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LESSONS 1 and 2
COMPLETE: Whole, entire, finished / CARD: A flat, stiff piece of paper or
Completar. pasteboar / Tarjeta.
DEPOSIT: To place money for CASH: Money that a person actually has
safekeeping / Depositar. / Efectivo.
FEEL: To touch, to be aware / Sentir. CHECKBOOK: A book of detachable
FILL OUT: become fuller with letters / forms for a writing bank checks /
Llenar un documento por completo. Chequera.
HIDE: to put or keep out of sight / CHECKING ACCOUNT: Cuenta de
Ocultar. cheques
LOOK: To direct one’s eyes in order to DEPOSIT: The action of placing money
see / Mirar. for safekeeping / Deposito.
LOSE: To become unable to find / FORM: A piece of paper printed in order
Perder. to make an application / Forma
CLOSE / OPEN AN ACCOUNT: Abrir (documento).
cerrar una cuenta. INFORMATION: Any kind of data or
RIGHT AWAY: Right now / Ahora knowledge / Informacion.
mismo. LEMON: A green sour fruit / Limón.
RIGHT HERE: Exactly here / Aqui PASSPORT: An official document to
mismo. travel overseas / Pasaporte.
SAVE: To conserve / Ahorrar. SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Cuenta de
SMELL: Sense of smell / Olor. ahorro
SOUND: That which is heard / Sonido SIGNATURE: A sign. / Firma.
SPEND: To use up, to pay out / Gastar.
TAKE: To get possession of, capture, to
obtain / Tomar, agarrar.
TAKE OUT: Designating or of prepared
food sold as by a restaurant to be eaten
away from the premises / Extraer, sacar
TASTE: To detect the flavor of by the
sense of taste / Probar.
WITHDRAW: To take money out from
the bank / Retirar.
BITTER: Harsh tasting / Amargo
IMMEDIATELY: Right now /
SAFE: Free from damage / Seguro.
SALTY: Of or having salt / Salado.
SOON: In a short time / Pronto.
SOUR: Acid taste, spoiled by
fermentation / Acido.
SWEET: Having a taste of, or like sugar
/ Dulce.
ACCOUNT: Business record / Cuenta
BILL: A statement for charges or goods
or services / Cuenta o factura.

Present Past
hide hid
lose lost
spend spent
take out took out
withdraw withdrew


The present progressive is sometimes used to

express a future action which is expected to happen

will arrive
The plane is going to arrive at 6:00.
is arriving

I spent it all yesterday

It’s the end of the
I don’t have any money because
I lost my wallet
I spent it all yesterday
I don’t have any
Because It’s the end of the month
I lost my wallet

The word because is used to tell the reason for something. It

can come before or after the main clause.


This good
LESSONS 3 and 4
BOTHER: To give trouble to / Molestar CURVE: A continuously bending line, without
BREAK: To smash, split or divide into parts angles. / Curva.
violently; to infringe, ignore or act contrary to (a SEAT BELT: A belt or strap in an automobile,
law, rule, promise, etc.). / Romper. airplane, etc. / Cinturón de seguridad.
DENT: A hollow or depression in a surface, as TICKET: Usually of paper or cardboard,
from a blow. / Abollar. serving as evidence that the holder as paid a fare
HAPPEN: To take place, come to pass; ocurr, to or admission. / Boleto, infraccion.
come to pass by chance. / Ocurrir. TRAFFIC: The movement of vehicles, ships,
KEEP: To hold or retain in one’s possession / persons in an area along the street, etc. / Trafico.
Sujetar, mantener. TRAFFIC JAM: to press or wedge tightly
OBEY: To comply with or follow the commands, between bodies or surfaces,, so that motion or
restrictions, wishes or instructions of: / Obedecer. extrication in made difficult or imposible /
RIDE: To sit on and manage a horse or other Embotellamiento.
animal in motion / Montar. ACROSS: From one side to the other of. /
RUN: To go quickly by moving the legs more Cruzar.
rapidly that at a walk / Correr. BEHIND: At or toward to rear of / En la parte de
STOP: To cease from , leave off, or discontinue / atras.
Parar. CAREFUL: Caution in one’s actions/ Ser
AT FAULT: when something is shortage or cuidadoso.
absence / culpable.. CARELESS: Not paying enough attention to
DIFFERENT FROM: Not equal / Diferente de. what one does. / Descuidado.
IN BACK OF: In the rear part of / En la parte DARK: having very little or no light / Oscuro.
trasera. FACE: The front part of the head / Cara.
IN FRONT OF: The foremost part or surface of FASTEN: To attach firmly or securely in place,
anything/the part or side of anything. / En la parte fix securely to something else / Abrochar cinturón
delantera. de seguridad.
THE SAME AS: in the same manner in a FAULT: Mistake, blame for something wrong /
identical or similar way / Lo mismo que. Falta o infraccion a alguna ley.
ACCIDENT: An undesirable or unfortunate FINE: A sum of money pay as a penalty / Multa.
happening that occurs unintentionally and usually HEAVY TRAFFIC: Like a jam / Trafico pesado.
result in harm, damage / Accidente. INSURANCE: Means the guaranteeing against
AUTO: A passenger vehicle / Carro, automóvil. loss or harm / Poliza de seguro.
AUTOMOBILE: a vehicle designed for LAW: The principles and regulations established
operation on ordinary roads and typically having in a community by some authority and applicable
four wheels and gasoline or diesel internal to its people / Ley.
combustion engine / Carro, automóvil. LEFT: Of pertaining to, or located on or near
BICYCLE: Vehicle with two wheels, usually the side of a person or thing that is turned toward
propelled by pedals / Bicicleta. the west when the subject is facing north /
BIKE: Vehicle of two wheels / Bicicleta. Izquierda.
BUCKLE UP: A clasp consisting of a rectangular LIGHT: Something that makes things visible or
or curved rim with one or more movable tongues affords illumination. / Luz.
, fixed to one end of a belt or strap, used for PLACE: A particular portion of space. / Lugar.
fastening to the other end of the same strap or to POLE: A long cylindrical, often slender piece of
another strap. / Un broche consistente de un wood, metal, etc. / Poste.
rectángulo o borde curveado con uno o más POLICE: An organized civil force for
lengüetas móviles, arregladas para sujetar un maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime
extremo de un cinturón o correa. / Policia.
CAUSE: A person or things that acts, happens, or RIDER: A person who rides a horse or other
exists in such a way that some specific things animal, a bicycle, etc / Jinete o ciclista.
happens as a result; the producer of an effect / RIGHT: Oposite to left / Derecha.
Causa. SIMILAR (TO): having a likeness or
CROSS: A structure consisting essentially of a resemblance / Similar a.
upright and a transverse piece. Place to pass to
other side. / Cruce.
The past progressive is used to show that an action
took place over a period of time.

was studying
was studying last night.
Mark and
were studying

Ask or tell is used with an indirect object + the

infinitive to express an indirect request or
to pay the bill.
Bob to write a check.
to go to the store.



to pay the bill.

I asked to write a
Bob check.
I told to go to the

Bob’s shirt is like Mike’s

Their shirts are alike.

