2.0 percent is suggested.
experiments and on successful
grove practices conducted in most
Use fertilizers with caution. Exces- The amount of nitrogen that should
of the avocado growing areas of
sive amounts on any size tree ap- be applied to achieve the desired
southern California.
plied at anyone time can cause leaf level and yield varies from
root damage, leaf burn, and defolia- orchard to orchard, depending on
Avocado trees h ave comparatively
tion. In severe cases, trees may be past applications, soil type, irriga-
few mineral deficiencies in commer-
killed. tion and tillage practices, and
cial orchards in California. Only
materials used.
nitrogen and zinc need to be ap-
pli ed extensively; iron chlorosis Symptoms Where leaf analysis is not used,
occurs occasionally. annual application of 100 to
Symptoms of nitrogen starvation
200 pounds of elemental nitrogen
This leaflet is designed to aid include: lack of vegetative growth; per acre is suggested for mature
growers in developing fertilization pal e green, small leaves; lower orchards. Although this may not
programs that will result in m axi- yields; premature defoliation; and,
always be the correct amount for
mum yields of top-quality fruit. In severe cases, leaves with yellow
best yields, it has given acceptable
production in many orchards. Some
varieties, such as MacArthur, re-
TABLE 1. SUGGESTED NITROGEN Levels quire more-perhaps 250 to
LEVELS IN AVOCADO LEAVES 400 pounds of elemental nitrogen
Field research data show that each per acre.
in leaf* variety has its own particular re-
percent sponse to nitrogen fertilization. A planted or volunteer cover crop
High nitrogen rates reduce yields under or near the tree will t ake
Fuerte 1.6 to 2.0t only in Fuerte. For varieties other nitrogen from the soil in competi-
Zutano 1.6 to 2.0
than MacArthur, no advantage has tion with the trees. Therefore, addi-
Hass about 2.0
Bacon about 2 .0 been associated with leaf nitrogen tional nitrogen should be added to
MacArthur 2.0 (if levels above 2.0 percent. overcome this competition.

* Levels in 5- to 7-month-old spring-cycle Application of nitrogen at rates Where leaf analysis is used as a
leaves from mature trees. higher than necessary to maintain guide to nitrogen fertilization prac-
t See fig. 1. yield is not only more costly but tice, determine the nitrogen level in

the youngest fully expanded and
mature leaves sampled in the
August-October period. (These 80
would normally be spring cycle I&J
leaves that are 5 to 7 months old.) I- 10- RANGE

Adjust the amount of nitrogen 0:

applied for the next year accord- a..
ingly. If the nitrogen level in the en
leaves is greater than desired, apply z
less nitrogen than was applied the ~ SO
previous year; if lower than desired, I
apply more nitrogen than the year a 40
before. Leaf nitrogen at the desired I&J
level would suggest little or no 30
change in the nitrogen program,
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
provided no recent changes have N IN LEAVES - PER CENT DRY WEIGHT
been made In other cultural
practices. Fig. 1. The "most productive range" curve shows that Fuerte avocado yields reach a
high level when nitrogen in leaves ranges from 1.6 to 2.0 percent.
In an experimental, non tilled or-
chard, application of about
125 pounds of elemental nitrogen
per acre annually was optimum for
Timing To find cost per pound use this
Fuerte trees. Weeds under and near
the trees were controlled so that no
The nitrogen requirement of the
cover crop competed for nitrogen. Cost per ton x 100
tree is greatest during the period of
Leaves of trees in the most produc-
flowering and fruit setting, but too Percent nitrogen x 2,000 pounds
tive range (fig. 1) were not as dark
much nitrogen may reduce fruit set
green as those with higher nitrogen Cost per pound of
of the Fuerte variety. If an ade-
levels. Below the most productive elemental nitrogen
quate supply of nitrogen is available
range, trees had light green to
for this period, there normally will
yell 0 w 1e aves, shorter terminal Example: Urea, $250 per ton,
be enough carry-over in the soil to
growth, and less dense foliage. In 46 percent nitrogen-
take care of the tree until the fol-
other orchards, tht amounts of
lowing spring. Chemical forms of
nitrogen needed to attain the $250 x 100
ni trogen, applied over the area 27.2 ¢ per pound of
desired leaf nitrogen level have 46 x 2,000
occupied by the roots in January or elemental nitrogen
February, will be moved into the
root zone by the rains. If nitrogen
A number of agricultural labora-
is applied in the irrigation water,
tories throughout the avocado- Continuous use of ammonium sul-
apply most of the nitrogen early in
growing districts perform leaf fate for many years may make the
the irrigation season.
analysis. If leaf analysis is to be soil so acid that the penetration
used as a guide for fertilization, let rate of irrigation water is reduced.
trained laboratory personnel collect Materials Continuous use of ammonium
and analyze the sample. The analy- ni trate, anhydrous ammonia, or
sis is no better than the sample In selecting a nitrogen source urea will also acidify the soil, but
collected, and training is required material, consider economy, re- less rapidly than will ammonium
to select the correct leaves for sidual effects on soil reaction and sulfate. Many alkaline irrigation
analysis. Your county University of tilth, and convenience. Table 2 waters tend to offset this effect.
California Cooperative Extension shows some common nitrogenous
farm advisor can provide the names chemicals and their percentages of If water penetration is a problem,
of laboratories in your area. nitrogen. you may consider supplying part of

