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In this module we will discuss about step 5 of Discrete Event Simulation, it is Conduct
Experiment. Conduct Experiment is to run the simulation for each scenario to be solved and
evaluated then analyze the results which will be discuss in this Module 8B.

Define the
Collect and
Objective: Build the Validate the Conduct
Scope and Model Model Experiment
System Data

Figure 8. 1 Step-by-Step for Discrete Event Simulation

8.1 Practicum objectives

Practicum participants will be able to generate the alternative solutions based on the
scenario that offers to solve the unfulfillment order problem.
8.2 Tools Equipment
1. Microsoft Excel
2. FlexSim
3. Computer
8.3 Practicum Procedures
1. Pre-Test
2. Theory Explanation
3. Create a Scenario Model
4. Output Analysis
5. Post-Test
8.4 Theory Explanation
8.4.1 Conduct Experiment
Simulation is essentially an experimentation tool in which a computer model of a new
or existing system is created for the purpose of conducting experiments. In simulation,
we formulate a hypothesis about what design or operating policies work best. Then we
set up an experiment in the form of a simulation model to test the hypothesis. With the
model, we conduct multiple replications of the experiment or simulation. Conducting
experiments on a model reduces the time, cost, and disruption of experimenting on the
actual system.

8.4.2 Dashboard

Dashboard are a blank window pane that can you can customize with anything that
you need to access during a simulation run. In this case, we’re only use two parts of
dashboard there are State Bar and Throughput Per Hour
1. State Bar
This chart used to calculate utilization based on each object’s time in various states.
Each segment of the bar chart represents the average proportion of time spent in one
of the objects states.
a. Objects: Specifies the objects to include on the chart.
b. States: This will appear and described in the State Pie Options section
2. Throughput Per Hour
This template creates a single line graph and each line includes object displayed
with its own color. The line shows the throughput which is the output of the object
in the previous time.
8.4.3 Trial and Error
Trial and error are a fundamental method of problem solving that has also used
extensively in product design and experiments. This method provides solutions based
on replication and alternatives that came from the different tested input to find desired
result or the best output. The approach proceeds by adaptively posing a sequence of
candidate solutions and observing their validity. If a proposed candidate solution is
found to be valid, then the approach will be accomplished.

8.5 Study Case
SIMBI Corporation is an assembly company that sell a stirling machine. The company do
the assembly process of the components separately, then after several processes it will
turned out to be a stirling machine for the finish product. SIMBI Corporation has 25
factories in Indonesia. The products are consist of four main components that are Lower
Platform, Main Machine, Piston Tube, and Upper Platform. As a product variation,
SIMBI Corporation produce 2 color variation in the stirling machine, and the variation are
green stirling machine and yellow stirling machine, and the variation are 60% green
stirling machine and 40% yellow stirling machine.

After running for some time SIMBI Corporation found that the demand forecasting for the
13th month is 80.526. Therefore with the 23 working days in a month, one factory should
produce at least 140 stirlings/day.

With the existing system, the company will have a loss profit around Rp 5.100.000,00/day.
In order to fulfill the demand forecasting, SIMBI Corporation need your help as an industry
analyst to find and give a solution that will be used to decide what will be done to face the
problems that occur in the company with hard Operation Research Methodology, and also
you need to do a production system simulation with a consideration of working hour per
shift or amount of machine.

The following figure is stirling machine that SIMBI Corporation produced.

Figure 8.5. 1 Stirling Machine

Every arrival of lower platform package consists with 70 unit components. After its arrival,
The Lower Platform Package then enters the Separator Machine with distribution time U
(204, 215) minutes.

Every arrival of Piston Tube Package consist of 65-unit components. After its arrival,
Piston Tube Package then enters the separator machine with distribution time U (185, 216)
minutes. After processed by separator machine with distribution time N (1.02, 0.268),
piston tube unit and lower platform unit are being processed by installation machine with
distribution time N (1.62, 0.405) to be half-finished stirling machine through the queue
lower platform package and the queue of piston tube package.

Every arrival of the Upper Platform Package consists of 75-unit components. Upper
platform is divided by two color, that are green and yellow with the percentage of production
is respectively 60% and 40%. After its arrival, upper platform unit enters the separation
machine with distribution time U (225, 246) minutes.

