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The British Cementitious Paving Association

The Whole Life (and other) Benefits of


East London line Alstom slip-formed track (near Gisors)

The Whole Life (and other) benefits of concrete slab track

The UK is demanding more from its rail infrastructure than ■■ Pre-cast systems
ever before. It is estimated that 2.5 billion rail journeys are Typically bottom-up construction. Pre-cast track units are
made every year. This is forecasted to rise to over 3 billion positioned and joined on site and then bedded on grout or
by 2020. an asphalt layer to achieve final rail alignment
Against this background of increased use, long-term assured ■■ Slip-formed systems
performance and minimum disruptive maintenance are
Track installation is bottom-up. Slip-forming lends itself to
essential requisites for rail tracks. This is where the whole life
embedded rail construction and can be used in conjunction
cost benefits of concrete slab track play a pivotal role in the
with both in-situ and pre-cast track construction.
efficient and economic long-term performance of railways.
Concrete slab track offers a wide range of significant
Slab track categories benefits over ballast track. These include high track stability,
Modern concrete slab track systems fall into three broad minimum maintenance, reduced track weight and height and
categories: a long life cycle of 60 – 100 years. The long life means that
the initial higher cost of slab track construction is quickly
■■ In situ cast-in systems recovered and on-going future costs, compared with ballast
Typically top-down construction where the track is set to line track, are significantly less.
and level, then concrete is poured and finished manually
around the sleeper or baseplate.

The need for Whole Life costing

Whole life costing (WLC) is increasingly being recognised as resilience and a reduced need for maintenance will be achieved
being a prerequisite for infrastructure investment. No-one through new materials, further consideration of whole life cost
wants to invest in an asset that could potentially lose revenue and improved, efficient design.”
due to unplanned, frequent maintenance and renewal.
Essentially, WLC is the systematic comparison of various Research carried out in 2010 by Booz & Co (ref 1),
options and their associated costs and income streams over commissioned by the Department for Transport, set out
a period of time. Costs include initial capital or procurement the need to investigate WLC of slab track: “Both the Rail
costs, and operating costs which includes maintenance and Technical Strategy and the Rail Industry Research Strategy
inspection and associated possession costs. Those track promote innovative track design and this work is needed
options with lower costs over the specified period should be to define the cost/benefits and evidence in support these
preferred. infrastructure improvements. There is now a need to examine
how competitive slab track designs will be in terms of reduced
The need to consider WLC is underlined by Network Rail’s maintenance costs.” The research concluded that; “application
Technical Strategy, 2013, which stated: “With 2012/13 annual of ballastless tracks is a viable option for heavily used lines,
maintenance costs at £0.9 billion, an early focus is to increase but does not bring financial benefit to more lightly used lines.”
cost efficiency. We will improve the cost-effectiveness of our asset Given the inexorable increase in demand most rail lines are
management by developing and applying our understanding of increasingly ‘heavily used’.
whole-life, whole-system issues and trade-offs,” and that: “better

Slab track whole life benefits: the proof

There is a growing number of studies that forward the long- Life–cycle cost research carried out by slab track supplier Alstom
term whole life cost benefits of concrete slab track and has found that return-on-investment compares favourably with
conclude that the initial 10 – 30 percent higher in construction ballasted track. Using construction costs based on Alstom data
costs of concrete slab are more than recovered by the and maintenance costs data from the French SNCF network and
minimal maintenance requirement and long-term reliability Setra, the research found that the slab track system installation
and performance when compared to ballast tracks. These costs were 15-20% higher than ballasted track. However, the
studies and evaluations have found that over the long-term, reduced maintenance and operation costs of the slab track mean
slab track offers more economically efficient solution (ref 2) that the system would be cost neutral with ballasted track after
with maintenance costs being reduced by 30 to 80% (ref 3). just 13-20 years against an assumed lifespan of 50 years (ref 5).
These findings are further confirmed by the Korea Institute
for Structural Maintenance Inspection (ref 4) which found that Indeed, the payback period can be just 8 years. In Japan, the
the proportion of renewal and operational costs is much higher Shinkansen slab track system has a total construction cost of
with the ballast track than in the concrete slab track. 1.3 times more than ballast tracks yet slab track long-term
High Attenuation Sleeper for noise and vibration reduction

performance and minimum maintenance benefits means that per mile and for slab track it is $1,240,000 per mile. Set against
these costs are balanced in 8 – 12 years (ref 6). the initial higher construction cost is a significant difference for
maintenance costs with the cost for ballast tracks being estimated
The whole life benefits are demonstrated by the Rheda slab to be an annual $50,000 per mile yet only $10,000 per mile for
track system used for the Bielefeld to Hamm route, Germany. slab track. This also indicates a payback time of just eight years
Although the system costs approximately 1.5 times more than for slab track (ref 9).
ballast tracks, the slab track has withstood speeds of up to
200km/h since 1972 and has operated almost maintenance free The costs to operate and maintain a railway over its lifetime are
for 44 years (ref 7). Overall, the German experience has found considerable and are far greater than the initial construction
slab track to be 20% to 40% more expensive than ballast track costs. The emphasis on initial project delivery should be replaced
but has almost zero future maintenance costs and almost 100% by an examination of whole life costs. The installation of concrete
availability (ref 8). slab track could deliver reduced ongoing operational and
maintenance costs but also safeguard revenue streams from
In the U.S. the cost for ballast track is calculated at $970,000 unplanned rail possessions.

