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Essential Engineering Mechanics

Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution

(EEM with SIMS)

Revised 2022 of Original 2019

2.7 km Godavari Arch Bridge at RajaMahendraVaram, AP, India by focus TV, Mar 26, 2017

Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi

Notion Press
Preface for the 2023 Revision

In this 1st revision, EEM with SIMS of 2019, is further

simplified keeping the same topics and number of pages.
Calculations are more systamatic and standardized using

Essential Engineering Mechanics
Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution

(EEM with SIMS)

Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi

Former Member of Faculty at:
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Tuskegee University, USA, KL University, India
JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada, Etc.

Former R&D Engineer at:

Control Data Corporation, Diebold Inc.,
Templeton, Kenly & Co., and
NASA's Kennedy Space Center, USA

Notion Press
Published by Notion Press, 2019

Essential Engineering Mechanics

Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution
(EEM with SIMS)
by Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi

Copyright by Malladi Academy

Managing Director: Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi

Information in this work is developed or obtained by Malladi Academy from

sources believed to be reliable.

Malladi Academy or the authors do not guarantee accuracy or

completeness of any information. They shall not be responsible
for any errors, omissions or damages out of the use of this information

Typed and drawn by the author using free Apache OpenOffice Software.
Cover Photo: Train on Godavari Bridge, RajaMahendraVaram,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Prayer for Learning

Saraswati NamasTubhyam Varade KaamaRoopini
VidyaArambham Karishyaami SiddhirBhavatu MeSadaa
or simply search for Saraswati Namastubhyam


This book is fondly dedicated to

The Divine Mother of
Sri Lalitha Ananta Asrama, Orikkai, Tamil Nadu,
K.L. University Temple, Andhra Pradesh,

Sree Maha Saraswati Devi of AICTE Head Quarters,

Sree Maha Lakshmi Devi of RajaMahendraVaram,
Holy River Godaavari Maatha,
The Mothers of Draksharama, Andhra Pradesh
who provided me free shelter and free food
during my High School years 1953 to1958
My Gurus.
The author in 1968, as a Technical Teacher Trainee, in the Machine Dynamics Laboratory
of Applied Mechanics Department, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, with his
MTech (Machine Design) Project Work on a “Hydraulic Vibration Machine”, which later
won Government of India 1974 Republic Day “Import Substitution Award”, for IIT Madras
and its team headed by Dr. Ing. BVA Rao, recommended by Indian Space Research
Organization for a larger version of the machine applied to consolidate the “Solid
Propellents” in a “Spark Free Environment”, saving India's precious foreign exchange.
Dr. Ing. B.V.A. Rao, FNAE, FIE
Professor (Retired) IIT Madras
Adjunct Professor, NIAS, Bengaluru
2017 Medal of Excellence in Engg Edn (WFEO)
2011 Golden Doctorate from TU Dresden, Germany
Founder Member of IFToMM

It gives me great pleasure to write this foreword for the book on “Essential Engineering
Mechanics (EEM)” written by my former student and later colleague at the Machine Dynamics
Laboratory”, Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras from mid sixties to early
seventies. This department was created in early sixties, as part of a German Collaboration to the IIT
System, since it is a practice at the Technical Universities in their country, to create a separate
Department in the Field of Applied Mechanics. Dr. S.R. Valluri, who spent 14 years at Caltech
USA and who was heading this Department extended immense importance to this fundamental field.
This Department at IITM, which consisted four separate Sections and Laboratories in Solid
Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Machine dynamics and Bio-Medical Engineering was closely
monitored and guided by qualified German Professors in these areas. It was mandatory and practice
for all the faculty from various sections in this Department to teach Engineering Mechanics, to
provide a good base for each and every student in engineering.

After Dr. Valluri left IIT to join as a Director, NAL Bangalore, this field of Engineering Mechanics
was still ably supported by both myself and all the other senior colleagues including Dr. D.V. Reddy
of Solid Mechanics. This was the Department, where the Author Dr. Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi
was a member of the faculty in the Machine Dynamics section under my care. For his Master's
Project Siddhanti designed and developed a small Hydraulic Vibration Machine and tested it. Later,
this played a major role and brought credit to the Machine Dynamics Lab, when it manufactured a
One Tonne Shaker and commissioned for consolidating the solid propellents in Rockets for ISRO
Trivandrum, which was recognized by NRDC, Government of India, for its Republic Day Import
Substitution Award in 1974. The credit certainly goes to Dr. Malladi, although he already left us
by that time for USA to pursue his Doctoral Studies.

During his eight years of service at IIT Madras, in our Machine Dynamics Lab, Siddhanti became
well known as an Innovative Teacher in Engineering Mechanics for introducing novel techniques
for better and simpler ways of understanding and analyzing Mechanics problems. Not only students,
but also many faculty from other Sections, who were to teach Engineering Mechanics by rotation, as
per German Practice, got largely benefitted from Siddhanti's skills in teaching the subject. I should
say confidently that was the Golden Era of Engineering Mechanics at IIT Madras. For his
interest in the subject and the contributions he made, the Department appointed him to serve as
Coordinator Engineering Mechanics. In that capacity, he had to deal with 360 students at the
second year level at IIT Madras. He Contributed to problems and solution manuals for tutor's usage
in SI units, new at that time and designed a Tutorial File based on German System for student usage.
After he left IIT Madras, to join Professor A.H. Soni of Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
USA, for his doctoral studies in Mechanisms, things changed considerably at IIT Madras, with no
further improvements than the routine way of teaching the subject. All Mechanism models were
donated through the German Collaboration, were transferred to the care of Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
FOREWORD continuation.

I lost contact with Dr. Malladi for a long time and was not fully aware of his specific contributions
in this field. I am in contact now again, as he recently briefed me regarding his peer reviewed
ASEE 2019 Conference paper, written in a magnificent way by maintaining and improving his
original deep thinking in simplifying the understanding of Engineering Mechanics. Meanwhile he
has remarkably introduced many innovative ideas and brought out this concise and comprehensive
class-book with a unified method for a one semester course, without any pre-requisites for the first
year students of Engineering and Technology. This enables students just to read four pages of the
content and complete a sheet in the downloadable set of 6 unit booklets, towards self-assessment
credit for active learning in a 50 minute Tutorial Integrated Class (TIC), meeting four times in a
week. The TIC has a peer-assessment component also for additional credit. These self and peer
assessments will change the present faculty member's typical role “From Sage on the Stage to the
Guide on the Side”. It was the California Professor Alice King's landmark paper with the same title
in 1993, that led to the Flipped Class movement in USA.

However, it appears Dr. Malladi learned, forty years earlier, in 1953, the more basic “Flipped
Learning”, that is “Reading the lesson prior to attending a class lecture”, from his mother, for
sure success when he was admitted into his high school 7th grade class. This prompted him to write
this Custom Class-book in the present format to motivate students at large to “Read and Be
Prepared” for active learning in the class. Dr. Malladi feels that when a student starts understanding
the subject, one naturally seeks greater proficiency from other reference books and internet sources.
Creating this sustained urge for self-learning should be the goal of books, faculty and management.
Towards this end Dr. Malladi developed Five SIMS (Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution) and
identified the ten types of Basic Vector Systems that can be solved through equations with only one
single unknown, making the mastery of this subject easy for everyone.

Being a signatory for the establishment of the International Federation of Theory of Machines
and Mechanisms, (IFToMM), at a special meet in Varna, Bulgaria in 1969, I feel so elated to write
a Foreword for this outstanding work by Dr. Malladi in revolutionizing the whole concept of
Teaching Engineering Mechanics with a set of this class-book for Reading, 6 downloadable unit
booklets for in-class self and Peer assessments, Teaching Slides for the faculty and Computer Aided
Assessments for Unit Tests and Course Exams, with an option for IAS (Improved Assessment
Scoring), so that every student passes with 90% Marks, with All Correct Answers. This is highly
recommended in view that the whole world is looking for innovative engineers and technologists
with excellent skills in coming years.

EEM with SIMS by Malladi will be an asset of immense value to Future Engineers and Innovative
Engineering. I am also particularly happy that my son Dr. Jay Rao from Babson College of
Management, Boston, USA, has written a book on Innovation, and my dearest student and former
colleague Dr. N.S. Malladi has written an Innovative Book at the very basic level in the field of
Engineering Mechanics. I Wish All Good Fortune.

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

16 July 2019
The Guru Pournima Day.
This “Essential Engineering Mechanics” class-book is the fulfillment of students' general desire for
Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution (SIMS) in Engineering Mechanics Education.
In this book, one will find simpler SIM1 and SIM2, in place of Parallelogram Law or
Triangle Law formulations, SIM3 in place of Sine Law or Lami's Theorem and Polygon Law
formulations, SIM4 to solve efficiently, two connected systems with two common unknowns and
finally SIM5 to write 'canonical' moment equations, freeing one from virtual work or other
formulations in Planar Systems with smooth transition to Spatial Systems.
In other words, SIMS will provide simple equations each with only one unknown, unlike
convoluted ones in traditional methods! To compare, a classic textbook problem by Timoshenko,
father of modern engineering mechanics, and Young is solved both ways, in following two pages.
Simplification became possible by the active and creative use of polar coordinates and
identifying the basic ten types of vector systems, which are found to improve students ability to
visualize by creating Polar Vector Diagrams and Equations and directly solving them using SIMS.
This book is written so that students and faculty members read just about four pages to
prepare for a Tutorial Integrated Class (TIC) of 50 minutes each. Students perform self and peer
assessment of their preparation, for a 30% weight of Semester Marks, promoting ethical individual
and group motivation for excellence. Study Slides will be provided to the students and faculty to
facilitate active learning during TICs. Optional Software for Unit Tests and Course Exams with
Improved Average Score (IAS) with additional attempts, will be offered, so that every student can
earn grade A proficiency in the subject with All Correct Answers. This “Integrated Instruction,
Learning and Assessment (IILA)” format, will be further explained in the software.

I fondly acknowledge my late mother, Seshagiramma for advising me with her example of
“Soaking the mung-beans, the night before, to prepare 'Pesarattus' (dosey) in the next morning”, for
my sure success in high school after my failure in two entrance exams, and gaining admission, only
on the basis of sympathy. Following her advice by “Reading the next-day's class material the night
before”, I enjoyed scholarships, funding all my education from High School to PhD.
I remember PadmaSri Late Dr. S.R. Valluri (CALTech & NAL fame), who took me into his
“Applied Mechanics Department” based on my Technical Teachers Training / MTech Interview at
IIT Madras in 1965, after my B.E graduation from Osmania University. Dr. Ing. BVA Rao (Medal
of Excellence Awardee – 2017, World Federation for Engineering Education) provided constant
inspiration to me as a professor and later as colleague till 1973 when I left for my PhD at Oklahoma
State University, USA. I acknowledge the creativity of Late Dr. A.H. Soni as my Primary Adviser
and Late Dr. Ferdinand Freudenstein (Father of Modern Kinematics) as my Visiting Adviser from
Columbia University, as I extended His work with my Unified Curvature Theories.
I acknowledge the inspiration and demand for simplifying the subject by thousands of my
students in India and USA. While many colleagues provided encouragement, I particularly thank my
new friend, Retired Andhra University Dean Dr. BVR Gupta for facilitating my workshops at several
Institutions. Sri Gyan Setu, now an ISRO PhD student at IIT Delhi, and my youngest former
colleague at K.L. University, Andhra Pradesh, for two semesters, continues to provide support by
Reading, Creative Constructive Criticism, and Appreciation of my work.
Finally I remember the support my late wife Dr. Visalakshi, MD, gave me in USA. I now live
in Andhra Pradesh, after 40 years in USA serving Her Industry and Academics including NASA.
I am enjoying the affection of my daughter-in-law Pratyushaa, a teacher and computer help of my
son SivaKumar, a Cornell graduate. I thank Notion Press for their interest in my work.
Please contact me at with your “Corrections”.
Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi.
Timoshenko and Young Classic Problem and Typical Solution
found in traditional textbooks and guides with modified data

A rigid bar AB with rollers of weights W1 = 60 N & W2 = 120 N W1 W2

at ends is supported inside a circular ring in a vertical plane as
shown in the system space diagram. Radius of the ring and the A α β
length AB are such that the radii AC and BC make a right
θ B
angle at the centre of the ring C. Neglecting friction and the
weight of the bar AB, ascertain (find) equilibrium configuration
defined by angle [(α – β) / 2] that AB makes with the
horizontal. Find the contact (normal) reactions R1 and R2 at A System Space Digram
and B.and the axial force SAB in the bar AB.
System Space Digram
Solution: (α + β) = 90o ---- (1)
From the condition of inclination of AB.
* θ = (α – β) / 2 or (θ + β) = (α – θ) -- (2) X α
*Note: This has to be proved first. See Author's Proof. SAB
R1 θ
Consider the FBD of Left Ball
= 0; SAB cos θ = R1 sin α -- (3)
= 0; R1 cos α + SAB sin θ = W1 = 60 -- (4) FBD of Left Ball

From Equations (3) and (4)

60 = SAB sin θ + SAB (cos θ / sin α) cos α leads to β
60 = SAB cos(α – θ) / sin α --- (5)
Consider the FBD of Right Ball SAB

= 0; SAB cos θ = R2 sin β -- (6) R1
= 0; R2 cos β - SAB sin θ = W2 = 120 -- (7) W2
From Equations (6) and (7)
120 = SAB (cos θ / sin β) cos β - SAB sin θ leads to FBD of Right Ball
120 = SAB cos(θ +β) / sin β --- (8) Note: Until Equation (8), all
equations are convoluted and
From Equations (8) , (5), (2) and (1) solution details are hidden.
(120 / 60 = [cos(θ +β) / sin β] * [sin α /cos(α – θ)]
(2/ 1) = sinα / sinβ = sin α / sin(90o - α) = sinα / cosα
or tanα = 2 or α = 63.4o
So, from (1) and (2) β = 26.6o and θ = 18.4o
From Equations (5), (3) and (6) SAB = 75.9 N,
R1 = 80.6 N and R2 = 161 N
Compare the above complicated solution with the author's SIMS solution in which
Equation (2) is derived by applying SIM4. In FBD A, with three unknowns, α is found by
applying SIM5 directly.
Now the same problem is solved using the Five Sims. Note that all equations contain
only one unknown. The solution appears to be equally lengthy, since the the Definitions
of the Five SIMS [Not needed in regular solution] and the proof for θ are included.
W1 C W2
Given: α + β = 90o, Prove: θ = (α - β) / 2 A α
Find: α, β and θ, Normal Reactions Y β
at A and B, and Force S in Bar AB θ B

SIM4: Expressions for a common quantity or X

two equal angles that are functions of the same System Space Digram
unknown are equated and solved.

Prove: θ = (α - β) / 2 B
Proof: In the Isosceles Δ ABC in FBD A , <A = <B ;
R sin α R cos α
So (θ + β) = (α – θ) C
or (2 θ) = (α – β); So θ = (α – β) / 2 60 N 120 N
α R
SIM5: Canonical Moment Equation
about a Canonical Moment Center β θ B
eliminates all unknowns except one. R1 (90 - α )

In FBD A the Canonical Moment Center is C.

SIM5: ΣMC = MCA of 60N + MCB of 120N = 0 α
(R sin α) 60 – (R cos α) 120 = 0; R cancels out.
60 sin α = 120 cos α; Answer1 α = 63.4o R2 (180 - α)
α + β = 90o, β = 90 – 59.04, Answer 2 β = 26.6o
θ = (α – β) / 2; Answer3 θ = 18.4o
120 N
SIM3: Perpendicular Component Equation (LCE) S (θS)
to a line, eliminates the magnitude of a vector
parallel to that line.

ΣF = R1 e(26.6) + R2 e(116.6) + (200) e(270) = 0

SIM3: LCEs to line(120.96) and line(26.6)*
Answers 4 & 5: R1 = 80.6 N R2 = 161 N 160.94 (116.6)
* Will be explained in the book. FBD B
SIM2: The unknown direction of a
SIM1: Squaring and adding the X, Y or Orthogonal
vector is found by an Inverse
Components of a Vector Loop Equation eliminate
Trigonometric Function of that
the unknown direction of its Left Hand Side vector.
vector's known X, Y components.
FBD B: ΣF = 0,
θs = cos-1[X/V] = ( -18.4) = (341.6)
S e(θS) + 161e(116.6) + 120 e(270) = 0
(Check for θ = 18.4o)) θ = 18.4
Or S e(θS) = - 161 e(116.6) - 120 e(270)
SX = 72.01 N, SY = - 23.91 N, S = 75.9 N

“Very interesting study to convert sometimes nonlinear and

convoluted set of equations into linear and single variable equations.
This study is definitely of value to those who choose to adopt
it in their teaching of mechanics and kinematics courses.”

Above statements are taken from a Reviewer's Comments on the author's

peer reviewed and approved paper in the “Mechanics Division” of ASEE
(American Society for Engineering Education), titled

“Five Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution (SIMS) for the Ten

Types of Basic Planar Vector Systems in Engineering Mechanics”.

Presented by the author at:

ASEE Conference 2019, June 16 - 19, Tampa, FL, USA

“Wonderful effort and work”

From the Review of

“Enhancing Student Performance in Engineering Mechanics Course

Using Mathcad Interactive Tutorial Assessment”

Presented by the Author at the Proceedings of the 2022 ASEE Gulf-

Southwest Annual Conference

Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX, USA

EEM with SIMS by Malladi Page 1 of 2

Course Objective: To develop in the student, Total Quality Visual, Analytical and Creative Skills,
complementing the companion Engineering Drawing and Design course to solve numerical single
step questions and multi-step problems for determining external and internal reactive forces and
moments for further analysis and complete design of parts and systems in the courses that follow
during later years of study. Semester Credits: 4; Tutorial Integrated Classes (TICs) of 50 minutes
duration: 4 per week; Number of working weeks: 15; Unit Tests: 6; Course Exam in 16th week.

Unit 1 Systems with Two Unknowns
Class Topic Unit Page
1 Introduction 1
2 SIM1&2 and Systems T1 & T2 7
3 SIM3 and Systems T3 & T4 13
4 Equilibrium and FBD T1 17
5 Equilibrium and FBD T2 21
6 Equilibrium and FBD T3 and T4 23
7 Contacting Bodies 25
8 Connected Bodies 27
9 Truss Synthesis and Analysis 29
10 Sample Unit Test 31

Unit 2 Systems with Three Unknowns

Class Topic Unit Page
1 FBD T5, SIM4 and FBD T6 1
2 Moment of A Force 3
3 Force Couple System 5
4 Equilibrium, SIM5, FBD T7 9
5 FBD T7 and FBD T8 13
6 FBD T9 17
7 FBD T10 19
8 Trusses, Method of Joints 21
9 Trusses, Method of Sections 23
10 Sample Unit Test 25

Unit 3 Friction and Spatial Systems

Class Topic Unit Page
1 Introduction to Friction 1
2 Contacting and Connected Bodies 5
3 Connected and Tipping Bodies 9
4 Rigid Body and Ladder Friction 13
5 Introduction to Spatial Systems 17
6 Moments of Parallel Forces 21
7 General Forces 25
8 Multi Force Moments 27
9 Moment About An Axis 29
10 Sample Unit Test 31
EEM with SIMS by Malladi
Contents (Continued) Page 2 of 2

Unit 4 Centroid and Moment of Inertia

Class Topic Unit Page
1 Centroids of Lines 1
2 Centroids of Areas 5
3 Objects of Revolution 11
4 Composite of Objects 15
5 Area Moment of Inertia 16
6 MI of Composite Area 21
7 Mass Moment of Inertia 25
8 MMIs of Hollow and Solid Objects 29
9 MMIs and Worked Examples 33
10 Sample Unit Test 37

Unit 5 Kinematics and Kinetics

Class Topic Unit Page
1 Position, Velocity and Acceleration 1
2 Uniformly Accelerated Motion 5
3 Curvilinear Motion 9
4 Radial and Transverse Vectors 13
5 Mechanism Analysis 17
6 Kinetics - Newton's 2nd Law 19
7 Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion 23
8 Rolling and Contacting Bodies 27
9 Connected Bodies 31
10 Sample Unit Test 33

Unit 6 Work and Impulse

Class Topic Unit Page
1 Work of A Force and Torque 1
2 Work – Energy Relationship 5
3 Potential Energy 9
4 Rigid Body Systems 13
5 Impulse and Momentum 17
6 Conservation of Momentum 21
7 Impact 25
8 Angular Momentum 29
9 Steady Flow and Variable Mass 33
10 Sample Unit Test 37

Prayer for Peace; Walk to IIT
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P1
Systems with Two Unknowns Introduction Reading Page1

Mechanics, Engineering and Technology Solid and Fluid Mechanics

Rigid Body and Particle Statics and Dynamics
History of Mechanics Newton's Laws
Dimensions, Units and Dimensional Homogeneity Scalars and Vectors
Development to Essential Engineering Mechanics Vector Representation.
Self & Peer Assessment A Self & Peer Assessment B

1 Engineering Mechanics

The study of the state of rest or motion of bodies subjected to forces is called Mechanics.
The application of mechanics to design bodies like structures, machines and products to fulfill
our needs and desires is called Engineering. Set of methods, processes and skills to develop and
maintain products, machines and structures is called Technology. Mechanics is broadly divided into
Solid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics.
Among solids when the deformation of a body is small compared to its size, it is treated as a
rigid body. When the size of a rigid body or its rotation is not of concern, it is treated as a particle.
This also happens when a body's motion is large compared to its size. For example earth, in spite its
great size, is treated as a particle when its orbital motion is studied.
Engineering Mechanics at the undergraduate freshman or sophomore level is the study
involving the application of the basic principles of mechanics for the preliminary determination of
forces on bodies as particles and rigid bodies. Advanced studies usually known as “Strength of
Materials” or “ Mechanics of Solids” consider deformation of bodies under forces, for structural
analysis and design.
Engineering Mechanics is further divided into Statics and Dynamics. Statics is the study of
bodies at rest or translating with constant speed along a straight line. Statics also includes the study
of first and second moments of line segments, areas, volumes and masses.
Dynamics is the study of bodies in accelerated motion. Study of pure motion is called
Kinematics and study of motion and influencing forces is called Kinetics. Kinetics deals with
Equations of Force & Acceleration, Work & Energy and Impulse & Momentum. New terms will be
explained in later lessons. The Summary is shown in the following Table.


Solid Mechanics Physicist's Mechanics Fluid Mechanics

Rigid and Deformable Atomic and Celestial Liquid and Gas
Engineering Mechanics Strength of Materials
(Mechanics of Solids)
Structural Analysis and Design
Statics Dynamics Machine Analysis and Design
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P2
Systems with Two unknowns Introduction Reading Page2

2 Brief History of Mechanics

Galileo, known as the father of modern science, brought together the ideas of other great
thinkers of his time and began to analyze motion in terms of distance traveled and time taken from
initial position to the final position. He showed in his 1638 “Two New Sciences”, that the speed of
falling objects increases steadily during the time of their fall. This acceleration is the same for heavy
objects as for light ones, provided air friction (air resistance) is discounted.
The English mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton improved the above analysis by
defining force and mass and relating these to acceleration in his 1687 work “Philosophiæ Naturalis
Principia Mathematica”. He provided a detailed mathematical account of mechanics, using the
newly developed calculus and providing the basis of Newtonian Mechanics.
For objects traveling at speeds close to the speed of light, Newton’s laws were superseded by
Albert Einstein’s 1915 theory of relativity. For atomic and subatomic particles, Newton’s laws were
superseded by quantum mechanics. The phrase was coined (in German, Quantenmechanik) by the
group of physicists including Max Born, Werner Heisenberg, and Wolfgang Pauli, at the University
of Göttingen in the early 1920s, and was first used in Born's 1924 paper "Zur Quantenmechanik".
For everyday phenomena, however, Newton’s three laws of motion remain the cornerstone of
Engineering Mechanics, which is the study of what causes equilibrium and accelerated motion.

3 Newton's Laws of Motion

1st Law: Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line
unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.
Hence it is called a statement about the “inertia” of a body.

2nd Law: Force on a body is equal to the time rate of change of momentum (mV). For a body of
constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration. F = m a
Hence it is called a statement about the “acceleration” of a body.

3rd Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite collinear re-action.
Hence it is called a statement about the “equilibrium” of a body under two forces.

4 Newton's Law of Gravitational Attraction

Let F be the Force between masses m1 and m2, separated by radial distance r.
Then F = G (m1*m2) / r2
Where G = Universal Gravitational Constant;
According to Experimental evidence G = 66.73*(1012) m3 / [kg* s2]

So the weight W of mass m on earth due attraction between mass and the earth is:
W = G (m*mearth) / r2; Letting g = G (mearth) / r2, W = mg
g at sea level and latitude 45o of the earth is considered Standard.

So, g = 9.806 65 m/s2 for scientific calculations and

g = 9.81 m/s2 for Engineering Calculations.

To save manual computing time in solving practice problems, g is taken as 9.8 m/s2
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P3
Systems with Two Unknowns Introduction Reading Page3

5 Dimensions
Dimension is a measure of a physical variable. In Engineering Mechanics there are three
primary dimensions: Mass, Length and Time (M, L, T). Primary dimensions are defined as
independent dimensions from which all other dimensions can be obtained. Dimensions have no
numbers associated with them.
All other dimensions in engineering mechanics (called secondary dimensions) can be
constructed from combinations of these three primary dimensions. It is customary to use brackets
around a variable to indicate its dimensions. For example "{Force}" means "the dimensions of

Force is not a primary dimension in Engineering Mechanics. Yet, force (and any other
secondary dimension used in engineering mechanics) can be written as a combination of the three
primary dimensions, i.e. in terms of mass, length, and time.

{F} = {M*a} = {M*L / T2}

6 Units
A unit is a way to assign a number associated with measurement to a dimension.
In this Class-book the International System of Units (SI Units) are used.
The units of M, L and T are Kilogram (kg), meter (m) and second (s).

The Unit of Force is Newton (N) = 1 kg*m / s2

The Unit of Moment is Newton meter (N m) = 1 kg*m2 / s2
The Unit of Energy is Joule (J) = 1 kg*m2 / s2

Units must always have numbers associated with them.

For example, length is a dimension, but it is measured in units of meters (m)
7 Dimensional Homogeneity
Dimensional homogeneity is the property of an equation having quantities of same units on both
sides. A valid equation in engineering mechanics must be homogeneous, since equality cannot be
applied between quantities of different nature. This property can be used to spot errors in formulae or
calculations, as below.

Force = Mass * Acceleration

(N) = Kg * m/s2
Derived Unit = Base Units
kg * m/s2 = kg * m/s2
kg = kg
Being homogeneous does not necessarily mean the equation will be true, since it does not take into
account numerical factors.

For Example E = m*V2 as well as E = (1/2) m*V2 will have the same dimensions
as (1/2) is dimensionless.
Nevertheless, this is a very powerful tool in finding characteristic units of a given problem.
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P4
Systems with Two Unknowns Introduction Reading Page4

8 Developments Leading to Essential Engineering Mechanics with SIMS and IILA

17th Century: Isaac Newton, a native of England developed the three laws of motion
for a particle moving in a straight line / single dimension (1D) for the subject “Mechanics”.

18th Century: Bernard Lamy, a native of France (Lami's Theorem Fame), developed
parallelogram law of forces for two forces in a plane (2D Space) on a particle at rest.

19th Century: J.W. Gibbs, native of USA and O. Heaviside, native of UK, independently
developed vectors for 3 dimensional space (3D) to study the laws of electro-magnetism found by
J.C. Maxwell, a native of Scotland.

20th Century: Stephen Timoshenko, a native of Russia, applied the mechanics to engineering
problems and as a professor at Stanford University, USA came to be known as the Father of Modern
Engineering Mechanics with the publication of his classic book on engineering mechanics in 1937
with D.H. Young. However they did not use the vector notation in their book,which is still in use
with its later editions.J.L. Meriam pioneered the use of vector notation in engineering mechanics in
US with histextbook in 1952, followed by Beer & Johnston in 1956, Irving H. Shames in 1959 and
manyothers, with their later editions now. However books with cartesian vector notation did not
getpopular in India except at Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the like. The author taught
engineering mechanics using vector notation at IIT Madras, between 1965 and 1973. The
authorspent about 40 years in US, doing R&D work in mechanisms for computers, ATMs, railways
andNASA. He also taught high school (ASMS) to graduate courses at several US institutions.

21st Century: After his return to India, the author was inspired by a classic Timoshenko
statics problem with six unknowns, he came across in a semester exam during 2015. He found
that the same had been asked earlier in several Indian University semester exams. The traditional
textbooks and guidebooks provided solutions to this and other similar problems by formulating
component equations along cartesian axes, resulting in simultaneous or convoluted equations
with several unknowns. This procedure usually involved a lot of computing steps and lengthy
calculations. When the author applied the concept of perpendicular component equation that he
developed at Tuskegee University in early 1990s (unpublished), for the kinematic analysis of
mechanisms, with its extensions, the Timoshenko problem was reduced to solving six equations,
each with only one unknown. Five Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution (SIMS) with an
innovative polar unit vector notation, were developed. The ten types of basic planar vector
systems identified by the author, in 2018, are solved with the Five SIMS with least computing.

The Class-book provides reading material for 60 classes at 10 per Unit, in 6 Units.
IILA (Integrated Instruction, Learning and Assessment) is achieved with a Five-fold Plan.
1. IILA Review Pages with Mathcad and OpenOffice Draw files.
2. YouTube Class Reviews (15 minutes each) by the author
3. Prep Tutorial Set for each class to prepare for the Class
4. Discussion Videos (15 min) by the author for independent and home-study students
5. Class Tutorial Sets for each class for class discussion and homework

Mathcad Assessment is integrated in all Tutorials.

Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P5
Systems with Two Unknowns Introduction Reading Page5

9 Scalars and Vectors

Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. Vectors are
quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction. In other words:
A scalar quantity has only magnitude.
A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction.

Scalar Quantities Vector Quantities

length, area, volume arm, force, weight, moment
speed, mass, density position, displacement
pressure, work, energy velocity, acceleration
power, temperature. momentum, lift, drag, thrust
. Force Vector F
C +
Volume V Arm Vector r = CA

In this book a vector is indicated by underlined single letter or two as shown above.
Other notations are a bold letter and over-lined single letter or two.

10 Unit Vectors Y(90)

A Unit Vector is a Vector with dimensionless
magnitude e = 1 (one) and direction given by the
Polar Angle of unit arrow or by unit arrow along J = e(90)
the axis of reference coordinate system. A Polar )
Angle in XY plane is measured counter clockwise e. (θ
(CCW) +ve, from the X axis. .
O X (0)
On the right, polar and cartesian (rectangular) unit .
I = e(0)

vectors in XY plane and their relationships are

shown clearly. Unit vector K is shown along Z axis. Unit Vector
P (x,y)
11 Position or Arm Vector: r + P (r, θ)
On the right below, the position of point P is
specified in cartesian, and polar coordinates. Then (θ) .
r : r (θ)
it is specified as Polar Vector in Geometric form. (180) (0)
In analytical form: (270)
OP = x I + y J; r = x I + y J Position or Arm Vector
OP = OP e(θOP); r = r e(θ)
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P6
Systems with Two Unknowns Introduction Reading Page6

12 Examples of Single Step Questions for Prep and Class Tutorials

Correct Answer for Each Question: 2, 3 or 4 Marks
Corrected Answer for Each Question: 3, 2, 1.5 or 1. (Explained in Tutorials) (90)
40o A (θ)
Q1: Find the Polar Angle θ of the Vector A e(θ) shown as A (θ)

Solution: (θ) = (90 – 40) = (50) Answer: 50

Q2: Find the Polar Angle θ of the Vector B e(θ) shown as B (θ)
Solution: (θ) = (180 + 25) = (205) Answer: 205 B (θ)

80 (θ)
Q3: Find the Polar Angle θ of the Vector 80 e(θ) shown as 80 (θ)

Solution: (θ) = (270 + 30) = (300) Answer: 300 (270) 30o

Q4: Find the Polar Angle θ of the Vector B e(θ) shown as B (θ) 20o
60 (θ)
Solution: (θ) = (360 - 20) = (340) Answer: 340

13 Example of Multi-Step Problem for Prep and Class Tutorials

Marks for Correct Answers 8, 9 or 10 Self Correction 7, 8 or 9
Correction with SIMHint 6, 7 or 8 SIMSolution 4, 5 or 6 (Explained in Prep Tutorial)

Problem: Outward Vectors B (30), A (120) and 100 (270) N are shown on the 'Free Body
Diagram' (to be studied later) of particle P. Equate their vector sum to zero. Applying SIM3 /
Perpendicular Component Equation to A (30) and B (120), find A and B.
SIM3 is “Sine Equation with a Subtracted Angle”.
A (120) B (30)
Solution: FBD is Type 3. [Two unknown Magnitudes make it T3]
Vector Equilibrium Equation (VEE):
A e(120) + B e(30) + 100 e(270) = 0 P =0
Vector System Equation (VSE) with two vectors
on LHS, each with an unknown.
A e(120) + B e(30) = - 100 e(270) 100 N

SIM3 to B (30) Free Body Diagram (FBD)

A sin(120 – 30) + B sin(30 – 30 ) = - 100 sin (270 – 30)
B*0 = 0 So B is eliminated
Calculation: A = - 100 sin (270 – 30) / sin(120 - 30) => (leads to) A = 86.6 N Ans1.

SIM3 to A (120)
B sin(30 – 120) + 100 sin(270 - 120) = 0 => B = 50.0 N Ans2.
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P7
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM1&2 and Systems T1 & T2 Reading Page1

Vector System Vector System Equation

PAL Vector Components
Vector Addition Parallelogram Law
SIMS Types of vectors
System Type 1 (T1) System Type 2 (T2)
14 System A System in Engineering Mechanics is a collection of vectors associated with a body
or a set of bodies, and Vector System Equation (VSE) relates the vectors and is solved for the
unknowns in it. In this Class-book Polar Angle Line (PAL) is introduced to find the direction of
a vector as its polar angle, easily, from the data usually given in relative acute angles.
15 PAL PAL is an extension to a line or vector,
with Polar Angle marked at an end. On the right,
the standard X, Y Coordinate system is shown in Y (90) (70)
“PAL Notation” with polar angles in brackets.
An inclined line / PAL is also marked with polar PAL
angles at its ends.
(180) X (0)
The X and Y components (projections)
of lines and vectors are positive along the
X (0) and Y (90) directions respectively.
The standard coordinate system is assumed (250)
and so not shown separately, and polar angles (270)
for horizontal and vertical lines & vectors are
not marked, in the solutions to save space and (θF)
preserve simplicity. F θ r)
On the right, PAL is used to show the (θ F -
Lever Angle (θF – θr) of the Force Vector F from (θr)
the arm vector r's PAL. Perpendicular PAL to F's A PAL
PAL is drawn from C to find Lever Point AL. r

Lever Arm CAL = r sin(θF – θr)

C +
sin(θF – θr) can be called Lever Factor. 90o
It is 1.0 when the lever angle is 90o..
The lever effect is zero when PAL PAL
the lever angle is zero or 180o. (θAB + 180)
A Vector's magnitude is Positive from
Tail to Head with its Polar Head Angle. B Head B
AB = AB e(θAB) AB = BA
BA = - AB e(θAB) A θAB θAB
= BA e(θBA) Tail A
= BA e(θAB + 180)) (θAB) is Head angle (θAB) is Tail angle Head Angle of BA
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P8
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM1&2 and System T1 & T2 Reading Page2

16 Vectors and X, Y Component Equations in Relative and Polar Angle Notation

A vector is shown by an arrow, its length representing magnitude and its head angle, the direction.
Study the polar angle notations for outward and inward vectors at a point.

Head FX
F (120)
30 o
30 o
F => F =>
+ + X + X (0)
17 Relative Angle Notation 18. Polar Angle Notation
The X and Y Component Equations of force The X and Y Component Equations of force
vector F using the adjacent (llY) and opposite vector F with polar head angle (120) are:
(llX) sides of the constructed right triangle, and
the relative head angle 30o, are: FX = F cos(120) = - 0.5 F
FY = F sin(120) = + 0.866 F
FX = - F sin30o = - 0.5 F Study the differences in formulation for the
FY = + F cos30o = + 0.866 F same results.
60 N
Let us now consider an inward (pushing) force
vector shown on the right with relative tail angle.
The determination of its polar head angle is not +
obvious as that of an outward force vector.
Line of Action
19 Principle of Transmissibility of a Force states
“Force at a point on a rigid body, because of the
body's rigidity, can be moved to any point along its
+ X

line of action, without loss of its effect.” 60 N

Alternately, PALs are drawn extending the inward 60 (340) N

vector and its relative axis as shown on the right, to 20o PAL
determine its polar head angle easily. Polar Head
Angle = Polar Tail Angle + 180o. Thus polar head
+ (0)

angle can be found, without moving the vector, i.e. PAL (340)
by not changing the Physics of the problem.

On the right, the 80N force is shown passing

80 N + (4, 4)
through two points. Its slope in terms of proportions
α 3
is also given. Its polar head angle is:

(θ) = tan (- 6 / - 8) = 36.87 + 180 = (216.9)

-1 +(- 4, -2)4
(θ) = tan-1 (3/4) + 180 = 36.87 + 180 = (216.9)
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P9
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM1&2 and Systems T1 & T2 Reading Page3

20 Addition of two vectors and Triangle Law

Heads Point
Q Head to R R
Tail Joint
Tails Point

Vector System Diagram Vector Loop Triangle Vector Loop Parallelogram Parallelogram
A system of two Vectors P and Q and their sum represented by the unknown Resultant R
is shown in the Vector System Diagram above. To find the Resultant R geometrically, Q is moved
and added to P forming a Head to Tail Joint as shown in the Vector Loop Triangle. The Vector
from the tail of the first vector P to the head of the second and final vector Q, gives the Resultant R.
This is called Triangle Law. The relationship R = P + Q is called Vector Loop Equation.
In the Vector Loop Parallelogram , the order of vector addition of the Triangle Law is
changed giving the same resultant R, proving that the Law of Commutation applies to Vector
Addition. Vectors that are added / composed to form a resultant are called “Component Vectors.”
So R = P + Q = Q + R
21 Parallelogram Law: From the Vector Loop Parallelogram, we state Parallelogram law as:
The resultant of two outward inclined vectors with tails at a point, is given by the
diagonal of the parallelogram, obtained by drawing mutual parallels at their heads, in the
direction away from their tails point.
When P and Q act at different points, line of action of R will then be passing through the
point of intersection of the PALs of P and Q, as shown in the Vector System Diagram above.
A diagram with vectors and their resultant is called a Vector System Diagram.
22 Polygon Law of Vectors:

Vector Loop Diagram Vector Loop Diagram Vector Loop Diagram
R=P+Q+ S R=Q+P+ S R=S+Q+P

When more than two vectors (Component Vectors) are added, by the head to tail joints, then
the vector from the tail of the first vector to the head of the last vector completes a polygon and
represents the resultant of the added vectors. The order in which the vectors are added does not
matter by the commutative property of vectors. Vector Loop Equations for R are shown above.
Note: When the vectors are not concurrent, the above R gives only the Magnitude and
Direction as a Free Vector and not the actual line of action. Finding the actual line of action of
R, for non-concurrent vectors will be discussed in a later class on Moments.
Unit 1 EM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P10
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM1&2 and Systems T1 & T2 Reading Page4

23 Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution (SIMS)

Traditional set of X, Y component and moment equations for a general 2D system will
often result in nonlinear and convoluted set of equations requiring several solution steps. To
simplify, all vectors are first converted to polar form. Five Simplified Integrated Methods of
Solution (SIMS) are developed and applied progressively to solve the ten types of basic planar
vector systems that occur in engineering mechanics and truss & mechanism analysis problems.
SIMS will yield scalar equations each with only one unknown for solving basic vector systems with
two or three unknowns. For use in SIMS, polar vectors are classified as below.

A. Vector with known magnitude and direction

Known Vector Example: A = 3 e(20) 3 (20)

B. Vector with unknown magnitude and direction

Unknown Vector Example: R = R e(θR) R (θR)

C. Vector with unknown magnitude B (200)

Line Vector Example: B = B e(200)
D. Vector with unknown direction
Arc Vector Example: C = 2 e(θC) 2 (θC)

Vector Loop Equation (VLE) has on its left hand side (LHS) only one vector with one or two
unknowns and on right hand side (RHS) known and other vectors facilitating construction.

Vector System Equation (VSE) has on its LHS, either a line or an arc vector followed by a line
vector and on RHS all known vectors.

24 SIM1: Eliminates the LHS direction in a VLE by squaring and adding its X&Y or
mutually Orthogonal Component Equations, leading to an equation with the other unknown,
a magnitude or direction.

25 SIM2: Gets the direction of the LHS vector of a VLE through an inverse /arc cosine or sine
or tangent fuction of its X , Y components and magnitde.
26. Elimination and Finding of a Direction in VLE.
Let R e(θV) be the single LHS unknown vector,
equated to RHS known vectors.
R (θR) R cos(θR) = RX = Σ RHS Cosine Components
RY R sin(θR) = RY = Σ RHS Sine Components
Squaring and adding
R2 = [RX2 + RY2] {Pythagorus Theorem}
X SIM1: R = [RX + RY ] {LHS θR is eliminated & R is found}
2 2 1/2

RX SIM2: θR = acos[RX/R]*[RY / |RY|] {LHS θR is found}

Unit 1 EM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P11
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM1&2 and Systems T1 & T2 Reading Page5

27 Type 1 System, T1[R, θR]: One unknown vector is related to known vectors. SIM1 and
SIM2 are applied to the Standard Vector Equation (SVE) to find Magitude R and direction θR.
VLE: R e(θR) = A e(θA) + B e(θB) + ...
C L in m
SVE: R = A + B + .... Standard Vector Equation
SIM1: R = [R 2 + R 2]1/2; SIM2:( θ ) = acos[R /R]* [R / |R |] 40o

R 3
Example 1: Find the magnitude and direction of
the member AC of a simple truss ABC shown. 4 B

Solution: System is T1. To draw ΔABC and solve 20o

VLE: AC = AB + BC ... [Chain Rule] A
R e(θR) = 4 e(20) + 3 e(130) System Space Diagram – A Truss
SVE: R = A + B +... )
C 0
RX = 4 cos(20) + 3 cos(130) = 1.83 m (13
RY = 4 sin(20) + 3 sin(130) = 3.67 m R (θR)

SIM1: R = [1.832 + 3.672]1/ 2 = 4.1 m Ans.1 B

SIM2: θR = acos[1.83 /4.1]* (1) = (63.5) Ans.2 A
4 (2
Vector Loop Diagram
Example 2: Find the resultant R (θR) of the forces on a
Joint modelled as a particle, shown. Word Loop indicates a loop
of links as an arm vector set.

30o 20o (0)

5 5 (210) 6 (340)
30o 7 F in N
7 (120)
System Space Diagram
Solution: System is T1. To draw the polygon ABCD. 6
VLE: R e(θR) = 5 e(210) + 7 e (300 + 6 e(340) A
SVE: R = A + B + C Vector System Diagram and
Vector Loop Diagram
RX = 5 cos (210) + 7 cos (200) + 6 cos (340) = 4.808 N
Word Loop indicates a loop
RY = 5 sin (210) + 7 sin (200) + 6 sin (340) = - 10.61 N formed by RHS Vectors for
the LHS vector.
SIM1: R = [4.8082 + 10.6142]1/2 = 11.65 N Ans.1
SIM2: θR = acos[4.81 / 11.65]*(-1)] = (-65.6) +360o
= (294.4) Ans.2
Unit 1 EM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P12
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM1&2 and Systems T1 & T2 Reading Page6

27 Type 2 System, T2[θB, θC]: Two arc vectors are related to a sigle know vector or the
resultant of known vectors. SIM1 and SIM2 are applied to the SVE to find directiona θB and θC.

VLE: C e(θR) = A e(θA) + B e(θB) Let α = (θB – θA)

SVE: Cθ = A + Bθ Standard Vector Equation
|| (Parallel) and L (Perpendicular) Components: (θB) (θC)
C || to A = A + B cosα
C L to A = 0 + B sinα
SIM1: Squaring and adding || & L Components
C2 = A2 + B2 + 2AB cosα ...[Vector Cosine Theorem]
α = acos[(C2 – A2 – B2) / 2AB]; B – θ A)
= (θ B
θ = θA + α
. B1
θB1 = θA - α C α
Example 3 Find the polar angles of Arc Vectors B = 3 e(θB)
And C = 6 e(θC), drawn at the ends of known vector
A = 4 e(20), intersecting to form a Vector Triangle. A

Solution: System is T1. To draw ΔABC and solve +

6 e(θC) = 4 e(20) + 3 e(θB)
SVE: C = A + B +... Vector Loop Diagram (VLD)

SIM1: α = acos[(62 – 42 – 32) / 2*4*3] = 62.72o

θB1 = (20 + 62.72o) = (82.72) = θB Ans.1
θB2 = (20 – 62.72) = (- 42.72)
3 kN
With θB = (82.72), CX = 4.139, CY = 4.344
SIM2: θC = acos[4.14//6]*(1) = (46.383) Ans.2
6 (10) k
Example 4 For the resultant 4 (10) kN, find the polar angles
of the component forces 2 kN and 3 kN as in the SSD.

Solution: System is T2. 4.5 kN

VSE: 3 + 2 = 4 System Space Diagram
VLE: 2 e(θ2) = 4 e(10) - 3 e(θ1) ... [Note the '–' sign]
SVE: C = A + B 2(θ2) F in kN

SIM1: α = acos[(22 – 42 – 32) / (- 2*4*3)] = + 29o 4( 1 0)

θ11 = (10 + 29) = (39)
θ12 = (10 - 29) = (-19) = (341) = θ1 Ans.1 α

With θ1 = (341) 2X = 1.10; 2Y = 1.67 3 (θ1)

Vector System Diagram
SIM2: θ2 = acos[1.1/2]*(1) = (66.6) Ans.2
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P13
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM3 and Systems T3 & T4 Reading Page1

29 SIM3 / Perpendicular Component Equation

Eliminating the Magnitude of a
Vector with Known Direction.
90 ) B
(θ A+ A (θA) and B (θB) are two vectors in a
plane. Line (θA) is Parallel (ll) to A

(θA). Line (θA + 90) and BB' are both


(θ A) Perpendicular to A (θA). OB'B is a


) Right Triangle. Perpendicular

θA B' )
B LA (θ B - A (θ A
Component (LC) of B (θB) to A(θA)
i.e. SIM3 of B (θB) to A (θA) is:
B'B = B sin(θB – θA)
LC or SIM3 of A (θA) to A (θA
ALA = A sin(θA – θA) = 0
30 SIM3 / Perpendicular Component Theorem / Sine Theorem
The Perpendicular Component Equation to a Vector
eliminates the magnitude of that and any parallel vector.
In Practice SIM3 is “Sine Equation with Subtracted Angle”
SIM3 is applied to each of the Line Vectors of T3 (Type 3) System and
to the Line vector and then to the Arc Vector of T4 System to be
discussed later.
31 Proving Lami's Theorem and Sine Law Applying SIM3 a (θa)
Lami's Theorem
If three coplanar concurrent forces acting on a body β
keep it in equilibrium, then each force is proportional γ
to the sine of the angle between the other.

α c (θc)
Proof: Given a e(θa) + b e(θb) + c e(θc) = 0
b (θb)
SIM3 to a (θa) Vector System Diagram
SIM3 to c (θc)
a sin(θa – θc) + b sin(θb – θc) + 0 = 0 b sin(θb – θa) + c sin(θc– θa) + 0 = 0
a sin(β) + b sin(- α) = 0 b sin (γ) + c sin(- β) = 0 γ
a sin(β) = b sin(α) b sin(γ) = c sin(β) C
a / sin α = b / sin β b / sin β = c / sin γ b a
A β
Combining the above we have Lami's Theorem: B
a / sin α = b / sin β = c / sin γ; c
As sin α = sin (180 – α) and A= (180 – α); sin α = sin A etc. ± α
Sine Law for Δ ABC: a / sin A = b / sin B = c / sin C Vector Loop Triangle
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P14
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM3 and Systems T3 & T4 Reading Page2

32 Type 3 System, T3[A, B]: Two line vectors are related to one or more known vectors. It is
the most common. The two mamgitudes are found by applying SIM3 to each line vector in the VSE,
ready or obtained by rearranging the VLE.
VSE: A e(θA) + B e(θB) = C e(θC) +... (165) (80)
SVE: A + B = C +... C
SIM3 to B: A sin(θA - θB) + B sin(θB - θB) = C sin(θC - θB) B
A = C sin(θC – θB) / sin(θA - θB)
SIM3 to A: B = C sin(θC – θA) / sin(θB - θA)

Example 5 In the triangle ABC shown, find the vector AC. 10 m

Solution: System is T3. To draw the ΔABC
SVE: A + B = C
For all magnitudes to be positive on LHS, θCB = (θBC + 180) A
AC e(80) + CB e(345) = 10 e(60)
SIM3 to BC Vector Loop Diagram
AC sin(80 – 345) + 0 = 10 sin(60 – 345)
AC = 9.7 m. Ans. F in N
Example 6: Find the Components of the Resultant 80 (65), along
directions shown. [Resolve the known vector along line(100) & A (100) 80 (65)
Line(25)] [Find the component line vectors A (100) and B (25)].
Solution: System is T3.
VSE: A e(100) + B e(25) = 80 e(65)
B (25)
SVE: A + B = C
SIM3 to B and A
A sin(100 – 25) = 80 sin(65 – 25) ; A = 53.24 N Ans.1
B = sin(25 – 100) / 80 sin(65 – 100) ; B = 47.50 N Ans.2 Vector System Diagram

Example 7: Resolve the Resultant of the of

the two vectors along directions shown.
Solution: System is T3. 50 (80)
VSE: C e(50) + D e(10) = 50 e(80) + 70 e(320)
SVE: A + B = C + D F in kN
SIM3 to D and C

C sin(50 – 10) = 50 sin(80 – 10) + 70 sin(320 - 10) D (10)

C = - 10.328 N Ans.1*
D sin(10 – 50) = 50 sin(80 – 50) + 70 sin (320 – 50)
D = 70.008 N Ans.2
Vector System Diagram
70 (320)
*Note: Solved C Direction is opposite to C(50). That is C = 10.328 kN;
Solution by any other method is complex. θC = (50 + 180) = (230)
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P15
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM3 and Systems T3 & T4 Reading Page3

33 Type 4 System, T4[θA, B]: An arc vector and a line vector are related to one or more
known vectors.
VSE: A e(θA) + B e(θB) = C e(θC)
SVE: A + B = C +...
SIM3 to B: A sin(θA – θB) = C sin(θC - θB)
Let β = (θA – θB); β = asin[C sin(θC – θB) / A] (θ1)
. A1
= θB
+ β; θA2
= θB
+ π - β); θA
is selected.
SIM3 to A: B = C sin(θC – θA) / sin(θB - θA)
(170) C
Example 8. Find the lesser value of θ of the B
3 (θ) 3
side AC = 3 e(θ) and magnitude of side BC (170) (350)
of the ΔABC, with AB = 5 e(20).
Solution: System is T4. To draw ΔABC 5 (2
VSE: AC + CB = AB ... [CB = - BC] Vector Loop Diagram (VLD)
3 e(θ) + CB e(350 ) = 5 e(20)
SVE: A + B = C

SIM3 to B:
β = asin[5 sin(20 – 350) / 3] = 56.4o
(θ1) = (350 + 56.4) or (46.4) = θ in VLD Ans.1
(θ2) = (259 + 180 -56.4) or (113.6), since sinβ = sin(180-β.)
3 (θ)
SIM3 to A: N
CB sin(350 – 46.4) = 5 sin(20 – 46.4); CB = BC = 2.67 4 ( 10 ) k
Example 9: For the resultant 4 (10) kN, find )
the lower θ and corresponding P in the component P (335
arc and line vectors 3 (θ) kN and P (335).
Solution: System is T4. System Space Diagram
VSE: 3 e(θ) + P e(335) = 4 e(10)

SIM3 to P
β = asin[4 sin(10 – 335) /3] = 49.9o
. θ1 = (335 + 49.9 - 360) = (24.9) Ans.1 D1
.θ2 = (335 + 180 – 49.9 -360) = (105.1)
3 (θ C
4 ( 10 ) k

SIM3 to 3 (24.9)
P1 sin(335 – 24.9) = 4 sin(10 – 24.9); A
P1 = 1.35 kN. Ans.2 P (335)
SIM to 3 (105.1) B1
P2 = 4 sin(10 – 105.1) / sin(335 – 105.1)
P2 = 5.27 kN Vector System Diagram
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P16
Systems with Two Unknowns SIM3 and Systems T3 & T4 Reading Page4

Example 10: For the crank slider / piston mechanism shown, find
the unknowns in connecting rod 15 (θBC) and the piston (90)
position AC (90) with crank vector AB = 5 e(50) cm.

