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APP006-4-2 Software Development Project

LO1 Prepare initial documentation to solve a project problem (A4, PLO6) Proposal

LO2 Work in team to complete joint project within a set period (A3, PLO4) Project Report

Design solution for a given project using appropriate design methodologies (C6,
LO3 Implementation

LO4 Demonstrate complete project as per proposed (A3, PLO5) Presentation

Proposal (10%)
Question Vs Taxonomy
Affective Level
Question No.
Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLO
1 Proposal 100% 6
Total 100%

Project Report (45%)

Question Vs Taxonomy
Affective Level
Question No.
Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLO
1 Project Report 100% 4
Total 100%

Implementation (30%)
Question Vs Taxonomy
Cognitive Level
Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLO
1 Implementation 100 2
Total 100%

Presentation (15%)
Question Vs Taxonomy
Affective Level
Question No.
Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLO
1 Presentation 100% 5
Total 100%
Proposal Submission
Criteria Full Mark Distinction Credit (60%) Pass (50%) Marginal Fail Fail (20%) Zero (0%)
(100%) (80%) (40%)
Proposal Excellent. Met all Very good A detailed Merely descriptive Limited analysis Very poor Not submitted
the requirements proposal. Met all proposal and piece of work. done and failed to content and
(Total: 10 with exceptional the requirements documentation that Some relate to the no visible
Marks) details and smooth with exceptional clearly relates to citations/references problems and issues structure. No
Percentage: flowing details and smooth the problems and noted but either addressed. Some or very
100% information among flowing issues addressed irrelevant outdated. attempts made to do limited
all discussion with information among which mainly can citation / references. citations/
thorough contents. all discussion with be observed from references
Well-structured thorough contents. the content. Many
report without any Well-structured of the
omissions/errors. report with hardly citations/references
Complete any omissions / relevant.
citations/references errors. Most
that are relevant. citations/references
that are relevant.

Final Submission
Criteria Full Mark Distinction Credit (70%) Pass (60%) Marginal Fail Fail (20%) Zero (0%)
(100%) (85%) (40%)
Excellent Good Minor Some Inconsistent in Inconsistent in Inconsistent in
Report: formatting and formatting and inconsistency in inconsistency in formatting and formatting and formatting and
Format & Cite consistent style. consistent formatting and formatting and style. Limited style. Very style. No
Excellent citation style. Good style. Appropriate style. Acceptable citations and limited citations evidence of
(Total: 5 and references citations and citations and citations and references and references citations and
Marks) using Harvard references references using references using using/not using using/not using references.
Percentage: 5% style. using Harvard Harvard style. Harvard style. Harvard style. Harvard style.
Report: Excellent Very good Good analysis and Appropriate Average analysis Very poor No evidence of
application of application of design that clearly application of and design done analysis and analysis and
required required relates to the required with many design done design done.
(Context, technical analysis technical information technical errors/omissions, with major
DFD0,DFD1, and design analysis and gathered with analysis and but relates to the errors/omission
Data models was design models minor design modelling information s.
details to reflect was details to errors/omissions with some addressed.
Dictionary, information reflect errors/omissions,
Flow Chart) gathered. information and relates to the
(Total: 20 gathered. information
Marks) gathered.
Excellent Good progress Appropriate A descriptive A very limited A very poor No evidence of
Report: progress report. report. Detail progress report. progress report information progress report. any weekly
Weekly Detail of of discussion Had most of detail and had most of available in Or incomplete progress report
discussion available in discussion and weekly progress progress report and weekly progress submitted.
available in the the report and weekly progress report. some of weekly report
(Total: 5 report and had had enough report. progress report are submitted.
Marks) enough weekly weekly missing.
Percentage: 6% progress report. progress
Report: Excellent Good Appropriate Acceptable Minimal Very poor No evidence of
explanation on explanation on explanation on the explanation on explanation on the explanation on any SDLC
the SDLC. the SDLC. SDLC. Acceptable the SDLC. SDLC. General the SDLC. explanation
(Total: 5 Excellent Gantt Good Gantt Gantt charts done Acceptable Gantt Gantt charts done General Gantt and Gantt
Marks) charts done using charts done using the charts done using using the charts done Chart.
Percentage: 6% the appropriate using the appropriate the appropriate appropriate using the
software with appropriate software with software with software with appropriate
breakdown of software with breakdown of tasks breakdown of general breakdown software with
tasks clearly breakdown of shown. tasks shown. of tasks shown. no breakdown
shown. Realistic tasks clearly of tasks shown.
timelines and shown.
sequencing of Realistic
tasks. timelines and
sequencing of
Report: Excellent testing Good testing Appropriate testing Acceptable Limited testing Very poor No evidence of
plan. Excellent plan. Detail plan. Appropriate testing plan. plan. Minimal testing plan. any testing.
explanation on explanation on explanation on the Have average explanation on the Minimal
(Total: 5 the testing been the testing testing been done. explanation on testing been done. explanation on
Marks) done. been done. the testing been the testing been
Percentage: 6% done. done.
Report: Excellent Good Appropriate Acceptable Limited codes and Very poor No evidence of
significant codes significant significant codes codes and no explanation. codes and no any codes.
and explanation. codes and and explanation. explanation. explanation.
Code explanation.
(Total: 5
Percentage: 5%
Implementati Excellently Meets all or Most of the Some functions Some functions Major No evidence of
meets all almost all functions were were available; were not available; components system
requirements requirements available; system system can be some of the were not implementatio
System listed; system listed; system executes fine with executed but functions does not developed; user n done.
(Total: 20 executes fine executes fine minor errors but contain some work due to interface is
Marks) without any with very able to produce the errors that obvious errors. designed but
errors. Shows minimum output. produces does not
Percentage: excellent errors. Shows unexpected function.
22% innovativeness good result or output.
and originality of innovativeness
the system and originality
implemented. in the system
Implementati Excellent design Good design Appropriate design Acceptable Limited design of Very poor No evidence of
of interface and of interface of interface and design of interface and design of screen and
details and details explanation. interface and missing interface and user manual
Screen & User explanation. explanation. explanation. explanation. missing done.
manual explanation.
(Total: 10
Presentation Able to present Able to Able to present Able to present Barely able to Unable or Did not attend
with in-depth present with clearly and answer with some present clearly and barely able to presentation.
(Total: 15
understanding in-depth most questions hesitation and mostly illogical present and
Marks) and answer all understanding accurately. Able to answer some answers provided answer any of
Percentage: questions and answer all trace the codes and questions or barely able to the question
17% correctly together questions with work done; and/or logically. Able to answer some of the asked. Not able
with significant minimal able to execute the trace some codes questions asked. to trace any of
opinion. omissions. In- program; and/or / work done with Barely able to trace the codes /
Thorough depth able to explain and hesitation; and/or the codes / work work done;
understanding of understanding shows a good able to execute done; and/or dad and/or did not
the codes / work of the codes / understanding of the system. difficulty in know how to
done; and/or able work done; how the system executing the execute the
to execute the and/or able to works. system. system.
program; and/or execute the
able to explain program;
and argues the and/or able to
work submitted. explain and
argues the

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