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 d. who
Here are the answers to the Vocabulary part of the In the sentence, “who” is being used to refer to the
CSE Professional Reviewer: person who saw the speaker in person. This is
because the sentence is describing a specific
21. c.  “hilo” ang kasingkahulugan ng “liyo” person with a particular role (a doctor), and “who”
22. b. “pamalo” ang kasingkahulugan ng “pamipi” is used to introduce essential information about
23. a. “mahanap” ang kasingkahulugan ng that person.
24. e. “panunukso” ang kasingkahulugan ng  
25. c. “kontrahin” ang kasalungat ng “katigan” 43. c. ought
26. d.  “living luxuriously” is what the idiom “living In this sentence, “ought” is used as a modal
like a maggot” means auxiliary verb to express obligation or duty. It
27. a. “exaggerating” is what the idiom “inflating suggests that there is a moral or social expectation
the cow” means that something should be done about the
28. b. “will have both positive and negative suspicious transactions.
effects” is what the idiom “cut both ways” means  
29. e. “get revenge” is what the idiom “even the
score” means 44. b. off
30. c. “examine something thoroughly” is what the The phrasal verb “live off” means to depend on or
idiom “do something with a fine-toothed comb” survive on something, usually with financial
means connotations. In this sentence, the subject Marie is
31. d. unpalatable is an antonym of luscious depending on juice as her primary source of
32. b. demand is a synonym of exigency sustenance for the purpose of losing weight.
33. a. tidy is an antonym of disheveled
34. c. pay out is a synonym of disburse
35. d. dull is an antonym of keen 45. b. appropriate
36. c. wasteful is a synonym of profligate The adjective “appropriate” means suitable or
37. e. soft is an antonym of vociferous fitting for a particular situation, and it is often used
38. b. middle-class is the meaning of bourgeois to describe behavior that is acceptable or proper in
39. a. abundant is a synonym of copious a given context. The rules should encourage
40. c. unplanned is a synonym of extemporaneous behavior that is considered suitable or fitting in the


Here are the answers to the Grammar and Correct
46. e. pride – stalked
Usage part of the CSE Professional Reviewer:
A “pride” is the term used to describe a group of
41. e. such as lions, and “to stalk” means to hunt stealthily or
The sentence is indicating that “professionals” is a pursue quietly. Therefore, “pride – stalked” is the
category of people, and two specific examples of most appropriate choice to describe how the lions
professions within that category are “lawyers” and hunted the herd of deer in the sentence.
“teachers”. The phrase “such as” is commonly used
to introduce examples, and in this sentence, it is
appropriate to use “such as” to indicate that
lawyers and teachers are just two examples of the
many professions that fall under the category of
47. a. price – prize 52. e. Since we have a game today, we have to
The noun “price” refers to the cost of something, leave campus early.
while “prize” refers to something that is awarded This sentence effectively communicates the
to a winner. In this sentence, “price” and “prize” necessary information in a clear and concise
are used to describe what made the winner jump manner, with proper punctuation to separate the
for joy. It is possible that the winner won a valuable dependent clause at the beginning of the sentence
or rare prize that they had been hoping to acquire. from the independent clause that follows.
48. c. advised – advice 53. c. We had a campout and ate lots of foods,
The verb “advise” means to give counsel or burgers, fries, pizza, chicken, and spaghetti.
guidance, while the noun “advice” refers to the This sentence uses proper punctuation to separate
recommendations given. In this sentence, the IATF the list of foods with commas and a conjunction, to
(Inter-Agency Task Force) is advising the local separate the list from the main clause.
government units to seek the advice of adept
medical specialists to address the worsening
pandemic.  54. d. The park had many attractions; it had a
rollercoaster, a Ferris wheel, a merry-go-round,
49. d. worth – worthy and a wild river ride.
“Worth” refers to the value or importance of This sentence uses a semicolon to separate the
something or someone, while “worthy” means introductory clause from the main clause and
deserving respect, attention, or admiration. The commas to separate the items in the list of
sentence is saying that it is not a good thing to try attractions, making it a clear and concise sentence.
to prove your own value or importance by making
other people feel like they are not deserving of 55. a. Miss Dela Vega had gone to the United
respect or attention.  Kingdom to try to find a high-paying job.
This sentence uses the past perfect tense “had
50. b. has started – seem gone” to indicate that the action of going to the
The correct answer is “has started – seem” because United Kingdom occurred before the time of the
the sentence is referring to a present situation that main clause, which is in the past tense (“to try to
began in the past and is still ongoing. “Has started” find”). The phrase “to try to find” is also correctly
is in the present perfect tense, which is used to used to indicate the purpose of the action. Option
describe an action or event that began in the past b is also acceptable, using the simple past tense
and continues up to the present. Furthermore, the “went” and the phrase “to try and find” to indicate
verb “seem” is in the present tense, which matches the purpose of the action. However, “try to find” is
the tense of “has started.” Therefore, the correct generally considered more correct than “try and
answer is “has started – seem” to accurately find” in formal writing.
convey that the pandemic’s impact is an ongoing  
situation and that health experts have found some 56. b. communications tools made to
reason to be optimistic despite the challenges. The correct phrase should be “communication
tools designed for.” “Made to” implies that the
51. a. You’ll need to turn left on Aguinaldo Street; communications tools were created with the
it’s the third house on the right. specific purpose of satisfying the demands of
This sentence is correctly punctuated and people who require more flexible communication
effectively communicates the necessary services, which may not necessarily be the case. On
information in a clear and concise manner. the other hand, “designed for” implies that the
communication tools were created with the
intention of meeting the needs of individuals who
require flexible communication services. This
phrase accurately reflects the purpose of Facebook
Messenger as a communication tool.
