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Eating a diet rich in vegetables may help to protect against certain chronic diseases, such as heart

disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Eating vegetables is a great way to improve your health. They are low in calories and high in fiber,
vitamins, and minerals. Vegetables also contain antioxidants, which help protect against disease. A diet
rich in vegetables may help to prevent chronic diseases and make us healthy and fit.


Vegetables are a rich source of nutrients

Adding vegetables to our daily food routine makes a healthy diet

Having more vegetables instead of oily foods and junk foods helps in weight management

Eating all the varieties of vegetables increases our immune

It is good to eat vegetables regularly to protect our body from diseases.

Our food we intake daily is the source of all essentials namely vitamins, minerals, fibers
and phytochemicals. All food we have nowadays does not do well to our body. Since time being,
vegetables are said to be the source of nutrients and immunity. One who takes right amount of fruits
and vegetables is immune to diseases. Vegetables form a healthy diet which keeps our stomach full for a
longer time. As a result, one doesn’t gain weight even if he overeats vegetables every day. Vegetables
that are healthy and easy to be added in daily food are tomatoes, garlic, broccoli, carrot, spinach and so

Vegetables are said to be the best food for our body. Vegetables have all the essential nutrients
namely vitamins, minerals, fibers and phytochemicals that form resistance to diseases naturally.
Unfortunately, we fail to add these healthy vegetables in our daily meal. The importance of vegetables
can be summarized as follows:

The nutrients rich vegetables maintain the health of our body in a regular pace. Having vegetables daily
ensures the immunity of our body. A meal with vegetables added reduces the possibilities of Arthritis,
Stroke, Heart Diseases and many other serious complications which we think vegetables cannot resist.

Vegetables do not add more calories to your body. Eating a plate full of vegetables is good for your
health; at the same time helps in weight management. As you eat more vegetables, we do not tend to
get hungry easily.

Most of the vegetables have anti-aging properties. Regular consumption of such vegetables ensures a
young look and healthy feeling to our body. Younger looks gives us more confidence.

Vegetables keep our biological cycle very regular. Vegetables regularize the digestive system and
maintain the appetite throughout the day. This keeps us mentally and physically fresh than ever.

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