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Nama sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester

: SMP N 2 Kartasura : Bahasa Inggris : VIII (Delapan) / 1

Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar Kompetensi Dasar : 1.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis fungsional dan esei berbentuk descriptive dan recount pendek dan sederhana dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar 1.2. Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar Jenis teks Tema Aspek/Skill Alokasi Waktu : descriptive text : traveling : Membaca : 2 x 40 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat: Membaca nyaring teks berbentuk descriptive pendek dan sederhana dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang benar. b. Memahami makna dan isi dari teks descriptive. Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

2. Materi Pembelajaran Look at this picture!

Does anybody know anything about Brazil? Yes, the football team is one of the best in the world. It has great players like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Adriano. Now let me tell you more about Brazil. You know, Brazil is the largest country in South America. And.. its also the fifth largest country in world. Does anybody know where Brazil is? Yes, its located in the eastern part of South America. Herelook at the world map. Remember the compass rose? north..south..east..west. Now what about the people? They are friendly, outgoing, and they also like to have fun. Theyre fun-loving people. Wellif youve heard about samba, then you must know that the samba dance is from Brazil. The people love to sing and dance the samba. Oh yesthey also love to sunbathe lying on the beach to have their skin tannedI mean, to make their skin darker. Use these questions to help you understand the text. Comprehension questions: 1. Where is Brazil located? 2. How large is Brazil? 3. How do you describe the people of Brazil? 4. What do Brazilians like to do? 5. Why do they like to sunbathe?

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Look at the examples below. A. Its a nice place. B. Does Hawaii have good beaches? C. The beaches are excellent. D. The weather is nice there. Its not very hot E. They are very interesting. The above sentences show us how to talk about places. Notice that we use the Simple Present Tense. The simple present expresses general statements of fact, as shown in the above examples. b. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:
Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi tentang topik/tema materi yang

akan dipelajari tentang descriptive text. Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran; Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antarpeserta didik serta antara peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya dan; Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran Elaborasi Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:
Memfasilitasi peserta didik melalui pemberian contoh descriptive text untuk

memunculkan gagasan baru baik secara lisan maupun tertulis; Memberi kesempatan untuk berpikir, dan berbicara tanpa rasa takut; Memfasilitasi peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dan kolaboratif; Memfasilitasi peserta didik berkompetisi secara sehat untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar; Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan kegiatan yang menumbuhkan kebanggaan dan rasa percaya diri peserta didik dengan bertanggung Jawab. Konfirmasi Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru: Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, isyarat, maupun hadiah terhadap keberhasilan peserta didik, Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi peserta didik melalui berbagai sumber, Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan,

Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk memperoleh pengalaman yang bermakna dalam mencapai kompetensi dasar: Berfungsi sebagai narasumber dan fasilitator dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta didik yang menghadapi kesulitan, dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baku dan benar; Memberi acuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan pengecekan hasil eksplorasi; Memberi informasi untuk bereksplorasi lebih jauh; Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum berpartisipasi aktif. c. Kegiatan Penutup Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru: Bersama-sama dengan peserta didik atau sendiri membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran, melakukan penilaian dan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram.
3. Sumber belajar

a. b. 4. Penilaian

Materi yang relevan Descriptive text

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


Teknik Penilaian

Bentuk Instrumen

Instrumen/ Soal

Membaca Tes lisan nyaring teks berbentuk descriptive pendek dan sederhana dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang benar.

- Pertanyaan I. Linsten to your teacher, then follow her! Tertulis. THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS The Hawaiian Islands are located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, far away from any other land. There are eight islands of different sizes, and while they differ from each other in some ways, they share many features. They all have a tropical climate, with temperatures of about 780C (25.60C) in the winter and 850C (29.40C) in the summer. Rain falls often, but not for long. The islands also share a natural beauty, with mountains and waterfalls, rainforests, and long beaches. Their waters are filled with

Tes tertulis Memaham i makna dan isi dari teks descriptive.


- Pertanyaan II. Listen to your teacher reading the tertulis following text about a museum. Then,
answer the questions that follow.

colourful fish, dolphins, and giant sea turtles (Source:Dit. PSMP, 2006)

The Must-see Ambarawa Railway Museum You can easily be accused of committing a tourism sin if youre in Semarang and failed to visit the Ambarawa Railway Museum. This museum is situated less than an hours drive from the capital of Central Java. During the Dutch colonial days, Ambarawa was a military zone and the railway station was used to transport troops to Semarang through Kedungjati. It is at 474m above sea level, giving you unpolluted fresh air to breathe. The Ambarawa Railway Museum is wellmaintained. It is a medium-sized building. The railway route is offered to visitors. You can enjoy the beautiful panorama during the route. All in all, this is a truly exciting treasure to visit. (Source:Dit. PSMP, 2006) Questions: 1. What is the text mainly about? 2. Where is it located? 3. How did the Dutch use the Ambarawa railway station? 4. Why can we breathe fresh air there? 5. Why is it a must for us to visit this place?

a. Rubrik Penilaian

No. 1.

Uraian Ucapan, tekanan, intonasi benar Ucapan benar, tekanan dan intonasi salah Ucapan, tekanan, intonasi salah Tidak mengucapkan

Skor 20-25 15-20 10-15 0 50-75 25-50 0-25 0


Jawaban benar semua, spelling dan grammar benar Jawaban benar semua, spelling dan grammar salah Jawaban salah, spelling dan grammar salah Tidak menjawab

b. Kunci Jawaban. : Terlampir c Pedoman Penilaian. I II Jumlah skor = 25 Jumlah skor = 75 + = 100

Nilai Maksimal

d. Nilai akhir

Surakarta, 6 September 2011 Mengetahui; Guru Pamong Praktikan,

Suwarsih, S.Pd NIP: 196110091983032007

Siti Sulastri Ependi NIM: A320080354

Lampiran Answer Key II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The text mainly about The Must-see Ambarawa Railway Museum. It is located less than an hours drive from the capital of Central Java. It used to transport troops to Semarang through Kedungjati. Because it is at 474m above sea level. Because we can enjoy the beautiful panorama during the route.

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