Ingles Hechos

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Promulgation of the 1917 constitution

The constitution promulgated on February 5, 1917 marks a fundamental milestone in history for
numerous reasons. This was the legal product that resulted from the Mexican Revolution that
began in 1910, and that made Mexico a stable republic over time.

The Mexican Revolution 1910-1920

The Mexican Revolution began on November 20, 1910, with the political movement of Francisco I.
Madero against the oppression of the government of Porfirio Díaz. Thus began a period of great
economic, political and social instability that lasted for almost 20 years. Many people left the
country, mainly to the United States, to escape the violence and chaos of the Revolution.

The nationalization of the oil industry (1938)

The nationalization of the oil industry was one of the most important events in the Mexican
economic history of the 20th century. This was carried out through the expropriation decree
signed by President Lázaro Cárdenas, on March 18, 1938. The refusal of the companies to
negotiate the increase in wages, vacation days and compensation in case of accidents, caused the
strike of May 1937. Given the failed dialogues between the government, the transactional
companies and the unions, President Lázaro Cárdenas had to make the decision to nationalize the

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