Solution: System is T4. For drawing C

VSE: AC + CB = AB CB = -BC
AC e(90) + 15 e(θCB) = 5 e(50) Note: θCB = θBC + 180o
SVE: A + B = C L in cm 15
SIM3 to 15 : Let β = (θCB – 90)
β = asin[5 sin(50 – 90) / 15] = -14.36o
. (θCB1) = (90 - 14.36) = (75.64) B
) = (90 +180 +14.36) = ( 284.36) from VLD.
5 (50)
. θBC = (284.36 – 180) = (104.36) Ans.1
SIM3 to B (284.36):
A = AC = 5 sin(50 – 284.36) / sin(90 – 284.6) = 16.384 cm Ans.2 Vector Loop Diagram
Example 11: In the Force System shown, find the resultant
of the forces 40 N and 60 N, and replace that resultant by 40 N
forces P (40) N and 80 (θ) N, determining θs and then Ps. 60 N 40o 30o
P (40)
Solution: Vector System Diagram1 is T1
Vector Loop Equation 80 (θ)
R e(θR) = 40 e(60) + 60 e(130)
RX = - 18.567 N; RY = 80.604
SIM1&2: R = 82.715 N; θR = (102.97) R (θR)
System Space Diagram
60 (130)
Vector System Diagram2 is T4 40 (60)
T4 Vector System Equation
80 e(θ) + P e(40) = 82.715 e(102.97)

SIM3 to P (40); Let (θ – 40) = β Forces in N

80 sinβ = 82.715 sin(102.97 – 40);
β = 67.07o Vector System Diagram1
(θ1) = (40 + 67.01) θ1 = 107. 07 Ans.1
(θ2) = (40 + 180 – 67.01) θ2 = 152.93 Ans.2 82.715 (102.97)

80 (θ) P (40)
SIM3 to 80 (107.07)
P sin(40 – 107.07) = 82.715 sin(102.97 – 107.07)
P1 = 6.426 N Ans.3
SIM3 to 80 (152.93)
P sin(40 – 152.93) = 82.715 sin(102.97 – 152.97)
P2 = 68.82 N Ans.4 Vector System Diagram2
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P17
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T1 Reading Page1

Equilibrium Two Force Equilibrium

Free body Diagram (FBD) FBDs with Two Forces
Reactions FBDs with three or more Forces.

34 Equilibrium: Newton's first law and second law applied to a body at rest or translating (moving
in a given orientation of the body) with constant velocity, define Equilibrium. In other words,
Equilibrium fulfills two conditions.

1. All the forces are concurrent.

2. The Resultant Vector of all the force vectors is zero. Σ F = 0

35 Systems with 2 two forces in Equilibrium: For Equilibrium, to fulfill condition 1 the two
forces should be collinear. For condition 2, they should be equal and opposite. This is stated by
Newton's third law. Let one of the forces be unknown in the following Force System in Equilibrium.
Example 12 Find the magnitudes A, B and C for the equilibrium of the Bodies shown.

A (θA) Solution: Σ F = 0
VEE: A + 5 = 0
Y (90) A e (θA ) + 5 e (270) = 0.
= 0
A e (θA ) = - 5 e (270) = 5 e (270 -180)
5 A e (θA ) = 5 e(90)
(90) is Opposite of (270)
Equilibrium of a Particle
So A = 5 and (θA ) = (90). This is simple.

B (θB) N
16 (30) N VEE: B (θB) + 16 (30) = 0
= (0) B (θB) = - 16 (30)
B = 16 N, θB = (210)

30 (160) N
C (θC )
By Inspection (Preferred!)

C = 30 N, θC = (340)

Two-Force Members
in Equilibrium.
The PAL line of action of the forces on a two force member in equilibrium is the line passing
through the 'Force Points' and the forces are equal and opposite. The shape of the body does not
matter as shown above. The straight “two-force” member is subjected to pure “tension” (pull) or
“compression” (push) throughout. Any other shaped two force member is subjected to bending also.
These aspects will be studied in detail during later courses.
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P18
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T1 Reading Page2

36 Free Body Diagram (FBD)

To function according to our desired requirements, machine members and structures are restrained
in certain ways. Nature also exists and functions with some constraints.
To analyze various forces for design,
(1) a chosen body or set of bodies is isolated, that is, “Freed” from another body or set of
bodies, including earth, at their original constraining joints or points of contact and
(2) the restraining effects of that another body or set of bodies, called as “Reactive Forces”
are shown on the chosen “Free Body or Set of Free Bodies” at the isolated points of contact , along
with other “Active Forces” at various other points on that “Free Body or Set of Free Bodies”.

A Diagram showing the Active Forces and Reactive

Forces on a chosen Body or Set of Bodies is called a
Free Body Diagram (FBD).

The active forces on a Body are its weight acting at the center of gravity and other applied forces on
it. The Active Forces are also called External Forces. In a Plane FBD, only the forces in the plane
are considered. Thus a weight is shown in a vertical plane and not in a horizontal plane. If the
weight is negligible compared to other forces, for simplification in Engineering formulation and
calculations, it is not shown in a FBD even in a vertical plane.

37 FBDs with Two Forces
A. FBDs with Two Forces: The ball is
A A “Freed” at the section line AA from the
upper part of the system. At A A, the pull
of the Top portion, is shown in FBD. The
=0 weight of 80 (270) N is the active force. T
(90) is reactive force. As earlier, By mere,
“Inspection” we can write T = 80 N or
80 N 80 N T = 80 e(90) N. On the free body Diagram it
is shown as T in the vertically up direction.
System Space Diagram Free Body Diagram
B. If we first draw the FBD 3, we do not
know A and B, but know that they are
B equal and opposite along AB.
A If we first draw FBD 1, we have the
B known active force as 80 N down..
A So A = 80 N up by inspection.

=0 Then we can draw FBD 3 to find B.

C C =0 =0 If we first draw FBD 2, we have the

B known active force as 80 N down.
80 N So B = 80. Then draw FBD 3 to find A.
80 N 80 N
SYSTEM FBD 1 FBD 2 FBD 3 Thus, in SIMS, we draw FBDs in the
oder, that we can readily solve each.
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 -
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T1 Reading Page3

37 Reactive Forces (Support Reactions) in FBDs

Equilibrant  is a force which brings equilibrium state, balancing rest of the forces in a system. In an
FBD, Active Forces are balanced by Reactive Forces. Any force in an FBD is the Equilibrant for
the rest of the forces. Thus equilibrant is equal and opposite to the resultant of rest of the forces in
the system. In FBDs with one or two unknowns, the following are types of Reactive Forces
(Support Reactions).
A. Normal Force (N) due to a surface, is shown acting in the restraining line direction
perpendicular to the common tangent.
Examples of FBDs:

70 N(270) 80 N(270)
70 N

+ + (135) + (30)

N (90) N
B (45) A(120)

B. String, Spring and Link Forces acting along the direction of restraining line.

T (90) B (135)
A (30)

S (180)
40 N(0)
+ +
60 N(270) Compressed Spring 50 N(270)

C. Pin Reaction as one force with two unknowns or two component forces.

Belt Forces 600 N(225)

600 N(225) 2 Forces =>
500 N(330) EY
1 Force => 500 N(330)

E (θ)

Pin Reaction with Two Unknowns

Unit 1. EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P20
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T1 Reading Page4

38 Type 1 FBD, T1[E, θE]: One unknown vector is related to known vectors. SIM1 and SIM2
are applied to the Vector Loop Equation (VLE) to find the magnitude and direction. VLE is
obtained by rearraging the Vector Equilibrioum Equation (VEE).

Example 13: Find the magnitude and direction (polar angle) of the Equilibrant of the system shown
with two known force vectors applied on the ring.

500 N(160)
500 N 500 N(160)
X =0 350 N(315) +
45o E(θE)
350 N 350 N(315) Vector Closure Diagram
System Space Diagram Free Body Diagram Graphical Solution

Solution: FBD is T1, Σ F = 0

For an FBD, E(θE) forms the
VEE: 500 + 350 + E = 0
VLE: E e(θE) = - 500 e(160) - 350 e(315) closing side of a vector loop
when known vectors are added
or E e(θE) = 500 e(340) + 350 e(135) ... [For drawing]
graphically to scale
EX = 222.4 N; EY = 76.48 N as shown above.
SIM1: E = 235 N Ans.1
SIM2: θE = (19) Ans.2
Example 14: Find the cable tension S (equal to the weight W due to the smooth pulley) and
the cable angle θs to balance the forces on the ring shown.

Forces in N
70 S (θS)
70 (40)
W 20o
60 60 (340)
50 30o 50 (240)

System Space Diagram Free Body Diagram

Solution: FBD is T1, Σ F = 0
VEE: 70 + 50 + 60 + S = 0
VLE: S e(θS) = -70 e(40) - 50 e(240) - 60 e(340)
SVE: R = A + B + C
SX = - 80 N SY = 18.8 N SIM1: S = 87.1 N Ans.1
SIM2: θs = (167.5) Ans.2
Unit 1. EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P21
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T2 Reading Page1

FBD T2 Truss

39 Type 2 FBD, T2[θB, θC]: Two arc vectors related to a single vector or the resultant of
known vectors. The two directions are found by applying SIM1 and SIM2 to the VLE, obtained
by rearranging the VEE.
Example 15: In the mechanism shown, find the polar angle set
that is represented in the configuration shown 50 kg
Solution: FBD is T2. Σ F = 0
VEE: 588 + 490 + 500 = 0 60 kg
VLE: 500 e(θ2) = - 588 e(270) - 490 e(θ1) 500 (θ2)
SVE: C = A + B Let (θB – θA) = α SSD
SIM1: α1 = acos(C A – B ) / 2*A*B = 125.66o
2– 2 2
490 (θ1)
So α2 = - 125.66o A
θ = (θA + α1) = 395.66 or θ1 = (35.66) Ans1.
. B1 α
θB2 = (θB + α2) = 144.34 =0
With (θ1 = 35.65) in VLE 500 (θ2)
C X = - 398.17 N, CY = 302.4 N 588 N
SIM2: θ2 = acos(CX / C)*(CY / |CY|) θ2 = (142.8) Ans2. FBD

Example 16: Determine the polar angle (θ1) of the

cable AB in the 2nd quadrant and corresponding (θ2) 10 kg
of the cable AC for the Equilibrium of Pulley A of 20o
the tractive apparatus configuration shown. Assume 90 N
smooth pulleys. C (Traction
Solution: FBD is T2. Σ F = 0 Force)
T2 VEE: 90 + 98 + 92.12 = 0 9.4 kg
T2 VLE: 92.12 e (θ2) = - 90 e (340) - 98 e (θ1)
SIM1: 92.122 = 902 + 982 SSD
+ 2*90*98 cos(θ1 - 340)
Let (θ1 – 340) = α cos α = - 0.523
98 (θ1)
The α is CCW from FBD. So α = +121.53o
θ1 = (340 + 121.53) α
θ1 = (461.53) or (461.5 – 360), θ1 = (101.53) Ans1. =0
With θ1 = (101.5) in VLE 90 (340) N
92.12X = - 65.03 N, 92.12Y = - 65.241 92.12 (θ2)
SIM2: Cos Inverse function θ2 = (225.1) Ans2.
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P22
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T2 Reading Page2

40 Truss: A truss is a rigid structure made up of straight two force

members. Thus the simplest truss is made up of three links
forming a triangle. Every pair of links add another rigid triangle to
the existing one. It is important to know the angle of each member 3.8
to conduct the force analysis of the joint equilibrium.
Example 17: The figure shows a truss made up of three links of
lengths 5 meters, 2.7 meters and and 3.8 meters. If 5 = 5 e(15)
find the polar orientations of the other two. )
5 (15
Solution: The System Space Diagram for a Truss is shown as a System Space Diagram
Closed Loop Diagram of Arm Vectors of T2. The Loop Closure
Equation(LCE) corresponds to FBD VEE Σ F = 0
VCE: 2.7 - 3.8 - 5.0 = 0.
VLE: 2.7 e(θ2) = 5 e(15) + 3.8 e(θ1) 3.8 (θ1)
SVE: C = A + B
SIM1: α = acos[(2.72 - 52 – 3.82) / 2*5*3.8] = + 147.8o 2.7 (θ2)
θ11 = 15 + 147.8 = (162.8) Ans.1
θ12 = 15 - 147.8 = (-132.8) 5 (15
2.7 X = 1.19, 2.7Y = 2.42; Vector Closure Diagram
SIM2: θ2 = acos(1.19/2.7) * (1) = (63.62) Ans2.
Example 18: Find the polar angles of links 3 (BC) and 4 (DC
of the 4 link mechanism shown, using the Vector Loop (70) 45
Equations for the diagonal BD first and then for link BC. C
Solution: Let us consider VLEs directly, in stead of first
O (10)

writing the VCE and then rearranging it to form VLEs D
to apply SIM1&2. O
Loop 1 is T1: BD = BA + AD A 60
VLE: BD e(θBD) = - 20 e(70) + 60 e(10) System Space Diagram
SVE: R = A + B
RX = 52.25 cm, RY = - 8.38 C
R = BD = 52.92; θBD = (350.9). θ)
35( 4
Loop 2 is T2: BC = BD + DC ( θ 3)
45 α
VLE: 45 e(θ3) = 52.92 e(350.9) + 35 e(θ4) B 2
SIM1: α = acos[(452 - 52.922 – 352)

/ 2*52.92*35 ] = 122.7o 1

θ = (350.9 +122.7 – 360) = (113.6) is θ4 Ans.1

. 41 D (350.9)
θ = (350.9 -122.7) = (228.2)
. 42 A 60(10)
45 X= 38.24 45Y= 23.7 Vector Loop Diagrams
SIM2: acos[38.24 / 45]*(1) θ3 = (31.8) Ans.2
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P23
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T3 & T4 Reading Page 1

41 Type 3 FBD, T3[A, B]: Two line vectors are related to one or more known vectors. It is
the most common. The two mamgitudes are found by applying SIM3 to each line vector in the VSE,
obtained by rearranging the VEE.

Example 19: For the loaded structure shown determine

the forces on Pins A and B applied by the straight and L B
30o 5
shaped links respectively.
Solution: FBD is T3. Σ F = 0 θB = tan-1[5/4] = (51.34) 10o
VEE: A + B + 2 + 2.5 = 0 20o
VSE: A e (120) + B e (51.34) C
2 kN 2.25 kN
= - 2 e (190) - 2.5 e (340)
SVE: A + B = C + D SSD
B (51.34)
SIM3 to B (51.34) A (120)
A = - 2 sin (190 – 51.34) - 2.5 sin (340 – 51.34)
/ Sin(120 – 51.34)
A = 1.125 kN Ans1.
SIM3 to A(120) 2.25 (340) kN
B = - 2 sin (190 – 120) - 2.5 sin (340 – 120) C
2 (190) kN
/ sin (51.34 – 120)
B = 0.292 kN Ans2. Free Body Diagram (FBD)
Example 20: Determine the loads P and Q for the middle
ring in the smooth pulley system to be in equilibrium. 50o

Solution: FBD is T3. Σ F = 0 30o

VEE: P + Q + 60 + 50 = 0
VSE: P e (180) + Q e (290) = - 60 e (40) - 50 e (150)
SVE: A + B = C + D 20o
50 N 60 N
SIM3 to Q (290):
P = - 60 sin (40 – 290) - 50 sin (150 – 290) Q
/ sin (180 – 290)
P = 25.80 N Ans1. SSD
SIM3 to P(180): 60 (40) N
Q = - 60 sin (40 – 180) - 50 sin (150 – 180) 50 (150)
/ sin (290 -180)
Q = 67.65 N Ans2.
P (180)

Q (290)
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P 24
Systems with Two Unknowns Equilibrium and FBD T3 & T4 Reading Page2

42 Type 4 FBD, T4[θA, B]: An arc vector and a line vector are related to one or more known
vectors. The unknowns are found by applying SIM3 to the Line Vector and then to Arc Vector with
its solved direction, in the VSE, obtained by rearraging the VEE.

Example 21. In the mechanism shown, find the higher polar angle θ and the
Corresponding force P by the spring., rhe shown diagram.

Solution: FBD is T4, Σ F = 0 θ

VEE: 490 + P + 588 = 0 A 50 kg
VSE: 490 e (θ) + P e (140) = - 588 e (270)
SVE: A + B = C

SIM3 to P(140) : Let β = (θ – 140)
490 sinβ = -588 sin(270 – 140)
60 kg

. β = asin[ -588 sin (270 – 140) / 490 ] = - 66.8 o System Space Diagram

θ1 = (140 – 66.8) = (73.2) Ans.1 490 (θ)
. θ2= (140+ 180 + 66.8) = 26.8
SIM3 to 490 (73.2)
P (140)
P = - 588 sin(270 -73.2) / sin (140 – 73.2)
P = 185.1. N Ans.2 588 N

Free Body Diagram

Example 22: A horizontal plate in equilibrium is acted upon
by four forces in the plane of the plate at different points as 80 N 40o Y 60 N
shown. (That means the concurrency of the forces keeps the
plate in rotational equilibrium also). Find the least magnitude
of P and its polar angle for the plate to be in equilibrium. X
Solution: FBD is T4, Σ F = 0 70 N P
VEE: 60 + P + 80 + 70 = 0 30 o
VSE: 60 e(θ) + P e(330) = -80 e(130) - 70 e(240) SSD
SIM3 to P(330) let (θ – 330) = β
Sinβ =[ - 80 sin(130 – 330) - 70 sin(240 – 330) ] / 60 = 0.711 80 N(130)
β= 45.3o 60 (θ)
. θ1 = (330+45.3) = (15.3)
θ2 = (330 + 180 – 45.3 -360 = 104.7

SIM3 to 60 (15.3) and SIM3 to 60 (104.7)

P1 = 33.0 N, P2 = 117.4 N P (330)
Answer Plower = 33.0 N with 60 N(15.3) 70 N(240) FBD
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 – P 25
Systems with Two Unknowns Contacting Bodies Reading Page1

Two Bodies in contact FBD of two bodies together

FBD of first body FBD of second body
Choice of FBDs Multiple contacting bodies.

43 Contacting Bodies: So far we have been drawing FBS to a single body to determine the two
unknowns by SIM1, SIM2 and SIM3. Let us now study equilibrium of contacting bodies.
The System Space Diagram (SSD) below left, shows a smooth and heavy channel 1 resting
on a horizontal floor, in which smooth cylinders 2 and 3 are placed together. We can draw three
FBDs considering three sets, of bodies 2 and 3 as shown.

? Equal and
1 ?
3 Opposite
? +
+ ? + 3
3 ?
+2 +2 ? FBD C
80 cm ? FBD A
Of the three FBDs shown, only FBD C is T3[A,B] with two unknowns is to be solved first. Then
FBDs A & B reduce to T3. Of the two, FBD A can be solved more easily as it contains only
horizontal and vertical forces. Choosing the right order of FBDs is the Key for SIMS.

Example 23: In the SSD the cylinders 2 and 3 are of diameters 30 cm and 60 cm and weights
60N and 220 N respectively. Find all the reactions at all the contact points.
Solution: FBD1 is T3, Σ F = 0
EG = (30 + 60) / 2 = 45 cm
EF = (80 – 45) = 35 cm C
+ G D 3 G ND
θAB = acos [EF/EG] = (38.94) A +
F Forces
NC (38.94)
T3 VEE: NC + ND + 220 = 0 in N
F 80 cm FBD1
T3 VSE: NC e(38.94) + ND e(180) 220
= - 220 e(270)
SIM3 to ND and NC
NC = 350 N; ND = 272.26 N NA
+ 272..26
FBD 2: Σ Right = Σ Left and +2 60 (218.94)
Σ Up = Σ Down] Forces need not NA
NE = 272.3 N
NF = 60 + 220 = 280 N
be concurrent!
NB FBD2 +2
Note: FBD2 is a better choice than FBD3, NB FBD3
as it does not have inclined forces.
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P26
Systems with Two Unknowns Contacting Bodies Reading
Example 24: Two identical smooth cylinders each of weight W and radius R are placed in a quarter
circular channel fitting in as shown. Determine the reactions at contact points C and A.

Solution: FBD 1 T3
T3 VEE: NC + NB + W = 0
T3 VSE: NC e(45) + NB e(157.5)
= - W e(270)
C B F + B
SIM3 to NB e(157.5): E NB (157.5)
NC (45)
NC sin(45 – 157.5)
= - W sin (270 – 157.2)
NC = W Due to symmetry:
(θBO) = (157.5) W
C W (225)
(θDO) = (112.5)
FBD 2 is T3 (θEC) = (45) A
T3 VEE: NA+ ND + W + W = 0
E +
T3 VSE: NA e(0) + ND e(112.5) = - W e(225) – W e(270)
SIM3 to ND e(112.5) => NA = 1.414 W FBD 2 ND (112.5)

L in mm F in N 100 N

Example 25: Three uniform cylinders

weighing 100 N each and of diameter 80 A
mm are placed in a channel of 180 mm
width as shown. Determine the contact E D
forces at E and F. I C
NE (51.3)
H ND (128.7)
Solution: FBD 1 is T3 FBD 1
VEE: NE + ND + 100 = 0 F G
T3 VSE: NE e(51. 3) + ND e(128.7) 64.1
40 90
= - 100 e(270) 100 N (231.3)
SIM3 to ND (128.7) 180
NE = 64.1 N Ans1. θE = acos[50/80] = (51.3)
FBD 2 is T3: θD = (180 – 51.3) = (128.3) B
VEE: NF + NH + 64.1 + 100 = 0 NH (0)
VSE: NF e(90) + NH e(0) = - 64.1 e(231.3) – 100 e(270)
SIM3 to NH e(0) FBD 2 NF
NF = 150.0 N Ans2.
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P27
Systems with Two Unknowns Connected Bodies Reading Page1

Connected System FBDs with one unknown

Joint FBDs with three unknowns System /Joint FBDs with two unknowns
44 Connected Bodies: In class 7 we solved FBDs of contacting bodies that have a common
unknown contact force, by choosing to start our solution with a T3 FBD with only two unknowns
using SIM3. Solving by Traditional Equations ΣFX = 0 and ΣFY = 0 one will end up, for a general
case, with a set of simultaneous equations, requiring more computing steps than in SIMS.
Now let us consider two connected bodies through cables at weightless joints J 1 and J2 as
shown. We can draw 5 FBDs. But a smart first choice of FBD will be the one with one or two
unknowns only. The tensions in A, B, and C and polar angle of B at joint J1 are to be solved.

45oo C

50 N
N 80
80 N
50 N
N 80
80 N
FBD 22

SSD TT11 == 50
50 N
N TT22 == 80
80 N

A (135) A(135)
C (30)
B (θB)
B (θB + 180) C (30) B
J2 J2
50 N 50 N
80 N 80 N

T1 and T2 in FBDs 3 , 4, and 5 can be determined by inspection and we need not draw FBD1
and FBD2. We can draw FBDs 3, 4 and 5 directly. But FBDs 3 and 4 have 3 unknowns each
individually, though two of them (B and θ) are common. But FBD 5 has only 2 unknowns A and C
of Type 3 and can be readily solved. Then FBD 3 can be used to solve T1 unknowns B and θB. Thus
the order of drawing FBDs is important for their simplified solution.
Unit 1. EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P28
Systems with Two Unknowns Connected Bodies Reading Page2

Example 26: Find the design tension in the cable system shown by drawing suitable FBDs.

Solution: FBD1 is T3
VEE: A + C + (50 + 80) = 0 A
VSE: A e(135) + C e(30) = - 130) e(270) 45 o
SIM3 to C (30) and A(135): 30o
A = 116.6 Ans1. C = 95.2 Ans2.

FBD2 is T1
VEE: B + 95.2 + 80 = 0 50 N 80 N
VLE: B e(θ) = - 95.2 e(30) - 80 e(270)
SIM1: BX = 82.45 N, BY = 32.4 N
B = 88.6 N Ans3. A (135)
C (30) 95.2 (30)
The Design Tension is B (θ)
Maximum Tension = 116.6 N. It is
multiplied by Factor of Safety (about 2).

The following SSDs and their FBDs 50 N 80 N

80 N
may look different, but the VEESs
VSEs and VLEs are exactly the same FBD1 FBD2
as their PALs are the same.

C (30)
A (135) B C (30)
B (θ)
o 60o
50 N
80 N
80 N
50 N 80 N FBD2

50 N 80 N 50 N 80 N
80 N
A (135)
C(30) C (30 )
B B B (θ)

45o 60o

Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P29
Systems with Two Unknowns Truss Synthesis & Analysis Reading Page1

Truss Synthesis Truss Analysis

(130) (θBC)
Example 27: Find / Synthesize
the unknown magnitudes (4) (θDF)
and directions (4) of the arm
vectors of a simple truss 3 4 F
(190) 3
shown with the given data. B 2 4
Lengths are in meters. 2.5 (330)

2 (7
D (θBD)
Solution: 4 Loops Synthesized. 5 (10)
1 Loop 1 is T1 System Space Diagram.
VLE: BD = BA + AD B BD (θ
BD e(θBD) = - 2 e(70) + 5 e(10) BD )
BDX = 4.24; BDY = -1.011 D

SIM1: BD = 4.36 m Ans.1 2 (7
SIM2: θBD = (346.58) Ans.2
A 5 (10)
2 Loop 2 is T2
4 e(θBC) = 4.36 e(346.58) + 3 e(θDC) )
θ BC
SIM1: 4 = 4.362 + 32
3 (θDC)
+ 2*4.36*3 cos(θDC – 346.58) 2
(θDC – 346.58) = +117.3o θDC = (103.9) Ans.3
4.36 (
SIM2: 4X = 0.583; θBC = (31.42) Ans.4 346.5
3 Loop 3 is T3
VLE: BE = BC + CE )
CE (190 C
VSE: BE e(130) + EC e(10) = 4 e(31.42)
SIM3: to EC (10) BE = 1.69 m Ans.5 3 )
BE (130) .4 2
SIM3: to BE (130) EC = 4.57 m Ans.6 4 ( 31
4 Loop is T4 C
VLE: DF = DC + CF CF (330)
VSE: 2.5 e(θDF) + FC e(150) = 3 e(103.9)
3 (103.9) 4 F
SIM3 to FC (150) and 2.5 (θDF) )
( θ DF
sin(θDF – 330) = 0.865; θDF = (29.88) Ans.7 D 2. 5
SIM3 to 2.5 (θDF = 29.88); CF = 2.96 m Ans.8
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P30
Systems with Two Unknowns Truss Synthesis and Analysis Reading Page2

Example 28: Find / Analyze the

(130) (θDC) C (θBC)
unknown magnitudes of the of the
forces in the members of the simple
truss shown. E
3 4 F
Solution: 2 3
1. Joint F: FBD is T3 4 (330)
VEE: S2 + S1 + 2 = 0 2.5

1 (20)

2 (7
VSE: S2 e(150) + S1 e(209.9) = - 2 e(270)
SIM3 to S2 (150) and S1 (209.9) D (θBD)
5 (10)
S1 = - 2.002 kN; S2 = 2.004 kN Ans.1&2
System Space Diagram.
2. Joint E: FBD is T3
VEE: S4 + S3 + 3 = 0
VSE: S4 e(130) + S3 (10) = - 3 e(270) (103.9)
SIM3 to S4 (130) and S3(10) 3 kN (150) (31.5)
S3 = 2.227 kN; S4 = - 3.411 Ans.3&4 C 2 kN
E S2 (29.9)
3. Joint C: FBD T3
(190) S4 S5 F
VEE: S5 + S6 + 2.227 + 2.004 = 0
B S7
S6 =0
VSE: S5 e(211.5) + S6 e(283.9) S1
S8 1 (330)
= - 2.227 e(190) - 2.004 e(330)
(190) S9 D
SIM3 to S6 (283.9) and S5 (211.5) (209.9) (346.6)
S5 = - 0.578 kN; S6 = - 1.079 kN Ans.5&6
ND (110)
RA (θA)
4. Joint B: FBD T3 Free Body Diagram.
VEE: S8 + S7 + 3.41 + 0.58 = 0
VSE: S8 e(250) + S7 e(346.6)
= 3.411 e(130) + 0.578 e(31.5)

SIM3 to S8 (250) and S7 (346.6)

S7 = - 2.921 kN; S8 = - 2.749 kN Ans.7&8

5. Joint D: FBD T3 6. Joint A: FBD T1

VEE: ND + S9 + 2 + 1.08 + 2.9 = 0 VEE: A + 2.749 + 0.357 = 0
VSE: ND e(110) + S9 e(190) = 2.002 e(29.9) VLE: A e(θA) = + 2.749 e(70) - 0.357 e(10)
+ 1.079 e(103.9) + 2.921 e(166.6) RAX = 0.589, RAY = 0. 2.521

SIM3 to ND (110) and S9 (190) SIM1: RA= 2.589 kN Ans.11

S9 = 0.357 kN; ND = 2.963 kN Ans.9&10 SIM2 : θA = (76.498) Ans.12
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P31
Systems with Two Unknowns Sample Unit Test Reading Page1

Assessment A1 on Classes 1 to 3. Time: 15 minutes. Max Marks 3*4 = 12

SIMSolutions: IILA 10 (unit 1 Class 10 at

Q1: Solving for R in System T1[R, θR] Q2: Solving for θ1 in System T2[θB, θC]
Find R the resultant of the Find (θ1 ) of 3 m link (θ1)
Forces shown, in Newtons. 30o Solution: System T2 C
40 N VLE for AC: 3m
Solution: System T1
4.1 m
50 N SIM1: Cosine Theorem 20o 4 m
. Vector Loop Equation R
R = α
RX =
Vector System Diagram B
RY = 0)
A 4 (2
Vector Loop Diagram
SIM1: Pythagorus Theorem .
θ3 =
R in N:

Q3: Solving for A in System T3[A, B]. Q4: Solving for θA in System T4[θA, B]
R = 100 N
Find the A Component VLE:
Force shown. 30o AC = AB + BC
B 40o
Solution: System T3 A AC + CB = AB
Vector System Equation :AC e(90) + 24 e(θCB) C
= 8 e(50)
+ SIM3 to CA (90):
Find value of θCB
SIM3 to B ( )
Vector System Diagram A
Vector Loop Diagram
A in N: .
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P32
Systems with Two Unknowns Sample Unit 1 Test Reading Page2

Assessment B1 on Classes 1 to 3 Time: 15 minutes. Max. Marks 8.

SIMSolution: IILA 10 (unit 1 Class 10) at

Problem 1: In the Force System shown, A) find the resultant R (θR)

of the forces 60 N and 90 N, and B) replace that resultant by forces
120 (θ) N, and P (-40), finding appropriate θ and then corresponding P. 120 (θ)

Solution: This is a composite of Type 90 N

and Type
A) Finding Resultant R (θR)
Mark vectors in VSD 1 (right below) 30o
VLE:: 60 N
P (-40)
System Space Diagram
X & Y Component Equations for R:

R and (θR)

B) Finding θ and P. Mark Vectors in VSD2

Vector System Diagram1 for
VSE relating 120 (θ), P (-40) known Forces and R (θR)

SIM3: To eliminate P and find “Appropriate” θ

SIM3: To eliminate 120 (θ) and find Corresponding P

Vector System Diagram2 for

R (θR) and other two Forces
Answers: θ in degrees = P in Newtons =
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P33
Systems with Two Unknowns Sample Unit Test Reading Page3

Assessment A2 on Classes 4 to 8. Time: 15 minutes. Max Marks 3*4 = 12

SIMSolutions: IILA 10 (unit 1 Class 10)

Q5: Solving for E in FBD T1[E, θ] Q6: Solving for θ1 in FBD T2[θB, θC]
Find θB for the FAB in the traction
Find the Equilibrant Force E apparatus shown.
of the link in Newtons. Y B
100 N Solution: FBD T2 A 20o
Solution: FBD 10 kg
20o VEE:
45o C 90 N
VEE: (Traction
SSD 70 N VLE for F :
9.4 kg Force)
F in N E (θE)
VLE for E: SSD
98 (θB)
SIM1: Cosine Theorem
EX = 100 (160) =0
EY = 70 (315)
FBD 90 (340) N
92.12 (θc)
Ans. θB: FBD
SIM1: Pythagorus Theorem
Ans. E in N:
Q7: Solving for A in FBD T3[A, B] Q8: Solving for θ in FBD T4[θA, B] B
Find the Reaction at A, Normal to (30) slope,
on the 80N Cylinder Find θ in the FBD
80 N
in the FBD. for the force 490 (θ) θ
along AB. 50 kg
+ =0
Solution: FBD is T4

60 kg
B (45) SSD

Solution: FBD is T3 SIM3 to P (140): 490 (θ)

SIM3 to ( )

588 N P (140)
Ans. A in N: FBD
Ans. θ:
Unit 1 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P34
Systems with Two Unknowns Sample Unit 1 Test Reading Page4

Assessment B2 on Classes 4 to 8 Time: 15 minutes. Max. Marks 8.

SIMSolution: IILA 10 (Unit 1 Class 10) at

Problem 2: Two collars A and B connected by a weightless rod AB, slide on smooth
rods in a vertical plane and rest as shown. Find A) the normal reactions of the rods on
the collars, and B) the force in AB and the polar angle of AB.

Solution: FBD1 of connected collars is Type 100 N 160 N

FBD2 of Collar B is Type .

Mark the Force Vectors with polar angles on the
. 45o 60o
FBD1 and FBD2.
FBD1 Equation, Σ F = 0

SIM3 to Normal ( ) at A
100 N 160 N
Ans.1: NB =____________
SIM3 to Normal ( ) at B

Ans.2: NA = _____________ =0
VLE for SAB:

X, Y Component Equations of SAB

SABX = = __________ =0
SABX = = ___________
SIM1&2: Ans.3: SAB =
Ans.4: θAB =
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P1
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T5, SIM4 and FBD T6 Reading Page1

Three Force Geometry Point of Concurrency

FBD with Three Unknowns T5 SIM2
FBD with Three Unknowns T6 SIM4

1 Geometry of Three Force Equilibrium

Let us consider a body on which two forces are
acting, a at A and b at B. For the body not to rotate, a and a A
b should be in the same plane and their lines of action O
should be intersecting, say, at point O, or collinear, but not B Figure 1.
parallel, as shown in figure 1. b
To add graphically, the forces are translated so that
their tails meet at O. The resultant R of a and b is found by
the construction of parallelogram law as shown in figure 2. a
Then Equilibrant E is equal, opposite and collinear to R. E
Hence E is coplanar with a and b. R Figure 2
Now let us introduce a third force c, equal to E b
acting at C, on the line of actionof E as shown in Figure 3.
Now we can state
the Three Force Equilibrium Law as A O C
“If three forces on a body keep it inequilibrium, c
B Figure 3
acting at different points then they are coplanar
and concurrent.” b
2 FBD Type 5, T5[θA, A, B]: FBD T5 has an
unknowns pin reaction, another reaction of only
unknown magnitude (Line Vector) and a known force
vector. Thus it is a three force system with three
unknowns. The unknown direction is found by SIM2
in the geometry of concurrency.

Example 1: The Space Diagram shows a post

supported at A and B, carrying a load. Find the
direction of pin reaction at A, and its magnitude R and
normal reaction N at B. System Space Diagram

Solution: FBD T5 is with 3 Concurrent Forces.

The concurrent point C is the intersection of the PALs
of Weight W at E and Normal at B. A Right ΔADC is
drawn on the FBD, in which the Hypotenuse Vector
AC gives the Direction of Pin Reaction.
SIM2: θR = tan-1 [3 / 2], θR = (56.31) Ans1.
VEE: R + N + 4 = 0
VSE: R e (56.31) + N e (180) = - 4 e (270)
SIM3 to N (180) and N ( 56.1): Free Body Diagram
R = 4.81 kN Ans2. N = 2.67 kN Ans3.
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P2
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T5, SIM4 and FBD T6 Reading Page2

Example 2: For the structure shown on right, find the pin (30)
reaction direction and magnitude at A and the tension in link at B. B
Solution: FBD T5, with three concurrent forces.
The point of Concurrency C is at the intersection of the
PALs of the weight at E and link force at B. 4m 2 kN

Here the location of C is not as obvious as in the Example 1.

Let us find EC in the Right ΔEBC. D
A 2m
EC = BE tan 30o = 2 tan 30o = 1.155 m (30)
DC = DE + EC = 4.0 + 1.55 = 5.155 m System Space Diagram C
In the Right ΔADC, AD = 2 m DC = 5.55 m B
<A = θ = tan [5.155 / 2]
θ = (68.8) Ans.1
FBD is T3:
VEE: R + B e(210) + 2 e(270) = 0 B (210) 2 kN
VSE: R e(68.8) + B e(210) = - 2 e(270)
SIM3 to B and R θ
R = 2.765 kN Ans.2 B = 1.155 kN Ans.3 D
Note: An alternate solution is suggested in class 5 – P13, on A 2m
Moments, to find B first, by taking Moments about A. R Free Body Diagram
3 SIM4: Expressions for the same term or angle, are equated and
the equation is solved.

4 FBD Type 6, T6[θ, Aθ, Bθ, ]: FBD T6 has two reactions with
unknown magnitudes with directions as functions of an unknown
angle and a known force vector. Thus it is a three force system
with three unknowns. The angle is solved by SIM4.
System Space Diagram
Example 3: A uniform rod of length 3R, weight W
rests in a smooth bowl of radius R as shown. Find the angle the
rod makes with the horizontal.

Solution: FBD is T6 with Concurrent 3 Force Geometry.

In Right Δs ADC and ADG, AD is common.
SIM4: [AC = 2R, AG = 1.5R]
2 R cos 2θ = 1.5 R cos θ => 2 (2 cos2 θ – 1) = 1.5 cos θ
4 cos2 θ – 1.5 cos θ – 2 = 0 Free Body Diagram
cos θ = [1.5 + (1.52 – 4* 4.*-2)1/2] / [2*4]
In ΔAOB, OA = OB = R
= 0.92; From Diagram θ = (23.07) Ans.1
So BAO =A BO = θ
FBD is T3: VEE: NA + NB + W = 0
in ΔACB, <C = (90o – θ)
VSD: NA e(46.14) + NB e(113.07) = - W e(270) in ΔOBC, <B = (90o – θ)
SIM3 to NB and NA So OC = OB = R
NA = 0.426 W Ans.2 NB = 0.753 W Ans.3 AC = AO + OB = 2R
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P3
Systems with Three Unknowns Moment of a Force Reading Page1

Moment Types
Moment by Lever Arm Moment by Lever Force
Moment by X Y Lever arms Composite Arm

5 Moment Y
The measure of the turning, bending or twisting M
effect of a force on a body is called “Moment” M.
rL F
Moment is an
Armed Force
Turning Moment about Z axis
X Z +C C X

Twisting Moment about X axis Bending Moment about Z axis

6 Moment of A Force in XY plane F (θF)

Let C be the moment center in the XY plane. θL (θr)

A is any point on the Polar Action Line (PAL) of FL
the Force. The Moment will be about Z axis at C. r (θr)
θL is Lever Angle
Moment M with Arm CA: C+ θL
θL = (θF - θr)
MCA = Lever / Moment Arm CAL * Force F
= rL F M = rLF = r FL
= r sin(θL)* F
or M = r sin(θF - θr) F Polar Angle /Action Lines (PALs)
are drawn to show θL , rL.and FL.
MCA = Arm CA * Lever Force = r FL Counter Clockwise Turning is Positive.
= r * F sin(θL)
or M = r F sin(θF - θr) FY F

sin(θF – θr) is Lever Factor

MCA = [X Lever ] FY + [Y Lever] FX rY FX
= rX FY - rY FX or MZ = rX rY M = rX rY
C + rX FX FY
for 3D, MX = rY rZ MY = rZ rX
Moment of A Force
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P4
Systems with Three Unknowns Moment of a Force Reading Page2

CA = 3 m C
Example 4: Find the moment about C of 200 N thru A.
Solution: Lever arm rL is CA = + 3m (CA turns CCW)
N . L
MCA = + 3 * 200 MCA = 600 N.m Ans.
Example 5: Find the moment about C of 2 kN thru B
Solution: Lever Arm rL = CBL = 4 sin(270 - 20) 2 kN
MCB = rL F = [ 4 sin(250)]*2
MCB = - 7.52 kN.m Ans. M
Using Lever Force. 4m
r = CB = 4 FL = 2 sin(270 -20) kN
M = rFL = 4*2 sin(250)
C + 20o

MCB = - 7.52 kN.m Ans 200 N

Lever Arm is preferred as its magnitude and
sense can be inspected for checking. 4
Dim in cm B (8, 6)
Example 6: Find the moment about C of 200N thru B
Using Cross Product.
Solution: r = CB = (8 - 2) I + (6 - 3) J = 6 I + 3 J
F = [200 / (32 +42)1/2] ( -3 I + 4 J)
= - 120 I + 160 J C (2, 3)
+ LX(0)
M = r x F Cross Product ( Cross = Mutually Perpendicular) +
MZ = FX FY = - 120 160 = 1320
rX rY 6 3 C
Example 7: Find MCG of WG given WG = 4 kN
AL + + GL
and Geometry on right.
Solution: CG is Composite Arm given by
Vector Loop Equation
CG = CA + AG [Chain Rule]
CGL = CAL + AGL [Algebraic Sum] +G
rL = 9.5 sin(270 – 255) + 5 sin(270 – 30)
= - 0.755 m
CA = 9.5 m
MCG = rL*F = - 0.755*4 = - 3.021 kNm
AG = 5 m
This is a preferred Method as the Composite Lever Arm
+ + GL
(CGL) can be seen and its turning sign (CCW is + ve) A
can also be determined by inspection for checking. Composite Armed Force
*The Lever Arms are Perpendicular to the Force
and so are parallel. (Hence are algebraically added) (255)
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P5
Systems with Three Unknowns Force Couple System Reading Page1

Couple Force & Couple

Single Resultant X, Y Intercepts

F 7 Couple
A. Two equal and opposite parallel forces form a couple.
B. The couple causes a pure rotational effect on a body.
C. The axis of rotation is normal to the plane of forces.
A D. The moment of a couple, simply called “Couple C”,
is given by C = rL F, as in the figure.
-F E. Couple C can be applied anywhere on the body.
This means Couple is a Free Vector.
B AL F. Moment of a Couple is “Couple” itself.
8 Magnitude of Couple Moment
-F F through A and – F through B form a couple.
F AL is lever point (Foot of Perpendicular from B).
r Let r = BA then rL = BAL = r sin(θF – θr)
B A (θF – θr)
r CBA = BAL* F = rL F

9 Force at A is equivalent to Force & Couple at B.

=> => CB A

Force F at A Force F at A and Force F & Couple C at B.

No Force at B Forces F & - F at B CBA = BAL*F

Example 8: Find the Force & Couple Example 9: Find the Force & Couple
System at the Origin (0.0) for the force System at point B (3,2) m for the force
F = 800 e(120) N at A. OA = 5 e(60) m F = (-30 I + 20 J) N at A (7,5) m.
Solution: OA = 5 e(60) m Solution: BA = (7 – 3) I + (5 – 2) J
FA = 800 e (120) N FA = (- 30 I + 20 J)
COA = (5) sin (120 – 60) *800 CBA = 4 3
- 30 20
COA = 3464.1 N.m Ans. CBA = 107. 0 N.m
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P6
Systems with Three Unknowns Force Couple System Reading Page2

10 Varignon's Theorem or Principle of Moments

The Theorem states that the moment of a resultant of two concurrent forces about any point is equal
to the algebraic sum of the moments of its components about the same point.
In other words, Moment of the Resultant about the origin
= Sum of moments of Component Vectors about the same origin.

Proof: By the Parallelogram Law of Forces

R = (P + Q)
Q MOA of R = MOA of (P + Q)
A By the distributive property of Vectors
MOA of R = MOA of P + MOA of Q
O Thus the Theorem is proved.

40 N 60 N
Example 10: Find the Resultant + Couple
Vectors for the system on the right about B 3.5
D cm
points O.
6c 4 cm
m C
Solution: Diagram is redrawn with 40o A
Polar angles. 60 N
O 5 cm 200 Ncm
30 o

Vector System Equations 80 N

. R = 80 e (300) + 40 e (230)
[Σ F of CA = 0, Σ (FB + FC) = 0 ] System Space Diagram
40 (230) N 60 N
RX = 14.29 N, RY = - 80.00 N
R = 81.27 e (280.13) N D 3.5
B c m
Couple Moment at Origin: 4 cm C
cm A
CO = ΣMO = MOD + MOO + CA + CBC 60 N
O 5 cm
CO = + (6) 40 + 0 – 200 – (3.5) (60) 200 Ncm
CO = - 170 Ncm. 80 (300) N

Answers R = 81. 27 e (280.13) and Vector System Diagram

CO = - 170 170.0

81.3 N
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P7
Systems with Three Unknowns Force Couple System
Reading Page3
11 Single Resultant with XY Intercepts: Earlier we found that a single force at any point can be
replaced by a Force - Couple System at the origin. By the application of Varignon's Theorem,
several forces can be replaced by their Resultant + Couple, CO at the Origin. Conversely:
We can replace a Resultant - Couple System at the origin, by a Single Resultant, defined by
its XY Intercepts or its Lever Arm.

B (0,b) (θL) = (θR – 90)
(θL) for positive CO

CO rL D (θL) = (θR – 90)

for negative CO
O O A (a,0)

Resultant and C at O Single Resultant with Intercepts

A and B and Lever Point D
For both systems above, to be equivalent , MOA of R = MOB of R = MOD of R = CO

a 0 = CO 0 b = CO rL R = C O

a RY = CO -
- b RX = CO
a = CO / RY b = - CO / RX rL = CO / R

Example 11: Given R = 250 e (240) and

CO = - 400 Nm, find and show the Lever (1.85, 0.0) m
Arm Vector, and X&Y Intercepts of the 400 Nm
Single Resultant replacing the given system.
D 1.6 (330) m
Resultant and Couple at the Origin: 250 (240) N
R = 250 e (240) and CO = - 400 N.m
B (0.0, - 3.2) m
RX = - 125 N, RY = - 216.51 N
X Y Intercepts a and b:
a = CO / RY = 1.85 m Ans.1
b = - CO / RX = - 3.2 m Ans.2
Lever Arm:
rL =[ CO / R] e(θR- 90)

rL = = - 1.6 e(240 - 90) = 1.6 e(330) m Ans.3

Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P8
Systems with Three Unknowns Force Couple System Reading Page4

40 N 60 N
Example 11: Find the Resultant - Couple
Vectors for the system on the right about point D
O. Show the Lever Arm, X&Y Intercepts of the B 3.5
Single Resultant that replaces the Resultant – 6
Couple Vectors at the origin O.
cm 4 cm C
40o A
60 N
Solution: The diagram is redrawn O 5 cm 200 Ncm
with polar angle notation.
L X(0) 30o 80 N
Equivalent System at Origin O is
resultant R and and couple CO.
40 (230) N 60 N
D 3.5
Resultant: B cm
R = 80 e (120) + 40 e (230) 4 cm
(Σ F of CA = 0, Σ FB + FC = 0 ) 6 C
RX = - 65 .712, RY = 38.64 N
R = 76.23 e (149.54) N
L X(0) O 5 cm A
60 N
200 Ncm

Couple at the origin O: 80 (120) N


CO = + (6) 40 + (5) 80 sin (120 – 0) Y
76.23 (149.54) N
- 200 – (3.5) (60)
176.41 Ncm
CO = 176.41 N cm
rL = CO / R rL = 2.314 m Ans.1
θL = (θR – 90) θL = (59.54) Ans.2
76.23 (149.54) N
X, Y Intercepts for Points A and B, a and b: Lengths in cm.
a = CO / RY = 4.565 cm Ans.3
B(0, 2.685)
b = - CO / RX = 2.685 cm Ans.4 2.314 (59.54)

O A(4.565, 0)
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P9
Systems with Three Unknowns Equilibrium, SIM5, FBD T7 Reading Page1

Rigid Body Equilibrium Moment Equilibrium

Force Equilibrium FBDs and Reactions

12 Rigid Body Equilibrium: A body is modeled as a rigid body, rather than a particle, when its
rotation matters. So a rigid body or a set of them is said to be in Equilibrium in XY plane, when

1) the sum of all moment vectors Σ MZ about any point, say C is zero. So Σ MC = 0,
2) the sum of all the force vectors in Σ F, in XY plane, is zero. So Σ F = 0
In the XY plane, since Σ F = 0, will yield two independent equations , we can totally write three
independent equations to solve for three unknowns.

While taking moments, since C is any point, we can write any number of equations. But only three
of them will be independent ones. This can be systematically observed as follows.

The moment of a force about a Collinear Point is zero as the lever Arm is zero.
This principle is used to eliminate an Unknown Force.

