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Areas of Focus: Music & Movement activities,

Gross Motor Skills

simple dance steps, games, preparation for school
performances, outdoor play, use of playground
equipment, carrying Montessori materials

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Claps hands V
Sits on the floor with legs crossed V
Carries a tray with objects V
Uses playground equipment with ease
and agility V
Throws a ball using two hands V
Kicks a ball V
Catches thrown ball with hands V
Throws a ball in intended direction V
Enthusiastically does physical activities V
Crawls V
Crawls between hula hoops V
Walks with proper balance V
Walks on a straight line V
Walks on a zigzag line V
Walks on tiptoe V
Walks on a balancing board V
Walks on heels V
Walks backwards without bumping
others V
Runs V
Runs with control over speed and
Balances on a balancing board V
Balances on one foot for 10 seconds V
Jumps with two feet V
Jumps off a short height V
Jumps over a rod without falling V
Jumps over a rod with ease V
Hops on one foot V
Climbs up or walks down steps using
alternate feet V
Skips continuously for a defined

Self-Help Skills

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Drinks water from the bottle V
Eats snack independently V
Sets the table with table mat before
eating V
Zips up bag V
Tidies up materials after use V
Pushes and pulls a chair for use V
Throws litter in the dustbin V
Washes and dries hands independently V
Takes off shoes independently V
Wears shoes independently V
Wear socks independently V
Indicates toilet need V
Flushes the toilet after use V
Uses the toilet independently V
Washes hands after toilet use V
Uses a tissue to clean nose V
Covers mouth when coughing and
Cleans up spill with help from teacher V
Cleans spillage with minimum adult V
Cleans spills when necessary V
Wipes off perspiration V
Identifies personal belongings V
Shows responsibility for personal V

Independence, Areas of Focus: The Montessori Work Cycle,
Montessori Presentations, and Group Activities

& Confidence
1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Able to choose own work V
Chooses wide variety of activities
without adult help
Follows through with activities after
selecting them V
Follows through with activities without
adult help
Concentrates on one activity for at
least five minutes V
Concentrates on one activity for at
least ten minutes V
Works independently without
disturbing others V
Works well in a large group V
Works well in a teacher directed small V
Works well in a small group without
the teacher
Copes well with change and transition V
Follows directions given individually V
Follows directions in a group setting V
Is able to sit and listen to a story
individually/in a small group V
Is able to sit and listen to a story in a
large group V
Demonstrates good understanding of
class ground rules V
Chooses a wide variety of activities V
without adult help


Areas of Focus: The Montessori Work Cycle,
Montessori Presentations, and Group Activities

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Responds appropriately to greetings V
Responds appropriately with “Please”,
“Thank You”, “Excuse Me”, and “I’m V
Responds when spoken to V

Social & Emotional

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Asks for help when needed V
Lends a helping hand to others
without direction V
Participates in group discussions and
waits for own turn to speak V
Contributes relevant information
during group discussions V
Exhibits cooperative play V
Handles frustration and conflicts
appropriately V
Shows willingness to come to school V
Shows pride at new accomplishments V
Shows gentleness and affection
towards others V
Shows acceptance and friendliness
towards others V
Is able to wait and take turns
Queues up for taking turns V
Behaves appropriately during outings V
Participates in silence game V
Works with friends V
Share materials while working together
with friends V
Alert V
Energetic V
Enjoys and participates during events
and celebrations V
Understand different emotions V
Helpful V
Imitates adults V
Participates in playtime
Expresses in acceptable ways V

Areas of Focus: Music and Movement, Outdoor
Play, Circle Time, Group/Individual Arts and Crafts

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Participates in music and movement V
Dances to the rhythm of music V
Enjoys doing arts and crafts V
Participates in games V

Practical Life

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Ground Rules
How to walk in the classroom V
How to stand in line V
How to carry materials properly V
How to tidy up materials after use V
How to roll and unroll a mat V
How to carry a chair V
How to open and close doors V
Preparation for Writing
Fine Motor Skills
Vertical dowel V
Horizontal dowel V
Imbucare Boxes
Object permanence box with drawer V
Cylinder block V
Square block V
Triangle block V
Rectangle block V
Colored rings on dowel V

