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- Words or phrases used to exclaim, protest or command.

- Added to a sentence to convey emotion.
- Can stand by themselves or contained within sentences.
- Followed by an exclamation mark when it expresses strong feelings or emotions.
- Uncommon in formal academic prose, except in direct quotations.
- Interjections like er and um are also known as “hesitation devices”. They are extremely common in
English. People use them when they don’t know what to say, or to indicate that they are thinking
about what to say.
Kinds of Interjection and their Meanings
Interjection Meaning Example
ah Pleasure Ah, that feels good.
Realization Ah, now I understand.
Resignation Ah well, it can’t be helped.
Surprise Ah! I’ve won!
alas Grief or pity Alas, she’s dead now
dear pity Oh dear! Does it hurt?
surprise Dear me! That’s a surprise!
eh Asking for repetition It’s hot today. Eh? I said it’s hot today.
Inquiry What do you think of that, eh?
Surprise Eh! Really?
Inviting agreement Let’s go, eh?
er hesitation Lima is the capital of….er….Peru.
hello greeting Hello John. How are you today?
Surprise Hello! My car’s gone!
hey Calling attention Hey! Look at that!
Surprise, joy etc. Hey! What a good idea!
hi greeting Hi! What a good idea!
hmm Hesitation, doubt or disagreement Hmm. I’m not sure.
Oh, o surprise Oh! You’re here!
Pain Oh! I’ve got a toothache.
pleading Oh, please say ‘yes’!
ouch pain Ouch! That hurts!
uh hesitation Uh…I don’t know the answer to that.
Uh-huh agreement Shall we go? Uh-huh.
Um, umm hesitation 85 divided by 5 is …. Um…17.
well Surprise Well I never!
Introducing a remark Well, what did he say?
Aha! Ahem! Ahh! Ah! Ahoy! Alas! Arg! Aw! Bam!, Bingo! Blah! Boo! Bravo! Brrr! Blagg! Boom! Bang!
Cheers! Congratulations! Dang! Drat! Darn! Duh! Eek! Eh! Encore! Eureka! Fiddlesticks! Fie! Gadzooks!
Gee! Grr! Golly! Goodbye! Goodness! Good! Grief! Gosh! Good Morning! Ha-ha! Ha! and many more.

- Word that connects other words or groups of words.

There are colleges and universities in Manila. Connects two nouns

She might sing or dance. Connects two verbs
The professor is not around but we can stay in Connects two groups of words (independent
the room. clauses)
Either Louise or Anthony is attentive in the Pairs that work together
He is very active whenever he is in the English Connects two positive situations
He will not be absent unless he is sick. Connects two negative situations
In order to achieve goals in life, a person Adds more connected ideas
should have a strong determination and faith in

1. Coordinating conjunctions
- Connect two equal parts of a sentence
- The most common ones are and, or, but, and so

Study the following sentences:

Darren can sing and dance on stage. and is used to join or add words together
I might be there by Friday or Saturday. or is used to show choice or possibilities
He is physically present but mentally absent. but is used to show opposite or conflicting
He was in the mall so he watched movie. so is used to show result

2. Subordinating conjunctions
- Connect two parts of a sentence that are not equal
- The common subordinating conjunctions are:
After before unless although if
Until as since when while
Than while albeit although as
Because before except once that
Though whenever where whether
- Some phrases also function as subordinating conjunctions. Here are some of the most common
As if as fas as as long as as well as
Even if even though that in as much as
In order to in order that so that such that

Study the following sentences:

I will be able to drive when I get older. When is used to join the dependent clause
“when I get older” and independent clause “I
will be able to drive.”
I will take the test even if my mother says I even if is used to connect “I will ….and my
shouldn’t. mother…”
I turned the key in order to start the car. in
I will not go unless you say I will.
PRACTICE TEST. Complete the sentences below by placing an interjection on each blank.
1. ___________We won in the search.
2. ___________ Where will you go?
3. ___________ What a Beautiful day?
4. ___________ I heard she’s coming.
5. ___________ Fight for it.
6. Jenna shrieked, “___________!” when she saw Nick’s collection.
7. __________! I hate it when I mess up on a project when I am almost done.
8. __________, you really should sing this song for the whole class.
9. “__________, you make me so mad,” Kyle said. “Why won’t you help with the dishes?”
10. Isn’t this exciting? _______________, I can’t wait to go on this trip!
Write a sentence using appropriate interjections for each emotion listed below.
11. (Excitement) _________________________________________
12. (Congratulations) __________________________________________
13. (Pain) _______________________________________________
14. (Surprise) ____________________________________________
15. (Silence) _____________________________________________

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