Further benefits of concrete slab track

In addition to whole life cost benefits, concrete slab track offers ■■ Worker health and safety benefits
a wide range of performance benefits over ballast track. These Network Rail has been running campaigns on reducing and
include: managing ballast dust – now seen as a significant Health &
Safety hazard. The removal of ongoing maintenance means
■■ Superior performance in reliability and track and ride
minimizing the need for rail workers to attend rail sites in
the early morning hours when fatigue can be contributing
Concrete slab track fixes the track alignment and so track factor to potential accidents.
quality is consistent and stable unlike ballast track where
the reliability and quality deteriorate between maintenance ■■ Reduced construction depth and structure gauge
interventions. Applicable for electrification projects where clearances need
to be increased through existing structures and tunnels.
■■ Very low maintenance requirements
Concrete slab track require less overall construction depth
Concrete slab tracks have a long performance life and very than the equivalent ballast track system. This is significant
low maintenance requirements especially under high speed for tunnels, bridges, viaducts and piled sub-slabs where
operations. Ballast track requires frequent intervention in ballast depth is increased and ballast mats are required to
order to maintain track geometry and quality. The track counter grinding and attrition effects.
need to be regularly tamped for alignment and the ballast
needs to be cleaned and renewed. ■■ Integral design for optimisation of design and
construction of trackside elements
■■ High levels of stability for high speed operation
The foundations for trackside or in track structures such
In a slab track system, concrete provides mass, stability and as noise barriers, derailment containment and overhead
restraint to the track. Ballast tracks move under loading and electrification equipment can be integrated into the concrete
have to be regularly maintained to restore track position and slab design. Slip formed drainage channels can also be
condition. With no ballast, slab track dues not suffer from incorporated.
sucking out of materials due to the turbulence of passing
high speed trains. ■■ Engineered noise and vibration performance
Slab track systems can be designed to provide high levels of
■■ Increased sustainability
acoustic performance, reducing the transmission of ground-
With concrete slab track there is no need for the ongoing borne noise and vibration.
sourcing and supplying of the limited special aggregate
required for ballast high speed tracks. Apart from limited ■■ Greater resilience to climate change
supply in Scotland, it is expected that a ballasted High Extreme weather events are becoming a regular occurrence.
Speed 2 track would have to locate and import its aggregate Concrete slab track is more resilient than ballast track as it
supplies from Norway. The minimum maintenance provides a more stable structure that is not threatened with
requirements of slab track means less resources being used ballast ‘washout’ due to flash or tidal flooding.
for ongoing operation.

Raising the signal for concrete slab track

Concrete slab track is a rail track technology that and their passengers are demanding a high quality, reliable,
offers significant whole life cost benefits and long-term low maintenance rail network. In the UK, slab track use has,
performance advantages. These benefits are proven by slab so far, been limited. However, with the increased focus on
track’s use throughout the world. Firstly, in Japan and the whole life cost performance it is time that the signal is raised
U.S and now increasingly throughout Europe train operators for concrete slab track.
1. Booz & Co. Slab track research project for the
Department of Transport, Ref R01012, 2010.

2. Schilder, Rudolf, & Diederich, Dirk. Installation

of quality slab track – a decisive factor for
maintenance. RTR Special, pp79. July 2007.

3. Hyperlast Ltd. What is wrong with the way we build

track? Railway Strategies. January 2007.

4. Jang, Seung Ypu. Analysis of life cycle costs of

railway track: A case study for ballasted and
concrete track for high-speed railway. Journal of
the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and
Inspection, vol 20, issue 2, 2016.

5. Barrow, Keith. Next generation slab track heads for

Russia 2015. International Railway Journal. August

6. Bilow, D. J. & Randich, G. M. Slab track for the next

100 years. AREMA Proceedings of the 2000 Annual
Conference. September 2000.

7. Nigel, O. & Franz, Q. Innovative track systems

criteria for their selection. Project funded by the
European Community, Directorate General Energy
and Transport. TUV Intertraffic. October 2001.

8. Giannakos, K. Requirements of tomorrow’s rail

transport infrastructure. Vossloh AG 2nd Traffic and
Transportation Conference. OSE. September 2004.

9. Kucera, William et al. Laboratory test results of

heavy axle loads on concrete slab track for shared
high-speed passenger and freight rail. AREMA
Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference.
September 2002.

The British Cementitious Paving Association

Indigo House Britpave, the British Insitu Cementitious Paving Association, promotes the better and greater use of
Unit 10 concrete and insitu cemtentitious infrastructure solutions. Its members include major contractors,
Mulberry Business Park specialist equipment and material suppliers, consulting engineers and interested trade associations.
Fishponds Road Together, they provide an important forum and voice for the infrastructure sector.
All publications are published in good faith. All advice and information is provided for those who will
Berkshire RG41 2GY
evaluate the significance and limitations and who will take responsibility for its use and application.
T: +44 (0) 118 402 8915 No liability (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting fron such advice or information is
E: accepted by Britpave or its authors.
BP59 First Published 2016

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