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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022 – 2023

Detailed Lesson Plan

Social Literacy
Prepared by:
Shiella May Favi

Submitted to:

Noted by:

Date of Teaching:
Pangasinan State University
Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022 – 2023

I. Learning Objective:
At the end of a 60-minute lesson, at least 75% of the students should be able to achieve the
following with at least 75% level of proficiency:

a) develop understanding of the working definition of social literacy;

b) explain the roles of parents and teachers in teaching social skills to children; and
c) discuss and examine issues in social literacy.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Social Literacy
B. Reference: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum Module 3
Social Literacy
C. Materials: Power point Presentation
D. Teaching Strategies: Use media to teach and Engagement.
E. Values Integration: Perseverance and Accuracy

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Greetings! Good morning students. Good morning, Ma’am!

How’s your day? It’s fine.

It’s nice to hear that! Before anything “Let us all put ourselves in the presence
else, may I request everyone to please of the Lord as we say, In the name of
bow your heads for a prayer. the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, Amen.

“Our Father…”
(Everyone is praying.)
Classroom Management
Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation
This morning we will discuss another
lesson but before we proceed to our Watching Video clip
lesson proper let us have first an watch
a video clip.

C. Presentation of Lesson
From the video clip we watched what
do you think is our lesson for today? Social Literacy

Very good. so, our topic for today is

all about Social Literacy.
D. Lesson Propper
Let us discuss first what a Social Social literacy is so crucial in a persons’
Literacy is. Anyone who has an idea of success, it is the ability to communicate
what a Social Literacy is? and voice opinions and thoughts, as
well as listening to opinions and
thoughts of others, is essential in
That is one of the definitions of a social

Social Literacy is a students’ successful

performance and understanding of
social skills, organizational skills, and
communication skills. It is the students’
ability to connect effectively with those
around them. Social literacy spans
across interacting with peers, family,
coworkers, teachers, and even people
we may not have met face to face.

Also, Social literacy means the presence

of social skills, knowledge and positive
human values that support ability in
human beings to act positively and
responsibly in range of complex social
settings and their ability to mediate
his/her world successfully and
deliberately as family member, worker,
citizen and lifelong learner.

We already know what a Social

Literacy is.

Importance of Teaching Social Skills

to Children

Now, give me the Importance of

Teaching Social Skills to Children? Teaching social skills is important
because it becomes part of a larger
Good idea, as children get older, they social world.
become part of a larger social world.
Many parents are concerned about their
child’s relationships. This includes
relationships with other children and
adults in school as well as outside of
school. How can parents help their
children to develop good social
Parents help their children socialize
with other people.
That’s right. Each child has his/her own
temperament. Some children enjoy
higher levels of social activity while
other children prefer less. While this
may be preference children are born
with, much of what experts call ‘social
competence’ or the ability to get along
with others is skill-based or learned.
This means that it can be practiced and
improved upon, especially if the child’s
parent is a patient coach.

Being sociable helps us with resilience

(the ability to withstand hard times).
Children who are constantly rejected by
peers are lonely and have lower self-

So, class what are includes in Social

Social skills include our emotions,
Very Well said. Social skills include our intellect, ethics, and behaviors.
emotions, intellect, ethics, and
behaviors. Emotionally we learn to
manage strong feelings such as anger
and show empathy for others. Our
intellect is used to solve relationship
conflicts and
make decisions. Ethically we develop
the ability to sincerely care for others
and engage in socially responsible
actions. Behaviorally we learn specific
communication skills such as turn-
taking and how to start a conversation.

Most children experience occasional

rejection, and most children are
sometimes socially clumsy, insensitive, • Lacks at least one or two close mutual
or even unkind. Signs that a child may friends
need some social coaching include: can • Has trouble losing or winning
you give a sign that child may need gracefully
some social coaching? • Doesn’t show empathy when others
are hurt or rejected
• Acts bossy or insists on own way a lot
• Can’t seem to start or maintain a
• Uses a louder voice than most children
• Seems constantly ignored or
victimized by other children or
constantly teases or annoys other
Great Ideas. All that you have said are
correct those are the signs that child
may need some social coaching.

