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Defects in Building Construction

1. Abstract: ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Introduction: ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Significance of the Study: ................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Scope and Objectives: ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Methodology:................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3.1 Research design: .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Data collection: ............................................................................................................................ 4
3. Literature Review: ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Types of Defect ............................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 EROSION OF MORTAR .................................................................................................................. 4
3.1.2 PEELING PAINT ............................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.3 CRACKING OF WALLS / LEANING WALLS ..................................................................................... 5
3.1.4 UNSTABLE FOUNDATIONS ........................................................................................................... 5
3.1.5 ROOF DEFECTS ............................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.6 HONEYCOMBING ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.7 DAMPNESS ................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Results and discussion: ..................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Honey Combing: .............................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.1 Causes of honeycombing: ............................................................................................................ 6
4.1.2 Practices to minimize the occurrence of honey combing:........................................................... 6
4.2 Exposed Reinforcement: ................................................................................................................. 7
4.2.1 Causes of Exposed Reinforcement:.............................................................................................. 7
4.2.2 Practices to minimize the exposed reinforcement: ..................................................................... 7
4.3 Seepage & Plantation:..................................................................................................................... 7
4.3.1 Causes of plantation & Seepage: ................................................................................................. 7
4.3.2 Practices to minimize Plantation & Seepage: .............................................................................. 8
4.4 Cracks in slab (Steel Failure): .......................................................................................................... 8
4.4.1 Causes of Cracks in slab: .............................................................................................................. 8
4.4.2 Practices to minimize Cracks in slab: ........................................................................................... 8
4.5 Crack in Parapet Wall (Masonry Failure): ....................................................................................... 8


Defects in Building Construction

4.5.1 Practices to minimize Cracks in parapet wall:.............................................................................. 8

4.6 Overlapping of steel in beam: ......................................................................................................... 9
4.6.1 Practices to minimize Improper overlapping: .............................................................................. 9
5.1 Recommendation:........................................................................................................................... 9
6. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 9
7. Collected data: ................................................................................................................................ 10


Defects in Building Construction

1. Abstract:

The aim of the article is to present the results of preliminary research of the defects in residential
buildings, Construction defect are always the key concern of the construction industry. Different
constructed facilities generate different types of defects and demand different level & type of
quality depending on function system types, and material used. Therefore, this study has been
carried out to study the defect that happens in construction projects and identify the strategies in
minimizing the defect in building construction project. The studies were carried out using the
questionnaires which were distributed to contractor, consultant & clients. Finally, the
recommendation was made based on the findings. This study helps to increase the awareness of
contractor, consultant & clients towards managing and minimizing the defect works. By doing
this, they will bring up their construction industry in to the next level managing construction

2. Introduction:

In development extends the nature and kind of imperfections can fluctuate strikingly, as can the
time when they end up plainly clear or promptly saw. Building imperfection jumps out at either
the new building or the old ones. Imperfection inside new structures is perhaps of resistance with
Building Code and distributed satisfactory resilience’s and principles. Then the more established
structures, or working out of guarantee period, may not consent to these gauges but rather should
be judged against the standard at the season of development or renovation. Physical foundation
constitutes a high extent of the nation's speculation. It is subsequently of essential significance
that these offices which incorporate open structures are kept up all together that they can serve
both the engineering and aesthetical capacities for which they are manufactured. The physical
appearance of structures constitutes the premise whereupon the general public makes their
underlying judgment of the nature of administrations to be advertised. Both private structures
and in addition office structures are inclined to abandons because of their perpetual and
protracted utilization. All components of structures decay at a more noteworthy or lesser rate
subject to materials and strategies for development, ecological conditions and the utilization,
disregard of support has collective outcomes with quickly expanding crumbling of the texture
and completions of a building joined by destructive consequences for the substance and tenants.
Along these lines, structures are excessively profitable resources, making it impossible to be
dismissed thusly. Broken development practice is additionally one of the real reasons for
building abandons, this imperfection to building can be compared to illness that abbreviates
human life. They are imperfections or physical deformation that keeps a building structures from
its esteem. Henceforth deserts if not immediately gone to may additionally fall apart and hinder
the value or utility of a property or a structure, for example, building.


Defects in Building Construction

2.1 Significance of the Study:

Most development imperfections causing crumbling of building segments are avoidable if

legitimate support culture and practice had been developed ideal from the commencement of
the working, in actuality, upkeep of building begins promptly development stops. Be that as it
may, the chose contextual investigation is a regular cases of carelessness of upkeep practice,
the majority of the imperfections distinguished are avoidable deformities which could have
been stayed away from. Additionally, research can broaden the extension on this zone to help
edify individuals on avoidable deformities.

2.2 Scope and Objectives:

The study was limited to the selected building at Karachi, Pakistan state because of the limited
time in covering several other building with same defective symptoms.