57. a. Here comes the handsome candidates 1. Haidee reached the office at 10 am after sending
It should be “Here come the handsome the package.
candidates”. The correct verb form to use with  
“candidates” (plural) is “come,” not “comes.”
“Come” is the third-person plural form of the verb 63. c. 34125
“to come,” which matches the subject-verb 3. In Willamette National Forest, there is a big lake.
agreement in this sentence. 4. A heavy rain made the lake overflow forcefully
58. a. With little patience through the waterway.
It should be “With a little patience”, which implies 1. Its current was very powerful and could take
that the speaker believes that a small amount of away big tree trunks
patience is necessary to overcome difficult 2. Some children were playing on the bank of the
circumstances. Without the article “a,” the waterway.
phrase “With little patience” may be interpreted 5. A man noticed the children and rushed to save
as the speaker lacking patience, which is not the them.
intended meaning of the sentence.  
59. c. to your crews’ welfare 64. e. 51324
It should be “to your crew’s welfare”. The use of 5. Leah’s business is not about her competition and
the possessive “your” before “crew” suggests that how to beat them.
the manager is referring to a specific group of 1. It is also not about the prices that she charges
employees who work under their supervision. for her goods.
 60. e. No error 3. She made sure that it’s not just about the
products and services that she offers.
2. Leah’s business is all about her customers’
Here are the answers to the Paragraph 4. After all, her customers are the ones that will
Organization part of the CSE Professional Reviewer: decide if her business goes boom or bust.
61. d. 34512
3. The egg-salmon combo is one of the latest
weight-loss fads.
4. People are going nuts over this wonderful
addition to an everyday weight loss diet.
5. Some people insist that they’ve seen no
difference after trying this tasty combination.
1. Others recommend it as an excellent way to lose
extra weight.
2. While nutritionists have yet to prove whole eggs 65. b. 31245
and salmon support weight loss, there’s data they 3. Tagged as a principal suspect in the Perkins
may play a role. murder case was a certain Andrew Simmons.
  1. The suspect was a construction worker of a
certain Ms. Tannehill, owner of an unfinished
62. a. 25431 commercial unit.
2. Some stuff had to be sent to Haidee’s parents. 2. Simmons immediately fled after the incident and
5. However, she hasn’t prepared them yet. managed to hide from the police up to this date.
4. Therefore, she had to pack them all first and 4. Before the discovery of the victim’s body, Harold
place them inside a box. Perkins was reported missing by his wife.
3. After that, she spent almost an hour at the Post 5. One week later, the NYPD received an
Office. anonymous call about a lifeless body found inside a
black body bag. 
66. c. 25314 waste of time.
2. On weekends, I do the laundry in the morning. 1. Let us view it instead as a special way to
5. Then I work out for at least an hour. reconnect with our sense of appreciation for our
3. After that, I go and read some books. countless blessings in life.
1. I used to play video games on my computer.  
4. It was a high-end desktop but now it doesn’t
work. 70. d. 32154
  3. In my hometown, the best sandwich comes from
Saul’s Deli.
67. c. 42135 2. When you walk into Saul’s, you’ll see a big deli
4. In our country, one of the most urgent problems case in front of you, filled with every kind of filling,
facing the government today relates to agriculture. side dish, and treat you could hope for.
2. The first fact to consider is that over 60% of the 1. I always get a whitefish sandwich on rye, which
population lives in rural communities. means that I get to watch the cook slice the thick,
1. In these rural areas, 80% of the available brown, loaf of bread, heap whitefish onto it, and
agricultural land suffers from dryness and lack of slather the thing with brown mustard.
irrigation. 5. Every sandwich comes with an amazing dill
3. As a result, the crops are usually marginal with pickle that pops when you bite into it.
hardly enough production to feed the farmers’ 4. With all this to offer, Saul’s can’t be beaten for a
families. good sandwich.
5. And without irrigation, agricultural production is
wholly dependent on uncertain rainfalls.
Here are the answers to the Reading
68. a. 41325 Comprehension part of the CSE Professional
4. The rapid growth of the earth’s human Reviewer:
population is the most important problem that the
world needs to address. 71. a. He has grown a lot in the four years he was
1. Thousands of new people are born on our planet asleep.
every day. Explanation: Based on the fact that Jake’s pajamas
3. The number of inhabitants in the world has do not fit, the most likely conclusion is that he has
already reached six billion. grown a lot in the time he was asleep.
2. If the present growth rate remains unchecked,  
the world may soon face widespread starvation.
72. d. Jake dreams about flying over the
5. Poverty, serious health problems, and even an
increase in crimes could follow.
