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1.1 Background of the Problem

There are four competences in learning English, they are speaking, listening,

reading and writing. Those competencies should be learned by the students who

learned English.

Related to competencies on speaking, the teacher should master the way of

teaching that make the students feel comfortable and enjoy to study. Talking about

teaching speaking, it mostly has somethings to do with pronounciation of the word or


Dealing with teaching speaking for elementary school students, who are

scared when they study English most of English teachers want their students to be

able to speak in English eventhough it is a short speech. Teaching English speaking at

elementary school is not an easy job, because speaking is the activities where the

learners should pay attention to and trying to get meaning from something they hear.

Teaching English speaking to elementary school students should be careful and step

by step. For instance, word by word, short sentence by short sentence, or short

paragraph that consist two or four sentences. So, in order to be easy to teach speaking

for elementary school students, the teacher should find a good technique of teaching.

It is known that, elementary school students are very young learners, who still

need playing and having fun. It is not easy to invite their interest to study English

speaking. Some problems are faced by the students in learning speaking process.

First, the students are afraid of making something wrong, it means that the students

are scared not to hear English words well and they are afraid of mention the word that

the teacher ask them to pronounce. The students are also confused about what they

should study because it is a new one for them, or they have to check some words on

the pictures dictionary.

The other problems is the students are lack off motivation. In learning

speaking, the students felt boring to study speaking because the material is

monotonous and teacher’ techniques also make them lazy. Beside that, the teacher

does not used interesting technique that invites students interesting to study. The

media that use by the teacher will influences teaching learning process. Another

reason why teaching speaking for elementary school students is difficult is that there

is the difference between word writing and word pronouncing. The students got

confused when they read it. So that, the teacher should find a good technique to teach

them. The writer saw and heard this problem from his aunt who teaching in

elementary school 05 VI Suku Kota Solok last semester.

For that problem, the writer thinks that one of the ways that can be used to

solve the problem is by using the interesting technique in teaching speaking at the

elementary school.

One of the interesting technique is game. It can make the elementary school

students enjoy to learning including learning speaking skill. There are many types of

games that can be used in the teaching speaking at elementary school. They are, for

example: liar games, alphabet games, and crazy counting games. One of the games

that will be proposed in this paper is crazy counting games. In this games, the

students are as a centre of teaching and learning English activities, while the teacher

is only as facilitator. By using this technique, it is hoped that the students can be more

active and more confident to speaking English. This technique also can make the

students familiar with concept of the theme that they have to study and the related

vocabulary, since vocabulary is foundation for building speaking ability in English.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, some problems might appear in teaching

speaking at the elementary school. It is identified that, first, the students can not do

speaking activity because they are scare to pronounce the word and do not hear the

word well. Second, the student have lack of motivation in speaking because the

teacher does not use the interesting technique but always uses the monotonous

material. At last, the students get some difficulties when they do speaking activities

because of the limited media used by the teachers in teaching speaking.

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

In this paper, in order to make the discussion more focused, the writer wants

to discuss about the technique of teaching speaking that can be used by the English

teachers at elementary school. There are many techniques that can be used in teaching

speaking, but the writer limits the problem on the use of crazy counting game as one

of the technique in teaching speaking at elementary school

1.4 The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problem of this paper is

formulated as follows : How does the teacher apply crazy counting game in teaching

speaking at the elementary school in order to improve students’ speaking ability ?

1.4 The Purpose of the Paper

Specifically, the purpose of this paper is to improve students’ speaking ability

and to show to the English teachers one of the interesting techniques in teaching

speaking at the elementary school. This paper is to give the English teachers

information about the activity that can be applied in their classroom. The writer also

suggests to all English teachers to improve their skills and apply innovation technique

in teaching. For the students, the writer hope that this paper can encourage them to

study speaking in English, because by using this technique the students do not work

alone, they have friends to discuss everythings that are related with their lesson.


2.1 The Nature of Speaking

Speaking is an active productive skill involving the knowledge of language, a

complex mental and psychical of the speaker when he/she produces it. According to

Chaney (1998:31) speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through

the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contents.

