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Student: Adrian Flores Luna

Teacher: Maria Bautista

Level: Advanced 5
Portfolio 2

Each person has an expectation about a major life experience, for example a lot
of people wants to trip to another country or spend a few days on an island.
They are usually fifty-year-old people. It´s not necessary to have a lot of money
to travel, you can visit places near your location. After traveling most people
feels motivated to work.

Another expectation that people have for a major life experience is to save
some money, It´s important that you have enough money when you are an
adult, because you could buy a lot of things for your family or for yourself. I am
currently saving money for my future.

Another expectation of people is to be in good health, to achieve this all people

must have a weight-reducing diet. We should do some exercises every day, it´s
important for our health. Also, we should drink enough water every day. In my
case I bought a new-black bike, I ride my bike in the mornings.

In my opinion, we have to hard working to do all this. Because we have to work

to get money and be able to buy all things you want or be able to travel
wherever we want. We all want to meet our expectations! this is important to
feel good about yourself.

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