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School of Business - Executive Education

Financial management Course

Individual Project

1. Individual Project Title:

- “Cavalier Hospital – The Rotunda decision”

2. Assignment Description:
• Kindly read the case and answer the following questions:
a- Why did cavalier hospital decide to build new cardiovascular center ?
b- What is Cavalier financial position ?, Is Cavalier Hospital financially healthy or sick
c- What is Harrison’s rationale for seeking capitated Payments by having some of the
patients on a capitated reimbursement structure rather than a fee for service.
d- On which operating goals Harison succeeded, or failed?, how have the new insurance
contracts and the new center changed the operating statistics of the hospital
e- Should Harrison advocate an expansion of the rotunda model across all specialties in the
hospital?, if so, what is the justification for this recommendation

3. Submission Guidelines:
I- This is an individual assignment to be submitted on Moodle as PDF document by
each student separately

II- PDF Details

• Cover page:
- Topic Title, Participant’s name and ID
• Introduction:
- Briefly describe the main theme of the case
• Main Body:
- Kindly answer the questions from (a) to (e) mentioned under the assignment
description, in the main body of your answer.

• Font Type and Size
- Times New Roman 12.
- Double spacing for body text, and 1-line space between paragraphs - You can use
“Bold”, “Underline” and “Italics” formatting for Titles and subtitles.

III- Due Date: 28/ June / 2022, Before 5 PM

4. Grading Rubric: (Individual Project comprises 30% of Course Grade)

Submission Content (Spelling, Grammar
On Time
and Punctuations)


2% Question b Questions a,c,d,e 2%

16% distributed equally

between the questions.

• Avoid Plagiarism (Any copied, unoriginal or reproduced material will be considered an
act of plagiarism as per ExecEd policies. refer to the participant’s handbook)

• References & sources of the material should be included

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