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Report No. SM. 31.

Date : August 2015


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the undersigned Marine Surveyor of PT. SIRIUS Maritimindo
Services, did carry out survey and to report of the vessel’s condition, Lashing for Seafastening
in respect for seaworthiness, prior to their sailing of the following vessel:

Name of Vessel : TB. SMS VANDA / BG. HARRIER

Departure From : Tanjung Sengkuang, Batam - INDONESIA
Destination To : Surabaya, East Java - INDONESIA
Cargo Description : Equipment Project Offshore
Approximate Distance : + 810 Nautical Miles

Departure : August ,2015 at hours local time

ETA : August ,2015 at hours local time

Surveyor Note’s : Our recommendations made on preparation for the contemplated

voyage have been complied with to our satisfaction except the
attached recommendations to be complied en route.

We are of the opinion that the cargo securing or Lashing Seafastening is sufficient and the
vessels are fit to process in voyage.
Should there any alteration to Lashing or other arrangement occurs this certificate becomes
invalid pending a survey by PT. SIRIUS Maritimindo Services

PT. SIRIUS Maritimindo Services

Bobby Dewa Nazora

Attending Surveyor
Report No. SM. 31.0715
Date : August 2015


With regard to Towing Approval and stated overleaf and the Certificate No. SM 31.0715, the
validity of this Certificate of Approval is subjected to Departure Date, Time and location
indicated in the certificate.

Recommendations to The Master

1. The vessels are to proceed at safe speed for Tow with regard to the condition on the safety of
vessel, crew and to seek sheltered waterways / Ports when necessary if prolonged bad
weather prevails.
2. The length of the towing line is to be adjusted daily accordingly with the weather and/or
3. In the event if adverse weather condition is experienced, shelter should be taken at the near-
est convenient location until the weather improve, and recommence the voyage.
4. The Tug’s Master is to keep a strict watch on the tows especially navigation light and motion.
The daytime shape should be shown with the navigation light for both vessels should be in
good working condition during the voyage throughout.
5. The Tug’s master is to maintain radio communication with its headquarters, at least once a
day, to report on its daily position and condition of the tow.
6. A look out crew for the towing barge should be on duty throughout the voyage of sea trans -
7. Meteorological reports shall be monitored regularly and appropriate action to be taken to on-
board to anticipate bad weather on the schedule route.
8. Condition of cargo and lashing are to be inspected regularly by vessel’s Master especially af-
ter heavy weather encounters or on leaving intermediate ports.
Master Remarks:
Prior departure, I Master of TB. SMS VANDA, Namely Captain. Aep Syarifudin Zuhri
Have inspected the towing gear and condition and found acceptable for the intended voyage.

PT. SIRIUS Maritimindo Services

Capt. Aep Syarifudin Zuhri Bobby Dewa Nazora

Master TB. SMS VANDA Attending Surveyor
Name / Signature / Stamp
Report No. SM. 31.0715
Date : August 2015

As pre seaworthiness condition procedure to ensure safety during the contemplated voyage,
based on our findings, we are of the opinion that the towing arrangement above could be
considered satisfactory.

The undersigned Master of the TB. SMS VANDA was satisfied with the towing arrangements
were used as stated on the above figures and the endurance capability of the vessels was ade -
quately prepared for the proposed voyage.

PT. SIRIUS Maritimindo Services Tanjung Sengkuang - Batam

Date : August 2015

B. Dewa Nazora Capt. Aep Syarifudin Zuhri

Attending Surveyor Master of TB. SMS VANDA
Name / Signature / Stamp

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