Explanation: “Jake had a feeling he was soaring
above his neighborhood, looking down at the
69. b. 54231 houses and streets below him.” So, the correct
5. Much research has been done into the power of chronological order of events is:
positivity. d. Jake dreams about flying over the neighborhood.
4. Researchers have found that people tend to feel a. Jake dreams about sleeping for four years.
happier when they take the time to write down e. Jake dreams about seeing his adult sister.
things for which they feel grateful. c. Jake dreams about playing baseball for the
2. It has also been found that going out of one’s Dodgers.
way to thank others, either personally, written b. Jake dreams about having lunch with Tom
letters, or instant messaging, also creates a deep- Cruise.
rooted boost in happiness.  
3. So, next time our birthday comes around, let’s
not look at penning those thank-you notes as a
73. e. He does not want to sleep his life away. by emphasizing their experience and expertise in a
Explanation: Jake leapt out of bed at the end of the particular field, or by convincing the audience that
story because he did not want to sleep his life they have their best interests at heart.
away. In his dream, he had slept for four years and  
missed out on a lot, and he did not want to make
the same mistake in real life. This is evident from 79. e. pathos, ethos, and logos altogether
the following line in the story: “He jumped out of Explanation: Jared uses logos by providing a
bed, determined not to sleep his life away.” statistic about the current state of unemployment
  in the city and his own track record of job creation.
He also uses ethos by emphasizing his experience
74. c. Teenagers should not let opportunities pass as a CEO and suggesting that he can use that
them by. experience to create jobs for the city. Finally, he
Explanation: The author emphasizes the uses pathos by implying that if the current mayor
importance of making the most of the time that remains in office, more people will lose their jobs,
teenagers have, and not wasting it by sleeping which could evoke fear and concern in the
through it. The main message of the story is that audience.
life is short and teenagers should not miss out on  
the opportunities that are available to them.
  80. d. logos only
Explanation: Logos is the use of logical arguments,
75. b. Life is Full of Important Things to Do facts, and evidence to persuade an audience.
Explanation: Option b, “Life is Full of Important Ethos, on the other hand, refers to the credibility
Things to Do” could be a possible title for the story, and trustworthiness of the speaker, while pathos
as the message of the story is about not wasting refers to the use of emotions to persuade an
time and taking advantage of opportunities. The audience.
story emphasizes that there are important things  
to do in life, and sleeping excessively can cause one
to miss out on those opportunities. 81. c. Bungee jumping cords
  Explanation: Although Kevlar is known for its
strength and durability, it is not typically used in
76. a. pathos bungee jumping cords. Bungee jumping cords are
Explanation: The author explains that pathos: “is a typically made of elastic materials, such as latex
speaker’s way of connecting with an audience’s rubber, due to their ability to stretch and recoil.
emotions.” The author then gives two examples: a Kevlar is not an elastic material and is not well-
candidate who uses fear to gain votes and a charity suited for this type of use. While Kevlar has been
that makes you feel pity to get money. used in a variety of products such as body armor,
  sporting equipment, and brake pads, there is no
evidence to suggest that it has been used in
77. e. An audience is more likely to trust a speaker bungee jumping cords.
who uses evidence to support his argument.  
Explanation: The more facts a speaker includes in
his argument, the more likely an audience is to 82. a. 1975
think that he is educated and trustworthy. Explanation: It is stated in the second paragraph
  that the first bulletproof vest was invented by
Richard Armellino in 1975.
78. c. ethos  
Explanation: According to the author, the speaker’s
way of convincing the audience that he/she is a 83. e. All of the above
credible source is through the use of ethos. Ethos Explanation: Kevlar is known for all of the above
refers to a speaker’s credibility and characteristics: strength, durability, heat
trustworthiness, and a speaker can establish ethos resistance, and stopping bullets. 
84. d. Stephanie Kwolek 90. e. tires
Explanation: As stated in the 3rd paragraph, during Explanation: Kwolek was trying to improve the
one of the steps in the process, Kwolek created a strength of tires when she invented Kevlar.
milky white solution by mixing two chemicals that  
were often used in the process. This solution was
usually thrown away, but Kwolek convinced one of ANALOGY:
the technicians to help her test it. They were Here are the answers to the Analogy part of the
amazed to discover that the fabric that Kwolek had CSE Professional Reviewer:
created was not only more durable than nylon, but 91. b. prisoner
was more durable than steel. Kwolek had invented The analogy draws a relationship between two
Kevlar. pairs of
  words: “principal” and “teacher,” and “marshal” an
85. b. A shortage in the gasoline supply d “prisoner.” In the first pair, the principal is
Explanation: Stephanie Kwolek was working for someone who is in charge of a school, while a
DuPont and searching for a lightweight yet strong teacher is someone who works under the
fiber that could be used in tires. During the principal’s supervision. In the second pair, a
process, she discovered Kevlar which was later marshal is someone who is in charge of enforcing
used to make bulletproof vests. the law and maintaining order, while a prisoner is
  someone who is under the marshal’s authority and
86. b. rifle rounds  
Explanation: The vest made of 15 layers of Kevlar
with no steel plates could stop handgun rounds 92. d. proletarian
and revolver rounds but may not be able to stop The words in this analogy are related by being
rifle rounds. antonyms or opposites of each other. “Summit” is
  the top of a mountain, while “bottom” is the
opposite or lowest point.
