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It is fulfilled for FinishingTraining Class ( TC ) Program



TC 15/E/03/2022



APRIL 2022

This report has been approved by the advisor.

Tulungagung, 20 th May 2022


( Anjar iswanti, M. Pd )

Acknowledged by

Intensive English Progam


( Dr. H. Nursamsu, M. Pd.)


Thank you we pray for the presence of Allah who has been giving us His
mercy and guidance so that we can finish this report well without any obstacles.

The report contains all the study tour carried out by 14th generation Intensive
English Progam.

As well as a thank you to :

1. Dr. H.Sukarji, M. Pd. I, as the Head of STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung who has
given us the opportunity to study at this college.
2. Dr. Nursamsu, M. Pd. As the director of thr Intensive English Progam.
3. All Intensive English Progam tutors who have taught and provided guidance to
4. My friends in group who are always supportwell doing this task.

Therefore, we expert all construction criticisms and suggestions can make this
report even better. We apologize for all errors and shortcomings in the prepration of
this report.

Tulungagung,Mei 1st 2022



A. Personal Data












MOBILE NUMBER : +6281246944119


B. Formal Education
C. Informal Education
 No informal education followed


COVER............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................ii


CURRUCULUM VITAE.................................................................................iv

TABLE OF CONTENS....................................................................................v


LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................1

A. Background of the report......................................................................1

B. Problem of thye Report ........................................................................1
C. Objective of report................................................................................1
D. Objective of the report..........................................................................1

CHAPTER II FINDING AND REPORT.........................................................2

A. Findings................................................................................................2
1) Dairy of the trip..............................................................................2
2) Description of tourism places........................................................9
B. Report...................................................................................................16
1) English Transcript from Vlog.........................................................16

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.....................................18

A. Conclusion............................................................................................18
B. Suggestion.............................................................................................18




2.1 Prepare and Direction from Mr.Dr.Sukarjio M.Pd.I...............................2

2.2 Ready to go Yogyakarta..........................................................................3
2.3 Rest area Sragen......................................................................................3
2.4 At Pregosari restaurant............................................................................4
2.5 At Borobudur Temple.............................................................................5
2.6 At Breksi Cliff.........................................................................................7
2.7 At Malioboro...........................................................................................8
2.8 Breksi Cliff..............................................................................................8
2.9 Borobudur Temple..................................................................................9

2.10 Malioboro...............................................................................................11



A. Background of the report

In a modern world, there are full of challenges and intense compelation,
everyone is advised not only to have a high level of education but also to demand
special skill that we commonly called life-skills. One of the most needed skills is
Therefore, STAI Diponegoro is the only Islamic tertiary institution in
Tulungagung that has an intensive English language learning program which is
mandatory for all student. The program is packaged nicely and interestingly in a
container called the Intensive English Progam ( IEP )
The IEP it self, at STAI Diponegoro is required for all students, expecially
semester one and two. And the certificate that be obtained later will be one of the
requirements in the stages of obtaining a bachelor’s degree. Learning in the IEP is
divided into three stages, namely : ( Basic of Training Class) as the first stage,
CTC ( Candidate of Training Class) as the second stage, and TC ( Training Class )
as the last stage.and in each stage will be given an oral test to go the next stage.
And for the final eximintaion, the IEP close YOGYAKARTA as the rigt
place to practice English. Student will be able to directly practice English, so
about final eximination in the special place the name is Borobudur Temple to
B. Problem of the report
1. How our Diary activities in yogyakarta?
2. How our description of Tourist Attraction?
C. Objectives Report
1. To describe our Diary activities
D. Objective of the report
Based on the background above the objective of the report are :
1. To add insight into information and increase knowledge.
2. To introduce the profile of tourist altractions in Yogyakarta to readers.
3. To describe the activities during English day to Yogyakarta.
4. To fulfill several requirements in completing final assignment.