13 Alternate Independent Moment Equilibrium Equations

From the previous class, we can conclude that plane forces on a rigid body can be a reduced to
1. A Single Resultant Force R or
2. A Single Resultant Couple, if R = 0.

A. In the figure, if Σ MA = 0 for the body, R can only be

the Single Resultant passing through A.
C + R

B. In addition if Σ MB = 0, the resultant R, must pass

through both A and B. D =0
C. Finally if C is not colliniar with A and B and Σ MC = 0,
then resultant R must be zero as CD, the Lever Arm is not
zero. [MC = (CD) * R = 0 and R = 0]

Hence choosing any three non-collinear points as moment centers,

the Alternates to the traditional set of One Σ M = 0 and Σ F = 0 are:

A. Three Moment Equations or

B. Two Moment Equations and One Force Component Equation.

The first unknown to be found in the Free Body Diagram of a rigid body with three unknowns
will be one of the following possible ones.
1. force magnitude, 2. arm length, 3. angle and 4. couple moment.
The other two unknowns are Force (Reaction) magnitudes. They are best solved by SIM3.
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P10
Systems with Three Unknowns Equilibrium, SIM5, FBD T7 Reading Page2

14 Steps for sketching the FBDs for Rigid Bodies.

A. A rigid body or a set of bodies, of a given system with least number of unknowns, usually 3 or
less, (reactions, couples, angles and lengths), when isolated, is to be sketched first.

B. On the FBD, the known, unknown, and component vectors are marked.
This becomes first FBD, (FBD1).

C. In solving FBD1, ΣM = 0 with only one unknown, or Σ F = 0 with only two unknowns,
will provide efficiency in computing. A second FBD (FBD2), is similarly sketched and solved.
This process is repeated until all the desired unknowns are solved. These will be explained further as
we classify Multi-Force Rigid Body FBDs into four types T7 to T10.

15 Contact, Joint and Fixture Reactions

A. Contact Reaction at a smooth interface

(sliding, roller) is in the direction of the restraint
which is perpendicular to the common tangent.
It is an unknown magnitude component.

B. Reaction due to a two force member is along

the line joining its two pin joints or force points.

C. A pin restricts motion in two directions.
The reaction can be shown in two ways.
C1. As a reaction R (θR) in polar form,
=0 N
with R and (θR) as unknowns. (θR) is solved (θR)
Usually by Inverse Tangent Function
in Three Force Equilibrium.
C2. As two unknown magnitude component reactions along
X,Y directions or parallel and perpendicular directions to a =0
line. The FBD is then solved by taking the Moment about the RX
Pin as the moment center. Thus the two component reactions RY
are eliminated in the moment equation.

D. A fixed end / built-in support, or a cut section offers

restraint in translation (X & Y or ll & L Components) and
rotation about Z axis. So Unknowns are RX, RY and C at the
fixed end of a beam or Sll, SL and M at a section.
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P11
Systems with Three Unknowns Equilibrium, SIM5, FBD T7 Reading Page3

16 SIM5: Canonical Moment Equation (CME) about a point, called Canonical Moment Center,
(CMC) that eliminates all unknowns except one, is obtained and solved. It is applied to solve
FBDs T7 to T10.

17 FBD Type 7, T7[F, A, B]: A multi-force system with three unknowns, of which one is a force
magnitude and the other two are reaction magnitudes, solved by SIM3 and SIM5. 30o 5 kN

Example 12: Find the reactions at the pin and the roller
3m 2m
of the simply supported beam shown.

Solution: The FBD is T7. CMC is A A

CME eliminates the Unknown Reaction at A. B
The Unknown Reaction is equivalent to two concurrent
forces at A. (Ex. RAX and RAY. )
5 (240) kN
SIM5 is Σ MA = 0 and SIM3 is Σ F = 0.
SIM5 is a preferred method to avoid complex
Geometry as in Example 2 in U2-P2 A C B
+ 3m 2m
ΣMA = ABL*NB + ACL* 5 = 0
5* NB + 3 sin(240 – 0) *5= 0 NB = 2.598 kN Ans.1 R (θ ) = 0
A R NB (90)
Σ F = 0: RA + NB + 5 = 0
T1 VLE: RA = - 2.56 e(90) – 5 e(240) FBD T5/7
RAX= 2.5 kN RAY = 1.732 kN
R = 3.04 m Ans.2 θR= (34.72) Ans.3 D 500 N

Example 13: A trolley is in equilibrium as shown. 60o

Find the Reactions at the roller points. 1.25

Solution: FBD is T7. Canonical Moment Center is E.

SIM5: ΣME = 0 L in m
EAL* RA + (ECL + CBL)* 500N = 0 1.0 0.5
500 (240)
1.5 RA + 1.25 sin(240 - 270)*500 D E
+ 1.0 sin(240 – 0)*500 = 0 RA = 497 N RD AL
VEE: RD + RC + 497 + 500 = 0
VSE: RD e(0) + RC e(90) = - 497 e(90) - 500 e(240)
1.25 =0
SIM3 to RD (0) and RC (90)
0 + RC + 497 + 500 sin(240) = 0 RC= - 64 N
RD (-1) + 0 + 0 + 500 sin(150) = 0 RD = 250 N Answers RC 1.0 0.5 RA

*The Roller C is to be replaced by

a pull-down device like a vertical link / hook. FBD T7
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P12
Systems with Three Unknowns Equilibrium, SIM5, FBD T7 Reading Page4

Example 14: A 800 N (W) ladder, resting on a smooth inclined floor (80)
and wall, is restrained by a perpendicular cable. as shown. Find the B
Tension in the cable DE and the normal reactions at A and B.
800 N
Solution: FBD is T7. The CMC C for T is the point of intersection
of the PALS of Normals at A and B.

To use in CME, arm CA is first found in
ΔABC formed by AB, BC and CA
VSE for BA: BC + CA = BA

BC e(170) + CA e(95 + 180) = 10 e(60+180)

SIM3 to BC

CA sin(275 - 170) = 10 sin(240 – 170) + 0
AC = 9.728 m = CA
SIM3, using polar angles of the sides, is a simpler System Space Diagram
alternative to Law of Sines , to solve a Triangle.

For FBD T7
SIM5: CME about C for T (95)
C GL (80)
Σ MC = MCD of T + MCG of 800 =0 (170) B
CDL * T + CGL * 800 =0 800 N
[CAL + ADL]* T + [CAL + AGL]*800 = 0 NB

MCD = [9.728 sin (330 – 275)

+ 2.0 sin (330 – 60)] * T = 5.97 T Nm
DL G =0

MCG = [9.728 sin (270 - 275) D

+ 5 sin ( 270 – 60)] * 800 = - 2678 Nm

Σ MC = 5.97 * T - 2678 = 0 ; T = 448.6 N Ans.1 A (5)

For FBD T3 with solved T NA
VEE: NA + NB + 448.6 + 800 = 0

VSE: N A e(95) + NB e(170) = - 448.6 e(330) - 800 e(270) Free Body Diagram

SIM3 to NB: NA = 974.5 N Ans.2

SIM3 to NA: NB = 308.3 N Ans.3
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P13
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD 7 and FBD T8 Reading Page1

FBD T7 continued FBD T8

Example 15. For the structure shown on right find the B
magnitude and direction of pin Reaction at A, the tension E
in link at B.

Solution: FBD is T7 with four forces, treating Pin 4m 2 kN

Reaction as a resultant of two line forces or
one with two unknowns (R and θ). The C M is A.
A 2m
SIM5: Σ MA = MAB of B + MAE of 2kN = 0
ABL * B + AEL * 2 = 0 System Space Diagram
4 sin(210 – 90) *B – 2 * 2 = 0 B
B = 4 / (4*0.866) = 1.155 kN Ans.1
B (210) 2 kN
FBD T1 VEE: R + 1.115 + 2 = 0
VLE: R e(θ) = - 1.155 e(210) - 2 e(270) 4m =0
RX = 1.0 RY = 2.578 or
SIM1: R = 2.765 Ans.2 EL
SIM2: θ = (68.8) Ans.3 RX A 2m
Free Body Diagram
Note: Compare this with solution in U2-P2 Example 2.
SIM5, is to be applied first, especially when the
Canonical Moment Center is obvious or easily located.
Example 16: A roller of weight W and radius R is pulled
by force P, b above its center, to roll over a small block of
height a. Find. P.

Solution: The corner of the block acts as a pin for the

roller to roll over. At the impending rolling, the Normal
Reaction E in the diagram will be zero. Treating this as a
FBD T7 rather than a T5, simplifies the calculations. System Space Diagram
The Canonical Moment Center is A

SIM5: Σ M A = MAD of P + MAC of W = 0

ADL* P + (A CL) W = 0
ADL = - [(R – a )+ b] ADL turns CW
ACL = c = [ R2 – (R – a)2]1/2
= [2Ra – a2]1/2 ACL turns CCW

- [R – a - b] *P + [2Ra – a2]1/2 W = 0

P = W [2Ra – a2]1/2 / [R – a + b] Ans. Free Body Diagram

Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P14
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T7 and FBD T8 Reading Page2

Example 17. On the right the FBD of a crate of

weight w = 500 N with a stopper at A acting as
a pivot / pin, as shown on a smooth slope. (110
Find P for the impending roll over about point A.

Solution: FBD is T7. Canonical Moment Center is A.

SIM5: Σ MA = MAC of P + MAG of W
ACL = [- 1.2] --- [Turns CW]
AG = AB + BG
= 0.7 e(110) + 0.5 e(200) m
W = 500 e(270) N

ΣMA = [-1.2]* P +[0.7 sin(270 - 110)

+ 0.5 sin(270 – 200)]*500 = 0
- 1.2*P + 354.63 = 0

P = 295.52 Ans.
Free Body Diagram

Example 18: In the FBD shown, the block of Weight

W = 500 N on the right will tip over the stopper at
point B as the line of action of the weight falls off the
base defined by point B on the smooth slope. Find the
minimum force P to balance it, by taking Moments
about B, to eliminate the reaction at B in Σ MB = 0.

Solution: The FBD is T7 and B acts a pivot. So

the Canonical Moment Center is B. The PAL of the
weight falls on the slope at C.

SIM5: ΣMB = MBD of P + MBC of W = 0

In the right triangle GAC
AC = GA tan 30o = 0.866 m > 0.5 m .. (AB)

BC = AC – AB = 0.366 m

[-1.5]* P + [0.366 sin(270 – 210)] * 500 = 0

P = [0.366 sin(60)] * 500 / 1.5

Free Body Diagram
Answer P = 105.7 N
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P15
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T7 and FBD T8 Reading Page3

18 FBD Type 8 , T8[d, A, B]: A multi-force FBD with

three unknowns, of which one is a straight distance and 5 kN 30o
the other two are usually contact reactions, solved by
SIM3 and SIM5. 2m

Example 19: Find X and X, Y components of the d

Reaction at A, for the system.
Solution: FBD is T8, A is the Canonical Moment Center
SIM5: Σ MA = MAC + MAB = 0
[d sin(300 - 0)] * 5 + [d + 2 ] * 3 = 0; 5 (300) kN
d [5 sin (300) +3] + 6 = 0 d = 4.511 m Ans.1
VEE: R + 5+ 3 =0
+ 2m
VLE: R e(θ) = - 5 e(300) - 3 e(90)
R (θ)
RX = -2.5 kN 3 (90) kN
RY = 1.33 kN FBD

Example 20. A trolley is in equilibrium as shown. Find 64 N

the Reactions at single roller points A and B and h, the A 500
height of roller D, such that the reaction at E is zero.
Y 60o
Solution: FBD is T8. CM Center C can be used to find h , D
but it has composite arm CD. To avoid it, T3 FBD B
is solved first to find NA and NB.
1.0 0.5
VEE; NA + NB + 64 + 500 = 0
VSE: NA e(0) + NB e(90) = - 64 e(270) - 500 e(240) SSD
SIM3 NB (90): 64 N 500 (240) N
- NA = - 500 sin(240 – 90) NA = 250 N Ans.1 NA A AL
SIN3 to NA (0) NB = 64 - 500 sin(240)
NB = 497 N Ans.2
h B =0
Now the CM Center D is used to find h
to avoid taking the moment of an inclined force.
ΣMD = MDA of NA + MDB of NB + MDE of 64N = 0 RC NB
1.0 0.5
[-d]* 250 + [0.5.]* 497 + [1 .0]* 64 = 0;
h = 1.25 m Ans.3 FBD
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P16
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T7 and FBD T8 Reading Page4

800 N 800 N
Example 21: A 800 N man stands on a ladder of 200 N (63.44)
weight 200 N resting on a smooth wall and floor, W
is restrained by a cable with a safe load of 600 N. B
Find the maximum distance AD = L, the man D B NB
can stand from the lower end of the ladder. G D
Solution: FBD is T8. Let us first find NB so that
A can be the CM Center to find L. 4.0 m 4.0 m
VEE: NA + NB + (200+800) + 600 = 0
VSE: NA e(90) + NB e(180) 2.0 m
= - 1000 e(270) - 600 e(333.44) SSD
SIM3 to NA (90) is
NB = - 600 sin(243.44) θAB = tan-1 (4/2) = 63.44o 2m
NB = 536.7 N AGL = 1 m , AO = 2 m NA 600 (333.44)
SIM5: ΣMA = MAD of 800N + MAB of 536.7N + MAG of 200N + MA O
of 600N = 0

[L sin(270 – 63.44)]*800 + [-1]*200 + [4]* 536.7 + [2 sin(333.44 – 0)]*600 = 0

L = 3.942 m Ans.
500 N
Example 22. For the weightless bar of AB = 100 cm 300 N
shown in equilibrium find the value of AD = L 30
Solution: FBD is T8. Let us first find NB E D
so that A can be the CM Center to find L. 3 L
VEE: NA + NB + (500 +300) = 0 23.5 o

VSE: N e(130) + N e(33.7) = - 800 e(270) 2 A

SIM3:to NA(130): (123.7) SSD
NB sin(33.7 – 130) = - 800 sin(270 – 130)
500 N
NB = 517 N
B 300 N
(156.5) 30
SIM5: ΣMA = MAD of 300N + MAE of 500N =0
+ MAB of NB = 0 L
E (40)
NB (33.7) D
[L sin(270 – 156.5)]*300 + [70 sin(270 – 156.5)]*500
+ [100 sin(33.7 – 156.5)] * 500 = 0 FBD
NA (130)
L = 41.29 cm Ans.
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P17
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T9 Reading Page1

FBD T9 with SIM5 First FBD T9 with SIM3 First

19. FBD T9, T9[θ, A, B]: A multi-force system with three unknowns, of which one is a direction
and other two are usually contact reactions, solved by SIM3 and SIM5.
700 N
Example 23: Find the angle (θ ) of smooth ladder
AB = 6 m for the equilibrium of the system shown. 300 N 700 N
300 N B
AG = 3 m and AD = 5 m
Solution: In this problem the Canonical Moment D
Center C for the FBD, and the lever arms can be
found easily. So SIM5 is readily applied to find θ. G
SIM5: ΣMC = MCA of 400 + MCG of 300N D
+ MCD of 700N = 0
[6 sin θ] * 400 - [3 cos θ] * 300 G =0
- [5 cos θ] * 700 = 0
P = 400 N A SSD
2400 sin θ = 4400 cos θ θ
tan θ = 4400/2400 Ans. θ = (61.4)
P = 400 N RA
Example 24: Find the angle of weightless bar AB subjected
to the forces as shown. Ls in cm.
Solution: FBD is T9. Let us first find NB so that
A can be the CM Center, in stead of the
intersection of PALS of NA & NB, to find L. 500
30 N 300
VEE: NA + NB + [500 + 300] = 0 B
30 N
VSE: NA e(130) + NB e(33.7) = - 800 e(270) 40
SIM3 to NA(130): 2 A 40o
NB sin(33.7 – 130) = - 800 sin(270 – 130) SSD
NB = 517 N
SIM5: ΣMA = MAD of 300N + MAE of 500N (123.7) 500 N
+ MAB of NB = 0 (θ) B
[40 sin(270 – θ)] * 300 + [70 sin(270 – θ)] * 500
30 300 N =0
+ [100 sin(33.7 – 156.5)] * 517 = 0 3 E
40 (40)
NB (33.7) 2 D
(12000 + 35000) (- cos θ) A
tan-1 (3/2)
+ 28700 cos θ - 43050 sin θ = 0 = 56.3o NA (130)
- 18300 cos θ – 43050 sin θ = 0
- 43050 sin θ = 18300 cos θ FBD
tan θ = - 18300 /43050; θ = - 23.0o
ABX is negative. So θAB = - 23.0o + 180o,; Ans.2 θ = (157)
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by ..... Class 6 - P18
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T9 Reading Page2

Example 25. Timoshenko Problem

A rigid bar AB with rollers of weights P = 40 N at end A and Q = 80 N at end B is placed inside
a circular ring in a vertical plane as shown in the system space diagram. Radius of the ring and the
length AB are such that the radii AC and BC make a right angle at the centre of the ring C.
Neglecting friction and the weight of the bar AB, prove that the angle ψ, AB makes with the
horizontal is [(α – β) / 2]. Find the contact (normal) reactions NA and NB at A and B.and the axial
compressive force SAB in the bar AB.
The author was inspired in 2015, by this classic
homework problem by Timoshenko and Young in their A α
original textbook of 1937. This is a tough problem that β
was repeatedly asked in several university exams in India. θ B
The traditional textbooks and guides provided lengthy
solutions, for this and similar problems, requiring several
steps. Based on his earlier unpublished work, and ASEE
2019 Conference paper on Five Simplified Integrated System Space Digram
Methods of Solution (SIMS), this class-book “Essential C
Engineering Mechanics (EEM)” is written.
Solution: Let us first prove the expression for ψ. β β R
SIM4: Equating expressions for the same quantity. A
ψ α
In Isosceles Δ ABC, < A = < B ; (α + β) = 90o
So (β + ψ) = (α – ψ); 2 ψ = (α – β); ψ = (α – β) /2 ψ
FBD A is T9 . Canonical Moment Center is C Isosceles Triangle ABC T6
SIM5: Σ MC = MCA of 40N + MCB of 80N = 0
C R cos α
[R sin α] * 40 – [R cos α] * 80 = 0 R sin α
40 N + 80 N
40 sin α = 80 cos α; tan α = 2; α = 63.4 o Ans.1 R
α + β = 90o, β = 90 – 63.4, β = 26.6o Ans.2 R
ψ = (α – β) /2, ψ = 18.4o Ans.3 A α
FBD A with solved α is T3; B
VEE: NA + NB + [40+80] = 0 NA (90 - α )
VSE: NA e(26.6) + NB e(116.6) + 120 e(270) = 0
SIM3 to NB (116.6): NA = 53.73 N Ans.4
SIM3 to (26.6) NB = 107.3 N Ans.5 40 N NB (180 - α)

SAB (θS)
FBD B is T1:
VEE: SAB + 107.3 + 80 = 0
VLE: SAB e(θAB) = - 107.3 e(116.6) - 80 e(270)
SABX = 48.04 N, SABY = - 15.94 N,
SIM1: SAB = 50.62 N Ans.6 107.3 (116.6) N
SIM2: θAB = - 18.4 .. [Check for ψ Ans.3]
o FBD B T1
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P19
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T10 Reading Page1

SIM5 Applied First SIM3 Applied First

20 Type 10 System, T10[C, A, B]: A multi-force

system with three unknowns, of which one is a
X 30o
couple moment and the other two are usually 500 N
internal reactions, solved by SIM5 and SIM3

Example 26: A cantilever beam is loaded as

shown. Determine the reactive couple and forces
for Rigid Body Equilibrium at (A) the support O O 2.0 m
(B) B a distance X from support.
500 (240)
Solution A: The FBD is drawn, isolating the beam
from the support. FBD is T10. C
The Canonical Moment Center is O. A
SIM5: ΣMO = CO + MOB of 500N = 0 2.0 m
CO + (2.0) 500 sin(240 – 0) = 0
CO = 866 N.m Ans.1
FBD A T3 VEE: A + S + 500 = 0
VSE: A e(0) + S e(90) = - 500 e(240)
An axial force is along the axis and is
SIM3 to S (90): normal to the cross section.
A sin(0 - 90) = - 500 sin(240 – 90) A shear force is in the plane of the cross
A= 250 N Ans.2 section. In this case, it is up or down.
SIM3 to A (0):
S sin(240 – 0) = - 500 sin(240 – 0) = 0
A = 433 N Ans.3 500 (240)
Solution B: The FBD B is drawn, isolating the
beam from the support. FBD is T10. The C
Canonical Moment Center is B. A
SIM5: ΣMB = CB + MBB of 500N = 0 B
CO + [(2.0 - X) sin(240 – 0)] * 500 = 0 2.0 m
CB = (866 – 433X) N.m Ans.4 S
FBD B is T3. VEE: A + S + 500 = 0
VSE: A e(0) + S e(90) = - 500 e(240) FBD B

SIM3 to S (90): Plots of A, S and C are called

A sin(0 - 90) = - 500 sin(240 – 90) Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending
A= 250 N Ans.5 Moment Diagrams. They will be studied in
SIM3 to A(0): later courses.
S sin(240 – 0) = - 500 sin(240 – 0)
S = 433 N Ans.6
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P20
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T10 Reading Page2

Example 27. Find the Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending
Moment on the section at D of the FBD of the frame shown.
2 kN =0
Solution A: FBD A for the frame is is T7. D
C m
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is A

60o 45o
Σ MA = MAB + MAC = 0
[10] * NB - [4) *2 = 0; NB = 0.8 kN Ans.1 A B
10 m
A (315) S (225)
Solution B: FBD B is T10 NB
VEE: A + S + 0.8 = 0 FBD A
VSE: A e(315) + S e(225) = - 0.8 e(90) CD m
D 5 Note: We considered
the right section of the
SIM 3 to S (225): A = 0.566 kN Ans.2 45o frame for the FBD B
SIM3 to A (315): S = 0.566 kN Ans.3 since it contains less
SIM5: Σ MD = - CD + MDB = 0
=0 number of forces and
FBD B 0.8 N hence less computing.
- CD + [5 sin (90 – 315)] * 0.8 = 0
CD = 2.83 kN.m Ans.4 (120)

Example 28: Find the Axial Force, Shear (50)

2 kN (320)
Force and Bending Moment on the section
at D of the FBD of frame shown. D E

Solution A: FBD A for the frame is is T7.

SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is A RAX
Σ MA = MAB + MAD = 0, AD = AC + CD
[1.2] * NB + [0.6 sin(320 – 0) Δ C
1.2 m
+ 0.6 sin(320 – 120)] * 2 = 0 A B
NB = 0.985 kN Ans.1 RAY
Solution B: FBD B is T10 (50)
VEE: A + S + 0.985 = 0 A (320)
VSE: A e(320) + S e(230) = - 0.985 e(90)
S (230)
SIM3 to S (230): A = 0.633 kN Ans. 2 CD
SIM3 to A (320): S = 0.755 kN Ans. 3 D BL

SIM5: CM Center is D. =0
Σ MD = - CD + MDB = 0 C F
- CD + [0.6 sin(90 -230)
+ 0.6 sin(90 – 0)] * 0.985 = 0 0.6 m
CD = 0.211 kN.m Ans.4 FBD B 0.985 kN
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P21
Systems with Three Unknowns Trusses, Method of Joints Reading Page1

Truss Basic Equation

Maxwell's Equation Special Conditions

21 Truss: A truss is a rigid structure made up of straight two force members pin connected at ends.
So loads are applied at the joints only, and the self-weight of each member is neglected. It is
supported by the ground by a pin joint at one end and a roller at the other end for equilibrium.
For a truss of m members, forces to be found, including 3 support Reactions (two
components at the pin and one at the roller), are (m + 3). If it has j joints connecting the
members, then number of joint equilibrium equations available are 2j in a plane. So the relationship
between number of members (links) and joints is given by
m + 3 = 2j. This is the Basic Relationship. Or
m = 2j -3 . This is Maxwell's Truss Equation.
So the m is always odd. The simplest truss has 3 members and 3 joints and every two additional
members require a new joint.
If m = 2j – 3 the truss is rigid / perfect and statically determinate.
If m > 2j – 3 the structure is over-rigid and indeterminate.
If m < 2j - 3 the structure is under-rigid and unstable.
22 Support Reactions and Zero Force Members: The 2 kN
support reactions are found if they help to start the joint
analysis at one of the supports. Zero force members simplify
the analysis, reducing calculations. as in Examples 30 & 31. C D
Example 29: Find the internal forces (Tension or
Compression) in all the 5 members of the truss shown. 2m 2m

Solution: The FBD of the truss is drawn assuming that the 2m

“equal opposite pairs of forces in each member pull the (20)
joints” These are called “tensile forces. A negative A B
calculated value implies compression in the member SSD 2 kN (300)
pushing the joints. The polar line angles simplify the
calculations. Let us start with the joint D.
2 (300)
Joint D: VSD: S4 e(180) + S5 e(240) = - 2 e(300) (60) (60)
SIM3 to S5(240) & S4 (240) S4 = 2 kN; S5= - 2 kN (120)
Joint C: VSD: S2 e(240) + S3 e(300) = - 2 e(0) S4
SIM3 to S3 (300) & S2 (240); S2 = 2 kN; S3 = - 2 kN
S2 S3 S5
Joint B: VSD: B e(110) + S1 e(180) = 2 e(120) + 2 e(60) =0
SIM3 to S1 (180) & B (110): AX A S1 B
B = 3.67 kN S1 = - 1.26 kN

Joint A: VSD: AX e(0) + AY e(90) = - 2 e(60) +1.26 e(0) AY (240) (300)

SIM3 AY(90) and AX(90): (240) FBD
AX = 0.126 kN, AY = - 1.732 kN B (1
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P22
Systems with Three Unknowns Trusses, Method of Joints Reading Page2

Example 30. Do the joint analysis by first

identifying Zero Force members.

Solution: Joint D has no applied force with

three members , two of which are collinear.
Joint D: SDB e(0) + SDC e(180) + SDF e(θ) = 0 =0
SIM# to SDE(0); 0 + 0 + SDF sin(θ) = 0
since sin(θ) is not zero, Answer SDF = 0
So Equivalent Truss is shown below.
SIM5: ΣMA = 0
[4]* RB - [2]* 3 – [3]* 5 = 0; RB = 5.25 kN FBD
Joint B: + S2 e(116.6) + S1 e(180)
+ 5.25 e(90) = 0
LCEs to lines(180) and (116.6) S4
S2 = - 5.871 kN, S1= 2.629 kN
Joint F: S4 e(180) + S3 e(225) S6 S2
- 5.871 e(296.6) + 5 e(270) = 0
SIM3 to S4(180) & S3 (225); S7 D S1
S3 = - 0.353 kN, S4= - 2.379 kN

Joint E: S6 e(243.4) + S5 e(270)

- 2.379 e(0) + 3 e(0) = 0
SIM3 to S6(243.4) & S5 (270) Free Body Diagrams.
S5 = - 1.24 kN, S6 = 1.387 kN
Joint D: SDB = SDC = S1 = 2.679 kN
Joint C: S7 e(180) + 2.629 e(0) – 0.353 e(45)
- 1.24 e(90) = 0 (150)
SIM3 to S5 (90) S7 = 2.379 kN B S6
Example 31. Find member forces by first S7S5
identifying Zero force members. S4
A S3 S1

Solution: By inspection of Joint D, S1 = S2 = 0If (210) E

For unknown vertical force or horizontal force 2 kN
Use Σ X = 0 or Σ Y = 0 for quick solution. (150) FBD
Joint E: ΣX = 0: S3 = 0, ΣY = 0: S4 = 2 kN
B S6
Joint C: S6 e(150) + S5 e(210) + 2 e(270) = 0 C
SIM3 to S5 (210) and S6 (150) S7
S6 = 2 kN, S5 = - 2 kN S4 (330)
A S3
Joint B: ΣY = 0, - S7 + 2 sin(330) = 0 FBD
S7 = - 1.0 kN (210) 2 kN
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P23
Systems with Three Unknowns Trusses, Method of Sections Reading Page1

Truss Sections Special Sections

22. Method of Sections. Method of sections is a unique way of determining the internal forces in
three non concurrent members of a truss by passing an imaginary section through them to separate
the truss into two parts and solve one of the FBDs with lesser calculations. Considerations are:

A. The section should pass through three members a with non-concurrent forces.
B. All the other forces, including the support reactions should be known.
C. The point of intersection of any two members should be easily determined and can be in the
extension of the section. That is, SIM5 is applied directly to determine an internal force.
Example 32: Determine axial forces in GF, EC, and GC
of the in the FBD of the truss shown.

Solution: The truss FBD is T7.

SIM5: Canonical Moment Center (CMC) is A.
MAB of B + MAD of 2 kN + MAC of 1kN = 0
[3]*B - [1 cos 30o]* 2 – [2 cos 30o]* 1 = 0
B = 1.155 kN

The right section FBD is T7. CMCs are C, G & B

ΣMC = - [1.5 tan 30o]* SGF + (1.5) (1.155) = 0; SGF = 2.0 kN
ΣMG = - [1 sin 30o]* SEC + (1) (1.155) = 0; SEC = - 2.31 kN Free Body Diagrams of
ΣMB = [1 sin(120 – 180)]*SGC + (0) B = 0; SGC = 0.0 kN the Truss and Right Section

Example 33. The section line cuts four members, Example 34. The section line cuts four
two of which are collinear. So, only two useful members, of which three are concurrent.
equations can be obtained. Hence only one useful equation.

Σ MC = - [2] * SDB - [1] * 3 = 0; Σ MD = - [3] * SCB – [2] * 3 = 0

SDB = - 1.5 kN
SCB = - 2 kN SCB is in compression.
Σ MD = [2] * SCA - [1] *3 = 0; SCA = 1.5 kN
So at C it pushes up towards C as shown.

=0 =0

Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P24
Systems with Three Unknowns Trusses, Method of Sections Reading Page2

Example 35: Find the forces in members EC, FD and FC


Solution: Let us choose the right section for which all other forces are all known.
Let us start with the obvious Canonical Moment Center F

ΣMF = [2] * SEC - [4] * 3 = 0, SCE = 6 kN

ΣMC = - [2] * SFD - [6] * 3 = 0, SFD = - 9 kN

Now since two forces are parallel and horizontal, it is wise to take SIM3 to S(0) that
eliminates the two horizontal forces and give us same effect as SIM5! [It is same as ΣY = 0]

SME to S (0) or ΣY = 0: SFC sin(135 – 0) + 3 sin(270 – 0) = 0; SFC = 4.243 kN

Similarly to eliminate one or more vertical forces, it is wise to consider ΣX = 0, which is

same as SIM3 to S (270). Similarly to eliminate two parallel inclined unknown forces,
consider SIM3 to a parallel vector S (θ) with polar angle θ less than (180).
23. Truss with Panels Crossed Braced and Redundancy. They as shown below are employed to
prevent collapse. These diagonal members cannot support compression. Additional diagonal
member of this type might be called redundant. But as only one diagonal member acts at a time, the
term redundant does not apply in such situation.
To solve such a problem, it is assumed that only tension member acts and it is to be found by trial.

Example 36: FBD of Right section is T7 with two

|| unknowns. Let us consider force in FC BL
ΣY = SFC sin (216.9) + 4 = 0 , SFC = + 6.66 kN
This is OK. So we can complete analysis.
ΣMF = - (3) SDC + (4) 4 = 0, SDC = 5.33

Now let us consider Force in DE

ΣY = SDE sin (143.1) + 4 = 0 ,
SDE = - 6.66 kN . This is compressive.
So if we continue analysis, we get wrong results.
ΣME= - (3) SDC + (8) 4 = 0, SDC = 10.66 kN
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P25
Systems with three Unknowns Sample Unit Test Reading Page1
Total Marks / 40 =>
Assessment A1 on Classes 1 to 3. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.

Q1: Solving for θ in Q2: Finding Equivalent Couple C

FBD T5[θA, A, B ]: F = 80 N by moving a Force from D
D F = 80 N
Find the direction θ of one point to another.
the pin reaction at A, in the 0.6 m
0.6 m (330)
FBD of Three Force θ MBD = [BDL)*F
Concurrent B
System. A
0.9 m 0.9 m
Find the Force-Couple

Solution: FBD is T5 by moving F from D to B

. B

θ in degrees:
Couple C at B in N.m =
Q3: Finding the lever arm of the equivalent Q4: Finding the X or Y intercept of the
Single Resultant. Equivalent Single Resultant
600 (300) N 600 (330) N
Find the lever 240 Nm 240 Nm
arm rL for the C A=
Force-Couple Δ R= A Δ
shown. FBD B Vector System Diagram
XI =
CA =

R= R R

rL = YI =
Vector System Diagram
Vector System Diagram
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P26
Systems with Three Unknowns Sample Unit Test Reading Page2

Assessment B1 on Classes 1 to 3 Time: 15 minutes. Max. Marks 12. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for each set of Diagram, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.

Problem 1: In the Force System shown, A) Find the Equivalent

Resultant Force – Couple at the support A ,
B) X, intercept of the Single Resultant. 2 kN H 2 kN
2 kN
Solution: Mark the Force and PAL angles. F G
A): AFL = ADL + DFL MAF = [AFL] * F A 30o 30o
Δ 2m D 2m E 2m
AF = AD sin = = BG
. AF =
( ) ( )
A Δ 2m D 2m E 2m

MAg =
C = Σ MA =
B): Resultant Force C F G

R e(θR) = A B
Δ 2m D 2m E 2m
RX =
RY =
R= θR =

Δ 2m D 2m E 2m
XI in m =

Yi in m = XI
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P27
Systems with Three Unknowns Sample Unit Test Reading Page3

Assessment A2 on Classes 4 to 8. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.

Q5: Finding CM Arm CA in FBD T7 . Q6: Finding Force Using CMC in FBD T7
(60) B E
Solution: In ΔABC C
Solution: CMC is A
of FBD T7, CMC is C SIM5 CM about A
(170) MAB + MAE = 0 B (210)
2 kN
VSE:: AC + CB = AB
4m =0
AC e(95) + CB e(350) =0
= AB e(60) EL
SIM3 to CB (350): A
. 2m
AC = A (95)
AB = 5 m FBD T7
CA = - AC

CA in meters = B in kN =
θ in degrees. =
. CA

Q7: Finding Distance X Using C M Arm Q8: Finding Moment Using C MC in

Solution:CMC is A.. Solution: CMC in
SIM5: CM cbout A FBD T10
2 kN =0
MAC + MAB = 0 5 (300) kN (bottom) is D D

A C 5
+ 60


SIM5: 10 m
6m CM about D NB
3 kN
C + MDB = 0 S (225)
C m
D 5 =0


AC =X in m = C in kN.m = 0.8 N (315)

Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P28
Systems with Three Unknowns Sample Unit Test Reading Page4

Assessment B2 on Classes 4 to 8 Time: 15 minutes. Max. Marks 12. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.
Problem 2: A rigid bar AB with rollers of weights P = 50
N at end A and Q = 100 N at end B is placed inside a
circular ring in a vertical plane as shown in the system space P C Q
diagram. Radius of the ring and the length AB are such that
A α
the radii AC and BC make a right angle at the centre of the β
ring C. Neglecting friction and the weight of the bar AB, θ B
Find the contact (normal) reaction NB .and the axial
compressive force SAB in the bar AB.

Solution: Mark all Vectors in FBD T9 & T1

SIM5: Canonical Moment about C. C
[CAL] * P + [CBL] * Q = 0 +
A =0
α = Ans.1

VEE for FBD A:


SIM3 to NA for NB FBD A

NB in N = Ans.2
VEE for FBD B:
VLE for SAB in FBD B

SIM1: SAB = Ans. 3
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P1
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Friction Reading Page1

Block on Frictional Surface Impeding Motion

Angle of Static Friction Coefficient of Friction
Coulomb's Laws of Friction Impending Motion on an Incline

1 Block on Frictional Interface W

Let us consider the FBD of a block of Weight W on right.
The normal reaction N by inspection (ΣUP = ΣDown) is equal to
W. W and N are Collinear as in Figure 1. G
Now consider a force P is acting right as shown in Figure
2. Now there are two External forces W and P acting on the block
with their PALs (Lines of Action) intersecting at C. If the block is
Figure 1.
not moving due to interface friction, it is in Equilibrium. Hence N
the third force, a resultant reaction R acting on the bottom of the
block should be passing through C, now the Point of Concurrency, W
by the Law of “Three Forces in Equilibrium”.
As P increases, this R can be shown by the Normal to the P
interface passing through C, with its tail rotating about C, in the
Impending Motion Direction (IMD) as shown in Figure 3. Also as C
P increases, A, the Point of Action of N and R, moves in the IMD.
Now let us consider that P is just enough to overcome Figure 2.
Friction, and start to move the block. Then the acute angle of the
Tail of R with the tail of the Normal as shown on right is called, φ W
Angle of Static Friction φ. The polar angle of R is given by:
(θR) = (θN + φ) for CCW rotation of IMD about C and
P (0)
(θR) = (θN – φ) for CW rotation of IMD about C.
2 Angle of Friction and Coefficient of Friction:
The Equation of Equilibrium is Figure 3.
R e(90+φ) + P e(0) + W e(270) = 0 φ R (90+φ)
or R e(90+φ) = - P e(0) - W e(270)
RX = - R sin φ = – P . That is, RX is Opposite to IMD.
RY = R cos φ = W RY is in the Direction of Normal.
In the Figures Y axis is the direction of the Normal to the Surface.
Hence Component of R along Y is called Normal Reaction N.
N = R cos φ R
Component of R along the Frictional Direction (Opposite to N
IMD) is called Static Frictional Force FS. φ
FS = R sin φ. IMD CCW
The Ratio of FS to N is called Coefficient of Static Friction μ.
μ = (R sin φ / R cos φ);
μ = tan φ. φ = tan-1 μ
F = μ N = N tan φ N R

3 Cone of Friction: Cone of Friction for Spatial Motion

is obtained by Rotating R about N, with vertex angle 2φ.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P2
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Friction Reading Page2

4 Coulomb's Laws of of Dry Friction: In 1781 Charles Coulomb presented his experimental
results about friction between two solid surfaces as below which hold even ow.

A. The frictional force always acts in a direction to oppose the motion (velocity) of a
body relative to the other in contact..
B. The total friction developed is independent of the area in contact.
C. The total friction FS is proportional to the Normal Reaction N at the surface of contact.
D. For low velocities, friction is independent of relative velocity. But the force to
start the motion (Force for Impending Motion) with Static Coefficient Friction μ, being
the ratio of FS to N, is more than the force to maintain the motion with kinetic μ (μk).
Therefore FS = μ N & Fk = μk N.

5 Angle of Repose: It is the angle that the plane of contact between two bodies makes with the
horizontal when the upper body is just on the point of sliding or impending motion.
W W (θN)
(θN) Let the Angle of Static
Friction = φ
(θS) θN = (θS + 90) (θS)
For Equilibrium of Two Force
Vectors, R & W, they should be
1. Collinear
2. Equal => R = W, and φ
R (θR) φ 3. Opposite: θR = (θW + 180) R (θR)
θR = (270 + 180) = (90) IM
For Impending Motion Down to Left For Impending Motion Down to Right
θN = (θS + 90) and θR = (θN - φ) θN = (θS - 90) and θR = (θN + φ)
θR = (90) = (θS + 90) – φ; θS = (φ) θR = (90) = (θS - 90) + φ; θS = (180 – φ)
Angle of Repose = φ Angle of Repose = φ
20 kN
Example 1: A Four wheel drive car shown has a net weight of
20 kN with passengers. The roadway is inclined at an angle α
with the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction angle between
the tires and the road is φ, find maximum α, the car can climb.
Solution: At Maximum Slope, the car moves with Constant IMDR2 (α + 90 – φ)
Velocity and hence is in Equilibrium. ΣUP = ΣDown R1 (α + 90 – φ) φ
(R1 + R2) sin (α + 90 – φ) = 20kN In this problem also, we
α is maximum when sin (α + 90 – φ) = 1 proved that the angle of
or (α + 90 – φ) = 90 or (α – φ) = 0 or α = φ repose is equal to φ.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P3
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Friction Reading Page3

Example 2: FBD of a block of weight 100N is shown The FBD is drawn below in a traditional
below with PALs for an impending motion down the way for the same block as in many
plane with μ = 0.25 (φ = 14o) with T at 20o CCW from textbooks and guide books. Both
contain the same information in two
the slope at 30o from X axis, using Polar Notation. different ways.
Find T to prevent sliding down (as 30 > 14 ) in the FBDs, using SIMS and Traditional Ways.
o o

W = 100 N T (50) o
30o 100 N
θN = (120) Y
(30) X
5 N
C is the intersection (X) 0.2
of the PALS of W & T.
D 30o N
R(120 - 14) IM

SIMS FBD = 1 Traditional FBD

CW (φ
Solution: FBD T3. Σ F = 0 Solution: Σ X = 0 ΣY=0
R e(106) + T e(50) + 100 e(270) = 0 0.25N + T cos 20o - 100 sin 20o = 0 --
LCE to line(106)
N + T sin 20o - 100 cos 20o = 0 --
T sin(50 – 106) + 100 sin(270 – 106) = 0 E2
Answer T = 33.25 N Solving the above Equations E1 and
6 Comments: The SIMS FBD is the Realistic One, E2,
since all forces are shown at their points of action.
AnswerY T = 33.25 N. T o X
PALs are used to find C and polar angles for SIMS. 20
In Traditional FBD, Resultant Reaction is resolved
into its Normal and Frictional Components, N & FS G 5N
where FS = μ N, ignoring proper location of N. This
becomes a Multi-Force system. Σ X = 0, Σ Y = 0, 30o
yield two equations for a general case.
100 N
In Alternate FBD, all the Force are moved to G. 30 o

The danger is, some students may do this even for Alternate FBD
rigid bodies with dimensions, ignoring to add the
couples due to parallel movement of forces. Answer T = 33.25 N
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P4
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Friction Reading Page4

Example 3: Draw FBD of a block of weight 100N Example 4: Draw FBD is for the
shown below with PALs for an impending motion up Impending Motion down the plane for
the plane with μ = 0.2 (φ = 14o) with T at 20o CCW 100 N block on 10o slope. The angle of
from the slope at 30o from X axis, using Polar Notation. friction is 20o. Find the T at 20o CCW to
Find the T required. the incline, as shown using SIMS.

100 N T (50)
(100) 100 N T (210)
(120) 20

C is X of PALs C (10)
of W and T
R(120 +14) R (100
- 20)
o o )
IM (φ =1 (φ = 20 SIMS FBD
Solution: FBD T3. Σ F = 0 Solution: FBD T3. Σ F = 0
R e(134) + T e(50) + 100 e(270) = 0 R e(80) + T e(210) + 100 e(270) = 0

LCE to line(134) LCE to line(80)

T sin(50 – 134) + 100 sin(270 – 134) = 0 T sin(210 – 80) + 100 sin(270 – 80) = 0
Answer T = 69.85 N Answer T = 22.69 N
3 kN
Example 5: Block A supports a pipe column and rests as shown on
Wedge B. The coefficient of friction of all surfaces of contact is
0.25. If P = 0, a) find the angle θ for which sliding is impending,
and b) the corresponding force exerted by the vertical wall. RWW A
R (θ – 90 - 14) Solution: FBD 1 is that of
14 o
a Two Force Member. P= 0
(θ) μ = 0.25, φ = 14 o

Forces are Equal, Opposite & Collinear

Direction of R1 = Direction of R2 + 180O RF 3 kN
B (θ – 90 – 14) = (90 + 14 + 180o)
θ = (28). Force Flow Lines are drawn
through the middle of the interface.
θN = (θ + 90) = (28 + 90) = (118) 14o
14o FBD 2: T3, Σ F = 0
RW (0 + (14)
RW e(14) + R1 e(104) + 3 e(270) = 0
R2 ( 90 +14) R1 (118 - 14)
SIM3: LCE to line(104) 14

FBD 1 Answer RW = 0.728 kN FBD 2

Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P5
Friction and Spatial Systems Contacting and Connected Bodies Reading Page1

Wedge Force to Hold Wedge Force to Raise

Wedge to Move Double Wedge
Connected Blocks Sliding Blocks
500 N
Example 6: The coefficients of friction are as follows.
0.25 at the floor, 0.30 at the wall, and 0.20 between 1000 N
blocks. Find the minimum value of force P applied to the C1
lower block that will hold the system in equilibrium.
φW = tan -1 0. 3 = 16.7o φF = tan -1 0.25 = 14.0o;
P C2
φB = tan-1 0.2 = 11.3o
Force Flow lines are
Solution: 60o
drawn with C2 as X
FBD 1: T3, Σ F = 0 of PALS of P and W2
RW e(163.3) + RB e(41.3) (120) SSD
500 N
+ 500 e(270) = 0 1000 N
RB (221.3) C1
SIM3: LCE to line(163.3) =>
RB = 564.7 N 16.
P C2 A A 7o
FBD 2: T3, Σ F = 0 3 RW (180 – 16.7)
P e(0) + RF e(76) 11.
RB (30 + 11.3)
+ 564.7 e(221.3) FBD 1
+ 1000 e(270) = 0 RF (90 – 14)
14o In FBD 1, C1 is X of PALs of W1 & RW
SIM3: LCE to line(76) => FBD 2 acting on the middle of wall side.
P = 82 N In FBD 2, C2 is X of PALs of W2 &
1000 N
Example 7: A 1000 N block rests on a 10o
1000 N
wedge as shown on left. Find the minimum
horizontal force P to raise the block. The
angle of friction is 14o at all interfaces.
(10o) 14o
P RW (0 - 14) (10)
SSD RB (100 + 14)
Block FBD: T3, Σ F = 0 14o
RW e(346) + RB e(114) + 1000 e(270) = 0
RB (294) A
SIM3: LCE to line(114) => Answer RB = 1231 N P

Wedge FBD: T3, Σ F = 0

RF e(76) + P e(180) + 1231 e(294) = 0 RF (76)
SIM3: LCE to line(76) => Answer P = 781 N 14o
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P6
Friction and Spatial Systems Contacting and Connected Bodies Reading Page2

1000 N
Example 8: On the right is shown a
1000 N block being on impending (80)
motion to the right due to force P and
two wedges that transmit the force.
The angles of friction are indicated at φ =15o
various interfaces. φ =15o C3
C2 φ = 0o
Solution: The Force Flow is C1
shown starting with C1, X of the
horizontal internal force through
vertical interface of the block and φ = 25o φ = 25o
PAL of the Weight.
P 1000 N
R (θN + φ)

15o C3 R4 (-10 -15)
15 o R2 (180) R2 (0 )
R4 (155) 0 o
R5 (0 + 15)

R3 (90 + 25) R1 (90 +25)

FBD C 25o 25o


FBD A: T3 Σ F = 0 7. Summary: For Each Interface

R1 e(115) + R2 e(0) + 1000 e(270) = 0
SIM3: LCE to line(115) => R2 = 466 N
Determine Friction Angle φ
Slope Angle (θS)
FBD B: T3; Σ F = 0
R3 e(115) + R4 e(335) + 466 e(180) = 0 Normal Angle (θN) = (θS + 90)
SIM3: LCE to line(115) => R4 = 657 N
Reaction Angle (θR) = (θN + φ)
FBD C: T3; Σ F = 0 and Draw FBD with IMD & φ,
R5 e(15) + P e(270) + 657 e(155) = 0
SIM3: LCE to line(15) => P = 437 N R (θN + φ) and other forces.
Solve using SIM3.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P7
Friction and Spatial Systems Contacting and Connected Bodies Reading Page3

Example 11. Block of weight W rests on an inclined plane is prevented from moving downwards
along the plane by a plank of same weight W placed as shown in the figure. The plank is attached to
the wall by the string CD parallel to the inclined plane. If the coefficient of friction is same for all
contact surfaces, find its value at which the motion is impending and the tension in the string.

Solution: SIM3 and SIM4 Application. α = 36.9o 2W

T (143.1) T (143.1)

W C2
W C1
3 R1 (53.1 – φ)
φ Cs are Xs of the PALS R2 (53.1 + φ)
The IMD of W is to the left of T with W & 2W. φ
while IMD of 2W is to right. FBD 1 FBD 2
FBD 1: T3, Σ F = 0 FBD 2:
T e(143.1) + R1 e(53.1 – φ) + W e(270) = 0 T e(143.1) + R2 e(53.1 + φ) + 2W e(270) = 0
SIM3: L C E to line(53.1 - φ) SIM3: LCE to line(53.1 + φ)
T sin (90 + φ) + W sin (216.9 + φ) = 0; T sin (90 – φ) + 2 W sin (216.9 – φ) = 0
T = - W sin ( 216.9 + φ) / cos φ --- E1 T = - 2 W sin (216.9 – φ) / cos φ --- E2
SIM4 for T: sin(216.9 + φ) = 2 sin(216.9 – φ) => - 0.6 cos φ – 0.8 sin φ = - 1.2 cos φ + 1.6 sin φ
- 2.4 sin φ = - 0.6 cos φ; μ = 0.25, φ = 14.04o, ; T = 0.8 W
Example 12: What should be the value of α in the figure which will make the motion of the of the
900 N block down the plane to impend. The angle of friction φ for all contact surfaces is 18.4o.
300 N )
1200 N T (α
T (α )
N 18.4
300 +
+ 90
900 (α
α o
R2 (α + 90 + 18.4) o
SSD FBD 1 18.4
Solution: FBD 2
FBD 2 (Contd.)
FBD1: T3, Σ F = 0 SIM3: L C E to line(71.6 + α )
T e(α) + R1 e(108.4 + α ) + 300 e(270) = 0 T sin (-71.6) + 1200 sin (198.4 - α) = 0
SIM3: L C E to line(108.4 + α ) T = 1264.6 sin (198.4 - α) --- E2.
T sin (-108.4) + 300 sin (161.6 - α) = 0
T = 316.2 sin (161.6 - α) --- E1 SIM4 to eliminate T: E1 = E2
316.2 sin (161.6 - α) = 1264.6 sin (198.4 - α)
FBD 2: t3, Σ F = 0 100 cos α – 300 sin α = - 400 cos α + 1200 sin α
T e(α) + R2 e(71.6 + α ) + 1200 e(270) = 0 1500 sin α = 500 cos α; tan α = 1/3; α = 18.4o

Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P8
Friction and Spatial Systems Contacting and Connected Bodies Reading Page4
P (30)
500 N
Example 9: What is the value of P in the
system shown in the figure to cause
impending motion to the right. Assume the
pulley is smooth and coefficient of friction is
between all the interfaces is 0.2. P (30)

500 N

Solution: For μ = 0.2, φ = 11.3. 60o T (180)
750 N
FBD 1: T3, Σ F = 0 T (60)
R1 e(161.3) + T e(60) + 750 e(270) = 0
SIM3: LCE to line(161.3) => T = 724.4 N 11.3o
R1 (150 + 11.3) R2 (90 + 11..3)
FBD 2: T3, Σ F = 0
R2 e(101.3) + P e(30) 11.3o FBD 2
+ 724.4 e(180) + 500 e(270) = 0
SIM3: LCE to R2(101.) => P = 853.4 N
Example 10: Two Blocks of weights WA and WB respectively
rest on a rough inclined plane and are connected by a short piece
of string as shown. If the coefficient of friction between blocks
and the plane are respectively μA = 0.2 and μB = 0. 3, find (a)
the angle of inclination of the plane for which sliding will
impend, and (b) tension in the string. Take WA = WB = 20 N. 20 N

Solution: SIM3 + SIM4 Application 20 N

FBD A: T3, Σ F = 0
RA e(78.7 + θ) + T e(θ) + 20 e(270) = 0 0+θ
T (18
SIM3: LCE to line(78.7 + θ) T (θ)
T sin(-78.7) + 20 sin(191.3 – θ) = 0
T = 20 sin(191.3 – θ) / sin(78.7)
= 20 [sin(191.3) cos θ 6.7)
R B (90 + θ - 1
– cos(191.3) sin θ] / sin(78.7)
RA (90 + θ - 11.3) o
T = - 4 cos θ + 20 sin θ --- E1 16. 7

FBD B: T3, Σ F = 0 o
RB e(73.3 + θ) + T e(180 + θ) + 20 e(270) = 0
SIM3 / LCE to line(73.3 + θ) FBD A FBD B
T sin (106.7) + 20 sin(196.7 – θ) = 0
SIM4 applied for T in E1 & E2:
T = - 20 sin(196.7 – θ) / sin(106.7)
- 4 cos θ + 20 sin θ = 6 cos θ - 20 sin θ
- 20 [sin(196.7) cos θ
40 sin θ = 10 cos θ; tan θ = 0.25
– cos(196.7) sin θ] / sin(106.7)
θ = 14.040
T = 6 cos θ - 20 sin θ --- E2 T = 0.971 N
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P9
Friction and Spatial Systems Connected and Tipping Bodies Reading Page1

Connected Bodies Tipping Rigid Bodies

Exercise 13: A 2000 N block is shown in figure,. Attached rope passing through a frictionless
pulley, supports a weight of 500 N. The μ between the block and the horizontal plane is 0.35. Solve
for the horizontal force P for the Impeding Motion Direction of the block to (a) left and (b) right.