87. c. it was resistant to fire Similarly, “bourgeois” refers to the middle or upper
Explanation: Asbestos was used in buildings class, while “proletarian” refers to the working
because it is resistant to fire and heat. It was class.
thought to be an ideal material for insulation and  
fireproofing due to its ability to resist high
temperatures without burning or melting. 93. a. pragmatic
  The connection between the words in this analogy
is that they are antonyms, with “murky” being the
88. a. Over half opposite of “clear” and “quixotic” being the
Explanation: According to the article, over half of opposite of “pragmatic.”
American police officers are estimated to wear  
bulletproof vests daily. So the answer is (a) Over
half. 94. e. tissue
  The relationship between the words in this analogy
is that a molecule is made up of atoms, and a tissue
89. e. Five times as strong is made up of cells. A molecule is the smallest unit
Explanation: Kevlar is a synthetic polymer that is of a compound that retains its chemical properties,
about five times stronger than an equal weight of while an atom is the smallest unit of matter that
steel. This information is mentioned in the second retains its chemical properties. Similarly, a tissue is
paragraph of the article: “Kevlar is a synthetic a group of cells that work together to perform a
polymer that is five times stronger than an equal specific function, while a cell is the basic unit of life
weight of steel.” that performs all the functions necessary for living
or significance, simplistic.
Likewise, “Quiet” and “Taciturn” are synonyms.
95. b. cube “Quiet” means making little or no noise, while
This analogy compares the relationship between “Taciturn” means reserved or uncommunicative.
two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. A  
circle is a two-dimensional shape, and a sphere is a
three-dimensional shape that has the same 100. b. Harrow : Gardener
curvature all around its surface. Similarly, a square The first pair of words is “Plough” and “Farmer.” A
is a two-dimensional shape, and a cube is a three- plough is a farming tool used for tilling the soil, and
dimensional shape that has the same length, width, a farmer is a person who cultivates crops or raises
and height. livestock. The second pair of words is “Harrow” and
  “Gardener.” A harrow is a gardening tool used for
cultivating the soil and removing weeds, and a
96. c. Frond : Palm gardener is a person who tends to and cultivates a
The analogy here is that the first term in each pair garden. In other words, just as a farmer uses a
is a part or characteristic feature of the second plough for farming, a gardener uses a harrow for
term. A quill is a characteristic feature of a gardening.
porcupine, as porcupines have quills on their  
bodies for protection. Similarly, a frond is a
characteristic feature of a palm, as palms have 101. a. 0.6
large, divided leaves known as fronds. To understand the relationship between 20/100
  and 20%, we need to know that percent means
“per hundred”. Therefore, 20% can be written as
97. d. Self-centered : Egocentric 20/100 or 0.2. Using the same logic, to find the
The relationship equivalent of 9/15 as a decimal, we need to find
between “uneasy” and “anxious” is that of what fraction of 100 it represents. We can do this
synonyms – they both convey a sense of worry, by dividing both the numerator and denominator
apprehension or discomfort. Similarly, the of 9/15 by 3:
relationship between “self- 9/15 = (9 ÷ 3) / (15 ÷ 3) = 3/5
centered” and “egocentric” is also that of Now we can express 3/5 as a decimal by dividing
synonyms. Both words describe a person who is the numerator by the denominator:
overly focused on themselves and their own 3 ÷ 5 = 0.6
interests, often at the expense of others.  
102. c. 7 9/10
98. d. Lavish : Simple The pattern to this number series is +1, +3/4, +1/2,
The relationship +1/4, +0. Starting from the whole number “1”,
between “Morose” and “Jubilant” is that they every subsequent number is then added a number
are antonyms, meaning they are words with that is deducted by 1/4.
opposite meanings. “Morose” means gloomy or  
sullen, while “Jubilant” means joyful or exuberant.
Likewise, “Lavish” and “Simple” are antonyms. 103. a. 36
“Lavish” means extravagant or luxurious, while The number pairings are from the product of the
“Simple” means plain or basic. numbers multiplied by itself starting from the
  number 2 and omitting the number “4”.
2×2 = 4, 3×3 = 9, 5×5 = 25, 6×6 = 36
99. e. Quiet : Taciturn  
The relationship between “Dull” and “Jejune” is
that they are synonyms, meaning they have similar
meanings. “Dull” means lacking interest or
excitement, while “Jejune” means lacking interest
104. b. XVII is Z (three letters backward from C). Therefore, the
The pattern is a sequence where each term correct answer is option (d) YFZ.
increases by 3. Starting with V (5), we add 3 to  
get VIII (8), then 3 more to get XI (11), and so on.
We add 3 to the previous term to get the next term 107. a. 729
in the sequence. 1331 is divisible by 11 and 729 is divisible by 9.