A. Findings
1.Dairy of the trip
On Friday until Saturday,March 18 st 2022,we prepared to have a tour to
Yogyakarta, to fulfill our English assignment.
Our journey began with briefing from the lecturers, including the briefing
from Mrs. Luluk,Mrs. Anjar, Mr. Aulia’, Mr.Dr.Sukarji M.Pd.I, Mam Dewi and
Mam Nofalia.
During the briefring,the lecture advised us to always take care of our
health, recheck our luggage, and remind us to always write down what we would
encounter on the way, so we were asked to bring notebooks and writing utensils.

Picture 1: Prepare and Direction from Mr.Drs.sukarji M.Pd.I

After the briefing was finished, we went strainght to our Bus. On this trip
we were given the facility of two buses, ( a big bus and a small bus).


Picture 2: Ready to go Yogyakarta

After the prayer was over, at 9.45 pm, we started departing from STAI
Diponegoro Tulungagung Campus to Yogyakarta. This trip trough Kediri,
Nganjuk then the toll Nganjuk,before that our bus stopped for a while because it
broken down after a few hours we walked, we took a break at the rest area of
Sragen, Central, at around 2 and 15 minutes in the morning. Here I with Roja,and
Tutik want to took urinate because queue so I took long time.
We rested there for more or less 30 minutes, because of the weather was
very cold. I bought hot tea to warm up and sat beside the bus with friends and
enjoyed the moment.
After that we continued our journey to Jogja, but not long to went, two and
half hours,our bus stopped again to perform the dawn prayer at the mushola
Gunung Preng Tomb. After we finished the Fajr prayer at 5 am, we continued our
journey to the Pregosari restaurant not far from Borobudur Temple.


Picture 3: At Mounth preng

We arrived at Pregosari restaurant at around 7.15, before getting off the

tour guide said take shower and change the same costume here. Friends on bus A
prepred toiletries and got down to take a shower. When my friends took a shower,
Tutik and Roja were still sitting on the stage in front of the dining area. And our
goal is the same to go to the Borobudur Temple. Some of our friends had taken a
shower and then we prepared ourselves to take a shower. In this restaurant there
are so many bathrooms, divided into 2 parts, namely the girls’ bathroom on the
left nd the boys’ bathroom on the right.

A few minutes later bus 2 arrived at the restaurant. And they all took a bath
to clean themselves. After all members on bus 1 finished bathing we waited for all
members of bus 2 to finish bathing. Said the tour guide the breakfast must be.
So wait a little longer. A few minutes later we ate together. We went straight
to the place teo eat which previos had prepared several food table, there were
served rice, soy fried chiken, chili sauce, vegetables, fruits and drinks.
After breakfast, I did not forget to capture this moment of togetherness with
the tutors. After that we got ready to return to continue the journey to Borobudur
Temple, at 7.00 am in the morning we left for Borobdur Temple, the journey took
appromimtely 30 minutes.


Picture 4: At Pregosari restaurant

After 30 minutes of travel, thank God, we arrived at the Borobudur Temple

tourist parking lot in Mgelang district, Central Java. Bus 2 has left first about 10
minutes our bus came. After all of our group got off the bus, the group committee
began to check the entry requirements to the Borobudur temple area. During this
pandemic, the requirements to enter the Borobudur temple area were still very
strict, there we must be able to show proof of vaccination, always wear masks and
so on. Before walking up to Borobudur Temple,the atmosphere here was really
After the committee felt that our requirements were complete, we were
directed to go directly to the entrance to the Borobudur temple area, there we were
invited to line up lengthwise so that we could queue in sequence, here we were
asked to show proof of signs that we had been vaccinated. After we showed signs
that we had been vaccinated, we were invited to enter one by one.
Inside the Borobudur temple area, we enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding
natural scenery which was full of greenery, which spoiled our view, I didn't forget
to capture the beautiful moment. While the committee had provided a guide for
us, then I and group 4 together made group assignments that we had planned from
the start.
In the middle of our fun enjoying the beautiful scenery, we were called to
listen to a brief history of the Borobudur temple delivered by the supervisor. one
of the things that was conveyed was: borobudur is a symbol for the Indonesian


