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Business English – High Intermediate

Student ID#:______________

Test 1 – Week 3
Total: ___________/ 100
Part I: Multiple Choice Vocabulary
5. Good communicators don’t stop people talking.
1.. Concise n is
Nh a. digress
a. vague b. ramble
b. succincth c. confuse
c. rambling. d. interrupt
d. fluent
6. When speaking, don’t move away from the topic
2. An outgoing person is unless necessary.

a. persuasive a. digress
b. extroverted b. explain
c. inhibited c. interrupt
d. articulate d. ramble

3. Speech that is clear and easy to understand is 7. Make sure you ask about anything you don’t
a. rambling
b. persuasive a. clarify
c. focused b. explain
d. articulate c. interrupt
d. digress
4. If you are reluctant to speak, you are
8. Give examples or description for any difficult
a. vague technical jargon.
b. responsive
c. hesitant a. digress
d. succinct b. engage
c. confuse
d. explain

[ _________ / 8]
Part II: Matching Idioms
Instructions: ⬥ Write the letter of the best idiom for each meaning on the line.
___1. to give the main facts in a short, ___6. to include someone in group
clear way communication
___2. to talk about the most important thing
___3. to share similar opinions and ideas
___4. to hear about something because the a.) to be on the same wavelength
information has been passed from one b.) to get straight to the point
person to another in conversation c.) to put it in a nutshell
___5. to try to communicate with an d.) to hear it on the grapevine
unresponsive person e.) to be like talking to a brick wall
f.) to keep someone in the loop
[ _________ / 6]

Part III: Grammar (16 pts.)

Instructions: ⬥ Write the words in each of these noun phrases in the correct order.

1. effective quite campaign advertising


2. company new goods luxury


3. exchange difficult really telephone


4. legal severe consequences extremely


5. conversation very online bizarre


6. fashion successful incredibly company


7. detailed extremely report sales


8. customer department effective relations


[ _________ / 16]

Part IV: Vocabulary (15 pts.)

Part A: Multi-word Verbs

Instructions: ⬥ Complete the multi-word verb with the correct particle:

in round out down off
⬥ Write the particle on the line.

1. I tried not to disappoint my supervisor, but I think I let him ____________in the
2. We had an appointment, but she called it _________________ at the last minute.
3. It was a problem before, but now it’s okay. Everything worked _____________.
4. We had low sales at the beginning of the year, but now it’s better. We were able to turn
5. I just arrived, so I need to check ______________________at the hotel.
Part B: Prefixes

Instructions: ⬥ Circle the correct meaning of the underlined prefix.

1. rename again / better / too much / opposite

2. outbid too little / again / more than / former
3. undercharge with / extremely / badly / too little
4. ex-boss extremely / with / former / again
5. miscalculate opposite / too much / with / badly

Part C: Word-building

Instructions: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete each

1. (recognize) Employers and supervisors should give _______________________to

their employees regularly.
2. (frustrate) All of the people on my team are __________________because of the
upcoming deadline.
3. (motivate) People who are _________________________work harder and more
4. (motivate) The best leaders are very________________________ to their employees.
5. (satisfy) Flexible hours make people more ________________________with their
Part V: Grammar Passives (1 each)

Instructions: ⬥ Write the passive form of the verb in parentheses.

⬥ Use the verb tense/form indicated.

1. Market research _________________________ (carry out; present perfect).

2. Employees ______________________ to offer suggestions. (encourage; future


3. Negotiations _____________________ until next week. (not, complete; present


4. A new product _________________________by our competitor. (launch; past simple)

5. Errors _____________________________by unfocused minds. (cause; present



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