Solution: φ = tan-1 0.35 = 19.3o, T = 500 N T

500 N 500 N
+ T 500 (30)
T 500 (30)
30 o

P P1 P2
2000 N 500 N

R1 (90 – 19.3) R2 (90 + 19.3)

500 N 19.3o 19.3o
FBD 1 IMD Left FBD 2 IMD Right
FBD1: T3, IMD to Left. Σ F = 0
P1 e(180) + R1 e(70.7) 500 e(30) + 2000 e(270) = 0
SIM3: LCE to line(70.7) => P1 = 1046 N

FBD 2: T3, IMD to Right. Σ F = 0

P2 e(180) + R2 e(109.3) + 500 e(30) + 2000 e(270) = 0
SIM3: LCE to line(109.3) => P2 = 180 N

Example 14: Two blocks A and B each weighing 150 N are connected by a uniform horizontal bar
which weighs 100 N. If the angle of limiting friction under each block is 15o, find the force P
directed parallel to the 60o inclined plane that will cause motion impending to the right.

P (60) Solution:
150 N 150 N
100 N FBD: T7, Σ M = 0, Σ F = 0
(60) SIM5: Canonical Moment Center B
(150) ΣMB = MBA of RA
a a
RB (150 + 15)
A G B + MBA of WA

15o + MBG of WG = 0

RA (60 + 15) Σ MB = (2a) RA sin(75 - 180) + (2a) (150) + (a) (100) = 0;

15o RA = 207 N

Σ F = P e(60) + RB e(165) + 207 e(75) + 400 e(270) = 0

SIM3: LCE to line(165) => P = 186 N

Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P10
Friction and Spatial Systems Connected and Tipping Bodies Reading Page2

Example 15. The Space Diagram shows two connected collars A and C on the rods with the
angle of friction 10o. Find the reactions at A and B and the axial force in rod and the Angle of CA.

80 N Solution: Because of the 80 N

50 N 50 N
higher weight and also (45) (120)
due to higher slope, Collar
C's Impending Motion A
Direction (IMD) is
Downward and Collar A's C
45o 60o (IMD) will be upward.
RA (135 + 10)
Space Diagram RC (30 + 10)
FBD 1: T3, Σ F = 0
RB e(40) + RA e(145) + 130 e(270) = 0 80 N
SIM3: LCE to line(40) => RA = 103 N
B (θ)
SIM3: LCE to line(145) => RC = 110 N

FBD 2: T1, Σ F = 0 => VLE

B e(θ) + 110 e(40) + 80 e(270) = 0
VLE: B e(θ) = - 110 e(40) - 80 e(270)
SIM1 & SIM2: FBD 2
BX = - 84.27, BY = 9.293, B = 84.78 N, θ = (177.48) 110 (40)

Example 16: A bracket of weight W is shown to slide over a vertical shaft. Find the distance X for
the Force P = 40 W , to resist the slipping of the bracket.
100 mm ϕ
Solution: φ = tan-1 (μ = 0.3) = 16.7o
FBD: T8, Σ F = 0, Σ M = 0
Σ F = R1 e(163.3) + R2 e(16.7) + 41W e(270) = 0 +C

SIM3: LCE to line(16.7) => R1 = 98.9 W + G

200 mm R1 (163.3)
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is B
BGL & BDL are Lever Arms of W & P.
50 mm
BA = 200 e(90) + 100 e(180) R2 (16.7)
(200) 98.9W sin(163.7 – 90)
+ (100) 98.9W sin(163.3 – 180)
- (50) W – (X) 40W = 0 W is cancels out.
Other Methods find Ns first and use Ns and
AnswerX = 680 mm μNs.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P11
Friction and Spatial Systems Connected and Tipping Bodies Reading Page3

8 Impending States: Study the following states illustrated.


θS θS


φ φ
Impending Sliding Impending Tipping Impending Tipping
Angle of Repose Angle of Repose Angle of Repose
θS = φ θS = φ θS = φ
Example 17: Find the Tipping Height. Example 18: Find the Tipping Height
CT is the X of the
1.8 m PALS of W & RT
+ W = 1000 N
P ( 15
) 05)
(1 9 5
) H T (1
2.6 m G+ HT 1.3
A θS = (
θN = (θS + 90)
A θR = (θN + 90)
05 + 20)
R T (1
GL 0.9
20) AG = 1.3 e(105)
90 +
RT (
FBD + 0.9 e(195) 20
FBD: T7, Σ F = 0, Σ MA = 0
Solution: φ = 20o
P e(15) + R e(125) + 1000 e(270) = 0
FBD: T7, Σ F = 0, Σ MA = 0 SIM3: LCE to line(125) => P = 610 N
Σ F = P e(0) + R e(110) + 1000 e(270) = 0
SIM3: LCE to line(105) => P = 364 N Σ MA = - HT (610) + (1.3) 1000 sin(270 – 105)
Σ MA = - HT (364) + (0.9) 1000 = 0 + (0.9) 1000 sin(270 – 195) = 0
Answer HT = 2.47 m Answer HT = 1.98 m
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P12
Friction and Spatial Systems Connected and Tipping Bodies Reading Page4

Example 19: A crate of 100 kg mass is 3m tall and is loaded such that its center gravity is 2m above
the mid-base of 1m wide. Find the force P required to Initiate motion if μ for the base and the
inclined surface is 0.4. Also determine the minimum and maximum heights where the force can be
applied. 980 N
980 N

+ 3m CT
+ F

P (2

0) C T E (20) B
P (2
C m C
A = 0.5 )
h1 CA .8
D 10 + 21 D
R ( 1 CD = 2 tan 20 o
(200 = 0.728 m. )
+ 21.8
AD = 0.728 – 0.5
R (1
10 21.8
= 0.228 m. φ=
Solution 1: The PAL of the Weight Solution 2: At the Impending Tipping at the
touches the slope beyond the Base as right corner B, the P reaches the value for
CD = CG tan 20 = 2 tan 20 = 0.728 is greater than IMD up the slope and the height reaches h2.
o o

CA = 0.5. So it Tips without slipping, as θS > φ. FBD: T7, Σ F = 0, Σ M = 0

To prevent it, force P is to be applied for IMD up the Σ F = P e(20) + R e(131.8) + 980 e(270) = 0
slope at E at a height of h1. SIM3: LCE to line(131.8) => P = 703.5 N
FBD: T7, Σ F = 0, Σ M = 0 :
Σ F = P e(20) + R e(131.8) + 980 e(270) = 0 SIM5: Σ MB = MBF + MBD = 0
SIM3: LCE to line(131.8) => P = 703.5 N BD = BC + CD = (0.5 + 0.728) e(200)
= 1.228 e(200)
SIM5: ΣMA = MA + MA = 0; M = rF sin (θF - θr)

- (h1) 703.5 + (0.228) (980) sin(270 – 200) = 0 - (h2) 703.5 + (1.228) 980 sin(270 – 200) = 0
Answer h1 = 0.298 m Answer h2 = 1.61 m
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P13
Friction and Spatial Systems Rigid Body and Ladder Friction Reading Page1

Rod in a Bowl with Friction Ladder with Friction

Rod with Friction Shaft with Friction

Example 20: A rod of length 2r is placed in a hemispherical bowl of diameter 2r as shown. If the
maximum inclination of the rod possible is 40o, with respect to the horizontal, determine the
coefficient of friction / angle of friction assuming it the same for both contacts.

(180 – 40 - 40)
B +

φ G
Solution: T6[A, B, θ] SIM3 & SIM4 φ
FBD: Normals to the semi-circle from RA (50 + φ) E
A and B intersect at O
In Δ ABO, OE is drawn L to AB. (40)
AE = r cos 40o and AB = 2r cos 40o,
PALs of RA and RB intersect at C
AC = AB + BC RA (100 + φ)
AC e(100 + φ) = AB e(140) + BC e(50 + φ)
SIM3: LCE to line(50 + φ) => φ
AC = 2r cos 40o [sin(90 - φ)] / sin 50o = 2r cos φ. FBD
SIM4: D is the foot of the perpendicular (Lever Point)
on the PAL of W, from pivot point A.

In right Triangles ADC and ADG, AD is common

AC cos (80 – φ) = AG cos 40o
2r cos φ [0.174 cos φ + 0.985 sin φ] = 0.766 r --- r cancels out.
0.348 cos2 φ + 1.97sin φ cos φ = 0.766
0.348 cos2 φ + 1.97sin φ cos φ = 0.766 (sin2 φ + cos2 φ)

Dividing by cos2 φ and letting tan φ = μ

0.348 + 1.97 μ = 0.766 ( μ2 + 1)
0.766 μ2 - 1.97 μ + 0.418 = 0

μ = [ + 1.97 + ( 1.612)] / 1.532 = 2.34 or 0.234

μ = 0.234 is Meaningful. φ = 13.2o
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P14
Friction and Spatial Systems Rigid Body and Ladder Friction Reading Page2

Example 21: A 800 N (W) ladder, resting on a floor

with friction angle 10o and wall of 5o and inclined (80) (60)
as shown, is restrained by a perpendicular cable.
Find the Tension in the cable DE and the reactions.
Solution: FBD is T7, Σ MC = 0 and Σ F = 0
Canonical Moment Center C is obtained by 800 N
the intersection of Reactions at A and B.

CA is is first found in ΔABC formed
by PALs (Polar Action Lines) of Reactions
at A and B intersecting at Canonical Moment Center C.

Vector Loop Equation for ΔABC

AC e(85) = 10 e(60) + BC e(165) (5)
X (0)
SIM3: LCE to BC (165) System Space Diagram
AC sin(85 - 165) = 10 sin(60 – 165) + 0
AC = 9.81m = CA,
θCA = (85 + 180) = (265) (85) (80) (60)
(160) B
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is point C. (165)
Σ MC = MCD of T + MCG of W = 0 800 N 5o
(MCA + MAD) of T + (MCA + MAG) of 800N = 0
RB (165 - 5)
MCD = (9.81) (T) sin (330 – 265)

+ (2.0) (T) sin (330 – 60) = 6.89 T Nm in m

MCG = (9.81) (800) sin (270 - 265) (95) T (330)

+ (5) (800) sin ( 270 – 60) = -1316.0 Nm

A (5)
X (0)
Σ MC = 6.89 T - 1316.0 = 0 ;
Answer1 T = 191.0 N RA (95 - 10)

FBD: With solved T = 191 N, T3, Σ F = 0, IMD

RA e(85) + RB e(165) + 191 e(330) + 800 e(270) = 0 10o
Free Body Diagram
SIM3: LCE to line(165) => Answer RA = 835 N;
Traditional solution
LCE to line(85) => Answer RB = 267 N involves six forces with
inclined normal and
frictional forces and three
simultaneous equations.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P15
Friction and Spatial Systems Rigid Body and Lader Friction Reading Page3

Example 22: A uniform ladder weighing 800 N and 6 m long is

resting on a wall of friction angle 15o and floor of 20o. Find the angle
1000 N
from the horizontal ground at which the ladder will slip if the man
of 1000 N weight reaches 4 m from the lower end of the ladder.

Solution: 800 N
FBD: T9, Σ F = 0, Σ M = 0 B 1000 N
RA e(110) + RB e(15)
+ (800 + 1000) e(270) = 0
SIM3: LCE to RA (110) and RB (15) 800 N
RB (0 + 15)
RB = 618 N, RA = 17.45 N D
AB = 6 m
G AG = 3 m
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is A. AD = 4 m
Σ MA = MAG + MAD + MAB = 0
(3) (800) sin (270 – θ) + (4) (1000) sin (270 – θ)
+ (6) (618) sin (15 – θ) = 0;
- 6400 cos θ + 960 cos θ – 3582 sin θ = 0
.1 RA (90 + 20)
3582 sin θ = - 5440 cos θ; Answer θAB = (123.4) FBD
Example 23: A uniform ladder of 800 N and 6 m
long is resting on a wall and floor with coeft. of 1000 N
friction at wall being 0.4 as shown. Find the coeft.
of friction required at the ground at which the 800 N
ladder will slip if the man of 1000 N weight reaches
4 m from the lower end of the ladder.
Solution: FBD is: T9, ΣMA = 0, Σ F= 0
1000 N
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is A. 60o
Σ MA = MAB of RB + MAG of 800N B
800 N
+ MCD of 1000N = 0
(6) RB sin(21.8 – 120) + (3) 800 sin(270 – 120)
RB (0 + 21.8) D
+ (4) 1000 sin(270 – 120) = 0
- 5.94 RB + 3200 = 0; RB = 538.7 N μ = 0.4, φ = 21.8 AB = 6 m
G AG = 3 m
FBD: with RB known, Σ F = 0 = VLE AD = 4 m
RA e(θ) + RB e(21.8) + (1800) e(270) = 0
RA e(θ) = - 538.7 e(21.8) - (1800) e(270)
SIM1 and SIM2:
RAX = - 500.2 N RAY = 1600 N; R = 1300 N
θ = (107.5) = (90 + φ) RA (θ)
Answers φ = 17.35O μ = 0.312.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 -
Friction and Spatial Systems Rigid Body and Ladder Friction Reading Page4
500 N
Example 24: For the weightless bar of AB = 100 cm shown 300 N
in equilibrium find the value of AD = L with φ = 10o. 30
Solution: FBD is T8, Σ F = 0, Σ MA = 0 D
3 L
RA e(120) + NB e(23.7) 23.5o

+ (500 + 300) e(270) = 0 2 A

SIM3: LCE to line(120) => RB = 402 N 40O
(156.5) 500 N
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is A 300 N
ΣMA = MAD of 300N B
+ MAE of 500N
+ MAB of RB = 0
10oo E L (40)
RB (33.7 - 10) D
(L) 300 sin(270 – 156.5) A
+ (70) 500 sin(270 – 156.5)
+ (100) 402 sin(23.7 – 156.5) = 0
FBD RA (130 - 10)
Answer L = 9.45 cm

Example 25: Calculate the magnitude of the

clockwise couple M required to start turning
(Impending Rotation) the 50 kg cylinder in the
supporting block shown in the figure.
The coefficient of friction is 0.364, (φ = 20o)). 60o
FBD: T10, Σ F = 0, Σ M = 0
RA e(100) + RB e(10) + 490 e(270) = 0
SIM3: 0) 490 N
LCE to line(10) => RA = 482.6 N (12
45 mm
LCE to line(100) => RB = 85.1 N
RA (30 - 20)
+ )
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is G (30
Σ MG = MGA of RA + MCB of RB + M = 0 20 )
(1 20
(45) 482.6 sin(100 – 300) RA (120 - 20)
+ (45) 85.2 sin(10 – 210) - M = 0 o
Answer M = 8737
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P17
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Spatial Systems Reading Page1

Unit Vector Dot Product

Equilibrium Problems
9 Unit Vector
Let two points be specified as A(XA, YA, ZA) and B
B (XB, YB, ZB) in the XYZ coordinate system. A
Let I, ,J and K be the unit vectors along X, Y and Z axes. X

Extending the concept of a vector AB in XY plane to XYZ

coordinate system, we already know Z
AB = (XB – XA) I + (YB – YA) J + (ZB – ZA) K
= ABX I + ABYJ + ABXK We can also write
The Magnitude of AB is AB given by L = LXI + LY J + LZK
AB = [ABX2 + ABY2 + ABZ2]1/2 L = [LX2 + LY2 + LZ2]1/2 and eL = L / L

So the Unit vector for AB is given by

eAB = AB / AB = eABX I + e ABY J + e ABZ K
eX, eY and eZ are known as Directional Cosines.
Angles θX the vector makes with X axis is cos-1 eX and so on. A
10. Vector Polygon: On the right is shown a vector polygon.
The vectors are positive in the tail to head direction. Study the
Vector Loop Equations for various vectors.

AC = AB + BC = R - Q T P
AC = AE + ED + DC = - S – T + P D

BE = BA + AE = - R - S M N
BE = BC + CD + DE = - Q – P + T

11 Example 25: Study how the 4

Vectors are obtained. G H
GB = - 3J + 6 I + 5 K - 2 J
= 6 I – 5J + 5 K E F P

GB = [ 62 + 52 + 52]1/2 = 9.274 5
eGB = GB / GB = 6 2
= 0.647 I - 0.59 J + 0.59 K A B
There are many routes along various X
axes to obtain the same vector. One Z
should practice different line-segments
to gain mastery to perform well later on.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 -
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Spatial Systems Reading Page2

Example 27: A1000 force is acting at N in the

direction of NE.
Solution: FNE = 1000N, FNE is to be found.
{Hint: Consider X, Y and Z Components] one 4
by one] G
The Final and Initial Points by Inspection are Y 3
E(0, 2, - 5)
and N(6, 5, -9) One can subtract or E F
directly write
NE = (-6 I, -3 J, + 4 K), NE = 7.81 5
You will find that the same result can be 6 2
obtained through several Ways / Paths. .
(0, 0, 0)
Now eNG = -0.768 I - 0.384 J + 0.512 K Z
FNE = FNE (eNE) = - 768 I - 384 J + 512 K

11. Using Force Rate and Dot Product: Note: Finding F' is much easier than finding e.
We can define so FNE = (NE) F' = (-6, -3, +4) [1000/7.81]
Force Rate F' = F/L F NE = - 768 I - 384 J + 512 K
Then F = L [ F/L] = L F'

Dot Product of A and B:

Angle B between A and B is
<A &B = cos-1 [eA . eB] = [A . B] / [ A*B]
Example 28: Find Component of CH along BH and the angle between them.

CH = 6 I + 3 J – 5 k ; CH = 8.367
BH = 0 I + 5 J – 5 K ; BH = 7.071
CH||BH = CL . eBH = [CH . BH] / [CH*BH] = [ 0 +15 +25] / 7.07; CHllBH = 5.657

Angle between CH and BH?

<CH&BH = cos -1 {[CH . BH] / [CL* BH]} =

cos-1 { [ 0 +15 +25] / [8.367*7.071] <CH&BH = 47.468o
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P19
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Spatial Systems Reading Page3

Y 10 D
Example 29: A shear-leg derrick shown in the
figure supports a vertical load of 30 kN applied at L in P
D. Points A, B and C are on the same horizontal m W
plane and B, O and D are on the XY plane plane. Q
Determine the force in each member of the derrick. S 30 kN
20 5 A
Solution: We will solve this problem B X
using two ways to describe the Forces D
F = F eF 10
F = L F ' where L is the directional vector and
F ' = F/L, called Force Rate Derrick forces assumed Tensile (Pulling)
Σ F = 0. S + P + Q + W = 0; or S + P + Q = - W The points with coordinates are:
A (0, 0, -5), B (-20, 0, 0)
AXIS eDA S eDB P eDC Q = -W C (0, 0, 10), D ( 10, 15, 0)

The Unit Vector Formulation
X - 0.535 S - 0.894 P - 0.485 Q = 0 E1 some books prefer , needs the
calculation of unit vectors first
Y - 0.802 S - 0.447 P - 0 .728 Q = 3 0 E2 which is not shown in the table.
Z - 0.267 S - 0 P + 0.485 Q = 0 E3
In the Force Rate formulation all
From E3, Q = 0.551 S ---E4 the relevant data is presented and
the fractions of the unit vectors
From E1, P = - 0.897 S ---E5 are avoided.
From E2, S = - 37.4 kN
We follow the Force Rate Method
From E5 P = 33.54 kN in this book.
From E4 Q = - 20.68 kN

Axis DA S' DB P' DC Q' = - W Some books call F ' as

Force Multiplier and
denote as Fm.
X - 10. S - 30 P' -10 Q' = 0 ---E1
Y -15 S' - 15 P' - 15 Q' = 30 --- E2 Unit Vector e F = L / L
Force Rate F ' = F / L
Z - 5 S' 0 P' 10 Q' = 0 ---E3 Force F = L F '
L 18.7 33.54 20.6
From E3, Q ' = 0.5 S ' E4
From E1, 10 S' - 30 P' - 5 S' = 0 => P' = - 0.5 S' E5
From E2 - 15 S ' + 7.5 S' - 7.5 S' = 30 => S' = - 2; S = 18.7 S' = - 37.4 kN
From E5, P ' = 1.0; P = 33.54 P' = 33.54 kN
From E4 Q ' = -1.0; Q = 20. 6 Q' = - 20.6 kN
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P20
Friction and Spatial Systems Introduction to Spatial Systems Reading Page4

Example 30: A vertical load of 8000 is applied to the Y D

tripod shown in the figure causes a compressive force
of 2560 N in the leg DA and a compressive force of Q S
2828 in leg DB. Determine the force in the leg DC 1260 N
and the coordinates XC and ZC the lower end C.
Solution: We will solve this problem P
describing the Forces as 2828 N
F = L F ' where L is the directional vector and 8000 N
10 8
F ' = F/L, called Force Rate
XC O 8
Σ F = 0. S + P + Q + W = 0; ZC
or S + P + Q = - W Z
Leg forces are assumed Compressive (pushing) B

Axis AD S' BD P' CD Q' = - W

X 0 S' - 8 P' XC Q' = 0 ---E1

Y 10 S' 10 P' 10 Q' = 8000 ---E2
Z 8 S' - 6 P' - ZC Q' = 0 ---E3

L 12.8 14.14 [XC2 + 102 + ZC2]1/2

F 2560 2828 [XC2 + 102 + ZC2]1/2 Q'

F' 200 200

E1 => 0 - 8 [2830 /14.14] + XC Q' = 0 or XC Q' = 1600 N E4

E2 => 10 [200] + 10[200] + 10 Q' = 800 or 10 Q' = 4000 Q' = 400 N E5
E3 => 8 [200] - 6 [200] – ZC [400] = 0 -400 ZC = - 400 ZC = 1m E6

from E4 XC = 4 m
CD = [42 + 102 + 12]1/2 = 10.81 Q = 426.7 N

In this problem, the advantage of using Lengths and Force Rates can be clearly seen.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P21
Friction and Spatial Systems Moments of Parallel Forces Reading Page1

Moment of a Force Moments of parallel forces

11 Moment of A Force: In Space, Moment M of a Force is

defined by the Cross product of Arm Vector r and Force Vector F. Y
M = r X F is defined by a determinant
M= rX rY rZ
Let C be the moment center and B be any point on the Force.
Then CB is the Arm Vector and FB is the Force Vector

MCB = CB X FB rY rZ MX = MY = rZ rX MZ = rX rY
The following is a method by adding X component at the end, for better visualization of the three
2x2 determinants in a cyclic order starting with the middle determinant for MX, marked X in the
middle, followed by MY on the right and MZ on the left.
r rX rY rZ rX
X = X
M = MX MY MZ M= [ ] Units

Example 31: Find M = [ r = 2 i - 4 j + 3 k] m X [F = 30 i + 50 J – 40 K] N

r 2 -4 3 2
X = X
F 30 50 -40 30
M = 10 I + 170 J + (220) K M = 278.21 N.m
Unit Vector for M = eM = M / M = 0.034 I + 0.611J + 0.0.791 K

M = M eM = 278.31 (0.034 i + 0.611j + 0.0.791k ) N.m

Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 -
Friction and Spatial Systems Moments of Parallel Forces Reading Page2
Example 32: A pope assembly is loaded as shown. Replace the system of forces with a resultant
force and a couple at O. Express results in Cartesian Vector form.
Solution: OA = 1.0 I + 0.4J + 0.6 I
L in m :
= 1.6 + 0.4 J + 0 K

OB = 1.0 I + 0.4 J + 0 K
OC = 1.0 I + 0 J + 0 K
200 N 100 N

C 0.4
B ============================================
X OA 1.6 0.4 0 1.6
50 N X

FA 0 0 50 0

= 20 I - 80 J +0K
OB 1. 0 0.4 0 1.0
X = X
FB 0 0 - 100 0
= - 40I + 100 J +0K
OC 1.0 0 0 1.0
X = X
FC 0 0 - 200 0
= 0I + 200 J +0K
R = 0I +0J + 250 K N
CO = - 20 I + 220 J +0K Nm
Since the Resultant R (Vertical) and Couple CO (in
horizontal XY plane) are perpendicular, the force Z
couple system can be reduced to a single force R , say
passing through (X, Y) then R
Then (X I + Y J) X (-250 K) = - 20 I + 220 J
Or 250 X J - 250 Y I = - 20 I + 220 J O
Equating I and J components

X = 220/250 = 0.88 m Y= -20/250 = 0.08 m

Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 -
Friction and Spatial Systems Moments of Parallel Forces Reading Page3
Example 33: Four forces are acting
perpendicular to the XY plane and hence
are parallel to the z axis. The x, y 1 0 kN
coordinates are given in meters. Determine
20 kN
(i) the magnitude of the resultant and (ii) its 40 kN
location on the XY plane. 30 kN
C (-2, 7)
Solution: We will find the equivalent
Force Couple at the Origin. Then find D (2, -1) A (4, 3)
B (5, 4)
the location of the single force.

In the last example we used a table that X

is good for any 3D system. Now we C = rxF
develop one specific to parallel force

Arm Vector I X K = - J; J X K = I [Cyclic Positive, Anti-Cyclic Negative.]
OA [4I + 3 J] X -20 K - 60 I + 80 J

OB {5 I + 4 J] X +3 0 K + 120 I - 150 J

OC [-2 I + 7 J] X + 10 K + 70 I + 20 J

OD [2 I + -1 J] X - 40 K + 40 I + 80 J

Σ -20 K +170 I + 30 J

The Force – Couple at the Origin is RO = -20 K CO = 170 I + 3 0 K

Since R (Vertical) and C (in horizontal XY plane) are perpendicular, the force couple system can be
reduced to a single force R , say passing through (x, y) . then Z
Then (X I + Y J) X (- 20 K) = 170 I + 30 K

Or - 20 X J - 20 Y I = 170 I + 30 J
Equating I and J components
X = 30 / - 20 = - 1.5 m Y = 170 / - 20 = 8.5 m
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P24
Friction and Spatial Systems Moments of Parallel Forces Reading Page4

Example 34: The plate ABC
shown in the figure carries a load 10
of 10 kN applied at D and is P kN
supported in a horizontal position Q
by three vertical cables attached at 3 B
A, B and C. Determine the tension C
in each cable. O 4 6
6 D
Solution: Point Coordinates
O (0,0,0), A (0, 0, 6)
B (0, 0, -3); C (10, 0, 0),

D ( 4, 0, 0)

The Plate is in Equilibrium

Moment Equation about A eliminates S [ In parallel (non intersecting) forces, only one
force can be eliminated by taking moments about a point on it]

Arm Vector I X K = - J; J X K = I [Cyclic Positive, Anti-Cyclic Negative.]
AB [ -9I + 0 J] X P K 0 I +9P J

AC [ -6I + 10 J] X Q K 10 Q I 6Q J

AD [ -6I + 4 J X WZ = - 10 K -40 I - 60 J

Moment Equilibrium Equations ΣMX: 10 Q – 40 = 0 Σ MY: 9P + 6 Q - 60 = 0

From Σ M = 0, Q = 4 kN; P = 4 kN

FRom Σ FY : =0, S + P + Q – 10 = 0; S – 2 = 0; S = 2 kN

S = 2.0 kN, P = 4.0 kN, Q = 4.0 kN

Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P25
Friction and Spatial Systems General Forces Reading Page1

Boom problem Plate Problem

Example 35: A boom OE supporting a load of 10 kN at the end is held in a horizontal position by a
ball and socket joint at A and by two cables, AB with Tension R and CD with Tension S as shown.
Determine the tensions R, S, reactions AX, AY and AZ. Neglect the weight of the boom.
Z Lengths in m
Forces in kN
Point Coordinates:
B Y B (0, 2, 2), D (0, -3, 3)

OX A (6, 0, 0), C (8, 0, 0)


O R E (10,0, 0),
3 OY
O (0, 0, 0)
A AB = - 6 I + 2 J + 2 K
S AB = 6.63 m
2 C S
CD = - 8 I – 3 J + K
2 CD = 9.06

10 kN R' = R /AB, S' = S / CD

10 kN X

Moment Table: Σ MO = OA x R + OC x S + OE x W = 0 R = AB R', S = CD S

OA 6 0 0 6
RA - 6 R' 2R' 2 R' - 6R' R = 6.63 R'
= 0I - 12R' J + 12R' K
OC 8 0 0 8
SC - 8S' - 3S' 3S' - 8S' S = 9.06 S'
= 0I - 24S' J - 24S' K
OE 10 0 0 10
W 0 0 - 10 0
MOE 0I 100 J 0K
ΣF = O+R+S+W=0
Σ MOZ = 12 R ' – 24 S ' = 0 = > R ' = 2 S '
Σ FX = OX - 6 R ' - 6 S ' = 0;
Σ MOY = - 12 R ' – 24 S ' + 100 = 0 or OX = 37.5 kN,
48 S ' = 100 S ' = 2.083, R ' = 4.167 Σ FY = OY + 2 R ' - 3 S ' = 0,
OY = - 2.09 kN
R = 6.63 R ' Answer R = 27.63 kN
S = 9.06 S ' Answer S = 18.87 kN Σ FZ = OZ + 2 R ' + 3 S ' - 10 =
0, OZ = - 4.58 kN
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P26
Friction and Spatial Systems General forces Reading Page2

Example 36: Determine the tensions in the cables BD and CD and jont reactions at A.

Forces in N D
Lengths in m 8
Not to Scale
R 1kN
D (0, 0, 8 )
3 A A ( -3, 0, 0 )
B ( 3, -5, 0 )
1 C (2, 4, 0 )
5 EO E (1, 0, 0 )
F C 3 O ( 0, 0, 0 )
4 2

Table for Σ MA = AD x R + AD x S + AE x W = 0
AD 3 0 8 3
R - 3 R' 5R' 8 R' - 3R' R = 9.9 R'
= - 40R' I - 48R' J + 15R' K
AD 3 0 8 3
S - 2S' - 4S' 8S' - 2S' S = 9.17 S'
= 32S' I - 40S' J - 12S' K
AE 4 0 0 4
W 0 0 -1 0 W=1
MOE 0I 4J 0K
Σ MAZ = 15 R ' – 12 S ' = 0 = > S ' = 1.25 R '
Σ MOY = - 48 R ' – 40 S ' + 4 = 0 or FEE: Σ F = A + R + S + W = 0
98 R ' = 4 or R ' = 0.041, S ' = 0.468
Σ FX = AX - 3 R ' - 2 S ' = 0,
R = 9.9 R ' R = 0.406 kN AX = 0.225 kN
S = 9.17 S ' S = 0.468 kN Σ FY = AY + 5 R ' - 4 S ' = 0,
AY = 0.000 kN
Σ FX = AZ + 8 R ' + 8 S ' - 1 = 0
AZ = 0. 264 kN
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P27
Friction and Spatial Systems Multi Force Moments Reading Page1

Mast Problem Bearing Problem

Example 40: A vertical Mast AE supported in a ball and Y

socket joint at A and by cables DB and EC. Find the E
components of reactions at A.
Solution. By taking moments about A, we first eliminate D
the 3 Component Reactions at A and solve MEEs for R and P (4 I + 3 K)
S. Then we solve FEEs, for the reaction components at A.
Point Pair Coordinates. B 10
B ( -10, 0, 0) C ( 10, 0, -5) E (0, 15, 0) D (0, 10, 0) 10
D (0, 10, 0) E (0, 15, 0) A (0,0,0) A (0,0,0) A
Z 10

Concise Table for Σ MA = AD x R + AE x S + AE x P = 0

AD 0 10 0 0
R - 10 R' - 10 R' 0 R' - 10 R' R = 14.14 R'
= 0R' I + 0 R' J + 100 R' K
AE 0 15 0 0
S 10 S' - 15 S' - 5 S' 10 S' S = 18.71 S'
MO = - 75 S' I
+ 0S' J - 150 S' K
AE 0 15 0 0
W 4 0 3 4 W=1
45 I + 0J - 60 K
Σ MAX = - 75 R ' + 45 = 0 = > S ' = 0.6 ; S = 11.226 kN
Σ MOZ = 100 R ' - 150 S ' - 60 = 0 or
100 R ' = 150, R' = 1.5, R = 21.21 kN or
ΣF = A + R + S + P = 0

R = 14.14 R ' Answer R = 21.21 kN AX - 10 R ' +10 S ' + 4 = 0,

S = 18.71 S ' Answer S = 11.226 kN AX = 5.0 kN
AY - 10 R ' - 15 S ' = 0
AY = 24.0 kN
AZ - 5 S ' + 3 = 0
AZ = 0 kN
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P28
Friction and Spatial Systems Multi Force Moments Reading Page2

Example 41: A rigid bar having the shape shown is

supported by three smooth ring bearings at A, B and C.
Load is applied at D and E in the same vertical plane.
Determine the reaction components at Bearing B.
Solution: Point Coordinates: L in m
A (8, 6, -4), B (-4, 3, 0), C (0, -3, 0), 4
D (-8, 6, 0) and E (0,0,0) Y
The bearing Reactions will be perpendicular to the axis D
of the bearings. Let the reactions be.AX, AY; CX, CZ
and BX, BY and BZ at B with the condition of B Q = 520 N
perpendicularity. B . BD = 0 = >
[BX (- 4) + BY (3)] = 0 *BX = 0.75 BY 6 780 N
Let us take moments about C.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 4 E
CB - 4 6 0 -4 3
B 0.75BY BY BZ 0.75 BY
MCB = - 6BZ I 4BZ J - 8.5BY C
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z
CA -8 9 -4 -8
MCA 4 AY I - 4AX J (- 8 AY - 9 AX) K -
CE 0 3 0 0
Q 0 0 - 520 0
MO = -1560 I
+0J +0 K
CD -8 9 0 -8
P 0 -780 0 0
MOE 0I +0 J 6240 K
Σ MCY: 4BZ - 4 AX = 0 or AX = BZ E1
Σ MCX: 4 AY + 6 BZ - 1560 = 0 or 4 AY + 6 BZ = 1560 E2
Σ MCZ: 8.5 BY + 6240 – 8 AY -9AX = 0 + E1 => 8.5 BY – 8 AY – BZ = - 6240 E3
Σ FY : AY + BY – 780 = 0 or AY = 780 – BY E4
E4 in E2 => - 4 BY +6 BZ = -1560 E5
E4 in E3 => 8.5 BY – 6240 - 8 BY – BZ = - 6240 or 0.5 BY – BZ = 0 or BY = 2 BZ E6
6 in E5 => - 8 BZ + 6 BZ = - 1560 or
BZ = 780, BY = 1560 BX = 0.75 BY BX = 1175 N, BY = 1560 and BZ = 780 N
B = 2103 N
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P29
Friction and Spatial Systems Moment about an Axis Reading Page1

Moment of a force about an Axis Moment of general forces

Example 36: The rod shown is supported by two brackets at A and B. Determine the moment
MAB produced by force F = 500 i + 200 j – 300 k at C which tends to rotate the rod about axis AB.
Solution: In this problem our aim is to find
Moment about an axis. It is the dot product of
Moment of the force about any point on the axis
and the unit vector along the axis. So we can
take moment of the Force about the origin which

is on the axis and involves least calculations. For

Y the Unit Vector we can choose any two points
C convenient in the direction of AB.
FC 0.2 OB = 0.4 i + 0 .2 j + 0 k B (0.4, 0.2, 0)
X OC = 0.3 k + 0.6 i C ( 0.6, 0, 0.3 )

OC 0.6 0 0.3 0.6

X = X
FA 500 200 - 300 500
= 60 I + 330 J + 120 K

eAB = eOB = OB / OB = 0.895 i + 0 .447 j + 0K

MAB = MO . eOB = -53.7 + 147.51 + 0 = 93.81 Nm

Now let us solve for MAB using Moment about B of the Force at C MBC = BC x FC

BC 0.2 - 0.2 0.3 0.2

X = X
FA 500 200 - 300 500
MOC = 0I + 210 J +140 K
eAB = eOB = OB / OB = 0.895 I + .447 J + 0K
MAB = MO . eOB = 0 I + 93.8 J + 0K = 93.81 Nm

Though MOC and MBC are different MAB is same. You do not have to prove it in the exam.

MAB as vector: MAB =

MAB eAB = 93.81 (.895 I+ .447 J + 0 K ) = 83.96 I + 41.93 J + 0 K
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P30
Friction and Spatial Systems Moment about an Axis Reading Page2

Example 37: The rod shown is supported by two brackets at A and B. Determine the moment MAB
produced by force F = 500 I - 300 J + 200 K at D and F = 300 J at C which tends to rotate the rod
about axis AB.
Point Coordinates.
O (0, 0, 0),
C FC B ( 0.4, 0.3, 0)
C (0.6, - 0.2, 0.3)
0.3 Y OC = - 0.2I + 0.3K + 0.6 J
O (0, 0, 0)


Strategy. Moment of a force about an axis

A AB is the dot product of the Moment of the
Force about any point on the line AB and its

extension, and the unit vector of AB. To


B determine the unit vector, we can choose any
two convenient points on AB and its extension
X in the direction A to B.

The coordinates of A are not given. Hence let us use O on AB extended.

. eAB = e OB = OB / OB = [ 0.4 I + 0.3 J ] / 0. 5 = 0.8I + 0.6 J
The most convenient Moment Center on the Axis AB is O (0,0,0).
MO = OD x FD + OC X FC MAB = M . e AB = M . AB / AB
OD 0.6 - 0.2 0.3 0.6
FA 500 - 300 200 500
= 50 I + 30 J - 80 K
OC 0 - 0.2 0.3 0
FC 0 300 0 0
- 90 I 0 J 0K
MO -
- 40 30 0
eAB = 0.8 I 0.6 J 0K
------------------------------------------------------- A
MAB = - 40 + 18 + 0 = - 22
MAB = - 22 Nm
MAB is Negative means the moment makes a bolt turn in a
threaded hole, to move in the direction of AB. That is, for one B
who looks in the direction BA (Facing B towards A ), bolt
turns Clockwise (CW). It is like screwing a bolt or nut to
move away from us.
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P31
Friction and Spatial Systems Sample Unit Test Reading Page1
Total Marks / 40 =>
Assessment A1 on Classes 1 to 3. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.

Q1: Finding Top Wedge Angle α Q2: Finding Wedge Reaction on Block
in a Two- Force Member W 1000 N
In the set up the all the
In the set up the Friction friction angles are 15o.
Angle at the floor is and Reaction Directions: C
the weightless wedge
interface is 15o. α θ = ( 90 – 90 -15) P
= (-15) = (345)
So Angle of Reaction R1
is θ1 = (0 + 90 + 15) θ2 = (10 + 90 + 15) R1 1000 N
= (105) θ2 = = (115) (345)
FBD Eqn. Σ F = 0
(285) (α) =0
R2 on Wedge Top C
R1 e(345) + R2 e(115) (10)
is Equal and Opposite.
So θ2 = (105 + 180o) + 1000 e(270 = 0
= (285)
+C =0 SIM3: LCE to line(345) R2
θ1 = (115)
θ2 = (θ – 90 – 15) = 285 (105)
α in degrees =
R2 in Newtons =
Q3: Finding the tipping height HT Q4: Finding the angle of a uniform ladder
1.0 m due to friction
P (0) AB = 6 m
R = 600 N (θ) B AG = 3 m
In the set up the C
Friction Angle at 800 N RB (0)
the block and G =0 The FBD Equation 600 N
1.5 m HT for the ladder shown is
floor is 20o. =0
The FBD Eqn. ΣF = 0 RB e(0) + RA e(110)
+800 e(270) = 0
P e(0) + R e(110) A
0.5 m
+ 800 e(270) = 0 SIM3: LCE to line(110) RA (110)
φ = 20 o => RB = 218 N
SIM3: LCE to line(110) FBD
FBD R (110) 20o
=> P = 291 N SIM5: CME Σ MA = 0

SIM5: CME Σ MA = 0

Polar Angle θ in degrees =

HT in m =
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P32
Friction and Spatial Systems Sample Unit Test Reading Page2

Assessment B1 on Classes 1 to 4 Time: 15 minutes. Max. Marks 12. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for each set of Diagram, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.

Problem 1: Block of weight W rests on an inclined plane is

prevented from moving downwards along the plane by a plank of
same weight W placed as shown in the figure. The plank is attached
to the wall by the string parallel to the inclined plane. If the
coefficient of friction is same for all contact surfaces, find its value W
at which the motion is impending and the tension in the string.
Solution: FBDs are drawn so that unknowns
T and φ are common in both.
. SIM3: LCEs to lines (55 + φ) and (55 – φ) eliminate Reactions
Rs giving, T = f1(φ) ---E1 and T = f2(φ) ---E2 Now SIM4 is
applied for T, and φ and then T are solved.
( )
T( )
FBD1: Impending Motion Direction (IMD)
is to the Right. FBD1 Equation ΣF = 0: C1

SIM3: LCE to line(55 + φ)

R1 (55 + φ)
T= ---- E1
FBD2: IMD of Top W is to the left of the bottom W.
FBD2 Equation ΣF = 0: W
T( )

SIM3: LCE to line(55 – φ)

R2 (55 – φ) C2

T= ---E2
E1 = E2


Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Friction and Spatial Systems Sample Unit Test Reading Page3

Assessment A2 on Classes 4 to 8. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.
Q5: Finding Parallel and Perpendicular Q6: Finding Moment of a Force on AB
Components of a Force to line AB About Axis passing through points A and B
A (2, 5, - 5) AB = 2 I – 8 J +7 K
B (4 , - 3, 4); AB = 10.8 A (2, 5, - 5) AB = 2 I – 8 J +7 K
B (4 , - 3, 4); AB =
F = 20 I - 30 J + 50 K, F = 61.64
Find F||AB and FLAB FB = 20 I - 30 J + 50 K, Find MAB
F||AB = F . eAB = [F . AB] / AB
2I +5J –3K 2J
F= 20 I - 30 J + 50 K X X X
.AB = 2 I -8J +7K 20 I - 30 J + 50 K 20 J
--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
F||AB = [ 40 + 240 + 350] / AB = 58.3
M AB = I J K
F||AB = F||AB*eAB = [F||AB*AB] / AB .
= 10.8 I - 43.2 J + 37.8 K AB = I J K
FLAB = F – F||AB = I + J + K
MAB = [MAB . AB] / AB =
FLAB = Check: F2 = F||AB2 + FLAB2
Table executes A Scalar Triple Product.
Q7: Finding Component of M N Q8: Finding Moment of a Force about a
a Force along a line Point Z
Find the component Find the Moment of the Force 0.3

of 100 N force 3

throughN & C, FC = 40 I + 50 J – 80 K
along AF. A
C 5 C
about B. 0.4
6 2
FNA = 100 NC / NA B B
X FC 0.2
. A (0, 0, 0) Arm BC = X
eAF = AF / AF (- 0.4 + 0.6) I
FNA||AF = FNA.eAF - 0.2 J + 0.3 K

NC = - 6 I - 3 J + 9 K NC = MBC = BC X FC =
.AF = 6 I + 2 J -5K AF = 0.2 I - 0.2 J 0.3 K 0.2 I
---------------------------------------- X X X
40 I 50 J - 80 K 40 I
FNA||AF = 100*NC.AF / (NC)*(AF)
Unit 3 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Friction and Spatial Systems Sample Unit Test Reading Page4

Assessment B2 on Classes 4 to 8 Time: 15 minutes. Max. Marks 12. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.
Problem 2: A boom OE supporting a load of 10 kN at the end is held in a horizontal position by a
ball and socket joint at A and by two cables, AB with Tension R and CD with Tension S as shown.
Determine the tension S. Neglect the weight of the boom.

Z Lengths in m Moment about an axis is

Forces in kN used in 3D SIM5 Solution
(Scalar Triple Product)

D 2
3 RO AB = - 6 I + 2 J + 2 K
AB = 6.63 m
A CD = - 8 I – 3 J + K
SCD CD = 9.06
R = (6.63) R', S = (9.06) S'
10 kN
10 kN X

Solution: Since only S is asked, let us Consider a way, to eliminate both reactions
RO and RAB. Since RAB passes through B and MOB . OB = 0, Moment of RAB about
line OB is zero. Hence let us solve ΣMO . OB = f(S) = 0.
Compare this with Example 35.

Table For ΣMO . OB = 0 This is SIM5 in 3D.

OC 8 0 0 8
XSCD - 8S' - 3S' 3S' - 8S' S = 9.06 S'
= 0 - 24S' - 24S'
OE 10 0 0 10
XWE 0 0 - 10 0
0 100 0
ΣMO = 0 I + ( - 24S' + 100) J - 24S' K Dot Product
. OB 0 I + 2J +2 K
- 96 S' + 200 = 0; S' =
S = 9.06 S' Ans. S =
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P1
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Lines Reading Page1

Centroid of a Line Composite Line

1. Centroid of an Element E: It is the Centre C (xC, yC, zC)

at which a length L or area A or volume V, or Mass M
is considered to act concentratedly as a Point Element.
Here Moment is Armed Element or Arm * Element.
In a system, the principle of general moments is:
Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

xC E = ʃ x dE, yC E = ʃy dE, zC E = ʃ z dE

xC, yC and zC are also called Cartesian Moment Arms

of the Element. If the origin is chosen at the centroid C,
then Sum of Moments about C will be zero. Hence,
the moment of an element about its centroid is zero.

For a Composite of Elements :

Let “XM” be X Moment = XC E
(Not Moment about X)

Let E = Σ EN and XMN = XCN EN

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
XC E = XM So XC = XM / E
Similarly YC = YM / E
ZC = ZM / E
Centre of Mass is the point where the mass of an
element acts as a point mass. Centre of Mass is the
same as Centroid if the element has uniform density.

Centre of Gravity is the point where the weight of an element

acts as point weight. Centre of Gravity is the same as Centroid
if the element has uniform density in a uniform gravity field.

Example 1: In the composites shown, using your common sense (previous knowledge)
mark the approximate Element and Composite Centroids.
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P2
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Lines Reading Page1

2 Centroid of a Straight Line: Let AB be a straight line of

length L (Lx, Ly, Lz). Let dL (dx, dy, dz) be a differential

element of L at point (x, y, z). . dLx = dx L x = (xB – xA)

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

xC Lx = ʃ A
x dx , x (xB - xA) = (xB2 – xA2) / 2
. C

xC = (xB + xA) (xB – xA) / [2 (xB – xA)] =>

xC = (xA + xB) / 2 ;

So yC = (yA + yB) / 2 and zC = (zA + zB) / 2

Example 2: Find the Centroid of a Composite

of Straight Lines shown.
Line 1 (AB):

L1 = [( 8 – 2)2 + (6 -6 )2] 1/2 = 6

XC1 = (2 + 8) /2 = 5; XM1 = 5 * 6 = 30

YC1 = (6 + 6) /2 = 6; YM1 = 6 * 6 = 36

Line 2 (BD:

L2 = [(8 – 8)2 + (1 – 6)2]1/2 = 5

XC2 = (8 + 8) / 2 = 8; XM2 = 8 * 5 = 40

YC2 = (6 + 1) /2 = 3.5; YM2 = 3.5 * 5 = 17.5

L = 11 XM = 70 YM = 53.5

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

XC * 11 = 70 => XC = 70 / 11 = 6.36

YC * 11 = 53.5 => YC = 53.5 / 11 = 4.864

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P3
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Lines Reading Page3

3 Centroid of a Curved line: The Centroid of a

line y = f(x) of length L with differential strip
S at (x, y) of length dL
Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
xC L = ʃL x dL
and y L = ʃ y dL where dL = (dx2 + dy2)1/2

To carry out the integration,

dL is to be expressed in terms of x or y as needed.
4 Centroid of a Circular Arc of Radius R
Note θ is in radians.

For D-Strip S (x, y) dL = R dθ; L = R (θB – θA)

xCS = x = R cos θ; yCS = y = R sin θ
Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
xC L = ʃAB x Rdθ
= ʃ B R2 cos θ dθ = R2 (sin θ – sin θ )
xC = R (sin θB – sin θA) / (θB – θA)
Similarly yC = - R (cos θB – cos θA) / (θB – θA)

Exercise 3: Find and mark the centroid
C (xC, yC) for the arc shown. α = tan-1[CD/AD]
Solution: [θB – θA] = 255*π /180 = 4.448 rad. = 43.09o
XC = 10 [sin 315o - sin 60o] / 4.448 xC = - 3.54 cm +C D α
yC = - 10 [cos 315 – sin 60 ] / 4.448
o o
yC= - 0.47 cm
CD = 3.54 + 10 cos 60 = 8.54 cm, AD = 10 sin 60o + 0 .47 = 9.13 cm
o (315)
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P4
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Lines Reading Page4

Example 4: Find the Centroid of the wire composite shown.