Practical Life

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Spooning from bowl to an identical
bowl V
Spooning from bowl to 2 identical
bowls V
Spooning from bowl to 2 unequal
bowls V
Spooning from bowl to another bowl V
with indicator line
Dry Pouring
Pouring from jug to jug V
Pouring from jug to 2 equal bowls V
Pouring from jug to 2 unequal bowls V
Pouring from jug to bowl with
indicator line
Wet Pouring
Pouring from jug to jug V
Pouring from jug to 2 equal bowls V
Pouring from jug to 2 unequal bowls V
Pouring from jug to bowl with
indicator line using a funnel V
Transferring water with a sponge V
Transferring objects with tongs V
Transferring water with turkey baster V
Transferring and sorting objects with
tongs V
Transferring water using a syringe V
Transferring objects with chopsticks V
Transferring objects using a tweezer V
Pegging using clothes pegs V
Folding a napkin by halves V
Folding a napkin by quarters V
Folding a napkin by diagonal halves V
Folding a napkin by diagonal quarters V
Folding origami V

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Opening and Closing
Opening and closing boxes/
Opening and closing locks with keys V
Screwing and unscrewing nuts and
bolts V
Threading large beads V
Threading small beads V
Threading with templates V
Lacing templates with holes V
Classroom Skills
Tearing paper V
Crumpling paper V
Using an eraser V
Gluing and pasting paper
Handling scissors V
Single snip cutting along straight lines V
Single snip cutting along slanted lines V
Double snip cutting along straight lines V
Double snip cutting along slanted lines V
Cutting along diagonal/curved lines
(i.e. zigzag/waves) V
Cutting patterns (e.g. spiral, different
shaped outlines) V
Sharpening a pencil V
Using a hole puncher V
Using paper clips V
Sweeping V
Self-Help Skills
Cutting a banana with a blunt knife V
Polishing a mirror V
Zip frame V

Practical Life

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Velcro frame V
Large button frame V
Small button frame V
Hook & eye frame V
Buckle frame V
Bow frame V
Lacing frame V
Care of the Environment
Waters the plants V
Feeds the fish V
Takes care of toys and learning
materials V
Tidies up floor mats after use V
Pushes in chair after use V
Closes water tap while using soap
during washing of hands (saves V
Sweeps the classroom V
Keeps the environment clean V
Understands the concept of reduce/
reuse/recycle V
Understands the importance of
keeping the environment clean V
Knows the importance of planting
trees V

Sensorial Studies

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Visual Training (Sight)
3-Piece Puzzle: 3 Circle Sizes V
3-Piece Puzzle: Circle-Square-Triangle V
Knobbed Cylinders (Toddler Size / Regular Size)
Block 1 (vary in diameter = narrow >
wide) V V
Block 2 (vary in height & diameter =
short narrow > tall wide) V V
Block 3 (vary in height & diameter =
narrow tall > wide short)
Block 4 (vary in height = short > tall) V V
Works with variations V
Pink Tower (Toddler Size / Regular Size)
Identifies dimensions (big and small):
3PL using Pink Tower
Presentation 1 V V
Presentation 2 (flushed) V
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: big/bigger/ V
biggest (using Pink Tower)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: small/smaller/ V
smallest (using Pink Tower)
Works with variations V
Broad Stair (Toddler Size / Regular Size)
Identify dimensions (thick and thin):
3PL using Broad Stair V
Presentation of Broad Stair V V
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: Thick/Thicker/ V
Thickest (using Broad Stair)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: Thin/Thinner/ V
Thinnest (using Broad Stair)
Pink Tower and Broad Stair Variations V
Long Rods (Toddler Size / Regular Size)
Identifies dimensions (long and short):
3PL using Long Rods V V
Presentation of Long Rods V V

Sensorial Studies

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: long/longer/ V
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: short/shorter/ V
Works with variations V
Knobless Cylinders
Yellow box (vary in height & diameter: tall wide – short narrow)
Presentation 1 (built vertically up –
wide > narrow) V
Presentation 2 (flushed – tall > short) V
Green box (vary in height & diameter: short wide – tall narrow)
Presentation 1 (built vertically up –
wide > narrow) V
Presentation 2 (flushed – tall > short) V
Red box (vary in diameter: wide – narrow)
Presentation 1 (built vertically up –
wide > narrow)
Presentation 2 (flushed – tall > short) V
Blue box (vary in height: tall – short)
Presentation 1 (built vertically up – tall
> short)
Presentation 2 (flushed – tall > short) V
Works with base cards V
Combining Knobbed Cylinders and
Knobless Cylinders V
Color Box
Color Box 1 (primary colors: red, blue,
Color Box 2 (secondary colors: green,
orange, purple, pink, brown, black, V
white, grey)
Mixes primary colors and makes V
secondary colors (Arts and crafts)
Color Box 3 (gradation of 7 shades of
9 different colors) V
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: dark/darker/ V
darkest (using Color Box 3)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: light/lighter/ V
lightest (using Color Box 3)

