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Name: Lemuel B.

Espinosa BTVTED Electronics Technology

First Year Second Sem 2018-2019 Third Year First Sem 2020-2021

Course SUBJECTS Final Remarks Course SUBJECTS Final Remarks

Code Grade Code Grade
GE111 Understanding the Self 1.7 Passed Prof Ed 311 Assessment in Learning 1 1.8 Passed
GE112 Readings in Philippine History 1.6 Passed Prof Ed 312 The Teacher and the Community 1.6 Passed
GE113 Mathematics in the World 1.6 Passed SP 1 Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 1.8 Passed
GE114 Science, Technology and the Society 1.4 Passed Prof Ed 314 Curriculum Development and Evaluation 1.9 Passed
GE 115 Purposive Communication 1.5 Passed MAJOR
GE 116 Art Appreciation 1.7 Passed ELX 311 Power Electronics 1.5 Passed
GE 117 Life and Works of Rizal 1.5 Passed ELX 312 Pneumatics and Hydraulic System 1.8 Passed
Fil 11 Masining na Pagpapahayag 1.9 Passed ELX 313 Circuit Analysis 1.5 Passed
NSTP 1 CWTS 1.8 Passed ELX 314 Photovoltaic (PV) Installation 1.7 Passed
P.E. 1 Self-Testing Activities 1.6 Passed Research 1 Methods of Research 1.8 Passed

First Year Second Sem 2018-2019

Third Year Second Sem 2020-2021
Course Final
Code Grade Final
Course Code SUBJECTS Remarks
GE 121 The Contemporary World 1.6 Passed PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
GE 122 Ethics 1.5 Passed Prof Ed 321 Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education 1.5 Passed
GE Elec 2 Technical Mathematics 1.7 Passed Prof Ed 322 Assessment in Learning 2 1.6 Passed
Fil 12 Panitikan ng Pilipinas 1.6 Passed Prof Ed 323 Work-based Learning w/ Emphasis on TM 1.5 Passed
GE Elec 3 Fundamentals of Drawing 1.5 Passed Prof Ed 324 Supervised Industrial Training 1.8 Passed
ELX 122 Occupational Health and Safety Practices 1.6 Passed MAJOR
ELX 123 Basic Electronic and Electricity Principles 1.5 Passed ELX 321 Signals and System 1.6 Passed
NSTP 2 CWTS 1.7 Passed ET 321 Microcontrollers 1.5 Passed
PE 2 Rhythmic Activities 1.4 Passed ET 323 Industrial Automation 1.5 Passed
Research2 Technology Research 2 1.4 Passed
Second Year First Sem 2019-2020

Course SUBJECTS Final Remarks

Code Grade
GENERAL EDUCATION Fourth Year First Sem 2021-2022
Prof Ed 21
The Child Adolescent Learner and Learning Passed
Principles 1.5 Course Final
Code SUBJECTS Grade Remarks
Prof Ed 21The Teaching Profession 1.4 Passed
Prof Ed 21Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 1.9 Passed MAJOR
MAJOR FS 411 Field Study 1 1.4 Passed
ELX 211 Digital Electronics 1.7 Passed FS 412 Field Study 2 1.5 Passed
ELX 212 Assemble-Disassemble Consumer Electronic Passed
Products and System 1.8
ELX 213 Domestic Appliance Repair and Maintenance 1.8 Passed Fourth Year Second Sem 2021-2022
Mgt 21 Entreprenuerial Management 1.6 Passed
PE 3 Fundamentals of Games & Sports 1.4 Passed Course Final
Code SUBJECTS Grade Remarks
Prof Ed 421 Practice Teaching 1.4 Passed
Second Year Second Sem 2019-2020

Course Final
Code Grade Summary Units
Prof Ed 22Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 1.6 Passed Prof. Ed 54

Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across

Prof Ed 22the Curriculum 1.7 Passed Major content/Major Courses 70
Industry Immersion 10
Prof Ed 22The Andragogy of Learning incl. Principles of TM 1.8 Passed NSTP 6
ELX 221 Audio System and Repair and Maintenance 1.6 Passed Total number of units 184
ELX 222 Video System Repair and Maintenance 1.5 Passed
ELX 223 Logic Circuits 1.7 Passed
ICT 221 Teaching ICT as Exploratory Course 1.9 Passed
PE 4 Recreational Activities 1.6 Passed Jane B. Andes
Name: Ronald B. BTVTED Electrical Technology

First Year First Sem 2018-2019 Third Year First Sem 2020-2021

Course SUBJECTS Final Remarks Course SUBJECTS Final

Code Grade Code Grade Remarks
GE111 Understanding the Self 1.8 Passed Prof Ed 311 Assessment in Learning 1 1.7 Passed
GE112 Readings in Philippine History 1.9 Passed Prof Ed 312 The Teacher and the Community 1.9 Passed
GE113 Mathematics in the World 1.7 Passed SP 1 Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 1.8 Passed
GE114 Science, Technology and the Society 1.6 Passed Prof Ed 314 Curriculum Development and Evaluation 1.9 Passed
GE 115 Purposive Communication 1.6 Passed MAJOR
GE 116 Art Appreciation 1.7 Passed ET 311 Logic Circuits 1.6 Passed
GE 117 Life and Works of Rizal 1.9 Passed ET 312 Pneumatics and Hydraulic System 1.8 Passed
Fil 11 Masining na Pagpapahayag 1.9 Passed ET 313 Industrial Circuit and Devices 1.6 Passed
NSTP 1 CWTS 1.7 Passed ET 314 Industrial Motor Controller 1.8 Passed
P.E. 1 Self-Testing Activities 1.9 Passed Research 1 Methods of Research 1.7 Passed