the nitrogen in the fall in the form few or no fruits, strong vegetative First year: Apply no more than a
of a bulky organic matter, such as growth, and dark green leaf color, total of 1/ 10 pound elemental
manure. When manure is used on use less or no nitrogen. nitrogen annually, divided into
non tilled orchards, part of its nitro- equal monthly increments during
gen is lost to the air. If the manure the irrigation season (normally
is cultivated into the soil, most of Drip irrigation 8 months). This equals an applica-
the nitrogen will be available to the tion of approximately Ilevel
tree. Its use frequently results in Table 3 gives suggested amounts of tablespoon monthly for 8 months.
more tipburn on the leaves because nitrogen to inject into a drip irriga-
of the high chloride content of tion system. These suggested Second year: Apply no more than
man y manures In southern amounts may require adjustment as a total of 1/5 pound elemental
California. determined by leaf analysis. nitrogen annually, divided into four
equal increments during the irri-
gating season. This equals an
Mixed orchards Young trees
application of approximately
1/4 cup every other month.
In orchards with mixed varieties Fertilize young trees sparingly so as
and production patterns, you may not to harm them, yet sufficiently
Third year: Broadcast 1/2 pound
vary the amounts applied to indi- to ensure maximum growth. The
(approximately 1/6 pound ele-
vidual trees based on the following following program is suggested per
mental nitrogen each application)
rules of thumb. On trees with heavy tree for average conditions, using
in February and again in July.
fruit set, little new growth, and pale ammonium nitrate as an example.
leaf color, use extra nitrogen-up to (If fertilizers other than ammonium
Fourth year: Broadcast 11/2
twice the grove average. (Be sure nitrate are used, the amounts ap-
pounds (approximately 1/2 pound
these symptoms are not resulting plied will be slightly more or less,
elemental nitrogen) in January or
from some other cause, such as root depending on their nitrogen
February. In all cases, the fertilizer
rot disease.) On mature trees with content.)
should be broadcast evenly above
the root system just before a rain is
expected or irrigation is applied.

Amount needed ZINC

Nitrogen to supply 100 Ib
Material content elemental nitrogen
Zinc deficiency or "mottle leaf," as
percent pounds
it is commonly called, occurs in
Calcium nitrate 15% 645 many avocado orchards in southern
Ammonium nitrate 33% 300 California. The avocado tree may
Ammonium sulfate 20% 488 decline and even die without a
Anhydrous ammonia (gas) 82 122
Urea 45 -46 217 - 222
small, but essential, amount of zinc.