105. e. W26 108. b. two : binary

In the sequence, the letters follow the order of the In the given analogy, the first word “ten” is related
English alphabet, and the numbers follow a to “decimal” as they are equivalent in numerical
decreasing pattern, decreasing by 3 at each step. value, where “ten” is a base-10 number system and
So, starting with U32, we move to the next letter V “decimal” refers to the base-10 numbering system
and subtract 3 from the number to get V29. that uses ten digits from 0 to 9. Similarly, “two” is
Continuing this pattern, we can find the missing related to “binary” as “two” is a base-2 number
number: system and “binary” refers to the base-2
numbering system that uses two digits, 0 and 1.
o U32
o V29 Option A, “five : quince,” is not correct as “quince”
refers to a fruit, and there is no direct numerical
o W26 relation between “five” and “quince.” Option C,
o X23 (subtracting 3 from the previous “four : quartet,” is also incorrect as “quartet” refers
number) to a group of four people or things and is not
o Y20 (subtracting 3 from the previous related to numerical values. Option D, “eight :
number) octagon,” is not correct as “octagon” refers to a
Therefore, the number that should fill the blank is shape with eight sides, which is not directly related
W26, which is the next number in the pattern, to numerical values. Option E, “seven : septet,” is
following the letter W and decreasing by 3 from the not correct as “septet” refers to a group of seven
previous number X23. people or things and is not related to numerical
106. d. YFZ 109. e. VE7
The pattern in this series involves moving The sequence follows two patterns: one for the
backward by one letter in the alphabet for the first letters, and one for the second and third
1st letter, by two letters for the 2nd letter, and by characters.
three letters for the 3rd letter.  
For the first letters, the sequence goes in reverse
So, starting with CNL, the next letter in the alphabetical order, starting with Z, then Y, X, W,
sequence would be a letter that is one letter and V.
backward from Z for the first letter, two letters  
backward from H for the second letter, and three
letters backward from C for the third letter. For the second and third characters, the sequence
  follows a pattern of alternating letters and
numbers in alphabetical order. The first letter is A,
Using this pattern, we can see that the next letter and then the next letter is C, and so on. The first
after ZHC would be YFZ, where the first letter is Y number is 5, and then the next number is 4, and so
(one letter backward from Z), the second letter is F on. The missing second and third characters in the
(two letters backward from H), and the third letter sequence are U and E, and the only answer choice
that has U and E in alphabetical order with a 115. c. Having a mobile phone is not a needless
number that follows the pattern of -1, +2, -3, +4 is expenditure
e. VE7. This is because the statement says that having a
  mobile phone is not a luxury, and all luxuries are
needless expenditures. Therefore, having a mobile
110. c. 120 phone cannot be a needless expenditure.
From the last number in the sequence (6), multiply  
it by 5, then the following number by -1,
descending all the way to 1: 116. a. Only Assumption I is implicit
6 x 5 = 30 Assumption I directly follows from the statement
30 x 4 = 120 while Assumption II is a suggestion and does not
120 x 3 = 360 tell about a government policy or its position of
360 x 2 = 720 funds.
720 x  1 = 720  
117. d. Neither I nor II is valid
LOGICAL REASONING: Conclusion I is not valid because of the fact that
Here are the answers to the Logical Reasoning part other camera companies may have such kinds of
of the CSE Professional Reviewer: manufacturing units. Conclusion II also is not valid
because the given statement talks about the
111. d. Neither I nor II follows camera, not the photographer.
Since one premise is negative, the conclusion must  
be negative. So, neither conclusion follows.
  118. b. Only conclusion II is valid
According to the given statement, to get quality
112. a. Only conclusion I is valid education, one needs to spend much and The
The statement tells that the Jam is the only Philippines is spending much for quality education.
daughter of their parents. This means that she has Therefore, it is for sure that the quality of
obviously no sisters. So the direct conclusion is I. education is going to improve in the near future.
On the other hand, we do not have any idea about Hence conclusion II is valid. Conclusion I, however;
the brothers of Jam. Hence II conclusion may or is irrelevant related to the statement.
may not be true.  
119. b. Only conclusion II is valid
113. b. Frank people give straight facts The statement clearly talks about the Jade plant
Based on the given statement, assumption b. not any other so conclusion I is not valid. It’s the
“Frank people give straight facts” can be inferred nature of the Jade plant to survive on less water.
as correct. This is because the statement mentions  
that “everything he says is accurate,” implying that
Shannon speaks the truth and does not lie or 120. e. Both I and II are implicit
sugarcoat his words. The advertisement tells the different ways in which
  the liquor can be drank. This means that different
people prefer to have it in a different way and that
114. a. Only conclusion I is valid some people would prefer it only because it can be
Encroachment should not be there in anyone’s taken in a particular manner.
private matters does imply the same meaning as  
told in the given statement but we clearly do not
know about the presence of professional life under 121. c. Many Filipino drivers lack road discipline
personal matters. Conclusion c. “Many Filipino drivers lack road
  discipline” is a concrete answer based on the given
statement. The statement implies that many
Filipino drivers are deliberately violating traffic 124. e. Many families do not have the capability
rules, which suggests that they lack discipline and to pay the high tuition fees of private schools
are not following road safety guidelines. Therefore, The statement indicates that there has been a 35%
we can infer that conclusion c. is correct. increase in enrollment in public schools, while
  enrollment in private schools has decreased by
15%. This implies that more families are opting for
122. d. Hollywood actors and actresses become public schools over private schools, likely due to
famous because they are liked by the audience financial reasons, suggesting that many families
The statement implies that an actor’s or actress’s don’t have the capability to pay the high tuition
fame is dependent on the audience’s support and fees of private schools.