2.3. Methodology:

2.3.1 Research design:

Two types of research strategies are used at studies, quantitative and qualitative research.
Quantitative approach is used to gather factual data and to study relationships between facts
and how such facts and relationships accord with theories and the findings of any research
executed previously, but the qualitative approach seek to gain insights and to understand
people's perception of "the world" whether as individuals or groups. The research strategies
adapted for this research were both qualitative and quantitative research.

2.3.2 Data collection:

Both primary and secondary data were included in this research. Primary data were gathered
from observation, checklist and questionnaire with study participants such as consultants,
contractors and client & users. Secondary data used include literatures, reference books,
journals, previous studies etc. written on similar topic.

3. Literature Review:

3.1 Types of Defect


Joints Basically, the principle capacity of a mortar joint is to try and out abnormalities of
individual squares, regardless of whether they are of stones or blocks. In the meantime, it gives


Defects in Building Construction

some grip between the pieces. Rotted mortar can be expelled persuasively by the utilization of
a mechanical plate or deliberately raked out by utilizing a blade or spike physically.


Peeling paint for the most part happens on building veneers, principally on put dividers,
segments and different regions which are presented to unnecessary rain and suddenness. A few
structures situated close to the ocean may confront a substantially more serious hazard once
the indications of peeling paint are obvious on the outside dividers.


Aside from conveying loads from rooftops and floors to establishments, outer dividers might be
unsafe to a building on the off chance that they are fundamentally unsound. Splits in divider,
either vertical or corner to corner, are regular indications of basic unsteadiness


Establishments are a piece of a building which disseminates loads from rooftops, dividers and
floors on to the earth beneath. They are fundamentally vital to the lasting of a building and if
this is missing there is no point of spending substantial wholes of cash on other shallow
reclamation work


Other than being one of the principle structures in a building, rooftop may go about as a
climate shield, offering assurance to clients or tenants from rain and sun. Subsequently, it is
critical to treat any maturing rooftop tiles.


Honeycombing alludes to voids in cement caused by the mortar not filling the spaces between
the coarse total particles. It normally winds up noticeably clear when the formwork is stripped,
uncovering a harsh and "stony" solid surface with air voids between the coarse total. Once in a
while, be that as it may, a surface skin of mortar veils the degree of the deformity.
Honeycombing may broaden some profundity into the part. Honeycombing is dependably a
stylish issue, and relying upon the profundity and degree may diminish both the toughness
execution and the auxiliary quality of the part. Arrangement of honeycombing is because of the
nearness of air and rise at the surface of formwork and results a detachment amongst totals
and bond blend. This issue will harm the solid and more genuine assault the support bar in


Defects in Building Construction


Dampness can be a genuine matter, especially to structures situated close water sources. Does
it break down building structures as well as harms to decorations. The primary driver of
clamminess is water entering a working through various courses. Water infiltration happens
usually through dividers presented to winning wet wind or rain. With the presence of gravity,
water may infiltrate through vessels or splits between mortar joints, and blocks or squares
before working up trap dampness behind hard renders. Water may likewise drive additionally
up the divider to rise at a more elevated amount. Clamminess additionally happens in dividers
because of different components, for example, spilling canals or down funnels, faulty channels,
burst pipes and buildup because of lacking ventilation.

4. Results and discussion:

4.1 Honey Combing:

Honeycombs or rock pockets are areas of concrete were voids are left in the concrete due to
failure of cement paste or concrete to fill the spaces around coarse aggregate particles and
reinforcing steel.

4.1.1 Causes of honeycombing:

 Due to poor workability of concrete

 Due to defective formwork.
 Due to improper compaction of concrete.
 Due to segregation of concrete.

4.1.2 Practices to minimize the occurrence of honey


 Ensure that the mix contains sufficient fine aggregates to fill the voids between the coarse
aggregates. Use of large size aggregates increases the risk of concrete honey combing.
 Make sure that the fresh concrete mix has appropriate and suitable workability for the
situation including the section in which it is to be placed. Ensure optimum water ratio,
aggregate cement ratio accordingly. Also use uniformly graded aggregates.
 Use the proper method of concrete compaction, and ensure that the concrete is fully
 Check that the formwork is well braces, rigid and joints are watertight. Do not leave any
holes in formwork.


Defects in Building Construction

4.2 Exposed Reinforcement:

This type of defect occurs when concrete fails

before steel, corrosion of the embedded steel
reinforcement and as the steel corrodes it expands
and exerts pressure on the concrete so that
eventually, the concrete cracks and spalls.