My name is the same as your name

Our names are the same.

Tim’s car is similar to Allen’s car

Their cars are similar.

Army uniforms are different from navy uniforms

Army and navy uniforms are different.

LESSONS 5 and 6

BORROW.- To take or receive (something) FEELING.- The sense of touch 2 the ability
intending to return it / Tomar prestado. to experience physical sensation /
CARE ABOUT.- To feel love or a liking / Sentimiento.
Interesarse acerca de. FRIENDSHIP.- The estate of being friends 2
CARE FOR - Charge; protection; a friendly feeling / Amistad.
responsibility. / Cuidar de. GARAGE.- A shelter for motor vehicles 2 a
ENJOY - To get pleasure from, relish / business place where such vehicles are
Disfrutar. stored, repaired / Cochera o taller mecanico.
FIX - To fasten firmly / Reparar o fijar. OPINION.- A bellef based not on certainty
GUESS - To form a judgment or estimate of but on what seems true or probable / Opinión.
(something) without actual knowledge / PARTY.- A group of people working to
Suponer. promote a political platform or slate, a cause,
HURT.- To cause pain or injury to / Dolor. etc / Fiesta o partido politico.
LEND.- To let another use or have (a thing) ROOMMATE.- A person with whom one
temporarily / Prestar. shares a room or rooms / Compañero de
LIE.- To be or put oneself in a redining or cuarto.
horizontal position / Recostar o mentir. SECRET.- Kept from, or acting without, the
NOT CARE.- No importa. knowledge of others / Secreto.
PARK.- Wooded land held as part of an STORY.- The telling of an event or events;
estate or preserve / Estacionar o parque. account; narration / Historia o narración.
REPAIR.- To put back in good condition; TOOL.- Any hand implement, instrument,
fix; renew / Reparar. etc. used for some work / Herramienta.
SHOULD.- Shall, used to express: GO OUT.- Salir a pasear.
obligation, duty, expectation or probability / HURT (SOMEONE’S) FEELINGS.- Herir
he should be here soon / Deberia. los sentimientos de alguien.
ANYONE.- Any person; anybody; any single A LITTLE WHITE LIE.- Una mentirita
(person) / Alguna persona. blanca.
BADLY.- In a bad manner / Malamente. IN MY OPINION.-. En mi opinion.
Cuidadosamente. STORY, THE TIME, THE TRUTH -
CARELESSLY.- Carefree, untroubled Decir a alguien una mentira, un secreto, una
carelessness / Descuidadamente. historia, la hora, la verdad.
CORRECTLY.- To make right /
TRUTH.- A being true, specific, sincerity,
honesty / Verdad.
EASILY.- With ease 2 without a doubt/
EXCITED.- To make active, stir up /
FAST.- Loyal, devoted / Rapido.
HOW.- In what manner or way / Como, de
que manera.
MAYBE.- Perhaps / Podria, quiza.
SAFELY.- Free from damage / Seguramente.
SLOWLY.- Not quick in understanding 2
taking a longer time than is usual /
SOMEONE.- Somebody / Alguien.
ADVICE.- Opinion given as to what to do,
counsel / Consejo.

Look at the use of the verb tell in these

you a story
him a lie
her a secret
them the truth
us the time


Affirmative sentence.

Elizabeth saw someone at the lab.

Negative sentence.

Peter didn’t see anyone at the lab.


Did you See at the lab?





A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a

word. Many adverbs are formed by adding the suffix -ly
to the adjective.
* Notice the spelling change when the adjective ends
in “y”.
bad badly
careful carefully
careless carelessly
correct correctly
safe ly safely
slow slowly
busy busily*
happy happily*
easy easily*

*Some adverbs have an irregular form.

**Some have the same form for both the adjective and the

*good well
**fast fast


Mary drove fast.

Did Mary drive fast?
How did Mary drive?
LESSONS 7 and 8
APOLOGIZE - To make an apology or WORRIED (ABOUT).-To have anxiety
excuse / Disculparse. for something / Preocupado.
BATHE.-To wash, immerse in water or ALARM CLOCK.-Device which is used
other liquid / Bañarse en tina. to wake somebody up / Despertador.
FILL (UP).-To put as much as can be BAGGAGE.-Bags or articles of a
contained into something / Llenar traveler / Equipaje.
(volumen). BATH.- Act of washing something in
FORGIVE - To exhibit forgiveness / water / Baño.
Perdonar. BATHTUB.-A tub to take a bath in /
HANG.-To suspend / Colgar, suspender. Tina de baño.
HOPE.-Desire accompanied by BILL.-An account for goods sold /
expectation / Desear, esperar con ansia. Cuenta.
MEAN.-To signify / Significar, querer BLANKET.-A soft clothe for a bed /
decir. Manta.
REALIZE.-To perceive clearly / Darse CLOSET.-A place for storing clothes /
cuenta. Armario.
RUN OUT OF.-To exhaust a supply END.-The last part of something / Final.
Agotar algo. GASOLINE.-A volatile and flammable
SPILL.-To cause to fall off (especially liquid used as fuel in engines / Gasolina.
liquid) / Derramar. GAS STATION.-The establishment
STEP (ON).-To put a foot onto where gasoline is sold / Gasolineria.
something / Pisar. GAUGE.-A device for measuring /
WORRY.-To feel anxious / Preocuparse. Medidor, medida.
TAKE A BATH.-To clean one’s body HANGER.-A frame usually plastic to
with water / Tomar un baño. hang clothe / Gancho para ropa.
ALMOST.-Nearly, all but / Casi. LADY.-Any woman / Dama.
READY.-Prepared, available / Listo. LAUNDRY.-Place for washing clothes /
SO.-in the way shown / Ropa sucia, lavanderia
REALLY.-Indeed, in truth / Realmente. PILLOW.-A clothe case filled with
EMPTY.-Containing nothing, vacant / feathers for supporting the head /
Vacio. Almohada.
FULL.- Filled, well supplied, complete / RESTROOM.-A public bathroom / Baño
Lleno. publico.
HARD.- Compact and solid, firm, cruel / SHEET.-A piece of thin clothe used on a
Duro. bed / Sábana.
PLEASED.-To feel content with yourself TANK.-A cistern for storing water or
/ Complacido. other liquid; an armored military land
SOFT.-Smooth to touch / Suave. vehicle / Tanque.
SORRY.-Feeling compassion / Sentir

forget guess hear realize

learn think hope remember
see read know understand
After these verbs indicating mental activity you use a
that noun clause as a direct object. Notice that is

I forgot we had a test today.

I think this movie is boring.

He hopes you’ll come to his party.

Did you remember there is a test today.

Did he understand (that) the movie started at 7?

Do you realize we are leaving tomorrow?

Use an adverbial that clause to express cause or reason after
these expressions.
I am (that) he went there.
After the verb apologize, notice the use the use for + gerund
(verb + ing.).
She was apologizing for bringing him cold food.
He is apologizing to her for loosing her notebook.
Did the motel clerk apologize for giving you the wrong room?


Here are some expressions we use to

apologize to someone.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Excuse me.
I want to apologize.