Solution: Data for Wires

1 (AB) XC1 = (0 + 0.4) /2; XM1 = ( XC1 = 0.2) * (L1= 0.721)
YC1 = (0 + 0) / 2; YM1 = (YC1 = 0.0)
ZC1 = (0.6 + 0) / 2; ZM1 = (ZC 1 = 0.3)
L1 = [(0.4)2 + 02 + (0.6)2]1/2

2 (AD) XC2 = (0 + 0) /2; XM2 = ( XC2 = 0.0) * (L2 = 0.721) =

YC2 = (0 + 0.4) / 2; YM2 = (YC2 = 0.2)

ZC2 = (0.6 + 0) / 2; ZM2 = (ZC2 = 0.3)

L2 = [(0 2 + (0.4 )2 + (0.6)2]1/2;

3 (BD) XC3 = 2R/π = 2 (0.4) /π; XM3 = (XC3 = 0.255) * (L3 = 0.628)

YC3 = 2R/π = 2 (0.4) /π; YM 3 = (YC3 = 0.255)

ZC3 = 0.0; ZM3 = (ZC3 = 0.0)

L3 = R α = (0.4) (π/2);

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments L = 2.070 Units: Cm

XC L = Σ XMN => XC (2.070) = [0.144 + 0 + 0.16] XC = 0.147

Complete the rest for your practice:

YC =

ZC =
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P5
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Areas Reading Page1

Area Bound by Lines and Curves Composite Areas

4. Centroid of Bounded Area: Let the element

be of area A, in the xy plane bound by x axis,
curve y = k xn and line x = b, with its centroid at
C (XC, YC).
Let the differential area dA, be a rectangular strip
S shown with its centroid at CS (x, y/2).

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Areas Reading Page2
5. Centroid of a General Triangle
Just as the coordinates of the Centroid of a straight
line are the averages of the coordinates of its two
ends, the coordinates of the Centroid of a Triangular
Area are the averages of the coordinates of its three
vertices. The Centroid is also the common intersection
of its medians. Hence:
XE = (X1 + X2) / 2
XC = XE + 1/3 (X3 – XE) = 2/3 XE + X3 / 3
= 2/3 (X1 + X2) / 2 + X3 / 3

Or XC = [X1 + X2 + X3] / 3
Similarly YC = [Y1 + Y2 + Y3] / 3
6. Centroid of a Circular Segment
Let the element be a circular segment of radius R and
area A bound by PALS at θA and θB, in the XY plane with
its centroid at C (XC, YC). Let the differential area dA,
be a triangular strip S with its centroid at CS (XCS, YCS).
Let dA = (1/2) R Rdθ; A = ʃAB dA = ʃ(1/2) R2dθ
A = (1/2) R2 (θB – θA)
XCS = (2/3) R cos θ; YCS = (2/3) R sin θ

For XC & YC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the

XC A = ʃ XCS dA
= ʃ XCS (1/2) R2dθ
= ʃ(2/3) R cos θ (1/2) R2dθ For θA = 0 and θB = π/2 rad.
= (1/3) R3 ʃAB cos θ dθ
XC (1/2) R2 (θB – θA) = (1/3) R3 [sin θB – sin θA] XC = (4R/3π)
YC = (4R/3π)
XC = (2/3) R [sin θB – sin θA] / (θB – θA)
Similarly YC = - (2/3) R [cos θB – cos θA] / (θB – θA)

A = πR2 /4 πR2 /2 3πR2 /4 3πR2 /4
XC = (4R/3π) 0 - (2R/3π) - (2R/3π)
YC = (4R/3π) (4R/3π) (2R/3π) - (2R/3π)
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Areas Reading Page3
7 Quarter Ellipse: Let the element be of area A, in the xy plane bound by x axis, the ellipse
and y axis with its centroid at C (XC, YC).
Let the differential area dA, be a rectangular strip S, shown, with its centroid at CS (x/2, y).

Equation of the ellipse

x2 / a2 + y2 / b2 = 1 can be written as
x = a cos θ and y = b sin θ;
xCS = x/2 = (a/2) cos θ , yCS = y = b sin θ
dA = x dy = (a cos θ) (b cos θ dθ)
θ varies from 0 to π/2 as y varies from 0 to b
dA = ( ab cos2 θ) dθ
A = [ab] ʃ0π/2 cos2 θ dθ; cos2 θ = (1 + cos 2θ) / 2

A = [ab] ʃ0π/2 [(1 + cos 2θ) / 2] dθ

A = [ab/2] [θ + (sin 2θ) / 2 ]0π/2; A = π ab/4

For xC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

xC A = ʃ xCS dA Note: There are many

ways to derive these
= ʃ0π/2 [(a/2) cos θ)] (ab cos2 θ) dθ results. Of them what is
presented here is the
= (a2b/2) ʃ0π/2 cos θ cos2 θ dθ simplest using only one
differential element.
= (a2b/2) [ʃ0π/2 cos θ ( 1- sin2 θ) dθ Practice it several times to
get the integrals quickly
= ( a2b/2) [ ʃ0π/2 cos θ dθ – ʃ0π/2 sin2 θ d(sinθ)]
and correctly in the exam.
= (a2b/2) { [sin θ]0π/2 – [ sin3θ/3]0π/2 } = a2b [1-1/3] / 2

xC (π ab/4) = a2b / 3; xC = 4a / 3π

For yC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

yC A = ʃ yCS dA

= ʃ0π/2 [b sin θ)] (ab cos2 θ) dθ

= ab2 ʃ0π/2 cos2 θ d (- cos θ)

= ab2 [- cos3 θ /3] 0π/2

yC (π ab/4) = ab2 / 3; yC = 4b / 3π
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P8
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Areas Reading Page4

8 Sine curve: Let us consider an area A,

in the XY plane bound by X axis, the sine
curve as shown. The differential area dA
is a vertical rectangular strip S with
centroid at CS (x, y/2).
Let the centroid of A be at C (XC, YC).

For the strip xCS = x; yCS = y/2

The Equation of the curve is

y = sin x,

dA = y dx = sin x dx
A = ʃ0A dA = ʃ0π six x dx

A = [ - cos x]0π = - [ -1 – 1]; A =2

For yC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

yC A = ʃ0A yCS dA

= ʃ0π y/2 y dx

= ʃ0π [ (sin x) / 2] (sin x) dx

= ʃ0π (1/2) (sin2 x) dx

= (1/2) ʃ0π (1/2) (1 – cos 2x) dx

= 1/4 [x - (sin 2x) / 2]0 π

yC (2) = 1/4 [ π -0]; yC = π / 8

For xC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

xC A = ʃ0A xCS dA

= ʃ0π x y dx = ʃ0π x sin x dx

= x (-cos x) - ʃ ( - cos x) dx
= [ - x cos x] 0 π - [- six x] 0π = [π – 0]

xC (2) = π; xC = π /2
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P9
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Areas Reading Page5

Example 5: Find the Centroid of the

composite area with a cut out.

Solution: The area can be conceived as the

sum of a large rectangle and a triangle from
which a quarter circle of area is removed.

The area is marked with letter to identify its

dimensions and area. All length are in cm,
area in cm2 and moments in cm3.
CN (XCN, YCN) is the centroid of area AN.

Element N Arm N * Area N = Moment N XM YM

Rect. OBEF 1. XC1 = 6 108 648
YC1 = 4.5 108 =
Triangle. BDE 2. XC2 = 14 27 378
YC2 = 3 27 =
Quarter Circle 3 XC3 = 1.911 - 15.9 - 30.39
YC3 = 1.191 - 15.9 =
A = 119.1 XM= 995.61 YM =
For XC and YC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
XC = XM / A = 8.36; YC = YM/A =
Example 6: Find the centroid of the area formed by
removing the semicircle from the quarter circle above
the X axis.
Solution: Quarter Circle: XC1 = 4R / 3π = 0.424 r
YC1 = 4R / 3π = 0.424 r ; A1 = π R2/4 = 0.785 r2
Semi circle: XC2 = 4R / 3π = 0.212 r
YC2 = R = 0.50 r A2 = π R2/2 = - 0.3925 r2

Element N Arm N * Area N = Moment N XM YM

Quarter Circle 1 XC1 = 0.424 r 0.785 r2 0.333 r3
YC1 = 0.424 r =
Semi Circle 2 XC2 = 0.212 r - 0.3925 r 2
- 0.083 r 3

YC2 = 0.5 r =
A = 0.3925 r2 XM = 0.25 r 3
YM =
For XC and YC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments XC = 0.637 t YC =
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P10
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Centroids of Areas Reading Page6

Example 6: Determine the coordinates XC and YC of the center of 100 mm dia circular hole cut in a
thin plate, so that this point will be the centroid of the remaining area. Dim in mm

Solution: The dotted triangle (2) and the hole circle (3) are to be
treated as -ve areas to be subtracted from the rectangular plate (1).
Let the Coordinates of the circle be XC3 and YC3
They should be equal to XC and YC.

Rectangle: Area A1 , = 30 kmm2

XC1 = 100 mm. XC1 * A1 = XM1 = 3,000
YC1 = 75 mm YC1 * A1 = YM1 = 2,250

Triangle: Area A2 = - 3.75 kmm2

XC2 = 166.7 mm, XC2 * A2 = XM2 = - 625.1
YC2 = 125 mm YC2 * A2 = YM2 = - 460.8 A = A1 – A2 – A3
= [30 – 3.75 – 7.85]
Circle: Area A3 = - 7.85 kmm2 A = 18.4 kmm2
XC3 = XC XC3 * A3 = XM3 = - 7.85 XC
YC3 = YC YC3 * A3 = YM3 = - 7.85 YC

For XC and YC: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

XC (18.4) = 3000 - 625.1 – 7.85 XC => XC = 90.48
YC (18.4) = 2250 – 460.8 – 7.85 YC => YC = 67.88
Example 7 : For the plate ABC shown on left figure, determine the inclination of the longest side
AB makes with the vertical when it is suspended at A as in the right figure. .

Solution: In the suspended position the centre

of gravity G will be directly below A. We have
to first find G and then the angle BAG.

Data: Angle A is given by Cosine Formula

A = cos -1 [(AB2 + AC2 – BC2) / 2 (AB) (AC)]
= 27.66o, θAC = 270o + 27.66o = (297.66)
XA = 0 XB = 0, XC = AC cos θAC = 3.25
YA = 0, YB = -10, YC = AC sin θAC = - 6.20
For XG & YG: Triangle Geometry.
XG = (XA + XB + XC) / 3 = 1.083
YG = (YA + YB + YC) / 3 = - 5.4
For Angle BAG:
θAG = tan-1 [YG / XG] = 281.4o
Angle BAG = θAG – θAB = 11.4o
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P11
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Objects of Revolution Reading Page1

Theorems of Pappus & Guildinus Surfaces and Volumes

9 Theorem 1: The area A of a surface generated by revolving

a plane curve about an external axis in the same plane, is
equal to the product of the length L of the curve and the
distance D traveled by its geometric centroid G. A = L D
Proof: Let the curve of length L be revolved about OX axis
by an angle α in radians. Then the differential length dL
will generate a surface area of dA = (dL) [Yα]
Or A = α ʃY dL; A = α YG L or
A = L D where D = YGα
For α = 2π, A = 2π YGL

10 Theorem 2: The volume V of a solid generated by

revolving a plane figure about an external axis in the same
plane, is equal to the product of the area A of the figure
and the distance D travelled by its geometric centroid G.
Proof: Let the figure of area A be revolved about OX
axis by an angle α. in radians. Then the differential area
dA will
generate a solid volume of dV = (dA) Yα
Or V = α ʃY dA; V = α YG A or
V = A D where D = YG α
For α = 2π, V = 2π YGA

Example 8: Determine the side surface area A and

volume V of a cone using the Pappus and Guildinus

Solution: The cone is obtained by revolving line AB

about OY axis in the figure. Let OA = H and OB = R

A = L D = L [α XGL]
= (R2 + H2)1/2 [(2π) (R/2)]
A = πR (R2 + H2)1/2

V = A D = A [α XGA]
= [1/2] R H [2π (R / 3)]
V = [1/3] π R2 H
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Objects of Revolution Reading Page2
Example 9: Find the outer surface area of the machine
part of revolution about the central Y axis shown with
central cavity. Dimensions are in cm.

Solution: The X Centroidal Coordinate has to be found

for the section of revolution.
From the table below :
L = 22.83 cm XG = 4.07 cm α=2π

A = LD A = (22.83) [(4.07) 2 π] = 583.5 cm2

Centroidal Table.
Element N Arm XCN * Length LN = Moment XMN
AB 1 2 2
BC 3.5 5.83 20.41
CD 5 12 60
DE 3.5 3 10.5
Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments L = 22.83 XM = 92.91

XC = XM / L = 4.07 cm
Example 10: Find the Volume of the machine part of
revolution about the central Y axis shown with central cavity.
Dimensions are in cm.

Solution: The X Centroidal Coordinate has to be found

for the section of revolution.
From the Centroid table below;
A = 43.5 cm2; XG = 3.414 cm

V = A D = A XG α = (43.5) [ 3.414 (2π)] = 932.6 cm3

Element N Arm XGN * Area AN = Moment XMN

Rectangle 1 3.5 36 126
Triangle 2 3.0 7.5 22.5

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments A = 43.5 XM = 148.5

XG = XM / A = 3.414 cm
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Objects of Revolution Reading Page3
11. Center of Mass of a Hollow Cone: The Centroid of
the surface and center of mass of a hollow object are
the same as long as the mass per unit area is uniform.

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

XG A = ʃ X dA

dA = 2 π r dL; r / R = X / H or r = R X / H
dL cos α = dX or dL = dX / cos α

dA = [2 πR / (H cos α)] X dX ;

A = [2 πR / (H cos α)] ʃ0H X dX

[2 πR / (H cos α)] [X2 / 2] 0H; A = πRH / cos α)

ʃ X dA = ʃ0H [2 πR / (H cos α)] X2 dX = [2 πR / (H cos α)] [H3/3)]

= [2 πR H2 / (3cos α)]

XG A = ʃ X dA

XG π RH / cos α = [2 πR H2 / (3cos α)];

XG = 2H/3 From Base X'G = H / 3

12. Hemispherical Shell: Centroid of a hemispherical shell
(Good for Center of Mass also as mass is proportional to
the surface area of the shell)
Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
XG A = ʃ X dA
dA = 2π (R sin α) (R dα)
A = 2πR2 ʃ 0π/2 sin α dα = 2πR2 [ -cos α ]0π/ 2

A = 2 π R2
ʃ X dA = ʃ 0π/2 R cos α 2 πR2sin α dα

2πR3 ʃ 0π/2 sin α d(sin α) = 2πR3 [sin2 α / 2] 0π/2 = πR3

XG A = ʃ X dA
XG 2 π R2 = π R3 or XG = R / 2
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P14
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Objects of Revolution Reading Page4

13. Centroid of a Solid Cone: It is same as its

Centre of Mass / Gravity with Uniform density.

Moment of the Sum = Some of the Moments

XG V = ʃ X dV

dV = π r2 dX; r / R = X / H or r = R X / H

dV = [πR2 / H2] X2 dX ;

V = [πR2 / H2] ʃ0H X2 dX = [πR2 / H2] H3 / 3 =

V = [1/3] π R2H
ʃ X dV = ʃ0H [πR2 / H2] X3 dX = [πR2 / H2] H4 / 4
= [1/4] π R2 H2

XG [1/3] π R2 H = [1/4] π R2 H2 XG = 3/4 H. From Base X'G = H / 4

14. Centroid of a Solid Hemisphere: It is same as its Centre of

Mass / Gravity with uniform density.

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

XG V = ʃ X dV

dV = π r2 dX; r2 = R2 – X2 or dV = [π (R2 – X2)] dX

V = π ʃ 0R [R2 – X2] dX = π [ R3 – R3/3]

V = [2/3] π R3

ʃ X dV = π ʃ 0R(R2 – X2)] X dX = π [ R4/ 2 – R4/4] = [1/4] π R4

XG [2/3] π R3 = [1/4] π R4 XG = [3/8] R

Note: In the above problems for surface integrals (hollow objects), we have
to use dL and Rdα to find the differential area of the ring element. For
volume integrals we have to use dX for the differential volume of disk
element. If the question is given in a different orientation, you can do the
above derivations and state that they are equivalent.
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P15
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Composites of Objects Reading Page1

Hollow Composites Solid Composites

Example 11: Find the Centroid / Mass Centre of the Hollow
Composite of a cylinder and a cone sown. Dim in cm

Solution: Hollow Cylinder: Area A1 = 2πRH = 25.13 cm2

YC1 = H/2 = 2 cm

Hollow Cone: α = tan -1 [R / H] = 26.6o

Surface Area A2 = πRH / cos α = 56.52 cm2

YC2 = 4 + H/3 = 6 cm

Element N YCN * Area AN = Moment YMN

Cylinder 1 2 25.13 50.26

Cone 2 6 56.52 339.12

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
YC = YM / A = 389.8 / 81.65 = 4.77 cm, A= 81.65 YM =389.38

Example 12: Find the centroid /mass centre of the composite of a

solid cylinder and a hemisphere with a cone drilled, as in the
figure, all having uniform mass per unit volume. DIM in cm.

Solution: The centroid will the on the Axis of Symmetry OY.

Solid Cylinder: V = πR2H = 1130.4 cm3

Y G1 = [1/2] H = 5 cm
Solid Hemisphere: Volume = [2/3] πR3 = 452.4 cm3
YG2 = 10 + [3/8]R = 12.25 cm
Solid Cone: V = - [1/3] πR2H = 376.4 cm3
YG3 = H / 4 = 2.5 cm
Element N YCN * Volume VN = Moment YMN
1 Cylinder 5 1130.4 5652

2 Hemisphere 12.25 452.4 5542

3. Cone 2.5 - 376.8 - 942

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
YG = YM / A = 10552 / 12.06 = 8.75 cm V = 1206 YM = 10,552
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Composites of Objects Reading Page2
Example 13: Determine the centre of mass of a
composite body by placing a brass cone with a base
diameter of 8 and 12 cm height over a steel cylinder of
the same diameter and height of 10 cm. Density of steel
is 7850 kg/m3 and that of brass is 8650 kg/m3.

Solution: Since the materials have different densities,

centre of mass will be different from centroid for the
composite volume.
DIM in cm

1 Cylinder:

Volume = πR2 H = 502.4 cm3

Mass = V ρ = (502.4) ( 7850/106) = 3.944 kg

YGBase = 10/2 = 5 cm

2 Cone:

Volume = [1/3] πR2 H = 200.8 cm3

Mass = V ρ = (200.8) (8650/106) = 1.737 kg.

YGBase = 10 + H/4 = 13 cm

Element N YGN * Mass MN = Moment YMN


Cylinder 1 5 3.944 19.72

Cone 2 13 1.737 22.58

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

YG = 42.3 / 5.681 = 7.45 cm M = 5.681 YM = 42.3

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P17
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Area Moment of Inertia Reading Page1

Second Moment of an Area Radius of Gyration

Parallel Axis Theorem Perpendicular Axis Theorem

15 The Concept:

The figure above shows a non -rigid beam with a rectangular cross section, (a) when it is not
loaded and (b) when it is subjected to bending couples at its ends. The top of the section is under
tension as a result and the bottom under compression. Hence there is a neutral axis at which the
force on the section is zero. The force can be observed to be proportional to the distance Y from the
neutral X axis passing through the centroid of the rectangular section as the pairs of forces normal
to the section above and below this axis form a couple.
If the force is kY, then its moment is equal to kY2. When k is related to area, the second
moment of the area, giving the measure of bending, it can be used in the determination of the stress
distribution, in further studies.
Thus while the first moment is used to determine the centroid where distributed forces can
be considered concentrated or point forces , the second moment about a centroidal axis is used to
determine the bending stresses due to loading on a member.
The Second Moment is also called as the Moment of Inertia, meaning the resisting property
of a cross section to bending and also the resting property of a mass to rotational acceleration. Let us
first address the moment Inertia I of an area.

16 Moment of Inertia of an Area and Radius of Gyration:.

For a plane lamina of area A, let dA be its differential.

Moment of Inertia of dA about OX axis is defined as

dIXX = Y2 dA or IXX = ʃY2 dA

Let A = ʃ dA and kX2 A = IXX = A kX2

Just as Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

2nd Moment of the Sum = Sum of the 2nd Moments
Or kX2 A = ʃY2 dA, and kX is known as radius of gyration
about X axis.
Conceptually kX is the perpendicular distance of
“Point Area A” from OX for Moment of Inertia. .
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Area Moment of Inertia Reading Page2

17 Parallel Axis Theorem (||AT): Parallel Axis Theorem or Transfer Formula relates the Moments
of Inertia about a centroidal axis and a parallel axis in the same plane.
Let dA be a differential element of area A. Let
X and Y be parallel axes to the centroidal
axes XC and YC for the area A.

Let the coordinates of dA be x,y.

So Y = YC + y

Then IXX = ʃY2 dA = ʃ (YC + y)2

= YC2 ʃdA + ʃ y2 dA + 2 YC ʃ y dA

In the above integrals ʃ y dA, being the first moment about a centroidal axis, is zero.
ʃ y2 dA = IXC, the Moment of Inertia about the centroidal axis.
YC2 ʃdA = (d2) A where d = the distance from centroidal axis to the parallel axis .

So the Parallel Axis Theorem (||AT) is IXX = IXC + YC2 A or Ill = IlC + (d2) A
The Moment of Inertia Ill of an area about a parallel to the centroidal axis of the area is equal
to the sum of the Moment of Inertia IlC of the area about that centroidal axis and the product of
the area A and the square of the perpendicular distance d between the axes.

In the application of the Parallel Axis Theorem, one of the axes should be a Centroidal Axis.

Example 14: Find the moment of inertia

of a rectangle about its base by integration
and determine its centroidal moment of
Inertia applying the Parallel Axis Theorem.

Solution: From the figure YC= h/2

dA = b dY and A = bh

IXX = ʃ0h Y2 dA = ʃ0h Y2 b dY = b [ Y3/3]0h ;

IXX = bh3/3 = [1/3] Ah2 = [h2 /3] A

||AT: IXX = IXC + YC2 A or IXC = IXX -YC2 A

IXC = bh3/3 – [h/2]2 bh = bh3 / 12 = [h2 /12] A

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Area Moment of Inertia Reading Page3
18. Perpendicular Axis Theorem (LAT): The moment of inertia of a section, MI about an axis
in its plane gives a measure of resistance to / strength in, bending about that axis. The moment of
inertia perpendicular to the plane, called polar moment of inertia (PMI) , gives a measure of
resistance to / strength in, turning / twisting about that axis.

Let dA be a differential element of area A in the XY plane.

Let its coordinates be (X, Y, 0) in the XYZ coordinate system.
Let its radial distance from the Z axis be r.
Then the moment of inertia of the area about the OZ axis is
IZZ = ʃ r2 dA
And r2 = X2 + Y2
Therefore IZZ = ʃ( X2 + Y2) dA
= ʃX2 dA + ʃY2 dA
Perpendicular Axis Theorem, is stated as “the Polar Moment of Inertia” of an area IZZ
(also denoted by IP and J), is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia about two
mutually perpendicular axes in the plane of the area.”

Parallel Axis Theorem for Polar Moment of Inertia is given as

IZZ = IZC + r2A where r is the perpendicular distance between the axes.

Example 16: Find the Moments of Inertia of a circular

lamina about two mutually perpendicular axes
through its centre using Perpendicular Axis Theorem.

Solution: Let dA be a circular differential ring element.

dA = (2πr) dr
Polar Moment of Inertial about Centroidal
Z axis is
IZZC = ʃ0R r2 dA = ʃ0R 2πr3 dr = [2πr4/4 ]0R

IZZC = π R4 / 2

Due to symmetry IYC = IXC

Hence IXC = IYC = IZZ / 2 = πR4/ 4

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Area Moment of Inertia Reading Page4
Exercise 17: Determine the IXC for the semi and quarter
circular areas shown.

Solution: For Semi-circle shown IAB = [1/2] πR4/ 4

IAB = IXC + A d2 IXC + A d2R2/ 2] [4R/3π]2
IXC = 0.11 R2

For Quarter - circle shown IAB = [1/4] πR4/ 4

IAB = IXC + A d2
IXC = IAB - Ad2 = 0.055 R2 ....[Half for semi-circle]

18 Moment of Inertia of a Right Triangle

Let dA be a differential element..
dA = Y dX Y = [h / b] X
IXX = ʃ0b (dX) Y3 / 3

= [h3 / b3] / 3 ʃ0b X3 (dX)

= [h3 / b3] / 3 [ X4/4 ]0b; IXX = [1/12] bh3

IXC = IXX - YC2 A = [ bh3/12] – [ h/3]2 (bh/2)

= bh3[(1/12) – (1/18)] = bh3[(3-2)/36]

IXC = bh3/36 Similarly IYC = hb3/36

19 Moment of Inertia of a general Triangle
The general triangle can a be viewed as a sum or
difference of two right triangles as shown.

= b1h3/12 + b2h3/12 = (b1 + b2) bh3 / 12

IXC = IXX - YC2*A = bh3/12 – (bh/2) (h/3)2 b = b1 + b2

= [(1/12) – (1/18)] bh3 = [(3 – 2 / 36)] / bh3; IXC = bh3 / 36
IYY = IYY1 + IYY2 = hb13 / 12 + hb23 / 12 => IYY = h (b13 + b23) /12

IYC = IYY – XC2*A, IYC = h (b13 + b23) /12 - (bh/2) XC2

If b1 = b2 = b/2, XC = 0 I YY = IYC = hb3 / 48

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P21
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MI of Composite Area Reading Page1

MIs of Ellipse and Parabola MIs of Composite Areas

20. MI of an Ellipse: Let us Derive the

Moment of Inertia of an ellipse about its
Horizontal Centroidal Axis.
Eqn of Ellipse:
X2/a2 + Y2/b2 = 1
Or X = a cos θ, Y = b sin θ

Let dA be the differential

rectangular element as shown.

dA = (2X) (dY) = (2 a cos θ) b cos θ dθ

= 2ab cos2 θ dθ

dIXX = Y2 dA = b2 sin2 θ (2ab) cos2 θ dθ

= 2 ab3 [sin θ cos θ]2
= 2 ab3 [(sin 2θ) / 2]2 dθ as sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ

IXX = IXC = [1/2] ab3 ʃ-π/2π/2 [sin2 2θ] dθ

IXC = [1/2] ab3 ʃ-π/2π/2 [ (1- cos 4θ) / 2] dθ as sin2 θ = (1 – cos 2θ) / 2

IXC = [1/4] ab3 ʃ-π/2π/2 (1- cos 4θ) dθ

IXC = [1/4] ab3 [θ - (sin 4θ) / 4 ]-π/2π/2

IXC = [1/4] πab3

Example 18: You can solve this problem taking a

vertical differential element (dX) by (2Y) with XX as
its centroidal axis

dIXC = (dX) (2Y)3 /12
= ( - a sin θ dθ) ( 8 b3 sin3 /12)
= [- 2 ab3/3] sin4 θ dθ

IXC = - 2ab3 /3 ʃ-π0 sin4 dθ

You can complete this to get the same answer

and choose the simpler integral, that you can
remember to do easily in the exam.
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P22
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MI of Composite Area Reading Page2

21 MI of of area under a curve: Let us derive

expression for the Moment of Inertia of the area
under the bounded curve about X and Y axes.

Let us first find IXX by considering a vertical

differential rectangle (dX) by (Y)

X = kY2

X = a, Y = b

a = k b2 k = a / b2

dX = k (2Y) dY
dI = (dX) (Y3) / 3 = (2k / 3) Y4 dY/3
. XX

IXX = [ 2a/3b2 ] ʃ0b 2kY4 dY

= 2a/3b2 [ Y5 / 5 ] 0b IXX = (2/15) ab3

Example 19: Find IYY using the same vertical

differential or a horizontal one. It is good to solve
a problem using both parallel and perpendicular
strips and see which results in simpler

If you use the same strip

IYY = ʃ0 a X2 dA, dA = Y dX

Express Y in X using the equation and solve.

The answer is IYY = (2/7) b a3

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MI of Composite Area Reading Page3
Example 20: Determine the MI IXC of the Composite about the Horizontal Centroidal Axis.

Solution: Let us first find Centroidal Coordinate YC

dim in cm
for theComposite to Compute IXC
considering sum of Areas A1 and A2.

Moment = Arm * Element

YM1 = 1.5 * 27 = 40.5
YM2 = 6 * 12 = 72
Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments
YC * (27 + 12) = (40.5 + 72)
=> YC = 2.88
YC1 = 1.5, YC2 = 6
A1= 27, A2 = 12
Centroidal Moments of parts IXCN= bh3/12

IXC1 = 9*33 / 12 = 20.25 IXC2 = 2*63 / 12 = 36

Parallel Axis Theorem: IXN = IXCN + ( YCN – YC) 2 * A

IX1 = 20.25 + (1.5 – 2.88) )2 * 27 = 71.7

IX2 = 36 + (6 – 2.88)2 * 12 = 152.8
IXC = IX1 + IX2 = 223.5 cm4

Example 21 : Determine the MI IXC and IYC of the T Composite.

Solution: Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

YM1 n= 4 * 16 = 64
YM2 = 9 * 16 = 144
YC * (32) = (208)
=> YC = 6.5

Centroidal MIs of parts

IXC1 = 2*83 / 12 = 85.44 IXC2 = 8*23 / 12 = 5.333

Parallel Axis Theorem IX1 = IXCN + ( YCN – YC) 2 * A

IX1 = 85.44 + (4 – 6.5)2 * 16 = 166.44
IX2 = 5.33 + (9 – 6.5)2 *16 = 126.33;
IXC = = IXC = IX1 + IX2 = 292.77 cm4
Due to Symmetry XC = 0. Hence IYC = 8*23/12 + 2*83/12 = 86.77 cm4
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P24
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MI of Composite Area Reading Page4

Example 22: Find IXC for section shown with a hole.

Solution: Data
YC1= 9 / 3 = 3.0 cm
A1 = (1/2) 8 (9) = 36 cm2
IXC1 = bh3 / 36 = 81 cm4

YC2 = - 4 R/ 3π = - 1.7 cm
A2 = (1/2) π R2 = 25.12 cm2
IXC2 = 0.11 R4 = 28.16 cm4

YC3 = 0.0
A3 = - π R2 = - 12.56 cm2 [ It is a hole]
IXC3 = π R4 /4 = 0.785 R4 = 12.56 cm4
A = 48.56 cm2

YM1 = 3.0 * 36 = 108
YM2 = -1.7 * 25.12 = - 42.7
YM3 = 0 * 3.0 = 0

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

YC (48.56) = (108 – 42.7 + 0) = 65.3; YC = 1.45 cm.

Parallel Axis Theorem: IXN = IXCN + ( YCN – YC) 2 * A

IX1 = 81 + (3.0 – 1.45)2 * 36 = 167.49

IX2 = 28.16 + (- 1.7 – 1.45)2 *25.12 = 272.413
IX3 = - [12.56 + (0 – 1.45)2 *12.56 = - 38.97

IXC = IX1 + IX2 + IX3 = 400.93 cm4

Be careful about the Notations used. Authors differ.

Note: Study and practice this problem. The above simple method is different from many
books. To calculate IYC, you have to develop similar data and calculate as above.

You can solve any problem in this category this way.

Step1: Data => IXCN & A Step2 ΣYMN => YC Step3: ΣIXN => IXC
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P25
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Mass Moment of Inertia Reading Page1

Product of Inertia Mass Moment of Inertia

22 Product of Inertia: Product of Inertia is defined as:

IXY = ʃ XY dA
Though Product of Inertia does not have any physical significance, it is useful in determining
maximum and minimum moments of inertia that will be studied in later courses. It can be positive
or negative with respect to the chosen reference axes.

If one of the axes of reference is a symmetric one, say Y

axis as shown for the rectangle A, for every dA element
with a + X coordinate, there will be an element with a
-ve X coordinate. Hence I XY = ʃ XY dA = 0
So for circle, semicircle, I section, etc., also with at least
one axis of symmetry, the product of inertia IXY is zero.
23 Transfer Theorem for Product of Inertia
For the area A shown, let dA be at (X,Y) and at
(x,y) with respect to the Centroid C.
Then X = (XC + x) and Y = (YC + y)

IXY = ʃ XY dA = ʃ (XC + x) (YC + y) dA

= ʃXCYC dA + ʃxy dA + ʃx dA + ʃy dA
The last two integrals are zero.
ʃXCYC dA = XC YC A and ʃxy dA = IXYC, IXY = IXYC + A XC YC
24 Product of Inertia of a Right Triangle using different X, Y reference axes

dIXY = X (Y/2) Y dX
dIXY = X (Y/2) Y dX IXY = ʃ X [h /2b] (b – X) [h /b] (b - X) dX
IXY = ʃ X [(h /2b)] X] [ (h/b) X] dX] = h2/2b2 [b2 X2/2+ X4 /4– 2bX3/3]0b
= [h2 /2 b2] ʃ0b X3 dX = [h2 / 2b2] [ X4 / 4] 0b
IXY = b2h2 / 24
= [h2 / 2 b2] [b4 /4]; IXY = b2h2 /8
I = I = AXCYC= b2h2/24 – bh/2 (bh/9)
I XYC = IXY - AXC YC = b2h2/8 – [1/2]bh [2b/3] [h/3] XYC XY
= b2h2 [1/8 – 1/9]; IXYC = b2h2 / 72 = b2h2 [1/24 -1/18]; IXYC = - b2h2 / 72
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Mass Moment of Inertia Reading Page2

Example 23: Find the product of inertia for

the composite having a circular hole with
respect to its centroidal axis.

Solution: Data

1. Triangle: A1 = [1/2] 3*6 = 9.0 cm2

XC1 = [2/3]3 = 2.0 YC1 = [1/3]6 = 2.0
IXY C1= b2h2/72 = 4.5 [See derivation 24]

2. Rectangle: A2 = 4*6 = 24 3. Circular hole: A3 = - 3.14*12 = - 3.14

XC2 = 3 + [1/2]4 = 5 YC2= 6/2 = 3 XC3 = 5, YC3 = 3
IXYC2 = 0 [Symmetry about C. axes] IXYC3 = 0

Calculating XC and YC:

N Element XCN * AN = XMN AN * YCN = YMN

1. Triangle 2.0 9.0 18.0 2.0 2.0 18.0

2 Rectangle 5.0 24.0 120.0 5.0 3.0 72.0

3. Circle 5 - 3.14 - 15.7 -3.14 3.0 - 9.42

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

XC = 4.1 XM = 122.3 A = 29.86 YC = 2.7 YM = 80.58

Calculating IXYC

Variations of the Parallel Axis Theorem Applied.


1 4.5 2.0*2.0 (9.0) 40.5 353.4 - 4.1*2.7 (29.88)

2 0.0 5.0*3.0 (24) 360 IXYC = 22.85

3 0.0 5.0*3.0 (-3.14) - 47.1

IXY = 353.4
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Mass Moment of Inertia Reading Page3

25 Mass Moment of Inertia (MMI): It is the second moment

of a solid or angular mass about an axis. It is a measure of
Rotational Inertia / resistance to angular motion.

Let 'dm' be a differential mass element of a body of

total mass M at a point (X, Y, Z). Let RLZ represent
moment arm perpendicular (L) to Z. Then its second
moment about Z axis is given by .

IZZ = ʃRLZ2 dm = ʃ (X2 + Y2) dm. Similarly

IXX = ʃ (Y2 + Z2) dm and IYY = ʃ (Z2 + X2)

26 Transfer Formula (or) Parallel Axis Theorem

The Theorem: The mass moment of Inertia of a body about a parallel axis at a
perpendicular distance d to the centroidal axis is equal to the sum of the centroidal moment of
inertia and the product of the mass and the square of the distance d between the parallel axes.

Ill = IlC + Md2. For Example IZZ = IZC + Md2

Proof: The position of dm in terms of vectors in Centroidal and the Parallel Axes is given by
R = RC + r Let the components of r be x, y and z.
IZZ = ʃ(X + Y ) dm = ʃ [( XC + x)2 + (YC + y)2] dm
2 2

= ʃ(X C2 + YC2) dm + ʃ (x2 + y2) dm + 2 XCʃx dm + 2YCʃy dm

Among the above integrals the last two are zero.
ʃ(X C2 + YC2) dm = M d2, d2 = (XC2 + YC2) = RC2.
ʃ(x2 + y2) dm = IZC, the MI about Centroidal Z axis.

So IZZ = IZC + RC2M or Ill = IlC + Md2 & IZC = IZZ - RC2M
27 MMIs of a Rod.
A rod is a solid with its cross sectional (CS) dimensions
negligible compared to its length. Hence Mass M is
expressed as Length L times Mass per unit Length M'. M = LM'

Data: Length = L XC = L/2 = d; M' = M/L

Mass of d-element dm = M' dx
IYY: IYY = ʃ X2 dm = ʃ 0LX2 M'dx = M' ʃX2 dX
= [M/L] [X3 / 3]0L = [M/L] [L3 / 3]; IYY = M L2 / 3
IYC: IYY = IYC + Md2 or IYC = IYY – Md2 d = L/2
IYC = [ML /3] – M L /4 ML [(4 – 3) / 12]]; IYC = ML2 / 12
2 2 2

Note IXX = IXC = 0 as the CS area is negligible. IZZ = IYY; IZC = IYC
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Mass Moment of Inertia Reading Page4

28 MMI of a circular ring about its centroidal axes

Data: Mass of the Ring = M
Dimensions of CS are negligible compared to R.
Mass of the d-element = dm
Mean Radius Lr to ZZ = R

IZZ: IZZ = ʃR2 dm = R2 ʃ dm; IZZ = MR2

IXX & IYY: Applying Perpendicular Axis Theorem

as Z dimension of the CS is negligible.
By symmetry IXX = IYY
MR2 = IXX + IYY or IXX = IYY = MR2/2
2 MMI of a Thin Rectangular Plate
A plate is considered thin when its thickness t is very small
compared to other dimensions. Then mass is expressed as area A
times mass per unit area M''. M = A M'', A = bh.

Data: Mass = M, Mass per unit Area M'' = M/bh

XC = b/2 YC = h/2
dm = M/bh dA = [M/bh] h dX = [M/b] dX
IXC: The d-element is a rod of length h and mass dm.
dIXX = dm h2/3 This derivation is
from first principles.
IXX = ʃ dm h2/ 3 = [M/b] h2/3 ʃ0b dX; IXX = M h2/ 3
It is not by a
IXC = IXX – M d2 = M h2(1/3 – 1/4); IXC = M h2/12 comparison with
IYC: dIYC = 0 as as C.S. area is negligible. Rectangular Area
dI = dIYC + dm d2 = 0 + [(M/b) dX] X2 MIs. So this is
. YY
IYY = (M/b) ʃ0bX2 dX = [M/b][ X3/3]0b; IYY = Mb2/ 3 preferred.
IYC = IYY – M d2 = Mb2 [1/3 -1/4]; IYC = Mb2 /12
30 MMIs of an Annular Ring and Disc

Data: Mass M, Mass per unit area M'' = M/ π(R12 - R22 )

dm = 2πrdr M''
IZZ: .d IZZ = dm r2 = (2πrdr)M'' r2 = 2πM'' r3dr
IZZ = 2π M'' ʃR2R1 r3 dr = 2π M''[r4/4]R2R1
= [2 π M / π(R12 - R22 )] [R14 – R24]/4

IZZ = M [R12 + R22]/2

Let R2 = 0 and R1 = R , then for a thin disc of Radius R
IZZ = MR2/2; IXX = IYY = MR2/4
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P29
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs of Hollow and Solid Objects Reading Page1

Hollow Objects Solid Objects

31 MMI of a Right Triangle:

Data: Thin right triangle. Mass M, Mass per

unit area M'' = M/(1/2)bh = 2M/bh
D- element area dA = (dX) (Y)
Y = [h/b] X, XC = 2b3/, YC = h/3

dm = M'' dA = [2M/bh] dx [h/b]X
= [2 M/b2] X dX

IXX & IXC : dIXX = [dm] Y2 / 3 = [2 M/b2] X dX * [h2/b2] X2/3

dIXX = [2M h2/ 3b4] X3 dX

IXX = [2Mh2 /3 b4] ʃ0b X3 dX = [2Mh2 /3 b4] [X4/4] 0b

IXX = Mh2/6
IXC = IXX – Md2 = Mh2 / 6 - M h2/9 = M [(3 – 2)/18]; IXC = Mh2/18

IYY & IYC: .

dIYC = 0 as the CS area is negligible.

dIYY = dIYC + (dm) d2 = 0 + [2 M/b2] X dX * X2

dIYY = [2M /b2] X3 dX

IYY = [2M /b2] ʃ0bX3 dX = [2M /b2] [X4 / 4]0b; IYY = Mb2 / 2

IYC = IYY – Md2 = Mb2/2 - M 4b2/9 = M b2(9 – 8) / 18; IYC = Mb2/18

32 MMIs for a general Triangle: M = M1 + M2, b = b1 + b2

IXC = IXC1 + IXC2 as C1 and C2 are on the same centroidal

axis. IXC = M1h2 / 18 + M2 h2/18 = M h2 /18

IYY1 = IYC1 + M1 d12 = M1b12 /18 + M1 b12/9 = M1b12/6

IYY2 = IYC2 + M2 d22 = M2b22 /18 + M2 b22 /9 = M2b22/6 For b1 = b2 = b/2, XC = 0

IXC = M h2 /6
IYY = IYY1 + IYY2 IYC = IYY – M XC2 IYC = Mb2/24
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P30
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs of Hollow and Solid Objects Reading Page2

33 MMI of Thin circular plate and semicircular plate

Data: Mass M, A = π R2 , M'' = M /A = M /π R2

dm = M'' dA = [M /π R2] [2πr dr]

dm = [2 M / R2] r dr

IZZ & IXX: dIZZ = dm * r2 = [2 M / R2] r dr * r2

IZZ = [2 M / R2] ʃ0R r3 dr = [2 M / R2] [ r4/4] 0R

IZZ = MR2/2, IZZ = IXX + IYY ;

IXX = IYY; IXX = MR2 / 4

IXX & IXC for Semicircular plate. IXX will be half with the mass of
the circular plate, but in terms of its own mass it will be IXX = MR2 / 4
IXC = IXX - Md2 = [ MR2 / 4 ] - M [4R /3π]2

IXC = 0.07 M R2

34 MMI of Hollow Thin Sphere & Hemisphere (Shell)

Data: Mass of the sphere M,

Surface area A = π R [2π (2R/π)] = 4πR2
Mass per unit area M'' = M / 4πR2

dm = M'' dA = [M / 4πR2] [2πr R dθ]

dm = [M/2] cos θ dθ

IYC = I YY : dIYC = (dm) r2 = [M/2] cos θ dθ * [R cos θ]2

dIYC = [M R2/2] cos3 θ dθ

IYC = [M R2/2] ʃ cos3 θ dθ

IYC = [ 2 / 3] MR2

IYC of the Hemisphere: Since OYC is same, IYC will be half of

Sphere's. Since its own mass M is also half of the Sphere,
IYC = [2 / 3] MR2
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs of Hollow and Solid Objects Reading Page3

35 MMI of a Cylinder
Data: Mass M,
Volume V = πR2 L
M''' = M / V = M /πR2 L

dV = πR2 dZ

dm = [M'''] (dV)
= [ M /πR2 L] ( πR2 dZ ) = [M/L] dZ

IZZ: dIZZ = [dm] R2 / 2 = [M/L] dZ * R2/2

dI = [MR2/2L] dZ
. ZZ

IZZ = [MR2/2L] ʃ0L dZ = [MR2/2L] [Z] 0L; IZZ = MR2 / 2

IYY & IYC: For the Differentia Element, being a very thin disc,

dIYCE = [dm] R2 / 4 = [MR2/L] dZ

dIYY = dIYCE + [dm] Z2 = [MR2/4L] dZ + [M/L] Z2 dZ

. YY
= [MR2// 4L] ʃ0L dZ + [M/L] ʃ0L Z2 dZ
= MR2 / 4 + ML3 / 3L
IYY = [M/12] [3R2 + 4L2]

IYC = IYY – M (L/2)2

= MR2 / 4 + ML3 / 3L – M L2/4
IYC = M / 12 [3R2 + L2]

Because of the symmetry of the Cross Section:

IXX = IYY = [M / 12] [3R2 + 4L2]

IXC = IYC = [M / 12] [3R2 + L2]

Special Cases: When L is very small compared to R, the cylinder becomes a disc.
Then IXX = IXC = IYY = IYC = MR2 / 4; IZZ = MR2/2
When R is very small compared to L, the cylinder becomes a Rod.
Then IXX = IYY = ML2/3; IXC = IYC = ML2 /12; IZZ = 0
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs of Hollow and Solid Objects Reading Page4

36 MMIs of a Prism
Data: Mass M,
Volume V = BHL
M''' = M / V = M / BH L
dV = BH dZ
dm = [M'''] (dV) = [ M /BH L] ( BH dZ )

dm = = [M/L] dZ
IZZ: dIZZ = [dm] [B2 + H2] / 12 = = [M /12 L] (B2 + H2) dZ
IZZ = [M /12 L] (B2 + H2) ʃ0L dZ = [M /12 L] (B2 + H2) [Z] 0L;

IZZ = M (B2 + H2) / 12

IYY & IYC: For the Differential Element, being a very thin disc, .

dIYCE = [dm] B2 / 12 = [MB2/12L] dZ

dIYY = dIYCE + [dm] Z2 = [MB2/12L] dZ + [M/L] Z2 dZ

IYY = [MB2// 12L] ʃ0L dZ + [M/L] ʃ0L Z2 dZ

= MB2 / 12 + ML3 / 3L
IYY = [M/12] [B2 + 4L2]

IYC = IYY – M (L/2)2

= MB2 / 12 + ML3 / 3L – M L2/4; IYC = M / 12 [B2 + L2]

dIXCE = [dm] H2 / 12 = [MH2 / 12L ] dZ

dIXX = dIXCE + [dm] Z2 = [MH2 / 12L ] dZ + [M/L] Z2 dZ

IXX = [MH2 / 12L ] ʃ0 L dZ + [M/L] ʃ0L Z2 dZ

IXX = M /12 [H2 + 4L2]

IXC = IXX – M] [L/2]2 = M/12 H2 + ML2 /3 – ML2 / 4

IXC = M /12 [H2 + L2]

Special Cases: When L is very small compared to R, the prism becomes a Plate IXX

= IXC = MH2 / 12; IYY = IYC = MB2 / 12 ; IZZ = M (B2 + H2) /12
When B & H are very small compared to L, the prism becomes a Rod.
IXX = IYY = ML2/3; IXC = IYC = ML2 /12; IZZ = 0
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P33
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs and Worked Examples Reading Page1

Sphere and Cone Worked Examples

37 MMI of solid Sphere & Hemisphere (Shell)

Data: Mass of the sphere M,

Volume V = ADC

[ πR2/2] [2π *4R/3π] = 4πR3/3
Mass per unit Volume M''' = 3M / 4πR3
Element Area AE = πr2 = π [R2 - Y2]

dm = M''' dV = M''' AE dY
[3M / 4πR3] * π [R2 – Y2] dY

dm = [(3/4) MR3 [ R2 - Y2] dY

IYC = I YY : .
dIYC = (dm) r2//2 r2 = (R2 - Y2)
[(3/4) [M / R3] [ R2 - Y2] dY (R2 – Y2) / 2

dIYC = (3 / 8) [M / R3] [R2 – Y2]2 dY

IYC = (3 / 8)[ M / R3] ʃ-RR [R4 + Y4 – 2 R2Y2] dY

= (3 / 8) [M / R3] [R4 Y+ Y5/5 – 2R2Y3 /3]-RR

= (3 / 8) [M / R3] [2(15R5+ 3R5 – 10R5) / 15]
= (3 / 8) [MR2 [16/ 15]; IYC = [2 / 5] MR2

IYC of the Upper Hemisphere: Since OYC is same, IYC will be half of
Sphere's. Since its own mass M is also half of the Sphere's,
IYC = [2 / 5] MR2

38 MMIs for upper solid Hemisphere.

The IXX for the upper hemisphere shown will be same as IYY
or IYC as above. However IXC will be different and less than IXX.

IXC = IXX – Md2 = (2/5) MR2 - - M (3/8R)2

IXC = 0.26 MR2

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P34
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs and Worked Examples Reading Page2

39 MMI of a Right cone.

Data: Mass M
Volume V = [1/3] πR2H
M''' = M / V = 3 M / πR2H
Element Area AE= πY2
Y = [R/H] Z
dm = M''' dV = M''' AEdZ

dm = 3 M /πR2H* πY2*dZ
= [3M/R2H] [R2/H2] Z2dZ

dm = [3M/H3] Z2 dZ

IZZ: .
dIZZ = dm Y2 /2
= [3M/H3] Z2 dZ * [R/H]2 Z2 /2
= [3 MR2 /2 H5] Z4 dZ
IZZ = [3 MR2 / H5] ʃ0H Z4 dZ =

= [3 MR2 /2 H5] [ Z5 / 5] 0H

IZZ = [3/10] MR2

IYY & IXX: For the Differential Element

dIYCE = dm Y2 /4 = [3M/H3] Z2 dZ * [R/H]2 Z2/4
= [3MR2/4H5] Z4 dZ

dIYY = dIYCE + dm Z2 [ Ill = IlC + Md2]

= [3MR2/4H5] Z4 dZ + [3M/H3] Z2 dZ Z2
IYY = [3MR2/4H5] ʃ0HZ4 dZ + [3M/H3] Z4 dZ

= [3MR2/4H5] [Z5 / 5]0H + [3M/H3] [Z5 /5]0H

IYY = [3/5] M [R2/4 + H2] = IXX due to symmetry

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P35
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs and Worked Examples Reading Page3

Example 24 : A uniform steel rod is bent into the

form of an isosceles triangle (OA = OB).
Determine the mass moments of inertia about
the axes through O and the Centroid C , both
perpendicular to the plane of the figure.
Total mass of the rod is 12 kg .