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Works with variations V
Tactile Training (Touch)
Touch Board 1 (explores touch board) V
Touch Board 2 (identifies rough/
smooth) V
Touch Board 3 (explores different
degrees of texture from smoother to V
Touch Tablets (matches tablets of V
different textures)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: rough/rougher/ V
roughest (using Touch Tablets)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: smooth/
smoother/smoothest (using Touch V
Touch Fabrics (matches fabrics of V
different textures)
Stereognostic Bags (Matches objects V
of different shapes without seeing)
Baric Tablets
Presentation 1: Uses 2 boxes (identifies
heavy/light) V
Presentation 2: Uses 3 boxes (identifies
heavier/lighter) V
Baric Tablets (matches tablets of
different weights) V
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: heavy/heavier/ V
heaviest (using Baric Tablets)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: light/lighter/ V
lightest (using Baric Tablets)
Thermic Tablets (identifies warm/cold) V
Thermic Tablets (matches tablets of
different temperatures) V
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: cool/cooler/ V
coolest (using Thermic Tablets)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: warm/warmer/ V
warmest (using Thermic Tablets)

Sensorial Studies

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Olfactory Training
Smelling Bottles
Identifies different smells V
Matches bottles based on different V
Gustatory Training
Tasting Bottles
Identifies sweet and salty V
Identifies bitter V
Auditory Training
Sound Boxes
Presentation 1 (Red Box): Listening V
Presentation 2 (Blue Box and Red V
Box): Matching activity
Presentation 3 (Red/Blue Box): V
Grading activity
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: loud/louder/ V
loudest (using Sound Boxes)
Understands and uses comparative/
superlative adjectives: soft/softer/ V
softest (using Sound Boxes)
Early Geometry
Geometric Presentation Tray (Circle,
Square, Triangle)
Geometric Cabinet
Circle V
Triangle V
Square V
Oval V
Rectangle V
Star V
Heart V
Geometric Cabinet with cards V
Explores different triangles
Right-angled isosceles triangles V

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Acute-angled isosceles triangles V
Obtuse-angled scalene triangles V
Explores polygons V
Recognize polygons
Pentagon V
Hexagon V
Heptagon V
Octagon V
Nonagon V
Decagon V
Explore curved figures
Quatrefoil V
Curvilinear triangle V
Oval V
Ellipse V
Explores quadrilaterals V
Trapezium V
Parallelogram V
Rhombus V
Right-angled trapezium V
Geometric Solids
Cube V
Cylinder V
Sphere V
Cone V
Ellipsoid V
Ovoid V
Triangular Pyramid V
Square Pyramid V
Triangular Prism V
Rectangular Prism V

Sensorial Studies

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Constructive Triangle
Box 1: Triangle Box V
Box 2: Small Hexagonal Box V
Box 3: Large Hexagonal Box V
Box 4: Small Rectangular Box V
Box 5: Large Rectangular Box V
Tessellations V
Early Algebra
Binomial Cube V
Trinomial Cube V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Oral Communication
Refers to self by name V
Recognizes teachers and friends by
name V
Identifies friends by name V
Speaks in short phrases V
Speaks clearly V
Speaks in a normal tone V
Recognizes and names common
objects in the school environment V
Converses with adults and peers V
Converses in English V
Converses in short sentences V
Converses in full sentences V
Participates in “Show & Tell” activity V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Expresses needs V
Expresses thoughts and ideas V
Listening Skills
Listens attentively V
Listens and recites songs & rhymes V
Listens to explanations and
Pre-Reading Skills
Identifies patterns V
Matches objects V
Matches pictures V
Identifies same/different V
Identifies opposites V
Identifies rhyming sounds V
Sequences picture cards V
Works from left to right V
Jolly Phonics Songs
sat V
ipn V
ckeh V
rmd V
gou V
lfb V
ai j oa only j V
ie ee or V
z w ng only z & w V
v oo(short) oo(long) only v V
y x ch only y & x V
sh th(short) th(long) V
qu ou oi V
ue er ar V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Recognizes the phonetic sounds of the letters
sat V
ipn V
ckeh V
rmd V
gou V
lfb V
ai j oa only j V
ie ee or V
z w ng only z & w V
v oo(short) oo(long) only v V
y x ch only y & x V
sh th(short) th(long) V
qu ou oi V
ue er ar V
Reading Skills
Pink Series
LMA Presentation 1 (Identifies the
beginning sounds of objects and V
pictures to phonetic sounds)
LMA Presentation 2 (Matches V
alphabets to sandpaper letters)
LMA Presentation 3 (Builds three letter V
Matches objects to their beginning V
Pink Object Box with LMA V
Pink Picture Box with LMA V
Pink Object Box with Word Tags
(Matches objects to words) V
Pink Picture Box with Word Tags
(Matches pictures to words)
Pink Picture Card (Reads CVCs) V
Pink Word Lists (Reads CVCs) V
Pink Mystery Box (silent reading) V
Pink Sight Words (in, on, the, a) V