Here are some expressions we use to respond to an

That’s okay.
No problem.
Don’t worry about it.
That’s all right.
Don’t let it happen again.
LESSONS 9 and 10

BE SUPPOSED TO: Something FINALLY: Coming at the end;

planned or arranged / Suponer. Ultimate and definitive /
DISPENSE: To carry out; Finalmente.
Administer / Distribuir; FOR: In the most general sense,
Administrar. indicating that in consideration of
DROP: To fall or let fall from a which, in view of which / Para, por.
higher to a lower place / Caer, tirar. LAST: Being, coming or remaining
FIND OUT: To discover after all others / Último.
information / Darse cuenta; NO: Not any; Not at all / No.
Descubrir. OUT OF: Away from within a
GET BACK: To return from a space; from the interior, or beyond
place, to receive back / Regresar. the limits or boundary of something
INSERT: To put into, place / / Fuera de, acabar con algo.
Insertar. POPULAR: Widely liked or
LIFT: To raise, elevate / Levantar. appreciated / Popular.
OPERATE: To function STUCK: Adjetive of stick /
effectively, work / Operar. Pegado.
STICK: To fasten or hold fast with UNTIL: Up to the time of; Before a
or as with an adhesive material / specified time / Hasta.
Pegar WHEN: At what time, In what
TEACH: To impart knowledge or period, How long ago, How soon /
skill, to instruct / Enseñar Cuando.
WORK: Exertion or enforce or WHILE: A space of time, when
faculties to accomplish something / short and marked by some action or
Trabajo. happening / Mientras.
AFTER: Behind, later than / CANDY BAR: Hard crystalline
Despues. mass formed by evaporating or
ANOTHER: Being one more in boiling cane sugar / Dulce
addition, being one more of the CHIP: A small piece broken or
same kind / Otro cut off / Fragmento, astilla.
BEFORE: In front, ahead, in COIN RETURN / RELEASE: To
advance / Antes release a coin, to let loose again, to
EVERYWHERE: In or to every set free, to let go / Liberar
place / En todos lados CREAM: The yellowish fatty part
EXACTLY: Accurate, precise / of milk / Crema
Exacto DETERGENT: A cleansing agent,
FAVORITE: A person or thing as water soap, or a soluble or liquid
regarded with peculiar favor / preparation / Detergente.
DIET DRINK: A liquid for sodium carbonate, a flavored,
drinking, Beverage regulated or carbonated soft drink, a
free of sugar / Bebida de dieta. nonalcoholic beverage / Refresco,
CHEWING GUM: Any of a class soda, Bebida no alcoholica.
of colloidal substances, hardening TIME: The period during which an
on drying, extracted from plants, action, process, continues,
and usually soluble in water / Goma measured or measurable duration /
de mascar Tiempo
KNOB: A rounded handle / Chapa, TRAY: A flat, shallow receptacle
Manija. with a raised edge used for
MACHINE: A material carrying, holding or displaying
construction, handwork of a divine articles / Bandeja.
or supernatural power / Maquina. VENDING MACHINE: A lot
NUT: A dry fruit or seed having a machine for vending merchandise /
separable rind or shell and interior Maquina vendedora.
kernel or meat / Nuez WASHING MACHINE: A
OPENING: A making or becoming machine for washing cloth /
open, act of beginning / Abertura. Lavadora.
SELECTION: To choose from OUT OF ORDER: A matching or
among several / Seleccion something that does not work
SODA / SODA POP / SOFT properly anymore / Fuera de
DRINK: Any of various forms of servicio.

a lot of in a soda pop.

There’s a little sugar in juice
no in a diet drink

a lot of in room A.
There are a few students in room B
no in room C


found out
Bill how to fix the car.
told me
asked (me)


Jerry listens to the radio while he studies.

Bonnie saw the new sofa when she came in.
Major Sims will write to us after he arrives home.
James was watching TV before his brother called.
Frank can’t buy a new car until he saves some money.

The students were studying when the teacher walked in.

When the teacher walked in, the students were studying.


I’m relax.
You’re supposed to be on time for class.
He’s wear a seatbelt.
She’s drink and drive.
We’re not supposed to smoke in the classroom.

Am I
he be in this building?
Is supposed to go to lab now?
you report to the captain?
Are we obey traffic laws?

Be supposed to is used to express something that

- - Is planned or arranged
The train was supposed to arrive at 10:30.
The movie is supposed to start at 7:00.
- - Is to be expected (because of duty or law)
Are the men supposed to clean the barracks?
We're supposed to wear our uniforms every day.
- - Be not supposed to is used to express something that is not
allowed or advisable.
You’re not supposed to wear your hats inside the building.
They’re not supposed to watch TV at 2 in the morning.
LESSONS 11 and 12
DECIDE: To make a choice or judgment MALL : A large suburban building or
/ Decidir. group of buildings containing various
INTRODUCE: To present formally / shops with associated passageways /
Presentar. Centro comercial.
LET: To permit / Permitir. NEIGHBOR : One living or located
RECEIVE:To permit to enter; Recibir. near another / Vecino.
SHAKE: To Agitate, the act of shaking PARKING LOT : An area used for the
hands / Agitar, estrechar las manos. parking of motor vehicles /
SHOP: To examine goods or services Estacionamiento.
with intent to buy / Hacer compras. RULE : A prescribed guide for conduct
WRITE DOWN: To record in written or action / Regla, norma.
form / Tomar notas. SHOP : Handicraft establishment, a
AFRAID OF: Filled with fear or building or room stocked with
apprehension / Temer. merchandise for sale / Tienda, comercio.
ALONE: Solitary, isolate from others / SHOPPING CENTER : A group of
Solo. retail stores and service establishments. /
DOWN: Occupying a low position, Centro comercial.
specific lying on the ground / Abajo, STAIRS : A series of steps or flights of
Hacia abajo. steps for passing from one level to
DOWNSTAIRS: Situated on the main another. / Escalera .
lower, or ground floor of a building / SUPPER : The evening meal, a light
Planta baja. meal served late in the evening./ Cena.
EVERYBODY : Every person, everyone VARIETY STORE : A retail store that
/ Todos/as. carries a large variety of merchandise /
EVERYONE : Everybody / Todos/as. Tienda de abarrotes.
POLITE: Maked by an appearance of GO SHOPPING: The action of buy. / Ir
consideration, tact, deference, or courtesy de compras.
/ Cortes, educado. HAVE YOU MET…? : Conoces a...?
UP : Being in a raise position / Hacia HOW DO YOU DO? : Que haces?, A
arriba, arriba, en lo alto. que te dedicas?
UPSTAIRS : Situated aboved the stairs, IT’S A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU:
On a upper floor / Piso superior o de Es un placer conocerte.
arriba. LET ME INTRODUCE: Permitame
ADULT : One that is adult / Adulto. presentarle a..
CAFETERIA : Retail coffee store /
CLOTHING STORE : A store in wich
garments are sold / Tienda de ropa.
handling a particular kind or merchandise
/Tienda departamental.
ESCALATOR : A power driven set of
stairs arranged like an endless belt that
ascend or descend continuously /
Escalera electrica.
FLOOR : Story, the level base of a
room. / Piso, nivel.
INTRODUCTION : Act of Introducing,
a putting in / Presentacion.