state, and is also one of the proofs that Indonesia is a country that upholds the
values of difference that exist in it.
Our excitement about enjoying the natural beauty of Borobudur can be said
to be imperfect, because at that time we were still not allowed to set foot in the
Borobudur temple, because the local government still forbids visitors to set foot
there, so we can only enjoy the beautiful scenery around the Borobudur temple.
Then after completing the mission to make a vlog and take a short break to
Continue step out of the height of the Borobudur Temple. Until the flat area
we bought drinks which is near the elephant area. Dringking mineral water and
continuing the steps again until I got some friends at the Malioboro market. Until
the bus parked me,roja,and Tutik waited a little bit away from our bus, because
she didn’t like the smell of buses. And this is where I met a food seller
grandmother and offered it to me, the price was quite affordable, only 5 thousand,
and I bought it. And ate rice wrap from her, while Ms.roja and Tutik.
After 30 minutes of waiting, finally all of our friends came out of the
Borobudur temple area and went straight to the parking lot. The lessons I learned
here are: Borobudur Temple proves that Indonesian Muslims, the Archipelago, are
living with all other religious people with their respective cultures. in line with
what professor Marsudi, one of the administrators of the Nahdlatul 'Ulama', said.

Picture 5 : At Borobudur Temple


After all group was complete, we continued our journey back to the
baledono restaurant, about 1 hour drive from borobudur to the baledono
restaurant. There I immediately took some of the food menus that had been
served, after finishing eating I went straight to the bathroom to clean myself, then
immediately performed the dhuhur and asar prayers, after praying I immediately
looked for a drink shop and cigarette seller, while waiting for other friends to
pray. After about 1 hour we stopped at the Baledono restaurant, we continued our
journey to the place for souvenirs of jogja, there I just bought fress drinks it is hot
tea and wash my face so take a dump.Here I did not buy sourvenirs.
After we were satisfied with our shopping, we went straight to our
respective buses to continue our journey to the Breksi cliff which is not far from
the souvenir place.
On the way to the Breksi Cliffs we were presented with a road that was
quite exhausing for our bus, because the road to Breksi Chillf could be said to be
not too wide, a little winding, and also quite uphill, so it made me intersted to look
left and right.
After one hour of traveling we arrived at the Breksi Cliff, there we
immediately looked for our respective places, myself and some friend is
Tutik,Roja,Nafi’,and Bahrur bought some of noodle to warm up, and we sat a
little high from the parking lot and here we saw a very stunning view. The whole
time at the Breksi Cliff we spent it sitting relaxed until time ran out and
continuing our journey to Malioboro.


Picture 6 : At Breksi Cliff

After we finished enjoying the natural beauty around the Breccia cliffs, we
continued our journey to Malioboro street, approximately 1 hour 30 minutes, we
traveled. Our goal here is to buy souvenirs and our Malioboro is raining and cold,
but it doesn’t make us sad, always happy with the beauty of the twinkling lights in
Malioboro. For about 2 hours we shopped, after we finished we immediately
changed chlotes and bought warm tea and drank it on the bus while waiting for
friends who had not retuned in the bus parking lot. After all gathered we
continued our the journey go home.

After arriving at Malioboro, my friends and I went straight to the market to

buy souvenirs there, I bought a pia tub and batik clothes.
After everything was done, we immediately continued our journey back to
Tulungagung, on the bus I immediately looked for a comfortable position, and
immediately felt asleep.
I didn't feel it, after a few hours of travel, at 3.45 am to be exact, I woke up
and the bus had stopped, it turned out that we had arrived at campus we said
goodbye to my friends who were still on the bus, because we were all going to get
At 4.15 I immediately prayed the dawn prayer at the campus prayer room
while waiting for an invitation from the pesantren and at exactly 06.00 I was


picked up and immediately went home to the boarding school. Finally, my story,
tour in the jogja, finished.

2. Description of the tourism places

a. Breksi Clif

Picture7:Breksi Cliff

Breksi Cliff's history can't be separated from the limestone quarries that
used to be in the place or location of this Breksi Cliff. This is where in the past,
around the 80's, the residents of Jogja who inhabited the area around the cliffs,
made a living by mining building materials in this place. That job was the only
way to meet their economic needs.

