Probability Chapter 13 & 14 - EXTRA PRACTICE (Let's Practice Writing The Correct Notation Too)

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Probability Chapter 13 & 14 - EXTRA PRACTICE (Let’s practice writing the correct notation too)

1. P(A) = 0.25 and P(B) = 0.40

A. If A and B are mutually exclusive what is P(A ∪ B)?

B. If A and B are independent, what is P(A ∩B)?
C. What is the probability of NOT B? What are the ways to write this notation?

2. P(A) = 0.40, P(B) = 0.22, P(A given B) = 0.37

A. Are A and B independent?

B. Calculate P(A ∩B).
C. Calculate P(A ∪B).

3. The probability of a battery being defective is 0.1. You use 4 batteries in your calculator
(assume the batteries are independent).

A. What is the probability all 4 batteries are defective?

B. What is the probability that none are defective?
C. What is the probability that 1 of the 4 is defective?
D. What is the probability that at least 1 is defective?

4. Five multiple choice questions, each with four possible answers, appear on your history
Exam (the answers are independent). What is the probability that if you just guess, you

A. get none of the questions correct?

B. get all of the questions correct?
C. get at least 1 of the questions wrong?
D. get your first incorrect answer on the fourth question?
Going to College Not Going to College Total

Male 40 5 45

Female 40 15 55

Total 80 20 100

A. What is the probability that a student chosen is female?

B. What is the probability that a student is female and going to college?
C. What is the probability that a female student is going to college?
D Is being female and going to college independent?
E. What is the probability of being male or going to college?
6. The probability of eating steak is 61%. The probability of eating lobster is 32%. The
probability of eating both is 22%.
A. What is the probability of eating steak or lobster?
B. What is the probability of eating steak, but not eating lobster?
C. What is the probability of eating neither steak or lobster?
D. What is the probability of eating lobster or neither, but no steak?

7. Microcomputers are shipped to the University bookstore from three factories A, B, and C. You
know that factory A produces 20% defective microcomputers, whereas B produces 10%
defectives and C only 5% defectives. The manager in the store receives a new shipment of
microcomputers and discovers that 40% are from factory A, 40% are from factory B, and 20%
are from factory C.

A. What is the probability of finding a defective microcomputer in this shipment?

B. Are the events “microcomputer comes from factory A” and “microcomputer comes
from factory B” mutually exclusive? Are they independent?

C. Suppose the manager randomly selects one microcomputer, and discovers that it
is defective. What is the probability that it came from factory A?

8. Event A and Event B. The probability of event A or B is 0.82. The probability of event A and B
0.34. The probability of event A is 0.55.

A. Calculate the probability of event B.

B. Are events A and B disjoint?
C. Are events A and B independent?

We will look at the actual quiz after Wed, Dec 1 (once everyone takes); Also, retakes are possible with
earning up to an 80%, BUT you will receive the retake score no matter what (even if lower than
original); This retake will probably take place the following week.

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