Data: Total Mass M = 12 kg

Total Length L = 5 + 5 + 6 = 16 m
M' = M /L = 0.75. kg/m
1. OA L1 = 5, M1 = 3.75 7kg, C1 ( -2.0, 1.5); IZC1 = 7.81 kg m2
2. OB L2 = 5 M2= 3.75 kg, C2 ( -2.0, -1.5); I = 7.81 kg m2

3. AB L3 = 6 M3 = 4.5 kg, C3 (-.3, 0); IZC3 = 13.5 kg m2

Calculation of XC and YC
Element N C Arm N * Mass M N = Moment XMN YMN
OA 1 XC1= - 2.0 3.75 7.5
YC1 = 1.5 5.625
OB 2 XC2 = -2.0 3.75 - 7.5
YC2 = -1.5 - 5.625
AB 3 XC1 = - 4 4.5 - 18 0
YC3 = 0
M = 12 XM = - 33 YM = 0

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments; XC = - 2.75 m YC = 0

IZC: Parallel Axis Theorem

IZN = IZCN + [(XCN - XC)2 + (YCN – YC2)] * MN

IZ1 = 18.357

IZ2 = 18.357

IZ3 = 20.51
IZC = 57.224 kg m2
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P36
Centroid and Moment of Inertia MMIs - Worked Examples Reading Page4

Example 25: Find the Centroidal MMI

IZC of a crank shaft shown .
L in cm Y
Data: Mass per unit volume
M''' = 7850 kg/m3 1.4
7.85 g/cm3
B1 = 0.9, H1 = 5.4 L1= 0.6 2.7
YC1 = 0 M1 = 22.9 g 1.8
IZC1 = M (B2 + H2) / 12 = 57.2
D2 = 0.6, L2 = 1.4
1.8 1.4
YC2 = - 1.8, M2 = 3.11g
IZC2 = MR /2 = 0.14

D3 = 0.6, L3 = 1.4 0.9 0.6

YC3 = 1.8 M3 = 3.11 g
IZC3 = MR2/2 = 0.14

By symmetry
XC = YC = ZC = 0

IZZ & IZC: Application of Parallel Axis Theorem in its two forms.

IZN = IZCN + (YCN - YC) * MN

IZ1 = 57.2

IZ2 = 10.216

IZ3 = 10.216

IZC = Σ IZN = 77.632 g cm2

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P37
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Sample Unit Test Reading Page1
Total Marks/40 =>
Assessment A1 on Classes 1 to 4. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.

Q1: Finding a Centroidal Coordinate for Q2: Finding a Centroidal Coordinate

a Line Composite for a general Triangle
(1, 4) C2 L
Find the XC of the + 2 (0, 5)
(3, 4)
L1 + C
link Composite Find the YC of the 2
of L1 and L2 C1 + general triangle
with vertices
Solution: 1, 2, and 3 + C (3, 3)

(1, 1) Solution:
XC1 = L1 = 4
XC 1 (1, 1)
XC2 = 2 L2 =
= (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3
L = L1 + L2 =
YC = (Y1 + Y2 + Y3) / 3
Moment of SUM = SUM of Moments

XC*L =
YC =
XC =

Q3: Finding the area of revolution of Q4: Finding the Volume of revolution of
Line about an Axis Area about an axis

Find the Area of revolution Find the Volume 3

the inclined line about the of Revolution
dotted vertical axis. 4 +C of the Triangle
C +
about the dotted 3 3
Solution: 3 Horizontal Axis

Theorem of Pappus:
Area = Length * Distance Traveled by Centriod.
Theorem of Pappus:

Volume = Area * Distance Traveled by Centriod.

Area in Square Units: Volume in Cubic Units:

Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Sample Unit Test Reading Page2

Assessment B1 on Classes 1 to 4. Time: 15 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.
Problem 1: Determine the coordinates XC and YC of the center of 10 dia. circular
hole cut in a thin plate, so that this point will be the centroid of the remaining area.

Solution: The dotted triangle (2) and the hole circle (3)
areas are to be subtracted from the rectangular plate (1) 9 cm
area to get Remaining Area A. A = A1 – A2 – A3.
9 cm 1
Let the Coordinates of the circle be XC3 and YC3 3
16 cm
They should be equal to XC and YC. 7 cm C+

1. Rectangle: Area A1 =
20 cm
X, Y Arm Moments:
XC1 = : XM1 = XC1 * A1 =
A = A1 – A2 – A3
YC1 = : YM1 = YC1 * A1 =
2. Triangle: Area A2 =

XC2 = : XM2 = XC2 * A2 =

YC2 = : YM2 = YC2 * A2 =

3. Circle: Area A3 =

XC3 = XC : XM3 = XC * A3 =

YC3 = YC : YM3 = YC * A3 =

Remaining Area A: For XC and YC

Moment of the Sum = Sum of the Moments

XC ( ) = => XC =

YC ( ) = => YC =
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P39
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Sample Unit Test Reading Page3

Assessment A2 on Classes 4 to 9. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.

Q5: Finding IXX of a Composite Section Q6: Finding Polar MIPC of a Section

With given data 2 + C2 With given data find 3 cm

find IPC of the Composite.
IXX of the Composite.
YC1 = 4 A1 = 16 cm2
+ C A = 12 cm2
IXX = 3*43 / 3 cm4
YC2 = 9 A2 = 16 cm2 + C1 +C 4 cm
YC = 6.5 A = 32
IXC1 = 85.44 cm4 1
IXC2 = 5.33 cm4
IYY = 4*33 / 3 cm4
IXX1 =
IXX2 =
IXX in cm4 =
IPC in cm4 =
Q7: Finding Composite Mass Moment of Q8: Finding Mass Moment of Inertia
Inertia about an Axis 4 cm Φ Compound Pendulum

For the disc of 0.2 kg, For disc of 0.2 kg ,

Find IXX. at the bottom find IZZ at the top
end of0.18 kg rod. end of 0.18 kg rod. 6 cm

IXC of Disc = IZC of Disc =

6 cm 4 cm Φ

IXX of Disc = IZZ of Disc =

= =X IZC of Rod =
IXC of Rod =

IXX of Rod = IZZ of Rod =

IXX of (Disc + Rod) IZZ of (Disc + Rod)

in kg cm2 = in kg cm2 =
Unit 4 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P40
Centroid and Moment of Inertia Sample Unit Test Reading Page4

Assessment B2 on Classes 4 to 9. Time: 15 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.

Problem 2: Find the Centroidal MMI IZC of a crank shaft shown

.Data: Mass per unit volume

M''' = 7850 kg/m3 L in cm Y
7.85 g/cm3, I in kg cm2
B1 = 0.9, H1 = 5.4 L1= 0.6 1.4
+ 2
YC1 = 0 M1 = 22.9 g
2.7 C2
IZC1 = M (B2 + H2) / 12 = 57.2 2.0

C C1
D2 = 0.6, L2 = 1.4
YC2 = 2.0 , M2 = 3.11g 2.0
IZC2 = MR2/2 = 0.14 2.7
D3 = 0.6, L3 = 1.4
0.9 0.6
YC3 = - 2.0, M3 = 3.11 g
IZC3 = MR2/2 = 0.14

YC = 0:

IZC: Application of Parallel Axis Theorem

IZN = IZCN + (YCN - YC)2 * MN

IZ1 =
IZ2 =

IZ3 =

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P1
Kinematics and Kinetics Position, Velocity and Acceleration Reading Page1

Rectilinear Translation Integral Equations of Motion

1 Kinematics: The study of the linear position vector and angle, their first time rates called
linear and angular velocity vectors and second time rates called linear and angular acceleration
vectors, constitute the subject of kinematics of plane motion in this class-book.

2. Rectilinear Translation: It is motion of a body, with fixed orientation along

a fixed straight line.

For simplicity let x, the position of a particle from a

reference point, and be a function of time along x axis.

Then x = f(t)
Let (d/dt)x = x', be the velocity v. x
“ ' ”is used for ease in typing the time derivative.

So, v = x' = (d/dt) of x

Acceleration a is
a = (d/dt) v = v'

Questions usually will be of the following nature.

A1. Find x, v and a at a given time.

A2. Find the times when velocity is zero.
A3. Find distance, average velocity between two given times.

Example 1: The position of a particle moving along a straight line is defined by the relation
X = t3 – 9t2 +15t +18 where x is in meters and t in seconds. Determine the time,
Solution: position
Given and acceleration
x = of +the
t3 – 9t2 + 15t 18particle when its velocity becomes zero.
v = dx/dt = x' = 3t2 -18t +15

a = dv/dt = x'' = 6t -18
Times when velocity is zero => 3t2 -18t +15 = 0

t2 - 6 t + 5 = 0
(t -1) (t-5) = 0
t = 1 and 5 sec.

x t=1 = 1 - 9 + 15 +18 = -11m

x t=5 = 1 + 9* 25 + 15*5 + 18 = -7 m

a t =1 = 6t -18 = -12 m / s2 a t=5 = 6*5 -18 = 12 m / s2
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P2
Kinematics and Kinetics Position, Velocity and Acceleration Reading Page2

2 Integral Equations of Motion: When x is given as a function of time, it is differentiated to get

velocity and acceleration. On the other hand, if acceleration is given as a function of time, or
velocity or position, appropriate integral equations are formed to arrive at the position as a function
of time. The following examples illustrate the solution of such Integral Equations of Motion .

Acceleration given as a function of time.

a = f(t) =>
dv = f(t) dt v = ʃot f(t) dt + vo
dx = v dt x = ʃot v dt + xo

Example 2: The acceleration of a particle in rectilinear motion is defined by the relation

a = 2t2 + 3. Given the initial velocity and displacement are respectively 3m/s
and 2 m, write the equations of motion. Also determine position, velocity and
acceleration at t = 2 s.

Solution: Acceleration function is to be integrated twice.

a = 2t2 + 3 or dv = (2t2 + 3) dt
v = ʃ (2t2 + 3) dt

v = 2 t3 /3 + 3t + vo E1
Given v = 3/s at t = 0 (Initial velocity):
3 = 0 + 0 + vo ;
So vo = 3
E1 with constant of integration solved is:
v = 2 t3 /3 + 3t + 3

dx = (2 t3 /3 + 3t + 3) dt
x = ʃ (2 t3 /3 + 3t + 3) dt
x = (2/3) (t4/4) + 3t2 /2 + t + xo E2
Given x = 2 m at t = 0 (Initial position)
2 = 0 + 0 + 0 + x o;
So xo = 2

E2 with constant of integration solved is:

x = (2/3) (t4/4) + 3t2 /2 + t + 2

x(2) = (2/3) [24/4] + 3 [22/2] + [2] +2 = 14

v(2) = 2[23/3] + 3[2] + 3 = 14.33 m/s

a (2) = 2[22] + 3 = 11 m/s2

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P3
Kinematics and Kinetics Position, Velocity and Acceleration Reading Page3

3 Acceleration as a function of velocity

a = f (v) or dv = f (v) dt
Rearranging dv / f(v) = dt => v = g (t)
dx = g (t) dt
x = h (t)

Example 3: The acceleration of a particle is given by a = k (v)1/2 where a is in m/s2 and k is

constant. The velocities at t = 1 s and 2 s are respectively 1 m/s and 4m/s and the displacement at t
= 3 is 18 m. Write the equation of motion.

Solution: In the previous problem the two initial values are given to solve the the two unknown
constants of integration. In this problem an additional unknown k is to be solved. hence an
additional initial value is given.

a = k (v)1/2 or dv =k (v)1/2 dt

(v)1/2 dv = k dt => ʃ(v)1/2 dv = ʃk dt

v 1/2 / [1/2] = kt + vo -
--- E1
For t = 1, v = 1m/s
1 / [1/2] = k + vo => k + vo = 2 --- E2
With t = 2, v = 4
(4)1/2 / [1/2] = k (2) + vo => 2k + vo = 4 --- E3

E3 – E2 => k = 2 and from E2 or E3 vo = 0

E1 => v1/2 = [1/2] 2 t = t

or v = t2 => dx = t2 dt

Integrating, x = t3 / 3 + x o
With t = 3 s, x = 24 m
24 = 27 /3 + xo
xo = 15 m

The Equation of motion is x = t3 / 3 + 15

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P4
Kinematics and Kinetics Position, Velocity and Acceleration
Reading Page4

4 Acceleration as a function of position

a = f (x); dv = f(x) dt
Multiplying both sides by v; v dv = f(x) vdt
Simplifying v dv = f (x) dx

Integrating between limits ʃvov v dv = ʃxox f (x) dx

[v2/2] – [vo2 / 2] = ʃxox f (x) dx

or v = g (x)
dx = g(x) dt => x = h (t)

Example 4: A particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration a = 6(S) 1/3, when t = 3s,
S= 64 m and its velocity is 48 m/s. Calculate velocity, acceleration when t = 2s.
Solution: a = 6 (S) 1/3
or vdv = 6 (S) 1/3 dS
Integrating v2/2 = 6 [S (13/ + 1) / [1/3+1] + v02 / 2

v2 = 2*6 [S (4/3) / [4/3] + v02

v2 = 9 S(4/3) + v0
With S= 64 and v = 48 m/s
2304 = 2304 + v0 v0 = o
v = 3 S2/3 or dS / dt = 3 S2/3
Rearranging S -2/3 dS = 3 dt
Integrating S ( -3/2 +1) / [-3/2 + 1] = 3t + S0

[1/3] S1/3 = 3t + S0

At t = 3 s S =64; 12 = 9 + S0 S0 = 3
3 S1/3 = 3t +3 or S1/3 = t + 1
S = (t + 1)3
At t = 2 S = (2+ 1) 3 ; S = 27 m Ans.
v = dS/dt = 3 (t + 1) 2 at t = 2 v = 27 m/s Ans.
a = dv / dt = 6 (t+1) at t=2 a = 18 m/s2 Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P5
Kinematics and Kinetics Uniformly Accelerated Motion Reading Page1

Uniformly Accelerated Motion Motion Graphs

5 Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Most of practical events in nature occur with uniform
accelerated motion meaning constant acceleration. So let us review the related formulae.
dv / dt = a (constant)
dv = a dt or v = u + at E1 where u is v at t= 0.
v = ds / dt, so ds = (u + at) dt

Integrating, s = s0 + ut + at2/2 E2 where s0 is s at t= 0

dv / dt = a or dv = a dt
Multiplying both sides v, v dv = a ds.

Integrating v2 / 2 – u2 / 2 = 2 as

or v2 = u2 + 2 as E3
E1, E2 and E3 are most basic formulae in kinematics.
Vertical height reached by a particle thrown up with velocity u.

Let h be height reached at which v = 0. Using E3, 0 = u2 – 2 gh

or 2gh = u2; h = u2 / 2g

Example 5: A stone is dropped into a well without initial velocity. Its splash is heard after 3.5 s.
Another stone is dropped with some initial velocity and its splash is heard after 3sec. Determine the
initial velocity of the second stone if the velocity of sound is 335m/sec.

Case 1: Let t be time to go down , T be the time for the sound to travel up.:
t + T = 3.5 sec. , T = (3.5 – t)
Let S be the depth downwards. g is positive downwards. U = 0 U2 = U
S = (1/2) g t2 = Vsound * T = 335 (3.5 – t)
gt2 = (670) (35) - 670 t (t - .5) T
gt2 + 670 t - (670) (5) = 0 t T
t = [- 670 + 735.41]/2(9.8); t = 3.337 s S
S = 54.57 m
Case 2: With U2 = U, time taken to go down is 0.5s less than t.
54.57 = U (t - .5) + (1/2) g (t – 0.5)2 => U (2.837 ) = 15.132

U = 5.3338 m/s Ans.

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P6
Kinematics and Kinetics Uniformly Accelerated Motion Reading Page2

Example 6: Two balls A and B are projected simultaneously with the same velocity u
from the top of a tower one vertically upward and the other vertically downwards. if they
reach the ground in time t1 and t2 respectively show that (t1 t2) is the time which a third
ball C will take to reach the ground if it is let to drop from top of the tower.

Solution: Ball A

Let the Ball A take time t' to go up

and t' to come back to the tower.
v = u – gt
0 = u – gt' or t' = u / g

Total time to go up and come back to

to the tower is 2t' = 2u / g

Ball B. Let t2 be the time Ball B takes to reach the ground.

h = u t2 + [1/2] g t22 E1

The time taken by ball A to reach the ground is

t1 = 2t' + t2

t1 = 2u / g + t2 or 2u/g = t1 – t2 u = (t1 – t2) g / 2 ----- E2

Ball C: Free fall through h in time t.

h = (0) t + [1/2] g t2 ----------------- E3

E3 = E1 => [1/2] g t2 = u t + [1/2] g t22 --------- E4

Substituting the E2 in E4 for u

[1/2] gt2 = (t1 – t2)t2 g /2 + [1/2] g t22

Canceling out g/2 => t2 = ( t1 – t2 ) t2 + t22 = t1 t2

t = [t1 t2]1/2 Ans.

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P7
Kinematics and Kinetics Uniformly Accelerated Motion Reading Page3

Example 7: In a race, car A starts with an acceleration of 3.2 m/s2.. Car B waits waits for 3 seconds
and starts with an acceleration of 5 m/s2. Find when and where car B overtakes car A and the speed
of the cars at that time.
Solution: Cars A and B are at the same distance S from S in t sec.
the start point in times t and t-3. S
Applying SIM4: S = [1/2] aA t2 = [1/2] aB (t-3)2
S in ( t -3) sec.
3.2 t = 5 ( t + 9 – 6t) or 1.8 t - 30 t + 45 = 0
2 2 2

solving the quadratic, t = [ 30 + (900 - 324)1/2] / 3.6

t = 15 s or 1.667. as (t- 3) is negative for Car B, S = 0.5* 3.2* 152 = 360 m
We take t= 15 s as the answer.
S in ( t -3) sec.
Speed of car A = 3.2 * 15 = 48 m/s Answer
Speed of car B = 5 * 12 = 60 m/s Answer

Example 8: Two cars A and B start from two stations X meters apart at the same time as shown.
The uniform accelerations of the cars A and B are 4.8 m/s2 and 3.2 m/s2 respectively. If car A over
takes B when B moved a distance of 300 meters, find A. time taken to overtake, B. distance X and
C. speed of each car.

Solution: Let T be the time when Cars A an B are at A

the same position.
X 300 m
S = ut + [1/2] a t2
Car B.
300 = 0 + [1/2] 3.2 T2 => T = 13.69 ses. Ans.

Car A.
X + 300 = 0 + [1/2] 4.8 (13.69)2

=> X = 450 m Ans.


Car A
vA = 4.8 * 13.69 = 65.71 m/s Ans.
Car B
vB = 3.2 * 113.69 = 43.81 m/s Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P8
Kinematics and Kinetics Uniformly Accelerated Motion Reading Page4

6 Motion Graphs: Motion graphs are sometimes used to describe the motion of objects like car,
train, elevator and cam follower in an engine etc., from start to stop. In case of, say a train, it
leaves a station with zero velocity and accelerates to a velocity and travels a distance with constant
velocity and then decelerates to stop with zero velocity. In a Similar way, while crossing a bridge on
a river, a train decelerates to a lower constant velocity and then picks up to earlier constant higher
velocity. Usually accelerations are lower in magnitude than decelerations, due to the power

Example 9: A train starts at A with a uniform

acceleration of 0.8 m/ sec2 for 25 seconds to B. It E F
then runs for 4 minutes at constant speed to C. It
finally decelerates uniformly for 120 meters to
come to a stop at D. Find the Total distance V
between A and D. S1 S2 S3
Solution: The graph is shown on the right. The
area under the velocity line represents the distance A t1 B t2 C t3 D
S in that phase. t
Motion Between Stations
Phase A to B: = 0, a = 0.8 m/s2, t = 25
VB = a t = 0.8 * 25 = 20 m/s
AB is Area under AE to AB
AB = 0.5 * (25) * (20) = 250 m.
By Formula:
S = ut + [1/2]a t2 V
AB = 0 (25) + 0.5 * 0.8* 252 = 250 m S1 S2 S3

Phase B to C; Constant velocity for 4* 60 SEc. . t1 t2 t3

Area under EF to BC. 240*20 = 4800 m
Motion Crossing a Bridge
S = ut 20*240 = 4800 m

Phase C to D: Area under line is given as 120

meters. Note: The student should
therefore [1/2] t3*20 = 120 develop the capacity to
t3 = 12 sec solve both graphically and
By formula analytically.
v2 = u2 + 2as 0 = 400 + 2 a (120)
a = 1.667 m/s 2

v = u + at 0 = 20 – 1.667 t3 or t3 = 12 sec.

Total time taken is t = 25 sec. + 4 min + 12 Sec.

= 4 min 37sec. Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P9
Kinematics and Kinetics Curvilinear Motion Reading Page1

Projectile Motion Normal and Tangential Accelerations

7 Curvilinear and Projectile Motion

:Translational motion of a particle along a
path other than a straight line, is called
curvilinear motion. A special case of it
influenced only by gravity is called
Projectile Motion. It has two component
motions, Horizontal (X Direction) and
Vertical (Y direction).

At the point of projection O, x0 = y0 = 0.

Motion along X Direction Motion along Y direction At P(x,y)

Uniform Velocity Acceleration due gravity.
v = [vx2 + vy2]1/2
ax = 0 or dvx= 0 ay = - g or dvy = - g dt
θ = tan-1 [vy / vx]
vx = v0 cos ɑ vy = v0 sin ɑ – gt

vy2 = (v0 sin ɑ)2 – 2gy

One of the following
x = (v0 cos ɑ) t y = (v0 sin ɑ) t – [1/2] gt2 will be an unknown
in a typical problem
y = [v0y/v0x] x - [1/2] g x2 / vox2
y = x tan α – [1/2] gx2 / [v0 cos α]2 x, y, v0 and α
The above equations are of the form y = ax – bx2.
Hence the trajectory of a projectile is a parabola.
Time t to reach maximum height (time of ascent) and time of flight :
vy = 0 => 0 = v0 sin α – gt =>

t = [v0 sin α] / g [for pure vertical motion, α = 90o and t = v0 /g ]

Time of flight T is the sum of time of ascent and equal time of descent to the same level.
Hence T = 2t = 2 [v0 sin α] / g For pure Vertical motion T = 2v0 / g

Maximum Height reached hmax: vy2 = 0 => 0 = [v0 sin α]2 – 2gymax

hmax = ymax = [v0 sin α]2 / (2g) [ For pure vertical motion, hmax = v02 / (2g) ]
Range R: Horizontal distance from the point of projection to the point of return of the
projectile at the same level. R = v0x * T = v0 cos α * 2 v0 sin α / g; R = v02 sin 2α /g

Rmax and α: For Rmax, sin 2α = 1 or α = 45o and Rmax = v02/g

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P10
Kinematics and Kinetics Curvilinear Motion Reading Page2

Example 10: A ball is hit at an angle of 40

degrees with the horizontal with a velocity of
30 m/s as shown. At what times and
distances can it be caught at a height of 2 m?

Solution: In the trajectory equation, y, v0 and α are given.

Distances and times are to be found.
Data: In the Trajectory Equation
y = x tan α – [1/2] gx2 / [v0 cos α]2

y = 2 m; v0 = 30 m/s α = 40o

x1 & x2 : 2 = x tan 40o - 0.5* 9.8 x2 / [30 cos 40o]2

2 = 0.84 x – 9.28 x2 /1000 or 9.28 x2 – 840 x +2000 = 0
x = {840 + [ 8402 - 4*9.28*200]1/2 } / [2*9.28]
[840 + 794.6] / 18.56; x1 = 5.30 m x2 = 88.07 m
t1 & t2: t = x / v0 cos α

t1 = 5.30 / 30 cos 40o; t1 = 0.23 s. Ans.

t2 = 88.07 / 30 cos 40o = 3.83 s; t2 = 3.83 s. Ans.

Example 11: A man throws an iron ball at an initial velocity of 12m/s what should be the
projection angle if he has to reach a record of 12 m. The height of the ball is 1.2 m.
Data: In the Trajectory Equation
y = x tan α – [1/2] gx2 / [v0 cos α]2

x = 12 m y = - 1.2 m; v0 = 12c m/s, α = ?

α: - 1.2 = 12 tan α - 0.5* 9.8 * 122 / [12 cos α]2
- 1.2 = 12 tan α - 4.9 sec 2 α As sec2 α = 1+ tan2 α
-1.2 = 12 tan α - 4.9 (1 + tan 2 α)
4.9 tan2 α – 12 tan α + 3.7 = 0
tan α = {12 + [ 144 - 4*4.9*3.7]1/2 } / [2*4.9] = 0.362 or 2.086;
α = 19.9o Or 64.39o Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P11
Kinematics and Kinetics Curvilinear Motion Reading Page3

8 Derivative of a Unit Vector

Let (d/dt) e (θ) = e' (θ) and (dθ/dt) = ω;

As shown in the figure on right,
time derivative of unit vector e (θ) is given by :
its tip speed 1ω, due to CCW rotation and
direction (θ + 90) perpendicular to e(θ).
Hence e'(θ) = ω e(θ + 90)

9 Tangential and Normal Components

At a given instant and point, the velocity vector v of a

particle on a path is along its tangent at that point. Let
the polar angle of the tangent be θ.

ds = ρ dθ; dividing by dt , Tangential Speed vt is

ds/ dt = ρ dθ/dt or ρ is radius of curvature
vt = ρω and ω = vt / ρ C is center of Curvature

v = vt e(θ)
a = v' = vt' e (θ) + vt ω e (θ + 90), as ω = vt / ρ et = e(θ) [Tangential]
a = vt' e(θ) + [vt2/ρ] e(θ + 90) en= e(θ + 90) [Normal]
a = at e(θ) + an e(θ + 90);
at = vt' and an = [vt2/ρ]

10 Graphical Derivation of Tangential and Normal Components

A vector has a magnitude and direction. Hence derivative of a vector has two parts, one due the rate
of change in the magnitude and the other due to the rate of change in the direction. Now let us
consider the derivative of the Tangential Velocity Vector along a path.

a = vt'
. t
a = vt2 / ρ
. n

a = [at2 + an2]1/2

Radius of curvature ρ of the path:

ρ = [1+ (dy/dx)2]3/2 / [d2 y / dx2]

ρ = [x'2 + y'2 ]3/2 / [x'y'' – x'' y']

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Curvilinear Motion Reading Page4

Example 12: A car moving at a speed of 72 kmph enters the

curved phase of a path with a radius of curvature 100 m and Not To
begins at A to uniformly decelerate the speed to 54 kmph in 5 Scale
seconds at B. Show total acceleration vector at B. Find Total
accelerations at B and at D beyond B on the curve. C +
Data: Radius of Curvature ρ = 100 m D
Tangential Velocity at A vt A = 72 * 5/18 = 20 m/s B
vtB = 54 * 5/18 = 15 m/s
time t = 5sec. 4.12 e( 104.04) m/s2
Velocity at A v = 20 e(0) m/s
Tangential Acceleration: at = [15 – 20] /5 = - 1 m/s2 a
Normal Acceleration: v2/ ρ = 202 / 100 = 4.0 m/s2
Total Acceleration = [12 + 42]1/2 = 4.123 m/s2 aN
Acceleration angle CCW. α = cos-1[|at / a|] = 75.96o
aA = 4.12 e( 104.04) m/s2 Ans.
S along the path= [v2 - u2 /2a] = 21.22 m
Curve angle β for S = S/ρ rad => 12. 164o
Normal Accn at B = 152 / 100 = 2.25 m/s
Accn at B = [12 + 2.252]1/2. aB = 2.69 m/s2 Ans.
Beyond B, Tangential Accn is zero. Vt is constant.
Total accm at D = 152 / 100 aC = 2.25 m/s2 Ans.
Example 13: The equation for the curvilinear path in xy plane on which a particle is moving is
given by y= ax2. If the speed and acceleration at a point P (2m, 4m) are 6 m/s and 3m/s2
determine the total acceleration of the particle.
Data y = ax2 with P(2 , 4) on it.
4 = a (4) So a = 1 y = x2

To find the radius of curvature. dy/dx = 2x d2y/dx2 = 2 .

At P(2, 4) dy/dx = 4 d2y/dx2 = 2. a α
Tangent angle = tan -1 (4) = 75.96o vt Y
ρ = [1 + (dy/dx ] / [d y/dx2] =>
2 3/2 2
ρ = [171.5 ] / 2 = 70.093 / 2 = 35.05 m P +
vt = 6 (m/s
at = 3 m/s2 aN = 36 /35.05 = 1.027 m/ s2 aN P
a = [32 + 1.0272]1/2 = 3.171 m/s2 α = 18.9o

a = 3 e(75.96) + 1.03 e(165.96) X

= 3.171 e(94.86) Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P13
Kinematics and Kinetics Radial and Transverse Vectors Reading Page1

Motion of a Slider on a Rotating Link Mechanism Analysis

11 Slider Motion: The motion of a slider on a 90)

e( θ+
rotating link represents the general motion of a ω
point on a rigid body. This general motion can be 90 (θ)
described best by a. the radial position r of the e(θ)
slider joint on the slider and b. the polar angle (θ)
of the rotating rod carrying the slider and their time
On right a rotating unit vector's time
derivative is shown graphically, by its tip velocity.
Let (d/dt) r = r', θ' = ω; ω' = α (d/dt) [e(θ)] = ω e(θ + 90)
Position vector: (θ )
r = r e(θ)

differentiating for Velocity: r

r' = r' e(θ) + r e'(θ) 90)
(θ +
r' = r' e(θ) + r ω e(θ + 90) where = r
Vθ (θ)
r' e(θ) is the radial velocity Vr = Vr er
r ω e(θ + 90) is the transverse velocity Vθ = Vθeθ = r
V = Vr + Vθ

Differentiating for Acceleration:

+ rα)
(r 'ω
) (θ)
a = V' = Vr' + Vθ' (θ + 90 + 2 )
) rω
(r' ω
Vr' = r'' e(θ) + r'ω e(θ + 90) +

Vθ' = + [r'ω + rα] e(θ + 90)

+ [rω] ω e(θ + 90 + 90)

+ rα)
ar = [ r'' – rω2] e(θ) (2 r' ω

aθ = [2r' ω + rα] e(θ + 90)

(2r' ω) is known as the Coriolis Component. '' - r
ar = (r
a = ar + aθ a = [ ar + aθ ]
2 2 1/2
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Radial and Transverse Vectors Reading Page2
Example 14: In a telescopic mechanism the inner cylinder slides within the outer cylinder, while
the outer rotates about a fixed axis. For a point on the sliding inner cylinder

R = 0.5 + t 1/2 m the outer rotates at θ = 0.2 t2 + 0.4 radians

At time t = 2 sec, Find ithe Velocity and Acceleration vectors in terms of radial and
transverse components and also the X, Y components..


R = 0.5 + t0.5 At t = 2 R = 1.914 m R

R' = 0 + 0.5 t-0.5 R' = 0.354 m/s θ

R'' = - 0.25 t -1.5
R'' = - 8.0 m

θ = 0.1 t2 + 0.4 radians At t = 2 θ = 0.8 rad

θ = (45.84)
ω = 0.1* 2t + 0 ω = 0.4 rad/sec

α = 0.1* 2 * 1 α = 0.2 rad/sec2 R = 1.914

e(45.84) m

R = R e(θ) At t = 2 sec. R = 1.914 e(45.84) m Ans. (0)

RX = 1.333 m
RY = 1.373 m
V = 1.914
e(99.42) m
R' = R' e(θ) + VR = 0.354 e(45.84)
+ R ω e(θ+90) Vθ = 0.478 e(135.84)
VX = - 0.096 m/s (0)
VY = 0.587 m/s
V = 0.595 e(99.42) m/s Ans.

R'' = (R'' – Rω2) e(θ) aR = - 1.106 e(45.84)

(2R'ω + Rα) e(θ + 90) aθ = 0.666 e(135.84
aX = - 1.248 m/s2 (0)
aY = - 0.329 m/s2 a = 1.291
a = 1.291 e(194.83) Ans. e(194.8) m/s2
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Radial and Transverse vectors Reading Page3
Example 15: A radar tracks the the vertical motion of a rocket with the following observations at an
instant. Determine the Velocity and Acceleration vectors and their components at this instant.

R = 18 km θ = (65) θ' = ω = 0.03 rad/s θ'' = α = 0.001


R = 18 θ = (65)
R (θ)
Velocity Data: ω = 0.03 rad/s
Velocity is vertical. So V = V e(90) Y (0)
V = VR + Vθ
VR = R' e(60) Vθ = Rω e(65 + 90)
With the data we can readily find X (0)
Vθ = Rω = 18* 0.03 = 0.54 km/s
But Vθ = V . e(θ + 90) = V* 1 cos (90 – 155)
Vθ = V* 1 cos (- 65) = V cos 65o
So V = Vθ / cos 65o = 1.278 km/s
VR = R' = V . e(65) = V* 1 cos (90 -65)
VR = R' = 1.158 km/s V (90)
V = 1.278 e(90) km/s
R' = VR = 1.158 km/s eθ = e (155) eR = e (65)
Vθ = 0.54 km/s Ans.
Acceleration Data: θ'' = α = 0.001 rad/s2
Acceleration is Vertical. a = a e(90)
a = aR + aθ
aR = (R'' – Rω2) e(θ)
a (90)
aθ = (2R'ω + R α) e(θ + 90)
aθ = 0.087 e(155)
aθ = a . eθ = a cos (90 – 155)
= a cos(- 65) = a cos(65) eR = e (65)
a = aθ / cos 65 = 0.206
eθ = e (155)
aR = a . e(65) = a cos (90 – 65); aR = 0.187 km/s2
aR = (R'' – Rω2); R'' = aR + R ω2 R'' = 0.203 km/s2

a = 0.206
aR = 0.187 km/s2
R'' = 0.203 km/s2
aθ = 0.087 km/s2 Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P16
Kinematics and Kinetics Radial and Transverse vectors Reading Page4

Example 16: Example 14: Given the Position Loop

Diagram, find Dim. in (θ1) (θ4)
r4, (θ4), r4', ω 4, r4'', and α4. cm (θ2)

Data: Vector Loop Equation for Position 20 B, C

r4 e(θ4) = r1 e(θ1) + r2 e(θ2)

r4 e(θ4) = 40 e(90) + 20 e(30) T1 r4

r4X = 17.32 cm, r4Y = 50. 0 cm, r4 = 52.9 cm Ans.

ω2 = 2 rad/sec. α2 = 0, r4 = 52.9 e(70.9) cm, Ans. D

Position Loop Diagram
Solution: To find r4' and ω4
Velocity Equation: Derivative of Position Equation (θ2+ 90)
r'4 e(θ4) + r4 ω4 e(θ4+ 90) = r2 ω2 e(θ2+ 90) r4 ω4 (θ4)
(θ4 + 90)

or Velocity Loop Equation for Drawing.

r2ω2 r'4
r'4 e(θ4) = r2 ω2 e(θ2+ 90) - r4 ω4 e(θ4+ 90)
r'4 e(70.9) = 20*2 e(120) - (52.9) ω4 e(160.9)
SIM3: LCE to line(70.9) => ω4 = 0.572 rad/sec Ans
Velocity Loop Diagram
LCE to line(160.9) => r'4 = 26.19 cm/sec. Ans.

Acceleration Equation: Derivative of Velocity Equation

(r''4 – r4ω42) e(θ4) + (2r'4ω4 + r4α4) e(θ4 + 90)
= - r2ω22 e(θ2) (θ4)
(r''4 – r4ω42) e(θ4) = - r2ω22 e(θ2) (θ2)
- (2r'4ω4 + r4α4) e(θ4 + 90)
2 +
(θ4 + 90) r 2ω 2
Acceleration Loop Equation:
(r4'' – r4ω42) e(70.9) = - r2ω22 e(30)
– (2r4'ω4 + r4α4) e(160.9)
SIM3: LCE to line (70.9) => α4 = 0.424 rad/s2 Ans.
Acceleration Loop Diagram
LCE to line(160.9) => r4'' = 67.78 cm/s Ans.2
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P17
Kinematics and Kinetics Mechanism Analysis Reading Page1

Four Link Mechanism Crank slider Mechanism

Example 17: Given the Position Loop Diagram, find )
(θ3), (θ4), ω3, ω4, α3, α4 (θ 3
45 35 (θ4)
Solution: Position Analysis from Diagram 1 B S (θ )
BD = BA + AD 20 (70)

S e(θS) = - 20 e(70) + 60 e(10); T1 D

ω2 = 2
SX = 52.25, SY = - 8.38 S = 52.92 θS = (- 9.13) α2 = 0 A
BC = BD + DC 60 (10)
SIM1=> BC2 = BD2 + DC2 + 2 BD*DC cos(θDC - θBD)
Position Loop Diagram 1
cos(θDC - θBD) = [BC2 - BD2 – DC2] / [2 BD*DC] C
45 e(θ3) = 52.92 e(350.87) + 35 e(θ4) T2 (θ 3
cos(θ4 – 350.87) = [452 - 52.922 - 352] /[ 2*52.92*35] B
(θ4 – 350.87) = acos[ - 0.54] = 122.6, 20 (70)
θ4 = (113.7) Ans. ω2 = 2
45X = 38.18 θ3 = acos[38.18/45]; α2 = 0 A
θ3 = (31.7) Ans. 60 (10)
Position Loop Diagram 2
Position Equation: Equating Loops for AC. (θ3 + 90)
AD + DC = AB + BC
60 e(10) + 35 e(θ4) = 20 e(θ2) + 45 e(θ3)
40 (160)
Velocity Equation: Derivative of Position Equation
45 ω3
35 ω4 e(θ4 + 90) = 20ω2 e(θ2 + 90) + 45ω3 e(θ3 + 90)
. O, D
35 ω4
(θ4 + 90)
35 ω4 e(203.7) = 40 e(160) + 45ω3 e(121.7) T3
Velocity Loop diagram
SIM3: LCE to line(20.7) => ω3 = - 0.705 rad s-1 Ans.

LCE to line(θ3 + 90) => ω4 = 0.715 rad s-1 Ans.

Acceleration Equation: Derivative of Velocity Equation
+ 90) O, D
(θ 3
- 35 ω42 e(θ4) + 35α e(θ4 + 90) = - 20ω22 e(θ2 ) - 45 ω32 e(θ3) 35α 4
+ 45 α3 e(θ3 + 90)
or 35α e(203.7) = 88.6 e(232.8) + 45 α3 e(θ3 + 90) T3
+ 90) 88.6 (232.8)
(θ 4 α3
SIM3: LCEs to (θ4 + 90) and (θ3 + 90) 45
0 = 88.6 sin(29.1) + 45α3 sin(- 82)
35α4 sin(82) = 88.6 sin(111.1) Acceleration Loop Diagram
α3 = 0.967 rad.s Ans.
α4 = 2.385 rad.s Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P18
Kinematics and Kinetics Mechanism Analysis Reading Page2

Example 18: Given the Position Loop Diagram,

60 (θ )
with units in cm, find
0 ) B 3
(θ3), r4, ω3, r'4 , α3, r''4. ( 3
Solution: Position Analysis from Diagram 1 A S e(θS)
BD = BA + AD T1 C (θ3 – 15)
85) 5 )
S e(θS) = - 20 e(30) + 15 e(285); 15 (2 r 4 (1
SX = - 13.44, SY = - 24.49 S = 27.94 D
Vector Loop Diagram
θS = (241.25) ω2 = 2
B 60 (θ )
α2 = 0 3
BC = BD + DC T4
60 e(θ3) = 27.94 e(241.25) + r4 e(15) A C (θ3 – 15)
SIM3: LCE to line(15) )
(θ3 – 15) = -19.3 (θ3) = (355. 7) r 4 (15

SIM3: LCE to line(θ3 = 355.7) => r4 = 77.1 cm Vector Loop Diagram

Position Equation: Equating Loops for AC (θ3+ 90)

AB + BC = AD + DC
20 e(30) + 60 e(θ3) = 15 e(285) + r4 e(15) +9
(θ 2
r 2ω 2
Velocity Equation: Derivative of Position Equation 60ω3

20 ω2 e(θ2 + 90) + 60 ω3 e(θ3 + 90) = 0 + r'4 e(15) O (15)

40 e(120) + 60ω3 e(85.7) = r'4 e(15) T3 +
SIM3: LCE to line(15) => ω3 = - 0.682 rad/s
Velocity Loop Diagram
LCE to line(85.7) => r'4 = - 23.88 cm/s

Acceleration Equation: Derivative of Velocity Eqn.

[- 20 ω22 e(θ2) - 60 ω32 e(θ3)] + 60 α3 e(θ3 + 90) (θ3+ 90) (15)
= 0 + r''4 e(15)
[- 80 e(30) - 27.9 e(355.7)] + 60 α3 e(87.7)
r'' 4 +
[ - 97.1 I - 37.9J ] = r''4 e(15) (200.9)
60 α3
.2 e
104.2 e(200.9) + 60 α3 e(85.7) = r''4 e(15) T3 104
Acceleration Loop Diagram
SIM3: LCE to line(85.7) => r''4 = - 99.7 cm/s2

SIM3: LCE to line(15) => α3 = 0.189 rad/ sec2

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P19
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics – Newton's 2nd Law Reading Page1

Kinetic Body Diagram Single Body

Newton's Second Law of Motion: Newton's 2nd Law essentially states that the force on a body is
equal to to the rate of change of momentum. For body of mass m, F = d (mV) /dt.

For a particle of constant mass it is F = ma. For a rigid body system Σ F = m aC and
Σ MXC = IXC αX where Σ MXC is the Sum of Force Moments about Centroidal X Axis,
IXC is the Mass Moment of Inertia of the body about Centroidal X Axis
and αX is the X component of the angular acceleration of the body.
In this class we will concern ourselves with only XY plane rectilinear motion. The study of forces
and resulting motion is called Kinetics. In Kinetics we use terms Kinetic System Diagram , Kinetic
System Equation, and Kinetic Force and Moment (Effective Force and Moment).

Example 19: A block of 10 kg mass on an inclined plane is pulled
by a force P shown . Determine the force P required as shown for
it to have an acceleration upward of 2m/s2, assuming A. smooth
interface B, assuming angle if kinetic friction = 14o.
The incline is 20o..The force makes 15deg with the slope.
2 0)
20 (
Solution 98 N P (35) (20)
A. Smooth Interface
Kinetic System Equation T3

P e(35) + N e(110) + 98 e(270) = 20 e(20)

SIM3: LCE to line(110) N(110)

Sine Equation with Subtracted Angle Σ F = ma
Kinetic System Diagram
P sin(- 75) + 98 sin(160) = 20 sin(- 90) For Smooth Interface
20 (
P = 55.4 N Ans.
98 N P (35) (20)
B. Friction Interface φ = 14
Kinetic System Equation T3

P e(35) + R e(124) + 98 e(270) = 20 e(20)

R (110 + 14)
SIM3: LCE to line(124) Σ F = ma
Kinetic System Diagram
P sin(-89) + 98 sin(146) = 20 sin(-104)

P = 74.2 N Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P20
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics – Newton's 2nd Law Reading Page2

Example 20: A mass of 10 kg is being moved up an

incline as shown. The angles of friction are 15o and 12o
for static and kinetic states. Find P for Impending
motion up. What is the body's acceleration if P is P (20)
increased by 50 N over its impending value.
Solution: FBD is T3 for Impending Motion a (30
Free Body Equation ΣF = 0
RI e(135) + P e(20) + 98 e(270) = 0 (30)
98 N
SIM3: LCE to line(135); Answer 1 P = 76.5 N G
Kinetic Body Equation ΣF = ma G
P (20)
with PNew = P + 50 = 126.5 N
RK e(132) + (126.5) e(20) + 98 e(270) = 10a e(30)

SIM3: LCE to line(132):

RI (120 + 15) Impending
10a = 52.9 N
Answer 2 a = 5.29 m/s2 RK(120 + 12) Kinetic

Example 21: Calculate the magnitude of the

clockwise couple M required to start turning the 50 kg
cylinder in the supporting block shown in the figure
with an acceleration of 0.04 rad/sec.
The angle of kinetic friction is 14o.
Solution: Kinetic System Equations
T10, Σ F = 0, Σ M = IZG α
RA e(106) + RB e(16) + 490 e(270) = 0 M
LCE to line(16) => RA = 471 N )
0 490 N
LCE to line(106) => RB = 135 N (12
45 mm
SIM5: Canonical Moment Center is G RA (30 - 14)
IZG = MR2/2 = 50*452/2 = 50630 kgmm2
α = - 0.04 rad/s2 o
14 )
Σ MG = MGA of RA + MGB of RB + M = IZG*α (1 20
0 )
(45) 471 sin(106 – 300) RA (120 - 14)
+ (45) 135 sin(16 – 210) - M = - 50630*0.04 o
M = 6597 + 50630 *0.04 = (6597 + 2025)
M = 8622 Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P21
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics – Newton's 2nd Law Reading Page3

Example 22: Determine the acceleration of the

block of 500 kg., with coefficient of friction 0.3, P 500 kg
between the block and the horizontal surfaces.
Find also the reactions at A and B.
4900 N 1m 1m
Friction Angle = atan μ
φ = atan 0.3 = 16.7o 500a
P = 2000 N


P for Impending FBD. 1m 1m

(RA + RB) e(106.7) + P e(0)

+ 4900 e(270) = 0 RA (90 + 16.7) RB (90 + 16.7)

SIM3: LCE to line (106.7) Kinetic System Diagram

P = 1470 N, So P is greater than
1470 N, it will accelerate the body.

Kinetic System Equation: Σ F = ma

(RA + RB) e(106.7) + 2000 e(0) + 4900 e(270) = 500a e(0)

SIM3; LCE to line(106.7)

0 + 2000 sin(0 – 106.7) + 4900 sin(270 – 106.7) = 500a sin(0 - 106.7)

a = 1.06 m /s2 ans.

Canonical Moment Center is A, to find RB M = rL*F or r*F sin(θF - θr)

Σ MA = rL(ma);
2 * RB sin(106.7 – 0) - 2 *2000 - 1 * 4900 = - 2* 500*1.06
RB = 1023.15 N Ans.

Σ FY = 0 RA sin(106.7) + 102.15 sin(106.7) – 4900 = 0 RA = 4092.62 N Ans.

[Check: (RA + RB) cos 16.7o = (NA + NB) = 4900]

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics – Newton's 2nd Law Reading Page4

Example 23: An elevator of total mass m kg is supported by a cable,

starts down A. with an acceleration of 0.7 m/s2, B. moves down with a
constant speed and then decelerates at 0.9 m/s2 before it comes to a stop
at the ground floor. Find the tension in the cable during the three phases.
Solution: Phase A. Moving down with uniform TA
acceleration. Kinetic System Equation: Σ FY = maY

TA – mg = - (0.7)m TB =
TA = mg – (0.7) m N
mg m (0.7)
Phase B. Moving down with uniform speed
Kinetic Body Equation: Σ FY = maY = Kinetic System Diagram A

TB – mg = (0) m mg m (0) TC
TB = mg N Kinetic System Diagram B m (0.9)

Phase C. Moving down with uniform deceleration

Kinetic Systenm Equation: Σ FY = maY =
When ma is in the direction
of T (up), the Tension is mg
TC – mg = + (0.7)m
maximum. Kinetic System Diagram
TC = mg + (0.7) m N

28. D'Alembert's Principle: Inertia Force FI for Dynamic Equilibrium

Σ F = ma, let FI = - ma
of a Body is equal to the product of its mass and its centroid's acceleration,
Σ F + FI = 0
directed opposite to that of the actual acceleration.

Example 24: If the tracking force P is withdrawn on the bogie a V

of Example 26, in the previous page, it still moves forward,
but, decelerates, that is, accelerates in the opposite direction as
shown due to wheel friction. A pendulum moves in the P =0
direction opposite to the acceleration due to the Inertia Force α
Develop an equation for a in terms of the angle α.

Solution: Dynamic Equilibrium Equation

T e(90 + α) + ma e(0) + mg e(270 ) = 0 T (90 + α)
SIM3: LCE to line((90 + α)
0 + ma sin (- 90 – α) + mg sin(180 – α) = 0 =0
canceling m, - a cos α + g sin α = 0 a ma
g sin α = a cos α a = g tan α

Note: The author prefers applying Newton's 2nd Law mg

and solving the Kinetic Body Equation Σ F = ma => Dynamic Equilibrium Diagram
T e(90 + α) + mg e(270 ) = ma e(180), See Example 29
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P23
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion Reading Page1

Conical Pendulum Bodies on Curves

29 Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion: In this class we study the motion of bodies idealized as
particles moving along curves in the horizontal and vertical planes. In forming the Kinetic Body
Equations, we take into consideration, both the tangential and the normal “Kinetic Forces” due to
the particle's acceleration components. Let us first consider a conical pendulum as in Example 29.
Example 25: The bob of a conical pendulum shown has a mass of 5kg +
and moves in a horizontal circle of radius R = 0.6 m. Find the tension in
the string of 1.2 m long and the constant speed V of the bob. α

Solution: From the System Space Diagram, with data

R = 0.6m, L = 1.2 m T (60) R
α = asin [R/L] = 30o
The Kinetic Body Equation Σ F = ma => [V2/0.6)]
T e(60) + 49 e(270) = + 8.33 V2 e(0) T3
49 N
SIM3: LCE to line(0) => T = 56.58 N Ans. Kinetic System Diagram
LCE to line(60) => V2 = 5.094 => V = 2.257 m/s Ans.
Note : The KSD clearly shows that LHS leads to the Effect on RHS, whereas in in D'Alembert's
Dynamic Equilibrium Equation, the Kinetic / Effective RHS Force is taken to the LHS by changing
it's sign and calling it as Inertia Force. In SIMS, Σ F = ma is written and solved using SIM3!
Equating left side (cause) and right side i(effect) is easier.

Example 26. A circus stunt motorist moves in a R

cage or well of radius R in a horizontal circle at a
constant speed. If the Angle of Friction is φ, find the
minimum speed, for him not to slip.

Solution: The motion (Slipping) should me

impending. mg
Kinetic Body Equation ;
R e(φ) + mg e(270) = [ mV2/R] e(0) =
R (0 + φ)
SIM3: LCE to line(φ) => Kinetic System Diagram
mg sin(270 – φ) = [mV2/r] sin(-φ)
canceling m, - gr sin(90 – φ) = - [V2] sin φ

or cos φ / sin φ = V2 / rg = 1/ tan φ

V = [gr/μ]1/2 Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P24
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion Reading Page2

Example 27: Find the Relationship between the speed and angle of
leaning θ for a cyclist on a level circular curve with radius r and
friction angle φ. This is a problem on sliding friction θ
Solution: Taking Moments about A m(V2/r )
- [h tan θ] * mg = - h * mv /r
G G = G
tan θ = v2/gr h
For Impeding Motion: To avoid skidding. θ h
R e(90 – φ) + mg e(270) = [mV2/R] e(0) A r
SIM3: LCE to line((90 – φ) [h tan θ]
mg sin(180 + φ) = [mV2/r] sin(-90 + φ)
- g sin φ = - [V2/r] cos φ R (90 - φ)
V2 = gr tan φ = grμ. V should be < [ grμ]1/2 Ans.
Kinetic System Diagram (KSD)
Example 28: Speed for Overturning and Skidding of a Car mg
m(V2/r )
Solution: The Reaction shifts to the =
Outer Wheels at A. Moment about A h
- b* mg = - h* mV2/r V2 = bgr/h
V < [ bgr/h ] 1/2
R (90 - φ)
To Avoid Skidding: Kinetic Body Equation: Same as Kinetic System Diagram
above in example 31: V should be < [ grμ]1/2 Ans.