Moreover, Nunan in Zainil (2006:12) states that in learning speaking language

learner needs to recognize that there are three areas of knowledge are involved, they

are: first, mechanics (pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary). It is the using of the

right words in the right order with the correct pronunciation. Second, functions

(transaction and interaction). It is knowing when clarity of massage is essential

(transaction /information exchange) and when precise understanding is not required

(interaction/relationship building). Third, social and cultural rule and norms (turn

taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between speakers, relative roles of

participants). It is the understanding of how to take into account who is speaking to

whom, in what circumstances, about what, and for what reasons.

In details, Grace in Elvida (2008:11) supports the above ideas. She states that

speaking can help the students to develop communicative efficiency. In this case the

instructor can use balanced activities approach that combines: first, communicative

output, the learners’ main purpose is to complete a test, such as obtaining information

developing a travel plan, or creating of video. Second, structured output focuses on

correct form. In structured output, students may have options for responses, but all of

the options require them to use the specific form or structure that the teacher has just

introduced. Third, language input, comes in the form of teacher talk, listening

activities, reading passages, and the language heard and read outside of class.

Based on the ideas above, it can be concluded that speaking is a tool of

communication to express human being’s thoughts, ideas, as well as a form of social

behavior. It is an active productive skill involving the knowledge of language, a

complex mental and physical of the speaker when he/she produces. The speaker to

think about the idea they are going to say, the ways to pronounce the words, and also


2.2 Teaching Speaking for Young Learners

Nunan in Zainil (2006:14) states that the goal of teaching speaking skills is

communicative efficiency, the learners should be able to make themselves understood,

using their current proficiency to the fullest. The single most important reason for teaching

speaking is to develop oral fluency, that is, the ability to express oneself intelligibly,

reasonably, accurately and without undue hesitation.

According to Nation (1997:2) in speaking classes students must be exposed to

three key items: (1) form-focused instruction, that is, attention to details of

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and so forth; (2) meaning-focused instruction,

that is, opportunities to produce meaningful spoken messages with real

communicative purposes; and (3) opportunities to improve fluency. All of the

elements above should be presented through out a speaking program, with emphasize

on form-focused instruction at the elementary levels and, as the learner’s progress, on

meaning-focused instruction at the higher levels.

In addition Carthy and O’keefe (2004:13) explain that there are five main

areas relevant to the teaching of speaking:

(1) The debates concerning native speaker and nonnative speaker models for

spoken pedagogy.

(2) The issue of authenticity in spoken materials.

(3) Approaches to understanding speaking in the classroom.

(4) The selection of texts and aspects of spoken language for the teaching of


(5) Developments in materials and methods for the teaching of speaking.

At last, Nunan in Kayi (2006:12) states that teaching speaking" is to teach

ESL learners to:

(1) Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns

(2) Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the

second language

(3) Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social

setting, audience, situation and subject matter.

(4) organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.

(5) Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.

(6) Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses,

which is called as fluency. Communicative language teaching and

collaborative learning serve best for this aim, communicative language

teaching is based on real-life situations that require communication.

According to Burkart (2010:1) language learners need to recognize that

teaching speaking involves three areas of knowledge: (1) Mechanics (pronunciation,

grammar, and vocabulary): using the right words in the right order with the correct

pronunciation. (2) Functions (transaction and interaction): knowing when clarity of

messages is essential (transaction/information exchange) and when precise

understanding is not required (interaction/relationship building). (3) Social and

cultural rules and norms (turn-taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between

speakers, relative roles of participants): understanding how to take into account who

is speaking to whom, in what circumstances, about what, and for what reason.

Based on the ideas above, it can be conclude that the focus of teaching

speaking is to increase the oral production of the students. Because of that, the

students in speaking can be identified from capability in using the oral language

fluently, clearly, and attractively. The teacher as an educator has responsibility in

teaching English to motivate the students, so the teacher can find, use, and apply a

good technique in teaching. And also the teacher has competency to teach English

speaking for the students.

The elementary school students are in an appropriate condition for an early start of

learning a foreign language, in this case speaking through the process of teaching and

learning at school.

Brown (2001:34) highlights five principles that provide several practical

approaches to teach children. First, children are in the stage of concrete operation.

