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07 To record purchased MDSE

Periodic Purchases 60,000
Case 1 Cash 60,000
04-04-20 To record purchased
medicines and other related products to
04-09 To record sold MDSE on credit to
Ipil-ipil Pharmaceutical Company on
Laguna Company
A/R 72,000
Purchase 120,000
Sales 72,000
Freight In 2,500
04-10 To record paid purchased
A/P 120,000
medicines and other related products to
Cash 2,500 Ipil-ipil Pharmaceutical Company
04-04 To record payment of freight A/P 116,400
A/P 10,000 Cash 116,400
Freight In 1,200 04-12 To record received returned.
Purchased Return and Allowance Cash 5,000
Purchased Return and Allowance
Cash 1,200 5,000
04-13-20 To record received full
payment from Laguna Corporation
04-05 To record sold MDSE to various
customer Cash 71, 280
Cash 36,000 A/R 71, 280
Sales 36,000

04-06 To record returned defective

Accounts Payable 10,000
Freight In 1,200
Purchase R&A 10,000
Cash 1,200
Case 2
Purchases 450,000
A/P 450,000 Activity 31

Freight Out 6,500 Journal Entries

Cash 6,500 09-01-20

Accounts Payable 10,000 Cash 100,500

Purchased R&A 10,000 Office Equipment 33,200

04.12.20 Bonita, Capital 150,500

A/P 44,100 09-02

Sales Discount 900 Purchases 20,000

Cash 450,000 Cash 20,000


Cash 10,600
Case 3
Sales 10,600
Accounts Receivable 450,000
Sales 450,000
Purchases 26,500
Freight In 6,500
Cash 13,250
Cash 6,500
Accounts Payable 13,250
Sales R&A 10,000
Accounts Payable 10,000
Accounts Receivable 12,500
Sales 12,500
Cash 450,000
Sales Discount
Purchase 6,000
Accounts Receivable 45,100
Cash 3,000
Sales Discount 900
Accounts Payable 3,000
Accounts Receivable 14,000


Accounts Receivable 14,000 09-25

Sales 14,000 Rent Expense 5,000

Freight In 800 Withholding taxes Payable 250

Cash 800 Cash 4,750

09-12 09-30

Purchase 4,000 Salaries Expense 8,000

A/P 4,000 SSS Payable 200

09-14 PHIC Payable 100

Cash 6,350 HDMF Payable 100

Sales 6,350 Cash 7,600


Salaries Expense 8,000 T- Account

Cash 8,000

09-16 Trial Balance

Accounts Payable 3,000 Sept. 31, 2020

Purchased Discount 30

Cash 2,970


Cash 12,250

Sales Discount 250

A/R 12,500


A/P 4,000

Cash 4,000


Cash 13,720

Sales Discount 280

Activity 33

Case 1.

Case 1.a - Allowance for Doubtful Account 22,000 + 18,000 = 40,000

Case 1.b - Doubtful Account Expense 18,000

Case 1.c - Doubtful Account Expense 18,000

Allowance for Doubtful Account 18,000

Case 2

Case 2.a – Prepaid Insurance 36,000 + 4,500 = 40,500

Case 2.b – Insurance Expense 4,500

Case 2.c – Net Profit will be understated

Case 2.d – Insurance Expense 4,500

Prepaid Insurance 4.500

Case 3

Case 3.a – Accumulated Depreciation – Equipment 150,000 + 30,000 = 180,000

Case 3.b – Depreciation Expense 30,000

Case 3.c – Depreciation Expense – Equipment 30,000

Accumulated Depreciation – Equipment 30,000

Case 3.d – Net Profit will not be affected

Case 4

Cost of Sales

Merchandise Inventory, Beginning - 220,000

Add: Net Purchase – 950,000

Freight In - 22,000

Goods Available for Sale – 1,192,000

Less: MDSE Inventory, Ending – (230,000)

Cost of Sales – 962,000

Case 4.a – Cost of goods available for sale - 1,192,000

Case 4.b – Cost of Sales – 962,000

Case 4.c – Both Beginning and Ending will be deducted to the Net Profit of the company

Case 5

Case 5.a – Supplies 40,000

Supplies Expense 40,000

Case 5.b – Asset will be overstated

Case 5.c – Supplies – 20,000

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