Does likes to go to the mall.

Yes, everyone
likes to go to the mall.
No, not


The infinitive form of the verb (to eat, to leave, to

say, etc.) Can sometimes follow an adjective in the
pattern :

Subject + BE + Adjective + Infinitive. The

adjectives in the paradigm follow this pattern.

Ted isn’t ready to leave the party.

Col. Davis will be pleased to speak at graduation.
Calvin was upset to hear about the accident.
Janet is happy to be back in town.
Frank was glad to help Judy move.
Lt. Brooks is sorry to say goodbye to his
Is Linda afraid to live men.

Sometimes we use the simple present tense to

express a future action.

will arrive

is going to arrive
The bus tomorrow.
is arriving



Will arrive

Is going to arrive = arrives

Is arriving
LESSONS 13 and 14

COVER: To put something over the top LOOSE: Not firmly fixed in place /
of something in order to hide or protect Flojo.
it/ Cubrir. QUICK: Moving or happening fast /
HAND OUT: To give something to each Rápido.
member of a group of people / distribuir. SPARE: An additional thing /
HURRY UP: To make someone do Refacción.
something more quickly / Apresurar. TIGHT: Fitting apart of your body very
INFLATE: To fill with air or gas so that closely / Apretado.
it becomes larger / Inflar. AIR: The mixture of gases that we
JACK UP: To lift something heavy of breath / Aire.
the ground using a jack / Levantar con HUB CAP: A metal cover for the center
gato hidráulico. of a wheel on a vehicle / Tapón de llanta.
KEEP: To have something and no need JACK: A piece of equipment used to lift
to give it back / Conservar. heavy things / Gato hidrúlico.
LOOSEN: To make something less tight KEY: A small piece of metal which you
/ Aflojar. put into a lock and turn in order to lock
LOWER: To reduce something in or unlock / Llave.
amount / Reducir en cantidad. LUG: A part of something that sticks out
MIND: To feel annoyed about and can be used as a handle / Birlo,
something / Molestarse por algo. tuerca.
PASS OUT: To faint / Desmayarse. TIRE: A thick, round band of rubber
RAISE: To move something to a higher that fits around the wheel of a car /
position / Levantar algo. Llanta.
REMOVE: To take something away TRUNK: The part at the back of a car
from the place it is / Mover algo de su where you can put bags, etc. / Cajuela.
lugar. WHEEL: One of the round things under
REPLACE: To be used instead of a car that turn when it moves / Rueda.
another thing / Reemplazar. WRENCH: A metal tool with a round
COMMON: Ordinary and not special / end that fits over and turns nuts / Llave
Común. española.
ENOUGH: The necessary degree / DO A FAVOR: To help somebody out /
Suficiente. Hacer un favor.
EXTRA: More of something / Mas de IN A HURRY: Quickly, rápidamente.
algo. OF COURSE: Certainly / Por supuesto.
FLAT: Without raised areas / Plano.

The object of a verb is usually a noun or pronoun.

I like basketball.

The object of a verb can also be a gerund. A gerund is

the Being form of a verb. It is used as a noun.

I like playing basketball.


I like playing basketball.

(gerund phrase)

There are certain verbs that can be followed by gerunds.

starts next week.
The boys moving
enjoy soccer.
Does playing
mind here?
William stopping
didn’t until 7:00a.m.
Sgt. Kline exercising
begin before Peter.
Janet eating
finished along the
The driving
like ocean.

We use could you and would you to make polite

requests (when we need another person’s help).

Polite requests Answers

Yes, of course I can.

Could you please open the door? No, I am sorry, I can’t.

Would you help me with this box? Yes, I’ll be happy to help you.

I’d like to, but I can’t right now.

LESSONS 15 and 16

BE ABLE TO: Use to express ability; can / MARRIAGE: The ceremony by which a
Poder. man and woman become husband and wife /
COLLECT: To bring together, to gather, to Matrimonio.
put / Recoger; Coleccionar. NEPHEW: The son of a brother or sister /
MARRY: To take a person as one’s husband Sobrino.
or wife / Casarse. NEWS: Report of resents events / Noticias.
OWN: To possess, have / Poseer, propio. NEWSPAPER: A paper printed each day,
TAKE (DISTANCE/TIME): To get hold week, and containing news / Periodico.
of; To require / Tomar; Llevar. NIECE: The daughter of a brother or sister /
TYPE: To produce a copy of by means of a Sobrina.
typewriter / Escribir a maquina. OCCUPATION: Work that takes up one’s
WORK ON: To make by labor, to bring attention for a time / Ocupación, trabajo.
about by action / Trabajar en algo. PARENT: Father and mother / Padres.
GET MARRIED: To perform the ceremony RELATIVE: Comparative, whit reference
of marriage between to people / Casarse. to, folks / Relativo, parientes.
WHAT KIND OF WORK DO YOU DO? : SALESPERSON: Person who sell or show
Que tipo de trabajo haces. goods to customers; Seller / Vendedor.
IT TAKES TO: Time required to realize an SECRETARY: One employed to write
action / Esto toma, para. letters and carry out business to anthers or
ARTICLE: A separate object; section of for a society / Secretaria.
document; literary composition in a UNCLE: The brother of one’s father or
newspaper or magazine / Articulo. mother / Tio.
AUNT: Father’s or mother’s sister, an uncles WORK: Effort put out to make or to achieve
wife / Tia. something, labor / Trabajo.
BABY: An infant / Bebe. WRITER: A person that write / Escritor.
BOSS: The master; manager / Jefe. ABOUT: Around; Nearly / A cerca de.
BUSINESS: Trade; Profession / Negocios. FAMOUS: Well known / Famoso.
BUSINESSMAN/WOMAN: Merchant / FAR: Distance, more distance of two /
Negociante. Lejos.
CASHIER: One who has charge o the FROM: Beginning at; out of / De, desde.
receiving and paying of money / Cajero. HOW: In what manner, to what extend /
COLLECTION: The act of collecting; A set Como.
of objects / Colección. PLEASANT: Agreeable; cheerful /
COMPANY: Group of people; Person Agradable, simpatico.
united for trade / Compañía. SINGLE: Unmarried; one only / Soltero,
COUSIN: The son or daughter of one’s solo.
uncle or aunt / Primo; Prima.
DENTIST: One who takes out or care of the
teeth / Dentista.
DRIVER: One who drives / Conductor.
FOLKS: One’s own family / Parientes;
GRANDFATHER: Fathers or mothers
father / Abuelo.
GRANDMOTHER: Father’s or mother’s
mother / Abuela.
GRANDPARENTS: Grandfather and
grandmother/ Abuelos.
MAGAZINE: Publication issued at
intervals, containing articles, stories etc. /

Be able to: Is used to express ability. It is the same as can

John is able to speak three languages.

John can speak three languages.

We’ll be able to leave tomorrow.

We can leave tomorrow

I wasn’t able to go last night.