This entails teachers’ deep understanding on children’s perspective of language and

the nature of children learning a language. Second, regarding children’s short

attention span, teaching children greatly depends on their interest. The more interest

they have, the more likely their attention can be gripped. Third, children need to have

all five senses stimulated. Therefore, instructional activities should go beyond

audiovisual modes. Fourth, affectively, children in many ways are more sensitive

than adults are. To keep in balance between supportive attitude to build their self –

esteem and firm teaching to nurture their language development is critical at this

point. Fifth, context – embedded language use fulfills children major need in learning.

Furthermore, Scrivener (2004: 3) state that the material is authentic use in

teaching speaking at elementary school. Authentic use is not confined speaking. It

incorporates any elements which allow the students to engage with the language in

authentic way. It could include any of four skills of language – listening, speaking,

reading and writing.

So, it can be concluded that teaching speaking for young learners is not the

easy job. The teacher should know the characteristic and the principles of teaching

young learners. The young learners need to play and modeled by adult.

2.3 The Characteristic of Young Learner

There are some characteristic of young learner in terms of their language

development. The characteristics are great important to consider in teaching English

since they influence the students’ learning process. The characteristics are discussed

in the following explanation.

Harmer (2002:45) says children in concrete operational stage, who are usually

supposed to sit in elementary schools, have different ways of learning compared to

adolescence and adult. They have certain characteristics in learning a language such

as respond to meaning even though they do not understand individual words; tend to

learn indirectly rather than directly; grasp comprehension not only from explanation

but also from what they hear and see, most effectively learn when they have a chance

to touch and interact with; and being enthusiastic in learning and curious about the

world around them.

Furthermore, Siegler (2005:23) states that children, particularly those from 6

or 7 to 11 or 12 years of age in the stage of concrete operational, children can take

other points of view, can simultaneously take into account more than one perspective,

and can accurately represent transformations as well as static situation. This allows

them to solve many problems involving concrete objects and physically possible

situations. However, they do not understand highly abstract concepts. Thus, it can be

concluded that concrete objects in learning.

Sary (2006:81) views that the children are already successful communicators

by the time they come to school. They know that language is for and how to use it

competently. They continue using language to interact, comprehend and

comprehended as they experience new situations and interact with new children and

adults. The children need to hear and see modeled by adult as well as their peer in

various situations. In learning English as a foreign language, they need to play and

interact with the language.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the young learner

need to play with language that they have study, try it out, receive feedback and then

try it again. It means that the young learner can not study seriously even thought it is

a simple one.

2.4 The Concept of Crazy Counting Game

According to Crystal (1994:111) crazy counting is a kind of game in teaching

speaking at elementary school. Games encourage, entertaint, teach, and promote

fluency. If not for any of these reasons, they should be used just because they help

students see beauty in a foreign language and not just problems that at times seem

overwhelming. Another factor influencing the choice of a game is its length and the

time necessary for its completion. Many games have a time limit, but according to

Siek – piskozub (1994: 54), the teacher can either allocate more or less time

depending on the students’ level, the number of people in a group, or the knowledge

of the rules of a game etc.

According to Agoestyowati (2007: 16) crazy counting is a kind of activity

which is the students as a centered where they mention each number that they have

touch or continuing their friends. She adds that there are three kinds of activities in

crazy counting. First, round number; one of the students in a group mention a

number aloud then the next students (next members of group) continuing to mention

the next number. The students count the number as fast as they can, if one of them

mention the wrong number, it means the group are false. Second, round on the white

board. In this step the teacher writes a number on the whiteboard, then the first (or

one of the) student continuing mention the number. The last student writes the last

number that they mentioned on the whiteboard. Third, round crazy number. In this

step the teacher divided the students into two groups and then, one group is odd and

one group is even. The teacher start odd number on the white board, the student

mention continuing odd number as fast as they can. The last student write the number

on the whiteboard. The even group does the same so.

Related on teaching speaking, Agoestyowati (2007: 20) states that crazy

counting game will increase students speaking ability. When the students mention

number fastest, they build up their speaking ability.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that crazy counting is a

kind of game which use as media in teaching speaking at elementary school. Crazy

counting has three activities are round number, round on the white board, and round

crazy number.

2.5 The Advantages of Crazy Counting Game in Teaching Speaking at

Elementary School

There are many advantages of using crazy counting games as one of the

technique in teaching speaking. According to Patricia (1985:42) there are four

advantages of crazy counting game;

1. Interesting game : this activity will invite students’ motivation to study English.

It also avoids bored situation. The students will enjoy following teaching

learning process. Every one gets chance to do the activities, and they also learn

to have the competition.