According to the American Academy of

Pediatrics recommends that parents use
a 4-part strategy when helping their
children develop social skills, what are
those 4-part strategies?
Practice: A parent can help a child Practice, Praise, Point out, and Prompt.
substitute a specific appropriate
response for a specific inappropriate
Praise: Often children are not eager to
work on new skills so parents must
reward their children with praise when
the new skills are practiced as a way of
helping the skills become habits.

Point Out: Parents can use

opportunities to point out when others
are using the desired skills.

Prompt: Without nagging, parents can

gently remind their child to use a new
skill when the opportunity arises.

The important thing to remember is that

the ability to have good social
relationships is not simply about
personality or in-born traits. People who
get along with others have learned skills
to do so, and they practice these
regularly. Just like a good coach can
make the difference for a budding
soccer player, parents can help their
children become socially skilled.

The Teacher's Role in Developing

Social Skills

Can anyone tell me what the Teacher's Teachers’ role in developing social
Role in Developing Social Skills? skills are letting them be a part of a
group and to socialize with their other

Nice Idea, there is much that the teacher

can do to foster and promote social
development in the student. Children
tend to fall into four basic social
categories in the school can you name Rejected, isolated, controversial, and
them? popular.

Very Good.

• REJECTED - Students who are

consistently subjected to ridicule,
bullying and harassment by
• ISOLATED - Students who,
although not openly rejected, are
ignored by classmates and are
uninvolved in the social aspects of
• CONTROVERSIAL - Students who
have established a circle of friends
based upon common
interests or proximity but seldom move
beyond that circle.
• POPULAR - Students who have
successfully established positive
relationships within a variety of

The teacher can assist the child by

making him aware of the traits that are
widely accepted and admired by his
peers. Among these traits are what?

• Smiles/laughs
• Greets others
• Extends invitations
Very good. It is important that the • Converses
teacher recognize the crucial role that • Shares
the child's parents and siblings can play • Gives compliments
in the development of social
competence. Ask his parents to visit
school for a conference to discuss the
child's social status and needs. School
and home must work in concert to
ensure that target skills are reinforced
and monitored. Social goals should be
listed and prioritized. It is important to
focus upon a small group of skills such
as sharing and taking turns, rather than
attempting to deal simultaneously with
the entire inventory of social skills.

What is the meaning or definition when

we say Working with preschoolers?;

Early childhood educators are in a

particularly good position to foster the
Working with elementary school acceptance of the socially incompetent
children?; child.

Assign the troubled child to work in

pairs with a high-status child who will
Working with secondary school be accepting and supportive.

Teachers at the high school level must

be particularly aware of the student who
is being ignored or rejected by peers.
During adolescence, it is critically
Taking on Social Literacy in the important that the student be accepted
Classroom by his classmates.
Mr. Daggett suggests, it is imperative
for all teachers to embed the soft skills
into their daily lesson planning.
Creating lesson plans where the skills
are rooted in pre-reading, during
reading and after reading strategies is no
longer just a good idea. Rather, helping
students navigate confidently in the
world has become essential.

Implementing “leadership” in a typical

literacy lesson may seem like a daunting
task, but by scaffolding the concept and
using cross-curricular literacy strategies,
students, who usually tend to
compartmentalize their learning, will be
able to transfer the concept of
leadership and the reading strategies to
other disciplines.

What is it that you want students to

learn about leadership?

We want our young people to lead by

What is it about leadership that is so example and inspire others to have the
vital, so critical, that you are going to courage to defend their convictions.
create, develop, and implement an
entire lesson plan around this single
notion? It means to inspire others and to
highlight a situation where they have
offered hope, or ask students to show
how one can illustrate the courage to
defend their convictions in their school
or in their neighborhood. Make
leadership the goal but use reading
Prereading strategies strategies to make it happen.

It Begins with Janet Allen’s Word

storming to Anticipate Content reading
strategy. Allen’s alphabet grid
validates what students already know
about leadership.

During reading strategies

Will Allen of Growing Power and his

desire to bring healthy food to those less
fortunate, or they might read about Fr.
Greg Boyle’s work with gangs on
Homeboy Industries, or students might
read about Diane Latiker and her work
with homeless youth on Kids Off the
Block. When you give students the
opportunity to choose their reading
(digital or print), engagement and
motivation will follow. As students
read, ask them to annotate, thereby
initiating questions and comments from
their reading.