Everything went smoothly, normally and there were no significant obstacles

until the researchers arrived at the limestone quarry. The research began and
lasted for some time, after completing the assessment of the mine site, the
researchers found the fact that the limestone contained in the soil in the Breksi
Cliff was a volcanic ash deposit originating from Mount Nglanggeran, Gunung


Based on these findings, at that time mining activities at the Breksi Cliff
location were stopped and prohibited from being carried out. The termination is
because the Breksi Cliff area has been considered and is included in a cultural
heritage area whose existence must continue to be maintained and preserved,
instead of being mined.

After mining activities were completely stopped, the mine site was left
abandoned for some time without being taken care of. Fortunately, thanks to ideas
from the ex-mining community, the area that has not been taken care of is then
slowly polished to make it attractive.

This cliff is named Breksi Cliff because of the scars from the excavation
process and the taking of building materials that used to be carried out. According
to residents, it is very similar to the one on the Batu Hills in Bandung and Bali,
which is also known as Breccia. It was agreed that the 5,600-square-meter cliff
area was named the Breksi Cliff.

The location of the Breksi Cliff has its full address in Groyokan Hamlet,
Sambirejo Village, Prambanan District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Measured from downtown Jogja, the distance that must be traveled to
reach the location is about 18.5 kilometers with a travel time of approximately 45
minutes by car.

Then the route to the Breksi Cliff that you can and is easiest for you to
follow is the route through Prambanan Temple. Measured from this temple to the
Breksi Cliff tourist attraction, you only need to travel as far as 7 kilometers.

The main attraction of this Breksi Cliff tourist spot is of course the object of
the former mining excavation which turned out to produce a quite unique
appearance. The traces of former mining equipment painted on the sides of the
cliffs also look interesting when photographed.

Di bagian tengah kawasan kalian akan mendapati sebuah gelanggang

berbentuk bundar yang dikelilingi oleh tempat duduk yang juga ditata membundar
mengelilingi gelanggang, mirip seperti colloseum di Itay sana.


Taking a vacation to the Jogja Breksi Cliff tourist spot can be an alternative
for those of you who might want to feel a completely different holiday sensation.1

b. Borobudur Temple

Picture 8: Borobudur Temple

According to historical records, the initial construction of Borobudur

Temple occurred in the 8th and 9th centuries around 800 AD during the reign of
the Syailendra dynasty.2

The construction of Borobudur is predicted to take tens to hundreds of years

to be completely completed during the reign of King Samaratungga in 825.

Although it was completed, there are no historical records that explain who
the person who built the Borobudur temple was. The reason is, at that time
Hinduism and Buddhism developed simultaneously on the island of Java.

The Syailendra dynasty is recorded as a follower of Mahayana Buddhism

while around Borobudur there are also Shiva Hindu followers.

A number of archaeologists suspect that the construction of Borobudur Temple

underwent four renovations. Initially construction began by leveling the plains

1 on accesed on 3rd of January at 08.00 pm.

around the temple and compacting the soil with stones to form a pyramid

Borobudur Temple has a length of 121.66 meters with a width of 121.38

meters and a height of 35.40 meters. According to Buddhist philosophy, the level
structure of Borobudur Temple is an imitation of the universe for the wheel of
life. There are three levels in the structure of the Borobudur Yakini Temple:

1. Kamadhatu: The lower part of the temple which symbolizes the underworld,
describes human behavior that is still bound by worldly desires.
2. Rupadhatu: The middle part of the temple which symbolizes the intermediate
nature, describes the behavior of humans who have started to leave worldly
desires, but are still bound by the real world.
3. Arupadhatu: The upper part of the temple which symbolizes the upper realm,
depicts the intangible element and as a sign of the level that has left worldly

Unique Facts about Borobudur Temple In addition to the history and

moments of the Vesak day that attract foreign attention, Borobudur Temple keeps
a number of unique facts including:

