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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Commission on Higher Education DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS STUDIES Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga March 23, 2023 Jelvin P. Velasco, MBA College Instructor This University Dear Sir, Greetings! This to request for your technical assistance in validating the research survey instrument to be utilized in the research entitled “The Effectiveness of Accounting Information System To the Management Decision Making in San Fernando, Pampanga”. The researchers believe that you will be able to help them to guide and improve their three-part instrument. Part I is to describe the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of; years of experience and age. Part II is to describe the effectiveness of the AIS to the respondents (employees) using the adopted instrument from Joyce P. (2022). Part Ill is to determine how may the management decision making using the AIS be describe by the respondents (employees) using the adopted instrument from two studies a) Akanbi, T. A. (2017) for relevance; b) Akinrinola, O. (2019) for faithful representation. Rest assured that all the information/data to be gathered will be handled with utmost care and confidentiality. Your positive response is highly appreciated, Thankyou. Respectfully yours, BAKING, KYLA L. DEINLA, ENNA Q. ESPINA, RACHIE L. LUCERO, JONALYN M. NAVARRO, JERRICA D. OGMAR, MYCA M. PAGALAN, RICHELLE S. QUIJANO, SHARMAINE PAULA B. YUMUL, CRISTY MARTIN C. VALIDATION PARTIT Accounting Information System (AIS) Professionals 1. Lam playing a big role in the company. 2. Lam helping different departments within the company to work together. 3. Lam responsible for getting the information outside the organization when necessary. 4, Lam responsible for managing the data in the company. 5. Lam responsible for taking good care of the funetions of the information system in the company. Accounting Information System (AIS) Software 1. [can easily finish my work with the help of accounting software. 2. I prefer using computer programs when recording transactions and data than a paper-based system. 3. I can easily access the data with the help of accounting software. 4. I can easily manage to make decisions with the help of high-quality software. 5. Lam using a software to lessen the difficulty in recording transactions and data, Accounting Information System (AIS) Data 1. I can make a decision with the accounting data recorded in the database. 2. Lam given accurate information with the help of the data recorded. 3. [can easily identify the outcome of the decision-making process with the help of the collected data 4, 1am using the recorded data of the company in preparing accounting statements and reports. 5. Lensure that the data are complete, relevant, and correct to be useful. Accounting Information ‘stem (AIS) Instructions and Procedures 1. Lalways ensure to follow the instructions and procedures to be effective in the company. 2. L always keep in mind the instruction and procedures to make my job easy 3. Lagree that following simple instructions shows that you are responsible. 4, L always ensure to follow the instructions to avoid mistakes, Accounting Information System (AIS) Information Technology Infrastructure 1. Lean easily finish my work with the help of an internet connection. 2. I prefer printing instead of writing. 3. L enjoy using high storage capability computer 4. I ensure to plan for the disposal of broken and outdated hardware to destroy sensitive data 5. Tensure that my computer has accounting software. Accounting Information System (AIS) Internal Factors 1. Lalways ensure to protect the sensitive data of my firm, . Lagree that internal controls are very much important in a firm. 3. Thave a virus tracker on my computer to avoid viruses, 4, Lagree that internal controls must be protected from natural disasters that can cause data loss. 5. I agree that a firm must have intemal controls to protect against unauthorized computer access and hackers. Part III. Relevance 1. The quality of AIS is relevant to an organization performance. 2. AIS reports relevant financial information regarding the economic activities of an organization or unit. 3. The application of decision making on matters that relate to an organization is made easy by its ATS. 4. AIS is effective in deci ion making in organization Faithful Representation 1. Reports from accounting information provide managers with useful information for taking the right decisions. 2. Accounting information system provides managers and management with necessary and appropriate information facilitating decision making process. 3. Accounting information system provides decision-makers with fact about decisions in term of timeliness and cost of decisions. 4. Accounting information reports provide feedback to ensure reconsideration of the taken decision to improve their effectiveness. 5. Decisions are made by managers based on information provided by the accounting information system in the bank without prejudice to personal assessment. Approved by: Jelvin P. Velasco, MBA.

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