Every arrival of Main Machine Package consists of 75-unit components, with distribution
time N (249, 26.8) minutes to enters the separator machine. After its processed by separator
machine, the half-finished product, upper platform unit and main machine unit are being
processed again in assembly machine with distribution time N (3.28, 0.888) minute to be
Finished Stirling Machine in green color and yellow color. Then the finished product of
green stirling machine and yellow stirling machine will be brought to the inspection area.

In the Inspection Area, Finished Stirling Machine in Green and yellow color will be
inspected by one operator of quality control with distribution time N (2.21, 0.457) minute.
The operator of quality control will get salary Rp 20.000,00/hour. Inspected Stirling Machine
in Green and Yellow color then moved to the warehouse area through the queue conveyor
for Green stirling machine and Yellow stirling machine.
Based on the calculation from 3rd module this following below is table of arrival time
distribution for every package:
Table 8.5. 1 Arrival Time Distribution of Package
Unit in a Arrival Time
No Component Cost
Package Distribution
1 Lower Platform Package 70 unit U (204, 215) Rp 35.000,00 /unit
2 Piston Tube Package 65 unit U (185, 216) Rp 140.000,00 /unit
3 Upper Platform Package 75 unit U (225, 246) Rp 30.000,00 /unit
4 Main Machine Package 75 unit N (249, 26.8) Rp 45.000,00 /unit

The following is a table of process time distribution in every workstation:

Table 8.5. 2 Process Time Distribution of Machine

Process Time
No Workstation Distribution Cost/Day Cost/Hour
1 All Separator Machine N (1.02, 0.268) Rp 115.000,00 Rp 14.375
2 Assembly Machine N (3.28, 0.888) Rp 70.000,00 Rp 37.500
3 Installation Machine N (1.62, 0.405) Rp 300.000,00 Rp 21.250
4 Inspection Area N (2.21, 0.457) Rp 75.000,00 Rp 9.375

The following is a table of cost of inventory:

Table 8.5. 3 Cost of Inventory

Cost of
No. Queue Name
1 Queue of Lower Platform Rp 2.000
2 Queue of Piston Tube Rp 2.500
3 Queue of Half-Finished Stirling Rp 3.450
4 Queue of Main Machine Rp 4.000
5 Queue of Upper Platform Rp 3.200

The following is a table of operator cost:

Table 8.5. 4 Operator Cost

No. Operator Cost/Hour
1 Operator Inspection Area Rp 20.000
2 Operator Inspection Area (Overtime) Rp 25.000

The operation process chart of stirling machine is as shown in the figure below:

Figure 8.5. 2 Operation Process Chart

The working hours of the company last for 9 hours, starting from 08.00 AM–05.00 PM
for 5 working days (Monday – Friday) with one hour for rest time between 12.00 PM–
01.00 PM. Throughout the production processes that have been carried out by the
operators, the sales manager of SIMBI Corporation records the unfulfilled order which is
as many as 6 stirling on average.

Table 8.5. 5 Replication of Realization
1. 140
140 135
140 136
140 135
140 133
140 132
140 131
140 134
140 136
140 134
140 135
140 134

The CEO of SIMBI Corporation need your help as industry analyst to find and give a
solution that will be used to decide what will be done to face the problems that occur in
the company with hard OR Methodology, and also you need to do a production system
simulation with a consideration of working shift or amount of machine or amount of
arrival to maximize the total output and company profits.
SIMBI Corporation experiences obstacles during the production process. Constraints
experienced by SIMBI Corporation cannot meet production demand. SIMBI
Corporation conducts investigations and solutions needed so that requests can be
fulfilled for the solutions obtained by SIMBI Corporation by adding work shifts and
adding machines.
The addition of work shifts starting at 07.00 AM – 06.00 PM changed to 07.00 AM –
07.00 PM, because SIMBI Corporation will conduct an experiment when adding work
shifts whether the obstacles in SIMBI Corporation will be overcome.
To add machines, it must first be observed which is the busiest machine, to observe it is
done by adding a dashboard and selecting state bar on the Flexsim menu. With the
addition of the machine, it is hoped that the obstacles at SIMBI Corporation can be

8.6. Create Proposal Model
This module will be giving example of optimization needed based on the model, it can
be seen from the dashboard or the basic algorithm of the model which has been created.
There are several ways to optimize model with the purpose to increase output and
minimize cost. Optimization can be done by increasing the number of machine and
increasing working hours / shift.
Based on study case, with demand that is not fulfilled by SIMBI Corporation, Simbi
Corporation carries out additional work hours or overtime, adding work time until 6pm.
Besides adding work time, with the workload that is too heavy on the certain machine,
one or more machine is added so that the workload decreases.