First Year Second Sem 2018-2019

Third Year Second Sem 2020-2021
Course SUBJECTS Final Remarks
Code Grade Course Final
Code SUBJECTS Grade Remarks
GE 121 The Contemporary World 1.9 Passed PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
GE 122 Ethics 1.6 Passed Prof Ed 321 Foundation of Special and Inclusive Educatio 1.6 Passed
Math 12 Technical Mathematics 1.4 Passed Prof Ed 322 Assessment in Learning 2 1.6 Passed
Fil 12 Panitikan ng Pilipinas 1.9 Passed Prof Ed 323 Work-based Learning w/ Emphasis on TM 1.9 Passed
ET 121 Fundamentals of Drawing 2.1 Passed Prof Ed 324 Supervised Industrial Training 1.7 Passed
ET 122 Occupational Health and Safety Practices 1.9 Passed MAJOR
ET 123 Basic Electronic and Electricity Principles 1.7 Passed ELX 321 PLC System and Programming 1.6 Passed
NSTP 2 CWTS 1.9 Passed ET 321 Pneumatics and Hydraulic System 1.7 Passed
PE 2 Rhythmic Activities 2 Passed ET 323 Photovoltaic (PV) Installation 1.7 Passed
Research2 Technology Research 2 1.8 Passed
Second Year First Sem 2019-2020

Course Final Fourth Year First Sem 2021-2022

Code SUBJECTS Grade Remarks

GENERAL EDUCATION Course Final Remarks

Code Grade
Prof Ed 211 The Child Adolescent Learner and 1.8 Passed
Learning Principles MAJOR
Prof Ed 212The Teaching Profession 1.9 Passed FS 411 Field Study 1 1.8 Passed
Prof Ed 213Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 1.9 Passed FS 412 Field Study 2 1.7 Passed
ET 211 Electrical and Electronic Circuits and Devices 1.9 Passed
ET 212 Electrical Devices Installation 1.6 Passed Fourth Year Second Sem 2021-2022
ET 213 Direct Current Machines/Circuits 1.7 Passed
ET 214 Domestic Appliance Repair and Maintenanc 1.8 Passed Course Final
Mgt 1 Entreprenuerial Management 1.6 Passed Code Grade
PE 3 Fundamentals of Games & Sports 1.6 Passed MAJOR
Prof Ed 421Practice Teaching 1.6 Passed
Second Year Second Sem 2019-2020

Course SUBJECTS Final Remarks

Code Grade Summary Units
Prof Ed 221 Technology for Teaching and Learning 1.6 Passed Prof. Ed 54

Prof Ed 222
Building and Enhancing New 1.8 Passed
Literacies Across the Curriculum Major content/Major Courses 70
Industry Immersion 10
Prof Ed 223 The Andragogy of Learning incl. Principles o 1.6 Passed NSTP 6
ET 221 Electrical Wiring System and Design 1.7 Passed Total number of units 184
ET 222 Alternating Current Machines 1.6 Passed
ET 223 Circuit Analysis 1.8 Passed
ICT 221 Teaching ICT as Exploratory Course 1.6 Passed
PE 4 Recreational Activities 1.8 Passed Jane B. Andes
Name: Johnson E. Bosque Associate in Computer Technology

First Year First Sem 2020-2021

Course Code SUBJECTS Final Grade Remarks

GE 111 Understanding the Self 1.9 Passed

GE 112 Readings in Philippine History 1.8 Passed
GE 113 Mathematics in the World 1.6 Passed
GE 114 Science, Technology and the Society 1.7 Passed
ACT 111 Computer Fundamentals 1.5 Passed
ACT 112 Operating Systems 1.6 Passed
NSTP 1 CWTS 1.7 Passed
PE 1 Self-Testing Activities 1.8 Passed

First Year Second Sem 2020-2021

Course Code SUBJECTS Final Grade Remarks

GE 121 Purposive Communication 1.8 Passed

GE 122 Art Appreciation 1.6 Passed
GE 123 The Contemporary World 1.7 Passed
GE 124 Life and Works of Rizal 1.6 Passed
Prof Ed 121 Introduction to Computing 1.8 Passed
Prof Ed 122 Computer Programming 1 1.7 Passed
Prof Ed 123 Data Structure and Algorithms 1.5 Passed
NSTP 2 CWTS 1.6 Passed
PE 2 Rhythmic Activities 1.7 Passed

Second Year First Sem 2021-2022

Course Code SUBJECTS Final Grade Remarks

GE 211 Ethics with Empasis on Taxation 1.7 Passed

GE 212 Masining na Pagpapahayag 1.6 Passed
Prof Ed 211 Computer Programming 2 1.8 Passed
Prof Ed 212 Information Management 1.6 Passed
Prof Ed 213 Application Development and Emerging Technolog 1.7 Passed
ACT 211 Network and Communications 1.5 Passed
ACT 212 Programming Language 1.6 Passed
ACT 213 Fundamentals of Information System 1.8 Passed
PE 3 Fundamentals of Games & Sports 1.5 Passed

Second Year Second Sem 2021-2022

Course Code Final Grade Remarks
GE 221 Panitikanng Pilipinas 1.6 Passed
ACT 221 Fundamentals of Database System 1.7 Passed
ACT 222 IT Infrastructure and Network Technologies 1.5 Passed
ACT 223 System Administration and Maintenance 1.8 Passed
PE 4 Recreational Activities 1.6 Passed

Jane B. Andes

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