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by India_gol on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 12:05am
 FEAR - extravagance of - This is the kingpin of this remedy.

Extravagance means beyond limitation.

Meaning of this rubric - Patient has discomfort in his mind about his problem that whether his
problem (pain, disease) will cross the limitation whatever he has set. The patient has fear of
crossing limitation. The patient feels no problem, till matters are in the limit, he has set. As soon
as he feels that the matters are crossing the limitation he starts apprehending.

Version of patient: -
1. " Dr. Sahib, it has been enough time and I have not got any relief. How long I will have to
2. "Dr. Sahib fever is shooting up? How much time it will take?"
3. "Dr. Sahib, you fee is very much. I have got cheap medicines in Homoeopathy."
4. " Dr., your clinic is very much distant, so i cannot come."
5. " Dr., I cannot wait further. It is enough time.

Initially the Opium patient is indifferent about his problem. He has no concern about his disease.

 INDIFFERENCE, apathy - suffering, to

Version: -
1. " It was fever; I thought that it will be cured without any treatment."
2. "It was piles; I thought that it will be alright."
3. "People in home were telling to take treatment, but I ignored.

Next statement - in the form of "FEAR - extravagance of"

"Today it is more painful."
"It is enough today Dr."

Opium patient does not communicate his problem to anyone. He becomes content about his
sufferings and problems. He is a satisfied person under limitation. He is so satisfied that he does
not ask for anything even medicine etc. He remains forgotten his pain ailment.


 CONTENT Quiet; and

 CONTENT - night

 Content - forgets, all ailments and pain

Version: -

" All is well"

"I am satisfied with what i have"
"I am not needed of more than I have.'
" I am satisfied with that the God have given me"

Opium patients are so much satisfied that even during sickness he does not demand anything.
Even he does not demand treatment.
He has feeling of blissfulness.

 ASKING - nothing for

 WANTS - nothing

 BLISSFUL feeling.

During sickness he says that he is well.

 WELL - says well - sick; when very.

Even he says everybody that he is well and he is not a sick person. If his relatives asks about his
health, he says" what has happened to me ? I am alright."

 DELIRIUM - well, declares , she is

He does not apprehends the danger, which is about to come in form of disease. If doctor says,"
you are suffering from cancer." Although he knows how dangerous disease it is. But he says," At
last what can happen ? Death"

 DANGER - no sense of danger

Opium patient is a courageous person.


Version: -" Sir I have 102 degree F fever, but I am coming on my foot from 5 kilometers."

Even opium patient remains cheerful during peak of suffering.

 CHEERFUL - heat during.

He remains in full of enthusiasm, full of liveliness and overlooks his small problems.


Opium patients make very-very big schemes again and again.

 PLANS - making many plans, gigantic plans

He is mentally elevated. He thinks of very big things, makes huge plans.

 ELEVATION mental

When anyone disturbs him in these, he becomes irritable.

 IRRITABILITY - disturbed, when

Version: -
"Dr., when I am taking rest and anyone disturbs me I feel very irritable."

Even he becomes irritable when anyone says him to take treatment.

 IRRITABILITY - aroused, when

He talks always irritably during pain.

 IRRITABILITY - pain during

Opium patient becomes conscious about the trouble came in past. After bearing trouble, he
became embarrassed.

 EMBARRASSED -ailment after.

When Opium patient understands that the problem is crossing the limitation whatever he sets, he
became alert.


Version: -
"I became alert when I started sneezing yesterday, but today it is very much troublesome."
"Since the problem aggravates at night, so I have come this time in evening."

He becomes cautious, when he feels anything troublesome. He starts taking all types of


At first he tries to escape from his situation on his own.

 ESCAPE - attempt to

Version: -"At first I have taken all type of precautions, but when it is beyond limitation then I
have come to you."

At the same time he uses to blame himself for his minor mistakes.
 DELIRIUM - blames himself for his folly.

Version -
“Doctor it is my fault, and now I am suffering for my foolishness."
"Doctor, the food was very delicious and I could not control myself and ate more than my need.
Now this is the result."

Why these versions came under delirium?

Delirium is always associated with actions and gestures. In opium case the patient will either bang
his head or scratch his palm or take out a shrill sound with gesture and says, “What have I done? I
knew this will give me problem, but still I did it?”

Opium patient feels indignity from general matters.

 INDIGNATION - discomfort from general.

Indignation means righteous anger, a feeling of lowness, when somebody points or find your
weakness. It is extrinsic. You feel annoyed and sad because the external stimuli. The second word
is discomfort which means lack of comfort or uneasiness and the last word general means most
common or usual.

The feel of this rubric will be; the patient will show his/her uneasiness and lowness and express
inability to explain very silly and normal problems, which otherwise common to all in a clinic.

Here , the patient will always hesitate to tell about his/her general problem like piles
dysmenorrheal, allergy, etc, which is very common problem , but he/she feels indignity to explain
the same.

In your clinic you will find this type of individual who will always push there husband and spouse
to tell about there problem. They will feel shy and indicate to the doctor that they had already
explained the problem to their attendant and in turn they will explain it to the doctor.

 TIMIDITY - business, transacting in

. During the peak of the element opium patients do no not have that much of intelligence to take a
decision what to do? Whether to continue with this doctor or go to other doctor?


At the same time they are incapable of deciding who will be the best physician at the particular
time at this stage. They think it is better to stick to the present doctor.

 CLINGING - grasps at others

Sometimes they go to the extent of grasping the present doctor ask him repeatedly,” I am in a fix
now, you tell me what I should do, and if i should go to some other doctor then whom should I go.

Opium patient feels that he is suffering from a serious disease.

 DELUSIONS - enlarged
 DELUSIONS - enlarged objects are
 DELUSIONS - dragons, of

Version-" Dr. I have a very serious disease"

Opium patient feels that there is something wrong in his organs.

DELUSIONS - disorder, objects appear in.

Opium patients are naturally noise making persons. During suffering he makes noise.

 NOISE - inclination to make a noise

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