Campit - Activity 1 Resistor Color Code

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Schools Division Office


Senior High School
District V, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Academic Track – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand

CAMPIT, ELIEZER R. 136553100188

2nd Semester, 4th Quarter, SY 2022-2023
1. To determine the resistance of each resistor presented

Necessary materials:
Activity Sheet

1. Watch the video: Resistor Color Code Chart Tutorial Review - Physics - YouTube
2. Give the resistance of the following resistors. Express your answer in Ω, kΩ, MΩ, or GΩ (Note:
the unit and its prefixes depend on the multiplier).
Resistor Reading and Maximum Value Minimum Value
Multiplier ±

60 x 10⁵ ± 5% 6.3M Ω 5.7M Ω

33 x 10¹ ± 10% 363 Ω 297 Ω

47 x 10⁴ ± 0.25% 587.50 kΩ 352.50 kΩ

82 x 1 ± 10% 90.2 Ω 73.8 Ω

63 x 1 ± 5% 66.15 Ω 59.85 Ω
Guide Questions:
1. How to determine the resistance of a resistor using color bands? What is the difference
between a 4 Band resistor, 5 Band resistor and 6 Band resistor? (Note: You can search online
for a color band chart for resistor)

To calculate the resistance value, you need to group the values of the significant digits bands
— i.e., the values of the first two or three bands from the left, depending on the total number of
bands. Then you need to multiply that value by the multiplier to get the resistance value of the
resistor. A 5-band resistor is more precise than a 4-band type because of the inclusion of a third
significant digit. A 6-band resistor is like a 5-band resistor but includes a temperature coefficient
band (the 6th band).

2. What is tolerance? What is its importance in determining the value of resistance of a resistor?

Tolerance is the percentage of error in the resistor's resistance, or how much more or less
you can expect a resistor's actual measured resistance to be from its stated resistance. A gold
tolerance band is 5% tolerance, silver is 10%, and no band at all would mean a 20% tolerance. The
tolerance of the resistor is an important parameter of the resistor, which tells us about the amount by
which the resistance of the resistor may vary from its specified value during the operation.

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