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Pink Attached Sentence Strips (Reads V
Pink Detached Sentence Strips (Reads V
Pink Story Books V
Blue Series
Blue Object Box with LMA (Builds V
longer words)
Blue Picture Box with LMA V
Blue Object Box with Word Tags
(Matches objects to words)
Blue Picture Box with Word Tags
Matches pictures to words) V
Blue Picture Card (Reads and writes V
longer words)
Blue Word Lists (Reads and writes V
longer words)
Blue Mystery Box (silent reading) V
Blue Attached Sentence Strips (Reads
longer sentences) V
Blue Detached Sentence Strips (Reads
longer sentences) V
Blue Sight Words (has/have) V
Blue Story Books V
Green Series
Reads and writes words with diagraphs and phonograms

Green Phonogram Box V

Green Phonogram Box and SMA V
Green Word Lists V
Green Mystery Box (silent reading) V
Green Folders V
Green Sentence Cards V
sh ch wh th V
ll oo ee V
ea oa ai oi ou V
a-e i-e o-e u-e V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Reads sight words
List 1 (to, and, I, he, she, it, we, they,
you, my, him, her, his, have, has, had,
is, are, am, was, how, of, said, on, but,
at, as, be, with)
List 2 (did, can, do, like, yes, then, little,
down, up, look, there, some, out)
List 3 (what, so, see, not, were, get,
them, me, will, could, when, one, this, V
that, would, these, those)
Understands cloze passages V
Singular and Plural Box (Knows the
plurals of common nouns, without V
Is familiar with nouns (Noun Game) V
Explores the phonetic farm game (with
nouns) V
Knows the singular and plural of nouns V
Understands the function and use of
an adjective (Adjective Game) V
Explores the phonetic farm game (with
adjectives) V
Is familiar with the function of a verb
(Verb Game)
Understands the function of a verb
(Verb Game) V
Explores the phonetic farm game (with
verbs) V
Knows the articles V
Understands prepositions (preposition
box) V
Knows the correct order of a sentence VV
Pre-Writing/Writing Skills
Scribbles on paper V
Tries to color within the lines V
Traces lines V
Connects dots to form lines V
Holds crayons with tripod grip V
Demonstrates 3 finger pencil grasp V