2. Easy management : This activity help the teachers to manage the students easier

because all of the students pay attention to the activities. If the students in one

group do not pay attentions the other group will be the winner. The teachers lead

the students to the materials easier.

3. Mastering material : The students will master the materials easier and they will

memorize much vocabulary better then manual. It helps the students to do

writing activities even thought just connect between two sentences with a


4. Good interaction: when they do this activities, they have good interaction.

Teacher and students or students and students learn to work in group. The teacher

also learn to manage the students patiently and give them the same attention.

According to Agoestyowati (2007: 2) the advantages of crazy counting game

are build up students speaking ability when they mention number that play in

teaching and learning speaking process. Then, crazy counting game trains students

pronunciation. They practice the word twice or more when play the game.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the crazy counting

game really helps the teacher and the students in speaking teaching and learning

process. They have pleasure activities while studying. It makes the students

comfortable and enjoyable the learning process.

2.6 Procedures of Using Crazy Counting Games for Elementary School Students

According to Agoestyowati (2007: 4) the procedures of using crazy counting

game for elementary school are first, the teacher understand the ways of using crazy

counting game well. Because if the teacher can not understand well she or he can not

operate the game well.

Second, the teacher bring the students to the wide areas in order to make the

students feel comfortable to play the game. Third, the students have studied about the

number before. It means the students have background knowledge about the material.

Teacher also put the students into the group, and the teacher is only as facilitator if

the student gets difficulties.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that crazy counting game

should mastered by the teacher well in order to make the students comfortable to play

the game in wide areas.


3.1 Preparation

Teaching English as a foreign language at elementary school is very hard job

but the teacher can do it easily if they design teaching learning process well. In

speaking activities, since a simple media facilities are available nearly everywhere

today, even a minor application of this powerful teaching medium can have a

significant effect on the attention and interest of students in pursuing their study of


A teacher should consider some aspects that influence our teaching such as

the situation of the class; teacher avoids serious class, because it makes student

scared and also don’t punish them when they make mistakes, then try to find

interesting topic, it is also important because students will be interested to give

respond in class activities. It means the topic should close enough with their life or

the student know about the topic. It helps them to give respond in the class activities.

The students’ ability also should be consider by the teacher, teachers should predict

how far the student ability, it will help the teachers to design or prepare teaching


The next considering is relevant media, the media using by the teacher in

teaching learning process should invites students interesting and motivate them to

study English. The teacher can empowering media to motivate the students to be

active in teaching learning process.

The students’ vocabulary is others considering, teachers should predict the

vocabulary that the students have, it helps teachers to design or prepare teaching

material in order to avoid high vocabulary. It also helps the teacher in choosing

material that the teacher use in the classroom.

Next, various activities. Monotonous activity makes students bored and lazy.

They tend to play with their friend or just keep silent. Because they do not interested

to follow the activity even though the teacher ask them to do that.

Finally, the teacher also should consider situation and how many students in

the classroom because if the teacher do not about it, the material is not available for

them and make the teacher difficult to manage the classroom.

3.2 The Procedure of Teaching Speaking by Using Crazy Counting Media at

Elementary School

Teaching and learning process can be divide into three phases, they are Pre –

teaching, Whilst- teaching and Post- teaching.

3.2.1 Pre – Teaching Activity

Pre – teaching activities are intended to warming up for the students before

going to whilst activity. Beside that, pre – teaching activities also prepare the students

to do some activities in whilst – teaching.

In this steps, teachers can do some activities such as teachers introduce the

topic and students pay attention to pronoun the words. The teacher introduce the

game in teaching, in this case is crazy counting. Then the teacher explain the

procedures of activities by using crazy counting technique. After that, the teacher

asks the students to mention their knowledge about the topic and the teacher checks

the sounds of what they are saying.

3.2.2 Whilst – Teaching Activity

According to Agoestyowati (2007: 16) the procedure of crazy counting

technique can be presented through three ways. Here, the activity can be divided into

three ways; they are round number, round on the whiteboard, and round crazy


A. Round Number Activity

In round number activity, the teacher put the students in group that consist of

four or three students. The students also may choose group member by themselves.

