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Waste Management 79 (2018) 564–570

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The biogas production potential from silkworm waste

Małgorzata Łochyńska a,⇑, Jakub Frankowski b
Institute of Natural Fibers and Medicinal Plants, Silkworms Breeding and Mulberry Cultivation Laboratory, Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60-630 Poznań, Poland
Institute of Natural Fibers and Medicinal Plants, Energy Plant Research Laboratory, Wojska Polskiego 71B, 60-630 Poznań, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In view of the increasing demand of organic agriculture, utilization of waste and environmental protec-
Received 16 April 2018 tion, sericulture focuses not only on the cocoon production, but also on other ways that can benefit the
Revised 22 July 2018 farm’s economy. It is necessary to find new sources of income for small-scale farmers not only through
Accepted 8 August 2018
cocoon selling, but also by the multiple uses of by-products. Insect farming technology provides a cheap
Available online 20 August 2018
source of biomass, which may be a good material in biogas production.
Studies showed that the examined substrates, both silkworm breeding waste and caterpillar excreta,
generate a biogas yield comparable to other substrates of agricultural origin, such as cattle, pig and
Bombyx mori L.
Breeding waste
chicken manures. Fermentation of silkworm excreta under mesophilic conditions produces 167.32 m3/
Excreta Mg TS of methane and 331.97 m3/Mg TS of biogas, while fermentation of silkworm breeding waste yields
Biogas 256.59 m3/Mg TS of methane and 489.24 m3/Mg TS of biogas. Moreover, the chemical composition of
Methane fermentation these raw materials was analyzed.
Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

1. Introduction carotenoids, fatty alcohols and sterol glycosides predominated

(Uzakova et al., 1987; Vimolmangkang et al., 2014). Due to the fact
For ages humans have utilized silk to produce textiles of great that silkworms excreta are rich in flavonoids, chlorophyll,
value and beauty. The major domesticated insect, which has been alkaloids, carotenoids and lutein compounds, they show high
commercially exploited is the mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.), antioxidant activity (Xu et al., 2014). Moreover, the high content
accounting for the greatest share in total silk production (89%) of these compounds presents feces as a good source of a natural
(Patil et al., 2009). colorant for the food industry (Vimolmangkang et al., 2014). In
The insect breeding is closely linked to the problem of waste, industrial production 1 kg of chlorophyll is obtained from 200 kg
such as excreta and leaf waste. Small-scale farmers may produce of silkworm excrement (Wenhua, 2001).
250–300 kg of silkworm waste, which is equivalent to 2500 kg It is obvious that all agricultural waste may be transformed into
farm manure and may be used to fertilize 0.067 ha farmland biogas. The advantages from transforming organic waste matter
(Wenhua, 2001). Silkworm excreta have been successfully used into biogas are numerous. The biogas production is not only a
as a good source of farm manure, due to their content of essential financial gain, but also the manure is much more homogenous.
nutrients for plants. Defatted pupae of the mulberry silkworm were already tested as
Literature source reports that silkworm excrement has pharma- a feedstock of the biogas production (Viswanath and Nand,
ceutical and food commercial uses. In traditional Asian medicine 1994), hitherto both of the presented substrates in this article have
excreta have been used as a therapeutic agent to treat infectious not been studied. Insect technology prepares waste mainly as food
diseases, headache and abdominal pain, as well as lower LDL residue mixed with excreta. It is a high quality substrate to pro-
cholesterol and blood pressure (Tulp and Bohlin, 2004; duce biogas through an anaerobic fermentation process, since it
Vimolmangkang et al., 2014). However, limited data are available ensures a favorable environment for the development and optimal
on the bioactive compound profile of silkworm feces, although metabolic activity of bacteria involved in the process. This sub-
some interesting substances have been reported so far. The groups strate contains only biodegradable organic matter, its C/N ratio is
of lipids were identified, while chlorophylls, fatty acids, sterols, around the optimal 15–35 (Mao et al., 2015); additionally, it does
not contain inhibitory compounds, e.g. detergents, antibiotics,
antiseptics, which are toxic to bacteria (Dobre et al., 2014).
⇑ Corresponding author. However, obtaining an effective hydraulic retention time (HRT)
E-mail addresses: (M. Łochyńska), jakub. and biogas production depend not only on the substrate (J. Frankowski).
0956-053X/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M. Łochyńska, J. Frankowski / Waste Management 79 (2018) 564–570 565