4.2.1 Causes of Exposed Reinforcement:

 If the load exceeds the bearing capacity of the materials. It leads to failure of
 Corrosion of steel.
 Improper admixture
 Impurities in construction water

4.2.2 Practices to minimize the exposed reinforcement:

 Use a PVC pipe of required size to slide over a

exposed rebars.
 The high-performance protective coating should be
applied at a thickness, to prevent overbuilding and to
minimize loss of bond development at the rebar

4.3 Seepage & Plantation:

Growth of plants in walls occur due to poor excavation, use of

poor chemical that kills the roots of wild plants. Which weakens
the strength of concrete and building due to bacteria and fungi.
Seepage occurs due to plumbing error such as leakage, breakage
or any other mishap in plumbing.

4.3.1 Causes of plantation & Seepage:

 Plumbing error
 Use of poor quality chemical to burn roots.
 Pores in building the structure.


Defects in Building Construction

4.3.2 Practices to minimize Plantation & Seepage:

 Use good quality of paint to avoid seepage.

 Reduce indoor humidity
 Waterproof the external walls & roof.
 Use of salt and vinegar will help in killing the roots of plants.
 Use of Borax, WD-40 will help in preventing growth of plants.

4.4 Cracks in slab (Steel Failure):

These types of cracks occur due to failure of steel and the change in temperature of cement, since
shrinkage forces becomes greater than strength of concrete while hardening & Improper curing
leads to change in temperature.

4.4.1 Causes of Cracks in slab:

 Poor concrete quality

 Improper structural design
 Wrong steel bars placing
 Improper curing
 Errors in formwork placement

4.4.2 Practices to minimize Cracks in slab:

 Use a low water-to-cement ratio

 Concrete admixture that controls cracking
 Properly curing concrete slabs

4.5 Crack in Parapet Wall (Masonry Failure):

This type of crack occurs due to thermal expansion or differential

moisture. unskilled labor and improper curing.

4.5.1 Practices to minimize Cracks in parapet wall:

 By having RCC parapet instead of brick parapet

 Use some bonding agent to avoid cracks in parapet wall


Defects in Building Construction

4.6 Overlapping of steel in beam:

Improper overlapping of steel reinforcement in beam to which wall and beams are
separated which causes the spaces between beam and wall, because of improper joints
which leads to structural failure in means of destruction of structure.

4.6.1 Practices to minimize Improper overlapping:

 Sufficient length of overlapping bar is provided

 Rings and stirrups should be properly place
 Make sure that the joint is strong enough

5.1 Recommendation:

1. Proper development administration and quality control measures are required amid
execution of undertakings.

2. To enhance the profitability of building development laborers, building preparing

and training would be fundamental. Preparing of laborers ought to be all the time.
This can be as at work preparing, workshops, courses or meetings,

3. More mindfulness crusades ought to be completed by the three levels of government and their
organizations on the requirement for consistence with the proper building directions (e.g. among
contractual workers, experts, partners and the overall population) and the perils related with their

4. The Town Planning Authority ought to keep up skilled experts in the applicable regions for
outline endorsement and from a long haul point of view, give the essential preparing. In addition,
there ought to be customary observing visits to all the development locales with a view to
guaranteeing consistence with the endorsed fabricating plans.

5. More consideration ought to be engaged towards the private or casual division, with a view to
checking their abundances.

6. There is a requirement for further mindfulness bringing on the threat up in belittling uncouth
individuals for development exercises.


From reviewing literatures and research done on construction defect and site observation the
extent of construction defect was assessed. So, construction defect is a shortcoming in the
function, performance, statutory or user requirements of a building, and might manifest itself
within the structure, fabric, services or other facilities of the affected building. It is observed that
maximum defect was happen by poor workmanship. So it is needful to give training for worker
for minimizing construction defects.


Defects in Building Construction

7. Collected data:

Type of
Defects (e.g.:
Area Defected cracks, surface
S. Building No of No of
Address in sq. building defect, Reasons
No Name stories units
yards member leakage,

due to
defective foam
1500 72 sq.
Block16, FB Overhead Honey work, due to
Yousuf plaza G+4 flats yards
Area, Karachi water tank combing improper
approx. per flat
compaction of
1 concrete

A-27 Block 17, Due to failure

Kashana e 200 sq. Overhead Expose
FB Area, G+1 3 of concrete or
Maqbool yards water tank Reinforcement
2 Karachi failure of Steel

House no 309,
Due to
sector 10Shah
220 sq. Crack in Beam improper
Javed House Mohalla, G+1 2 Beam joint
yards and wall overlapping of
Faqeer Colony ,
3 Orangi Town

Due to
House no 210 , improper
sector 10 , Shah 129 sq. Crack in Block masonry
Israr House G+1 3 Parapet wall
Mohalla, yards Parapet wall or due to
Orangi Town. inaccurate
4 curing

House no SE
Panhwar 400 sq. Due to failure
Railway G 1 Slab Crack in slab
House yards of steel
5 Karachi

Plot no 28,
100 sq.
Railway Hump yard Retaining Seepage or
G+3 8 yards Due to seepage
Quarters Colony, wall Plantation
per flat
6 Karachi.


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