Then, the teacher asks one student to mention a number aloud, then the next students

continuing the next number.

In the next activity, the students count the number as fast as they can. If one

of them mention the wrong number, it means that the group are false. The teacher

give a chance to another group, so in this step every group get the same time and the

same chance. The group who has done the game well they will get a kind small gift

from the teacher.

Here, the teacher only facilitator, she / he does not mention a number or

involves in the activity. When the students get difficulties and the students have

different ideas, the teacher should to overcome the problem, and to be fair person.

B. Round on the Whiteboard

The second activity in crazy counting is round on the white board activity.

Here, the teacher write a number on the whiteboard, then the student who is pointed

by the teacher continuing mention the next number. The teacher does it for several

students. If the selected students can not answer / mention it, the teacher point out

another student to answer it.

The last student writes the last number that they mention on the white board.

Then, the teacher start the activity with different students where the last students also

write the number on the whiteboard.

In this activities, the teacher as a central of teaching learning process. Beside

as a facilitator the teacher also involves in the activities. The teacher also pay

attention to the number that she/he has mentioned already.

C. Round Crazy Number

The round crazy number is the third activity in crazy counting. Here, the

teacher divides the students into two groups; one group is odd and one group is even.

The teacher ask the students to sit or stand up in their group.

Then, the teacher write an odd number on the white board, one of the students

is asked to mention continuing odd number as fast as they can. Every member of the

group should mention continuing number from the member before. The last student

writes the last number on the whiteboard. If the member of the group mentions wrong

number, the teacher stop the activities and ask the even group does the same so.

The teacher should pay attention to group work such as: number mention,

team works and pronounciation in order to decide the winner group. The teacher

should be careful in doing this activity, because it will motivate the students to study

English in next meeting.

Based on the explanation above, it can be stated that crazy counting game can

be applied in three activities in which both the teacher and the students have involved

in the activity together. Beside that, the teacher and the students have interaction and

close stimulus.

C. Post – Teaching

In the post – teaching, teacher can do creative activity to check how many

numbers that students can get when they study English. In this activities the students

mention the number; even or odd classically, then, mention the number individually

in front of the classroom, and at last the teacher asks the students to mention odd

number and point another student to continuing the number. These activities are able

to help elementary school students to improve their speaking skill and vocabulary

achievement in number without study seriously or studying hard. However, they can

enjoy to memorize numbers and express them orally by them selves.



4.1 Conclusions

Teaching speaking is hard job at elementary school. It is not easy to ask the

students to speak even only a simple word. So that, the teacher should find a good

technique to teach speaking, specially for elementary school students. One of good

technique is by using crazy counting game.

Teaching speaking by using crazy counting game is a kind of activity in which

the students are centered where they mention each number that they have touched and

then continuing by their friends. Here, there are three activities that can be applied in

using crazy counting game: round number, round on the white board, and round crazy

number. In this case, teacher and students are involved in teaching learning process.

Before beginning speaking activity, the teacher should consider some aspects

such as situation of the class, interesting topic, relevant media, students’ ability and

students’ vocabulary. Beside that, the teacher also should prepare ; material, student

level, students worksheet, teaching aids, situation and condition.

The speaking activities could be divided into three step such as pre –

teaching, whilst – teaching and post – teaching. So far, by using crazy counting game

the students will be interested to study and master the material easily, so that the

teacher can manage the students easier.

4.2 Suggestions

The writer suggests English teachers to use this technique, because this

technique can help the teacher guide the students in improving speaking activity.

Crazy counting game also encourage the students to do speaking activity because the

teacher provides them with enough vocabulary and fun activities. Beside that, the

students will enjoy to follow English class.


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Chaney, Collins. (1982) “Definition of Speaking”. htpp:/ Retrieved

on 21 Mei 2011.

Crystal,1994. “Games in English Teaching “.

environment/arrange.html Retrieved on June 22nd 2011

Elvida, Nora. 2008. “Teaching Speaking through Task-Based learning at Senior High
School”(Unpublished Paper). Solok: UMMY.

Hornby. 1985. Oxfor Advance Learner Dictionary of Current English . London:

Oxford University Press.

Harmer, Jeremi. 2002. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson
Education Limited.