composition, but also on the organic loading rate (OLR) and appro- 2.3. Methods of biogas and methane production
priate process temperature. OLR represents the amount of volatile
total solids fed into a digester per day under continuous feeding. The operating cost of the mesophilic process is much lower and
The process efficiency increases with an increase in OLR; however, the process is less sensitive to environmental changes than ther-
an extremely high OLR inhibits bacterial activity (Mao et al., 2015). mophilic fermentation (Chasnyk et al., 2015). Therefore, the ana-
The aim of this study is to test the chemical composition of the lyzed substrates were fermented only under mesophilic
materials and analyze the biogas yield from substrates generated conditions, which positively affects profitability of the biogas plant.
by mulberry silkworm farming. Moreover, the efficiency of biogas The analyses of biogas and methane efficiency were carried out
production under mesophilic conditions is compared with com- at the Laboratory of Ecotechnologies, the Institute of Biosystems
monly used agricultural substrates. The presented study allows Engineering, the Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland. The
investors and farmers to easily estimate the amount of electricity physical and chemical analyses were made in 3 replications,
and heat available from the sericulture substrate. according to the Polish standard system: total solids (TS, dried
mass) content within the Polish standard PN-75C-04616/01 (dry-
2. Materials and methods ing samples in triplicate for 24 h at 105 °C), and the content of
volatile total solids (VTS, organic dried mass) in accordance with
2.1. Mulberry silkworm breeding the PN-Z-15011-3 standard (combustion of samples at 550 °C for
3 h). The inoculum fermentation was also analyzed as the control.
The mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) breeding was carried It was prepared by separating the liquid fraction of the digestate
out at the Silkworm Breeding and Mulberry Cultivation Research pulp from an operating agricultural biogas plant.
Laboratory, the Institute of Natural Fibers and Medicinal Plants, Poz- The Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) was tested experimentally,
nan, Poland. The breeding season started in mid-May 2016. To speed based on the modified German standard DIN 38414/S8 as well as
up the development of embryos the temperature in the breeding the standardized biogas guidelines issued by the Association of
chamber was kept at 27 °C and the humidity at 60–70%. After the German Engineers in Dresden VDI 4630 (Cieślik et al., 2016;
caterpillars hatch, the temperature was reduced according to larvae Dach, 2016). Biogas yield was recorded under standard conditions.
development to 22–23 °C during the 5th stage (Łochyńska, 2016). At HRT determines the residence time of the substrate in a biofer-
the end of May caterpillars began to hatch. The population was kept menter and it is the time required to complete the degradation
in 30 plastic boxes, with 50 specimens per box. For 6–7 weeks larvae of organic matter. It is associated with the microbial growth rate
were fed 5–6 times per day with fresh leaves of white mulberry and depends on the process temperature, organic loading rate
(Morus alba L.). The breeding conditions were matched to the larvae and substrate composition (Mao et al., 2015). The optimum tem-
development stage, according to the Polish breeding method. perature varies depending on microorganism groups. Mesophilic
Two substrates were collected for the presented study: the bacteria are stimulated at 35–37 °C, while thermophilic bacteria
breeding waste and the excrement of larvae. The waste of silk- require 55–70 °C (Dobre et al., 2014; Mao et al., 2015). In the first
worm breeding was collected once a day during the active eating stages of fermentation Bacillus, Bifidobacterium, Pseudomonas and
stages of the population, from the third to the fifth developmental Clostridium bacteria are the major cooperators (Shin et al., 2004).
stage of caterpillars. The breeding waste consisted mainly of mul- In the next phase Syntrophobacter spp. and Syntrophomonas spp.
berry leaf residues, petioles and in the 5th stage of larval develop- convert ethanol and volatile fatty acids into acetates, as well as
ment – fine mulberry twigs. The waste also contained a low share hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The last stage (methanogenesis)
of caterpillar excrement. The excrements were collected once a day involves autotrophic and heterotrophic methane bacteria, e.g.
by screening the breeding waste through a sieve, from the third to Methanobacterium spp., Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus,
the fifth developmental stage of larvae. Methanospirillum hungatei, Methanosphaera stadtmaniae,
Methanococcus vannielli and Methanosarcina spp. (Jha et al., 2015).
2.2. Chemical composition analyses The experimental biogas production through anaerobic diges-
tion was run in a multichamber biofermenter set. Each individual
Analyses of the chemical composition of the raw materials were glass biofermenter was 2 dm3 capacity. The biofermenters were
performed at the Faculty of Wood Technology, the Poznan Univer- placed in water at a controlled temperature (approx. 39 °C); hence,
sity of Life Sciences, Poland, according to the PN-92/P-50092 stan- the tests were conducted under mesophilic conditions throughout
dard for plant material (Waliszewska et al., 2015). The following the entire experiment (Dach, 2016; Dach et al., 2014). The fermen-
parameters were determined: tation inoculum, which is always added to the analyzed substrates,
as well as the absence of oxygen created the perfect conditions
- moisture content using the oven-dry (gravimetric) method, inside the fermentation chamber to allow the methane production.
- pH value of the breeding waste and excreta according to PB.40 Biogas produced in each separate biofermenter was transferred to
ed. 7: 2010. cylindrical store equalizing gas reservoirs made from Plexiglas.
- content of cellulose according to Seifert using a mixture of Then inverted cylinders were immersed in water. However, the
acetylacetone and dioxane, space between the gas and water was filled with the neutral liquid
- content of lignin according to Tappi using concentrated sulfuric barrier, which prevented the dissolution of produced CO2 in the
acid, water (Dach, 2016). The daily biogas production was recorded
- content of holocellulose using sodium chlorite, every day accurate to 0.01 dm3. According to the respective stan-
- pentosanes using the trihydroxybenzene method, dard the criterion for the completion of the experiment was daily
- contents of minerals were determined according to the DIN biogas production below 1% of the total production obtained
51731 standards, (Cieślik et al., 2016).
- N and C contents were determined according to PN-EN
15104:2011 and PN-EN 15289:2011. 2.4. Energy calculations