I couldn’t go last night.
LESSONS 17 and 18

ACHE.- To have or give dull, RUNNY.- Flowing / Fluido, algo

steady pain / Dolor. que fluye.
CATCH.- To seize and hold; SINCE.- From then until now /
capture / Atrapar. Desde.
COME IN.- To enter a room or SOMETIME.- At some
house / Entrar. unspecified of future time/ Alguna
CONNECT.- To join two things vez.
together, or on one thing with or to STILL.- An action that began in
another / Conectar. the past and continue at the present
COUGH.- To expel air suddenly / Todavia.
and noisily from the lungs / Toser. THEN.- At that time / Luego,
RUN.- To go by moving the legs entonces.
faster than in walking / Correr. VERTICAL.- Of or at the vertex /
SEE.- To get knowledge of through Vertical.
the eyes; look at / Ver. APPOINTMENT.- An appointing
SNEEZE.- To exhale breath from or being appointed / Cita.
the nose and mouth in an BACK.- The rear part of the body
involuntary, explosive action / from the nape of the neck to the
Estornudar. end of the spine / Espalda.
ANNUAL.- Of or measured by a BACKACHE.- An ache or pain in
year / Anual. the back / Dolor de espalda.
ANYMORE.- An action that is CHECK UP.- Medical
stopped / No mas. examination/ Examen medico.
HORIZONTAL.- Parallel to the CHEST.- A cabinet with drawers,
plane of the horizon; not vertical/ as for clothes; A part of the body /
Horizontal. Pecho.
IN.- Contained by / Dentro. COLD.- Of a temperature much
OUT.- Away or removed from a lower than that of the human body/
place, position, etc./ Fuera. Frio.
PARALLEL.- Extending in the DOT.- A tiny speck or mark/
same direction and at a constant Punto.
distance apart, so as never to meet/ EARACHE.- An ache in the ear/
Paralelo. Dolor de oido.
angles to a given plane or line./ generally unexpected occurrence
Perpendicular. demanding immediate action /
REGULAR.- Conforming to a rule, Emergencia.
type, etc.; orderly; symmetrical. / EXAMINATION.- Being
Regular, normal. examined./ Examinar.
FEVER.- An abnormally increased STOMACH.- The saclike digestive
body temperature./ Fiebre. organ into which food passes from/
HEADACHE.- A continuous pain Estomago.
in the head./ Dolor de cabeza. STOMACHACHE.- Pain in the
INCH.- A measure of length / stomach or abdomen / Dolor de
Pulgada. estomago.
MIDDLE.- Half way between two SYMPTOM.- Any circumstance or
given points, times, etc./ Medio. condition that indicates the
NURSE.- A person trained to care existence. as of a particular
for the sick, assist surgeons, etc./ disease./ Sintoma.
Enfermera. TEMPERATURE.- The degree of
PAIN.- Physical or mental hotness or coldness of anything /
suffering caused by injury, disease, Temperatura.
grief, etc./ Dolor. ANY LONGER.- An action that
PATIENT.- Enduring pain, began in the past, but it has stopped
trouble, etc, without complaining / at the present / No mas.
Paciente. HOW ABOUT. . .?: Que tal si.
PHYSICAL.- Of nature and all MAKE IT: Hacerla.
matter; material / Fisica. RUN A TEMPERATURE: Tener
PROBLEM.- A question proposed fiebre.
for solution / Problema.

has now.
John had a red car last year.
has had for six months.

is today.
Robert was in New York Thursday.
has been since Monday.


I have I've
You have You've
He has He's
She has She's
It has It's
We have We’ve
You have You’ve
They have They’ve

Has Hasn’t
+ not =
Have Haven’t

The phrase how long is used to introduce

questions about length of time.

EXAMPLES: How long did you stay at the party?

How long will they be on vacation?

How long is the flight to New York?


Like the present perfect tense, the present perfect progressive

tense is used to refer to actions or events that began in the past
and continue into the present.
There is a difference between the two tenses. The present perfect
progressive is closer to the present than the present perfect is. The
present perfect progressive stresses that an action or event is not
finished. It also suggests that it will continue into the future.

EXAMPLE: They’ve been talking on the phone for an hour.

(They’re talking now and may talk for another hour.)

Keith has
Been studying since 4:30.
Ann and bob have
LESSONS 19 and 20

BECOME: Get, transition / Llegar a ser. WHICH: Connective / Cual.

CONFUSE: Not understand / WHO: Connective / Quien.
Confundido. CAUTION: To have careful /
FAIL: To make a mistake / Fallar. Precaucion.
FLASH: Turn it on / Intermitente. CROSSING: Intersection between two
FOLLOW: To continue / Seguir. streets / Crucero.
GET: Become, trancision / Llegar a ser. INSTRUCTOR: Someone who teach
MEAN: Significant of something / something / Instructor.
Significar. INTERSECTION: Places where the
PASS: To pass something / Pasar. roads join / Interseccion.
PULL OVER: To go to the side of the LANE: Place for movement of cars /
sidewalk / Orillarse Carril.
SIGNAL: Something to referene / Señal. MIND: Think / Pensar.
SLOW DOWN/UP: To reduce the speed PEDESTRIAN: People that walk on the
/ Bajar la velocidad o aumentarla. street / Peatones.
SPEED UP: Increase the speed / RAILROAD: Things for the train
Acelerar. movement / Vias del tren.
YIELD: Intersection / Interseccion. RIGHT-OF-WAY: The correct side /
AHEAD: In front of something / Sentido correcto.
Adelante. SIDEWALK: Thing that is used to
AHEAD OF: To go to ahead / Hacia people walk / Banqueta.
delante. SIGN: Something for communicate /
ANYBODY: Any person / Cualquiera. Signo.
ANYONE: Anybody / Cualquiera. SIGNAL: It is used for showing
CAUTIOUS: To be carefully / something / Señal.
Cuidadoso. SPEED: Velocity / Velocidad.
LOST: Not find something / Perder. SPEED LIMIT: The top of the speed /
NERVOUS: Without quit / Nervioso. Limite de velocidad.
NO ONE: Nobody / Nadie. STEERING WHEEL: It is a part of the
NOBODY: No one / Ninguno. car / Volante de carro.
SOMEONE: Somebody / Alguien. STOP SIGN: To show us stop / Señal de
THAT: Connective / Que. alto.
TWO-WAY: Street for two cars / Doble TURN: To move to other place / Virar.
sentido. WAY: Road or a guide / Camino.

Someone and somebody are used in affirmative statements

and questions.

Someone wants to speak to you on the phone.
Somebody forgot to put gas in the car
Can someone please take this book to the library?
Has somebody been using my pen without asking me?

No one and nobody are used in affirmative statements.

No one wants to leave before the general does.
The weather was awful; nobody got to work on time.

Anyone and anybody are usually used in affirmative

and negative statements and affirmative questions.

Anybody can learn another language.
I didn’t know anyone at the party last night.
Can anyone give me a ride home after class?
Was anybody in the office when you got there?

Become and get are used as linking verbs to show a

change in state or condition.

Most captains become Majors (noun).
The homework Confusing (adjective)


An adjective clause is group of words that describes a

noun or pronoun. Adjective clauses begin with who,
which, or that.
Who refers to people.
Which refers to things.
That refers to both people and things.