1. There are 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues, making Borobudur the
owner of the longest and most extensive Buddha reliefs in the world.
2. Theft of statues is rampant. Real Buddha head statues are often stolen and then
sold in antiques, collectors and illegal markets. Of the 504 Buddha statues,
many were found in a headless condition.
3. Borobudur Temple was bombed. Two years after the 2nd restoration, January
21, 1985, 13 bombs were placed by the perpetrators in a number of small
stupas. 9 of the 13 bombs exploded and destroyed hundreds of stone blocks of
the stupa. The bombing action is related to radical understanding.

dan-fakta-fakta-unik on accesed on 3rd of January at 08.00 pm.


4. The Dutch East Indies government handed over the precious statues to
Thailand and England. The Dutch East Indies government at that time gave
free temple artifacts in large quantities as a gift for the arrival of the Thai King
Chulalongkorn II.
5. The Dutch East Indies government had established a coffee shop at the top of
the stupa when it was first discovered.

Picture 9: Malioboro

Who doesn't know Malioboro? One of the main tourist destinations in the
Land of Java, has now become an inseparable icon of the city of Yogyakarta. The
Malioboro area is very strategically located between the Ngayogyakarta
Hadiningrat Palace and the White Pal Monument.3

For most tourists, both local and foreign, Malioboro is no stranger to being
the most popular shopping destination in Yogyakarta. The pulse of trading activity
can be felt in this place. However, the historical background of Malioboro is no
less impressive.

3, on accesed on 3rd of January at 08.00 pm.


Jalan Malioboro was established to coincide with the establishment of the

Yogyakarta Palace. In Sanskrit, the word "malioboro" means a bouquet of
flowers. This may have something to do with the past when the Kraton held a big
event, Malioboro Street would be filled with flowers. The word malioboro also
comes from the name of a British colonial named Marlborough who lived there in
1811-1816 AD.

The existence of Jalan Malioboro is inseparable from the concept of the city
of Yogyakarta which is laid out in a north-south direction, with roads leading to
the cardinal directions and intersecting perpendicular. This pattern is reinforced by
the existence of an "imaginary axis" that stretches from north to south, with the
kraton as its midpoint.

The "axis" is manifested in the form of buildings, namely Tugu (Pal Putih)
in the north, to the south in the form of Margatama (Mangkubumi) and
Margamulya (Malioboro) roads, Kraton Yogyakarta, Jl. DI. Panjaitan, ending at
the Krapyak stage. If the starting point (Tugu ) is continued to the north, it will
reach Mount Merapi, while if the end point (Panggung Krapyak) is continued, it
will reach the Indian Ocean.

In the colonial era (1790-1945) the urban pattern was disturbed by the
Dutch who built the Vredeburg fort (1790) at the southern end of Jalan Malioboro.
Apart from building the Dutch fort, they also built Societeit Der Vereneging
Djogdjakarta (1822), The Dutch Governor's Residence (1830), Javasche Bank and
Post office to maintain their dominance in Yogyakarta. The Dutch community in
Yogyakarta developed rapidly since the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII
(1877 - 1921).

This is closely related to the growth and development of sugarcane

plantations, various types of factories, banking, insurance, hotels, and education.
Rapid development also occurred at that time caused by the trade between the
Dutch and the Chinese. And also due to the distribution of land in the sub-
segment of Jalan Malioboro by the Sultan to the Chinese community and later
known as the China District (Chinatown Area).


The development at that time was dominated by the Dutch in building

facilities to increase their economy and strength, such as the construction of the
Tugu Station by Staat Spoorweg (1887) on Jalan Malioboro, which physically
succeeded in dividing the road into two parts. Meanwhile, Malioboro street had an
important role in the era of independence (post-1945), as the Indonesian people
fought to defend their independence in the battles that took place north-south
along the way.