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Insets for Design 1:
Circle V
Square V
Triangle V
Insets for Design 2:
Circle V
Square V
Triangle V
Makes Insets for Design Booklet V
Traces the sandpaper letters using fingers:
sat V
ipn V
ckeh V
rmd V
gou V
lfb V
j V
zw V
v V
yx V
Draws horizontal lines V
Draws vertical lines V
Writes lower case letters:
sat V
ipn V
ckeh V
rmd V
gou V
lfb V
j V
zw V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
v V
yx V
Writes first name V
Writes three letter words V
Writes words with good spacing
between letters V
Write sentences with good spacing
between words V
Has a neat handwriting V
Completes assignments: worksheets V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Counts Orally
1-10 V
1-20 V
1-30 V
1-50 V
1-100 V
One to Five
Understands quantities 1-5 (Number
Rods 1-5) V
Traces Sandpaper Numbers 1-5 using
fingers V
Recognizes symbols 1-5 V
Associates quantities and numerals (1-
5) Number Rods and Cards V
Understands the concept of zero
(Spindle Box) V
Associates quantities and numerals 1-5
(Spindle Box) V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
One to Ten
Understands quantities 1-10 (Number
Rods 1-10) V
Traces Sandpaper Numbers 1-10 using
fingers V
Recognizes symbols 1-10 V
Knows the number sequence 1-10 V
Associates quantities and numerals
1-10 (Spindle Box) V
Associates quantities and numerals (1-
10) – Number Rods and Cards V
Presentation 1 V
Presentation 2 V
Presentation 3 V
Presentation 4 V
Understands odd and even numbers
(Cards and Counters) V
Understands greater than and lesser
than V
Identifies greater than/lesser than
using symbols <,> V
Recognizes and writes number names
1 -10 V
Writes number names eleven to
twenty V
The Decimal System (Place Value)
Understands quantities 1, 10, 100, 1000:
Golden Beads – Learning the Names of
the Power of Ten V
Golden Beads – Counting Through
(Concrete) V
Golden Beads – Recognizing
Quantities V
Recognizes symbols 1, 10, 100, 1000:
Written Symbols – Learning the Names
of the Power of Ten V
Written Symbols – Counting Through
(Abstract) V
Written Symbols – Recognizing
Symbols V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Associates quantities and numerals 1, 10, 100, 1000
Bird’s Eye View V
Combining Quantities & Symbols V
Builds numbers to three or four places V
Linear Counting 11-19 (Teen Numbers)
Introduction to the Short Bead Stair V
Seguin Board A - Understands
quantities 11-19 (Learning the Names of V
the Quantities 11-19)
Seguin Board A - Recognizes symbols
11-19 (Learning the Names of the V
Written Symbols 11-19)
Knows the sequence 11-19 V
Beads & Seguin Board A - Associates
quantities and numerals 11-19
(Combining Quantities and Symbols V
Tens Numbers (10-99)
Seguin Board B - Understands
quantities 10 -90 (Learning the Names V
of the Quantity 10-90)
Seguin Board B - Recognizes symbols
10-90 (Learning the Names of the V
Written Symbols 10-90)
Beads & Seguin Board B - Associates
quantities and numerals 10 -90 V
(Combining Quantity & Symbol 10-90 )
Knows the sequence 11-99 V
Beads & Seguin Board B - Associates
quantities and numerals 11 -99
(Combining Quantities & Symbols 11- V
Bead Chains
Understands and explores the 100
bead-chain V
Thousands bead chain V
Writes Numerals
1-5 V
6-10 V
11-15 V
16-20 V

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
21-30 V
31-40 V
41-50 V
1-100 V
Understands the concept of
Weight: Heavy/Light V
Capacity: Empty/Full V
Position: Up/Down V
Direction: Near/Far V
Decimal System Operations:
Addition with two addends V
Addition with three addends V
Addition without change (Static
Addition with Golden Beads) V
Addition with Small Number Rods
(Presentation 1) V
Addition with Small Number Rods
(Presentation 2: with + and = signs)
Addition using the Short Bead Stair V
Addition using the Strip Board
(Exercise 1) V
Addition using the Strip Board
(Exercise 2: Number Bonds) V
Addition without change (Static
Addition with Stamp Game) V
The Changing Game V
Addition with change (Dynamic
Addition with Golden Beads) V
Addition with change (Dynamic
Addition with Stamp Game) V
Multiplication without change (Static
Multiplication with Golden Beads) V
Multiplication without change (Static
Multiplication with Stamp Game) V
Multiplication with change (Dynamic
Multiplication with Golden Beads) V


1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Multiplication with change (Dynamic
Multiplication with Stamp Game) V
Multiplication using the Short Bead
Stair V
Multiplication exercises using the
Multiplication Board V
Subtraction without change (Static
Subtraction with Golden Beads) V
Subtraction without change (Static
Subtraction with Stamp Game) V
Subtraction with change (Dynamic
Subtraction with Golden Beads) V
Subtraction with change (Dynamic
Subtraction with Stamp Game) V
Subtraction with the Small Number
Rods V
Subtraction with the Small Number
Rods (Presentation 2: with - and = V
Subtraction with the Short Bead Stair V
Subtraction exercises using the Strip
Board V
Division without change (Static
Division with Golden Beads) V
Division without change (Static
Division with Stamp Game) V
Division with change (Dynamic
Division with Golden Beads) V
Division with change (Dynamic
Division with Stamp Game) V
Snake Game V
Identifies a ‘whole’ V
Identifies and writes the fraction ½ V
Is able to identify and write the faction V
Understands and works with simple
graphs V
Knows the ordinal numbers: first to
tenth V
Arranges numbers in ascending and
descending order V
Works on story problems V
Cultural Studies