Kayi, Hayriye. 2006. Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second

Language. Nevada: Macmillan Press.

Minner. 2008. “ Talking Circle for Language Development “. School- Based

Restorativa Justice How Climate. http://
2008/11/20/talking-circle-for-language-development/ Retrieved on March 20th

Manovic, Ray. 2007. “Games in English Teaching “. environment/arrange.html Retrieved on June
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O’keeffe, Anne and Charthy Mc Michael. 2004. Research in the Teaching of
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Patricia, Hoo. 1985 “Games in English Teaching “.

environment/arrange.html Retrieved on June 22nd 2011.

Sary, Fatty Poerwita. 2006. Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching English as a Foreign

Language to Primary School Students. Thesis. Bandung: Indonesia University
of Education.

Siegler, Robert S, and Alibali, Marta Wagner. 2005. Children’s Thinking. New
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Retrieved on July 22nd 2011.

Zainil. 2006. Good Language Learner Strategies and Communicative Language

Teaching. Padang. Universitas Negeri Padang Press.

APPENDIX 1: The Sample of the Application of Round Number Game



TIME : 2 X 30

Comprehending a simple instruction and expression in daily life

Respond activities in mention number: 1-10


1. Identify number 1-10
2. Mention the number correctly

1. The student can identify number 1-10
2. The students can mention the number correctly

- Listen and Do - Crazy Counting Number

a. Pre – Teaching
1. Greetings
2. The teacher saw numbers picture to the students
3. Ask the students to mention the number based on the picture that they
have seen

b. Whilst – Teaching
1. Teacher divided the students into four or five groups

2. The teacher ask one student of one group to mention a number aloud, then

the next students in that group continuing the next number.

3. The teacher ask the member of one group to the number as fast as they can,

if one of them mention the wrong number, the group are false, then the

teacher ask another group to go on the crazy counting game

4. The teachers do this activities until all group get chance

c. Post- teaching
5. Mention number classically
8. TEACHING SOURCES / AIDS : English book, dictionary / paper / card
9. EVALUATION : Speaking test

Admid of the Head Master Solok, November, 2011

English Teacher

APPENDIX 2: Example of Application of Round on the Whiteboard Game



TIME : 2 X 30

Comprehending a simple instruction and expression in daily life

Respond activities in mention number: 11-20

Odd or Even
a. Identify number 11-20
b. Mention the number correctly

a. The student can identify number 11-20
b. The students can mention the number correctly

- Listen and Do - Crazy Counting Number

a. Pre – Teaching
1. Greetings
2. The teacher saw numbers picture to the students
3. Ask the students to mention the number based on the picture that they
have seen

b. Whilst – Teaching
1. Teacher mention one number

2. The teacher point one students to continue the next number. The doest it

for several students

3. The teacher ask the last student to write the last number that they mention

4. The teachers point to another student to write the number that the teacher

mentions. The teacher does it for several time

c. Post- teaching
5. Mention the number based on the picture that student see
8. TEACHING SOURCES / AIDS : English book, dictionary / paper / card
9.EVALUATION : Speaking test

Admid of the Head Master Solok, November, 2011

English Teacher

APPENDIX 3: Example of Application of Round Crazy Number



TIME : 2 X 30

Comprehending a simple instruction and expression in daily life

Respond activities in mention number: 1-100

Number : Odd or Even

a. Identify number 1-100
b. Mention the number correctly

a. The student can identify number 1-100
b. The students can mention the number correctly

- Listen and Do - Crazy Counting Number

a. Pre – Teaching
1. Greetings
2. The teacher saw numbers picture to the students
3. Ask the students to mention the number based on the picture that they
have seen
b. Whilst – Teaching
1. Teacher divided the students into two group: odd number group and even

number group

2. The teacher write odd number on the whiteboard

3. The teacher ask the member of the group to continuing the number as fast

as they can, every member should mention continuing number from the

number before. The last student writes the number on the whiteboard

4. The teachers stop the activities and give chance to the even group to the do

the same activities

5. The teacher pay attention to team work, pronounciation and the number

mention by the student

c. Post- teaching
6. Mention number classically
8. TEACHING SOURCES / AIDS : English book, dictionary / paper / card
9.EVALUATION : Speaking test
Admid of the Head Master Solok, November, 2011
English Teacher


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