Experimental materials were ground in a Pulverisette 15 The usefulness of selected waste from silkworm farming for
laboratory mill, with the analytical fraction of 0.4–0.1 mm being energy purposes was assessed on the basis of the amount of excre-
separated on sieves. ment and breeding waste. In addition, knowing the biogas and
566 M. Łochyńska, J. Frankowski / Waste Management 79 (2018) 564–570

methane efficiencies of these substrates the realizable amounts of Table 1

electricity and heat produced by the combustion of biogas from Results of chemical composition analyzes of materials.

those substrates in high-efficiency cogeneration were calculated Component Mulberry leaves [%] Silkworm excrement [%]
using the following formulae: Total minerals (ash) 16.62 13.00
Nitrogen 2.80 3.75
V b ¼ Be  M s ð1Þ Carbon 41.59 42.31
C/N ratio 14.85 11.28
where V b – produced biogas volume (m3), Be – biogas efficiency of Cellulose 18.69 20.24
the substrate (m3/Mg), M s – mass of the substrate (Mg). Hence: Holocellulose 55.97 54.82
Lignin 10.07 14.76
V CH4 ¼ V b  C CH4 ð2Þ Moisture content 7.60 8.70

where V CH4 – produced methane volume (m3), V b – produced bio-

gas volume (m3), C CH4 – methane concentration in produced biogas
leaves. The holocellulose content was comparable with that in
excrement. This examination has been not carried out to date.
EE ¼ V CH4  RaCH4  gE ð3Þ

where EE – produced energy amount (MWh), V CH4 – produced 3.2. Initial parameters of the substrates and the inoculum
methane volume (m3), RaCH4 – methane energy potential ratio
(0.00917 MWh/m3), gE – electrical efficiency of the cogeneration Before the experimental determination of biogas efficiency,
unit (for this calculation 44% electrical efficiency was assumed for physicochemical properties of the substrates were determined
modern cogeneration units of biogas plants). (Table 2). The percentage of total solids in the inoculum was much
lower than in waste from silkworm breeding and silkworm excre-
EH ¼ V CH4  RaCH4  gT ð4Þ ment, which reached over 30% FM. The level of volatile total solids
in the substrates was similar for all of them. The lowest content
where EH – produced heat amount (MWh), V CH4 – produced
was determined for the inoculum (71.02% TS) and the highest for
methane volume (m3), RaCH4 – methane energy potential ratio
breeding waste (82.81% TS).
(0.00917 MWh/m3), gE – heat efficiency of the cogeneration unit
(for this calculation 45% heat efficiency was assumed for modern
cogeneration units of biogas plants). The result was also expressed 3.3. The dynamics of the biogas production process and methane
in (GJ): efficiency