The following is an example to optimize the model with the purpose to maximize the
output by increasing the number of machine and increasing working hours/shift:

8.6.1 Step to Maximize the Output by Increasing Working Hours/Shift

1. Click Toolbox next to the library, then choose Time Tables. Click 2x on the
Factory_Working Hour to manage working hour parameters.

Figure 8.6.1. 1 Toolbox Windows (Factory Working Hours)

2. When Time Table Parameters window appears, click table.

Figure 8.6.1. 2 Time Table Parameters Window

3. Add the Factory working hour from 05.00 PM to 06.00 PM. After that, Click Make
operational Time and click apply then ok.

Figure 8.6.1. 3 Add Factory Working Hour

4. Click 2x on Periodic_System_Shutdown.

Figure 8.6.1. 4 Toolbox Window (Periodic System Shutdown)

5. It will show Time Table Parameters Window, then choose table. Next, change the
shutdown hour from 05.00 PM – 06.00 PM by remove the data that has been

Figure 8.6.1. 5 Time Table Parameter Window

6. Choose make down time, and then click apply and ok

Figure 8.6.1. 6 Reduce Periodic System Shutdown

7. Run for 1 day on Monday, 20 April 2020 and test the model simulation. Click
the finished stirling warehouse to seek the output result by adding working hour
from 07.00 AM – 07.00 PM

Figure 8.6.1. 7 Simulation Run Time

Figure 8.6.1. 8 Output of Finished Product Warehouse

8. Click Dashboards then the windows for dashboard will be shown on the right

Figure 8.6.1. 9 Dashboard Tool

Figure 8.6.1. 10 Dashboard Window

9. Next step, add Throughput Per Hour from library bar by drag it to the Dashboard
empty area.

Figure 8.6.1. 11 Throughput Per Hour

Figure 8.6.1. 12 Throughput Per Hour Window

10. Afterwards the Time plot windows will be pop up, click the options bar and add
objects. Select Inspection area on processors and make sure the time interval is 1
hour. Click apply then ok to finish.

Figure 8.6.1. 13 Time Plot

11. Change the simulation run time for 13 days started from Wed,20 Apr 2020
within warmup time at 07.00 AM then stop time at Wed,6 May 2020 at 07.00 PM.

Figure 8.6.1. 14 Simulation Run Time (Throughput per Hour)

12. Before run the simulation, reset the model and then click run. Click the
Finished_Product_Warehouse to see the output that produced would be seen

Figure 8.6.1. 15 Output of Finished Product Warehouse

13. The throughput data from inspection area will be displayed on the dashboard.
Right-click and choose Export to CSV to proceed the data.

Figure 8.6.1. 16 Throughput Per Hour Graphic

Figure 8.6.1. 17 Export CSV

14. Save the file and rename with FRI-XXX_Penambahan Jam Kerja. After that,
open the file and the data will be displayed like this:

Figure 8.6.1. 18 Result of Throughput Per Hour

15. Enter formula on day column =text (cell of time,”dd”) in order to enter the date
that we run automatically.

16. On the Total day column, enter the date based on running simulation (from 20
April 2020 – 6 May 2020).

17. To discover the total output, fill the column with =SUMIF (DAY,TOTAL
DAY,THROUGHPUT) formula. Lock the Day and Throughput column and drag
to run it automatically. The results for the output are as below:

Figure 8.6.1. 19 Output Replication

18. Copy the Output data and paste values to Alternative 1 (Workshift) in output
replication on your labwork excel. Put in the data except the zero output and don’t
add the first day total output. Do the same steps for the Alternative 2 (Amount of