interest in their movies, indicating that they  
become famous because they are liked by the
audience. Conclusion a. “Dropouts have grown substantially”
  is not supported by the given statement and is thus
Conclusion a. “The audience cannot stop actors to Conclusion b. “DepEd does not have the financial
become famous” is incorrect because the resources to subsidize all private school enrollees”
statement implies the opposite. The statement is not directly supported by the given statement.
suggests that even if actors are talented and The statement only provides information on the
packaged to perfection, they still need audience increase in enrollment in public schools and
support and viewership to become famous. decrease in enrollment in private schools, but it
  does not indicate anything about the financial
Conclusion b. “The audience empathizes with resources of DepEd.
humble actors” is not supported by the given Conclusion c. “There is an increasing demand for
statement and is thus incorrect. public teachers in private schools” is not supported
  by the given statement and is thus incorrect.
Conclusion c. “Mediocre actors should be packaged Conclusion d. “Problems continue to beset the
together with talented actors to become famous” country’s tertiary education system” is not
is not directly supported by the given statement. supported by the given statement and is thus
The statement only discusses the importance of incorrect. The statement only provides information
audience support and interest in an actor’s or on the change in enrollment rates in public and
actress’s movies. private schools and does not directly relate to the
  tertiary education system.
Conclusion e. “Actors and actresses need to please  
everyone to like them” is not supported by the
given statement and is thus incorrect. The 125. b. Only assumption II is implicit
statement only suggests that actors and actresses Assumption I is not implicit, even if based on your
need the support of the audience to become real-life experiences, you may believe that delay is
famous, not necessarily that they need to please inevitable in most jobs. As per the statement,
everyone. increasing the number of people will make up for
  the delay by increasing the output. So II is implicit.
123. b. Only assumption II follows
The fact given in I is quite contrary to the given 126. d. Vanna is the last in line
statement. So, I does not follow. II mentions the The order of the girls from last to first is: Vanna,
direct implications of the state discussed in the Jean, Claire, Lisa.
statement. Option a. “Jean is the first girl in line” is not true
  based on the given information.
Option b. “Lisa is the last girl in line” is not true If Karen is older than Pamela and Jake is older than
based on the given information. Karen, then Pamela has to be the youngest of the
Option c. “Claire is the second girl in line” is not three.
true based on the given information.  
Option d. “Vanna is the last girl in line” is true
based on the given information. NUMERICAL OPERATIONS:
Option e. “All of them are not actual girls” is not Here are the answers to the Numerical Operations
true and is not related to the given information. part of the CSE Professional Reviewer:
  131. a. P743.125
127. c. Lailani’s commute is less comfortable since The customer bought 3.5 kilos of red tomatoes and
the bus schedule changed 6.75 kilos of green tomatoes from Bella’s vegetable
The passage states that Lailani’s commute didn’t stand, and both types of tomatoes are sold for
bother her because she was always able to sit P72.50 per kilo. To find out how much money Bella
down and comfortably read or do paperwork. earned from that sale, we can multiply the total
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Lailani’s weight of the tomatoes by the price per kilo:
commute has become less comfortable since the Total weight of tomatoes = 3.5 + 6.75 = 10.25 kilos
bus schedule changed because it is very crowded Price per kilo = P72.50
and she can no longer find a seat. Total amount earned = 10.25 kilos x P72.50/kilo
  = P743.125
128. e. Sarah and Mattheo decided to change their
vacation plans because of the typhoon 132. c. 1 5/8 cups
The true statement is e. Sarah and Mattheo To find out how many cups of strawberries Rowena
decided to change their vacation plans because of used for the pancakes, we need to subtract the
the typhoon. The other options cannot be amount of strawberries used for the smoothie
concluded from the given information. from the total amount of strawberries, and then
  multiply the result by 1/2 (since she used half of
the remaining strawberries for the pancakes). The
129. c. painter, electrician, midwife, carpenter, total amount of strawberries Rowena has is 3 1/2
teacher cups.
Here is the reasoning:  
 To find out how many cups of strawberries were
o The painter and teacher occupy the first used for the smoothie, we need to use the
and last seats but not respectively, which equation:
means the order is either teacher, X, X, X,
painter or painter, X, X, X, teacher. 1/4 x 3 1/2 = 7/8
o The carpenter is sitting to the left of the So Rowena used 7/8 cup of strawberries for the
midwife, so the order is either X, X, smoothie.
midwife, carpenter, X or X, X, carpenter,
To find out how many cups of strawberries are left,
midwife, X.
we need to subtract the amount used for the
o The electrician is sitting in the middle of
smoothie from the total amount:
the painter and midwife, so the order is
painter, electrician, midwife or midwife, 3 1/2 – 7/8 = 2 5/8
electrician, painter. So Rowena has 2 5/8 cups of strawberries left.
o Putting it all together, we get the order
Finally, to find out how many cups of strawberries
painter, electrician, midwife, carpenter,
Rowena used for the pancakes, we need to
multiply the amount of strawberries left by 1/2:
130. d. Pamela is the youngest
2 5/8 x 1/2 = 1 5/8 Dividing both sides by 6, we get:
Therefore, Rowena used 1 5/8 cups of strawberries number of students per bus = 58
for the pancakes.  