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Is able to name and identify some:
Farm Animals

Models of Animals V
Large Pictures V
Farm Animal Families V
Loosely Grouped Terminology Cards V
Wild Animals

Models of Animals V
Large pictures V
Loosely Grouped Terminology Cards V
Specifically Grouped Terminology
Cards V
Pet Animals

Models of Animals V
Large Pictures V
Domestic Animals

Large Pictures V
Specifically Grouped Terminology
Cards V

Models of Animals V
Large Pictures V
Loosely Grouped Terminology Cards V
Specifically Grouped Terminology
Cards V
Sea Creatures

Models of Animals V
Large Pictures V
Loosely Grouped Terminology Cards V
Specifically Grouped Terminology
Cards V

Cultural Studies

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Is able to group animals according to their classes:

Phylum Chordata V
Loosely Grouped Animals V

Phylum Chordata V
Loosely Grouped Animals V

Phylum Chordata V
Loosely Grouped Animals V

Phylum Chordata V
Loosely Grouped Animals V

Phylum Chordata V
Loosely Grouped Animals V

Phylum Chordata V
Loosely Grouped Animals V
Jigsaw Puzzles of Animals
Knows Parts of:

A bird V
A fish V
A frog V
Knows the Life Cycle of:
A frog V
A butterfly V
Is able to name and identify some:

Models of Fruits V
Large Pictures V

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers

Models of Fruits V
Large Pictures V
The Sun Game V
Botany Cabinet: Jigsaw Puzzles V
Knows the parts of a tree/plant V
Leaf Cabinet V
Knows the life cycle of a plant V
Knows the life cycle of a pumpkin V
Explores the leaf cabinet with V
leaves of different shapes
Is able to identify the weather V
Is able to identify the sun, the moon,
and the stars
Recognizes land/air/water
(Introduction to the Three Elements) V
Identifies land/air/water V
Understands the concept of land and
water on the globe V
Is able to identify Land & Water forms:
Lake/Island V
Cape/Bay V
Isthmus/Strait V
Gulf/Peninsula V
Archipelago/System of Lakes V
Can identify the names of the planets V
(The Solar System)
Identifies the Layers of the Earth (The
Structure of the Earth) V
Identifies the Layers of the Volcano V
Explores land and water globe V
(Sandpaper Globe)
Explores the continent globe V
Explores the puzzle map of the world V
Has basic general knowledge of
chosen countries (Country Box) V

Cultural Studies

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year

Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Knows the seven continents
(Continents Box & Continent Folder) V
Animals of the Worlds V
Is able to identify the continents on
the globe V
Is able to identify flags of Asian Countries:
Indonesia V
China V
Singapore V
Malaysia V
India V
Japan V
Knows the Days of the Week V
Knows the date and is familiar with the
calendar V
Names the days of the week V
Names the months of the year V
Understands the concept of the
passage of time V
Timeline in the Day of a Child V
Understands the timeline of their life V
The Clock V
Is able to identify family members: V
Father, Mother, Brother, and Sister
Recognizes members of the family V
Understands own ages V
Understands family’s age (How Old
Am I and How Old is My Family?) V
Understands the concept of before/ V
Understands the concepts of today/
tomorrow V
The 7 Days of Creation (from the book
of Genesis, Bible) V
Tells time by the hour V
Tells time by half past V
Tells time by quarter past V

1st Year 2nd Year 1st Year 2nd Year
Twinklers Twinklers Sparklers Sparklers
Is able to name and identify some:
Parts of the Body
Jigsaw Puzzle of Human V
Parts of Human Terminology Cards V
Understands the things we can do with
our body parts V
Parts of the Face
Parts of a Face Terminology Cards V
Land V
Air V
Water V
Recognizes different means of
transportation V
Recognizes some occupations V


1st Year Twinklers

2nd Year Twinklers

1st Year Sparklers

2nd Year Sparklers

1st Year Preparatory

2nd Year Preparatory


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