After reading strategies

Once the reading is complete,

encourage students to share what they
have read.

Social Skills Profile

Can anyone give me the type of social

 Non-verbal Communication
 Emotions
 Conversational skills
 Social etiquette
 Playing
 Friendship skills
 Relationships
 Telephone Skills
 Leisure time
 Independent travel
 Talking about the vision
Very Good. impairment
Now let’s tackle about Teaching Social  Conflict Resolution Skills
Skills.  Cafeteria Skills

Teaching Social Skills

Once you have identified the social
skills that will benefit the student, you
can employ the steps identified in
this instructional sequence as a guide to
facilitate learning:
Step 1: Provide a rationale – Help the
student understand “what” the skill is
and “why” it is useful.
Step 2: Provide modeling – Give
verbal descriptions of the people
involved in the situation, their actions,
and reactions.
Step 3: Provide guided practice –
Provide the student with opportunities
to practice or rehearse skills in arranged
situations that simulate the actual
Step 4: Teach self-regulation – Self-
regulation is the ability to evaluate
one’s own behaviour and
emotions in terms of their
appropriateness so as to regulate them
Step 5: Promote generalisation –
Generalisation is a form of a critical
yardstick by which the effectiveness of
the skills and strategies can be
informally gauged in terms of how well
students canadapt the skills taught into
their everyday life settings.

Tips for Parents to Teach Social

Skills in Children

Social and emotional skills are critical

to our children’s success. Research
shows that these skills can be learned
and taught, and they can have an
important impact on students’ ability to
thrive in school and in life.

1. What are Social Skills and Why are

They Important?

Social skills needed for your child’s

success in school and life, it’s not about.
popularity or getting your child to be
socially outgoing. Developing strong
social and emotional skills is about
teaching your child how to have
Here are the list of some of the most meaningful relationships with others,
important social skills that your child how to develop a sense of empathy, and
will need to be able to thrive in how to be able to adapt to stressful
school and life: situations.
• Be responsible for their behavior
• Follow rules
• Get along with others
• Accept differences in others
• Have patience
• Stay calm when interacting with
• Listen to others
• Take turns
• Do nice things for others
• Ask for help

2. Model
The best way to teach appropriate
behaviors is by setting a good example
for your child. What we do is just as (or
more!) important as what we say.

3. Practice
An important step to teaching your child
social and emotional skills is to practice
these skills on a regular basis.

4. Reinforce
It is important to take time to review
and reflect on your child’s use of social
skills each day. Having a simple
conversation can help reinforce the
lessons learned that day.

6 Vital Social Skills to Teach to Pre-

School Children

1. Expressing emotions
It’s vital that as soon as possible
children learn to put a name to what
they are feeling.
2. Communication
At different stages, children need to
be able to communicate at
appropriate levels.
3. Listening
Listening skills are vital as without
them, children cannot learn.
Teaching your child listening skills
is important. They are born with
some listening skills, but they need
to be enhanced.
4. Group work
The earlier children learn to
function in a group, the better they
will behave in group settings when
they’re older. When you’re working
with very small children, the types
of activities to do will focus on
5. Caring
Children need to learn compassion
for others from an early age. It
prepares them for relationships they
will have when they’re older. They
need to look at someone who has
fallen with sympathy and try to help
6. Non-verbal skills
Non-verbal skills are the ability to
read the facial expression and body
language of those around us. It also
incorporates interpreting the
gestures they see, the tones of voice
they hear, and the posture they

E. Generalization
1. What is Social Literacy?

Social Literacy is a students’ successful

performance and understanding of
social skills, organizational skills, and
communication skills. It is the students’
ability to connect effectively with those
around them. Social literacy spans
across interacting with peers, family,
2. What is the roles of parents and coworkers, teachers, and even people
teachers in teaching social skills to we may not have met face to face.
Parents and carers can aid in a child's
social skill development by: Providing
opportunities for the child to succeed in
gaining social skills. For example,
playing games such as snakes and
ladders as a family gives you an
opportunity to model and encourage
sharing, listening, taking turns, etc.

F. Assignment

In 1 whole sheet of paper write

what are things you realize after
studying Social literacy?

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