EH In the course of fermentation of the silkworm excrement and

EHGJ ¼ ð5Þ
0; 274 breeding waste under mesophilic conditions a marked difference
was observed in the dynamics of the biogas production process
where EHGJ – produced heat amount (GJ), EH – produced heat
from the substrates (Figs. 1 and 2). During the first days of the fer-
amount (MWh) and 1 GJ = 0.274 MWh.
mentation process methane production was lower than carbon
dioxide and other gases, which is specific of methanogenesis
3. Results and discussion (Zhang et al., 2014). However, after the fifth day until the end of
the experiment production of CH4 predominated.
3.1. Chemical composition of materials Silkworm waste and its excreta are rich in crude protein and
carbohydrates (Wang et al., 2016). In the first days of the experi-
The pH of the tested materials was recorded in 2016 and 2017. ment the simple organic compounds of the substrates were rapidly
The breeding waste pH value fluctuated in the range of 6.49–7.25 degradated by the hydrolytic bacteria. Therefore, one distinct peak
and the excreta pH was 7.43–8.17. Obtained values are lower in of biogas production was noticed in the second day of waste fer-
comparison with previously published data, in which the pH value mentation (Fig. 1). Subsequently biogas and methane production
was 7.98 for waste including excreta and 8.32 for feces (Patil et al., was continued at a relatively high level until the eleventh day
2009). The presented differences in pH values may be the result of (Figs. 3 and 4). Such dynamics of the process indicated that after
varying nutrients, bioactive compound contents or the presence of 48 h of fermentation the most readily digestible simple sugars
pathogens in white mulberry leaves depending on atmospheric were used by microorganisms (Ni et al., 2015). On consecutive days
conditions. they produced biogas form other substances. Because the substrate
Due to the fact that generally the waste of silkworm breeding did not contain large amounts of fat (Uzakova et al., 1987), the
consisted of mulberry leaf residues and a small percentage of larval dynamic of biogas production decreased until the 19th day, when
excrement, the chemical composition analyses were performed the process was finished.
separately for mulberry leaves and excrement. Results were means In the case of producing biogas from silkworm excrement two
of three measurements and were calculated in relation to dry mat- distinct peaks were observed. Intensive production of biogas was
ter of the material (Table 1). noticed during the first and sixth day of the process (Fig. 2). The
The analyses showed that the mineral contents were greater in first peak was due to digestion of readily decomposable simple
the mulberry material in comparison with larval excrement. The
obtained data are comparable with literature reports, in which
basic mineral contents in silkworms feces were tested. It was
shown that the mineral (ash) content was 9.56–16.23% and that Table 2
Methods and results of physicochemical properties for tested substrates.
of organic matter was 83.77–90.44% (ElShafei et al., 2014). How-
ever, the chemical composition of manure showed much lower val- Substrate Inoculum Silkworm excrement Silkworms
ues: 21.85 g/kg of nitrogen, 370.6 g/kg of carbon, and a higher C/N breeding waste
ratio of 16.96 (Qirong et al., 1992). Total solids (% TS) 2.80 31.87 25.67
Moreover, the tests demonstrated greater contents of cellulose Volatile total solids 71.02 79.07 82.81
(% VTS)
and lignin complexes in silkworm excrement than in mulberry
M. Łochyńska, J. Frankowski / Waste Management 79 (2018) 564–570 567


Other gases
1.2 Methane
Volume [dm3]





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Time [days]

Fig. 1. Daily biogas production during methane fermentation of the silkworms breeding waste.

0.9 Other gases
0.8 Methane
Volume [dm3]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Time [days]

Fig. 2. Daily biogas production during methane fermentation of silkworm excrement.

organic compounds, similar to breeding waste. However, the sec- and breeding waste, which were analyzed applying the same mod-
ond intensive production was a result of degradation of a large ified German standard. In addition, the investigated retention time
amount of complex compounds (lipids, fatty acids) and metabolic for microalgal biomass fluctuates around 30 days, depending on
products of larvae, which are absent in mulberry substrate (Ni the species (Kwietniewska and Tys, 2014), 30–35 days for chicken
et al., 2015; Motte et al., 2015; Uzakova et al., 1987). manure (Niu et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014) and 24 days for pig
Both of the substrates were decomposed in 19 days (Tables 3 slurry co-digested with olive pomace oil (Orive et al., 2016).
and 4). To compare, an average retention time of 15–30 days is The fermentation of silkworm waste and its excreta ran
required to treat waste under mesophilic conditions (Mao et al., relatively fast, because this feedstock is rich in easily degradated
2015). simple organic matter (Wang et al., 2016). Simultaneously ana-
Approximately 80% of accumulated methane production was lyzed substrates contain low amount macromolecular compounds
recorded in the first 10 days of the experiment for each material. (Uzakova et al., 1987).
In comparison, the time required for the attenuation of maize
straw silage, one of the most common substrates used in agricul- 3.4. Energy calculation results
tural biogas plants, is 15 days under thermophilic and 17 days
under mesophilic conditions to provide the same percentage yields The biogas and methane efficiencies of silkworm excrement and
(Igliński et al., 2015). Moreover, the HRT for that substrate lasted waste from silkworm breeding were summarized (Table 5). The
11 days longer (Cieślik et al., 2016) than for silkworm excrement realizable amounts of electricity and heat produced by the
568 M. Łochyńska, J. Frankowski / Waste Management 79 (2018) 564–570



