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Digital Signal Processing (DSP)


Lecturer: Nguyen-Son Vo (Ph.D), email: 1/4
About DSP
• We are all surrounded by signals, i.e., any physical phenomenon that
carries information
• Back to over 50 years ago  large, expensive, limited to general-
purpose non-real-time (off-line) comput. & business app.
• Developed rapidly thanks to the significant advances digital
computer tech. & integrated-circuit fabrication
• Now  much more smaller, faster, reliable, flexible, secrecy,
cheaper,... in all aspects & areas
• DSP is not always the proper solution for all signal processing
problems, e.g., traditional AM/FM in specific app./areas, but mostly
• The objective of DSP is to present the basic analysis tools &
techniques for digital processing of signals
• 45 periods
– Theory (T): 30
– Problem (P): 15
• Evaluation
– Diligence: 5% (at least 80% of 45 periods)
– Activity: 10% (discussing & solving problems in class)
– Midterm exam: 20%
– Project: 15% (using Matlab)
– Final exam: 50%
• References
[1] Giáo trình Xử lý số tín hiệu, Nguyễn Quốc Trung, NXB Giáo Dục, 2007;
[2] Xử lý tín hiệu và lọc số, Tập 1 & 2, Nguyễn Quốc Trung, NXB Khoa học và Kỹ thuật;
[3] Xử lý tín hiệu số, Nguyễn Linh Trung, Trần Đức Tân, Huỳnh Hữu Tuệ, NXB ĐH Quốc
Gia Hà Nội;
[4] Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, 4th edition, John G.
Proakis, Pearson, 2011;
[5] Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, 2nd edition, Sanjit K. Mitra, The
MIT Press, 2007. 3/4
Wk Content T/P Note
1 Ch1 - Introduction 2/1
2 Ch1 - Cont. 2/1
3 Ch2 - Discrete-Time Signals & Systems 2/1
4 Ch2 - Cont. 2/1
5 Ch2 - Cont. 2/1
6 Ch3 - The z-Transform 2/1
7 Ch3 - Cont. 2/1
P can be used for
8 Ch3 - Cont. 2/1 midterm exam and
9 Ch4 - Discrete Fourier Transform & Fast Fourier Transform 2/1 project presentation
10 Ch4 - Cont. 2/1
11 Ch4 - Cont. & Midterm exam 2/1
12 Ch5 - Design of Digital Filters 2/1
13 Ch5 - Cont. 2/1
14 Ch5 - Cont. 2/1
15 Ch5 – Review & Project presentation 2/1

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