135. e. 72 cards
133. b. P0.60 per foot Let’s represent the number of cards Michael
To find the cost per foot of the ribbon, we need to started with as “x”. We know that he bought 4 new
divide the total cost of the ribbon by the total cards, so the total number of cards he had is “x +
length of the ribbon used. 4”. The next day, his dog ate half of his cards,
  leaving him with only 38 cards:
38 = (x + 4) ÷ 2
The total length of ribbon used is:  
5.75 feet + 11.75 feet = 17.5 feet
  Multiplying both sides by 2, we get:
76 = x + 4
Let’s convert the total cost to the same unit as the  
length of the ribbon, which is feet. To do this, we
need to divide the total cost by the cost per foot: Subtracting 4 from both sides, we get:
P10.50 ÷ P/foot = P/foot x = 72
  Therefore, Michael started with 72 Yugi-Oh! cards,
which is option (e).
We don’t know the cost per foot yet, so we can’t  
divide yet. Let’s rearrange the equation to solve for
the cost per foot: 136. c. 6 hours
P/foot = P10.50 ÷ 17.5 feet Let’s represent the number of hours Kenneth
P/foot = P0.60/foot rented the bike as “h”. We know that the rental fee
Therefore, the cost per foot of the ribbon is P0.60 is P16.00 plus P9.00 per hour, so the total cost is:
per foot, which is option (b). Total cost = P16.00 + P9.00 × h
134. d. 58 students We also know that Kenneth paid P70.00 to rent the
To solve this problem, we need to find the total bike, so we can set up the equation:
number of students that rode the buses, and then P16.00 + P9.00 × h = P70.00
divide that number by the number of buses to find  
the number of students on each bus.
  Subtracting P16.00 from both sides, we get:
P9.00 × h = P54.00
Total number of students = Number of buses ×  
Capacity of each bus + Number of students in the
van Dividing both sides by P9.00, we get:
Number of buses = 6 h=6
Capacity of each bus = number of students per bus Therefore, Kenneth rented the bike for 6 hours,
Number of students in the van = 8 which is option (c).
Total number of students = 6(number of students  
per bus) + 8 137. d. 186 students
356 = 6 (number of students per bus) + 8 To find out how many students are enrolled in
  other courses, we need to first calculate the
Subtracting 8 from both sides, we get: number of students enrolled in engineering and
348 = 6 (number of students per bus) political science, and then subtract this from the
  total number of students. Number of students
enrolled in engineering = 23% of 300 = 0.23 x 300 = d ≈ 21
69 Therefore, the jeep can cover approximately 21
Number of students enrolled in political science kilometers with 1 liter of diesel.
= 15% of 300 = 0.15 x 300 = 45 Hence, the answer is e. 21 kilometers.
Therefore, the number of students enrolled in  
other courses = Total number of students –
Number of students enrolled in engineering – 141. b. 5.02 meters
Number of students enrolled in political science = To find the length of each part that Melody has to
300 – 69 – 45 = 186 cut, we can divide the total length of the ribbon by
the number of parts she needs to cut it into:
Therefore, the answer is d. 186 students. 35.14 meters / 7 parts = 5.02 meters/part
138. b. 130  
To find out how many of the crimes do not belong
in the drug-related classification, we need to first Therefore, the length of each part that Melody has
calculate the number of crimes that are drug- to cut is approximately 5.02 meters.
related, and then subtract this from the total  
number of crimes. 142. c. -17 feet
Number of drug-related crimes = 35% of 200 = 0.35 To find the position of the dolphin relative to the
x 200 = 70 surface after diving down 8 more feet, we need to
Therefore, the number of crimes that do not add the depth of the initial position (9 feet) to the
belong in the drug-related classification = Total distance it dove down (8 feet):
number of crimes – Number of drug-related crimes 9 feet + 8 feet = 17 feet
= 200 – 70 = 130  
Therefore, the answer is b. 130 crimes.
139. a. 22,500 tablets Therefore, the position of the dolphin relative to
If 20% of the tablets were found defective, then the surface is now 17 feet below the surface.
80% of the tablets were not defective. Let’s use x However, the question is asking for the position
to represent the initial number of tablets. relative to the surface, which means we need to
The number of tablets that were not defective can indicate whether the dolphin is above or below the
be calculated as 80% of the initial number of surface. Since the position is below the surface, we
tablets: should indicate this with a negative sign. Therefore,
0.8x = 18,000 the final answer is: -17 feet.
Dividing both sides by 0.8, we get:  
x = 18,000 / 0.8 = 22,500
143. d. 3:30 pm
Therefore, the initial number of tablets was 22,500.
If the class left school at 11:15 A.M. and it took
them 30 minutes to drive to the museum, then
140. e. 21 kilometers they arrived at the museum at:
We can use proportionality to solve this problem. 11:15 A.M. + 30 minutes = 11:45 A.M.
Let’s represent the distance the jeep can cover  
with 1 liter of diesel as “d”.