Ms. Steves is the one who teaches Spanish.
Roper’s is the store which sells tires.
This is the watch that broke last week.
Mr. Dial is the man
that fixed it for me.
LESSONS 21 and 22
CHARGE: To load or fill, to add an SATISFIED: Enough free doubt /
electrical charge / Cargar. satisfecho.
CREDIT: A sum available to one; as in TOO: More than enough /
a bank account; the entry in a account, Intencificador, demasiado.
of payment on a debt / Dar credito. UNHAPPY: Unfortunate, sad,
EXCHANGE: To give or receive wretched / Infeliz.
something for another thing; to ON SALE: A lower price / Oferta.
interchange / Cambiar. BRAKE: Any device for slowing or
GIVE BACK: A previously negotiated stopping a vehicle or machine / Freno.
workers benefit relinquished to BUG: An insect with sucking mouth
management, as for some concession / parts, any small, arthropod / Insecto.
Devolver. CHARGE: A load or burden, a debt,
GREASE: To smear or lubricate with debit or expensive / Cargo.
grease / Engrasar. ENGINE: Any machine that uses
GUARANTEE: A pledge to replace energy to develop mechanical power /
something, if it is not a represented an Motor.
assurance that something will be done FLY: Any of a large group of insects
as specified / Garantizar. with two transparent wings / Mosca.
LEAK: To let a fluid out or in GREASE: Any tick oil substance or
accidentally to pass in or out of a lubricant / Grasa.
container thus / Gotear. GUARANTEE: An assurance that
OIL: To lubricate or supply with oil / something will be done as specified, a
Lubricar; aceitar. guarantor / Garantia.
REFUND: To give back, repay / HOSE: A flexible tube used to convey
Reembolsar. fluids / Manguera.
SATISFY: The needs or desires of: MOTOR: Anything that produces
content to fill the requirements / motion, an engine / Motor.
Satisfacer. NOISE: Any sound loud, disagreeable
STALL: A stop or stand still as a result sound / Ruido.
of some mal function / Pararse. OIL: Any of various, greasy,
TUNE UP: An adjust in, as of an combustible, liquid / Aceite.
engine to the proper condition / Afinar. PART: A portion, segment, etc. of a
WARM UP: To practice or exercise, as whole / Parte.
before going in to a game / Calentar. REFUND: To give back money, etc. /
DISSATISFIED: To fail to satisfy Reembolso.
displease / Insatisfecho. SALES SLIP: A receipt or bill of sale /
GREASY: Containing or like greasy, Nota, factura.
oily / Grasoso. SATISFACTION: A satisfying or
LEAKY: That lets something out or in being satisfied / Satisfecho.
any accidental means of escape / SERVICE: The occupation of a
Gotera. servant, repair / Servicio.
NOISY: Making noise full of noise / TUNE UP: An adjusting, as of an
Ruidoso. engine, to the proper condition /
OILY: Like or containing oil, greasy / Afinacion.

One of the meanings of too is “more than enough”.

Too followed by an adjective and a to-infinitive
means “more than is necessary for a particular

EXAMPLES: The test was too long for us to finish.

(We couldn’t finish the test because it was longer than

These shoes don't fit well. They're too tight.

(These shoes are tighter than they should be in
order to fit well.)


Candy is too sweet

to drink.
for me
Coffee is too bitter
to drive
for the children
Carol was too tired
to get up
It’ll be too early

An infinitive or infinitive phrase placed after a verb tells

the reason for which something is done.

Jim didn’t have any news. He just called to talk.
(He only called because he wanted to talk.)

Beth stopped at the store to buy some milk.

(She stopped because she needed to buy some milk)


Ray moved to save a little money.

Lt. Lee went to talk to the supervisor.

Don't use a pen to mark the answer sheet.

Roger called to invite us to his party.


A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a

word. When the suffix -y is added to noun, the noun becomes
an adjective which means “like”, “full of”, or “characterized
by” something. When the noun ends with “-e” drop the “-e”
before adding ”-y”.


The water was soapy (The water was full of soap.)

cloud cloudy sun sunny

fun funny rain rainy

grease greasy salt salty

+ y =
ice icy snow + y = snowy

leak leaky soap soapy

noise noisy storm stormy

oil oily water watery

LESSONS 23 and 24
ENTERTAIN: To amuse, divert, To have DULL: Mentally slow, stupid, Physically
as a guest / Entretener slow, not sharp / Torpe, chato (sin punta).
FEEL: To touch, examine by handling, to ENTERTAINING: Interesting and
have physical sensation / Sentir, tocar pleasurable, amusing / Entretenimiento.
FRIGHTEN: To make suddenly afraid, FRIGHTENING: Afraid, scare /
scare, to force by scaring / Temer, asustar. Temeroso.
INTEND (TO): To plan, purpose, to mean FUNNY: Causing laughter, humorous /
something to be used to / Tener la Gracioso.
intension de. GREAT: Of much more than ordinary size,
LAUGH: To be amused by, to make fun of extent, much above the average /
/ Reir. Fantastico.
LOVE: To feel love for, to have sexual IMPOLITE: Not polite, discourteous /
intercourse / Amor. Descortes.
PLAN: To make a plan of, to make plans / LOUD: Strongly audible, sounding with
Planear great intensity, noisy / Sonido fuerte.
RECOMMEND: To entrust, to suggest LOUDLY: In a loud manner / Escandaloso
favorably as suited for some position, to (sonido).
advise / Recomendar PROMPT: Ready, punctual / Pronto,
SERVE: To labor as a servant / Servir. repentino.
SPEND: To use up, exhaust, to pay out PROMPTLY: Punctualy /
money / Gastar. Repentinamente.
CARDS: Any of a pack of playing cards / REASONABLE: Able to reason, fair, just,
Tarjetas, Cartas. not excessive / Razonable.
CHANNEL: A frequency band assigned to REASONABLY: Razonablemente.
a radio or television station / Canal. RUDE: Crude, rough, barbarous,
COMMERCIAL: A radio, TV paid discourteous / Rudo, grosero.
advertisement / Comercial. RUDELY: Rudamente
DISH: A container, generally shallow and SHARP: Having a fine or point for cutting
concave / Plato, Platillo. or piercing, not gradual, abrupt / Filoso
ENTERTAINMENT: Something that SINCE: From then until now / Desde
entertains a show / Entretenimiento. TERRIBLE: Causing terror, dreadful, very
LOVE: Strong affection or linking for unpleasant / Terrible.
someone or something / Amor. TERRIBLY: Terriblemente.
PLAN: A diagram showing the WONDERFUL: That causes wonder,
arrangement of a structure / Plan. marvelous, excellent / Maravilloso,
PROGRAM: A list of the acts, speeches, excelente
musical pieces as of an entertainment / COULD: An auxiliary verb generally
Programa. equivalent to can / Pudiera, podria.
VARIETY: A collection of different AS A MATTER OF FACT: De hecho, en
things, a different form of something / realidad.
Variedad. IF YOU ASK ME: Si me pregunta
BORING: Act or process of one who bores (condicional)
/ Aburrido (que aburre). IN FACT: En realidad.
BUSY: Active at work, full of activity /




Jan told
Jim she was out of money.
Her that he had some cash.
Jan I had some cash.
I told


The following prepositions indicate time: at, in, on, before, after,
from, until, till, to, for, and since.