SYSTEM The earliest symptoms are mottled
leaves developing on a few of the
Amount per tree per month*
terminals. The areas between the
Ammonium Calcium veins are light green to pale yellow.
Orchard age Urea nitrate nitrate
As the deficiency progresses, the
pounds pounds pounds
yellow areas get larger and the new
1st year 0.03 0.04 0.09 leaves produced are smaller. (See
2nd year .06 .08 .17 fig. 2.)
3rd year .09 .13 .29
4th year .14 .19 .43
In advanced stages, a marginal burn
5th year (and older) .28 .38 .90
develops on these stunted leaves,
* Pounds of fertilizer material per tree per month during a typical 8-month irrigation season. twig dieback occurs, and the dis-
tance between the leaves on the Control Foliar applications. In most areas,
stem is shortened, giving a crowded best results are obtained by thor-
"feather duster" appearance. Yield Control can be achieved by apply- oughly wetting the foliage, using
is reduced, and some of the fruits ing zinc as a spray to the foliage or, conventional pest control equip-
may be more round than is normal in some soils, by application of zinc ment! Amounts of spray required
for the variety (fig. 3). to the soil. per acre depend on tree size; 300 to
400 gallons are suggested for young
bearing orchards and up to 600 to
800 gallons for large mature or-
chards. Either of the following two
formulas is satisfactory.

Formula No.1:
1 pound zinc sulfate
(36 percent metallic zinc)
100 gallons of water.

Formula No.2:
2 pounds zinc oxide
100 gallons of water.

Proprietary zinc compounds have

Fig. 2. Zinc deficiency shows in uniform mottling of the leaves. Leaf size is reduced
also worked well. When using
with increasing deficiency, and in the most severe cases (leaves on the right) the
distance between leaves on the stem is shortened. The leaf on the left 'is normal. proprietary materials, follow the
man u fa cturer's recommen dations
on dosage.

Zinc sprays have been successfully

applied by airplanes and heli-
copters, particularly where groves
are inaccessible to ground rigs. Air
applications require about as much
zinc per acre as do ground sprayers
in mature orchards, but in 10 to
20 gallons of water per acre.

Timing normally is not critical, but

applications are most effective in
June and July, when spring-cycle
leaves are expanded. Because zinc
does not translocate readily from
sprayed leaves to young growth
occurring after spraying, severely
affected trees may require re-
spraying several months later.

Soil applications of zinc have been

Fig. 3. Zinc deficiency makes avocado fruit small and roundish. (A) Zinc-deficient successful on acid soils in San Diego
Hass fruit; (B) normal Hass fruit. and Santa Barbara counties. This

method of treatment is particularly recto Fortunately, it is not generally The use of Mexican race rootstocks
useful where crowded trees or steep found in California orchards. such as Topa Topa, Duke, and
terrain limit spray rigs. Responses Ganter rather than rootstocks of
to soil applications have lasted up the Guatemalan race, has mini-
to 5 years, whereas foliage sprays mizyd the amount of iron chlorosis.
must be repeated annually. Another
In mild forms of iron deficiency,
use for soil treatment is on those Chelate forms of iron have given
leaves show a network of green
trees that are so deficient in zinc variable results, treatment is ex-
veins and veinlets against a lighter
that an annual foliage spray does pensive, and results are short-lived.
green background. As the defi-
not correct the deficiency. The most effective application
ciency increases, the interveinal
methods have been to inject the
area becomes yellowish white, and
The effectiveness of zinc applica- chelates in solution into the root
the veins lose their green color. In
tion depends on .the soil type, the zone or to rake back the leaves,
severe cases, leaves are smaller,
amount used, and the method of broadcast the material, and work it
completely chlorotic (yellow) and
application. Some trees have been into the surface soil, pushing the
show tip and marginal burn. (See
injured, so it is wise to try an appli- leaves back and irrigating imme-
fig. 4.) This is accompanied by
cation on a few trees first. The diately. The suggested amounts of
defoliation and twig dieback. Iron
dosage per tree has to be deter- Sequestrene® 138-Iron are 1/4 to
chlorosis may occur on individual
mined for each orchard. The 1/2 pound per mature tree applied
limbs or affect the entire tree, and
methods of application are either to in Mayor June. Annual applica-
yield may be materially reduced.
place the zinc on the soil surface in tions appear necessary.
a band around the drip line or to
pour a handful into 6-inch-deep Control
holes made by a shovel at 15 to OTHER NUTRIENTS
20 places around the dripline of the This deficiency usually occurs on
tree. soils containing lime (calcium car- Other nutrient deficiencies have not
bonate), which limits the utilization been recognized in California avo-
TABLE 4. SUGGESTED AMOUNTS OF ZINC of iron by the tree. The deficiency cado orchards, even in areas where
SULFATE (36 PERCENT ZINC) FOR SOIL is accentuated by excess soil mois- phosphorus, potassium, manganese,
ture and low oxygen content in the and magnesium deficiencies have
Dosage per tree soil. The use of less water, by been found on other subtropical
Surface Inserted shifting to the alternate middle fruit crops. Thus, additions of these
Tree age band in holes procedure of irrigation or replacing nutrients are not recommended.
years pounds pounds furrows with sprinklers, is some-
times helpful. ®Registered trade name.
2 0.7
5 2.0 0.7
7 2.6 1.3