If they stayed at the museum for 3 hours and 45
We know that the jeep covered a distance of 48.3
minutes, then the total time they spent at the
km with 2.3 liters of diesel. Therefore, we can set
museum is:
up the following proportion:
3 hours + 45 minutes = 3:45
48.3 km / 2.3 L = d km / 1 L
To solve for d, we can cross-multiply and simplify:
2.3d = 48.3 x 1 To find out what time it was when they left the
2.3d = 48.3 museum, we need to add the time they spent at
d = 48.3 / 2.3
the museum to the time they arrived at the Let’s start by defining the variables. Let w be the
museum: width of the playground and l be the length.
11:45 A.M. + 3:45 = 3:30 P.M. From the problem, we know that:
  l = 2w – 10 (the length is 10 meters less than twice
the width)
Therefore, it was 3:30 P.M. when Kate’s class left 2l + 2w = 400 (the perimeter is 400 meters)
the museum.  
Substituting the first equation into the second
144. b. 2:00 pm equation, we get:
We can add up the total time Joel spent playing the 2(2w-10) + 2w = 400

o First level: 2 hours Simplifying and solving for w, we get:
6w – 20 = 400
o Second level: 45 minutes, or 0.75 hours 6w = 420
o Third level: 2 hours and 15 minutes, or w = 70
2.25 hours  
So the total time Joel spent playing the game is: Substituting w = 70 into the first equation, we get:
2 hours + 0.75 hours + 2.25 hours = 5 hours l = 2(70) – 10 = 130
If he finished playing at 7:00 P.M., he must have Therefore, the length of the playground is 130
started playing at: meters. Answer: c. 130 meters.
7:00 P.M. – 5 hours = 2:00 P.M.  
149. e. 56 meters
145. e. 11 years old Since the vacant lot is rectangular in shape, we can
Let’s use algebra to solve the problem. find its dimensions using its area. Let the length of
Let x be Rhealyn’s current age. Then Margareth’s the lot be L and the width be W. Then, we have:
current age is 3x. L x W = 196
11 years from now, Rhealyn’s age will be x + 11 and  
Margareth’s age will be 3x + 11. We are given that
Margareth will be twice as old as Rhealyn in 11 Also, since we need to enclose the entire lot with a
years: fence, we need to find the perimeter of the lot. The
3x + 11 = 2(x + 11) perimeter can be calculated as:
Simplifying the equation, we get: P = 2L + 2W
3x + 11 = 2x + 22  
x = 11
  Substituting the value of W from the first equation,
we get:
Therefore, Rhealyn’s current age is 11 years old. P = 2L + 2(196/L)
146. b. Five hundred eighty-seven and seven To minimize the length of wooden fence required,
hundred sixty-five thousandths.  we need to find the minimum value of P. Taking
  the derivative of P with respect to L and equating it
to zero, we get:
147. c. 179.180 2 – 392/L^2 = 0
148. c. 130 meters
Solving for L, we get: Action Figures sold 12,507,685 units in the course
L = sqrt(392/2) = 14 of 12 months based on the reports.
Substituting the value of L in the first equation, we 12,507,685 ÷ 12 months = 1,042,307.08
W = 196/14 = 14
  155. b. 7,837,327 units
The third-best-selling toy in the list is action figures
Therefore, the length and width of the lot are both with sales of 12,507,685 units. The least-selling toy
14 meters. The perimeter of the lot is: on the list is board games with sales of 4,670,358
P = 2L + 2W = 2(14) + 2(14) = 56 meters units.
  To catch up with the third-best-selling toy (action
figures), the least-selling toy (board games) would
Thus, Alisa would need 56 meters of wooden fence need to sell an additional:
to enclose her lot. The answer is option e. 12,507,685 – 4,670,358 = 7,837,327 units
150. d. 12.5 kilograms Adding this to the current sales of board games
First, we need to arrange the weights in order: gives:
2, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 22, 41 4,670,358 + 7,837,327 = 12,507,685
The median is the middle value. Since there are 9 So the least-selling toy, board games, would need
packages, the middle value is the average of the to sell 7,837,327 units to catch up with the third-
5th and 6th terms: best-selling toy, action figures.
median = (13 + 15) / 2 = 14 kilograms  
If a 10th package that weighs 12 kilograms is added
to the list, the new list of weights would be: Here are the answers to the General Information
2, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 41 part of the CSE Professional Reviewer:
156. e. a, b, and c
The new median is the average of the 5th and 6th 157. e. It goes only to the state’s debt
terms: 158. c. Article VII, Section 1
new median = (12 + 13) / 2 = 12.5 kilograms 159. d. have been for fifteen years or more, a
  judge of a lower court
Therefore, the answer is d. 12.5 kilograms. 160. a. Right against unreasonable searches and
161. d. Article III, Section 15
151. a. toy cars 162. b. Agency personnel in government offices
The least selling is board games followed by 163. c. freedom of speech
educational toys, and then toy cars. 164. c. Constitution of Universality
  165. e. democratic – republican
166. b. The Senate
 152. e. 3,855,283 units
167. e. service guides
Dolls = 9,001,565
168. a. Commutation
Educational Toys = 5,146,282
169. d. 40 years old
9,001,565 – 5,146,282 = 3,855,283
170. b. Plebiscite
153. d. 1,042,307.08 units 

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