Example 29: Purpose of Banking.

You have observed that roads and railway tracks are banked, with the outer edge being higher.
This is to see that frictional forces are avoided, by making the total reaction normal to the
surface. Let the banking angle be θ as shown.

Solution: mg

( RA + RB) e(90 - θ) + mg e(270) = mV2/r e(0)

m(V2/r )
SIM3: LCE to line (90 – θ) G
canceling m, g sin(270 -90 +θ)
= G

= V2/r sin(-90 + θ)
- g sin θ = - V2/r cos θ RA (90 - θ) (-θ)
tan θ = μ = V2 /gr
RB (90 - θ)
Note: Banking Angle from horizontal is
same as the leaning angle from the vertical
for the Cycle in Example 31. Only the Kinetic System Diagram
procedures to obtain it are are different.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P25
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion Reading Page3

Example 30: A 2000 kg
car moving at a constant 56 m B
speed of 72kmph enters a
concave phase of a road at 62 m
A, then a straight gradient 15o slope up
and finally the convex A
phase of the road ending at
C. Find the Total Normal Solution: Since the max slope angle is less the
Reaction forces at just after angle of friction / repose, the tires dio not slip. Let
A, at B and just before C. P be the Traction Force. But we are not concerned
Fiction angle 20o. with P or Frictional Forces. They are balanced.
Dynamics at Just after A.
mg = 2k* 9.8 = 19.6 kN
V = 72*5/18 = 20 m/s =
mV2/r = 2000* 400*/56
= 14.3 kN
Let NA be the Total θ θ
Normal Reaction at A
YCE (Y component Equation)
NA – mg = mV2/r
NA – 19.6 = 14.3 =
or NA = 33.9 kN 5)
N (10
Dynamics at B

Let NB be the Total θ

Normal Reaction at B
NCE (Normal Component Eqn.) at B
NB + mg cos(270 – 105) = 0 mV2/r
NB = - 19.6 cos(270 – 105)
NB = 18.9 kN P
Dynamics just before C
mV2/r = 2000* 400*/62
= 12.9 kN
NCE = YCE θ θ
NC – 19.6 = - 12.9 kN
NC = 6.7 kN
During an exam, one can directly write NCE and solve.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion Reading Page4
Example 31: Find the Angle of leaning θ for a cyclist on a level circular trail
with radius 10m, riding at a speed of 18 kmph. Find also, the speed at which
the cycle skids if μ = 0.4.

Solution: v = 18*5/18 = 5m/s

r = 10 g = 9.8m/s2, μ = 0.4.

tan θ = v2/gr = 25/[98], θ = 14.3o

Skidding speed V = [grμ]1/2 = 6.26 m/s or 22.5 kmph. Ans.
Example 35: Find Speed for Overturning and Skidding for a Car with h= 0.8 m and half
base b = 0.9 m and radius or curvature 20m.

Solution: g = 9.8 m/s2, r = 20m, b = 0.9 m, h = 0.8

V = [ grb/h ]1/2 = 14.85 or V = 53.46 kmph. Ans.
Example 32: Design the banking angle for a car to turn ideally at 36kmph, on a 12m radius.

Solution: v = 6*5/18 = 10
r = 20 g= 9.8m/s2
tan θ = v2/gr, θ = 270 Ans. R

Example 33: A circus motor-bike has to make a full v P

vertical circle in a cage of radius 6 meters. =
Find the minimum speed
Solution: At the top N mV2/r
Normal Component Equation Σ FN = maN
RN + mg = mV2/r
Limiting condition RN= 0. V2 = gr
V = [gr]1/2 = [9.8*6]1/2 = 6.261 m/s or V= 27.608 kmph. Ans.

Example 34: A Block begins to slide over a smooth hemisphere.

Find θ, and h at which the block loses contact.

Solution: For the diagram

from V2 = U2 + 2as mg
N (θ)
V2 = 2gh
= 2g(r- r sin θ)
Normal Component Equation h = m*rα
R + mg cos(270 – θ) = - m*V2/r
at R = 0 - mg sin θ = - m* 2g(r- r sin θ)/r R m*V2/r
sin θ = 2(1 – sinθ) r
3 sin θ = 2 or sin θ = 2/3.
θ = 41.81o
h = r (1 – sin θ), h = r/3
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P27
Kinematics and Kinetics Rolling Bodies and Contacting Bodies Reading Page1

Rolling Bodies Contacting Bodies

30 Rolling and Contacting Bodies: Most of our vehicles contain rolling and contacting parts. They
represent general motion with rolling and sliding combined. In this class let us start with analysis of
a sphere on a horizontal surface and end with vehicular motion.

Example 35: A sphere of radius r and mass m is projected along a

horizontal plane surface with initial linear velocity VO and initial
angular velocity ωO such that VO > rωO. Determine the time elapsed
for the velocity of the sphere along the plane to become constant.
The coefficient of friction is μ.

Solution: As VO > rωO, the sphere is

sliding and rolling and V is not = rω.
The velocity will be constant when
it is only rolling i.e., V = rω. Hence
acceleration a is expected to be -ve.
The Coefficient of Friction = μ.

Kinetic System Equations

In this Kinetic System Diagram we
YCE: N – mg = 0 ; N = mg chose to show the components of the
total Reaction R at A as it will be easy
XCE: Σ FX = ma => to take moments using lever arms.
- μN = - μmg = ma; a = - μg

Canonical Moment Equation about C. M = rL F = rF sin(θF - θr)

Σ MC: - r μmg = - 2mr2 α/5; α = 5 μg / 2r (CW)

V = VO + a t = VO - μgt --- E1
ω = ωO + α t = ωO + 5 μgt / 2r (CW) --- E2

When the velocity becomes constant due to pure rolling

V = rω
From E1 and E2),
VO - μgt = r (ωO + 5 μgt / 2r) = r ωO + 5 μgt / 2
2 VO - 2rωO = 7 μgt; t = 2 (VO - rωO) / 7 μg Ans.

V = VO - μg 2 (VO - rωO) / 7 μg
V = VO – 2VO / 7 + 2r ωO / 7; V = (5 VO + 2 r ωO) / 7 Ans.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Rolling Bodies and Contacting Bodies Reading Page2

Example 36: A ball is thrown with an initial

Velocity vO parallel to the rough plane with initial
angular velocity ωO = 0 . Determine the time t when
the sphere will roll without slipping and find the
linear velocity of the ball at that time.

Solution: When we
show N and μN ,we
have to first find N.

Kinetic System Diagram

Kinetic System Equations

N(θ + 90) Component Equation:

N + mg cos (270 – θ – 90) = 0
N - mg cos θ = 0; N = mg cos θ

Σ FS = ma : mg cos (270 – θ) – μN = ma
- mg sin θ - μ (mg cos θ) = ma a = - g(μ cos θ + sin θ)

Σ MC = IC α: - r μ mg cos θ = - 2mr2 α /5 -- [α is CW]

mr gets cancelled, α = (5 μg cos θ) / 2r

v = vO + a t = vO - g(μ cos θ + sin θ) t E1

ω = ωO + α t = (5 μg cos θ)t / 2r (CW) E2

At the time of rolling v = r ω; vO - g(μ cos θ + sin θ) t = r (5 μg cos θ)t / 2 r

2vO - 2g(μ cos θ + sin θ) t = (5 μg cos θ)t

2 vO = g [7μcos θ + 2 sin θ] t

t = 2 vO / g [7μcos θ + 2 sin θ]

v = vO [ 1 - 2(μ cos θ + sin θ)] / [7μcos θ + 2 sin θ]

Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P29
Kinematics and Kinetics Rolling Bodies and Contacting Bodies Reading Page1

Example 37: A 20 kg block rests on rough horizontal

surface over which another block of 10 kg is placed. A
horizontal force P is applied to the lower block. Determine 10 kg.
the maximum force that can be applied without allowing
the upper block to slide backward over the lower block. 20 kg.
Assume coefficient of static and dynamic friction to be
respectively 0.25 and 0.2 for all contact surfaces.

Solution: φS = atan 0.25 = 14o for 10 kg. 98 N 10a

and φk = atan 0.20 = 11.3o for (10 + 20) kg
Kinetic System Equation for 10 kg.

R e(76) + 98 e(90) = 10a e(0)

R1 (90 – 14)
SIM3: LCE to line(76) => a = 2.443 m/s 2

Kinetic System Equation for (10 + 20) kg 294 N

Experiences KInetic Friction
P e(0) + R2 e(101.3) = .
+ 294 e(270) = 73.3 e(0)

SIM3: LCE to line(101.3): R2 (90 + 11.3)

P = 132.1 N
Note: Here we chose two bodies together to avoid
calculating R1 in first KSD to be used in the 20 kg KSD.

This is a representative problem to many practical situations like a block on an

accelerating truck. The bottom of the truck is represented the bottom block. The frictional
force may be given as a fraction of the total weight. Tyre friction can be clubbed as R e(θ)
and can be eliminated by SIM3, to find P, the tracking force.
(m+M)g (m+M)a
R1 (θ1) R (θ)
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P30
Kinematics and Kinetics Rolling Bodies and Contacting Bodies Reading Page4

Example 38: A commuter train has three bogies each each of 5000 kg. The frictional resistnace is
0.4 kN per 1000 kg. Find the tractive force P if it has to attain a speed of 72kmph in 125 meters.
Also find the tension in each coupling.

3 2 1 P

Solution; m/ Bogie = 5000 kg, FK per 1000 kg = 0.4 kN

V = 72 kmph = 72*5/18 = 20 m/s S = 125 m

Kinematics: V2 = U2 + 2aS
400 = 0 + 2a * 125 or a = 1.6 m/s2
15*g kN
Tractive force on the train:
Kinetic Body Equation for the Train: P 15*1.6 kN
XCE: P – 6.0 kN = 15*1.6 kN
6 kN
P = 30 kN N
Coupling Tension1: Kinetic Body Equation 0.5*g kN
for Bogie 1 with Engine. 30 kN 0.5*1.6 kN
XCE: – T1 + 30 - 2 kN = 5*1.6 kN
2.0 kN
T1 = 20 kN N1

Coupling Tension2: Kinetic Body Equation

for Bogie 3 with T2 0.5*g kN
T2 0.5*1.6 kN
XCE: T2 - 2.0 kN = 5*1.6 kN =
T2 = 10 kN 2.0 kN

0.5*g kN
Note: KSD for Bogie 2 can be used to find T2..
But it contains one more force on it. It may look T 0.5*1.6 kN
20 kN
trivial, but time spent in thousands of such
calculations, makes sense to KSD/FBD efficient.
These apparent trivial savings become profound 2.0 kN
in Industry, engineers serve.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P31
Kinematics and Kinetics Connected Bodies Reading Page1

Pulley System Bodies on Inclines

31 Connected Bodies: In this class we will study the

relative motion of bodies connected by pulleys.

Example 39: For the system shown below, find the

accelerations of the weights and the corresponding tensions.
Assume the pulleys are smooth and weightless.
Solution: Pulley P is Fixed. By inspection
15 N moves down and Pulley Q up
Let accn. of 15 N block a down .
Then accn of Q will be a up Q = 0
Let the Tension in cable connecting
4N and 6N be T. T T
KBD for weightless pulley Q on right KSD for Q
gives tension relationship. T (6/g) (a - b) T (4/g) (a + b)

6N move down relative to pulley Q.

Let its accn. be b down relative to Pulley Q = =
So Accn. of 6N is (a – b)
Accn of 4 N is (a + b) 6N 4N
KSD for 6N KSD for 4N
KSE for 6N: T – 6 = (6/g) (a-b) E1
KSE for 4N: T – 4 = (4/g) (a+b) E2

P = 0 =
KSE for 16N: 2T – 15 = - (15/g) a
0r T – 8 = - (7.5/g) a E3
2T 2T 15 N
(15/g) a
KSD for P KSD for 15N

E1 – E2 => E4 simultaneous eqn1 in a and b

E1 – E3 => E5 simultaneous eqn2 in a and b

Solving a = 2.15 m/s2, b = 2.39 T = 5.755 N

Note: We can start the problem by writing the KBE for 15N assuming its tension is T
Then we get T – 15 = - (15/g) a in place of E3
T/2 – 6 = (6/g) (a-b) in place of E1
T/2 – 4 = (4/g) (a+b) in place of E2 and T = 11.51 N
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Connected Bodies Reading Page2
Example 40. The active forces on connected blocks with friction are show.
Set up the problem for the solution of the accelerations and tensions.

Solution: The angle of static friction at A, φA = atan 0.30 = 16.70°, is not enough to hold the
block from sliding down the incline of angle θ = atan (3/4) = 36.87° from horizontal

Let us Assume the blocks are in Impending Motion to the left. (use μs)
BLOCK A : || CE to NA line (126.87) => NA + 3000 cos(270 – 126.87) = 0;
NA = 2400 N; fA = 0.3 NA = 720 N
|| CE to TA line(36.87) : TA + 720 + 3000 cos (270 – 36.87) = 0;
TA = 1080 N, 2TA = 2160 N
BL OCK B: || CE to NB line (36.87) : NB +2000 cos(270 – 36.87) = 0
NB = 1200 N; fB =0.4 NB =480 N
|| CE to TB line(36.87) : TB - 480 +2000 cos (270 – 126.87) =0; T B = 2080 N
At Pulley B, since 2TA > TB. the system is not in equilibrium. The blocks move to the left.
Hence kinetic frictional coefficients are to used for the Kinetic Body Analysis.

fA = 0.20 NA = (0.20) (2400) fA = 480 N Ans.

fB = 0.30 NB = 0.30 (1200) fB = 360 N Ans.
To find tensions TA and T B and accelerations aA and aB: Kinetic Body E quations
are formulated and solved as in the previous examples.
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Sample Unit Test Reading Page1
Total Marks / 40 =>
Assessment A1 on Classes 1 to 4. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.
Q1: Finding the time and distance when Q2: Finding the
velocity of a particle is zero distance using 20 m/s
a graph
The position of a particle is given 10 m/s
by the equation The graph of the V
Y = f(t) = 4 t2 - 16 t + 26 velocity of a train S1 S2 S3
Find the height Y at which the particle changes approaching and
its direction of motion. crossing a bridge 20s 80 s 40s
is shown. Find A B C D
Solution: The particle changes its direction of Total distance S Motion Crossing a Bridge
motion when its velocity Y' becomes zero. travelled.
Solution: Area under the Velocity graph gives
Y' = the distance.
Find t = T for Y' = V = 0 Distance Travelled
Phase AB:
Height Y at t = T
Phase BC:

Y in Units of Length: Phase CD:

Total Distance in m:

Q3: Finding Total Acceleration on Curve Q4: Finding the Velocity of a rocket

A motorist going at Not To The tracking Information of

72 kmph decelerates Scale a rocket a vertically moving
R (θ)
at the rate of 2 m/s2, as Rocket is:
enters the curve of 100 m
C + R = 15 km, ω = 0.04 rad/s
Y (90)
radius at A. Find the Total A Find its Velocity. Not To
acceleration immediately Solution: Scale
after the Point A. Total Velocity:
Since it is vertical X (0)
Solution: V = V e(90) ---E1
Transverse Velocity
Tangential Velocity: 72*5 / 18 = m/s Vθ = R ω e(θ + 90);
R = 15 km, ω = 0.04 rad/s, θ = (60)
Radius of curvature: Vθ = 0.6 e(150) ---E2
Vθ = 0.6, in E2 is Component of V (90) in E1
Normal Acceleration:
along (|| to) transverse direction (150)
Tangential Acceleration: So Vθ = V cos(90 -150)

Total acceleration in m/s2:

V in km/s:
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P34
Kinematics and Kinetics Sample Unit Test Reading Page2

Assessment B1 on Classes 1 to 4. Time: 15 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.

Problem 1: Given the Position Loop Diagram,

and the Position Analysis, find
r4' and ω4
Data: Vector Loop Equation for Position
r4 e(θ4) = r1 e(θ1) + r2 e(θ2) E1
Dim. in (θ1) (θ4)
r4 e(θ4) = 40 e(90) + 20 e(30) T1
r4X = 17.32 cm, r4Y = 50. 0 cm, r4 = 52.9 cm 20 B, C
ω2 = 2 rad/sec. α2 = 0, r4 = 52.9 e(70.9) cm,

40 r4
Solution: To find r4' and ω4
Velocity Equation: Derivative of Position Equation
1 D

Position Loop Diagram

or Velocity Loop Equation for Drawing (θ2+ 90)

with LHS being r' e(θ4). r4 ω4
(θ4 + 90)

r2ω2 r'4
Substituting for θ4 and θ2

Velocity Loop Diagram

SIM3: To solve for r4'

r4' in m/s:
SIM3: To solve for ω4

ω4 in rad/s =
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Kinematics and Kinetics Sample Unit Test Reading Page3

Assessment A2 on Classes 4 to 9. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.
Q5. Finding Acceleration by pendulum angle Q6. Finding limiting acceleration
of a truck to prevent
A pendulum angle is sliding of a block
to used to determine α a
the acceleration a body. Find the limiting
If α = 30o, find a. acceleration a, for truck
if the the coefficient of mg
Solution: friction μ, between the ma
30o T (90 - 30) block and truck bed
Kinematic System 30o
is 0.25 or φ = 14o. =
Diagram (KSD) Eqn.
ΣF = ma ma Solution: KSD
= R (90 -14)
Eqn. ΣF = ma
T e(60) + mg e(270) mg KSD
= ma e(0) R e(76) + mg e(270)
= ma e(0)
SIM3: LCE to T line(60):
SIM3: LCE to line(76)

a in m/s2: a in m/s2:
Q7. Finding Banking Angle for mg Q8: Finding Required Torque M
a curved road Find M in
FBD for the
0) 490 N
Find the Banking angle θ, cylinder to (12
50 mm
for road of r = 50 m G start with G
and average speed of CW angular RA (30 - 14)
54 kmph. = 15m / s acceleration
(- θ) α = 0.04 rad.s2 A


Solution: KSD RB (90 - θ) m = 50 kg. (2 0)

RA (90 - θ) (30
Solution: KBD T10
Eqn. ΣF = ma = RA (120 - 14) o
( RA + RB) e(90 – θ) m(V /r )
RA e(106) + RB e(16) + 490 e(270) = 0
+ mg e(270) = mV2/r e(0) G => RA = 471 N, RB = 135 N.
IZG = 62500 kg.mm2; α = -0.04 rad/s.
SIM3: LCE to line(90 – θ) Σ MG = MG of RA + MG of RB + M = IZG*α

KSD (50) 471 sin(106 – 300)

+ (50) 135 sin(16 – 210) - M = - 62500*0.04

M in
Tan θ = θ in degrees:
Unit 5 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P36
Kinematics and Kinetics Sample Unit Test Reading Page4

Assessment B2 on Classes 1 to 4. Time: 15 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct 4, Corrected 2.

Problem 2: With coefficients of static friction being 0.3 at A and 0.4 at B,

Impending Motion Analysis of the given system to the left, indicates that the system
accelerates to the to left. Find the the accelerations and the tensions at A and B with
Coefficients of Kinetic friction being 0.2 at A and 0.3 at B.

300 N
Solution: The relations
between tensions due to T
the pulley system are (4 T
shown on the KBDs. A ) 2T
–1 200 N

RA 0
mA = 300/ 9.8 0) = 3


a( B

m RA
mB = (40 – 16.7)

= 0.5
KSD A Equation ΣF = mAa

Kinematic System
SIM3: LCE to RA line( ) Diagrams of A and B

Rearranging T = ---E1

KSD B Equation ΣF = mBa

SIM3: LCE to RB line( )

Rearranging T = ---E2

SIM4: RHS of E1 = RHS of E2 => a

a in m/s2:

a in E1 => T T in N:
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P1
Work and Impulse Work of a Force and Torque Reading Page1

Working and Non-Working Forces Work by a Spring Force

1 Work: Work is an everyday word used to describe one's activity, say, job for a living. For
example, if one's work is to sing, another's could be to dance! But the “Mechanics Definition” is
about the work of forces causing the movement of a body. But even then, there are two ways to
measure. One is, to specify time taken to move a body, for example “Fifteen Minute Walk”. Other
is to specify distance travelled, say, “One Kilometer Walk” to mean the same work as “Fifteen
Minute Walk” assuming a speed of 4 kmph. In fact, two neighboring countries in Europe, went to
war about the “Correct Definition” on work and finally settled on “Two Terms”. Now Work of a
Force is defined as “the Product of Force in the Direction of Displacement and the Displacement”.
Then the product of Force and Time of Movement is called Impulse. In this class we study Work.

2 Work by gravity force

A block of weight mg e(270) falls through a mg
F (θF)
displacement of h e(270)

Here the force and the displacement are in the same C

direction. So by inspection Work done by gravity is
Wg = mg*h
Using Polar Vectors in the X Y plane h (θ F – S
Work by a Force F through a Displacement S is S(θS)

W = F . S = F e(θF) . S e(θ) = F S cos(θF – θS) W = F Cos(θF – θS)*S

For a falling body F = mg e(270) and W = FS cos(θF – θS)
S = h = h e(270)

Wg = mg*h cos(270 – 270) = mg*h 100 N

3 Working and Non-Working Forces

Working Force is parallel to the Displacement. C
Non-Working Force is Normal / Perpendicular to the h
Displacement. SI Units of Work are Joules. 20o
N (70) (340)
On the active Force Diagram N is Non Working. θN = (θS + 90) S = 3 e(340)

Wg = 100*3 cos(270 – 340) = 102.6 J mg

Note h = S sin 20o = 3 cos (270 - 340)
4 Conservative Force: It is a force whose work is h
independent of the path taken between two points.
Weight fulfills that condition as W = mg*h is B
independent of a smooth path between A and B on
right. The Normal force does not do any work as it is
always Normal to the Path tangent.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P2
Work and Impulse Work of a Force and Torque Reading Page2

5 Work by gravity and other forces mg

A. Block on smooth Interface on right with F e(0). C F

By inspection mg and N are Non-Working Forces

So Wg = 0 WN = 0
F is in the direction of S. N S
So WF = FS
Working System Diagram
B. Block with smooth Interface on right with F e(20). mg
F (30)
Displacement Vector: S = S e(0)
As above mg e(270) and N are a non working forces
Work is also given by a dot product as below. C

WF = F. S = F S cos(θF – θS)
WF = FS cos(30 - 0) N S
Working System Diagram
C. Let us finally study the Block on inclined guides. F (45)
N is a Non-Working Force.
Both mg and F have Working and Non-Working mg
Components. Displacement S = S e(20) C
Work by mg e(270): mg e(270) . S e(20)
C (20)
Wg = mg * S cos(270 – 20)
Work by F e(45): F e(45) . S e(20)
WF = F S cos(45 – 20)
N Working System Diagram
6 Work done by a spring force.
As the spring is compressed to the right from its
uncompressed position, its resistance F is equal
to kX where k is spring constant
F = F e(180) F = - kX

X = X e(0) W = Area under F line.

W = - [1/2] kX2

By integration dW = - kX dX
W = - ʃ kX dX = - [1/2] kX2
Note: Negative sign means the Pressing Body
loses energy as it Compresses the spring.
This is also true when the spring is extended
by a body, as the spring resists extension too. X X
Spring Force is a Conservative Force..
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P3
Work and Impulse Work of a Force and Torque Reading Page3

7 Work Done By A Torque/Couple: Torque is another name for Couple Moment or simply Couple C.
While particles are acted upon by forces, rigid bodies are acted upon by both forces and couples. So
Total Work on a rigid body in XY plane is due to A) Work done by the Resultant Force F through
displacement S usually from Mass Center G plus B) the work done by the Resultant Couple about the
Z axis at that point due to angular displacement θ in Radians.
Work done by Couple Moment, WC = Cθ.

WNet = Σ F.S + Cθ
Example 1: A 40 kg disk is rotated CCW about a shaft by a couple C = 6N.m. The resisting
Moment about the shaft axis is provided by a spring un-stretched initially with constant k – 120
N/m. Find the Angle through which the disk can be rotated when R = 0.2 m.

Solution: m = 40kg, M = 6 N.m, R = 0.24 m, k = 120 N/m C

Work by mg = 0, work by N = 0 R
Work by the Moment = Cθ = 6*θ
Work done by the Spring = - [1/2] kS2 C
S = (Rθ)

At system comes to rest WM + Ws = 0; R k

6*θ - 0.5* 120* (0.2*θ)2 = 0 N
Canceling θ kS
6 = 2.4 θ, θ = 2.5 rad. FBD
θ = 143.24O Ans.

Example 2: A 40 kg disk rolls without slipping, CCW by a couple

C = 6 N.m about its shaft. The resisting Moment about the shaft k
axis is provided by a spring un-stretched initially with constant
k – 120 N/m. Find the Angle through which the disk can be rotated
about its axis when R = 0.2 m. C
Solution: m = 40 kg, C = 6 N.m, R = 0.24 m, R
k = 120 N/m mg
Work by mg = 0, Work by N = 0 kS
Work by Frictional Force, due to Rolling = 0
Work by the Moment = Cθ = 6*θ C
Work done by the Spring = - [1/2] kS2
S = (Rθ) R

At coming to Rest WC + Ws = 0; Note: The rolling contact

F point acts as a pivot and
6*θ - 0.5* 120* (0.2*θ)2 = 0 hence the work of N and
2.4 θ = 6, θ = 2.5 rad. F each is zero.
θ = 143.24O Ans. N
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 1 - P4
Work and Impulse Work of a Force and Torque Reading Page4

Example 3: A 40 kg disk of R = 0.2 m. is acted on by a couple

C = 20 N.m CW about its shaft. Find the work done when the
disc rolls without slipping, a distance of 1.6 meters. C

Solution: mg = 40*9.8 - 392 N, S = 0.6 m and R = 0.2 m R

θS = (10); θ = S / R = 1.6 / 0.2 = 8.0 rad.

Work of N = 0 and Work of F = 0

due to rolling without slipping. mg

2(10) m
Work of mg = F . S = mg S cos(270 – 10) = - 136.14 J C
Work of Couple = Cθ = (20)*(8.0) = 160
R (10)
Net work done = Wg + WM
= - 136.14 + 160, WNet = 23.86 J Ans. F
Example 4: A 5 kg pendulum of length L =0.4 m is rigidly
attached to 40 kg disk of R = 0.2 m. that is acted on by a
couple C = 25 N.m CCW about its shaft. Find the work
done when the disc rolls without slipping, a distance of
0.2 m on the slope 10o with horizontal as shown. .

Solution: Mg = 40*9.8 - 392 N, mg = 49 N, L

S = 0.2 m and R = 0.2 m, L 0.4

θS = (10); θ = S / R = 0.2 / 0.2 = 1.0 rad. = 57.3o

Work of N = 0 and Work of F = 0
due to rolling without slipping. 0.2 (10)
Work of (M + m) g = F . S = due to slope
(45)* 9.8*0.2 cos(270 – 10) = - 15.3 J R (10)
work mg raising by height hr relative to shaft.
- 49* 0.4( 1- cos θ) = - 9.02 J O
hr N
Work of Couple = Mθ = (25)*(1) = 25.0

Net work done = Wg+ WC

- 24.32 + 25; WNet = 0.68 J mg
Note: As θ increases , the net work becomes zero and the
system comes to rest. This problem is designed such that θ
for rest is less than 90 degrees.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P5
Work and Impulse Work -Energy Relationship Reading Page1

Work of Frictional Force Work- Energy Relationship

8 Work of frictional Forces: When the interface has

friction then we have to consider the working and non-
working components of the Total Reaction also.

Example 5: Find the work done on the body (Work of P (45)

Forces) for the displacement shown for P with 50 N more 500
its Impending Value PS up the incline.
Coeft. of Friction μS = 0.25. or Angle of Friction φS = 14o C (20)
μk = 0.2 φk = 11.3o
Solution: Impending Body Equation is C

PS e(45) + R e(124) + 500 e(270) = 0 2 m

S =
SIM3: LCE to line(124) => PS = 285 N RS (110 + 14)
Rk (110 + 11.3)
So with P = 285 + 50 N = 335 N
Normal Component Equation is Σ FN = 0 Impending /Sliding
Body Diagram
R cos (121.3 – 110) + 500 cos(270 – 110) Note: Traditional Method involves
+ 285 cos(45 – 110) = 0 1. Finding Impending PS, by
R = 328 N eliminating NS, using simultaneous
WNet = WP + WR + Wg Equations. Then P = PS + 50
WNet = 335*2 cos(45 – 20) + 328*2 cos(121.3 – 20)
2. Finding N, and using μN to calculate
+ 500*2 cos(270 – 20) its Frictional work. Try and See.
WNet = 136.7 Joules Ans. Acute angles may be confusing!

9 Work- Energy Relationship in Translation

F ma
Let F be resultant of all forces on a body. Consider
a differential displacement ds. dS dS

F = ma
dW = F . dS = ma . dS
C = C
m (dV/dt) . dS = m dV . V
dW = m V dV F ma
The Integral of mVdV is called Kinetic Energy.
Work = Δ K.E
W = [1/2] m (V2 – U2) = Δ K.E.
U = Initial Velocity.
Δ K.E. is Change in Kinetic Energy
C = C
Δ K.E. = Final KE – Initial KE
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P6
Work and Impulse Work - Energy Relationship Reading Page2

Exercise 6: A small block of mass 50 N is given an 12 m

initial velocity of 4 m/s down the inclined plane shown.
Determine the velocity of the block after it has travelled
a distance of 12 m if the coefficient of friction between
the plane and the block is 0.2
50 N 30o
Solution: Friction Angle is 11.3 o

S = 12 e(330) m; U = 4 m/s 12 (330) m

mg = 50 N m = 5.1 kg.

|| Component Equation to Normal line(60):

R (60 + 11.3 )
R cos (71.3 - 60) – 50 cos (270 – 60) = 0 = 5.1*(V2 – 42) /2
R = 44.16 N, W = WR + Wg = m (V2 – U2)/2

W = 44.16*12 cos(71.3 - 330)

50*12 cos(270 – 330) = 5.1*( V2 – 16)/2

V2 – 16 = 76.9 V = 9.64 m/s Ans.

Example 7: A body weighing 300N is pushed up a 30o

plane by a 400 N force acting Parallel to the plane. If the 6m
initial Velocity of the body is 1.5 and the coefficient of
kinetic friction is 0.2 what velocity the body will have
after moving 6m? )N
(30 30o
Solution: Friction Angle atan (0.2) = 11.3o 40
S = 6 e(30) m; P = 400 e(30) N
mg = 300 N; m = 30.6 kg
U = 1.5 m/s
300 N
|| Component Equation to Normal(120): Σ FN = 0 30
R cos(11.3) + 400 cos(30 – 120)
+ 300 cos(270 - 120) = 0 => )N
R = 264.94 (131.3) N 0( = R (120 + 11.3 )
W = [Σ F] . S = m(V2 - U2)/2
= [264.94 cos(131.3 - 30) + 400cos(30 – 30) = 5.1*(V2 – 42) /2
+ 300cos(270 – 0)]*6
= 30.6*(V2 – 2.25) / 2
1188.5 = 30.6*(V2 – 2.25) / 2 => V =8.94 m/s Ans.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P7
Work and Impulse Work – Energy Relationship Reading Page3

10 Kinetic Energy due to Angular Velocity:

Newton's 2nd Law for an “Angular Force” or Couple C on a body in a plane can be written as
C = I α where I is Angular Mass or Mass Moment of Inertia and
α = dω/dt, ω being angular velocity.
Integrating with dθ ʃif C dθ = ʃif I dω/dt * dθ = ʃif I ω dω
W i-f = (1/2) [I ωf2 – I ωi2]
Example 8: A 40 kg disk turns from rest, by a couple C = 6N.m. The resisting Moment about the
shaft axis is provided by a spring un-stretched initially with constant k = 120 N/m. Find the Angular
Velocity of the disk when it rotates through 1. 0 radian = (57.3o) CCW. R = 0.2 m.

Solution: m = 40kg, C = 6 N.m, R = 0.24 m, k = 120 N/m

IG = mR2/2 = 40*0.04*(0.5) = 0.8 kg m2 C
Work by mg = 0, work by N = 0 R
Work by the Moment = Cθ = 6*1.0 = 6.0 J
Work done by the Spring = - [1/2] kS2 C
S = (Rθ); WS = - 2.4 j
R k
WNet = ΔKE. (6.0 – 2.4) = (1/2)[I ω2 - 0]
3.6 = 0.5*0.8* ω2 , ω2 = 9 N
Ans. ω = 3.0 rad/s CCW. KSD
Example 9: A 40 kg disk rolls without slipping, CCW by a
couple M = 6 N.m about its shaft. The resisting Moment about
the shaft axis is provided by a spring un-stretched initially with
constant k – 120 N/m. Find the Angular Velocity when the k
disk rotates through 1 radian. R = 0.2 m.

Solution: m = 40 kg, M = 6 N.m, R = 0.24 m, VG = ωR

k = 120 N/m, IG = mR2/2 = 0.8 kg m2;, mVG2 = 1.6 ω2 C R
Work by mg = 0, Work by N = 0
Work by Frictional Force, due to Rolling = 0
Work by the Moment = Mθ = 6*θ
Work done by the Spring = - [1/2] kS2 See how ω reduces as KE kS
S = (Rθ); WS = - 2.4 j is shared by both Rotation M
WNet = ΔKE. (6.0 – 2.4) = (1/2)[IG ω + mVG ] and Translation and ω
2 2
3.6 = 0.5[0.82 ω2+ 1.6 ω2] further reduces as IG
3.6 = (1.2 )* ω2; ω2 = 3.0 increases with the same m.
Ans. ω = 1.732 rad/sec F
Note: If the disk is made into a rim with spokes
and hub of negligible mass, Then N
ΔKE = 1.6 ω2 and Ans.2. ω = 1.5 rad /s]
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 2 - P8
Work and Impulse Work – Energy Relationship Reading Page4

Example 10: A 40 kg disk of R = 0.2 m. is acted on by a couple

M = 20 N.m CW about its shaft. Find the angular velocity of the
disc when it rolls without slipping, a distance of 1.6 meters. C G

Solution: mg = 40*9.8 - 392 N, S = 0.6 m and R = 0.2 m R

θS = (10); θ = S / R = 1.6 / 0.2 = 8.0 rad.
IG = mR2/2 =0.8 kg m2, mVG2 = mR2ω2 = 1.6 ω2
Work of N = 0 and Work of F = 0
Work of mg = F . S = mg S cos(270 – 10) = - 136.14 J 2(10) m
Work of Couple = Cθ = (20)*(8.0) = 160; WNet = 23.86 J C G

WNet = ΔKE: 23.86 = (1/2) [I ω2 + mVG2] R (10)

23.86 = (1/2) [0.8ω2 + 1.6ω2]; ω = 19.883

Ans. ω = 4.46 rad/s CW N
Example 11: A 5 kg pendulum of length L = 0.4 m is rigidly
attached to 40 kg disk of R = 0.2 m. that is acted on by a
couple C = 30 N.m CW about its shaft. Find the angular
velocity when the disc rolls without slipping, a distance of
0.16 m on the slope 10o with horizontal as shown.
Solution: Mg = 40*9.8 - 392 N, mg = 49 N,
S = 0.2 m and R = 0.2 m, L = 0.4 L
θS = (10); θ = S / R = 0.16 / 0.2 = 0.8 rad. = 45.84o
IG = MR2/2 + mL2 = 40*(0.04)/2 + 5(0.16) = 0.8 + 0.8 = 1.6 kg m2
(M + m) VG2 = 45* 0.04*ω2 =
Work of N = 0 and Work of F = 0 0.16 (10
Work of (M + m) g = F . S = due to slope G
(45)* 9.8*0.16 cos(270 – 10) = - 12.24 J C
work mg raising by height hr relative to shaft. R (10)
- 49* 0.4( 1- cos θ) = - 5.95 J F
Work of Couple = Cθ = (30)*(0.8) = 24 J, 45.84o
WNet = -12.24 – 5.95 + 24 = 5.81 J hr N

WNet = ΔKE: 5.81 = (1/2) [IGω2 + (M + m) R2 ω2]

5.81 = 0.5*[1.6 ω2 + 1.8 ω2 ]; ω2 = 3.418

Ans. ω = 1.85 rad./s

Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P9
Work and Impulse Potential Energy and Conservation Reading Page1

Potential Energy Conservation of Mechanical Energy

11 Potential Energy: Wikipedia states “In physics, mg

potential energy is the energy held by an object because of
its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its
C PE - mgh
electric charge, or other factors.” In Engineering Mechanics
it is the stored energy of a mass due to its centroids height
PE = kX2/2
and gravity, above a datum and of a spring due to its
elongation or compression from its un-stretched position. h
PE of Mass m is mgh. PE of Spring k is kX /2. 2 X
It is defined as the Opposite of the Work done by its force
from its datum to the potential position.
Work by Downward mg when moved Up by h is = - mgh.
So its Potential Energy at height h from zero datun is mgh.
W = - mgh - kX2/2
Work done by Resisting Spring Force is = - kX / 2 2

So its Potential Energy is = kX2 /2 Mass m Spring k

12 Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy: In a Example 4: Find

mechanical system of conservative forces, namely the C 1
the Velocity of m of
gravitational and spring forces, the total Mechanical Energy 10 kg after falling
is Conserved. This means that the Sum of Potential and and through height h
Kinetic Energies remain same. h = 2 m. 2
Proof: Solution:
Let us assume a body with higher PE1 at position A moves PE2 + KE2 = PE1 + KE1
to position B with lower PE2. 0 + 10* V2/2 = 10*9.8*2
V = 4.43 m/s
Hence Work from Position A to Position B
Example 5. Find the compression
W1-2 = PE1 – PE2 X of the spring, whem the 10 kg
hits it with velocity of 4.43.
But W1-2 = KE2 - KE1 by Work- Energy relationship k = 400 Npm
we derived earlier in section 4 in class 2. C
Hence PE1 – PE2 = KE2 – KE1
PE2 + KE2
Rearranging = PE1 + KE1 X

PE1 + KE1 = PE2 + KE2 0 + 10* 4.432/2 = 400 X2/2 + 0

“ If a body is in a Mechanical Potential Force Field, the
Sum of PE and KE is conserved, that is, X = 0.7 m
the Sum remains constant.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P10
Work and Impulse Potential Energy and Conservation Reading Page2

Example 12: A prismatic bar AB of weight W and length l = (2) 1/2 r starts from rest in the position
.shown, and under the action of gravity slides without friction along the constraining vertical plane curve
ABD, the portion AB of which is quadrant of a circle of radius r and the portion BD which is the horizontal
tangent to the circle. With what uniform velocity V will the bar move along the horizontal portion BD.

Solution: Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy is applied for position 1 and 2

[PE + KE] 1 = [PE + KE]2

W h + (0) = (0) + (1/2) (W/g) V2;

Rearranging V2 = 2gh = 2g(r/2) = gr Uniform Velocity along BD: V = [gr]1/2

Example 13: A smooth tube AB in the form of a quarter circle of mean radius r is fixed in a verticle
plane and contains a flexible chain of length π r/2 as shown. The weight of the chain is w per unit
length. Find the velocity of the chain with which it will move along the smooth horizontal plane BC
after it emerges from the tube.

Solution: This is a problem in the Conservation of Mechanical Energy

as the interfaces of sliding are smooth.

Weight of the chain = W = (weight per unit length) (length) = w (πr/2)

Mass of the chain m = W/g; h = [1 – 2r/π] r = 0.363 r
[PE + KE]1 = [PE + KE] 2
[W h + 0] = [ 0 + (1/2) W/g) v2]

2 1/2 1/2
v = 2gh; v = [ 2 g (0.363)r] Ans. v = 0.852 [gr ]
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P11
Work and Impulse Potential Energy and Conservation Reading Page3

.Example 14: A 3kg block is released from rest at A and slides down the smooth circular surface
AB as shown. It then continues along a rough surface until it strikes the spring. Determine how far
the spring is compressed before stopping.

Solution: Work done = Change in KE

Here Work is done in 3 phases ;

+ve work from A to B due to gravity [ Velocity is gained),
-ve work from B to D due to friction on the rough
surface [Velocity is lost], and
-ve work due to spring compression. [Velocity is lost]
Change in KE from A to D is zero as the block starts and stops.

S1.Work done by the weight from A to B:

It is due to gravity only as AB is smooth:
It is independent of path.
WG(A-B) = mgh = (3) (9.8) (3) = 88.2 J

S2. Work done from B and D by the frictional Force:

(Here it is easy to find N and μN in stead of R

as μN is in line with the line of displacement.
From the Diagram ΣFY = 0 => N – mg = 0
N = mg = 29.4 N
Work WF(B-D) = (μN) (8 + s) cos (180 – 0)
= - (0.25) (29.4) (8 + s) = [- 58.8 – 7.35 s] J

S3. Work done by the Spring Force from C to D:

WS(C-D) = - (1/2) ks2 = - 125 s2

S4. Total Work done = Total Change in KE = 0

mgh – (μN) (8 + s) – 125 s2 = 0;
88.2 – 58.8 – 7.35 s - 125s2 = 0
or 125 s2 + 7.35 s – 29.4 =0
s = { - 7.35 + [(7.352 + (4) (125) (29.4]1/2} / 250; s = 0.4565 m
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 3 - P12
Work and Impulse Potential Energy and Conservation Reading Page4

Example 9: A block and pulley system shown has its pulley frictionless. Find the tension in the
cable and the velocity of 50 kg block after it has moved a distance of 1.5 m when the system starts
.from rest. Neglect the mass of the pulley. Take the coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks
and the plane is 0.25. Use the principle of Work and Energy.

Kinetic System Diagram

Work in the system is done by the two weights and the two frictional forces. Work is not done by Ns
on masses and Ts and R on the pulley. Work done by T on one mass is cancelled by the other.

S1: Work along S1: : θN1 = 120 - 90 = 30o

N1 = W1 sin θN1 = 245 N
[Σ F ] . S1 = [W1 cos (270 – 120) - 0.25 N1] (1.5); WS1 = -728.40 J

S2: Work along S2 : θN2 = 210 - 90 = 120

N2 = W2 sin θN2 = 1697.41 N

[Σ F ] . S2 = [W2 cos (270 – 210) - 0.25 N2] (1.5); WS2 = 833.47 J

S3: Total Work = Total Change in KE => [-728.40 + 833.47] = (1/2) (50 + 200) V2

V2 = 0.841 V = 0.917 m/s

S4: Work Energy of m1 alone., Using WS1:
Work = -728.40 + T (1.5) ΔKE = (1/2) m1 V2 = 0.5*50*0.841 = 21.03 J

-728.40 + T (1.5) = 21.03 1.5 T = 749.43

Ans. T = 500 N
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P13
Work and Impulse Rigid Body Systems Reading Page1

General Plane Motion Connected Bodies

13. General Plane Motion: General plane body is represented by a point and rotation about the z axis
passing through it. The work-energy relation is: CG R ω

m VG
Σ F . S + Σ C θ = Δ Σ KE m
KE = (1/2) [mV G
+ IGω ]

Example 15: One pulley of mass 5 kg with radius of gyration about centroid kG 0.1 m
and another of mass 15 kg with radius of gyration about the same centroid kG = 0.2 m are
welded together and the composite pulley rotates on a common shaft with an initial angular
velocity of 2 rad/s CW. Determine the angular velocity of the pulleys at the moment 5 kg
mass moves down 0.3 m from the given position.
6 N.m

Solution: Moment of Inertia I = 5 (0.1)2 + 15 (0.2)2

= 0.65 kg m2
Rotation θ due to S = 0.3 m of 5 kg down: 0.3 m 0.2 m
θ = S /r = 0.3 / 0.3 CCW
θ = 1.0 rad.

To determine the motion of the pulley, let us consider Net Couple

Moment CG: (2/3) S
6 + 0.3*49 – 0.2*98 = 1.1 N.m 10 kg

This makes the pulley to accelerate 5 kg downward. But the

5 kg
the system is rotating at 4 rad CW initially.
S 49 N 6 N.m
But it has to rotate 1.0 radian CCW for 5kg to come down
by 0.3 m.

Applying Work - Energy Relationship. 35*g

Cθ = ΔKE
1.1 θ2 = 0.5*I*[ω22 – ω02]
ω22 = 7.385; Ans. 2.72 rad./s G

Note: This problem can be done in two steps as the Composite

pulley rotating CW has to decelerate due to CCW Cnet to come a
stop and then rotate CCW for 5 kg to descend by 0.3 m. But it is
solved in one step. Further some consider the work done by the
weights of 5kg and 10 kg masses separately. In stead their
moments are considered about G and an “Equivalent Force-Couple
System” is solved in a single step.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P14
Work and Impulse Rigid Body Systems Reading Page2

Example 16: In linkage position, find the angular velocities of

links BC and determine the total kinetic energy of the system,
given mAB = 1 kg, mBC = 4 kg and mDC = 5 kg.

Solution: IA of a rod of mass m and length L

about its end A = mL2 / 3

SIM4: Position Equation for AC 2 rad./s

1 kg 0.1 m
AB e(θAB) + BC e(θAC) = AD e(θAD) + DC e(θDC) 0.4 m
4 kg
Velocity Equation for C:
AB ωAB e(θAB + 90) + BC ωBC e(θBC + 90)
= 0 + AB ωDC e(θDC + 90) 5 kg 0.5 m

0.1*2 e(0) + 0.4 ωBC e(90) = 0.5 ωDC e(130)

SIM3: LCE to line(130) = ωBC = - 0.2 sin(-130) / 0.4 sin(- 40)
ωBC = - 0.596 rad./s

SIM3: LEC to line(90) => ωDC = 0.2 sin(-90 )/ 0.5 sin(40)

ωDC = - 0.622 rad/s

KE for AB = (1/2) mVA2 + (1/2) IA ωAB2

= 0 + 0.5* [mABAB2 / 3]*(4); KEAB = 0.007 j

VB = VA + AB* ωAB e(0) = 0 + 0.1* 2 e(0), VB = 0.2 m/s

KE for BC = (1/2) mVB2 + (1/2) IB ωBC2

= 0.5*(4)*0.22 + 0.5* [mABBC2 / 3]*(0.596)2

= 0.08 + 0.038; KEBC = 0.118 J

KE for DC = (1/2) mVD2 + (1/2) IDωDC2

= 0 + 0.5* [mDCDC2 / 3]*(0.622)2; KEAB = 0.081 J

KE Total = 0.007 + 0.118 + 0.081, Ans. KETotal = 0.206 J

Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 -
Work and Impulse Rigid Body Systems Reading Page3

Example 17: A drum D mounted on two rollers to freely rotate,

carries a gear B welded with a common axis of rotation at B, is D
driven by gear A with with its center A. The gears A and B are
idealized by two pitch circles that roll without slipping at point P IB B
as shown. Given IB for drum and Gear B and IA for the gear A,
find the angular velocity of the Gear A when gear makes 5 full
rotations with couple C = 60 N.m. BP = 0.8 m and AP = 0.6 m. P

Solution. Since A and B are rolling on each other , they have

common velocity at P.

SIM4: Position Equation for BP

BP e(θBP) = BA e(θBA) + AP e(θAP) BA is Constant Vector. C = 60 N.m
BA' = 0
Velocity Equation for P:
BP ωB e(270 + 90) = 0 + AP ωA e(90 + 90) ΔKE = (1/2) [IAωA2 + IAωB2] - 0
X Component Equation: = 0.5[IAωA2 + IB(0.752) ωA2]
0.8 ωB = - 0.6 ωA or ωB = - 0.75 ωA
0.5*[IA + 0.563 IB] ωA2 = 1571
Work Done = ΔKE
Ans. ωA = [ 2*1571 / (IA + 0.563 IB]0.5 rad/s
Cθ = 50* 2πN = 1571 J
Example 18: Two Pulleys of equal mass 5 kg, r = 04 m
and Centroidal Mass Moment of Inertia I, are suspended
as shown. They roll over the cord without slipping as it is
pulled. Find their angular velocity when F= 400 N moves ωA
down by 1 m
Solution: As 400 N moves down by 0.1 m, 50 kg is 49 N
moved up by 0.05 m, as the displacement of strand on left
is shared by two on right. 0.5 m
49 N
As the pulley A turns θA with angular velocity ωA CCW,
pulley B turns θB = - (θA / 2) with angular velocity B
400 N
ωB = - (ωA / 2)
Applying Work = ΔKE; VB = 0.04*ωB = 0.02*ωA
50 kg
Work = 400*1 - 490*0.5 – 49*0.5 = 269.5 J
ω A2 =
ΔKE = (1/2) [mV 2 + I ω 2 + I ω 2] 269.5 / [1.2 + 0.625 I}
= 0.5*[55* 0.04*ωA2 + I ωA2 + I*0.25ωA2] 490 N
ωA = ]269.5 / (1.2 + 0.625 I}]0.5
= [1.2 + 0.625 I} ωA2 = 269.5 J
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 4 - P16
Work and Impulse Rigid Body Systems Reading Page4

Example 19: A disk of mass 15 kg and radius

0.15 m and radius of gyration 0.1 m about its
centroidal axis, rolls down the slope under the action
of a spring as shown from A to B starting from rest.
AB = 0.4 m, CA = 0.6 m and CB = 0.4 m.
The un-stretched length of the spring is 0.3 m with a h
spring constant k = 100 N/m. Find the angular
velocity at position of the dic at B.
Solution. The system is under the action of conservative forces.
namely the weight and spring forces.
So the Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy is (330)
applied here.
m= 15kg Radius of Gyration K = 0.1 m; I = mK = 0.15 kg.m
2 2

AB = 0.4 m, CA = 0.6 m and CB = 0.4 m.

Original Spring length is 0.3 m.
Spring Constant k = 30 N/m A

Spring Extension SA = CA - 0.3 = 0.3 m ω

Spring Extension SB = CB – 0. = 0.1 m B

Considering the level of B as the datum, VB

PEg = mgh PES = 0.5*k*S2
PEgA = 15g* BA sin(θBA) = 29.42 J C
PESA = 0.5*100*(0.3)2 = 4.5 J PEA = 33.92
KE = 0

PEgB = 0
PESB = 0.5*100*(0.1)2 = 0.5 J
KEB = 0.5*[mVG2 + Iω2] VG = rω and I = mK2
= 0.5*15*[0.152 + 0.15]ω2 = 1.298 ω2 J

[PE + KE]B = [PE + KE]A

[0.5 + 1.298 ω2] = 33.92 ω = [33.42 / 1.293]0.5

Ans. 5.084 rad./s

Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P17
Work and Impulse Impulse and Momentum Reading Page1

Impulse Momentum

14 Impulse: In the classes on kinetics we first studied the instantaneous influence of a force to
produce an acceleration that will eventually change in the velocity. Next we studied the influence of
force to do work and in doing so change the kinetic energy of a body. Now we will study the
influence of a force, particularly involving very large magnitudes, acting in a short duration of time to
produce a change in the velocity vector of a body. Examples found in daily life are a ball hitting a
wall, changing its direction suddenly, cricketer hitting a ball to cause a desired change in direction
and magnitude of the velocity of the ball, in the design of bumper cars in amusement parks and
systems involving steady fluid streams and variable mass.