At is used with the time of day, with an age, and with the words
night, first, last, beginning, and end.

at noon, at midnight, at 7:30 a.m.
at the age of twelve
at night, at first, at last
at the beginning, at the end

On is used with days and dates. It can also be used with parts of a
certain day and the words time and schedule.


on Monday, on your birthday

on October 18
on the evening of June 8
on time, on schedule
In is used with quantities of time and with the words beginning
and end.


in ten minutes, in an hour

in a week, in two years
in the beginning, in the end

Before and after are used with time of day, with dates, and with
nouns that name events or occurrences.


before noon after 5:00 p.m.

before December 31, after April 15
before the game, after dinner

After can also be used with a quantity of time.


after six months, after thirty years

From is used with to and till / until to indicate periods of time.


from 1985 to 1993

from May 1 until June 15
from 10:00 a.m. till 5:30 p.m.

Until / till can also be used alone with days, dates, and times.

until next Friday, till next week

until 1997, till August 2
until 10:00 p.m., till midnight

For is used with periods of time.


for half an hour, for three weeks, for one year

Since is used with definite times.


since Sunday, since 6:00 this morning, since 1988

LESSONS 25 and 26
BE OVER: Give an end to something / BREEZE: A light, gentle wind / Brisa.
Terminar. CLIMATE: Average condition of the
BELONG: to be attached or bound / weather at a place / Clima.
Pertenecer a HEAT: That which causes a rise in
BLOW: To move with some force, as the temperature / Calor.
wind / Soplar. HUMIDITY: Moisture, moderate degree
CLEAR UP: To make or become clean / of wetness / Humedad.
Despejar. SEA: One of the larger bodies of salt
EXPECT: To look forward to / Esperar water / Mar.
LAST: Furthest of all from a given THOUGHT: The process or power of
condition / Ultimo. thinking / Pensamiento.
REMAIN: To be left over when the rest WIND: A current or stream of air / Aire.
has been taken away / Permanecer.
SLIP: To escape from, to slide /
STAY: To continue in the place or
condition specified, remain / Quedarse.
CALM: Stillness, quiet / Calmado,
CLEAR: Clean, able to perceive /
DANGEROUS: Risky / Peligroso,
DEEP: Extending far below surface /
DURING: In the time of / Durante.
EVER: At all times / Siempre.
EXCEPT: Otherwise or other than /
FREEZING: Hardened by cold into ice /
FRIGHTENED: Made afraid /
HUMID: Damp, moist / Humedo.
IF: In case that, condition, hence / Si
LIKE: Counterpart / Como.
NO LONGER: That doesn’t happen any
more / Ya no, no mas.
NONE: Not at all / Ninguno.
OCCASIONALLY: Casual, not usual /
QUIET: In a state of rest or calm /
Callado, quieto.
SLIPPERY: Allowing or causing
anything to slip / Resbaloso.
UNPLEASANT: something not
satisfactory of / No agradable.
BEACH: Large mass of salt water with
sand / Playa.

If Clause Main Clause

we drive.

we’re driving
If the weather’s good, to the beach
we’ll drive

we’re going to drive

Main Clause If Clause

can / could

may / might

Tom should come if he doesn’t have to study.

must / has to

is able to
Main Clause If Clause

can / could you

will / would you read my paper if you have time?

are you going to

If Clause Main Clause

how will you tell me?

If you finish early, what will you do?

where are you going?

Conditional sentences have two parts: the if-clause and the

main clause. One type of conditional sentence is used to show what
may / will happen in the present / future if a certain condition
happens. When the if-clause has the present tense, the main clause
uses the present or future tense. Note that the if-clause may come
before or after the main clause.

We have
You haven’t
Studied all afternoon.
He has
She hasn’t

they Studied all afternoon?

The present perfect tense is formed with have or has + the

past participle of the verb. With regular verbs, the past participle is
formed by adding –ed to the verb. With irregular verbs, the past
participle changes its form.



We use past tense to describe situations that happened at

a definite time in the past.

We use present perfect tense to describe situations that

have happened at an indefinite time (or times) in the past, or
situations that have begun in the past and have continued to
the present.
LESSONS 27 and 28
ACCEPT: To receive with a consenting COURSE: The act of moving from one
mind / Aceptar. place to another / Curso.
DISCUSS: To argue presenting the various DECISION: A report of a conclusion
sides of / Discutir. arrived after consideration / Decision
EDUCATE: To develop and cultivate DEGREE: A grade of social advancement,
mentally or morally / Educar. a measure / Rango, grado.
OFFER: Propose, suggest / Ofrecer. DIPLOMA: A writing conferring some
REFUSE: To decline to accept, reflect / privilege, honor or power / Diploma.
Rechasar. DISCUSSION: Consideration of a question
RETIRE: To withdraw from an action or in open debate / Discusion.
danger; to retreat / Retirarse. EDUCATE: To develop and cultivate
TAKE: To get possession or control of / mentally / Educar.
Tomar, agarrar. EDUCATOR: One who educates; a teacher
TALK OVER: To express in speech again / Instructor, maestro.
/ Discutir. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: One above
THINK OVER: To seem or appear / kindergarten and below secondary school /
Pensar, recordar. Escuela primaria
TURN DOWN: To reject, decline / FIELD: A piece of land put to a particular
Rechasar. activity / Area, campo.
ALREADY: Prior to some specified time / FUTURE: That is to be or come hereafter /
Ya. Futuro.
CONFUSED: To perplex, disconcert / GRADE: Relative position or standing, a
Confundido. stage, step / Grado.
CONFUSING: To perplex, to disconcert / MASTER’S DEGREE: A grade of
Confuso. becoming an adept in / Maestria.
INSTEAD: In the place / En lugar. HIGH SCHOOL: One above elementary
INSTEAD OF: In the place of / En lugar school and below college / Secundaria y
de, en vez de. preparatoria.
JUST: Righteous, legally right / Justo, OFFER: To present for action or
legal. consideration, propose / Ofrecer.
MEDICAL: Of pertaining to, or dealing PROFESSION: The occupation to which
with the healing art or science of medicine / one devotes oneself / Profesion.
Medico. PROFESSIONAL: One who engages in
PROFESSIONAL: Following a line of anything professionally / Profesional.
conduct as though it were a profession / REFUSAL: A refusing, rejection; denial /
Profesional. Negacion o rechaso.
SO: Denoting sequence or consequence / UNIVERSITY: An institution organized
Por eso, entonces. for teaching and study in the higher
TECHNICAL: Of or pertaining to the branches of learning / Universidad.
useful or mechanic arts / Tecnico. CHANGE ONE’S MIND: Cambiar de
YET: Before all is done; eventually / Aun. forma de pensar.
ASSOCIATE DEGREE: To join, combine
/ Pasante de alguna carrera.
had an academic degree conferred on him
by a college or university / Licenciatura.
CAREER: A course, field, course of a
persons life / Carrera.
CHOICE: Act of selection / Elegir,
COLLEGE: An institution for special or
professional instruction / Colegio.

