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Informative data.
Area Teacher: Student Name: Total marks:

FOREIGN LANGUAGE Lic. Christian A. Cupueran F. /32 marks

Degree or course: Parallel: Date: Grade:
3rd BGU B, C /10

1. Carefully read each of the questions, perform the requested activity.

2. Avoid the use of the concealer, avoiding crossed outs otherwise your response is voided.
3. In the case of academic dishonesty, Articles 223, 224, 225 and 226 of the LOEI will apply.
4. The time allotted for this subject is 60 minutes.

"Inscience you try to tell people, in a way that everyone can understand, something that nobody ever knew
before. Poetry is exactly the opposite."


Evaluation indicator Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using new words and expressions wherever
appropriate and necessary. Ref. I.EFL.5.7.1. (I.2, I.3, J.2)

1. Instruction: Match the words about people who make a difference with their definitions. (1 mark)

philanthropist pioneer radical visionary

0 A person who uses violence to remove a government from power, as described by people who support this.
a(n) freedom fighter
1 This is someone who is the first to study an area of knowledge or culture that others go on to develop.
a(n) _________________
2 This person uses force or strong pressure to achieve their aims. a(n) ______________
3 This person works to achieve political or social change through non-violent means, especially as part of an
organization. a(n) ______________
4 An individual who speaks in support of a group of people or a belief. a(n) _____________
5 This is someone who is in favour of thorough and complete political or social change. a(n) _____________
6 This is a person who is able to think about or plan the future with great imagination and intelligence. a(n) __
7 This is a rich person who helps those in need, especially by giving money. a(n) __________
8 This person works for an organization that sends food or other supplies to countries that are suffering
because of war or natural disasters. a(n) ____________

A) 1 Militant, 2 Activist, 3 Pioneer, 4 Visionary, 5 Philanthropist, 6 Aid Worker, 7 Radical, 8 Champion

B) 1 Pioneer, 2 Militant, 3 Activist, 4 Champion, 5 Radical, 6 Visionary, 7 Philanthropist, 8 Aid worker
C) 1 Aid worker, 2 Pioneer, 3 Philanthropist, 4 Radical, 5 Militant, 6 Activist, 7 Visionary, 8 Champion
(D) 1 Pioneer, 2 Champion, 3 Radical, 4 Visionary, 5 Aid worker, 6 Militant, 7 Philanthropist, 8 Activist

2. Instruction: Choose the correct answer by reflecting on context and vocabulary usage. - (4 marks)

0 It’s bad enough if you don’t get on with a co-worker / non-worker, but when you actually share the
same office, it can become unbearable.
1 Being a(n) migrant / social worker must be a difficult job, especially when you have to provide support
for families with young children.
2 Households in which both parents are non-workers / co-workers are often those with the greatest
financial problems.
3 Unskilled / Social workers generally earn the lowest income because they don’t need any training to do
their jobs.
4 It is not always true that unskilled / migrant workers also did unskilled work in their countries of origin.

3. Instruction: Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the idioms below. -(1 mark)

0 A: When Sara lost her job recently, she was really worried, so she did a jewellery-making course to keep herself
busy. She’s now selling her jewellery online and says she would never go back to her old job.
B: In the words of the old saying: ‘when one door closes, another door opens’.
1 A: Fifty years ago, it wasn’t easy for women to be promoted to higher positions at work. I’m really proud of my
grandmother. She started working in a factory at the age of 15 and went on to become the Head of Operations
B: It seems as though she ______________ for other women to follow.

2 A: My favourite actor is coming to our town and I’d love to get an interview with him for our school magazine.
I’m sure they won’t give someone like me a chance, though.
B: Why don’t you contact his public relations office? After all,______________________.

3 A: We take plastic so much for granted these days, don’t we?

B: What do you mean? I hate plastic.
A: Yes, but you can’t deny that it really _______________________. Before it was invented, we had to rely on
heavy materials like metal.

A) 1 paved the way, 2 nothing ventured, nothing gained, 3 broke new ground
B) 1 nothing ventured, nothing gained, 2 paved the way, 3 broke new ground
C) 1 broke new ground, 2 paved the way, 3 nothing ventured, nothing gained.
D) None of them.

4. Instruction: Decide if the sentences are about an arrangement (A) or about something that is not allowed
(NA). (5 marks)

0 I won’t have dirt dragged all over my new carpets. NA

1 After the burglary, we had all the locks changed. _____
2 I’ve decided that I won’t have my hair cut short for the wedding after all. _____
3 I won’t have my photo taken under any circumstances, so don’t ask me again. _____
4 We won’t get the garage rebuilt until we’ve saved up enough money. _____
5 I won’t have my authority questioned like this. _____


5. Instruction: Match the parts of the sentences (1 mark)

0 Before I start college, I’m going to C.
1 I need my library book…
2 Our desserts were terrible. We’d like…
3 Gemma had…
4 I simply won’t…
5 Joe doesn’t …

A have my sister spoken about like that.

B her hair dyed pink last week.
C get my bike mended.
D wants his future decided by somebody else.
E returned.
F them taken off the bill.

A) 1E, 2A, 3B, 4F, 5D.

B) 1D, 2F, 3E, 4A, 5B
C) 1E, 2F, 3B, 4A, 5D
D) None of them
Evaluation indicator 2. I.EFL.5.6.1. Learners can deal with practical, everyday communication demands in familiar social
and academic contexts, such as following directions in class activities and identifying main ideas in other curricular
subjects when given sufficient support. (I.1, I.3, S.1) C


1 Instruction: Complete the sentences with have, want, need, prefer or like. There may be more than one possible
answer. (8 marks)

0 I promise that I’ll have the article finished by this evening.

1 Two men snatched my bag. I ___________them caught as soon as possible.
2 A lot of people drink tea with milk, but I ___________ coffee made with cream.
3 I wouldn’t __________ my arms covered in tattoos.
4 For this recipe, you’ll ____________ mushrooms picked fresh the same day.
5 I definitely ___________ the vegetables grown in my own garden to those you buy in the shops.
6 Dan didn’t manage to ___________ his building plans approved by the council.
7 Do you _____________ the package delivered to your home or office address?
8 She hates smoking and won’t even _____________ cigarettes brought into the house.
2 Instruction: Choose the correct answer (6 marks)

0 Never you will see / will you see such bravery from such a young person.
1 Seldom did / have we had a meal as good as that.
2 Under no circumstances must you / do you must park there.
3 Not until this year did I find / have I found out that Tom and I were related.
4 Rarely seen I / have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
5 At no time were we / we were warned of any danger.
6 Not only can he / does he can speak five European languages, he’s learning Arabic, too.

3 Instruction: Complete the rewritten sentences, using inversion. (6 marks)

0 I had just sat down when someone rang the doorbell.

Scarcely had I sat down when someone rang the doorbell.
1 I had just started speaking when I was interrupted.
Hardly ____________________________________ when I was interrupted.
2 We had just been introduced when he asked me out.
No sooner __________________________________than he asked me out.
3 I had just shut the door when I heard a strange noise upstairs.
Barely ______________________________________when I heard a strange noise upstairs.
4 The hotel manager didn’t once apologize for the problems we experienced.
At no time ___________________________________ for the problems we experienced.
5 I have rarely worked with such talented people.
Seldom ________________________with such talented people.
6 They had just finished putting the chairs outside when it started to rain.
Scarcely ________________________ the chairs outside when it started to rain.

Student's signature:

Lic. Christian Cupueran Lic. Mishell Ramon Ing. Danny Nole Lcda. Carmen Ramirez



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