10 3.3 2.0
15 5.2 2.6
20 6.5 3.3

As a guideline, table 4 shows sug-
ge s ted amounts of zinc sulfate
(36 percent metallic zinc). Chelated .\ '('
forms of zinc may correct the
deficiency but appear to have no
advantages over zinc sulfate. i

Fig. 4. Symptoms of iron deficiency in leaves. Leaf A is normal. Increasing deficiency
Iron deficiency is difficult to cor- is shown on leaves from A to B. Tipburn develops when leaf is mostly yellowish-white.

Needless phosphorus applications
may induce or aggravate zinc defi-
ciency. Questions on possible
further fertilizer needs and local
conditions will be answered by
your farm advisor.


Salt accumulations are often con-

fused with a nutritional difficulty.
The avocado is particularly sensitive
to salts. It accumulates chlorides
and sodium more readily than do
most other tree crops. An accumu- \ B
lation of chloride manifests itself as J
a tip and marginal burn of the older Fig. 5. Symptoms of chloride excess in leaves. Leaf A is normal. Increasing excess is
leaves, premature defoliation, and shown on leaves from A to B. Note that mottling increases in intensity near the margin
sometimes a progressive mottled of the leaf.
yellowing behind the burn (fig. 5).
Excess sodium shows up 'as an inter-
veinal leaf burn along with twig
dieback. A rapid burn at the tip or Ranges for mature trees*
at the base of the leaf, followed by Deficient: Excess:
defoliation, suggests either an Element Unit less than Adequate more than
excessive fertilizer application or
Nitrogen (N) % 1.6 1.6 -2.0 2.0t
inadequate irrigation. For assistance Phosphorus (P) % 0.05 0.08-0.25 0.3
in reducing tipburn, see your farm Potassium (K) % 0.35 0.75-2.0 3.0
advisor. Calcium (Ca) % 0.5 1.0 -3.0 4.0
Magnesium (Mg) % 0.15 0.25-0.80 1.0
Sulfur (S) % 0.05 0.20-0.60 1.0
Boron (B) ppm:f 10-20 50-100 100-250
TENTATIVE LEAF Iron (Fe) ppm 20-40 50-200
ANALYSIS GUIDES Manganese (Mn) ppm 10-15 30-500 1,000
Zinc (Zn) ppm 10-20 30-150 300
Copper (Cu) ppm 2-3 5-15 25
Through experience gained thus far Molybdenum (Mo) ppm 0.01 0.05-1.0 ?
in leaf analysis, the ranges of ele- Chloride (CI) % ? ? 0.25-0.50
Sodium (Na) % 0.25-0.50
ments in avocado leaves have been Lithium (Li) ppm 50-75
tentatively established (see table 5).
These are useful as guides to fertili- * Based on analysis of the most recently expanded and matured, healthy, terminal leaves from non-
flushing and nonfruiting terminals sampled during mid-August to mid-October. (These are
zation and orchard management
normally leaves from the spring growth cycle.) Values expressed on a dry-matter basis.
but should not be taken as the
t Values above 2 percent N will not increase yield in most varieties; however, a reduction in yield
ab solute values for all varieties of the Fuerte variety may occur above that level.
under all conditions. In most cases, :f ppm , parts per million.
deficiencies of the micronutrients
(zinc, iron) may be determined by
visual symptoms.

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