We use already to say something happened before now or before

this time. It is used in questions and affirmative statements.

Ed already has a high school diploma.

Mr. Smith is already here.
Are they already in elementary school?

We use still to say that a situation is continuing. It usually goes

in the middle of the sentence with the verb. It is used in questions
and in affirmative and negative statements.

Ed still doesn’t have a college degree.

It was warm yesterday, and it’s still warm today.
Are you still waiting?

We use yet to ask or talk about something that did not happen
before now, but might in the future. It goes at the end of the
sentence. It is used in questions and negative statements.

I’m very hungry. Is dinner ready yet?

Can you wait ten minutes? John isn’t here yet.

We use anymore, any longer, and no longer to say that a past

situation does not exist.
Anymore and any longer are used in questions and negative
statements. They go at the end of the sentence.

Is he in high school anymore/any longer?

She isn’t in the army anymore/any longer.

No longer is used in affirmative statements. It goes in the middle

of the sentence with the verb.

He is no longer a student.
She no longer works at night.


We use the conjunction so to express the result of a situation.


I don’t have any cash, I’ll write a check.


We use the conjunction or to express a choice.

We can charge the gas. We can pay cash for it.

We can charge the gas, or We can pay cash for it.

LESSONS 29 and 30
ADD ON: To cause an increase / Añadir. MICROWAVE: Designating an oven that
BOIL: To bubble up and vaporize by being cooks quickly / Microndas.
heated / Herbir. OVER: So as to cover / Sobre.
BUILD: To make by putting together PATIO: A courtyard open to the sky / Patio.
materials / Construir. PLAN: A diagram showing an arrangement
BURN: To set in fire in order to produce heat of a structure / Plano.
/ Quemar. RECORD: Anything written down and
COULD: An auxiliary generally equivalent preserved / Grabado, registrado.
to can / Podria. ROOM: A space to contain something /
ENLARGE: To become larger / Agrandar. Cuarto.
GET TOGETHER: To come into a state of SHED: A small shelter or storage / Almacen.
having / Juntar. SOLUTION: The solving of a problem /
HEAT: The quality of being hot / Calentar Solucion.
LEAVE: To have remaining behind / Dejar, STEREO: A stereophonic device system /
salir. Estereo.
PLAY: To engage in recreation / Jugar. STORY: A horizontal division of a building /
SOLVE: To find the answer to / Resolver. Piso, nivel, planta.
TAKE: To get possession of / Tomar. SUBURB: A district town, outskirts /
TAKE PLACE: Something being occured / Suburbio.
Tomar lugar. TROUBLE: To cause inconvenience to /
INTERESTED: Feeling or showing interest / Problema.
Interesado (en). WOOD: A thick growth of trees / Madera.
NEAR: At a short distance in space / Cerca.
PERHAPS: Possibly, maybe / Quiza, tal vez.
THEN: Next in time or order / Entonces,
TIRING: To make or become exhausted /
ADDITION: An adding of numbers to get a
sum / Ademas, Suma.
BUILDER: Someone who creates or
developes / Constructor.
CASSETTE: A case with magnetic tape for
recording / Cassette.
DEN: A small room where someone can be
alone / Estudio (habitacion de una casa).
DINING ROOM: A site in the house
specially made for eating / Comedor.
FIRE: The flame, heat, or light of
combustion / Incendio, fuego, fogata.
FIREPLACE: An open place built in the
wall for fire / Chimenea.
GET-TOGETHER: An informal social
gathering or meeting / Reunion.
IDEA: Mental conception or image / Idea.
MEETING: A gathering of people / Reunion,

Could is used to express possibility.

The keys might Be in the kitchen.


The –ing adjective describes the person / thing causing the


The –ed adjective describes the person experiencing /

having the feeling.



(present tense) (past tense)
What did Tom say?
Tom: I know the answer.
Tom said (that) he knew the answer.

A noun clause is used to report what someone has said. This is

called indirect speech or reported speech.

The following changes are made:

1.- The present tense verb in direct speech changes to the past
tense in indirect speech.
2.- The pronouns are changed in indirect speech.
3.- The conjunction that is used to introduce the clause. It is sometimes
CATCH: To seize and hold, capture, to take SEVERAL: A lot of / Varios.
by a trap / Coger, capturar. SLOW: Not quick / Lento.
FISH: To cot or try to catch a fish / Pescar. TWICE: Two times / two times as much or
GO: To move along, travel / Ir, viajar. as many / Dos veces.
HUNT: to kill or catch for food or sport / WHOLE: Not divided up / Todo.
Cazar. COUNTRY: An area of land / Pais.
KILL: To cause de death of, slay, to destroy / DEER: A kind of ruminant / Venado.
Matar, asesinar. DUCK: Small waterfowl with a flat bill /
PRACTICE: To do or engage in frequently / Pato.
Practica. FISH: Any of a large group of cold blooded
PREPARE: To make ready, to quit / vertebrate animals living in water / Pez,
Preparar, disponer. pescado.
SHOOT: To move swiftly over-by / FISHING ROD: Tube for catching a fish /
Disparar. Caña de pescar.
USED TO: To say that something happened GUN: A weapon with a metal tube / Arma de
regularly in the past but no longer happens fuego.
now / Expresion para decir solia, INSTRUCTIONS: Orders or directions /
acostumbraba. Instrucciones.
WOULD: To talk about things that often LINE: A cord, rope, wire / Hilo de cañamo
happened in the past / Expresion que PISTOL: Small fire arm operated with one
manifiesta pasado. hand / Pistola.
IN THE OPEN: In an empty area / A campo PLENTY: Opulence, sufficient / Abundante,
abierto. bastante.
ALL OVER: That is over something / En RIFLE: A gun fired from the shoulder /
todo, sobre todo. Rifle, fusil.
BANG: To hit, shut / Disparar, chocar, SHOT: The act of shooting / Disparo.
golpear. WALK: To go on foot on a moderate pace /
FARTHER: More distant / Mas alla. Caminar.
FURTHER: More distant / Mas avanzado WEAPON: Any instrument used to injure or
HARD: Powerful, difficult to do / Duro, kill / Arm
solido, firme, dificil.
HIGH: Lofty, tall, extending upward distance
/ Alto, elevado.
INDOORS: In or into a building, interior /
LOW: Not high or tall, below the normal
level / Bajo, pequeño.
MORE: Greater in amount, degree / Mas.
ONCE: One time only, at any time / Una vez.
OUT-OF-DOORS: Al aire libre.
OUTDOORS: In or into the open, outside /
Al aire libre.
OWN: belonging or relating to one self /

We use used to to say that something happened regularly or exited in

the past but no longer happens or exist now.

I used to be a student at that college.

Now I'm an instructor there.


We use would when we talk about things that often happened in the

When my sister and I were young, my family would go to the

If the weather was good, we would get up early and go swimming in
the cold river.

Used to is also possible in these sentences.


Use -er for the comparative form of adverbs that don't end in -ly.

John can run faster than his brother.

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