8 An Invitation: She's in Town Shopping

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Go to the cinema

He want to meet at 8 o'clock

He want to meet in front of the train station

She's in town shopping

She's shopping clothes

Go to lunch together

She want to meet outside the French restaurant

She wants her mum to call her



He is going to the cinema with Andy

It's a great idea

He meet Andy at night

R ea d in g

8 An invitation 1 Read the texts 1 -2 and answ erthe questions.

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1 W hat suggestion does Andy make to Tom? 2 W

Hi Tom,

Let’s go out tonight.

What are you doing later? hat time does he want to meet?
Why don’t we go to the cinema?
We could meet at 8 o’clock in
front of the train station.
3 Where does he want to meet?
Let me know.
4 Where is Lucy?

5 W hat’s she doing?

6 What suggestion does Lucy make to her mother? 7

Where does she want to meet?

8 W hat does she want her mum to do?

2 Match the replies a -b to the texts 1 -2 in exercise 1.

□ a I know you hate waiting, but let’s meet at 2pm. □ b

Nothing. It’s a great idea. See you tonight.

3 Read the replies in exercise 2 again and answ erthe questions.

Hi MU/ть, 1 Who hates waiting?

V yyi in
toWn shopping.
Let’s ha-ve lunch Together. 2 W hat is Tom doing tonight?

Why don't you meet me

outside -the french 3 Does Tom like Andy’s idea?
rest&ur&rrt cct 1.30?
C&ll me. 4 W hat does Tom mean by ‘See you tonight’?


La n g u a g e focus W riting

4 Correct one mistake in each phrase. 2 Let go to the theatre. Let's go to the theatre

1 Why not we meet at seven? Why don't we meet at 7 o'clock? 3 We could to go by taxi. We could go by taxi
4 I like watch films. I like watching films.

5 That’s good idea. That's a good idea.

5 Match the beginning of the sentences 1 -5 to the end of the

sentences a -e .
1 We could stay in D
2 Why don’t you come E
3 Let’s take A Hi, Ben!
4 We could C
5 Let’s meet B
a a taxi. go to the Japanese restaurant?
b and watch a film,
We could meet at 10 o'clock in front of the
с meet at 8 o’clock, Lambramani Park
d opposite the cinema,
Call me.
e to my house for a coffee?

6 Write suggestions using the prompts.

1 Why / stay in / tonight

W hy don’t we stay in tonight?

2 Let / to / Chinese restaurant

Let's go to the Chinese restaurant

3 We could / visit friends

We could go to visit friends
4 Why / go by bus
Why don't you go by bus?
have coffee on Saturday .
7 5 Let / meet / 7 o’clock at 9 o'clock, at the usual park.
Let's meet at 7 o'clock Let me know.

7 Choose two situations from the box. Write a note to a

friend for each situation.

dinner coffee football match

restaurant stay in visit friends

Lett's qo out toniakt
\fAy don't uj& ■■■


W e c o u ld ...
L e + 's . . .

ttpu Socm/

Useful language
Why don’t we ... ?
Let’s ...
We could ...

I 79

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