Considering a particle body, F = ma = m dv/ dt

Let dI = F dt = mdv

So I = ʃinitial final dI = m [vf – vi] or m [v2 - v1]

In the above equation I is called linear Impulse and mv is known as linear momentum.
Hence the Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum is stated as:
Linear Impulse is equal to Change in Linear Momentum.
The units of Impulse are N.s or lb s. I
Graphically, Impulse is the area between the force force
curve and the time axis as shown on the right. t
Example 10: A ball of 40 grams is dropped on to the floor from a t1
height of 8 m and it bounds to a height 6 m. Determine A) the Impulse t2
of the force during the the contact of the ball with the floor. and B) the
average reaction on ball if the contact lasts for 0.02 sec.

Solution: A. (PE + KE) of the ball at top = mgh1

(PE + KE) of the ball at the Floor = 0.5 mv12 h1 h2
Equating and solving v1 = (2 g h1)0.5 = (2*9.8*8)0.5 = - 12.522 m/s v1 v2

Similarly KE of rebound is rebound PE.

So v2 = (2gh2)0.5 = + (2*9.8*6)0.5 = + 10.844 m/s
m (v2 - v1)
Impulse I = Change in linear momentum = m(v2 – v1) mg
I = 0.4 [+10.844 – (- 12.522)]; I = 0.9346 (90) N.s ʃif dt =

B. Let the average Reaction be R on the ball.

I = Σ F *t = [R – mg] t; [R – 0.04*9.8] (0.02) = 0.9346
Kinetic System Diagram
[R – 0.04*9.8] = 46.73 Ans. R = 47.122 N
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P18
Work and Impulse Impulse and Momentum Reading Page 2

Example 20: A player kicks a foot-ball at rest and the ball leaves the ground at an angle of 20o from
the horizontal. If the ball's mass is 240 grams and kick duration is 0.02 second find the average
force exerted by the player on the ball. mg

Solution: The foot-ball is at rest. So the its weight and = 0

Normal reaction are in balance.
Change in the momentum from rest is N
m [v e(20) – 0] = mv e(20) FBD at Rest 4.8 e(20)
= 0.240*20 e(20)
I = 4.8 e(20) N.s ---E1

Let F be the force of the foot on the ball

ʃif dt =

F e(20) [mg and N are not shown

I = F e(20) t = (0.02)* F e(20) ---E2
as their vector sum = 0]
Kinetic System Diagram
E2 = E1 => F = 4.8 / 0.02 = 240 N Ans.

Example 21: A cricket ball of mass 160 grams is moving with a

velocity of 24m/s is hit by a player so that it deflects with velocity of
32 m/s at an angle of 30o as shown in the diagram. Determine the V2
average force of Impulse on the ball by the bat if the duration of
contact is 0.01 sec. Neglect the weight of of the ball in your 30o

Solution: I = Change in Momentum

8.661 e(17.193)
I = m [V2 e(30) - V1 e(180)] = 0.160[32 e(30) + 24 e(0)]
IX = 8.274 N.s IY = 2.56 N.s
I = 8.661 e(17.193) ---E1 i
ʃ dt =

F e(17.193) [mg is neglected]

I = F e(17.193) t = (0.01)*F e(17.193) ---E2
Kinetic System Diagram
RHS of E2 = RHS of E1 => F = 866.1 N Ans.
Example 22: A vehicle of 2000 kg moves down an inclin
e of 1 in 80 at a speed of 72 kmph. Find the breaking force
if it is brought to a stop in 4 sec.

Solution: Incline angle = - α; sin α = - 1/80 19.6 kN

Speeds along the incline
: V1 = 72*5/18 = 20 m/s, V2 = 0
Change in Momentum along the incline ʃif dt =
I = 2000 [0 - 20] = - 40000 N.s ---E1
F kN.s
40 kN.s
I || to incline = [mg cos (270 + α) – F] * 4 N
I = 4* [mg sin α – F] ---E2
E2 = E1 => F = [40000/4] + 2000*9.8*1/80; F = 10.245 kN Ans.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P19
Work and Impulse Impulse and Momentum Reading Page3
P (25
Example 23: The 5 kg crate on the slope shown is acted on by
a force P equal to 20 N more than its value for impending
motion up. Find its velocity 2 seconds after it started moving
up. The static and kinetic angles of friction are 12o and 10o. 49 N
P (25
Solution: Impending Up FBD Σ F = 0
P e(25) + R e(117) + 49 e(270) = 0 (15)
LCE to line(117) => P = 24.55 N 5 + 12
R (10 o
Kinetic System Diagram: New P = 24.55 + 20 = 44.55 φ=1
Impending Up FBD
Σ F Perpendicular to line(15) = zero.
R sin(115 – 15) + 44.55 sin(25 - 15) 5 v2
49 N )
+ 49 sin(270 – 15) = 0 => R = 40.21 N P (25

Change of momentum along incline(15): dt = (15)

I = 5[v2 – 0] = 5v2 ---E1
ʃ fi
5 + 10)
Impulse of Forces P, W and R along incline(15) R (10

I = [44.55 cos (25-15) + 49 sin(270 - 15) 0o

+ 40.21 cos (115 – 10)]*2 ; I = 43.0 N.s ---E2 φ=1
Kinetic System Diagram
E1 = E2 => Ans. v2 = 8.6 m/s
Example 24: The 5 kg crate on the slope shown is acted on by a
force P = [10 + 1.0t] N with t in seconds. If the velocity is at t = 2 )
sec, is 4m/s down the slope and the kinetic friction angle is 10o, P ( 25
find its velocity at t = 4 s. (15)

Solution: I = Change in Linear Momentum = m [v2 - v1]

I = 5 [v2 - (-4)] = 5 (v2 + 4) ---E1
Σ F Perpendicular to line(15) = zero.
R sin (95 - 15) + (10 + 1.0t) sin (25 - 15) - (-4)]
49 N 5 [v 2
+ 49 sin (270 – 15 ) = 0 )
P ( 25 (15)
R = - [(10 + 1.0t) sin 10o - 47.33] /sin 80o ; R = 46.3 – 0.176 t
dt =
Impulse || to (along) line(15) due to P, W and R f
I = ʃ24 (10 + 1.0t) cos (25 -15) dt
i ʃ
+ ʃ24 49 cos (270 – 15) dt 5- 10)
R (10
+ ʃ24 (46.3 – 0.176t) cos(95 – 15) dt
I = 16.137 ---- E2
E1 = E2 => 5 (v2 + 4) = 16.137 v2 = - 0.773 Ans.; φ=1
Note: when v2 = 0, the direction of R changes to (115)! Kinetic System Diagram
Time t for v2 = 0 can be found by Σ ʃ2t (...) dt = 20 N.s in E2.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 5 - P20
Work and Impulse Impulse and Momentum Reading Page 4

Example 25: Blocks in the pulley arrangement are released from rest. Find the
velocities of blocks in 2 seconds and the Tension in the string. The strings are
in extensible and pulleys are smooth and their masses are negligible. .

Solution: Since the pulleys are frictionless, the tension in the cable is uniform
and let be T. because of the heavier mass, A will move down and B will move up.
Because of the constant length, the displacement of A with single strand down is
equal to twice the upward displacement of B pulled / shared by two strands. B 4 kg
Therefore 2VB = - VA or
A 6kg
VA = - 2 VB ---E1
For Block A: I = Δ Momentum ʃi f A dt =

[T – 58.8]*2 = 6 [VA – 0] = 6 VA or 58.8 N 6VA

T – 58.8 = 3VA or T = 3VA + 58.8 ----E2
For Block B: I = Δ Momentum

[2T - 39.2]*2 = 4[VB – 0] = 4 VB ʃif dt = 4 VB

2T – 39.2 = 2VB or T = VB + 19.6 ---E3

E2 = E3 => 3VA + 58.8 = VB + 19.6 39.2 N

From E1 VA = - 2 VB. So - 6VB + 58.8 = VB + 19.6 ---E4
7 VB = 39.2 Answers: VB = 5.6 m/s; T = 25.2 N
VA = - 11.2 m/s
Example 26: In the above problem (Ex. 16)
find the time and tension when VB = 6 m/s

Solution: VA = - 2 VB ---E1
ʃif A dt =

58.8 N 6VA
For Block A: I = Δ Momentum; VB = 6, so VA = - 12 m/s
[T – 58.8]*t = 6 [VA – 0] = 6 VA = - 72
[T – 58.8] = - 72 / t or T = - 72/t + 58.8 ---E2.
For Block B: I = Δ Momentum
[2T - 39.2]*t = 4[VB – 0] = 24 4 VB
2T – 39.2 = 24/t or T = 12/t + 19.6 ---E3 ʃi f dt =
E2 = E3 => -72/t + 58.8 = 12/t + 19.6 84/t = 39.2 ;
Ans. t = 2.143 sec. 39.2 N
T = 12/2.143 + 19.6 = 25.2 N Note: The tension remains the same
as the active forces are the same in the Kinetic Body Diagrams.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P21
Work and Impulse Conservation of Momentum Reading Page1

Conservation of Momentum Examples

15. Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum:

When no external forces act on bodies forming a system, the linear momentum of the system is
conserved during a time period in which internal movements occur.

Final System Linear Momentum = Initial System Linear Momentum.

For a system of two masses M and m: MV MU

[MV + mv] = [MU + mu] + mv = + mu

Example 18: A gun of mass 2500 kg fires horizontally a shell of mass 40 kg with a velocity of 350
m/s. What is the velocity with which the gun will recoil? Also determine the spring constant k
required to stop the gun in 0.8 m. In how much time it will stop?
40 kg
2500 kg W = ʃif F . dS; K.E. = (1/2) m v2

Solution: Conservation of Momentum is applied:

Momentum after the firing = Momentum before firing
40 v
MV+mv=MU+ mu
2500 V
+ = 0
(2500) (V) + (40) (350) = 0 + 0
V = - 5.6 m/s.
Gun Recoil Velocity Ans.1 Vleft = 5.6 m/s

Applying Work Energy Relationship ΔKE = ʃif . dS

for the recoil:
S kS
Work of Spring Force = Δ KE
- [1/2] k(0.8) = [0 – 0.5 (250) (5.6) ]
2 2

Ans.2 k = 12250 N/m

Fmax = 12250*0.8 = 98000 N ΔP

Fmax =
I = Δ Momentum: t * 9800 /2 = 2500[0 - (-5.6)] t

t = 2500*5.6 / 49000 Ans.3 t = 0.286 sec.

Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P22
Work and Impulse Conservation of Momentum Reading Page2

Example 27: A man of 80 kg mass jumps on to a cart from a bridge such that he lands on with a
velocity of 6m/s at an angle 30o to the horizontal direction. If the cart is free to move, determine the
velocity of the cart after he has jumped in when the cart is moving with a velocity of 2m/s towards the
bridge. The mass of the cart is 150 kg. Also determine the loss in kinetic energy of the system.

Solution: This is a problem on Conservation of a System Momentum.

u = 6 e(330) m/s

Cart M = 150 kg; Man m = 80 kg;

U = 2 e(180) m/s System Momentum Equation along X axis

(M + m) VX = MUX + mUX --- E1

X Component Equation: (150 + 80) VX = (150) [2 cos 180o] + (80) [6 cos 330o] --- E2

Solving E2 VX = 0.503 m/s

Loss in KE = KEInitial - KE Final

[(1/2) MU1/2 + (1/2) m u2 ] - (1/2) (M +m) VX2

= 1740 – 29.1 Ans. KE loss = 1710.9 J

Example 28: The barge B weighs 160 kN and supports an automobile weighing 16kN. If the barge is
not tied to the pier P and someone drives the automobile to the other side of the barge for unloading,
determine how far the barge moves away from the pier. Neglect resistance of the water.

d = Automobile displacement
. rel
relative to the barge
S = Displacement of Barge.

t = Time of Displacement.

Solution: Let the Barge of mass M and the automobile of mass m form a system for the
conservation of momentum before and after the Displacement.

System Momentum is Conserved: P Final = P Initial

(M) (S/t) + (m) [ S/t + drel /t] = (M + m) (0)
(M + m) (S/t) = - m (drel /t)
S = - m drel / (M + m); S = - (16) (90) / (160 + 16); Ans. S = - 8.182 m.
The barge moves away from the Pier by 8.182 m during the displacement.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P23
Work and Impulse Conservation of Momentum Reading Page3

Example 28: A man of mass 70 kg stands in an aluminum canoe of mass 35 kg. He fires a bullet of
mass 25gm horizontally over the bow of the canoe to hit a wooden block of mass 2.25 kg resting on
a smooth horizontal surface as in the figure. If the wooden block and the bullet together move with a
velocity of 5m/s find the velocity of the canoe.

Mass m1 of bullet : 0.025 kg velocity of bullet = v

Mass M1 of Man : 70 kg
Mass M2 of canoe : 35 velocity of the canoe : = V

Wooden block m2: 2.25 kg Velocity of (m1 + m2) = v2 = 5 m/s

Bullet and the wooden block as one system;

P1 = P2
m1 v1 + m2 (0) = (m1 +m2) v

(0.025) (v1) + 0 = (0.025 + 2.25) (5)

Bullet Velocity: v1 = 455 m/s

(Canoe + Man) and the Bullet as a system:

P3 + P4 = 0 or P3 = - P4

(M1 +M2) V = - m1 v1

(70 + 35) V = 0.025 v1 = 0.025 (455); V = - 0.108 m/s

Velocity of the [Canoe + Man] to the left: Ans. Vleft = 0.108 m/s
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P24
Work and Impulse Conservation of Momentum Reading Page4

Example 28: Two men, m1 of mass 50 kg and m2 of mass 75 kg dive off the end of a boat of mass =
250 kg so that their relative velocity with respect to the boat is 4m/s. If the boat is initially at rest,
find its final velocity if (a) two men dive simultaneously, (b) the man of 75 kg dives first followed by
the man of mass 50, (c) the man of mass 50 kg dives first followed by the man of 75 kg.

m1, m2

Solution: Mass of Boat M = 250 kg, Mass of man 1, m1 = 50 kg, Mass of man 2, m2 = 75 kg

Initial Velocity of of [Boat and Men] = 0

Initial Momentum P1 = 0

(a) Both jump simultaneously: Initial Momentum of 0 is conserved.

M V + (m1 + m2) (V + 4) = 0
V = - (m1 + m2) (4) / (M + m1 + m2) = - (125) (4) / 375;
Ans. V = - 1.33 m/s
(b) When the m2 = 75 kg man jumps first: Initial Momentum of 0 is conserved.

(M+ m1) V1 + (m2) (V1 + 4) = 0

V1 = - m2 (4) / (M + m1+ m2) = - 75 (4) / 375; V1 = - 0.8 m/s

When the m1 =50 kg man jumps next: Momentum of (250 +50) (- 0.8) is conserved.
M V2 + m1 (V2 +4) = (250 + 50) (- 0.8)
V2 = [- 240 – (50) (4)] / (250 +50); Ans. V2 = - 1.46 m/s

(c) When the m1 = 50 kg man jumps first: Initial Momentum of 0 is conserved.

(M + m2) V1 + m1 (V1 + 4) = 0
V1 = - m1 (4) / (M + m1 + m2) = - 50 (4) / 375; V1 = - 0.533 m/s

When the m2 = 75 kg man jumps next: Momentum of (250 + 75) (- 0.533) is conserved

M V2 + m2 (V2 +4) = (250 + 75) (-.533)

V2 = [- 173.225 – 75 (4)] / (250 + 75); Ans. V2 = - 1.456 m/s
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P25
Work and Impulse Impact Reading Page1

Impact Examples

16 Impact: Impact is said to occur when two bodies forming a system collide with each other
during a short period of time involving large mutually reactive impulsive forces.

Central Impact occurs when Velocities are

Collinear, that is, Velocities are in the UA > UB
Line of Impact which is the line of common UA UB
normals at the instant of Impact.

Oblique Impact occurs when velocities are

non-collinear at the time of Impact.
Line of Impact is the line of common normals. UA
The Line of Common Tangent is the
Line of No-Impact. UB

In Impact the bodies are considered to be

deformable. The extent of deformation due to
Impact and its recovery(Restitution) depends
on the elasticity and plasticity (yielding) of the
materials involved.

During deformation the mutual impulsive Reactions

gradually increase from zero to a Maximum.
Impact Max. Impact
During Restitution the mutual impulsive Reactions
gradually reduce from a maximum to zero.

The velocities along the common tangent have

No-Impact. Hence Velocities along common
Tangent R are Conserved.
Therefore VAT = UAT ---E1 and VBT = UBT ---E2 Restitution Max. Restitution

The Net Impulse is zero along the line of Impact. Hence Linear Momentum along the line
of Impact is Conserved, providing one Equation, mAVAR + mBVBR = mAUAI + mB UBI ---E3

17. Coefficient of Restitution: The UAI and UBI, on the RHS of E3 are known. The Final
Restituted Velocities VAR and VBR on the LHS are to be determined. The second equation is
provided by the ratio, “Coefficient of Restitution”, e (Different from unit vector e) by Newton. He
established it through his Experiments on the ratio of Restitutive Impulse to the
Impact/Deformation Impulse.

e = - Relative Velocity of Restitution / Relative Velocity of Impact

e = - [ VAR - VBR] / [UAI - UBI] or [ VAR - VBR] = e [UBI – UAI ] ---E4; e varies from 1 to 0.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P26
Work and Impulse Impact Reading Page2

Example 29: Two pendulums of mass m each are 30o

hung as shown. If the left one is released find the
final velocities of each after the impact.
for the Coefficient of Restitution e = 1 and zero. 50
Solution: PEi of ball A of mass m is h
mgh = m*9.8*(50 – sin 30) = 245m J A B
The Impact is Central. UBI= 0
Energy of ball A is conserved. KEf = PEi
0.5* mUAI2 = 245 m
=> UAI = 22.14 cm/s; UBI = 0

Momentum is Conserved
1 along line(0)
m VAR + mVBR = m UAI + m UBI
VAR + VBR = 22.14 + 0; VAR + VBR = 22.14 ---E1 VBR = 22.14 cm/s
Coefficient of Restitution e = 1, Fully Elastic / Rigid A B
VAR - VBR = 1 * [ 0 – 22.14 ]; VAR - VBR = – 22.14 ---E2
VAR = 0
E1 + E2 => Ans. 1 VAR = 0
Note: For e = 1, Velocities of A and
E1 - E2 => Ans. 2 VBR = 22.14 cm/s B are exchanged with equal masses.
Coefficient of Restitution e = 0, Fully Plastic / Yielded
This means VAR - VBR = 0 or VAR = VBR = V ;
So from E1 2 V = 22.14 or Ans.3 V = 11.07 cm/s
2 m/s 1 m/s
1k 2kg (0)
Example 30: A ball of 1 kg moving with velocity of 2 m/s hits
a ball of mass of 2 kg moving qt 1 m/s. Find the final velocities
with e = 1 and 0.
Solution: Momentum Conserved along line(0) e = 0: VAR = VBR = V
1* VAR + 2* VBR = 1*2 + 2*1 = 4 ---E1
e = 1: VAR – VBR = 1* [1 – 2] = - 1 ---E2 (1 + 2) V = 4; V = 1.33 m/s
E1 + 2 E2 => 3 VAR = 2 or Ans.1 VAR = 0 .67 m/s
Ans.2 VBR = 1.67 m/s
Y (90)
Example 25: A ball of mass m hits a smooth wall as shown with
an velocity U at angle α. If for a coefficient of Restitution e, find V (β)
the velocity V and angle β after the impact.

Solution: Y axis is line of No-impact. So V sin β = U sin α --E1 X (0)

X axis line of Impact. Momentum is Conserved. Since wall's
velocity is negligible, we use Newton's Restitution Equation. U (α)
V cos β – 0 = e [0 - U cos α] –E2
V2 = U2[sin2α + e2 cos2α] and tan β = [1/e] tan α
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 - P27
Work and Impulse Impact Reading Page3

Solution Example 31: A smooth sphere moving at 10m/s in the

This is an Oblique Impact Problem. direction shown collides with another smooth sphere
double its mass and moving with 5/s in the direction
Step1. Conserved Velocity Equations shown. If the Coefficient of restitution is 2/3, determine
along No-Impact Axis OT the velocities after collision.
VAT = UAT = 10 sin (330)
VAT = UAT = - 5 m/s
10 (330) m/s B 5 (240) m/s
VBT = UBT = 5 sin (240) A

VBT = - 4.33 m/s I (0)

Step2. Conserved Momentum Equation VB
along Impact Axis OI VA

mA VAI + mB VBI = mAUAI + mB UBI

m VAI + 2m VBI = m (10) cos (330) + 2m (5) cos (240)

VAI + 2VBI = 3.66 --- E1

Step3. Coefficient of Restitution Equation:

VAI - VBI = e [ UBI - UAI] = 0.667 [5 cos (240) - 10 cos (330)]

VAI - VBI = - 7.44 --- E2

Step4. Solution of E1 and E2:

E1 + 2* E2 => 3VAI = - 11.22; VAI = - 3.74 m/s

from E2, VBI = VAI + 7.44; VBI = 3.7 m/s

Step5. Final Velocities:

VA = [VAI2 + VAT2]1/2 = 6.24 m/s; ϕA = acos [VAI / VA] = (233.2)

VB = [VB2 + VBT2]1/2 = 5.7 m/s; ϕB = acos [VBI / VB] = ( 311.51)

Ans.1 VA = 6.24 e (233.2) m/s

Ans.2 VB = 5.7 e (311.51) m/s

Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 7 -
Work and Impulse Impact Reading Page4
Example 32: The Blocks 5kg A and 2kg B in the arrangement
with smooth pulley of negligible mass shown, are released from
rest when A is 1.2 m below 4kg Collar weight C on the platform.
Find the height (A+C) will attain before they come to an
instantaneous rest.

Solution: A moves down and B moves up

with same acceleration a. T A
5 kg
KSD A: T – 49 = - 5a ---E1 C 4 kg
KSD B: T – 19.6 = + 2a ---E2 =
1.2 m
E1 – E12: - 29.4 = - 7 a
49 N 5a
a = 4.2 m/s2
Impact Velocity of B at C 2a B 2 kg
VI2 = 0 + 2 aS
VI2 = 0 + 2*4.2*1.2 = 10.08, VI = 3.175 m/s B
Since A and B are connected their 19.6 N
Combined Momentum at C before Impact is
(5 + 2)*3 .175 s = 22. 225 N.s

Momentum is conserved with impact with C

As A, B and C have same Restitution Velocity at C with e = 0.

(5 + 2 + 4)* VR = 22.225 => VR = 2.02 m/s (B+C)

6 kg
Motion of (B +C): Weight of (B+C) is now greater than A and
and hence will decelerate.
Because of VR = 2.02 m/s, it will keep moving up until it comes to 5 kg
a momentary after S* up fromn platform and then moves down.
Let b be acceleration up at A. KBEs: T*
T* - 49 = 5b ---E3 T* - 58.8 = - 6b ---E4
E – E4: 11b = 9.8 b = 0.891 m/s2 A
= =
for (A+C) V2 = U2 + 2aS
58.8 N
49 N
0 = 2.022 - 2* 0.891*S 6b

Ans. S = 2.29 m.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 -
Work and Impulse Angular Momentum Reading Page1

Moment of Momentum Examples.

18 Angular Momentum: We learned that moment of a force vector F Y
about a point with an arm vector r is given by mV
In a similar way we can write moment of a linear momentum
vector P about a point with arm vector r is given by X
H = r X P = r X mV Z
H is also called Angular / Rotational Momentum Vector. Y mV (θV)
Angular Momentum in XY Plane:
H = rL (mV) or r mV sin(θV – θr) r (θr)

For a System of Particles or a rigid body X

HC = IC ω O
where IC is Mass moment of Inertia about Z axis through Centroid C
and ω is angular velocity.

Since F = [d/dt] mV or F = mV'

Moment is “Rate of Change of Angular Momentum”.
M = H'

For a system of particles or a rigid body

M = H' = IC α
where IC is Mass Moment of Inertia about Z axis, through the Centroid C
and α is angular acceleration.

Example 33: A 2kg box slides down a circular smooth ramp

from rest at A. Find angular Momentum about Center O, at
the position B shown and the tangential acceleration.

Solution: Conservation of Mechanical Energy. BL O

[PE + KE] at B = [PE + KE] at A A
0 + (0.5) mVt2 = m*9.8*10 sin(30) + 0 mg
=> Vt = 9.9 m/s
B 10 m
Angular Momentum about O:
HO = rL mVt = 10*2.0*9.9; OA X = H'O
Ans.1 HO = 198 kg.m2/s
Moment is Rate of Change of Angular Momentum Vt
MO = H'O = rL m at
(2)*9.8 (10 cos 30) = (10) (2) at
Ans.2 at = 8.45 m/s2
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 -
Work and Impulse Angular Momentum Reading Page2
19 Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum: Similarity exists between Linear and Angular
Force = Rate of Change of Momentum
“Angular Force” or “Moment” = Rate of Change of Angular Momentum

Linear Impulse = Change in Linear Momentum

Angular Impulse = Change in Angular Momentum = Change in Moment of Momentum.

ʃif M dt = ΔH for a particle.


ʃif M dt = I [ω – ω ] for a rigid body

O O f i

20 Conservation of Angular Momentum: When the external moments on a system are zero
about a point on a system, then the Angular Momentum about that point is conserved.

[HO] final = [HO] initial for a Particle

[HAO + HBo]]final = [HAO + HBO]]initial for Particles A and B

[IAO ωAf + IBO ωBf] = [IAO ωAI + IBO ωBi] for a Rigid Bodies A and B

Example 29: A 1800 kg car moves in a circular path as shown.

The traction force T= 200t N with t in seconds. Find the speed
of the car when t = 4 seconds considering the speed is 4 m/s at t=
0 and neglecting the size of the vehicle.

Solution: Kinetic System Diagram

ʃM O
dt = HOfA - HOiA 32 m
OA X A dt = = HO
ʃ04 32*200t dt = 32* 1800 [V – 4] K
[Moment of Frictional Force Fr = 0 as it passes through O]
canceling 32*100 on both sides

[2*4 – 0] = 18V – 72 => Ans. V = 80/18 = 4.44 m/s

Note: This particle problem can be solved using the Principle of

Linear Impulse and Momentum itself. The power of Angular
Momentum formulations is realized more in celestial mechanics,
problems with changing radius of curvature and rotating rigid Kinetic System Diagram
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 - P31
Work and Impulse Angular Momentum Reading Page3

Example 34: Sphere A of 1.5 kg mass and negligible size, is attached a string which passes through
a hole O in the frictionless table shown. It has a speed of Vi = 1.2 m/s, with the initial radial distance
of ri = 0.6 m, while rotating in a circular path. The string then is pulled vertically down the hole
with a constant speed of 2m/s by applying a force F until the final radius rf = 0.2 m. A) Find the
final speed Vf of the sphere and B) work done by F.

Solution: A. Kinetic System Diagram

As the sphere moves from initial to final positions
corresponding to ri and rf, it is acted on by its weight W,
Normal Reaction N and Radial Force equal to steady force on 0.2 m Af
the string F. O +
The body Momentum:
With Steady Radial Velocity Vr = 2m/s 0.6 m
Steady Radial Component mVr = (1.5)*(2) N.s
Transverse Components: Ai
mVTi= (1.5)*(1.2) N.s
mVTf = (1.5)*VTf N.s

Only Transverse Components have Angular Momentum.

Since Radial Component pass through O, it Angular moment
about O is zero.

Conservation of Angular Momentum

HOf = HOi W
rf *mVTf = ri *mVTi
Fr A

(0.2)*(1.5) VTF = (0.6)(1.5)(1.2)

VTf = 3.6 m/s N

Vf = [Vfr2 + VTf2]1/2 ; Ans.1 Vf = 4.12 m/s

B. Work = ΔKE
W = (1/2)*(1.5)*[4.122 – 1.22]; Ans.2 W = 11.65 J +
mVr A
Note: To keep Vr steady the Force F will not be constant as
the normal acceleration changes with radius and VT.

If the F is given, it becomes a different problem with changing

Vr. In fact that is a more practical situation. Kinetic System Diagram
[In computerized exams, one can skip steps, saving time]
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 8 -
Work and Impulse Angular Momentum Reading Page4

Example 35: An un-stretched 1.0 m elastic cable OAi with spring constant
value k equal to 25 N per meter, is attached to 1.5 kg mass of negligible size, on
a smooth horizontal table. If the cube is given a speed of 2.4 m/s
perpendicular to the cable, find the speed of the cube when it stretched to 1.2 m
and the rate at which the cord is stretched (Vrf).

Solution: A. Kinetic System Diagram

A. Conservation of Mechanical Energy:
O Vf
[PE + KE]f = [PE + KE]i + 1.2 m
1.0 m
(1/2)*(25)*[0.22] + (1/2)*(2)*Vf2
= 0 + (1/2)*(2)*2.42]
Ai 2.4 m/s
0.5 + 1.0 Vf2 = 5.76 Ans.1 Vf = 2.29 m/s

B. Conservation of Angular Momentum:

As the sphere moves from initial to final
positions corresponding to ri and rf, it is acted on + W
by its weight W, Normal Reaction N and Radial
Force equal to steady force on the string F.
The body Momentum: Fr
Radial Component mVr = (2.0)*Vr N.s
Transverse Components:
mVTi= (2.0)*(1.2) N.s
mVTf = (2.0)*VTf N.s

Only Transverse Components have Angular

Momentum. Since Radial Component pass
through O, it Angular moment about O is zero. O
HOf = HOi mVT
rf *mVTf = ri *mVTi

(1.2)*(2.0) VTf = (1.0)(2.0)(2.4) mVr

VTf = 2 m/s

Final Radial Stretch Rate: Vrf = [Vf2 - VTf2]1/2

Kinetic System Diagram
Ans.2 Vrf = 1.122 m/s
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 -
Work and Impulse Steady Flow and Variable Mass Reading Page1

Steady Flow Variable Mass

21 Steady Flow: So far we have been solving “Closed

System Problems” using linear and angular impulse and MA
momentum principles. Let us now consider the steady
flow of fluid particles that enter a “Control Volume” of + dt
a pipe, pump, turbine or even a fan, pass through it and A
leave at another end. Steady flow means, the rate of entry R
is same the rate of exit.

22 Principle of Impulse and Momentum.

The Kinetic Body Diagram is shown for a control

mass in a control volume. A differential mass enters at the
center of inlet opening A with Velocity U and exits at the (- dm U) A
center of outlet opening B with a velocity V. The diagram +
shows the External Force-Couple system at A with the B
Resultant Force R and Couple Moment MA.

Applying the principles of linear and angular impulse and

momentum about A, we have (dm V)

R dt = dm [V – U]
Note: The opposites R and MA
or R = m' [V – U] ----[ m' = dm/dt] will give the Force and Moment
at on the pipe / vane.
MA = MAB of m'V ----[ MAB = AB X m'V]
Example 36: Find the X, Y components of Force A and
Moment M at A on the flow mass shown below right, with a
jet diameter 4 mm and jet velocity 10m/s. Density ρ of water
is 1000 kg/m3.. The weight of the water and vane is 3 N at C.
m' V(131)
Solution: m' = ρAU = 1000*(3.14*0.002 )*10 = 0.26 kg/s

R = m' [V – U]
A + W = m' [V - U]
0.3 m
AX = 0.26 *[10 cos(131) - 10] Ans.1 AX = - 4.3 N
AY = - .0.26*[10sin(131) – 0) + 3 Ans.2 AY = 4.96 N
MA = MAB of m'V: AB = [0.1 e(0) + 0.3 e(90)] 3N
M - 0.1* 3 = 0.26*[0.1*10 sin(131 – 0) 0.1 m
+ 0.3*10 sin(131 – 90)]
Ans.3 M = 1 .006 N.m
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P34
Work and Impulse Steady Flow and Variable Mass Reading Page2

Example 37: Find the X, Y component forces and the

couple on the joint of the pipe shown. the entry gauge 0.16 m
pressure is 120kPa. the exit discharge Q is 0.18 m3/s. Water A C
density ρ = 1000 kg/m3 and C is mass center of water filled
elbow of mass 18 kg. m
0.08 m
0.28 Dia
Solution: m' = ρ Q = 1000*0.18 = 180 kg/s m

U = Q/AU = 180 / [π *0.082] = 8.96 m/s M W

V = Q/AV = 180/[π*0.04 ] = 35.83 m/s
S = pAU = 100*π*(0.08)2 = 2010 N A 0.12 m
W = 18*9.8 = 176.4 N
0.28 m

Kinetic System Equations: Σ F = m' (V – U)

A + W + S = 180 [ V – U]
- m'U
AX + 0 + 2010 = - 1613 => Ans.1 AX = - 3613 N
AY - 176 + 0 = - 3226 => Ans.2 AY = - 3050 N

Σ MA = m' [rV X V] 0.28 m

M - 0.12*176.4 = (- 0.28)* 180*35.83 m'V
Ans.3 M = - 1785 N.m
Kinetic System Diagram
Example 38: Water jet 0f 4 cm dia with a velocity of 8m/s impinges on a 2 m/s
single blade moving with a constant velocity 2.0 m/s away from the jet.
A) Find the X, Y Force Vector, the blade exerts on the water. B) What
power does the water generate on the blade. Neglect water weight.
Solution: U at A = 8.0 e(0) m/s
UV = Vane Velocity = 2.0 e(0)
Urel = Jet velocity relative to Vane
= 8 – 2 = 6 m/s with changing direction.
V = Exit Velocity = UV + Urel = [2 e(0) + 6 e(90)]
m' = ρ*Urel*Ajet = 1000*6*[π(22/10000] = 7.54 kg/s

A) Kinetic System Equation neglecting the weight of water:

R = m' [V – U] (- m'U)
= 7.54 [2 e(0) + 6 e(90) – 8 e(0)];
Ans.1 RX = - 45.24 N; Ans.2 RY = 45.24 N

B) X Component Force by the jet on the Vane = - RX = 45.24 N Kinetic System Diagram
Power P = F . V = 45.24*2 Watts. Ans.3 P = 0.123 metric hp.
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 - P35
Work and Impulse Steady Flow and Variable Mass Reading Page3

23 Control Volume Losing Mass: A rocket is a good example that loses its mass as the instant
control mass gains velocity. Let us consider a horizontal control volume situation.

dm U
R dt = (m - dm) [V + dV] - mV
+ X

R dt is the Impulse of Resistive Forces on mass m in time dt. Y

Middle one is the Final Momentum of ejected mass dm with
velocity U at time (t + dt). V is the Velocity of control volume.
The third one shows the Initial Momentum at time t.
The Kinetic System / Impulse-Momentum Equation is:
R dt = { dm U + [mV + m dV - dm V + dm*dV]} - mV
The mVs get cancelled and the second oder [dm*dv] = 0. W

Dividing by dt and simplifying, X Component Equation is:

- R = - m' (U + V) + m V';
Letting (U + V) = Urel, a constant; - R = m V' – m' Urel

Example 39: The initial mass of a rocket is M. In it the initial

mass of the fuel is m, consumed at a constant rate m'. The
velocity of expelled fuel, relative to rocket velocity V is Urel.
Find the maximum velocity of the rocket, neglecting the
rocket weight and air drag. The rocket is fired up from rest.

Solution: At a given time t m = M – m't; mg = (M – m't)g

Y Component Equation for the Kinetic System is:
- mg = m dv/dt - m' (Urel)

dV/dt = [m' Urel / m] – g

dV = [ m' (Urel) / (M – m' t) - g] dt

ʃ0V dV = ʃ0t [ m' (U ) / (M – m' t) - g] dt

Kinetic Sytem Diagram

V = [- Urel ln {M / (M – m' t)} – gt]0t Note: The thrust T on

the rocket is equal and
Let the time to consume all fuel mf = tf opposite to m' (Ure)
tf = mf / m' Σ F = ma becomes
Vmax = - Urel ln[M / (M - mf) - g mf / m' T - mg = ma
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 9 -
Work and Impulse Steady Flow and Variable Mass Reading Page4
24 Control Volume Gaining Mass: A shovel attached to a tractor is a good example that gains its
mass as the instant control mass moves with Velocity V at time t.

R dt = (m + dm) [V + dV ] dm U - mU

R dt is the Impulse of Traction Forces on mass m in time dt.

Middle one is the Final Momentum with mass dm with velocity UY
at time (t + dt). V is the Velocity of control volume.
The third one shows the Initial Momentum at time t.
The Kinetic System / Impulse-Momentum Equation is:
R dt = { dm U + [mV + m dV + dm V + dm*dV]} - mV
The mVs get cancelled and the second oder [dm*dv] = 0.

Dividing by dt and simplifying, X Component Equation is:

- R = m' (V - U) + m V'; =0
Letting (V - U) = Vrel, a constant; R = m V' + m' *Vrel W
mgl mgl
Example 40: A chain of mass M is being lifted from the
ground. A) Find the force F required to raise the chain with a
constant speed V starting from rest at Y = 0. B)Find the force to
lower the chain at constant speed V. starting from rest at Y – L. P P
Solution: A) Raising Up
At a given time t m = (M) Y/ L; P's are the weights P P
and their reactions
V' = 0, m' = (M / L) V
of the links on floor.
Vrel = (V – U) = (V – 0) = V
Y Component Equation for the Kinetic Body is:
R = m V' + m' *Vrel
mV' = 0l
FR - Mg(Y/L) = m (0) + [(M / L) V]*(V)

Ans,1 FR = (M / L) [gY + V2]

B) Lowering Down. Y Component Equation is
R = m V' + m' *Vrel m' *Vrel
As links do not impart any impulse while lowering and V' = 0,
the RHS = 0 Raising Lowering

FL - Mg(Y/L) = 0 Ans.2 FL = Mg (Y/L) Kinetic System Diagram

Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 - P37
Work and Impulse Sample Unit Test Reading Page1
Total Marks / 40 =>
Assessment A1 on Classes 1 to 4. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.
Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.

Q1: Finding the Final Velocity due to Work Q2: Finding the final Angular
49 N velocity due to work
Find the final velocity V C G
of the body shown. A couple C = 8 N.m
Friction φ = 10o. 12 (330) m acts CCW on the
40 kg rotor at rest. C
Solution: φ = 10o. Findω when
S = 12 e(330) m 30o rotation θ = 1 rad. R k
U = 4 m/s R (60 + 10 ) k – 180 N/m , N kS
mg = 49 N; = R = 0.2 m
m = 5 kg W = ΔKE
5*(V2 – 42) /2 Solution: IZG = MR2/2 = 0.8 kg m2
||CE to Normal line(60):
R cos (70 - 60) – 49 cos (270 – 60) = 0 Work by Couple WC =
R =
Work by Spring Wk =
W = ΣFS cos(θF – θS):
ω in rad. /s:
V in m/s:
Q3. On Conservation of Mechanical Energy Q4. Finding the Angular Velocity of a
49 N Compound Pulley
The prismatic bar is released from + 1 0.3 m 5 N.m
rest at position 1 in the For the system shown,
quadrant of a circle. find the Net Couple C 0.2 m
Find its velocity V h = R/2 R on the Compound Pulley
when it is and find its final angular
horizontal. 2 velocity, after it rotates 80 N
0.8 radian from rest.
R = 1.0 m IZG = 0.75 kg m2. 40 N

Solution: Initial Velocity = 0 Solution:

Cnet about G = CNet IG
mass m = G

[PE + KE]1 = [PE + KE]2 Work by Cnet, WC =


Velocity V at 2 in m/s: ω in rad. /s:
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Work and Impulse Sample Unit Test Reading Page2

Assessment B1 on Classes 5 to 9. Time: 15 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for Each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct One 4, Corrected One 2
Problem 1: A disk of mass 15 kg and radius 0.15 m and
radius of gyration 0.1 m about its centroidal axis, rolls
down the slope under the action of a spring as shown from A
A to B starting from rest. AB = 0.4 m, CA = 0.6 m and
CB = 0.4 m. The un-stretched length of the spring is 0.3
h B
m with a spring constant k = 120 N/m. Find the angular
velocity at position of the dic at B.

Solution: Principle of Conservation of Mechanical

Energy is applied here. m = 15kg
Radius of Gyration K = 0.1 m; I = mK2 = 0.15 kg.m2
AB = 0.4 m, CA = 0.6 m and CB = 0.4 m. C
Original Spring length is 0.3 m.
Spring Constant k = 120 N/m

Spring Extension SA = CA - 0.3 =

Spring Extension SB = ω A

Considering the level of B as the datum,

PEg = mgh PES = 0.5*k*S2
PEgA =

(21 C

PEgB =



[PE + KE]B = [PE + KE]A

Ans. ω in rad./s
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Work and Impulse Sample Unit Test Reading Page3

Assessment A2 on Classes 1 to 4. Time: 10 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for Each Question: Correct Answer 2, Corrected Answer 1.
Q5: Finding the Force of Impulse Q6: Finding the distance moved due
Conservation of
Find the average force V2 Momentum drel = 80 m
on the cricket ball 30o V
if duration of Impulse 1 Find the P
is 0.01 sec. distance moved S
dt S, by the barge
m = 150 gm ʃ i
as the car moves Mbarge = 24000 kg
V1 = 25 (180) m/s 80 m on it as shown. mcar = 1600 kg
V2 = 35 (30) m/s, T = 0.01 s
System momentum P is conserved. Let T be
time of displacements.
I X = mV2X – mV1X
PFinal = P initial
M*(S /T) + m*[(S/T) + drel / T] = [M + m]*(0)
I Y = mV2Y – mV1Y



F in N: S in m:
Q7: On Conservation of Momentum applied Q8: Finding Transverse Velocity
to Impact / with Conservation of
Collision 3 m/s 1 m/s Angular Momentum
of bodies 1k 2kg BW
For the system g A 2 kg sphere is
shown, find the pulled through the
Common central hole of a Fr
Restitution Velocity V smooth table. At A
after the impact, Transverse Velocity A
if the coefficient of VATis 1.5 at RA = 0.6 m.
restitution e is zero. Find its Transverse Velocity
[Impact is fully plastic.] at B, VBT at RB = 0.2 m. mVT
Angular Momentum mVr
about O is Conserved.

V in m/s:
VBT in m/s:
Unit 6 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 10 -
Work and Impulse Sample Unit Test Reading Page4

Assessment B2 on Classes 5 to 9. Time: 15 minutes. Use Pencil Only.

Marks for Each set of Diagrams, Equations and Calculations: Correct One 4, Corrected One 2
Problem 2: Find the X, Y component forces and
the couple on the joint of the pipe shown. the
entry gauge pressure is 120kPa. the exit discharge
Q is 2.0 m3/s. Water density ρ = 1000 kg/m3 and C A C
is mass center of water filled elbow of mass 20 kg.
0.16 m
Solution: m' = ρ Q =
0.12 m 0.08 m
U = Q/AU = 0.28 m

V = Q/AV =

S = pAU =
Kinetic System Equations: Σ F = m' (V – U)
A+W+S = 0.12 m

0.28 m

- m'U

AX in N:
AY 0.28 m

Kinetic System Diagram
AY in N:

Σ MA =

M in N.m:
EEM with SIMS by Malladi

Bhattacharyya, B., Engineering Mechanics, 2nd edn., Oxford University Press,

New Delhi, 2014
Bhavikatti and K.I. Rajasekharappa, Engineering Mechanics, New Age
International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
Beer, F.P. and E.R. Johnston, Vector Mechanics for Engineers, 7th edn.,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2004.
Engineering Student Series, Problems and Solutions in Engineering Mechanics,
G.K. Publishers (P) Ltd., Roorkee, 2008
Hibbeler, R.C., Engineering Mechanics, 12th edn., Prentice Hall Incorporated,
Upper Saddle River, 2010.
Meriam, J.L and L.G Kraige, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics,
5th edn, John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., Singapore 2002.
Nelson, A., Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, McGraw Hill
Education (india) Private Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.
Shames, I.H., Engineering Mechanics, 3rd edn., Prentice Hall Incorporated
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995
Singer, F.L., Engineering Mechanics, 3rd edn., Harper and Row Publishers,
New York City, 1975.
Soni, A.H., Mechanism Synthesis and Analysis, McGraw Hill Book Company,
New York, 1974.
Tayal, A.K., Engineering Mechanics, 7th edn, Umesh Publications,
Delhi, 1996.
Timoshenko, S.P. and D.H. Young, Engineering Mechanics, 4th edn., McGraw
Hill International Book Company, Singapore, 1984
EEM with SIMS by Malladi
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EEM with SIMS by Malladi Page 1 of 2

Acceleration as function of Time U5P2 Fixed End Reaction U2P10

Acceleration as function of Position U5P4 Force & Acceleration U1P1
Acceleration as function of Velocity U5P3 Force Equilibrium U2P9
Acceleration due to Gravity, g U1P2 Force Rate U3P19
Active Forces U1P18 Force-Couple System U2P5
Addition of Vectors U1P9 Free Body Diagram U1P18
Angle of Friction U3P1 Frictional Torque U3P16
Angle of Repose U3P2
Angular Momentum U6P29 Gaining Mass U6P36
Arc Vector U1P10 Galileo U1P2
Area Moment of Inertia U4P17 Gravitational Constant U1P2
Arm Vector U1P5
Axial Force U2P19, 20 Head Angle U1P8
History of Mechanics U1P2
Bending Moment U2P19, 20
Canonical Moment Center U2P11 IILA U1P4
Canonical Moment Equation U2P11 Impact U6P25
Centroid of a Line U4P17 Impending Motion Direction U3P2
Centroid of an Area U4P 21 Impulse U6P17
Coefficient of Friction U3P1 Impulse & Momentum U1P1
Composite Arm U2P4 Inertia U1P2
Composites of Objects U4P15
Cone of Friction U3P1 Kinematics U1P1
Connected Bodies U1P27, 28 Kinetic U1P1
Connected Bodies U5P31 Kinetic Body Diagram U5P19
Contacting Bodies U1P25, 26 Kinetic Energy U6P5, 7
Contacting Bodies U5P29 Kinetics – Newton's 2nd Law U5P19
Cosine Theorem U1P12 Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion U5P23
Coulomb's Laws of Dry Friction U3P2 Known Vector U1P10
Couple U2P5
Curvilinear Motion U5P9 Lami's Theorem U1P4, U1P13
Law of Conservation U6P9, 21
Derivative of a Unit Vector U5P11 Lever Angle U1P7
Dimensional Homogeneity U1P3 Lever Arm U2P3
Dimensions U1P3 Lever Force U2P3
Dynamics U1P1 Lever Point U1P7
Line Vector U1P10
E-Quality Education U1P4 Loosing Mass U6P35
Engineering U1P1
Engineering Mechanics U1P1 Mass Moment of Inertia U4P25
Equilibrant U1P19 Maxwell's Equation U2P21
Equilibrium U1P17 Mechanics U1P1
EEM with SIMS by Malladi Page 2 of 2

Mechanism Analysis U5P17 SIM4 U2P2

MI of Composite Area U4P23 SIM5 U2P11
MMIs of Hollow & Solid Objects U4P29 Simply Supported Beam U2P11
Moment Center U2P3 SIMS U1P10Sine Law U1P13
Moment Equilibrium U2P39 Single Resultant U2P7
Moment of a 3D Force U3P21 Statics U1P1
Moment of a Force U2P3 Steady Flow U6P33
Moment of Parallel Forces U3P21 Support Reactions U1P19
Momentum U6P17 System U1P7
Systems with Three Unknowns U2P1
Newton U1P2
Newton's Laws U1P2 Tail Angle U1P8
Truss Analysis U1P30
Objects of Revolution U4P11 Truss Building U1P29
Order of FBDs U1P26, 27 Trusses U2P21, 22
PAL U1P7 Two-Force Member U1P17
Parallelogram Law U1P9
Particle U1P1 Uniformly Accelerated Motion U5P5
Pin Reaction U2P10 Unit Vector U1P5
Polar Angle Notation U1P8 Unit Vector U3P17
Polygon Law U1P9 Units U1P3
Position U5P1 Unknown Vector U1P10
Position Vector U1P5
Potential Energy U6P9 Variable Mass U6P35
Principle of Moments U2P6 Varignon's Theorem U2P6
Projectile Motion U5P9 Vector Loop Equation U1P9
Vector Loop Triangle / Diagram U1P9
Radial Vectors U5P13 Vector System Diagram U1P9
Reactions on FBDs U2P10 Vector System Equation U1P10
Reactive Forces U1P18 Vectora U1P5
Relative Angle Notation U1P8 Velocity U5P1
Resultant U1P9
Rigid Body U1P1 Wedge Problem U3P5
Rigid Body Equilibrium U2P9 Work of a Force U6P1
Rigid Body Systems U6P9 Work & Energy U1P1
Rolling Bodies U5P27 Work by Gravity Force U6P1
Work by Spring Force U6P2
Sample Unit Test U1P31-34 Work of a Couple U6P3
Scalar Triple Product U3 Work of a Frictional Force U6P5
Scalars U1P5
Shear Force U2P19, 20 X, Y Intercepts U2P7
SIM1 U1P10 X, Y Lever Arms U2P3
SIM2 U1P10
SIM3 / LCE U1P13 Zero Force Members U2P22
Essential Engineering Mechanics (EEM) with
Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution (SIMS)

Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi

EEM with SIMS by Malladi is a new genre of Content and Problem Based Class-book for sure
success with free down-loadable Self and Peer Assessment Booklets for students and Study Slides
for students and faculty, for use in 60 Tutorial Integrated Classes (TICs) of 50 minutes each @
four per working week. Computerized Unit Tests and Course Exams to master the subject with
Improved Average Score (IAS) are optional, in an Integrated Instruction, Learning and Assessment
(IILA) format for E-Quality Education,* So, Everyone Can Get an A.

*Ethical, Employable and Entrepreneurial Quality Education

Comments of a Reviewer for the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2019
Conference paper on “Five SIMS” by the author.

“Very Interesting Study to convert sometimes nonlinear and convoluted set of equations
into linear and single variable equations.
This study is definitely of value to those who choose to adopt it in their teaching of
mechanics and kinematics courses.”

About the Author:

Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi obtained his 1965 Bachelor's Degree
in Mechanical Engineering from Osmania University, India, MTech
from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and PhD from
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA. He designed Computer,
ATM and Railway mechanisms for US Industry and taught both in
India and US. He spent two Summers as a Research Fellow at
NASA's Kennedy Space Center. He received Government of India's
1974 Republic Day Import Substitution Award for developing a
Hydraulic Vibration Machine for India's Space Program. He also
received honors for excellence in Academics, Teaching, Research
and Community Service. Contact:

Notion Press

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