Table 8.6.1. 1 Alternative 1 Output


1 151
2 151
3 155
4 154
5 151
6 151
7 153
8 153
9 149
10 157
11 150
12 154
TOTAL 1829

19. Note the current content results from all the queues based on Alternative 1

Table 8.6.1. 2 Alternative Queue 1



Queue of Lower Platform 300
Queue of Piston Tube 55
Queue of Half Finished Stirling Machine 285
Queue of Main Machine 241
Queue of Upper Platform 241

20. Save your Flexsim file by clicking “Save As” with format name FRI-
XXX_Penambahan Jam Kerja.

8.6.2 Step to Maximize the Output by Increasing the Number of Machine

1. Before you do “Increasing the Number of Machine” alternative method, open again
your existing Flexsim file that is file result from Module 7B.

2. Click the Dashboards button. The button is located between script and
process flow.

Figure 8.6.2. 1 Dashboard

3. Then click Add a Dashboard until a new dashboard window shown in the right

Figure 8.6.2. 2 Dashboard Window

4. Next, click State Bar in the Library Bar and drag it to the dashboard window.

Figure 8.6.2. 3 Library Bar

Figure 8.6.2. 4 State Bar

5. Then, the Bar Chart display appears. We will input all machines or workstations
contained in the model to the Bar Chart.

Figure 8.6.2. 5 Bar Chart Display

6. Click add or plus sign at the Objects menu on the Options bar. Click Select Object.

Figure 8.6.2. 6 Select Objects

7. Select all the machines that we used as combiners, separators, and processors. Then
click Select.

Figure 8.6.2. 7 Select Machines

8. In the States menu in the Analysis column, empty all the analysis by clicking it until
it is empty. If it showed Exclude, click it again until empty except in the Processing
display in the second row is needed to be Utilized.

Figure 8.6.2. 8 States Menu

9. Then, checkmark all in the entire Visible column as on picture.

Figure 8.6.2. 9 Checkmark Analysis

10. Click Apply, then click OK to finish.

11. Before running the simulation, reset the model. Then, change the simulation run
time. Warmup Time started at 07:00:00 AM on 20 April 2020 and Stop Time at
06:00:00 PM on 20 April 2020.

Figure 8.6.2. 10 Simulation Run Time

12. Click Reset, then click Run to run the model. The State Bar will show which machine
works the hardest, as the following display.

Figure 8.6.2. 11 State Bar Chart

13. Before adding Assembly_Machine, click reset first.

14. The Assembly machine is the most hardworking machine between all machines. So,
we need to double the machine to decrease the processing rate. Right-click on the
Assembly_Machine icon, then click edit and choose copy. After that, paste with ctrl
+ v in the area around the Assembly_Machine and double click on the new machine
rename with Assembly_Machine_2.

Figure 8.6.2. 12 Duplicate Assembly Machine

15. Then, click connect object and connect Queue_of_half_finished_stirling_machine to
Assembly_Machine_2, Queue_of_Upper_Plattform to Assembly_Machine_2, and
Queue_of_Main_Machine to Assembly_Machine_2.

16. Connect Assembly_Machine_2 to Inspection_Area by clicking connect object

17. Connect the Inspection_Operator with Assembly_Machine_2 by clicking connect

center pots and connecting Assembly_Machine_2 to the Inspection_Operator then to
the Inspection_Area.

Figure 8.6.2. 13 Connect Machine

18. Next, define the working hours of the new machine, by clicking on the toolbox icon,
double click Factory_Working_Hours in Time Tables menu, then click the plus sign
on the Members tab, then click the “+” on the combiners and choose

Figure 8.6.2. 14 Toolbox Factory Working Hour

19. Click Select, Apply then click OK.

Figure 8.6.2. 15 Insert New Assembly Machine

Figure 8.6.2. 16 Time Table Members

20. Before running the simulation, reset the model. Then, change the simulation run
time. Warmup Time started at 07:00:00 AM on 20 April 2020 and Stop Time at
06:00:00 PM on 6 May 2020.