Volume [m3/Mg TS] 400




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time [days]
Inoculum Breeding waste Silkworms excrement

Fig. 3. Cumulated biogas production during methane fermentation of analyzed substrates.


Volume [m3/ Mg TS]





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Inoculum Breeding waste Silkworms excrement

Fig. 4. Cumulated methane production during fermentation of analyzed substrates.

combustion of biogas from those substrates in high-efficiency m3/Mg FM of CH4 (Cieślik et al., 2016), both of them gave more bio-
cogeneration were calculated in three variants: for 1 Mg of fresh fuel per the same tonnage. Additionally, silkworm excrement
mass, total solids and volatile total solids (Table 6). methane efficiency reached the result determined experimentally
The advantageous methane yield is mainly caused by significant for swine slurry (168 m3/Mg TS of CH4) (Dach et al., 2016).
contents of biodegradable organic matter in the substrates (Kiran Waste from silkworm breeding was characterized by a higher
et al., 2014; Niu et al., 2013). Notwithstanding the biogas and energy potential than silkworm excrement. Per 1 Mg of silkworm
methane productions during fermentation of waste from silkworm excrement fresh mass the produced energy amount was 0.2
breeding under mesophilic conditions resulted in a greater effi- MWh and 0.8 GJ of heat. For waste from silkworm breeding those
ciency from silkworm excrement by 20 and 12.5 m3/Mg, respec- parameters were by 0.04 MWh and 0.19 MWh higher.
tively, in relation to fresh mass of the substrates. Furthermore,
waste was characterized by a 2% higher methane content than silk-
worm excrement. However, both of the substrates were showed a 4. Conclusions
satisfactory value of this parameter, whereas methane content in
biogas cumulative production reaches 46–57% for chicken manure The whole process of fermentation ran smoothly, without inhi-
(Braeutigam et al., 2014; Lewicki et al., 2016), 52% for maize straw bition. Both of the materials were decomposed in 19 days, while
silage (Cieślik et al., 2016), 53% for bread waste and 68–69% for fish approximately 80% of accumulated methane production was
wastes (Kafle et al., 2013). Moreover, the methane content is com- achieved in the first 10 days. However, breeding waste was charac-
parable with that of cattle manure at 50–60% and pig manure at terized by a higher energy potential than silkworm excrement.
60% (Dobre et al., 2014). Thanks to the relatively short time of methane production and
When comparing biogas and methane efficiencies of analyzed the HRT, the high content of dry matter, high methane content,
substrates with maize straw silage, which can be a source of 105 which significantly increases the calorific value biogas production
M. Łochyńska, J. Frankowski / Waste Management 79 (2018) 564–570 569

Table 3 Table 4
Daily methane production dynamics of silkworm breeding waste. Daily methane production dynamics of silkworm excrement.

The colors intensity represents the quantity of gases production. The colors intensity represents the quantity of gases production.

Table 5
Biogas and methane potential of analyzed substrates.

Sample CH4 content (%) Fresh mass (m3/Mg FM) Total solids (m3/Mg TS) Volatile total solids (m3/Mg VTS)
Cumulated biogas Cumulated CH4 Cumulated biogas Cumulated CH4 Cumulated biogas Cumulated CH4
Excrement 50.4 105.81 53.33 331.97 167.31 419.82 211.59
Breeding waste 52.4 125.59 65.81 489.24 256.36 590.77 309.56

Table 6
Energy potential of analyzed substrates.

Sample Variants Produced energy amount (MWh) Produced heat amount (MWh) Produced heat amount (GJ)
Excrement Per 1 Mg FM 0.20 0.22 0.80
Per 1 Mg TS 0.61 0.69 2.52
Per 1 Mg VTS 0.78 0.87 3.18
Breeding waste Per 1 Mg FM 0.24 0.27 0.99
Per 1 Mg TS 0.94 1.06 3.87
Per 1 Mg VTS 1.14 1.28 4.67
570 M. Łochyńska, J. Frankowski / Waste Management 79 (2018) 564–570

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