d. Makam Raden Santri

Picture 10 : In the Makam Raden Santri

Muntilan, Magelang Regency, for example, is usually crowded with visitors in

the month of Muharram. Likewise with the tombs of other scholars throughout
Kyai Raden Santri's real name is Prince Singasari, the son of Ki Ageng
Pemanahan, the founder of the Islamic Mataram kingdom. Unlike his brother,
Panembahan Senopati, who continued to lead the kingdom, Prince Singasari chose
to stay away from studying religion.
Long wandering, the Prince then decided to live in a bamboo forest hill, west
of Mount Merapi. It was in the area that became known as Gunung Pring
(mountain of bamboo) that Prince Singasari taught Islam.
Because he is known to be a pious person and has studied with a number of
elderly clerics, Prince Singasari is nicknamed by local residents as Raden Santri.
On a hill which is genealogically controlled by the Yogyakarta Kraton under Reh


Kawedanan Hageng Sriwandono of the Puroloyo section, Kyai Raden Santri is

finally buried.
The location of the tomb complex is 500 meters at the top of Mount Pring. For
those of you who are tired of climbing hundreds of stairs, you can stop by at the
small food stalls and salak which are neatly arranged along the road.
There is no slum impression when we visit the grave complex of Kyai Raden
Santri. The manager is currently renovating a number of stairs so that later the
road becomes more comfortable.

B. Report
1) English Transcript from Vlog

Picture 11 : Vlog in the Borobudur Tample

Hello..every body,welcome back my vlog.

I am so to we afre going to borobudur Tample.. And let’s get started.

Borobudur is onbe of historical buildings in is considered to be

world/s largwst Buddhist is located in magelang central java.Not only it
became a well known tourism destinatin to a lot of travelers around the
woeld.Borobudur Tample is also incuded in UNESCO list of world heritage site.

I am now stand here from to Borobudur Tample. Borobudur Tample consist of

six square floors and three circular floors which arranged accordingly and make it
to be stair-like layers that you have to climb one by one to reach the top of the

17 the midle of the floor,you will find small stairwell with coples of stair
connecting each flor that you can use as a passage to go to the top.

One each level of the floor,there are a lot of rilief panels and Buddha nstatues
spread around it.there is done located on the top center on the tample and is
surrounded by 72 Buddha statues,each seated inside a perforaded is said
that,if you hanFd into to the stupe through one of its hole and you can touch the
Buddha statue,you will be able to make one of your dream come true.



A. Conclusion
After having tour To Yogyakarta, we felt that this trip was very impressive.
The opportunity to see a variety of culture and history that is still stored
beautifully in Yogyakarta. Thus, can add our knowledge it our admiration
increases for living in Indonesia.
Breksi Cliff's history can't be separated from the limestone quarries that
used to be in the place or location of this Breksi Cliff. This is where in the past,
around the 80's, the residents of Jogja who inhabited the area around the cliffs,
made a living by mining building materials in this place. That job was the only
way to meet their economic needs.
Borobudur Temple has a length of 121.66 meters with a width of 121.38
meters and a height of 35.40 meters. According to Buddhist philosophy, the level
structure of Borobudur Temple is an imitation of the universe for the wheel of
For most tourists, both local and foreign, Malioboro is no stranger to being
the most popular shopping destination in Yogyakarta. The pulse of trading activity
can be felt in this place. However, the historical background of Malioboro is no
less impressive.
Jalan Malioboro was established to coincide with the establishment of the
Yogyakarta Palace. In Sanskrit, the word "malioboro" means a bouquet of
flowers. This may have something to do with the past when the Kraton held a big
event, Malioboro Street would be filled with flowers. The word malioboro also
comes from the name of a British colonial named Marlborough who lived there in
1811-1816 AD.

B. Suggestion
We hope that this trip can be done regularly every year with different
goals and themes. So that the impressions we receive are increasingly
diverse to add to the experience.



Picture 1 : In the parking Area Borobudur Tample

Picture 2 : The picture was taken at Borobudur Temple

Picture 3 : On top the Borobudur Temple with friends

Picture 4: In Breksi Cliff with my friends



Name : Ery Eliana

Department : Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teacher education
Title of report : Examination Tour to Yogyakarta
“English Day”
No. Date Chapter/material Signature

Tulungagung, April 09th 2022




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