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Narrative poem

A Paranoia is like a house surrounded by barbed-wire-fence,

B And the people living inside, so aggressive and weary,
A ‘Everyone else is against me’, to them, it makes sense.
B All of the grass inside the barrier is dead and dreary.

C But the world outside, so lush and green,

C The likes of which the paranoid could’ve never seen.
D All they see outside their fence is danger.
E As they live behind it in misery and fear.

E The people on the outside plead to them, ‘There is no danger here!’

F But the paranoid people, with their hearts full of doubt,
F With much disdain yelled, ‘Get out!’
D One of the outsiders sighed, ‘It’s useless, they’ll never trust a stranger.’

A At night, the outsiders try to scale the fence,

B In the Moonlight, the house looked so eerie.
G They climb the wall with such careful regard,
G And they always land silently on the withered yard.

H But it wasn’t enough, ‘cause out from the house,

H Comes a furious woman, ready to pounce.
I Her expression, always of hateful scorn,
I Over which her siblings mourn.

E In one hand a torch, in the other a spear.

E She screamed in frustration, ‘STOP COMING HERE!’
E The outsiders don't fail to adhere,
A As they scramble back over the fence.
Subject: This poem deals with the issue that paranoia causes to both
the people suffering from it, and their families and friends.

Purpose: My purpose in writing this poem is to bring awareness of

paranoia to younger audiences, to make them more aware of other
people’s struggles.

Emotion: The poem has an overall feeling of hopelessness and

dread, to portray how paranoid people feel in their everyday lives.


Structure: This poem has regular structure, and a very unpredictable

rhyming scheme.

Sounds: The poem rhymes, but the scheme is quite unpredictable.





● Seasons
● Summer: girl, golden, green, high-pitched,
● Autumn: boy, orange, gray, gravelly, mushrooms, mud
● Winter: boy, navy, blue, voice cracks, Petrichor
● Spring: girl, mousey brown, melodic, flowers

As sunlight flickered through the clearing,

A scant child lay laughing on the grass.
With shining golden hair, a voice higher than the clouds,
And eyes as lush as the grass she lay on.

Australian poetry
What was loved of this land is long gone,
The hills of grass and grain as gold as the sun,
The grand trees of evergreen splendor,
The steep riverbanks and the beast that lay asleep among the reeds,
Nothing was safe from the white men.
They carved and dug into the heart of the land,
The creatures they brought with tore the green from the earth,
They cut the trees to build their homes,
They hurt our and hunted the river beasts

Slam poem
The old ways
This was our way, this was our lives.
Hunting, playing, laughing, sleeping.
Sharing meals with our tribe, our family.
To feast together and share stories of the hunt,
To be warm under layers of fur and feather,
Meat, fish and fruit are all we need.
As we laid under the stars, we wondered, we worried,
Will there be enough to eat tomorrow?
Will the caves fall?
Will I even wake up tomorrow?
What if all the prey leaves?
What if we all starve?
So many things can go wrong.
But they won’t.

Wait. Watch.Walk.Work.
This is our lives now.
Working, Walking, Sleeping, Resting,
Eating our meals all on our own,
While the others go hungry outside,
To be cold under sheets of plastic and cotton,
Fruit,Vegetables,Meat,Fish,Eggs,Milk is what we have,
But it is not enough.
As we lay under blankets of fur and fluff,
We wonder, we worry,
What if we go into debt?
What if we don’t have enough to buy food tomorrow?
What if I get hit by a car?
So many more things could go wrong,
And they might.
There is no certainty in this new world.

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