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Poems About The Mountains Puisi Tentang Pegunungan

Oh Mountain
Thou high mountain Oh Gunung
Exudes charisma and prestige Engkau gunung yang tinggi
Dashing unspeakable Memancarkan kharisma dan wibawa
Decorating the earth of the Archipelago Gagah tiada terperi

Menghiasi bumi Nusantara

Your peak is so high

Want me to reach out one day Puncak mu begitu tinggi

But my legs are easily tired Inginku jangkau suatu hari
Or indeed you who don't want to be defiled Namun kakiku mudah letih

Atau memang dirimu yang tak mau dikotori

Towering cypress

Upright pine tree looming Cemara tinggi menjulang

Making people in awe Pohon pinus tegak membayang
Beautiful yourself in the scenery Menjadikan insan dalam kekaguman

Indah dirimu dalam pemandangan

A Beautiful Poem about Nature – Hutan Karet

Rubber Forest Daun-daun karet berserakan.

The rubber leaves were scattered. Berserakan di hamparan waktu.

Scattered in the expanse of time. Suara monyet di dahan-dahan.

The sound of monkeys on the branches. Suara kalong menghalau petang.

The sound of the kalong dispelled the evening. Di pucuk-pucuk ilalang belalang berloncatan.

On the shoots of weeds locusts jump. Berloncatan di semak-semak rindu.

Jumping in the bushes of longing. Dan sebuah jalan melingkar-lingkar.

And a circular road. Membelit kenangan terjal.

Twisting rugged memories. Sesaat sebelum surya berlalu

Shortly before the sun passes masih kudengar suara bedug bertalu-talu.

I still heard the sound of the bedug bertalu-talu.


Keindahan Alam – Damai 7. Natural Beauty – Peace

Lihatlah pegunungan Look at the mountains

Menjelang tinggi hingga ke awan Towards high to the clouds

Dihiasi alam pedesaan Decorated rural nature

Dengan sawah sawah yang membentang With rice fields stretching

Di sana hidup dengan damai There live peacefully

Manusia berhati permai Spictorial man

Tak tersentuh hiruk pikuk dunia Untouched by the hustle and bustle of the
Mereka hidup dengan jiwa yang sejahtera
They live with a prosperous soul

Sawah sawah mulai menguning

Rice fields begin to turn yellow
Bagaikan hamparan emas berkilau
Like a sparkling expanse of gold
Hati petani mulai bergembira
The farmer's heart begins to rejoice
Musim Panen segera tiba
Harvest Season is coming soon
Sawah Paddy

Sawah di bawah emas padu Rice fields under solid gold

Padi melambai, melalai terlukai Rice waving, neglecting wound

Naik suara salung serunai Ride the sound of salung serunai

Sejuk di dengar, mendamaikan kalbu Cool to hear, reconcile the heart

Sungai bersinar, menyilaukan mata The river shines, dazzling the eyes

Menyamburkan buih warna pelangi Splashing froth of rainbow colors

Anak mandi bersuka hati Child bath rejoices

Berkejar-kejaran berseru gempita Chasing exclaimed in excitement

Langit lazuardi bersih sungguh Lazuardi sky is clean really

Burung elang melayang-layang Eagles hovering around

Sebatang kara dalam udara A kara bar in the air

Desik berdesik daun buluh Rustle of reed leaves

Di buai angin dengan sayang In the gusto of the wind with affection

Ayam berkokok sayup udara Chickens crowing in the air

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