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NOTICE IS BEING GIVEN that Bobby G. Joe is the true and legal
owner of the property and land known as: (See below legal description)
Land and property also known as:
Beginning for the same at a point on the Northeast side of Lynview Avenue distant 142.25 feet southerly
from the intersection of the northeast side of Lynview and the southeast side of Rogers Avenue said
point of beginning being at the intersection of said Northeast side of Lynview Avenue and a line drawn
southwesterly through the center of the partition wall between the building erected on the lot now
being described and that on the lot next adjacent to the northwest and running thence southeasterly
binding on said northeast side of Lynview Avenue 19 feet to intersect a line drawn southwesterly
through the center of the partition wall between building on the lot now being described and that on
the lot next adjacent to the southeast thence northeasterly reversing said line so drawn and binding
thereon 115.47 feet to the southwest side of a 15 foot alley there situate thence northwesterly binding
on the southwest side of said alley with the use thereof in common with others 19.13 feet to intersect a
line drawn northeasterly from the place of beginning through the center of said first mentioned partition
wall thence reversing said last mentioned line and binding thereon 117.72 feet to the place of beginning.
The improvements thereon being known as 5449 Lynview Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. Recorded
among the land records of the CITY OF BALTIMORE in Liber 9988 at Page 102, and as modified at DEED
BOOK 11782, PAGE 111 on SEPTEMBER 24,2007.
Land Patents have been filed in the County of City of Baltimore recorded in deed book 11782 on page
111 on September 24, 2007 Documents of the Acknowledgement of the Deed also have been recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City, Maryland in Liber No. 4897, folio 81. Any claims by any other
party/parties are false and constitute fraud.
Also filed under FBI case number 329FAT2175733 and this case is connected to John Fisher’s Case and
payout. The above named person being the true and legal owner/owners of the afore mentioned
property has been a victim of mortgage identity theft and criminal trespassing, among other crimes. If
the property is stolen from the above named true homeowner; it MUST be returned instanter; without
delay. The true owner is entitled to what is his without question. Mortgage identity theft occurs when
the individual whose information is being used is NOT party to the financial negotiations or contract. Two
types of fraud are addressed here. Fraud for profit and fraud for housing and property.
Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the lender or collection agency must stop all collection
activity during the investigation. They cannot sell, trade, give away, donate, rent, or loan this account or
property to another entity. In this case there is no legal lender or collection agency that has any rights to
this or any other properties belonging to the above mentioned legal owner.
Any dispossessory actions filed on this property constitutes perjury as they have filed misrepresentation
of legal facts on court documentation; a federal crime. Be fore warned that anyone having any claims or
occupation of said property has participated in one or more of the following crimes: mortgage identity
theft (a federal crime}, home title fraud, slavery (in violation of 18USC3571; forced compliance to a
contract not held), grand theft, violations of oaths of office (as it pertains to judges and court officials
and officers of law}, theft by taking, theft by deception, misprison of felony, falsification of documents,
conspiracy, perjury, denied provisions of the U.S. Constitution, extortion, mail and wire fraud, violations
of the laws of Interstate Commerce, and subornation of perjury.
The above named person are victims of fraud by the local magistrate and superior courts by the fact that
magistrate courts enforced evictions that are not in their jurisdiction even after appeals had been filed
and approved. The superior courts failed to hold trials on these appeals as in the State of Georgia,
superior court has exclusive jurisdiction in matters of equity ( ... Chambliss v. Hawkins, 123 Ga. 361, 51
S.E. 337 {1905). Many of the superior courts held secret trials and ruled against the true homeowner
without notifying them of a court trial.
These officials, herein including All judges, sheriffs and marshals and attorneys; having knowledge of the
law and the power to prevent the Constitutional deprivation of the rights of individuals; citizens, herein
guaranteed Rights, with intent, without authority and under the color of law did unlawfully; engage in a
conspiracy to use the offices, formalities, ceremonies, and power of the U.S. Government, and their
official bonds and professional licenses to defraud and betray these individuals herein (Defendants,
American Citizens} of their lawful Constitutional exercise of their 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, and 14° Amendment
Rights; violated the invariant right of due process of law and the right to protection under the law. Said
acts are in violation of Title 18USC241. These rights are based on Natural Law, hence invariant and not
subject to human opinion or prosecution.
The true and legal homeowner listed above has been denied the right to truth in evidence, violations of
oaths of office, all of the violations under 18USC3571 and all of the violations under these federal crimes
as listed: 18USC 4, 241, 872, 876, 1001, 1621, 1622, 1963, 1964. State laws violated include Residential
Mortgage Fraud and violations of OCGA 44-11-30, 44-11-32, 44-2-43, 44-2-23, 44-7-50, 44- 7- 51 and 44-
Civil rights violations have also occurred as any claims of "immunity" is a fraud because, if valid, it would
prevent removal from office for crimes against the people, which removal is authorized or even
mandated under the U.S. Constitution Article 2, Section IV; as well as 18 USC 241, 42 USC 1983, 1985,
1986, and other state Constitutions.

Precedents of Law established by COURT cases, which are in violation of law, render violations of law
legally unassallable. Such a situation violates several specifically stated intents and purposes of the
Constitution set forth in the Preamble; to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the
blessings of liberty. For JUDGES, or anyone in any branch of government." "Fraud vitiates the most
solemn contracts, documents and even judgments." [U.S. vs. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, at pg. 65]. "Any
false representation of the material facts made with the knowledge of falsity and with intent that shall
be acted on by another in entering into a contract, and which so acted upon, constitutes 'fraud', and
entitles party deceived to void the fraudulent contract and recover damages."
[Barnsdall Refining Corn vs. Birnam Wood Oil Co. 92 F 26 817].
Anyone having interest in this property should notify the District Attorney of the County in which the
property is located or the U.S. Attorney's Office at 75 Ted Turner Dr. SW, Atlanta, Ga. 30303 at 404-581-
6102, HUD, the FBI
at (202) 324-3000 or the Mortgage Fraud Hotline at 1-800-
Bobby Joe 434 210 6800
Any Claims can be sent to the following address: Joekpoeh Trust
45 L Street SW Unit 70544
Washington, DC 20024
Deadline : 15 - 30 days to Respond by Writing ONLY

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