Figure 8.6.2. 17 Simulation Run Time

21. Run the simulation model until the end, then click on the finished product
warehouse. The output produced would be seen as in the figure below:

Figure 8.6.2. 18 Output of Finished Product Warehouse

22. Next, there will be the amount of output in the finished_product_warehouse. Then,
click the Save icon.

23. Click the Dashboards button. The button is located between script and process flow.

Figure 8.6.2. 19 Dashboard

24. Then click Add a Dashboard until a new dashboard window shown in the right

Figure 8.6.2. 20 Dashboard Window

25. Click Throughput Per Hour in Library Bar and then drag it to the empty area.

Figure 8.6.2. 21 Toolbox Throughput Per Hour

Figure 8.6.2. 22 Throughput Per Hour

26. Click the plus sign at the Objects, Click Select Object, Click Inspection_Area on
Processor and then click select. Change the Interval into 1 Hour

Figure 8.6.2. 23 Insert Inspection Area

Figure 8.6.2. 24 Time Plot Window

27. Click Apply and OK

28. Before running the simulation, reset the model. Then, change the simulation run
time. Warmup Time started at 07:00:00 AM on 20 April 2020 and Stop Time at
06:00:00 PM on 6 May 2020.

Figure 8.6.2. 25 Simulation Run Time

29. Click on the Finished_Product_Warehouse and the output produced will be shown as

Figure 8.6.2. 26 Output of Finished Product Warehouse

30. The data of Throughput Per Hour has shown. Right-click on that and select Export to

Figure 8.6.2. 27 Throughput Per Hour Chart

Figure 8.6.2. 28 Export CSV

31. Save file CSV with format name FRI-XXX_Penambahan Mesin and open the CSV

Figure 8.6.2. 29 Result of Throughput per Hour

32. Create 3 new table beside Throughput column with name Day, Total Day, Total

33. Enter formula on day column =text (cell of time,”dd”) in order to enter the date that
we run automatically.

34. On the Total day column enter the date based on running simulation (from 20 April
2020 – 6 May 2020).

35. Fill the Total output column with =SUMIF (DAY,TOTAL DAY,THROUGHPUT)
formula. Lock the Day and Throughput column and drag to run it automatically. The
results for the output are as below:

Figure 8.6.2. 30 Output Replication

36. Copy the Output data and paste values to Alternative 2 (Amount of Machine) in output
replication on your labwork excel. Put in the data except the zero output and don’t
add the first day total output.

Table 8.6.2. 1 Alternative 2 Output

1 146
2 127
3 189
4 108
5 190
6 141
7 152
8 129
9 181
10 118
11 191
12 155
TOTAL 1827

37. Note the current content results from all the queues based on Alternative 2
simulation then paste values on Queue Alternative 2 table.

Table 8.6.2. 2 Alternative Queue 2



Queue of Lower Platform 149
Queue of Piston Tube 0
Queue of Half Finished Stirling Machine 4
Queue of Main Machine 4
Queue of Upper Platform 79

8.6.3 Step to Calculate Fulfillment

1. Copy and paste the Output Replication Alternative 1 & 2 in the Fulfillment sheet.

2. Then, calculate Alternative 1 – Real System and Alternative 2 – Real System.

3. Next, average each result of Alternative 1 – Real System and Alternative 2 – Real

Table 8.6.3. 1 Unfulfillment

Table 8.6.3. 2 Average of Shortage

Realization Module 1B
Target Realization Shortage
140 136 4
140 135 5
140 136 4
140 135 5
140 133 7
140 132 8
140 131 9
140 134 6
140 136 4
140 134 6
140 135 5
140 134 6
Average 5.75

Based on Realization on Modul 1B, Output Replication Alternative 1 and Output Replication
Alternative 2 do analysis result on ANALYSIS UNFULFILLMENT box like this:

Module 1B contains realization data that has an average unfulfillment order of 6 pcs.

After making alternatives 1 and 2 there are changes in the output as follows:

1. In alternative 1 there is an output for 12 days with an average output of 18.17 pcs where
the average output of alternative 1 is greater than the average real system output.

2. In alternative 2 there is an output for 12 days with an average output of 18 pcs where the
average output of alternative 2 is greater than the average output of the real system.

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the problem of unfulfillment orders with
an average of 6 pcs can be solved using alternative 1 and alternative 2.

Figure 8.6.3. 1 Analysis of Unfulfillment


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