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1) So we want a power iteration programm in order to approach an eigenvector associated to

the dominant eigenvalue of a matrix.

This method is mostly used in order to classify the results of internet researches.

We define a recurrence relation as :

Programm this method in Python and test it on small size symmetric matrix.

We have to observe the behaviour of the eigenvectors and the relationship between
the coefficients

2) If we suppose that is not an element from the canonical basis

, code a programm that orthonormalize this set : , with the Gram-
Schmidt process.
How the matrix R in this new orthonormalized basis looks like ?
Adapt the power iteration programm (question 1) in order to find a eigenvector associated
with the second greatest eigenvalue of the R matrix.

3) Write a programm that :

- Takes as input a matrix encoding a scatter plot without illustratif variable.
- Standardize variables
- Establish approximately the first two principal axis.
- Calculate the percentage of inertia preserved by this plan
- Represent graphically the scatter plot projected in this plan

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